I DIY'd Awards Show Looks for CHEAP

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oh hello there friends family fellow Homo Sapien the occasional cat that scurried across the keyboard and accidentally clicked on this video run along now go destroy a roll of toilet paper or something because this one is for the human sorry I feel like this film quality is too low switch off the camera there oh wow trophies accolades we love receiving them but more than anything we like the dresses we wear to receive them basically I'm gonna be recreating some awards show looks from this award season three other days I was shuffling down the dock rainy alleyways in a city called YouTube like I was clicking through some videos I came across a particular scenario which piqued my curiosity like there was a video that interested me so I'm watching this clip from the Grammys and I was totally struck by something isn't the answer Duncan oh no that's what the world runs on anyway I was struck by something else this dress like wow having decided a few months prior that I would reproduce or ripoff if you will some awards show look I decided this dress might be just the ticket but know that sometimes people prefer the absurd things in life this is made evident by the fact that I have any subscribers so I decided to put to a vote that dress or one of the more absurd ones from the 2018 Grammys as the people well darling they voted when choosing our silver fabric we want one so bright and shiny that our peripheral vision can pick it out on its own so don't directly look at the fabrics this one was ten dollars a yard speaking of yards I got two and 1/8 and with my 50% off coupon this ended up being pretty cheap i draped the lining for the top using an old bedsheet this was really not a necessary step but I just wanted to add more work to my load I guess these are the panels I have ended up with for my lighting they kind of look like an alien language and because I really like the fit of that lining I traced the pieces onto some paper it's a sketching time is what I hate about pens you can't erase anything do you know what you can't erase dry erase markers not on favor though no I liked the idea of doing this sketch on my nail so that I could have it with me anywhere but it's too small we need something bigger this is too small too this one's too small too as I was slithering about my own home trying to find a giant dry erase board it occurred to me what is a refrigerator besides a giant dry erase board I mean it's white classic rule of thumb if it's white it's a dry erase board next we're gonna move these things on the fridge this is from the recycled designing competition item this is from America it was probably made in China though this is from when I was in Seussical from I don't feel like telling that story I just broke the window and now we begin the sketch I don't even know what pieces to even cut out to even start to make this insanely complex super confusing so-called dress it should be fun should be pretty easy I'm just glad I'm making this dress is if you would have told me ten years ago that I would be making a lady gaga awards to a dress I would have been mentally preparing for something like but luckily Gaga has grown up a bit got my lighting all done but when it comes to the actual dress part of this dress it's gonna be a hundred percent draping so we're just gonna take our fabric no really pretty in the store but now it kind of looks like one of those things you put in the windshield of your car now I'm go behind your mannequin named Sylvia for if you don't have one you're just gonna have to do this on yourself which can be done but if I were to do it on myself it would involve me not not wearing anything we're just gonna do it on her because she doesn't have a sense of Massey doing a self wrap her like a burrito in her burrito wrapping at the back looks good now we're just basically gonna squeeze it and then pin it in place we're gonna have our big roughly thing to cover any mistakes so we don't have to think too hard office I pinned and sewed it like that all the way down to the thigh and then I tried it on myself for a more accurate fit and made some adjustments and yes that is a pin cushion on my neck and I am wearing a nude colored cami the next day I didn't get a whole lot done because we were finally having our family Christmas and I know what you're thinking you guys had your family Christmas at the beginning of March no this was taken at the end of February do something cute don't worry they're married I didn't want to waste a whole day of productivity so I had my niece help me hem the dress but then my brother was trying to get in the shot so I bit him in the Wold handle after marking where I needed to cut the dress I laid it down tried to cut it but my niece was pointing at me and for some reason I thought that was hilarious and I cut a little crooked and then Sylvia fell on us and it was just a very dramatic evening so for the lining I got a little bit lazy and literally just hot glued plastic zip tie to the inside of the lining then I pinned that inside my dress and I guess I'm gonna sew it like right there in there I'm not even sure this has a purpose yet but it felt right then I cut the leg slit and you know that is important not only because Lady Gaga's dress has it but also you know for ventilation purposes you don't want sweaty thighs oh then I added a zipper to the back it didn't really match but no one's ever gonna see the back of this then I folded the fancy fabric down over the lining fabric in hand sewed it in place then it was time to make the decorative thing on the front of her dress I don't know what to call it it kind of reminds me of like a gigantic skin tag I had a on my armpit once and I accidentally shaved it off in it didn't really hurt that bad I added the little ruffles to our gigantic skin tag by simply pinching and pinning and then I ran the whole thing through the Machine at which point I pinned and sewed it to our little tinfoil treasurer of a dress nextly I squandered an inordinate amount of time individually cutting sequins in half so that they wouldn't look too sequiny then I scrupulously applied each piece with hot glue and unsurprisingly burnt my fingers so after 45 minutes of work if this dress looks the same super glad I did that hey guys doing a headstand here I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to be recycling my holiday Barbie dress that I made and turning it into a Lilly Reinhardt Golden Gloves dress wanna see me do one hand at the headstand push-ups people often ask me what do you do with these costumes after you make them I hoard them simply put I'd like to say that I give them to the homeless but I don't really know what a homeless person would do with the 2018 holiday Barbie dress you are going to want to take your holiday Barbie dress and sort of just mess around with it until it looks like Lilly Reinhardt's dress dress has a sort of papering trim that goes down to the back so we're gonna stitch that in place and then the skirt we're gonna do something well don't do this but this is pretty damn rad that you like a $9 cardi people wear something just like this to the Grammys thanks to you but I don't bet you all nine dollars because if I lose that would be a lot of $9 hi there it's another day and other opportunities are play drives a red carpet look by the way you like my shirt I wear it to make you guys feel like I have more credibility so we have a conundrum I've posted a question Instagram to try to inspiration for which red carpet look I should copy and the suggestions were overwhelmingly the same Billy for Billy Porter Billy Porter all caps 5 exclamation point now there are a couple issues with this one that dress just really won't have the same entertainment value on me and 2 it looks like it requires a lot of black fabric and that would be expensive so what can I do my hands are tied I have no choice but to spend the dices sitting and relaxing by the fireplace no choice or use these that can use these I guess setting setting small goals for yourself is a great way to motivate I decided I won't let myself have coffee until I get the huge butt skirt for this dress done I believe it's called the donkey and carrot effect I also believe I might have made that up I'm aiming to get this dress done in an hour and 30 minutes let's go first you're gonna get hot and sweaty from lugging all that fabric around so you're going to change into a little mermaid tank top this piece of fabric was about $3 at Goodwill but if you are going to a fabric store and you need to know how much to get get about enough to cover a great white shark like one of the big ones like the one from Finding Nemo to make darts I traced this triangular eyes diaper bag from a store which I will not name because the name is so disputed over in its pronunciation next I cut out a long strip of fabric for the waistband if your father is napping in the room where you're ironing then quietly fold the edges of the strip of fabric inward and then fold the whole thing in half longways then pleat your skirt fabric until it fits perfectly within that waistband and then sew those pleats in place and then add it to the waistband fold the waistband over and then sew it I'm proud of the fact that I got two angles of this shot after this step I did a bit of shopping with my friend Courtney where a bothersome car caught my attention now listen to how unclassy my voice sounds when I'm not in YouTube mode holding your door closed with a skirt what do you think this is Russia the fantastic thing is he actually locked the door like you did the thing where went beep and locked it so glad you locked that that's gonna do a lot of good I'm writing them a note a strongly worded note yeah that'll do it fold this up put it in their car someone needs to take action that'll teach them not to I don't even know we did it after that little foray into pointlessness we hit up Salvation Army where I found my Billy Porter jacket it was six dollars but half off also while there we saw Natalya Taylor but she looked busy so we didn't bother her when I returned home my dad taught me how to replace a garbage disposal the flange put it over land and I finally got back to work on sewing and to make the top of my Billy Porter dress I used the pattern that I made from the lining of the Lady Gaga dress I remember the one I said look like an alien language or something anyway set these rulers here in the probably vain hope that you guys could figure out the exact size leave it or not all six of those little panels sewn together only created the front of our bodice so just broken needle I think this is a sign that I just maybe need to quit maybe just relax maybe buy a hot tub unfortunately I found another needle so I guess no hot tub for me then I shortened the bodice to about bellybutton length and then constructed the back out of one simple strip of stretchy fabric I wanted this top to be able to be worn on its own so wouldn't just be another weird costume piece that I'm just hoarding for no reason so I added these little tie straps and it actually turned out pretty cute and when it gets warmer out I'll be sure to post a pic next it was time to pop the blister from my hot glue gun burn I put this morning here because after my Cinderella video when I pierced my lip with a pin a lot of people said put a warning next time so there you go I'm nervous and I'm losing motivation and what do I do when I lose motivation I get motivation just turn on some tunes get your booty movin and you'll feel fabulous some people really actually appreciate it like this one time I went with my friend to a wedding and I danced my heart out and then later the bride's mom came up to me and said I could not take my eyes off of you while you were dancing she's like you reminded me so much of someone and I said Who and she said the girl from The Exorcist now I've never seen The Exorcist but I'm guessing there must be like a girl who dances fairly decent and I thought about watching it but it's rated R and I'm not old enough to watch rated R movies yeah it's done not really we have to him it I'm totally kidding though I do watch some rated R movies like six years ago I watched The Passion of the Christ and then two years ago I watched The Passion of the Christ again I feel like there was another one though what was twice 23 rated by the way I day rolled him on the bottom of that jacket okay we're gonna mark where it needs to be taken up now the reason we're going really fast is because I had three cups of coffee today there now whatever is nearest what is this some marker that'll work things always work out so you don't really have to try that hard so yeah I had to let out those seams make the jacket a little bigger but after that everything worked out perfectly and order was restored to the universe it's on this dress shirt for about a dollar fifty at Salvation Army but the award for cheapest addition to my costume goes to this little black bow which I found in the parking lot outside of where I worked about a year ago and I just knew that I would have some use for it eventually no I don't know why some people are so down on littering because some of us really benefit from it oh you know what it looked like hi my name is Steak and Shake welcome misty good morning it's the big day awards show today and I'm gonna show you how to get awards show ready let's get an award show shape [Music] where you hug the red carpet you got to take a shower because you don't want the next day's headlines to be so and so smelled bad it on the red carpet now to get that Gaga glow the good news is with Lady Gaga's slit in her skirt we only have to tan one leg due to a few requests I have extended the length of time I spend showing you how I do my makeup by two seconds now to set the stage I don't have any red carpet or red fabric but I do have some red clothes so I'm just gonna flick no please I can wear the awful setting in the awful lighting and the awful camera quality and just focus on how little I spent on these outfits [Music] tell me something boy are you tired trying to feel that boy do you need [Music] goodbye Lily Reinhardt hello part-time retail employee I got to go to work now Billy Porter will have to wait until I return I know I much more closely resemble Billy Piper just ignore that fact what's that you ask why is my backdrop made of bubble wrap well because darling fashion I don't know enough about Billy Porter to know what something he would say would be but I'd imagine it would be something like I'm apparently 49 but I could make a toddler feel self-conscious about their complexion with how good my complexion is I'm Billy Porter on a car I'm Billy Porter in a snowy hammock I'm Billy Porter not doing laundry oh by the way this doesn't really actually wipe off so hi welcome to Steak and Shake my name is your waiter and I'm your waiter
Channel: Micarah Tewers
Views: 1,762,639
Rating: 4.9725885 out of 5
Keywords: 2-26-19, Red Carpet, Billy Porter, Oscars, dress, grammys, golden globes, red dress, silver dress, tuxedo, Lili Reinhart, Micarah, tewers, DIY, Sewing, Budget, cheap, inexpensive, thrifted, awards show, fashion, awards, academy, hot glue
Id: fPun0mtayYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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