Making a MEGA WALKING ROBOT in Minecraft!

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so as you guys know I've been on a bit of a slime block based machine rampage lately I mean we've built the missiles who build the carpet-bombing machines we build working tanks and today I'm going to trying something that I've always always wanted to do but never really had the expertise to build but now that I've got some experience with slime block based machines I feel like we might be able to pull it off I want to create a walking robot like a mech suit so I can I can sit inside it it will walk for me maybe it will have some arms I don't know if it's gonna have any weapons at this point in time but I want to make a machine that looks like it's walking across the earth mmm this is this is gonna be really really tricky I don't actually know where to even start well the first thing I needed to do is work out how I actually get my legs to move occasionally because obviously when you walk your legs don't shuffle along as you as you travel because that will look really dark you take steps and that means that the flying machine has to fly and then the leg needs to move and then stop and then the flying machine needs to keep flying and then the leg needs to move and then stop and yet you guys get the idea and I've actually I've looked back as from old cube hamster videos who is like the king of making these walking robots and he's explained how legs generally work in these flying machines and you can see that the fly machine would push across by three blocks and then when it gets to this point these Pistons will then push this little leg along so obviously we need to do the retraction and all of the fancy stuff but that's kind of the logic behind the top section like the hips the hips of the robot so let's see how well this works then okay so that kind of function this is quite a fast fly machine and I've just realized why they ah I've been a little bit daft here I think I've created something that works so if we fire this piston yeah there we go look you can see the little legs walking out there so the legs that are going to be dropping down from these sections I guess straight down which means we have made we have made a robot with a rather large bottom I mean if the legs are coming straight down from there look at the size of that thing with making a Kim Kardashian robot okay so now I'm trying to work out how I can actually pick up the legs so we have the push down and the more we need to do is I guess we need to pull up the legs just before this thing gets moved a little bit on the tricky side what I'm thinking is is that we have something that comes across and maybe updates it so at this point in time so if we do that what will happen there I'm assuming it will break the system yes yes okay that is not ideal so let's fix that up and try and work something else out no that definitely hasn't words either means this could be the tricky bit thankfully though I think I've sussed something out finally so let's do the first test Oh something needs to push it across um I was this is really difficult I don't even know how I do that jeez Louise I didn't expect this to be so tough I'll be totally honest this is probably the most puzzles I've been with something in redstone for a long long time it's why I'm quite enjoying building these salon BOTS machines because it feels like I'm starting new again I don't know we're here the stuff yeah I really don't know where any of this stuff does because an hour and a half has passed since the previous clip and I've made absolutely zero progress so I think what I'm going to do isn't going to pop down to the bottom here and I'm going to try and work out just try work out how I would get some form of retraction circuit going surely I can work this one hang on hang on hang on have I just come up with something accidentally that was that was really promising I think that might work because then if we go slightly further along so let's just say we have this there's just quickly reconstruct what I had going on there I am literally shaking right now because of how excited I am that that has just worked finally here we go so if we power this and then this that's a leg that's a leg we've done it yes ladies and gentlemen I cannot tell you how happy I am at my running robot at this point in time yes it's got one leg is hopping robot at this point but that is that's a start yes yes yes yes we got something to work we got something to work oh okay so now I have both legs and a few details I've also changed up some of the wiring a tiny bit so we should now see no IVs oh my word that's so hilarious Oh Evie that is yeah that's a control if that a massive fail or a massive wind because that is honestly one of the funniest looking minecraft contraptions I think I've ever made now that's a little bit more like it now it kind of looks like it's walking in fact you can't forget kind of that looks like it's walking that is a walking machine yes yes we have nailed it this is just out of interest for now but it's the leg thing that I've made actually expandable something in my head tells me it could be expandable it almost is but then we get the bud powering happening I mean there has to be a way around that goodbye bottom of the lake hope you have a safe travel I've managed to catch up with the bomb part of the leg and reattach it and I've also made some pretty serious changes to the redstone so we've now slow it down even further and obviously we only have one leg at this point in time but hopefully if we kick it into action this might actually work obviously I mean I know it's stupid I finally got this one working with its little legs and I thought to myself I want to make something monstrous and I've doubled the length of the leg and double the complexity but we give this a go I'm hoping it's happened again I've managed to make something that kind of works but also really doesn't in a way as you can see right here it jumps between stopping on that block and this block so you kind of get half steps in but that's better than nothing so that means that it's not entirely impossible I'm just trying to work out how to do it yes I finally got the big legs to work no the big leg have broken oh that was so close why have the big legs stopped working oh so let's see what exactly happens here when we activate it so if we do this you get a one tick pulse it's just a little bit too fast how could we slow down the big legs yes how's that that works it works it works it works it works no it doesn't it does work we've made the double leg system I was literally about to say I think it's time to call it a day on this because I mean I've been working on it for so long and I didn't really see any signs of it improving but look we've got a long leg oh my word Wow okay so I've actually worked out how to make these things modular which means that we could actually expand this right the way down we could have stupidly long legs but that would look ridiculous for this machine but that could be interesting for the future for now I'm going to add some decoration into this leg do the other leg and then we can actually do the top section we still have the arms and the body and everything to go but before we start work on any of that I think we should see what this thing actually looks like when it's moving along and this is it now that is considerably cooler than the other design over there can you imagine if we had stuck with that thing look at this this is so satisfying to watch oh I love it and it looks like it has knees as well that's why I quite like okay right I'm going to stop this thing and then yeah we can start work on all of the top section I've also just worked something else out which is going to make life very easy for our arms so what I was trying to do is I was trying to make the double piston extender that we actually have in our machine up here by accidentally used sticky pistons because I'm trying to work on the arms and it turns out that if you do use sticky pistons you can do something like that so we can actually get the piston action happening it's kind of slowed down the double piston extender that is amazing and would have been really useful to know when I was building this thing that's the one thing that I was struggling with was how fast it was and I've just went out how to slow it down now that it's built oh ok so part one should now be in place we've got all of the shoulders in which are up at the top right here and then we're also going to have double pieces and extenders because I want to do is I want to have our arms walking like how a human walks so this arm is going to be extended when this leg is forwards and then this yeah this one is going to be extended when that leg is forward yeah that makes sense because you kind of walk counterbalance if you try not doing it because I try to Ernie you're on just to make sure I was right it feels really really strange ok let's see if this thing functions the chances of it actually working I would say right now are probably about 10% but it is so there we go yeah so look can you see those shoulders that's that's walking like a person would okay so if we stop this thing and then actually attach some arms to it because obviously we just have the shoulders at this point in time we're actually gonna be onto something and I would say that makes quite a cool-looking arm I mean I would be happy if I had an arm like that let's just make sure that all the blocks are correct and actually we need to make sure that okay so that's our double piston extender so don't change in you there so we've got regular Pistons regular Pistons yet yep ok I'm going to quickly back up the world and go yes it works oh no it doesn't oh it's all collapsed in on itself I feel like most of the clips in today's video have been me getting excited over something working then realizing that it doesn't actually work and then getting it working again work yes which I now have managed to get to work so there we go that is the arm and then it moves forward like this nice okay so this one is working then I think the other arm I think I'm just going to use and why I think I'm just going to kind of place it down which is if it's hanging by side so it almost looks like this thing's holding a gun which is quite cool in a way so if we have this one just hanging down by its side then it will almost look like it's armed and yes it is left-handed because I'm left-handed and the best things in life are left-handed so while all of the angry people are writing their angry comments down in the comment section I'm going to show you this finished completed build so if we just set fire to that that should boot up our system and there we go that's it our machine is now walking we have got the arms everything is working and I've even created this little section up at the top here that we can stand in and ride in our mechanism so look we are currently we are at the top of a robot I might actually get my second account in and see what this looks like so there we go Abby can you imagine seeing someone on a minecraft server or something like that coming towards you with this thing wait I'm gonna get ways of a bow and some arrows look at this thing it is totally ridiculous oh my word right well I am absolutely chuffed to bits with this thing I to be honest with you there were many points in this video that I didn't think I was going to be able to pull it off so I am extremely happy that we have managed to finish this thing let me know if you want to see more of these sorts of builds down in the comment section I'm now interested in working on some other potentially quite cool designs so I'll keep you updated on that one and I'm you know what I'm definitely gonna build more of these things building robots is hilariously good fun but anyway I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did be sure of that like button and if you really loved it there making sure to subscribe for thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,528,680
Rating: 4.9374952 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: C37KZcHaf3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sat May 26 2018
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