5 Things You Didn't Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)

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hey what's up guys eli stream here with five secret things you didn't know you could build in your very own minecraft world including a japanese box kite a picnic table a one-of-a-kind modern bed design an anime zombie warrior and my personal favorite today an actual working tank which you can drive and fire explosives that's right guys if you're destructive like me well this is the builder for you so make sure you stick around till that point in the video because you are not going to want to miss out you're also not going to want to miss that this video has no mods no add-ons and no commands meaning you'll be able to build these in your survival world for any version of minecraft whether you guys are on an ipad iphone android playstation xbox pc on nintendo switch you'll be able to show off to your friends with these builds and well if you want to become a pro minecraft builder and really impress your friends then why don't you go ahead and hit that subscribe button and bell icon to linge so you get the coolest builds before any of your friends do that's enough for me talking you guys want to see the builds so let's get straight into it first up is our very aesthetically pleasing actually flying japanese box kite and for this you're going to need one birch fence a piece of yellow wool some scaffolding one blue wool a soul lantern a loom eight blue banners eight red dye eight yellow dye two stone slabs a rabbit you can bring one over with the carrot or spawn one in if you're in creative and finally a lead so first off you wanna choose where are you going to place this box kite and wherever that place is gonna be you're going to build up with just any random block one two three blocks tall like so above this you want to place one birch fence block and you can destroy the three blocks underneath that's going to be the bottom of our box kite then grab your yellow wool here place this above your birch fence one piece of scaffolding and then blue wool just above that next we're gonna grab our soul lantern and put that right on the top and this is going to be the inner skeleton of our box kite it's actually going to mean it lights up at night time which looks really really cool next we're going to need to decorate it a bit so chuck down your loom here guys we're going to put our blue banners into our loom and you want to chuck in your red dye and what you want to do is choose the thing that cuts it diagonally across in half with the red being in the top left i believe the pattern is called red or per bend inverted or you could just imagine it's the triangle on the on the top left here guys we're going to make eight of those chuck it back in the loom put your yellow dye in and now you want to choose the triangle that's facing downwards so you get a pattern that looks like this it's called the yellow inverter chevron i don't understand why minecraft battery times are all so complicated guys but we're gonna get eight of those once you've got those bring that up to your box card to you guys and on the yellow wall here you're gonna place one on each side so one two oh i've already stuffed it up one two three and four like so and then you're gonna come up here to our soul lantern and you're gonna place on all sides of the soul lantern as well so one two three and four and voila guys check that out that is the actual box kite itself looking very very nice and now all we need to do is well have a string to attach it to because you know if this was just like this while the box kite would float off into the sky that would not be very nice we want to keep it down at the ground so we're going to grab our two stone slabs our rabbit and our lead what you want to do is wherever your box kite is here guys you want to stand under it and you want to go one block to the left then dig down one two blocks and place one stone slab you're going to want to get your rabbit into this hole or you can spawn one in like so grab your lead attach it to your rabbit and then attach it to your birch fence here at the bottom and cover this hole up with your stone slab and voila there you have it our beautiful flying japanese box kite like so and because of that soul lantern if you go ahead and change it to midnight here check it out our soul lantern is going to light up this box kite so you can have an entire collection of box guides you can even make them out of tons of different colors using different wool and banner patterns to make a really beautiful night display but that is build number one let's move on to build number two now here in the land down under it's just coming around to spray time so the weather is perfect for a picnic and then i realized that you know it's kind of always the perfect weather in minecraft for a picnic so why don't we build a really nice picnic table to share with your friends so that's exactly what we're doing for this you're going to need seven campfires a shovel of sorts it can be a wooden shovel iron shovel it doesn't matter you're going to need a bunch of some random block just to use a scaffolding we'll just use cobblestone doesn't matter what you use you're also going to need three spruce trap doors six spruce signs three armor stands two oak fences two pistons a redstone activation device you can use a lever or a block of redstone and finally four beds so let's get started first decide where you want to put it then what we're going to do is build the first seat side so we're going to place one two three campfires like so then leave a single gap row here i'm going to place one two three more like so there's gonna be the two sides of our picnic table then grab your wooden shovel because well you don't exactly want your seats to be on fire you're bottom well bad it'll be so pleasant so we're gonna go ahead and you can go ahead and click on your campfire with your shovel and it's gonna put your campfire out so one two three four five six and as you can see this is going to leave us with this really nice rustic kind of log seat design that isn't going to burn your butt then you want to place your random block here in the middle and you want to place one spruce trap door on the left of that on the top half of the block and then one on the right and destroy that center scaffolding block then come around to the side here grab your spruce signs and you want to crouch and you want to place a sign on the side of this spruce trap door like so now it's super important you place the one in the middle first because otherwise the ones on the campfires won't stay then we're gonna go ahead and you want to crouch and you'll place one on the campfire on the right and campfire on the left we're gonna do the exact same thing on the right hand side here guys so go ahead crouch place your sign on that trap door and then one here on the campfire on the left and one on the right and as you guys can see this is the bottom of our picnic table but you gotta have a picnic table with that you know a nice shade umbrella so let's go ahead and build one what you're gonna do is you want to crouch you guys i'm going to place a random scaffolding block on top of this chapter here you're going to come one two up and then one in the center like so then grab your armor stand we're going to place one facing to the left like this and you want to crouch and click on your armor stand to put him in the second straight position like that then break this block so he falls down we're gonna place that block back and again we're gonna place another armor stand this time facing forward and again crouch and go ahead and put him in that second position we'll break that block place another one and this time we're gonna be facing the right way put him in that second position break that block and these are going to fall down creating a nice little pillar like a wooden pillar design that looks really really good but it's also going to allow us to put a table in the center which you wouldn't be able to do with fence blocks then you want to go ahead and we're just going to build this thing back here and you want to place a spruce trap door on the top half of that cobblestone block then go ahead and crouch and place one two oak fences above it like this then we're going to implement our double piston system here guys you're going to build one two three blocks up break out those two blocks and place two pistons facing it downwards like so go ahead activate that first piston activate that second piston we can destroy all of this now and as you guys can see check that out this makes a really nice design we've got this wooden pillar going through the table just like in a real life picnic table and now what we need is the umbrella so we're going to chuck a campfire here on the top put it out once again we don't want a burning umbrella and then grab your beds here guys you're going to need to grab your cobblestone and on the bottom oak fence just under the campfire you're going to basically build a rim around with cobblestone like so and using this guys you want to place your red beds one two three four like so and you can break out the cobblestone from underneath now just like that and voila guys you have yourself a very nice outdoor picnic table to share a nice old meal with your friends all right let's move on to build number three now i'm sorry guys if i rush through this build just a little bit it's just that my favorite build the actually working tank is uh coming up next so i kind of want to get to that quickly and i'm sure you guys do as well so make sure to stick around in the video because you're not going to want to miss that but this year is our one-of-a-kind modern bed design that actually works i'll explain what i mean by that in just a second but for this you're going to need four block of a quartz two gray beds eight quart stairs two white carpet four grey carpet a winter skeleton skull and a lantern now the thing with beds guys at least very fancy bed designs is usually they look really cool they use wool and all types of things but you can't actually sleep in them because well they're not actually beds but this design basically hides beds underneath the design meaning not only does it look awesome but you can also sleep in it which i think is really really great so for this guys grab your block of course i'm gonna place one two like so then grab your two gray beds and place them directly in front in front of these beds place two more quartz blocks then grab your quartz stairs here and you want to place one upside down on the left and right hand sides of our bed head now this is a little bit tricky here guys but you're going to come to the bottom half of bed and you want to place one quartz stair facing inwards then on the left side here you're going to place another chord stairs but you want it to be the corner block like this that's going to be super important in just a sec then come around to your right side and do the exact same thing again with that corner block we're going to imitate this design on the other side so let's jump over here we'll place one quad stair there and then go ahead and place one making sure oh not like that you want it to be that corner block style do the same thing on the left here as well now grab your white carpet here guys we're gonna place one two on the top and then we're going to crouch and you want to place gray carpet on top of our beds here then grab your wither scars and scalp place you know facing slightly inwards here and your lantern on the right side and check that out guys you've got this really lovely modern bed design but as i said this one actually works so if we go ahead and just switch out time to midnight to you guys what's really awesome about this is while it looks really fancy having the white wall as your pillow and this as the blanket you can still actually sleep in it because if you come around here our corner block has allowed us to actually see our bed underneath and sleep underneath the carpets meaning it's still a working bed which i think is really awesome looks great is functional what more could you ask for in a bed but next is our tank design yes i'm excited and we are finally here my favorite build for today the actually working tank which you can ride in and shoot explosives if you've been looking forward to this build guys drop a like down below and at the end of it if you think that this is going to be your favorite build in today's video i want to know so let me know by leaving a like right now on the video but as you can imagine tanks are complicated machines and because of that they're also going to need quite a few items so for this guys you're going to need two smokers two spruce wood stairs nine spruce trap doors three grind stones a bunch of just any random block to use as scaffolding we're just gonna use cobblestone but you can use anything you like you're going to need one cauldron a bucket of water one black dye two gray dye ten leather caps 10 armor stands two oak fences two pistons a redstone activation device you can use a lever or a block of redstone six of whatever your ground block is we're going to be using podzol then you want two tripwire hooks a rail a minecart a dispenser a bunch of explosives obviously you can use tnt if you want to be really destructive but we're just going to use fire charges you can also use arrows and then finally one stone button all right that's a lot let's get into it so first up guys choose where you want your tank to be i'm going to place one or two smokers like so then grab your spruce wood stairs you want to place one up front like here come around to the back and you're going to crouch and place one facing inwards on the back then grab your spruce trap doors you're gonna place one here behind this smoker activate that you want to crouch and place a trapdoor on top of your smoker hold keep crouching and go ahead and place another trapdoor on top like so so you get a design that looks like this then grab your grindstone here guys and you want to crouch and replace this facing onto the trapdoor here you need to crouch and click on the trapdoor and place one continue crouching place two and three grindstones like so so this is the skeleton of our tank next you're going to go ahead and you want to come to the sides of our tank and we're going to dig down uh one two three and you want to build two blocks deep so we're gonna go one two three again do the same thing on the left side here one two three one two three grab your spruce trap doors and you want to basically line the bottom of this with trapdoors so go one two three and then again on the left hand side one two three next we're going to grab our cobblestone here guys and you want to place uh on this side of this stair block here and you want to build one two three four and then a fifth block here so you get like this five block long thing this is gonna be our scaffolding and again you can use any block to do this come around to your left side and do the same thing here guys we're gonna place one and then one up the back here and then one two three four oh i went a little bit too long so you've got something that looks a little bit like this then come off to the side here we're gonna place our cauldron fill that up with some water you wanna place one black dye and then two gray dyes so one two so you get a color that looks like this let's go ahead and switch to our next load of items then you want to go ahead and dye each of your 10 leather caps but since we're in creative we can just go ahead and die one then grab your armor stands here guys and you want to place one two three on the center three cobblestone blocks and do the same thing on the left hand side one two three then grab your leather caps and place one on top of each of these armor stands like so next we're going to destroy the three blocks that these armor stands are on so but and they should fold nicely into that hole there we'll do the same thing on the left side but and down they go then we're going to go ahead and essentially rebuild back in our cobblestone here so we'll go one two three and one two three very simple then you're gonna grab your oak fence and place one each in the center of our cobblestone scaffolding and replace one armor stand in front of each fence and one armor stand behind each fence go ahead and give each of these a leather cap like so then grab your pistons here and you want to place one piston facing inwards to each armor stand and do the same thing on the other side here one and two then grab your block of redstone you want to push each of these armor stands into that center fence we'll do the same thing on the left hand here activate both your pistons and that's going to push them nicely in the fence then we can go ahead and destroy all of our cobblestones we're going to go one two three four like so and these will fall nicely down and then one two three four five like so and you can also destroy those fence blocks and now you guys can see already these look like actual treads or like tires of our tank which are really really awesome however you can see the armor stands we want to get rid of that so let's go ahead and grab our floor block which is our podzol here and you're gonna place one two three directly above our armor stands do the same thing on the other side one two three and now we're going to utilize our double piston system so go ahead a place like this and you want to place two pistons facing downwards like so and activate those now you can do this one at a time if you don't have a lot of pistons but if you're in creative i recommend just placing one two one two all facing downwards like that do the same thing on the right hand side one two oop stuff that up one two one two and one two then activate the top layer of pistons one two three and activate the bottom layer of pistons one two three do the same thing on the left side here top layer one two three bottom layer one two three and you can go ahead and destroy all of this ugly pistons and redstone get rid of that all because that's not important to our tank and as you guys can see check it out we've actually got treads actual physical treads for our tank however they're not connected to our tank yet so let's grab our trip wire hooks you want to crouch and place a triple hook here on the left of your smoker and then on the right of the smoker as well and there you guys have it check that out you've actually got treads attached to our tank but now we need somewhere to sit so what you're going to do is just grab your scaffolding block here and you'll place this above your trapdoor like so then place your rail place your minecart on the rail and destroy the block underneath so your minecart falls down then go ahead and open this trapdoor so your minecart falls one block down and close up that trapdoor once again and now check this out guys you can actually go ahead and sit inside your tank you can ride this thing how awesome is that look at that you could actually ride inside your attack i think this is absolutely awesome and honestly this for me personally as a kind of decorative item is where i would leave this design i think decoratively this looks really aesthetically pleasing so if you're just doing this for looks and you don't want to blow things up then leave it like this however if you do want to blow things up grab your dispenser grab your fire chargers arrows or tnt and your stone bottom what you're going to do is break off this front grindstone you want to crouch place the dispenser on the end here and we're going to fill that in with our fire charges uh oh we stuff that up put those fire chargers in that dispenser go ahead and crouch place a button on top of your dispenser and now when you're riding in your tank you can go ahead and click this button but i am and as you guys can see it's actually going to oh okay it's burning my picnic table i'll um pick the uh uh essentially you can drive your tank and now you can fire actual protectors like oh okay well i'm really really destroying my other build okay oh oh oh oh no no no no hey just yet guys because there is one more really really awesome build honestly there's nothing quite like it and will really really impress your friends so guys let's move on to build number five now honestly this is such a unique build design i've just never seen it before and i don't even know really what to call it like i don't know what this thing is other than it looks absolutely flipping awesome your friends will be so so impressed so guys you're just gonna have to wait and see make sure to stick around to the end of the video to see how awesome this looks but let's get started so for this you're gonna need three barrels three grass blocks three spruce wood stairs three and a side stairs some sort of shovel five spruce trap doors a campfire four mostly cobblestone walls two spruce fences a lantern some water two armor stands a zombie head and then the rest of your leather armor excluding the head you're going to need a head iron chest plate iron leggings i am boots an iron sword and anviled one name tag nine kelp and then three types of coral whatever your favorite colors are we're gonna use red pink and uh yellow all right so let's get started basically you're going to need to dig out a space first which i've marked here with the black stone it's going to need to be three blocks or one two three and then five blocks one two three four five and then seven blocks wide one two three four five six seven and you wanna do this for three layers so we'll go one two three four five six seven again and then again and then again five now one two three four five and one two three making this kind of like circle-less shape and then you want to come to the center here guys and you want to dig out a one two three three by three hole here guys uh a square in the center of this open space then grab your barrel so you come round to the back and place one and you want to crouch two and three then grab your grass block here come to the left side of our circle place this down and go ahead and use your shovel to turn it into a path block then you want to place one spruce wood stairs and then an underside stay here guys but we want to make it the corner stair like that then do the exact same thing on the right side here guys place down your grass block go ahead turn into a path block one spruce stair and then one and a side stand there if we can get it there we go corner block and then we'll also do the same thing here on the front we're going to place your one grass block your wooden shovel to turn it into a path block once bruce would stare and then an undecided stare in the corner position like so then we're going to grab our spruce trap doors here guys you want to crouch and you'll place one spruce on the top on the left side of our barrel one in the center and you want to keep crouching and place one two three coming out so it comes right to the center of our circle then grab your campfire you want to crouch and place the cram fire on that barrel there using your wooden shovel to put it out then grab your cobblestone wall here guys we're gonna come to the left corner of our square now i'm gonna place one two one two spruce fences like so and then one two uh of the cobblestone wall coming out like this and we're going to grab our lantern here and you essentially want to hang this down making a nice little lantern all right let's switch to our next lot of items so with the water you've probably guessed we're going to fill in this open space here with water so just go ahead and go crazy with the water buckets here guys you just want to fill all of this in and then once you've filled this all up with water just make sure you don't miss these stair blocks here you want to go ahead and water log these as well so just be very careful and go ahead and fill those in with water we'll do that on all three of the sides here bing and bob very nice so we have this nice little lake design going on then we're going to grab our armor stand here guys you want to crouch and place an armor stand on top of this trapdoor here and you'll place another armor stand underwater beneath the uh armor stand on top then on the top armor stand you're going to place your zombie head and your leather armor so your leather tunic your leather pants and your leather boots you want to crouch and you want to put them in one two in that second position like so then for our bottom armor stand you're gonna place your head your iron chest plate and the rest of your iron armor so we'll grab our iron leggings our iron boots and our iron sword here guys and you'll place your iron leggings your iron boats your iron sword and again you're going to crouch and put them in that second position one two so that these guys look exactly the same except for the fact that that's a zombie and this is a player then we're going to grab our anvil and our name tag we'll also grab our kelp and coral while we're at it and boop and you want to place your anvil off to the side and we're going to switch this name tag in here and name it dinner bone now for those of you pro minecraft players you already know this is going to switch out armor stand underneath upside down so go ahead and name the armor stand down here with that name tag and boop as you guys can see it's going to flip him over and this makes something that just looks so awesome straight out of like an anime movie where you have like this zombie here looking over the lake but then underneath his reflection is actually a player so it looks like this zombie used to once be a great player but unfortunately he died in battle and now he's like looking through his memory it just looks like something straight out of a movie it is so awesome guys and now all we're going to do is decorate this lake with some kelp and some coral so let's go ahead and we'll just put some kelp in here you can kind of play around with this um place it in wherever you think looks nice you can be a little bit creative with that and we'll also place in some coral place of fire crawl some pink coral just in that corner and maybe some yellow coral there and now you have a very very aesthetically pleasing thing that looks straight out of a movie i said i don't know how to describe this all i know is it looks awesome and even at midnight because of that uh lantern there guys this is going to look really really cool if i can actually type in commands don't mind me stuff that up look at that call that that looks awesome that just looks awesome i think well at least i think it looks awesome guys but those are the five builds for today i hope you guys learned something new if you did make sure to go ahead drop a like down below if you want to see more builds like this make sure to slap the subscribe button and hit the bell to lean ding ding and well that brings us to the end i'll see you in the next one and until then away stream out [Music] you
Channel: Eystreem
Views: 906,520
Rating: 4.8380413 out of 5
Keywords: Eystreem, eyestream, minecraft, minecraft pe, mcpe, family friendly, seed, update, secret, hidden, tutorial, addon, scary, how to, minecraft pocket edition, funny, roleplay, showcase, trolling, command, 5 things you didnt know you could build in minecraft, 5 things you didnt know you could make in minecraft, eystreem builds, 5 building hacks you didnt know in minecraft, what to build in minecraft, minecraft tank, working tank minecraft, how to make a tank in minecraft, minecraft build hacks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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