Basic Zoning Tutorial | Cities: Skylines | Ep. 16

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hey everyone and welcome back to our city liquid i hope everyone is doing well today in this episode we are going to be talking about residential commercial and industrial zoning or rci as most people might call it we're going to go into a little bit of detail about each zone type and we're actually going to go to a section of our city and work on a little bit of an expansion project to show how each zone type could be used within the city we're going to stick to the basics for this video and most of you already know that the demand for each of these zones is shown in the bar graph of the bottom of the screen the green bar on the left is residential the blue bar in the middle is commercial and the orange bar on the right is industrial there are two different types of residential zoning available starting with low density residential that is immediately available at the beginning of the city it has a high probability to attract families but also elderly citizens or students at a chance of 80 20 respectively the citizens who live here will prefer to travel using cars and bikes and there will be a relatively low amount of traffic high density residential is unlocked at the big town milestone which is at a population of 7 500. these residences have a probability to attract either students or families with a 50 50 chance they prefer to travel using public transportation but there will still be a relatively high amount of traffic the type of residential zoning you use will only influence the type of eventual occupant and not necessarily determine exactly what it will be the design of the building is determined by the number of zoning cells that it is composed of to a maximum of four by four the level of the building and the type of specialization that you choose which we will cover in another episode if we take a look at some of the residential buildings around the city we can click on an individual building to bring up more information about it at the top we have the name of the building to the right of that we have a focus icon that will zoom in on the building which is pretty useless for a building because it's not moving it's mostly used for when you're tracking citizens walking around the city or vehicles and then to the right of that we have the traffic routes tab that will show you where the people who live in the building are traveling too next we have a little face icon that will show you the level of happiness of the people living inside a description of the type of building and the number of households within that building so each residential building can have multiple families or households as they call it living within it each household will have up to two workers and can have one or more children the number of households that a building has increases as the building levels up with high density residential buildings having approximately four times more households than low density residences of equivalent size so you might notice that once you zone a section of residential buildings that the residential demand does not go back up for quite some time that is because your buildings are leveling up and the number of households within it are increasing which brings more people into the city without actually building more buildings below this we have another bar graph that indicates the level of the building residential buildings have a maximum level of five there are leveled up by educating the people living inside and increasing the land value where the building is located education is increased by having appropriate education facilities available and land values increased by having the building covered by city services and parks if you put your mouse over this bar graph it will tell you what requirements that building is waiting for in order to level up below this we have two pie charts that will show the distribution of people and education levels within the building and then lastly in the bottom left hand corner we have the check box that will make the building historical and prevent the appearance from changing the building will continue to level up but the appearance will remain the same next we have commercial zoning which also has two different types low density commercial that is available at the start of the game supports workers with little to no education serves fewer people compared to high density commercial and is moderately noisy high density commercial is unlocked at the same time as high density residential at the big town milestone these buildings have higher education requirements for the workers serve more people compared to low density commercial and the buildings are taller and noisier both commercial zone types will buy products from the industrial zone or import if not enough are available these imported goods do not affect the revenue of the commercial business but the amount of goods imported may be limited by the number of import avenues available such as road rail ship and plane the amount of traffic generated by these commercial zones is higher than that of residential with high density commercial generating more than low density commercial commercial buildings also have an info window similar to residential ones and these buildings actually only require three levels to level up the leveling of this building is related to residential leveling in that it must also be covered by services to increase land value and it requires wealthy citizens available for cropping who come from the higher level residential buildings the information below that also shows the distribution of jobs available in the building and the pie chart is a graphical representation of these values the outer ring of the pie chart displays the number and education levels of jobs available and the intersection shows the actual workers by education level in that building and the number of jobs available in the building will increase as you level up that building lastly we have the industrial demand and not surprisingly this can also be split into two different sections we start with the industrial zone that manufactures goods for sale in commercial areas or for export supports workers with low education until it is leveled up or industry 4.0 policy is turned on can be generic industry or specialized in farm forestry oil or ore which we will cover in another episode and produces both ground and noise pollution the industry demand is not separated into low and high density but instead into industry and offices offices are unlocked at the same time as high density residential and commercial and offices mainly exist to provide jobs they require workers with more education and produce no goods or pollution the info panel for these buildings is exactly the same as the commercial buildings and shows the distribution of available jobs the leveling requirement for industrial and offices is the education of workers and service coverage now that we're through that let's actually take a look around the city at some of the areas that we've already zoned let's go back to the beginning where we have a mix of low density residential commercial and industrial now in general there are really only two things that i worry about when i zone an area and that is pollution and traffic as i'm sure most of you already know the industrial zone will produce a decent amount of both pollution and traffic and so because of that i like to have it off on its own separate from everything else we can see the amount of pollution that it's producing by going to info views and then down to the purple barrel that will show us the amount of ground pollution that it's producing but we can also click on the headphones icon that will show us the amount of noise pollution that it's producing this noise pollution comes from both the structures themselves as well as the heavy trucks that are traveling along the roadways if we toggle back and forth between these two views we can see that the total amount of pollution that we're producing doesn't actually extend too far outside of our industrial area and that's good because we have residential housing on the outside edge if we were to start zoning our residential housing in areas that are polluted by either ground or noise pollution we'll find that our citizens will start to get sick and eventually die so it's a good thing that we are actually keeping these separate to avoid that problem we can actually reduce the amount of ground pollution that we're producing by going to the city planning policy tab and going down to filter industrial waste and we can check that and reduce the spread of our ground pollution another thing that i have is i actually have dedicated entrances and exits to the industrial area to keep our truck traffic relatively concentrated in this area and to avoid them traveling along our residential streets commercial zones don't produce any ground pollution but they still produce noise pollution and truck traffic just not as much as the industrial zones so because of that i still like to have my commercial zones a little bit separated from residential ones but not quite as much as if they were industrial looking at the zoning that we've already done we can see that the separation between a commercial and residential is only about four or five grid squares whereas the separation between industrial and residential is quite a bit more than that you may have noticed that i've also only zoned these commercial zones along the four lane collector road because i'm actually expecting there to be a decent amount of traffic associated with them not only are citizens coming to purchase products from these stores but heavy vehicles are coming to deliver the products to the stores themselves i've also not zoned an extremely large commercial area and instead i have them spread out into these little bubbles throughout the city you'll find that if you have a large commercial area zoned that the problems associated with it such as noise pollution and traffic will actually increase so by having it spread throughout the city it kind of decreases the problems associated with it and spreads everything out residential zones are a bit easier than the other two and they mainly focus on placing them in areas with the least amount of pollution and make sure they have appropriate coverage by services and parks the high density unlocks at the big town milestone are pretty much the same as their low density counterparts except that they produce more noise and more traffic i follow pretty much the same principles as i would the low density versions lastly we have the office zones which are probably the easiest out of all of the zones they produce no pollution and have low to moderate amounts of traffic associated with them i primarily use them as noise buffers between the commercial and residential areas which can also be achieved by trees if you don't have the office buildings already unlocked looking at the view here there should be no dark blue high density commercial zones next to the dark green high density residential zones instead there are light blue office zones in between all of them this new area is going to be an extension of an area that's already been zoned it's going to have a similar pattern of high density residential commercial and offices if we look on the left hand side here the transition between the old area and the new we can see that there's already some high density commercial zoned along the six lane arterial road now we don't have any six lane roads in the new area but we do have lots of four lane collector roads so we're going to continue zoning commercial along the four lane collector roads but we're not going to have a continuous stretch of this commercial zoning now the reason for that is i'm not quite sure how well these four lane collector roads will be able to handle the traffic that's associated with the high density commercial so we're going to have them in discrete bubbles similar to what i showed everybody earlier in the low density area so basically we're spreading out any noise pollution and traffic that may be associated with these high density commercial areas [Music] next we're going to zone some residential areas and we don't want to have our residential areas right next to the commercial areas so instead we're going to go about a block away and we're going to zone our residential areas away from the commercial zones and now lastly what we're gonna have is we're going to use offices as buffers between our commercial areas and our residential areas and these offices will pretty much fill in all the gaps that remain in the new area here and i think that's going to be pretty much it our residential zones are separated from the commercial zones by using offices as buffers and our commercial zones have easy access to the four lane collector roads to support the amount of traffic that's going to be associated with them other than the services and parts that need to go into the area this is pretty much the basic layout that i'm going to be using the only thing is i wouldn't actually zone such a large area all at once and i would probably only zone an area that's about this big at first and then gradually fill in the rest so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to gradually fill in this area using that layout that i showed everybody and i'm going to do that in a little bit of a time lapse and meet everybody back here in just a minute the zoning is complete and everything has turned out well traffic is flowing smoothly none of our citizens are sick and everyone appears to be pretty happy obviously zoning is going to be a little bit different in each city and in each area but in general if you stick to the basics and have your industrial zone away from everything else residential and commercial slightly separated with either distance offices or trees as a buffer against noise pollution and appropriate access to the road network for your commercial zones you shouldn't have any issues one last thing before we go i noticed a bit of an issue at our university campus since the tsunami struck some of our pathways have gone a little bit crazy i'm not exactly sure what's going on but i'll have it fixed for the next episode this feature should be available on the steam workshop map that i released last episode if any of you want to check it out thank you all very much for watching and i hope you enjoyed if you have any advice of your own for zoning don't hesitate to leave it in the comments below for myself or others who may be watching the video let me know what you thought of the video by leaving a like dislike or a comment down below subscribe to the channel if you haven't already for some more city skylines content and i'll see you in the next episode
Channel: jester.Gaming
Views: 119,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines zoning tips, cities skylines zones guide, cities skylines zoning tutorial, cities skylines zoning layout, cities skylines zone planning, cities skylines zone layout, cities skylines zone, cities skylines zone demand bars, cities skylines zoning, residential, commercial, industrial, office, zones, zoning, guide, tutorial, jester., jester.Gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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