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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the final day of the ftx crypto cup going into today's final games we have magnus carlsen and wesley so all tied up and we have janja pomnicci and timura job of coming off of a social media storm yesterday with their four quick draws but today i know the title is dramatic but this is the first ever recap in which every single game that took place will be featured that's how good it is give me about 30-35 minutes of your time and i will give you the best video i wore one of my favorite shirts shout out to all saints absolutely love this shirt um let's just let's just go let's just get right into it game number one janja pomnency throws all of yesterday out the window and plays b3 timur says i like that let me copy you i wasn't expecting this and we have e4 bishop b7 knight c3 and as early as move 5 we have a position that's almost never been reached before like i mean super super rare setup here by both players so what ends up happening is that jan read enough of the twitter nonsense and he's like you know what i'm just going to come right out and just throw punches and he just plays h4 just plays h4 it's like i want to make it into every single game of gotham's recap i don't actually think that's how jan thinks um and let me just you know let me just castle long i'm gonna go along and timor is playing the hippo so timur has played the setup uh known as the hippo uh it's when black plays d6 e6 g6 h6 b6 a6 and puts the bishops like this and black setup really depends on the c5 and f5 breaks and basically any time white makes a center pawn move black will move the other pawn forward lock it and and go to work but the problem is that jan has taken such a weird setup against the hippo that timur has to move in a non-standard way so he plays the b pawn rather than the c or the f pawn for now knight a4 a5 okay great but now jan has much more development so he just starts attacking in the center f4 just plays that f4 and now now now total chaos is about to break out right so we have knight c8 and yan just plays d5 and the thing is normally in the hippo you want to play this move but that doesn't actually do anything because yan's not going to play this this is actually a terrible move it gives black exactly what black wants he's going to keep the tension he's going to play rook f1 which is h3 and at some point he will take and shatter you down this file of the board so timur trades and then does that and you see what i'm saying see what i'm saying he waits he waits he doesn't close the position because that would have been his only line of attack now he plays rook f1 and now a very important move i know that bishops are not necessarily uh excuse me knights are not necessarily as valuable as bishops but jan trades and plays g4 and his idea is this this now the truth is optically this looks just incredible this looks really really really strong for white computer here is trying to tell me 0.00 but this is one of those things where we say look look you're like that annoying kid in the class who says i didn't study for the test and then gets a hundred yeah we don't care about you all right go away let's focus on the more mediocre minds um and and we kind of see yan just playing all the natural looking moves computers still completely unafraid is like yeah there's no attack just a4 um timor plays a4 uh here uh again i mean there's there's all sorts of attacking ideas looming here you've got four pieces about to attack the king jan plays rook c6 uh queen a7 played by timor ready to take and go and basically it's like whoever gets the who's kings first all right it's a bloodbath um and actually uh jan decides not to attack anybody he decides to trade the queen because after the queen trade and after the knight for bishop trade he transforms what was a nagging attack on his opponent to a winning rook end game that's how these guys do it they will utilize the attack to transform the position in an advantageous way it could have been avoided teamwork could have played eight takes b3 but it's moved 30 of a rapid game time is low it's all about efficiency and yan transforms the position and even though everything is holdable for a moment the truth is it's not because b takes a4 rook f7 if you take back i just take c7 so rook f7 and now i come back and yes you can take on a4 but let's not forget i have a second rook and you just can't hold everything black is too passive and literally after this move rook b3 which looks like a mouse slip it looks like he meant to take the rook no he meant to go here because who's going to guard b4 c5 i'll take it or on bassant right and if rook b3 ab3 cb3 i'm going to take this and rather than suffering timor just resigned four minutes into recap we already have a result nepo wins with the white pieces and now we go to game number two this game teamwork plays knight f3 now jan plays g6 and so timor says okay you're gonna give me the modern i'll play the modern now we have a pierce king's indian setup not the king's indian defense but a pure setup players developing their pieces bishop g4 very common idea i actually really like to play like this with black the fact that yon likes it either makes me happy or he's doing something wrong because if i like something he probably shouldn't be playing it and so knight d7 this is the point you bring back the knight to d7 you get out of the way of a bishop that doesn't exist anymore and you're ready to play e5 and we get basically all of that but here timor shows that listen the super gm's they know what's up so he plays knight to e2 the idea of knight to e2 you want to bolster your center with c3 and make this bishop bite on granite now i'm just going to warn you this is a 90 move game so if you have a short attention span you might want to just like jump a little bit ahead and if not bear with me okay knight to a5 going out flanking knight jumps into c4 he says hey i'll go back to my home square you're not taking my bishop now i'm gonna kick out your knight that knight is dancing in and out in and out in and out bishop back to e3 takes takes queen b6 and now the play switches to the queen side now white is always better in these positions white has the bishop pair white has more space this is just about the dumbest knight i've ever seen in my life maybe like second dumbest and now the night is just stuck so rather than attacking the knight this a lot of you guys do this you play these one move attacking moves you forget that the pawn covers the square and black just immediately gets a better position build the net around the night now the knight's got no moves nice just got no moves and you're ready to win it as time goes on so jan has to start you know i mean he's got to try to do something but he can't that's just the position's really difficult he plays b5 takes takes queen d2 now he's trying to defend this knight but knight d4 every move you make forward everything behind you gets weak that's deep i'm just did you hear that every move you make forward everything behind you gets weaker so be careful when you move forward in life you don't want to you know don't want to just turn your back on everybody that was there for you in the past jesus oh my god queen b4 queen b6 and takes okay timur's got the b pawn which jan pushed but this is yon style give the pawn away let's get active let me be up on the clock okay knight bishop comes back to e2 to guard the knight the knight jumps back queen c4 and we're ready with b4 here we go we're pushing we're pushing we put b4 yes get out of there get out of there get out queen c2 okay at some point i'm gonna be ready with this f4 move knight to c6 also good because i'm just going to advance bishop pair extra pawn this is where i'm stronger so i'm going to play on that side rook c1 now e6 john's trying to break out he's got to make a pawn break bishop f1 john's going wild h5 position here is like plus seven for white even though white is only up a pawn because white's dominant black's position looks good but totally dominated here b5 but this is only move 40. how did this game go 50 more moves well takes on d5 takes on d5 knight d7 black is so back that even though the advantage is there white's got to make it all the way into the territory and not blunder anything and as the game is progressing that's exactly what teamwork does like i'm just hitting the forward button you notice timur like is is patiently waiting he's completely dominant but jan does yon things he takes rook for bishop which normally is not a good trade but it gives him a target it just gives him a target that's all he needs he's got c5 the b-pawn can't you can't push a pawn through a knight all right knight c5 and now he's just kind of got a blockade now seymour as the time ticks lower has to find something he plays e5 sacrificing a pawn in the center to maybe get that b7 knight out of there now he's got two pass pawns so here he goes bishop of fate still stabilizing never too late to blunder something all right queen b5 let's go for a queen trade let's not go for a queen trade knights get off the board queen trade uh oh timor might have just made a mistake timur might have just made a mistake because after king h1 all of a sudden after queen f5 i can just abandon my knight which protects my bishop which is more important than my knight and if you take on b7 i take on b1 you can take with check and yet and yet and yet somehow black is not completely lost here bishop d6 you can't move why can't push white can't stop guarding this so it's it's never over with yan it's all of a sudden jan's coming forward rook d won knight c5 what is going on jan is about to win this game whoa whoa yeah hey yeah yeah we're friends right rel yan this dude just sacked a queen hold on a second bishop d3 was a very practical decision by timor because after knight d3 if we got queen d3 and this trade for example this end game is just winning so timur found a way to see through all of the trees and just i tree for the forest forest for the okay i was philosophical earlier this saying i'm just gonna abandon because i i'm just gonna get it wrong i won't take these i'm not trying to edit that out so anyway he goes for the practical thing and janja sacks a queen so now jan's got whatever the hell this is he's got bishop knight that's it four pawns each and a passed pawn and that pawn got really damn close he was really close to winning this game timur had to work overtime to win this because again he can't push timor can't push the knight takes you can't take because so timur walks his king over to stop that pawn then pushes his beep on and it ultimately comes down to his final pawn like if timur didn't have that final pawn on the board he would not have been winning he ends up picking off that pawn on f7 and shuffling his queen around to give the right checks because this is losing but only if you're very accurate and you have to be very accurate you have to get the pawn and you have to stop black's other pawn and he walks this king over to his b7 pawn shuffles around at some point he he will infiltrate there it is king gets kicked away and uh ultimately there is a fork by the king knight b8 king c7 guys i told you this game was absolutely insane timur jabba has struck back i mean i feel like i lived like two months of my life watching that game we're ten minutes since the recap i still have like ten more games to show you okay let's go game number three b3 again what do you know what did your job of prepare in the break time between games okay he prepares kind of like a very solid reverse london great bishop c5 e4 very aggressive bishop g6 e5 knight back to g8 h4 h6 knight h397 knight f4 i mean i don't what are we doing here what are we doing here this position is a lot more closed but white is better because white is about to get the two bishops white will then expand in the center let's see how oh man team was letting the knight come in oh he played g4 oh goodness me he is going for an attack f6 okay i can take and now my bishop is stronger but i guess timor is saying that i'm gonna just trade everything you have no attack okay fine i have no attack that's fine wait he just let him take the pawn and it was the best move it's the best move to let jan go and take that pawn so he can jump in with counter play these dudes i don't know what they did yesterday they just decided not to play yesterday i don't know what that was and and now this game janja sacked the bishop on g2 with check he's got a what is going on queen f6 now we have a queen trade in this so now the sides have bishop knight bishop bishop two rooks but jan is up a pawn um he's up a pawn and e5 is pretty weak and uh he's he's just holding on now this move to block out the bishop was a big mistake by timor because he blocked out his own bishop you see that he it was a slight inaccuracy on his part and now jan is able to begin stabilizing and the thing is black needed the bishops active you're going to see as this game goes on this bishop never is never able to get back into the game right first we get rid of that bishop so now we have the same color bishop obstacle bishop end games could be drawn and now all jan has to do is just be like dude i'm a super gm i'm literally playing for the world championship later this year i'm up a pawn i'm gonna win this game and that's kind of what he does like he's got weaknesses but he just stabilizes his position very very very slowly and now timur's got counter play okay gonna deal with that no counter play for you takes takes rook f3 and okay you can win my a pawn congratulations now i have rook f7 congrats i sacrifice a pawn for activity keep that in mind rook d7 and what's my most important asset in this position not my rook you said rook you a bozo bishop what are you talking about h-pawn h-pawn rook and bishop they also got rook and h-pawn this bond's here to draw all right h pawn and that's it bishop h4 h6 t-more resign h rook bishop bang bang king is forced out of the corner gg we covered that game in three minutes two one baby nipples got a 2-1 lead no one no no one oh my goodness they can't stop they can't stop no one can stomp the bleeding knight f3 we come down to the fourth rapid game c5 c4 knight of six we have symmetrical listen when you're playing with the black pieces and you have to not lose the best thing you could do is copy for a while right i mean for a while you can't copy to the end they check me you you can't return the favor g3 okay here i like to play e3 but g3 one of the main lines d4 all right now we got like a reverse grunfeld that could be a mirror image oop g6 could be a mirror image uh now a bunch of trades happen cd5 knight d5 bishop g2 takes takes takes takes takes takes takes takes okay um agamathra would love that i mean or he would say captures also congratulations to him he had a baby not him his wife but congratulations to him and his family as an aside um that would have been a lot of captures in a row bishop d6 a4 timor's got a very powerful bishop on the diagonal and he is going to build around that bishop first let's trade off black's most active piece okay we're 15 moves into the game and nepo plays bishop to b7 he hasn't gotten any development so what we got to do now is we got to activate our rooks let's have an instructive end game lesson king to the middle you kings got to get out into the open unless there's a bunch of pieces on the board but the rooks are not scary if they were queens well first of all how'd you get two queens but bishop c6 bishop f1 and you gotta make the right trades in end games you gotta make the right trades should you trade here decides not to bishop is more active rook c7 a5 pawn break now that's a trade we like we like that break and we start building around that b file pressure e5 very nice move try to play bishop e4 get rid of this rook take on b6 and what jan ends up doing is just giving the pawn away for activity so jan's deficiency in this position is this pawn he's down upon however if you get rid of everybody it's going to end up rook and bishop versus rook and bishop but white will have a d pawn but if that bishop can get can sacrifice itself that might be a draw rook and bishop versus rook is a draw but you can also lose it in low time situation so now it's up to timor to find a way forward so he advances like this now we have a bunch of checks and timor runs his king to g2 computer wanted him to run his king to c4 and see ultimately that's what it comes down to in endgame sometimes where do you run your king he runs his king out of checks to safety and yon just roams around the board he's like all right come back you're gonna come back no okay i'm just gonna do nothing i'm just gonna do nothing now you gotta guard your pawns i'm gonna give you checks where are you going check check check check check oh you think a rook trade is gonna win you this end game oh you think a ro so what do you do do you trade rooks down a pawn in an end game is it a win for white is it a draw oh jan calls the bluff and then plays this move f6 super important move and white has nothing white has nothing if you take you're not going to win a three on a two not with bishops because my bishop can sacrifice itself for the final pawn it's impossible to win that and and even this even this transformation is a draw because all jan has to do is sit he just sits he's got a dark squared blockade all his things are on dark squares bishop is light square can't do anything and that's it timur tries to make some forward progress and he tries to make some forward progress and he tries to make some forward progress and he trades off the last pawn but it's over one wrong decision timur needed to move his king to a bit more active situation i mean again he could have drawn in that situation too it was a very tough game but he moved this king a little bit passively jan was resourceful in his defense just like he's shown throughout this event and he drew this game to win his match a clutch hold at the very end and jan wins the rapid portion of their match to win one and a half half and he is the third place winner of the ftx crypto cup which brings us to the main event of the evening a brutal fight yesterday and if you just skipped ahead in the timestamps to this point of the video what are you doing well like what are you doing you just missed the whole other part and if you've watched all the way through i love you thank you for the sweet ad revenue unless you're watching on adblocker i still love you though listen we got to do what we got to do right i got to do what i got to do you got to do what you got to do end of the day the world keeps on spinning i keep on wearing nice shirts you keep on commenting on the video 700 comments in the first 30 minutes yesterday are you kidding me are you kid like really what kind of engagement rate is that guys are amazing anyway magnus begins the match with d4 and we have a queen's gambit declined semitash sort of thing we've seen them play this a lot magnus says let's be solid wesley says i'm going to take on c4 i don't want to copy you now up until this point of the game they were following their own game from the skit ling oh ben like six months prior they played basically up until this same moment so let's take a look at the position queens are gone two pawns have been traded two rooks two knights two bishops per player completely symmetrical structure however a fundamental discrepancy the king is in the middle for black and black has pushed the pawns so what do you do well pawn play folks you've been watching these recamps long enough these guys particularly a guy named magnus carlson doesn't need much in a position to create and balance so b4 a5 a5 danger levels danger levels wesley could have taken the knight and traded for the bishop he says no now the knight can go that way and the game goes on with magnus building on that queenside advancement he plays bishop d2 wesley engages in a trade magnus plays rook c1 to attack the bishop and wesley decides to trade with the intention to probably just block everything like solid right you're not getting through there so this game will probably be won and lost on the c file and depending on these weaknesses and the dark squares because i am the only one who has a dark squared bishop i have just somehow replaced my magnus carlson with myself hopefully not because then wesley will sweep me so we see that exactly that is happening and now magnus remembers his alpha zero training that he did in the in the underground layer of the computer lab and he plays a move here which is super com it's just like it's a super engine move h4 like basically he's stronger on dark squares due to his dark squared bishop so in the future this pawn will be useful to attack that structure and his king can't get background checkmated just for the beginners watching but i'm not even joking watch as the game goes on and magnus counter attacks the rooks right so we're gonna have some trades he trades he voluntarily takes it to an opposite colored bishop end game because he realizes this bunch of pawns is weak remember that move h4 some time ago it how did he how does he know how does he know it's going to be useful in opposite colored bishop end games the attacking side is always going to benefit because your bishop works with your pieces but the enemy bishop can't defend against your bishop right i say this in every recap so now we have rook b5 no we don't trade hey we don't trade i keep telling you guys we don't trade and now rook h3 and this th this superhuman dude just infiltrates on this side of the board b3 g5 and he just he just checks the king puts his bishop here this rook is in jail so now this rook just can't break free it's completely locked in by magnus's pieces and final move of the game just very simple rook g7 i don't know how he does this wesley resigned i okay and so magnus wins game number one you having fun yet this is a pretty fun recap right okay so game number two um game number two wesley plays e4 and magnus plays the sicilian defense bro you gotta like not lose what are you doing anyway we have a rasa lima seen many times magnus has seen this many times plays e5 um again if you've never seen this before this is not the loss of a pawn because queen to d4 but e5 is still a pretty rare move but it's getting played more and more now and what ultimately ends up happening is actually the position kind of resembles an e4 e5 position where the rest of the pieces just kind of got drunk like it's e4 e5 but why is this here like why is this how did how did you play knight f3 knight c6 but anyway whatever everybody's maybe they're not drunk maybe it's acid i don't look i don't know but magnus plays a really really uh bold system very bold and kind of unnecessary because just 10 moves into the game wesley's already borderline winning he's got e4 f4 magnus has no central pawns whatever the heck this is knight just i don't know i mean he just kind of took a hit of something a little bit too potent now we get queen h5 and basically wesley's saying yo mags go castle go ahead no but you're so brave come on castle magnus says you know i'm good i'm i'm just doing my thing over here king h1 queen c5 psych you backed up oh you gone now oh you left so i'm counseling what's this that's the last mistake you'll ever make because i'm going to attack your queen and your queen moves now just go back otherwise you would have taken me so now i'm back max like all right c5 counter play knight d2 let me finish getting all my pieces into the game at some moment i promise magnus i will play this move to attack your queen activate my light squad bishop and then you're gonna die oh yeah oh you're so big oh all right all right hey listen wesley you're looking really nice today you got a nice suit on you got a big house relax i thought we were cool we don't need we don't need to do it like this wesley wesley stop wesley no oh god oh oh oh that's a really nice move so basically folks when you have a massive attack in chess you have a couple of options number one you can play moves like knight g5 which hang checkmate in one okay you can play moves like that now what these guys do is they find ways to shatter their opponent's defenses right and you can advance the pawns you can take stuff but this really strong move if you take you block your own defense of your knight you just get rid of it and if you take with the queen um well i just have f5 so i notice how i can coordinate your pieces and then i find ways to kind of pick it apart so magnus can't take if you can't take the e6 pawn you're probably screwed so he plays this uh wesley goes takes takes takes takes 95 king if i did that okay he transforms the position and he's up a rook let me just instant replay that so he takes on f7 and then he sacks his queen he sacks his queen for a check and you can't checkmate a guy when you're in check you would try to play this and it wouldn't work so now we have this and the rest of the game is mostly wesley so just cleaning up the rest um i will ceremoniously go through the moves uh also very important that sometimes you know your opponents are going to create counterplay against you just don't let them uh trade when neces okay trade when necessary there we go and here magnus resigned because you're going to trade you're going to trade game is over and it's 1-1 very questionable decision by magnus to play a sicilian but again he has a game to give away against hikaru magnus was down uh for three of those like cycles he was down one nothing he was on two one and he lost the first game on the second day so this time magnus is a game ahead he's like all right let me play the sicilian and wesley comes very well prepared so we go to game three okay now magnus says white again we have an absolute repeat but this time magnus doesn't play e3 he plays cd5 and this is this ultra trendy thing again normally you take d5 here but no no no no no cd4 so now we have 24 e5 e4 d4 queen eight k8 95 bishop e6 takes bishop g5 okay king e8 and by the way all this got seen already um now basically the plan is for black to give away the bishop pair be down upon a bee up upon and for white to win back one of these pawns white will have to trade pieces and black just basically says i'm gonna be i'm gonna be fine okay you're gonna be fine great all right prove it to me bishop knight to e5 attacks the bishop on d uh on c4 uh so takes but this allows this move so magnus plays in a way where he hangs a check hangs upon and loses one of his rooks for what activity okay and wesley has all his pieces on the back rank and magnus is two moves away from checkmating that doesn't mean it's made in two i hate when you guys do that isn't it maiden two no it's main two if the other guy falls asleep otherwise no wesley's not gonna get checkmated he goes for a rook trade sacrifices a pawn for activity activates the rook to try to kick out the bishop bishop comes back f very important move you give away two pawns but but now king d8 so you don't get hit with any bishop check and any of that nonsense and now you can activate your king and um wesley's activated his pieces for the cost of potentially three pawns but once his rooks and bishop get into the game by the way that's not free anyway once his rooks and bishop get into the game their magnus doesn't really have a chance of winning this he picks up the third pawn but now wesley's too active and uh wesley's a practical guy uh he can't really play this position for a win because he's just down too many pawns so he finds a way to repeat moves and um i have no idea if this was 35 moves of deep engine analysis by magnus that basically wesley had to walk through a field of mines uh to survive but he survives and now folks we get to potentially the most exciting part of the entire recap because now i'm gonna show you clips it's game four it's rapid wesley so must win to win the ftx crypto cup what does he do to win the game he plays e4 magnus carlsen plays e5 knight at 39 c6 okay we got a rule okay well obviously look magnus got to hold the game right so he's going for the berlin now wesley obviously plays okay not the anti berlin but he allows the berlin um rookie one d4 is he gonna go for the berlin end game knight d6 now we get bishop cece wait we're not going to get a berlin end game no wait wesley what no no oh no oh no oh wesley so forces a draw with white forces a draw with white it's two to two folks this was the response to this these are all clips taken from the official broadcast please don't copyright strike me you guys are amazing thank you for the amazing coverage as always this was the official reaction dozens of times in this tour so far quick repetition look look at magnus's face he's surprised look at magnus he's shocked that wesley went for this yeah i mean magnus was like uh you think you're gonna beat me in the blitz all right let's see about that here we go folks the format is two games of blitz five minute and three second bonus if it's one to one armageddon wesley is the higher c look at the standings wesley's the higher seed so he always picks which color he starts with wesley chooses to start with the black pieces and magnus carlson plays the orangutan he's played it in this event but are you kidding me in this like at this stage at this stake of the uh for these stakes magnus what are you doing baby so we have i don't even know how to classify this like this is some basically black plays a i don't know i mean it's a slav it's a semi-slav set up but your biggest problem which is the light square bishop is gone so wesley's happy i mean wesley's got a totally okay position and truthfully the game only got spicy once they traded off a little bit on the queen side right here so what's the imbalance well i've got a weak c6 pawn you've got a weak b pawn um the rooks are just staring at each other so these guys are having a you know staring contest no one wants to take and surrender control of the a file to the other and here magnus plays this move rook b1 followed by bishop takes knight which just looks like the most like crazy move ever why would you trade your bishop for the knight unprovoked well he wants to go d4 and basically shut down this bishop you trade your dark squared bishop you put everything on the dark squares well wesley says okay this is not hanging i have bishop takes h2 check and now i just put my bishop on d6 this little zigzag is maybe what magnus just underestimated and you're not ever going to get to this so easily because b4 is weak and if we trade b for c probably a draw only black is better because black has the long range piece so knight d3 rook b8 knight f3 rogue b6 stabilizing everything and knight e5 magnus has the perfect formation that he desired when he went for that trade but wesley's solid there is probably no real way through here queen c2 takes takes knight d7 probably just equal you're not gonna get to this you're you're not you're just not you can stockpile all the pressure that you want and wesley actually finds a tactical solution he finds c5 and so after c5 knight c5 knight c5 wait what is the tactical solution because if bc5 you take this you take this and if queen c5 there is a shocking tactic here for black rook c6 and you can't take because there is a back rank mate and wesley tricked magnus apparently rook c3 counter thread of backrank mate was the way to go the knight can't move if knight d7 you have rook c7 with the fork unreal tactical sequence and this was the reaction when rook c6 happened i told you i was going to show you a lot of clips to end this recap this was the reaction mine was just blundered luke c6 winning on the spot oh my god rook c6 queen c6 queen c6 and look at this yeah who's going crazy completely crazy yeah how could he blunder this backrank meat yeah and look at magnus he's so angry with i mean wouldn't you be mad look at the look at how high stakes of a game this is rook to c6 and what ends up happening is magnus is just down a queen for a rook wesley doesn't get mated magnus pushes his beep on i mean there's not much else to see it's a guy just beating another guy with queen vs rook and that's it it's over because again you can go here but i'm going to check you i'm going to win all your pawns and game is over wesley so just won with black what is going on what is going on wesley so just one with black oh my goodness so now magnus carlsen has the black pieces here we are again but he's down a game he's not up a game so what does he do against d4 he plays c5 i mean what are you gonna do i mean yeah it's the sicilian you gotta win with black so e4 c5 now for this game magnus doesn't have a suit on he's only got a t-shirt on i'm not even kidding like he he's straight up just isn't wearing a suit he's in a t-shirt and so well you'll see that clip later knight f3 d6 bishop b5 and basically west is like let's pump the brakes on this thing let's pump the brakes on this thing let's be solid solid solid i can't lose this game c4 bishop b7 knight c3 knight e5 a move that probably magnus wouldn't play normally but he's gotta create imbalance to win with black pawn structure and balance complete okay great d3 e6 a3 bishop b7 when's the clash of peace is going to happen b4 there it is castles rook b1 knight d7 bishop e3 queen c7 rook b2 i'm just moving back and forth not much is happening until now takes takes a5 okay there it is magnus has had enough he's got to create something on that side of the board wesley says take take knight b5 hey look at my knight it's so nice look at my bishop it's so nice look at my rook it's so nice and this pawn's not an asset i'm going to win this pawn i am going to win this pawn you have no more defense rook a7 all right you want to repeat moves oh well obviously not h3 i'm just gonna wait knight c5 are you actually going to win this whoa wait can't i take can i take oh should've killed me when you had the chance uh oh oh oh f4 it takes this but wait a second magnus carlson just now this pawn's not going anywhere and this is the worst bishop of all time is magnus playing this for a win wesley takes and just continues to try to hold the fort but a3 c5 by wesley takes takes takes bishop e2 wesley wants to put the bishop here but he's not fast enough what whoa f5 f5 and the game is over wesley resigns why is it over if you take just this wesley went for a trick here rook takes rook bishop e6 check that's what he went for but he didn't get it and all of a sudden magnus plays at five magus magnus wins with black folks folks i i don't know what to say it's 3-3 which means oh and by the way i have to show you the clip right i mean magnus was he was hyped is an understatement and if you fall back rookie one and that's it have you ever seen him do that this guy's looking like a like like a league of legends esports at i mean my man just ah you ever feel like that after a game it's three to three which takes us to the final game of the recap this is the longest recap i've ever i've ever made and if you've made it this far in the video thank you here we go you're not gonna regret this wesley chooses to play with the black pieces wesley so has four minutes on the clock magnus has five if wesley makes a draw he wins the ftx crypto cup e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 bishop c4 the italian knight f6 d3 bishop c5 castles wesley plays h6 h6 gets rid of all bishop g5 stuff and knight g5 stuff magnus plays the move pawn to c3 looking for d4 wesley plays castles magnus says i'm not just looking for d4 i'm looking for b4 and a4 this is another way to play this position in the modern day you want to play a5 or b5 now here there's many ways to play the position a6 and a5 wesley chooses a6 very solid knight d2 d6 rookie one super solid positions so how does a guy who must win play a position where he must win by attacking the center of the board takes takes d5 from wesley wesley looks to break in to the center as well and if you play something like e takes d5 lazily capturing i will go here push pawn bring bishop back stabilize the position what does magnus do he makes a wedge if you take my bishop i take your knight that's terrible for black so wesley thinks for a while here and plays this move but just a very calmer tree and even though you can play knight to f4 i'm just gonna chill like okay so you got these knights here and a5 bye bye get out of here bishop a7 now trade just take the knight why it accelerates white's development queen to d2 no easy way to attack the knight i mean to defend the night knight has to go back so i just jump into your position very easy game for white i'm just going to spend the rest of my game stockpiling the pressure right here and i might even attack you on the kingside and folks magnus carlsen does both of those things first he attacks the knight on g6 wesley has to block then he plays bishop bank to c2 to potentially go over here please g3 g3 disallows the knight to come forward maybe he will play h4h5 in the future takes ladies and gentlemen what do you take with trick question they're both good b takes c5 you can also take with the d-pawn and just line up your attack over here but magnus takes like this because wesley doesn't have anywhere to move and the b7 pawn is not going anywhere here here here here here here the b7 pawn is not going anywhere and now you dominate the center you dominate the queen side where will the empire fall for the black pieces on the other side of the board knight to h4 but it's deceiving because the point is not to get in like this you gotta take one step back to take two steps forward knight to g2 the madman did it and he is rerouting toward the middle wesley has to play g5 at some moment he probably will in the meantime he's trying to trade pieces and now the move g5 is on the board the problem is folks how do you gain access to these squares well you gotta go to the source pawn's got no moves now anywhere it moves this knight will outflank it and then you will move your king and attack on this side by distracting wesley's pieces to the defense of the other side of the board magnus created an infiltration point on the king's side and now those pieces cannot go over because of the rook's constant pressure absolutely beautiful game although probably one of slightly lower quality than we are used to at this level just because you know it's such a stressful game there's no increment you gotta you know a lot of the super gms end up playing slightly worse in the armageddon than they normally would and magnus just plays e6 he's got a lot of past pawns he's ready to just win this game down the middle of the board notice how his rooks haven't moved in fact his rogues don't move until move 42 to defend the d-pawn and the empire will fall on the queen side king g6 rook c7 and in this position magnus carlson won the ftx crypto cup wesley so resigned and here one final clip for you the celebration of magnus carlsen ah no now it's clock is not even important yeah wesley designs magnus is going crazy look at this how he's celebrating oh my god you got it i mean you got you got a feel for him man i mean magnus has lost to wesley in a couple of these matches he has not yet won a major event so he wins 60 000 he wins .6 of a bitcoin which probably was worth 40 different things throughout this video and this recap is officially done it took 40 minutes if you manage to watch the whole thing thank you once again folks as a parting note i don't really know what to say i'm overwhelmed by the support we've had like 2 000 comments on some of these recent videos so thank you for watching as always shout out to magnus for winning the strongest online tournament ever like so many of the top players in the world played this was so much fun this was just so much fun and i'll see you in the next video folks
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 510,134
Rating: 4.9777493 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, melwater, meltwater chess, meltwater tour, meltwater champions tour, meltwater champions chess tour, champions chess, champions tour, champions chess tour, ftx crypto cup, ftx crypto, crypto cup, crypto cup chess, champion chess tour, champions chess tour 2021, chess24, chess 24, chess tour, crypto cup tour, crypto chess tour, chess tour live, ftx crypto chess, magnus carlsen, anish giri
Id: xoQsilwUiNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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