Magnus vs. Hikaru: The Final Duel

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the finale of the new in chess classic in the final match we have magnus carlsen and hikaru nakamura the age-old rivalry which has blossomed for many years and obviously last summer they played a week-long final against each other as well as chakri armamejarov and levon ranyan uh battling it out for that spot for third and fourth place now i actually in the video yesterday uh first of all broke my microphone and second of all it's fixed now uh got the covet vaccine so i have been battling a headache small fever body aches and everything but i knew that i had to show up and make a good recap for y'all so i'm gonna power through and hopefully you can still appreciate the content even if i am slightly less energetic than usual we kick things off for the third place match up this one was insane we have d4 knight f6 c4 e6 knight f3 d5 levy how was this insane this is just the main line ragosan queen's gambit declined i know but hold on give me a chance to develop okay so chakriar now and and levon play 12 moves of theory bishop to g5 pins the knight to the queen black takes the pawn on c4 white plays e4 taking the entire center black strikes back in the center with c5 and opens up the queen to come this way to put some pressure white takes the free pawn black takes in the center white takes in the center black moves the queen out to a5 attacking the bishop and lining up an attack on c3 takes takes takes takes king to f1 and here black has the choice between recapturing this and taking this with check now what's funny is if you take the bishop it looks like you get two pieces but you don't because i have rook c1 uh so this is some weird stuff that the super grandmasters are doing recently getting to this position and then here there's a million different things that white can do uh and by a million i mean like three but that's about the same thing uh white can play h4 bishop b5 check but here's chakriar plays a move that according to the database i i it doesn't exist um and he plays the move queen f3 which doesn't look like completely insane uh forcing levon to play this move because if levon were to play knight to d7 um apparently this is not as good uh mostly because you block your own development and actually much rather have the knight here you'll never actually successfully play knight to e5 because i'll just take this pawn so believe it or not king e7 is completely fine now shock pops off with a4 and loses his pawn uh that looks like to the uninitiated like it's just a pawn blunder but he got rid of the queen coming to e5 and now plays e5 himself sacrificing yet another pawn um again to the untrained eye this looks completely idiotic nothing about this position makes sense we've played 15 moves all of their pieces are on the back rank mostly black is playing with one queen white has a bunch of pieces out but hasn't castled looks like the king fell over a table trying to make it to you know uh to the other side of his house and successfully get castled uh but levon is up three pawns now we have queen to h5 uh we have knight c6 defending this pawn and now here uh i think that shock forgot his prep because i believe according to my computer that the move is knight to f5 check pawn takes and then queen takes f7 check and it looks like you're about to get mated because your king almost has no moves uh but i think my computer gives some line like king d6 queen f6 king c7 queen takes rook and life goes on and white is just doing well shock got his prep on the board and forgot it he played queen g5 check which apparently already lets black go away and now he played knight f5 the difference is now there's rook to g8 and actually the king is surviving and shock here had to like play knight d6 or queen h7 but he played this move and that allowed levon to just get one safe move to guard the entire diagonal and then shock a few moves later got his queen trapped i guess he thought bishop f7 queen f7 queen h6 but you don't have to take like you're just you're trapped like maybe you can do something like this but you know i'm i'm gonna guard myself i'm completely fine and after rook h6 he resigned it's our first game of the dance in 24 moves four minutes of the recap time actually more like three because i had an intro that was about a minute long um yeah uh well what to say i mean you play a move that's never been played before you get all your prep on the board and then you forget your prep and you lose basically immediately that's genuinely uh gen and not genuinely generally how top level prep works according to the computer the computer can only guide you four of the five ways there right but if on move five you can still go like in in in five different ways on move five then you know that's what's gonna happen anyway that's exciting levon wins the first game with black that's big we go to game number two we have e4 now chakriar is known to play a lot of different stuff uh for a lot of the new chess fans admitted before this event or maybe the past few months you've never heard of chakri or mumbo jr of i don't mean to insult a long time fans of chess you obviously know who he is but if you're newer to chess you don't know who this guy is and now you're going to become fans of him because this guy comes to fight these two dudes basically got drunk at a bar together and had an argument over something stupid so they started throwing chairs and bottles at one another throughout this match uh now levon's trying to attack the sicilian defense of mamidyarov and again mamidyarov plays this two nights four night sicilian thing which we've been seeing a lot recently it was also played in the candidates very trendy uh and now we get takes takes e5 which is the entire idea knight d5 knight to e4 trying to fight for the weak and dark square c4 f4 is usually how white will strengthen the center that's exactly what happens now my mjarf here plays the third most popular move played in like less than ten percent of games not like a completely mind bending move rook to b8 the idea of root to b8 is to take this pawn hopefully not get noticed then take this pawn hopefully not get noticed and then take the rook uh and the actual idea of this move is just to throw your opponent off and take control of this file and here levon plays the best move he plays a3 which might shock you but it's very simple you just don't want anything to ever land on b4 and maybe you want to play b4 c4 c5 yourself you want to prepare the opportunity to take some space queen b6 and now we're totally in a deep into the rabbit hole here there are still thousands of games in the database but here there's like five okay again magiarov is flashing his preparation it's better to flash your prep than flash other things queen f3 bishop e7 and after c4 we have the concept of danger level chakra is obviously uh familiar with the concept of you know my favorite concept danger levels what's worth equal to or more than a night the average gotham chess viewer and also a knight so he strikes back now again again anybody watching this would go oh ump i'm so smart yeah the problem is you just help you just help black when you do that so again i'm trying to help you all with your chest i'm trying to make you laugh and i'm also trying to overcome help you overcome your addiction to taking pawns diagonally just because you have the opportunity to do so so knight to d2 although diagonally wouldn't make much sense because you can just take diagonally anyway whatever let's move on knight to e3 all of a sudden the the horsey has jumped in and it wants violence it's a hungry horse okay it wants everything so we have bishop d3 and it looks like everything has sort of worked itself out position is completely fine i mean shock can't get in on the queen side he's certainly not going to open up the center that's never going to work although d5 is actually not the worst move in the world uh it just seems like a bit of a pipe dream so if you can't open up the queen side or the center what do you do what side of the board do you open up g5 i mean of course you know like any normal human here just just castles just short castle you know i have in castle nah g5 not worried about queen h5 check i'll just go here my king's completely safe your queen's offside my horse is still hungry and it's gonna eat everybody in your territory so uh levon plays g3 and shark says okay and that didn't benefit you whatsoever now i have an open rook uh my bishop is about to land on h4 it's crazy what one pawn advance and trade did for his position it opened up a bishop and a rook and it did nothing i stressed that once again it did nothing for levon nothing nothing levon got nothing out of this deal this was a terrible deal for levon knight g2 check queen comes in and the final domino falls in the position you can't break through on this side anymore you can't break through down the middle but you can break through on the queen side an absolutely beautiful game and um takes takes king f1 knight h4 uh this is hanging this is hanging the reason why he didn't just go and take the rook is because he didn't want to lose his knight so he moves the knight out of the way again you can still give this check and king d8 doesn't really matter you cannot defend queen g2 you cannot defend uh queen a1 you cannot defend queen d2 queen f4 queen e5 and then i'll promote to four horses and then i'll beat you so knight to age four and chakriar uh returns the favor after losing in 24 moves with white levon beats his record and loses in 21 21 moves with white and the score is one to one completely ridiculous okay um dumbest thing i've ever seen and uh not actually uh in fact uh this is crazy this is really unparalleled so we go to game three no no no i'm just gonna keep rolling along this time mommy jarov goes for a ready uh and levon tries to copy him and shock says i don't want to be copied so i'm going to create this imbalance it's a very common idea to trade to give away c pawn for the d-pawn because it's very easy to win back this pawn and also open up your bishop it's kind of a neo-catalan style position uh levon here already plays a very creative move he can block with the pawn he can block with the knight he can block with the knight he can block with the bishop he can block with the queen but instead he blocks his own development then moves the other knight back this way why well this is actually very normal and the idea is to put the horses together you see levon par is a part-time volunteer at an animal shelter uh and uh he's a big you know proponent of animal safety uh animal mental health so he likes to keep the horses together so that they can keep a friend i have no idea what i just said that was a completely idiotic ramble but that's all right that's why you're here anyway knight c3 players just developing their pieces all right can't make this any more complex than it has to be queen f4 the idea of queen f4 is to go here and here very typical when you have a bishop fianchetto like that near the king you want to you want to get rid of it uh you can't go you know trade off your queen for the bishop because queens are not worth more than bishops or the same but seeing that levon is kind of weakening his structure shark says you know what i have a new idea i mean he could have played queen h4 uh probably would have come g5 and then he just has to decide if he likes to sacrifice or not a lot of you guys always ask me want to sacrifice if you have two more attacking pieces than they have defenders go ahead and do it in this case you don't because what am i doing because uh i have two i have too much defense here it just doesn't work so instead he plays h4 a5 a3 and the bishop comes in to tickle the rook and it becomes very clear that the rook has nowhere convenient to go if it goes here which it did the bishop pops out this way what happens when a guy has three pawns on dark squares that means the dark squares are accounted for but the light squares are not accounted for what happens when the light squared bishop is over here and the light scored weaknesses are exposed well he drops in the bishop could have dropped in the knight as well uh and here finally like if i just back up like seven moves to this position not much has changed in white's position like not much at all i mean like white has a queen a knight like a little bit but black has lined up everybody and now throws the punch knight takes d4 looks like after this this this that you're just up material but you're not because e5 is coming the central pawn fork so shock decides to go here and and get this kind of simplification to trade on f5 get his pawn back on b7 and and and just keep developing and the position is very dynamically balanced uh it's two bishops on the night per side and a and a rook but the pawn structure is very strange very peculiar like these pawns are split but again like pawns are only weak if they can be targeted you can have quadrupled isolated pawns and they you know they look stupid but they can't actually be attacked so e4 to activate the dark squared bishop shock plays rook c1 and now another big decision trading off that bishop to pick up this pawn in the process losing c7 whoa uh whoa that looks kind of whoa that looks kind of i looks kind of dangerous bishop three what's the only way to not get mated what's the only way to not get mated actually i just realized there's two ways technically but you can go back to c1 x-ray defense it's when you defend something through a piece because your piece is guarded there you go you just learned something but i just realized that you can also maybe play g4 to try to sacrifice and get out okay okay but knight c4 on shock goes for this and we get take stakes bishop takes g4 all right levons up a pawn and shark's gotta go he's gotta go and he goes but uh he goes with the wrong piece because after takes takes there is a beautiful move in this position that completely kills white the king wants to run away right to g3 okay f4 and actually shock just resigned here what because after it takes just e3 can't give me a check if you try to stop me i just play e2 you can't stop me you just can't stop me very important that you are aware of the fact that sometimes a two-on-one in an end game can be used as a pawn breakthrough you can sacrifice one of your pawns because this pawn is the true investment all right and if you don't take and instead you take that i say okay great congratulations that hasn't stopped my plan at all uh and you're just gonna have to lose a rook for it so another person wins with the black pieces levon wins two games with the black pieces and we go to game number four you guys know that uh oftentimes when there are draws i skip it right well d4 knight f6 knight f3 and shock knows okay i gotta win uh with the black pieces so we have a very similar opening to last time except we had c4 with c4 and d5 last time now we have d6 shock doesn't go for d5 it could have gone symmetrical uh rest assured that in an over the board classical game where nobody needs any result at super gm level they play this move 99 times out of 100 the only person who wouldn't play this move in that position is drunk that's because this position is just very equal for black i mean there's a lot of theory but shock goes for more of a king's indian and we have a king's indian structure with a fiance system very very annoying for black to deal with well that's actually after c4 which is why levon plays this move a4 to try to play a5 and again he has to not lose this game it's completely up to shock to do something shock decides to create imbalance look at look at this guy this guy he's like waving the red flag in front of the bull he's like come and get me bro come on like look if you jump into e5 for example takes bishop takes rook e takes d4 and he gets a knight and a pawn for the rook with a big control of the center and it's really anybody's game shock is desperately trying to create imbalance and my man levon is like nah nope but i am going to play this goofy move because i want it to be featured in a gotham chess recap i don't know what this move is i'm not gonna lie to y'all um sometimes i'm supposed to explain moves to i don't know why he did that maybe he wanted to get off this diagonal i don't know why he didn't play a move like d5 that just looks far more natural to me um but you know they're a lot better at chess than i am uh so it's kind of like going to a museum you ever go to a museum and the painting just looks idiotic like it just doesn't look it just looks like any five-year-old could have done it yeah but it has like some crazy historical or artist artistic significance that's kind of how i feel sometimes watching these guys play i'm like that doesn't look right that that like i have got i used to teach five-year-olds that played moves like rook a3 but you know they're super gm so i just gotta respect it a6 d5 and now knight g4 queen c2 and white is better uh white's got a good position uh normally in the king's indian you're trying to roll them with pawns you're not really trying to roll them with pieces that doesn't really work uh so we have f5 but we just have e3 like levon's like what are you gonna what are you gonna do about it come and get like you want to fight all right let's go queen v8 knight e2 and shaq says all right g5 gotta go for it now very standard if in the king's indian they play the pawn attack wrong white can strike back with a pawn believe it or not and this actually might be why a long time ago levon played the move for k3 because now that's protected i i don't know if that was his big brain idea that the epon would be like again if he played rook a3 like six moves ago with the intention of getting to this position all right he's a genius and i apologize for going on that rant i'll shut up i'm annoying well we knew that anyway but again lafont's just kind of chilling he's like bro i'm better i don't need to do much but now shock is causing some things to think about takes takes h3 and levon takes this pawn and says i'm a pawn up what are you gonna do knight to e4 bringing in the knight to the middle of the board targeting g3 bishop is open still no concrete threats knight d2 knight f6 and again he could just repeat like i mean again right he'd just do the same thing but he plays bishop b2 which obviously isn't bad rookie eight and e4 now e4 is a big decision again levon has not been taking much risk in this game he can continue to play just simple improving moves laser beaming here but he chooses to concretely open up the board because he's up a pawn and he trusts in his calculation shock plays a very tricky move bishop c8 hits the rook and now this rook is open up to see the center rook comes all the way back pawn takes on e4 pawn takes on g5 knight takes on g5 and now he plays this move h4 shock either has to back up or jump in and potentially lose his knight for something losing material he does and levon didn't play king h2 because of knight to g4 which would have been absolutely devastating always look for checks so you go here i hit your queen and my bishop is still over here the board is a big place so he goes king h1 instead and now the knight is trapped and knight g4 isn't as good because i'll just take but he plays queen e7 i think the machine still wants black to do this uh and try to somehow get into f2 but queen e7 rookie one knight g4 and now uh knight to f4 trying to trade off this knight the problem is that all the way back on the move e4 which occurred on move 25 this caused chaos like levon set the house on fire and only one of them is gonna get out alive all right it's like a horror movie you know and and again it's just complete pandemonium lavon's king has no legal moves his pieces are on a beautiful little armada here on the second rank but that's very it could be very clumsy knight f4 knight f2 king h2 and uh they're going to repeat but bishop b7 no repetition we have rook to e2 and keep in mind at this point they're very low on time pawn to e3 opening up the middle of the line knight to d5 comes into the middle attacking the queen if you take then i take with the bishop in its check queen slides over one square knight jumps into e4 you can't take my knight because you lose your queen the bishops are staring at each other but not taking one another this pawn is about to fall bishop takes d5 knight takes on d6 wait a minute why didn't he just take back good question would have been a decent idea but instead he goes knight takes d6 and shah kriyar mohammed yarov drops a haymaker bishop takes g2 why if you take my queen i bring you back to e4 and i threaten the queen and checkmate on h3 that would have been mate every square around the king is covered a little tetris piece over here so levon has to take the bishop and after queen e6 takes takes it's actually black who has emerged upper rook and here levon resigned and mamijarov tied the match at two four games between two of the top players in the world and black won every single game and the best part is the recap is just getting started thank you for making it 21 minutes into this we now move on to our final match magnus carlsen and hikaru nakamura drew their first two games they were relatively solid draws in the first game magnus was pressing a bit but it was a draw in the end now magnus carlsen goes for the move e4 e5 knight f3 knight c6 we have a joko piano with c3 and d3 pianissimo very quiet and basically what black is going to decide to do is whether black is going to play d6 or d5 that's it picardo chooses to go d5 this way opens up the lines for the players and makes the position a little bit more complex now i'm going to spoil something real quick not much about the result this was a 90 move game i can't cover all 90 moves at this pace so we're going to kind of glide on through the middle game here players developing magnus expands on the queen side with a4a5 trying to take a little bit of space quick water break we have knight back to f6 by hikaru wants to get out of the way of the bishop maybe play e4 put a little bit of pressure here b4 bishop d6 knight d2 and hikaru just blocks it all up with a6 now magnus makes a big decision here he trades knights in the middle of the board and he's saying that he has a nice little space advantage on the queen side black's pieces are a little bit passive and a little bit clumsy so kikaro plays king h8 with potentially the idea of playing f5 and getting out of the pin queen d3 queen e7 never mind that idea was not going to happen instead hikara reroutes the knight to the center of the board and now a very common idea knight to h4 outmaneuvering outflanking trying to land on f5 black simply cannot allow that just kidding black can absolutely allow that why can't you allow like for example what would happen if you play g6 g6 solves a short term problem but opens up a long-term problem first of all dark squared weaknesses on this side of the board second of all the fact that this bishop is on the verge of getting trapped so hikaru just chooses to allow it and magnus keeps that knight there for a long time that knight just stays there and he just continues to improve his position very slowly brings his king up because maybe in the future he's actually going to advance these pawns now hikaru goes here and now and only now does magnus make this trade why does he make this trade because he will get a free position of perfectly placed pieces rook to e8 okay so the the motto of the last match that we saw was when your position is really good how do you take it to the next level well magnus carlsen loses a bishop i mean he's got a perfect he could play moves like c4 b5 h4 rook h1g nah bishop takes b7 the idea being that after this there's e5 which attacks the queen and the rook in the corner the queen has to slide back guarding the rook now pawn takes pawn queen goes here now we have this move this move and you can't take the rook because of check it's not that it's actually the point is rook d4 and magnus will pick up a third pawn so magnus sacrifices a piece for three pawns to get queen brook and seven versus queen rook bishop and four what does magnus have four pawns that are rolling together this is a very important pawn for black it stops everything that pawn is black's lifeline magnus also has good good pawn positioning here and as this game progresses he begins just slowly improving his position at this point both players have about a minute all right they repeat once they're going to repeat a little bit magnus finally says you know what let's break through i gotta break on through but not take the pawn i need to keep my d-pawn safe and i need to hit the bishop we have backing up magnus plays a waiting move pawn to f3 i'm so sorry my allergies are just making my my nose itchy as heck king f8 king f2 king g8 kg3 and here the players chose to psych no repetition queen takes g5 rook d6 queen c7 king e7 black is hanging on for dear life queen to e5 check king has to go here because if you play bishop e6 i just take so we have queen e5 king d7 and now not taking on d6 but the very calm king f2 because rook takes there's this and hikaru here had to play very very precisely like king c6 apparently is possible and even g6 just getting the pawn out of the way of the queen but he chose queen f8 with the intention of this this this and getting in with the queen the problem is that after queen to f8 there is the ever so slight boop and black's king doesn't have a comfortable square to go to it goes here they repeat once and now magnus realizes he can take if king takes queen c5 x-rays the king to the queen if queen takes which is the only other move now you are just in a pawn up end game now to the again to the untrained eye this is just the draw because black will check white forever that's what black is gonna do just give a million checks watch the way magnus centralizes in queen end games you need the queen to be dominant so the queen centralizes against the other queen and now he begins to kick black's king away preventing the only checks that hikaru has and then the most beautiful plan just bring the king he just brings the king like like he centralizes the queen check to defend the pawn and just brings the king he's just fully cerebral of the fact that he needs to win using a certain game plan and he implements it he makes the ever so slight improvements he wins time by giving checks and he just extracts hikaru's queen away from defending everything and a few moves later he ended up winning the a pawn some moves later like four moves from now two moves from now and now the pawn is going to be lost there's just nothing that he could do he sacrifices the f pawn to win the a pawn i told you that pawn was that was the lifeline and um it takes a little bit of converting but the pawns go up the board you get the point right and the whole time he's monitoring the movement of this pawn uh and keep in mind that he did all of this with about 40 seconds on the clock by the way if you see what happened here he didn't take take and make a queen this end game is actually kind of tricky to win uh if if it's even winning at all um this end game might actually just straight up be a draw because of where this pawn is uh but it's a lot harder to win it's very tricky when those end games are maybe it's winning for white but it's not easy so instead he just goes here point is you can't push the pawn and this is definitely winning because here uh you'll give a check or play queen d6 you have the b pawn not the a pawn so magnus ends up winning this game will move 90. hikaru resigned here he played this move with one second on the clock but it didn't really matter because check check and then something tells me magnus carlsen will be able to beat hikaru with two queens but definitely one so magnus strikes he is the one to strike first and that takes us to our final game of the day hikaru's got the white pieces and hikaru's got to beat magnus carlsen to make things 2-2 he begins the game with a queen's gambit we have a slav defense you know adidas adidas adidas squatting next to like a 1986 bmw massive potholes in the road you guys know those russia videos they're so funny and magnus just plays a very calm approach this is called the slow sloth or the quiet slav and basically black just says look bro just have my bishop i'm gonna put all my pawns on light squares i'm big chilling now i'm gonna develop all my pieces i'm big chilling black just everything is good everything's good and black has the pawn pyramid which obviously indicates that magnus is a member of the illuminati i don't i don't even i don't let's just move on rookie eight and according to mainline theory in this position i think white is really supposed to push e4 like you you you got to do something with your pawns i think hikaru didn't play e4 because the truth is that if too many traits happen and like you don't get queen h7 like this position is known to be fine for black and hikaru would rather not try to play magnus in a symmetrical pawn structure three on three hikaru instead let magnus create the imbalance and decided to take a slightly worse position but go a bit more long term and keep the pieces on the board and create pawn structure and piece play imbalance which is what you have to do so credit to hikaru because the machine here is like saying mine is 0.4 minus 0.4 but that's what i imagine all angry computers sound like magnus starts expanding on the queen side with his pawns queen e6 attacks this king g2 a4 a3 again we see by the way magnus expanding his queen side pawns the same thing on the last game uh and it makes sense because he doesn't have a light squared bishop so five of his six remaining pawns are on are on light squares knight to e5 bishop comes back to b1 and hikaru ends up dropping his bishops back but that's the beautiful thing about bishops they take one step back they go to a2 all of a sudden what's up you see the other side of the board no but nobody's gonna get in the way of that bishop right so knight to d7 uh i said something in my serie turned on queen c2 bishop to e5 rook c1 and hikaru's got everything he wants he's got the perfect position that you need to play for a win knight back to e2 uh oh wait a minute and bishop b4 is on the cards whoa magnus in a bad position rook takes d1 rook takes the one taking control of the file the threat of bishop b4 is on the cards knight d4 to hit c6 those queenside pawns are looking mighty soft now that's the problem with pawns you push them too far they get a little bit weak magnus plays queen a7 that's a top computer move hikaru comes back to c1 now here hikaru could have went wild he could have played f4 that would have forced the bishop back knight to d4 chuck this pawn gets c6 and uh the position is pretty nice um instead hikaru played rook c1 like this but it allows magnus to kind of create something weird here like not play passively with a move like knight d7 because that's not gonna do the job because i'll just play bishop before instead of that say you know what bro you could take my c6 pawn let go ahead take this pawn go ahead i'ma take this pawn your queen's protecting something man which is why hikaru really had to play f4 at some point instead he played f3 with the idea to play bishop f2 e4 f4 slowly crawl out of this the problem is after knight d5 now magnus gets in see all he had to do was give magnus one move like magnus was worse for a move and you had to get aggressive with it knight d4 f4 and the second you play too slow magnus too quick knight d5 jumps into e3 queen to b8 bishop f2 bishop takes b2 the rook is hanging now we have this this this okay very good so the material is rook and pawn for two bishops two bishops should be better than a rook and a pawn but not when there's a two on one and now when your bishops are so passive like white's just passive here and these pawns are passive and apparently even though magnus played this very natural looking move rook c8 queen c8 the position is so scattered for white that a simple queen trade would have left uh white unable to defend because the rook just comes to c2 which is crazy but again they were low on time magnus played rook c8 far more human activated his queen black uh black has less active pieces in the sense that black has three active pieces and white has four but white's pieces just aren't coordinated and they don't have time and the second hikaru plays a move we get queen to d1 check he blocks queen to c2 is about to get a queen trade and he plays a move to guard his bishop and that was the final mistake that he made because rook to d8 extracts the queen from defending the bishop simple slide over magnus carlsen will pick up the piece ikara resigned and magnus carlsen won the match today three to one and uh i feel like that's generally how it goes when you play magnus especially when he's on you get one move to take advantage of maybe a slightly inaccurate setup of his position and you had to do it aggressively to play f4 knight d4 hikaru chose the slightly inaccurate plan and magnus roared back into the game with getting his knight to the middle coordinating his pieces on the back rank like like moves like queen b8 are so demoralizing because they just guard everything they're such such easy moves to play for him uh and magnus is up one nothing and and uh the other match is equal uh this was a pretty long recap but um it was very fun so a lot of fun games two guys involved in a drunk bar fight uh pretty uh you know intense rivalry as far as rapid and blitz goes before uh goes with magnus carlsen and hikaru and kumara always fun to watch them play and i will see you all tomorrow ladies and gentlemen the new and chess classic concludes for now i'm gonna go drink some hot ginger tea and lay down much love
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 552,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meltwater, meltwater chess, meltwater chess tour, new in chess, new in chess classic, new in chess tour, champions chess, champions chess tour, champions tour, champions tour chess, meltwater champions chess, meltwater champions chess tour, chess tour, champion chess tour, champions chess tour 2021, meltwater chess 2021, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen chess, hikaru nakamura, gmhikaru, chess candidates, candidates chess 2021, chess candidates 2021
Id: 4e6SzDT2awI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 54sec (2034 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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