FIDE Candidates 2021 RECAPS BEGIN!

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ladies and gentlemen i am so excited to say  this welcome back to gotham chess recaps and   welcome back to the feed candidates 2021.  the candidates has been a historical chess   event over time where you take all the top  players in the world and you match them up   and the winner emerges to play against the  defending world chess champion this year   the candidates and the past few cycles have been  eight players double round robin that means that   they play each other two times that means that  there are 14 rounds it is a classical event   which means that it's long games on move 40  you get more time on move 60 you get more time   and they are playing alive in yekaterinburg russia  now this one went a year it was stopped halfway   due to kovid one of the players maxime vashey  legrand from france wasn't even supposed to be   participating because timor jambo withdrew and  protested and the tournament still went on and   then it got cancelled halfway through so that's an  entirely separate story but going into this round   this is round number eight and we are back we've  got an interesting race up top janja pomnicci   are tied for first with four and a half points  at a seven then you have uh fabiano caruana and   danish geary and they have three and a half points  and then you have the other players you have the   two russians griez and alexienko and then you  have wang hao and you have dingly ren now that's   it one minute let's go we've got four games to go  through some interesting some not so interesting   but ladies and gentlemen classical chess is  back and it's the sexiest tournament of them all   so this first round wang how with the white pieces  dingle red with the black pieces they've had a   year to prepare for this game e4 e5 okay standard  i mean it's two super gm's right knight f3 knight   c6 and now you would expect a gm to put the bishop  on c4 the bishop on b5 this is just the meta at   the top level the italian or the spanish but you  get d4 that's known as the scotch opening now okay   the scotch is known as being okay for black and  the critical main line in the scotch nowadays   is this move knight to f6 immediately putting  pressure on this pawn volunteering yourself   for a double pawn structure and even an attack on  your knight this is all considered the main line   here's why because after queen to e7 you pin  the pawn to the king the queen comes here and   now you play knight d5 and again you bait white  into just taking some space and attacking your   knight but you trade off the fact that after  this move c4 bishop a6 is possible and black   is basically saying look doofus you can attack me  with as many pawns as you want but i'm going to   keep my pieces in the center of the board and get  development it's a very non-standard position b3   g6 and now we go deep into the rabbit hole this  is the fourth most popular move in this position   bishop to a3 very simple you attack the queen  the knight blocks and then you drop back and   you kind of say all right your knight's a little  bit dumb there and it's kind of trapped but black   says no it's not it can just go back because again  this pin and black has a lead in development and   actually what's interesting about this position is  that and magnus carlsen actually himself said this   during the live commentary which he is a part of  that as wild and wacky as this position is because   you know both sides are castled on opposite  sides black's king looks far superior in safety   to uh to white's king and that's because all these  pawns have been pushed it looks like you can you   know be really in danger here magnus himself said  this is actually a well-known draw which is mildly   depressing but that's why i'm showing this game  first why is it a well-known draw well because   after rook 2 e8 targeting the center pawn white  just goes queen f3 white gets out of this pin   uh and uh sidesteps but this pawn once this knight  gets out of the way can't really be defended so   what you do is you just go here you give away  the center pawn but you go knight to f6 and   the trade that you've made is that this rook is  hanging but again because you've pushed all these   pawns in front of your king the queen you allow  the queen to to come and bully you and the game   ends in repetition i know right the candidates  why is the game ending in rep like what is this   but hey i gotta serve you an appetizer okay it's  like you know you go to a nice chinese restaurant   uh that's i ate at one two days ago so i'm making  this analogy i ate some chilled cucumbers you know   was a really tasty sauce wasn't anything complex  was it worth 18 i don't know probably not uh but   that's you know a story for another video and he  took the rook and after a little bit of hoopla   this night kind of you know it's like you can't  take it because then again you get checkmated   and uh repeating just with perpetual check  is better than getting checkmated welcome to   gotham chess recaps i know you missed that and the  game ends in a draw all right they repeat moves   you know do i love starting the video with  this no but i have to show it right i mean   i can't disrespect the players but what's weird  about this is that dingley wren is struggling he   is at the bottom of the standings going into this  round he's got two and a half points out of seven   and now he's only got three so it's weird like i  thought wang how would come in guns blazing you   know wang how's like you know kind of middle  of the pack a win or two gets them to the top   this was weird i mean a year for this i i don't  know but anyway we've got three other games and   the good news is that we are getting right into  the meat of the action we've got yandere pomnicchi   the white pieces these guys have played each other  non-stop because in 2020 they've been playing a   lot of these online events so they've played each  other a ton yawn begins with e4 it's a top-level   game ladies and gentlemen take your pick and then  each gear he plays the sicilian defense but sharks   literally all living beings and plays knight  c6 that's hyperbole but he has the night of   repertoire right and each gear literally published  the repertoire uh it's expensive don't get it get   my courses instead um he published this repertoire  uh and he doesn't play it he plays knight c6 but   that is the other very trendy mainline variation  at the top level right now the rossolimo which was   not played in this game and d4 and the svesnikov  sicilian with the two knights and then e7 to e5   very trendy there's a lot of engine back  preparation let's get down and dirty so we   have knight to b5 this is the main line we have  d6 occupying the d6 square so that the knight   can obviously not go in and now white has two  main lines bishop to g5 and probably the more   modern twist which is seven knight d5 but we  get bishop to g5 now you kick out the knight   and you threaten to fork them nepo stunningly  doesn't blunder that uh now we have bishop to   e7 takes takes and again a big branch here for  white on move 11 do you play c3 or do you play c4   i cannot speak to the current popularity because  i don't touch this with white or with black   okay so i i don't go anywhere near this it  smells bad c3 and his idea is that he's going   to play knight back to c2 rotate to the middle  and the imbalance inherently of the sveshnikov   is the fact that black has pushed a ton of pawns  okay black has space but when you push a lot of   pawns you really lock that structure forever  uh you have space but you know i dominate the   light squares in the middle of the board white  has three pieces that fight for light squares   black has two this bishop doesn't fight for light  squares news flash only fights for dark squares   but that's why in a lot of positions it  goes to g5 it will go there in a few moves   and try to fight for the entire diagonal on  its own so we're literally going to see that   in a few moves there it is and now nepo has a  big choice here as well and he plays g3 and h4   and he just isolates the bishop over on h6  he says look that's great but it's all air   i mean if i just play around the bishop  it doesn't really matter and what he   wants to do is suppress the movement of black's  queenside black needs to mobilize with the pawns   and that's why a3 and a5 are played i mean this  is how the top guys play it's the little nuances   and the one thing you're constantly monitoring  in these positions is whether or not black can   successfully play the move f5 as well like  whether or not that's a good or a bad move   if it's not a good move then you need to get rid  of this knight maybe target it with the bishop   maybe rotate the knight back this way or i'll just  shut up and i'll let anish show you how to do it   but i should also just include the fact that at  this point no known moves anymore after queen to   d3 whether this was inspiration over the board i  don't quite know how long nepo spent on this move   um actually according to my i think i do see  it but maybe not uh i believe he spent some   time on this move so queen to d3 uh in fact it  literally says that yeah he spent 10 minutes   on this move i think i think i think that's  correct the time stamp knight to e7 knight to e3   remember white has an outpost square in the  center of the board they want to dominate   that square and stockpile pressure on the sponsor  what does an each gear do he chucks that bishop   because it's important and now we get knight  back why would you do that why wouldn't you   just stick with the queen here's why because if  you take with the queen this trade is a blessing   it's a blessing for the black pieces because now  a pawn stands there there is no pressure you've   blocked your own position ladies and gentlemen  what was the move that i said that black wants   to play were you paying attention f5 and now this  doofus hasn't developed any of his pieces and he's   gonna get overrun in the center of the board  gary's gonna shred it open so for that reason   nepo doesn't do that he backs up and he maintains  control and maintains his pressure sometimes in   chess you got to take a step back to take  two steps forwards in chess and in life   so we have bishop to e6 and now a big fight  ensues for the d5 square we have rook to b6   a move that looks dumb but i promise it's not it  serves the purpose of defending the pawn bishop to   h3 a peculiar move but with the intended purpose  of trading this bishop and winning control over   d5 so what does black do it's like they're playing  tag you know i'ma get you uh uh uh no you're not   so now they're request to move and queen to c7  castles rook b8 rook c1 let's bring the rooks   rook to c6 clearly anish is on the verge of  making something happen on the side of the board   bishop to g4 h6 surely he's on the oh  okay oh oh what no no hey oh they repeated   like just when we got going folks just when we  got going magnus carlson said uh again you know   he was there he said there there he said that  if you could make him list like 10 different   things to do in this position rather than repeat  moves you know he would be sitting there for an   hour talk he said there's not enough time in the  world to list all the things he would rather do   in this position than repeat moves i'm  paraphrasing but that's basically what he said   because the position is so full of life now if  you ask me what to do in this position i'ma say   just hit up my my friend magnus who plays  this position with black all the time   because he plays the smashing cough but  there's a lot of life here so the decision   makes sense theoretically for both players why  nepo is leading the tournament so half a point   he stays up top now he doesn't know what's  gonna happen on the other on the other board but   uh for a niche draw with black relatively  effortless draw with black right   so he maintains in the race and he can win  with the white pieces which is sort of again   the meta at the same time you could say what the  heck like they're okay all right whatever i mean   but here's the good news ladies and gentlemen  we're done with draws for the rest of the day   drop out of art school it's game number three  kiril alexienko now the one drawback of this game   is the fact that these guys are not in contention  going into this round carrillo alexienko has two   and a half out of seven greece shook us three and  a half out of seven after drawing the first seven   rounds in 2020. uh and grishik also was on record  back when that was going on saying you know it's a   really depressing atmosphere here everyone's like  in a mask you can't leave your hotel room because   you know covet started in well covet started and  the candidates started like right around the same   time um at least you know as a main as it pertains  to russia so now we're back there's more energy e4   and e6 the french defense okay d4 d5 knight to  c3 this is known as the classical french black   has a big option here go into the rubinstein  play into the queen hour or play the classical   so we have knight f6 this is known as the stein  it's variation where black absorbs the lack of   space but fights back with the smooth c5 and  knight c6 many games haven't played in this   position i myself have played this with black many  times bishop to e3 c takes d4 queen to b6 again   very standard and black wants to go here and white  allows it why because black will lose precious   time keep that move in mind because it might look  familiar a little bit later rook to b1 queen a3   and essentially what white is saying is like  bro i i don't care about this pawn uh i have an   active rook uh and i have all my pieces out like  i'm gonna develop my final piece like right now   maybe yeah how did gotham know that um and now  you know what's gonna happen is your queen's a   little bit stupid like it's just made like way too  many moves and it's gonna be a permanent target   and as you see from the opening he wins back the  pawn anyway and now grisham plays queen to h4   so the idea of this move is that you either have  to retreat or make a weakness of the light squares   so the queen will hang out near your king and that  doesn't look very nice um so i mean maybe he will   also just go back and argue that okay you've  weakened your light source i don't know what   he would have done but that is not what happened  alexianco trades the queens okay what do we have   we have an endgame we have an end game we have  two rooks bishop knight versus bishop bishop and   six pawns each who is better and why how do you  evaluate this number one material equal number two   um you know after you count material  it's king safety i it looks like   white's king is a little bit we like not so  safe because it's out in the open but like   which of these rooks is gonna jump  over everybody to it like no one right   so i would actually argue white's king is a  little bit safer because at least you're like   targeting a piece near the king and then peace  activity in space and white is winning on both   of those fronts because you're not gonna tell  me this bishop's anything i mean it's staring at   nothing and this bishop is taking away squares  from the opponent you're about to open up the   double rooks so white is a little bit better  bishop to e7 knight back to d1 now that's a   strange move this to me looks so natural i would  play it without even hesitating but that's why i'm   sitting in a chair in a crazy looking jacket with  bad hair and these guys are playing in the most   important tournament of the year so well the world  championship but that's not really a tournament   but that's later this year so knight to d1 he's  trying to reroute his knight back into the center   okay that's fair bishop to d8 knight e3 bishop  c6 let's not hang a rook why rook b2 because he   wants the rook behind it he doesn't go all the  way back rook b2 now bishop c5 a little tickling   wants to get the rook to move the rook does move  now he plays c4 c4 is an interesting move because   why would you open your opponent's bishop right  well i think what alexianco is saying here is that   i dominate the queenside your bishops are  theoretically great but you're really not   going to tell me this bishop is doing anything  even remotely useful are you kidding me what is   this bishop doing except getting in the way  the rooks it's like the kid that's walking   under the parents feet like where are you going  to put this bishop where are you going to put   this bishop so in all end games i'm i'm i have  a lingering threat of getting in and taking   something and all i need is one pawn then i have  an advantage so we get f6 grishak says aye you   want to open the position let's open the whole  thing up except he probably said it more like   i mean okay you want to open up the position i  mean okay he takes g5 so now we have bishop d6   this takes away bishop to b8 right rook to b8 i  should say takes away anything coming here in the   future so this completely dominated now by white  and it defends e5 and kind of reneging on this   you can't open up your bishop so easily so pawn  takes pawn takes and d4 krishna says you know what   i am going to open up my bishop but your pawn's  a little bit weak on knight to f5 he goes after   it d3 it's like he's playing tag with his pawn  now you can't yeah oh no all right active king   now we get bishop to b5 although the computer  here suggests a very funny move which is d2   and uh it's just arguing that like the bishop  now can i i don't know it's a computer i don't   i don't care what it thinks bishop b5 king to  e4 so alexienko has won the mini game of king of   the hill he's made us he's made his king access  these four squares and he he wins at least this   one rook to c8 very complex end game very complex  but grieschuk is finding his way but the thing   is now both players have a pass pawn so now we  have knight to d4 bishop c4 and rook to d1 he's   brought his rook he's targeting the pawn on d3 a  few waiting moves rook to b7 bishop to f6 knight   to f3 it's a little bit of shuffling also keep in  mind it's about it's it's it's nearing mu 40 so   they need that bonus time they don't have a lot of  time on the clock right so at this point you need   to get that extra time so you can actually think  and come up with something he just sacked the rook   he he didn't have he didn't have enough of one  rook hanging so he had to say what the what big   decision by alexianco very bold decision he gets a  bishop and a pawn for his rook and he's basically   saying hey i have a pr i have a pass pawn i have  more i i have more fire power to play with here so   let's go right so we have a4 knight back to d2 and  now it's move 40. move 40. we have bishop and pawn   for a rook is the balance but this pawn will never  be a problem the bishop is perfectly spaced out   and now white is going to slowly try to  push forward while not losing any of their   pawns and let's see if alexander is able to do  that king 2e3 disallowing the rook by the way   he he couldn't take it because you can't hang  your king like literally you it won't let you   so king e3 rookie 8 and now king f4 little  reroute okay rook to a8 defending the pawn   rook to b4 threatening an infiltration rook  two a7 stopping that infiltration king to e4   he wants to just bring everybody if this pawn  gets to e7 it's a big problem and probably if   you just make all this disappear i'll win this  pawn like i'll get my king there and i'll win the   pawn then i'll probably be winning in the end  game so greasy shook has a lot to worry about   here but maybe it's defendable maybe bishop to b4  rook c7 wants to double up king to d5 rook to c2   but now e6 now alexianco has made some progress  while understanding the calculated risk of   potentially losing his pawns king to f6 up  rook b7 we've infiltrated on the back rank   g5 okay sacrificing a pawn but he's getting one  for himself king to d6 this is move 52 move 60   they get a little bit more time rook comes back  to h3 g4 rook to e3 he's rotated his rook around   now krishna's got to be careful he's got i mean  it's a constant threat here takes another pawn   now we ca we go king first rook's gotta move  or get guarded it gets guarded but now we push   okay now we have rook to e8 now bishop d6 that  does two things stop this pawn and threaten to   potentially infiltrate and glue together with  the pawn on the back rank uh oh rook to g8 now   i believe machine shows that you can play like  king f5 here although again on on depth uh low   depth i would be you know and the idea is that  bishop to d8 you can like bring your rook think   my analysis was like first of all you can give  a check so i guess you can't rush with this   and then if bishop c7 you just go back and if  i give you like check on e5 you just you just   basically hang around you just threaten to maybe  come forward and push this pawn but what grisha   does is in the game he puts the rook on the wrong  side is what he did he put his rook on the wrong   side and here you can promote but after takes  takes maybe there i don't like maybe you can   play like rook h3 and try to promote your pawn  it's chaos but we got rookie four he doesn't   even promote he doesn't even promote so it was  a disaster here and he just goes for this pawn   instead he doesn't promote yet he says that  pawn's not going anywhere let me take the a4   pawn instead so we have king to h4 now rookie four  now he's threatening to promote and pushes a pawn   and so we get a4 a5 and now this is a serious  problem because you've wha you've lost two pawns   you that a pawn is is uh is a constant threat  now and uh we're getting to to move 70 now   alexianco obviously doesn't go for a repetition  of moves this pawn has now lost its guard but   don't get taken with check do not get taken  with check instead that disconnecting move king to f5 takes takes and king f8 and i'm  promoting way before you're making a queen   and alexander grieschuk resigns that was an  exceptional game by alexienko i cannot give   him enough props beautiful game beautiful game i  mean took the calculated risk when it was there   the sacrifice of the rook to have that practical  winning chance with the pawn and bishop all the   pieces centralized and the most instructive  moment of that game was honestly how strong oop   i apologize how strong a pawn is in the end game  when he makes this sacrifice like this is crazy   how bad a rook can be against an active piece  with a pawn and all the pieces pushing forward   amazing game i mean he doesn't need to hear it  from me but amazing game he should be very proud   and now ladies and gentlemen if you skipped ahead  in the video i commend you because this game is a   gym this is one of the greatest games ever i mean  this is like like honestly so thank you for making   it 21 minutes into the video i hope you're ready i  just served you a lot of appetizers but this is uh   this is the peking duck which is what i ate at  that chinese restaurant i keep making references   to that restaurant it was very tasty fabiano  carawana versus mvl mvl type for first four and   a half out of seven fabiano caruana one point  at first a win for fabiano will either tie him   for first or no because nepo drew sorry i already  spoiled that for you but he's gonna get damn close   they've had a year to prepare for  this game mvl plays one opening   against e4 and that opening is the sicilian is he  going to play it and that opening is the night or   sicilian is he going to play it oh baby they have  had a year and a month to prepare for this game   let's see what happens what is the most critical  line you're going to play against the night or   bishop to g5 critical e6 f4 queen b6 main line mvl  says i'm not interested in the knight d7 nonsense   give me the b2 pawn if you've never heard about  this it's called poison pawn variation if you have   heard about it bobby fischer used to love this bad  boy modern engines just go out for a smoke break   when faced with the poison pawn variation  all these guys have these server rooms of   prep behind them we have queen to d2 queen b2 all  main line rook b1 queen goes out to a3 and now e5   wine also can play f5 these are the two  breaks but we get e5 h6 counter-attacking   the bishop bishop backs up rather than taking  the knight we have takes takes knight d7 and   now white plays this move knight e4 again um  you need to be prepped because no human being   plays well i mean if you're a grandmaster maybe  but i'm saying most people watching my videos   aren't grandmasters because first of all if you're  if you're watching this and you're a grandmaster   what the hell are you doing like go for a walk  surely you don't get enjoyment out of these   videos you just watch this like i can't believe  this guy has a channel this big i deserve but   anyway knight to e4 queen takes a2 rook to d1  queen d5 and black is coming back for a third pawn   this is not for the faint of heart we have queen  to e3 queen takes e5 and ladies and gentlemen in   this position a move is played more than  any other and that move is bishop to e2   bombiano carawana plays a move in this position  pawn to c3 he did not invent this move if you   look at the database there's 14 games ever  played however the highest rated player to   ever play this is 2000 which means that fanbiano  caruana is blazing new theory and all those games   were played in what's known as correspondence  chess nobody ever played this over the board   it's only in games that you go by email  or something so they've had it worked out   and black plays bishop to c5 essentially  white sacrifices three pawns and says and   make a move well one of the things that black can  do here is play bishop to e7 i don't dare analyze   this with my engine i have a peasant computer  and black plays a modified bomb cloud and keeps   the king in the center surely fabiano had this  prepared mvl fought for a while and played bishop   to c5 we get bishop to g3 attacking the queen  forcing it to go here and according to my database   every game i saw went like this bishop d6 bishop  takes d6 knight to b5 attacking the queen queen   takes king takes and the bishop e5 and i saw some  other games i saw some some other stupid stuff   but all correspondence fabiano caruana plays  history a move that has never been played before   in this position and that move is a modified  idea of bishop to d6 bishop to c4 fabiano caruana   hangs a bishop he is now down six points of  material in the first 18 moves of this damn game   the machine on thinks this is losing  for white it's like minus two you let it think   it's like nah it's equal and now bishop d6  and black is in a state of paralysis because   the threat is you cannot take i'm threatening to  take you and go knight d6 i'm also threatening to   hit you on this side of the board because  you can't guard that position you can't move   so mdl fought forever and played knight to f6  the computer tries to analyze this move bishop   takes d4 again i don't know what fabi worked  out here it looks very human to play this move   but you can apparently also go here setting up  the thread of rook to c1 which is just ridiculous   queen d5 and bring the bishop back and try to get  knight to d6 i somehow believe in this less but it   doesn't matter what i believe because my engine is  at depth 23 and this guy's had a year to prepare   but mvl plays knight to f6 and what this move does  it gives away the bishop but lets you go knight d5   and rook g8 and take on c3 it's the most important  thing mvl went for a position to get out of his   opponent's preparation just so he could take a  queen trade and then fabiano sacrificed the piece   in his face which i think mvl expected all part  of his prep knight e6 you're on the verge of death   what do you do you trade queens it's a check and  now you trade the queens but look at this it's not   over oh the chaos is not over knight c7 check king  to f7 rook to d3 attacking the knight and when the   knight moves out to hit the bishop you don't  take the rook short castle move 27 with check where are floppy's pieces where are his pieces  where are they he has no pieces left and then   finally he takes the rook and the count of  material here is rook versus knight and two   pawns now practically speaking this position is  a nightmare for black to play because you're two   pawns how are you ever going to move them you have  to move them if you move one you weaken the other   and in the end game it's all about which  trade you want right so we have knight here   and now knight b6 and now a big question do  you let me trade or do you move your bishop   and he allowed the trade to happen and then got  out and basically the bishop is better than the   knights in the end game because the bishop has a  laser beam effect they can see the other side of   the board the knights are clumsy they need to  stay close to things or else they're unguarded   right so we get rook to c7 rook to f4 now the  knight has to get out and now again machine   still thinks it's equal it doesn't it doesn't  quite understand how difficult this position   is practically for a human to play and so  now mvl makes kind of a very very first   slight i don't know if it's inaccuracy but he  splits his pawns but nbl's logic is it's equal   i will defend this position but that's all a human  needs is weaknesses h4 the idea of this move take   a little bit of space maybe kick the king back  now the way you win this keep at least one pawn   at a certain moment a rook trade is going to  be good at a certain moment it won't be good h5   so he's made mbl commit to that structure now  rook to g3 and now rook to g5 utilizing the   pin to go for the h5 pawn envio plays check the  king moves and knight to g6 little clumsy here   rook is hanging that pawn's under pressure so we  get rook back to f2 knight h4 rook h5 i told you   that fabiano carowanna needs one pun king and rook  versus king and knight is a draw it's a draw but   but with a pawn and whichever pawn it  ends up being it's a major difference   so we have knight back to g6 brook  to h7 check king e6 rook takes b7   and now knight to e5 centralizing rook  here and rook here and mvl says let's trade fabi thinks for a while and says you know what  that might be my best chance to win this game   now ladies and gentlemen there is something in  the chess world called a table base a table basis   any position with seven pieces six pieces or less  that is soft doesn't matter there's seven pieces   on the board for either side it's soft it takes  many many terabytes of space some of you can tell   me the exact amount we don't have eight yet but  the table bases were saying that this position   is a draw if black defense perfectly fabiano  caruana invented theory went down six points   of material in the first 19 moves was an hour  up on the clock just to get to a horrifically   difficult end game to defend which objectively is  a draw but we're not we're not we're not computers   let the fun begin king to g3 king to f7 only move  only move to draw this is the only move according   to the table based to draw don't ask me why  it also doesn't matter just enjoy the show   rook to c2 knight to b4 rook to d2 some of  the more advanced players will actually find   the beauty of analyzing these end games i'm an  international master analyzing these end games   make gives me diarrhea i'm not gonna lie route  knight to c6 king to f4 now the game plan here   for caruana don't trade pawns infiltrate on  one of the sides with your rook and your king   dominate the enemy knight win this pawn okay let's  see king to g6 rook to d6 attacking the knight   and now picking up the pawn and now we have our  model end game king and rook and pawn king knight   and pawn all it takes is one pawn and notice  how he hasn't pushed it and the craziest part   is had he pushed it once it would have been a draw  had he pushed it twice it would have been a draw   isn't that crazy you see this pin and you're like  oh g4 g5 i'm so smart nope nope keep it at bay   goes king e4 knight to h6 rook rook a5 okay  rook a3 king to f4 he's finding his moment   he's trying to take squares away from the  knight rook to g3 check and now king to e4   this pay attention to the g file the knight  comes back now here i believe they repeated   once or twice it's very tough to say with all the  repetitions they got this position a second time   three position repetition is a draw if on move  61 66 and 70 you have the exact same position   it's a draw you don't have to repeat three times  in a row i bet you didn't know that king to f4 and   finally he triangulates look at what he does look  what his king does he moves the king in a way like   that that whoop that that that to get this  position and now back and now this is an   improvement rook h3 and now he's going to get in  black has to stomp the infiltration and now we get   rook to a3 threatening to come from the other side  and black is going to run out of moves black has a   circuit of moves that he can play king f7 king  g6 knight h6 knight e7 he cannot come further   because white is going to be able to infiltrate  on either of these sides with the constant threat   of infiltrating down the right side or around the  back so we have king back and around these moments   the game was fluctuating there were moves where  it was back to a draw according to the table base   but again it's a disaster it's a disaster dealing  with this and finally he got the setup move the   king in front of your rook here's the problem  knight to e7 if the king goes to g7 you play   check here and the most beautiful at point take  here here and this is winning the king and pawn   end game is winning it's winning because the king  is dominated and then and only then you bring the   pawn it's gonna take you 75 moves to move your  final pawn but it's winning this is beautiful   chess this is beautiful chess i mean it's just  incredible it's mind-blowing watching this 70   moves and that the final pawn is going to win  you the game so for that reason we got knight   to e7 but now the king is coming and now yes you  have knight to f5 for example or knight to d5   but um it's not good enough it's not good  enough and now he plays g4 why is g4 winning now   because king tweet well for example let's just  say black played like knight to e7 king to h6   and now the f5 square has been taken away and  king is coming to g7 so for example let's say   uh king e5 uh let's say i go back to f2 i'm just  waiting i don't want your king to hit me pawn to   f5 just g5 i hope you guys are very clear on that  knight to d5 for instance i think you can just go   king g7 and black is out of moves for example  king e6 you have check the pawn takes away the   f5 square king has to go and now rook d2 and you  take you take and you promote you have to simplify   that's the beauty of this game is that you have  to simplify it's all about that that moment where   you sacrifice and um while the pawn finally pushed  king to e5 and king to g6 and in this position mvl   resigned because he's out of moves knight to f4  is not when you sacrifice because then you would   lose your pawn if knight to f4 happened we would  have gotten the most beautiful position king f7   and now it's over because king to e4 you can  probably go back to either of these two squares   and now black is out of moves for example king  here then you would give a check take this and   it's over if the knight moves anywhere now and  only now you take take take here and it comes down   to one square and ladies and gentlemen that was  the conclusion of the final game incredible huh   you're glad you stayed for 34 minutes oh my gosh  what did they have chest that first game took two   minutes to analyze now we should obviously look  at the standings the standings after eight rounds   nepo with five and fabiano carawan and  maxima shayla grove knocking on that door   but fabi with a massive win over mvl massive  massive massive win because that helps us tie   breaks if it ever comes down to it tomorrow we  have fabiano going up against alexianco i believe   uh all of the matchups for tomorrow i can pull  up here on my screen yeah caruana alexienko   nepo grishook wang hao anish giri and mvl vs  dingley ren it has been an absolute honor it's   a pleasure as always and i will see you all very  very soon take care candidates are back baby
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 349,814
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Keywords: fide, fide chess, candidates, chess candidates, fide candidates, fide candidates 2021, candidates 2021, 2021 candidates, chess 24, chess24, chess24 candidates, candidates chess, crestbrook, candidates live, candidates tournament, candidates tournament 2021, chesscom, chesscom candidates, candidates chesscom, candidates 2021 live, fide candidates live,, candidates, chess candidates 2020, candidates tournament 2020, chessbase india, gothamchess
Id: K-wuZ64XVhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 18sec (2118 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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