How To Win At Chess, Episode 7 (Elo 900-1700)

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welcome to how to win a chess episode 7 a  series where i take on my twitch subscribers   in 10 minute games i go up the rating ladder  i walk you through the opening the middle game   and the end game episodes six seven and eight  of this series are going to be sponsored by   surf shark so first i'm going to tell you about  them and then we will get to the games surf shark   is a vpn or a virtual private network which  allows you to encrypt your connection to the   internet so that you can browse it privately and  anonymously we edit this part in by the way so   i'm wearing something different sorry a vpn is  great if you travel for business or pleasure   you'll be able to access certain websites abroad  that might be restricted otherwise you can also   log into sensitive portals like bank accounts  without any concern if you're just a regular user   at home you can access certain streaming websites  like hulu or netflix and get catalogs that are not   available in every single country also using a  vpn could allow you to avoid ads if you select   the right countries but i probably shouldn't  tell you that we can just edit this part out   and the best part unlimited devices not three not  five not ten unlimited something that other vpns   cannot promise you you interested in surf shark  take a look at the link in the description below   use the promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off  and three free months that comes out to 2.49 and   if you hate it you got 30 days to get your money  back let's get back to the video let's play e4 play e4 d6 okay two pawns in the center we don't  know what they're going to play yet probably   knight f6 this is generally like a pierce defense  modern defense uh you can play this the way i   would recommend playing against any opening where  there is a dark square bishop appearing on g7   so that means like knight c3 for example  bishop e3 queen d2 and castle now we   see this position happening from various  londons as well like with the bishop on f4 this comes out here we know that  f3 is a very flexible move this   stops the knight from coming  to g4 defended by the bishop   and queen d2 with bishop h6 ideas this is  this is this is currently the game plan thank you over pizza yeah if you've missed the  chess cheaters exposed video very fun video uh good way to kind of identify what folks are  are doing that's that's good and bad so it's   a good move uh fighting for the center  immediately can just cancel queen side   here is what i would recommend the thing is  d5 closing the center right away i'm actually   not playing for a very specific reason if my  opponent goes knight to h5 and tries to play   the move f5 which is exactly the way you're  supposed to play the king's indian i'm doing   something here in the middle called keeping the  tension if pawn takes i'll take with the bishop   maybe no queen takes is not good  because we don't want to get lined up uh but i had a lot of options okay and my  opponent missed my backup idea which was just this   pieces on opposite sides of the  board there's just pawn takes e5 and uh now there's an issue so you know queen on  queen and d8 is not is not guarded yeah we were   in in this cheater exposed video  well i don't want to spoil it but   let's put it this way you can you can  figure out who's cheating against you and   then also how to beat them so breaking  their strategy so first of all you can   get tunnel vision here uh and take the pawn  but actually this knight has no way home   and if we play g4 don't we just win the  night we're seeing in a lot of the how   to win it chess series that and thank you for  the membership upgrade by the way remember if   you you're interested in uh enjoying  for all the you know library of lessons then uh i have a referral code is the way this  works so you can support me and and improve your   own chess so uh we've been beating up a lot of  kings indians a lot of uh this kind of knight f6   g6 bishop g7 set up and i feel like it's been  it's been very helpful to continue with h4h5   this is a hanging pawn but it opens up my rook if  if my opponent takes it it activates my rook so   sorry not not a referral code necessarily  it's just a link it's like the referral   id so if you click on any of the links  they have my id in it ultimately on the   upgrading i'm not saying you have to i'm just  saying if you want to that's one way to do it   so h4 i'm thinking h5 also thinking  bishop here defended by my pawn here thank you el queso el queso donating 10  what that is the whole point of this battery   queen and bishop together on  the same diagonal is a battery how do you remove the music from  youtube audio microphone on track 1 and   music on track 4 and only  select track one later hg yeah the uh the escalated quickly post was  was hysterical i mean i people gotta just   be in general a little bit less angry about  everything i feel like it's just it's very   it's very bad it's very bad for your health we  just have mate queen had queen h7 both mate um   this was a nice way to show how to defeat the  pierce defense kings indian setup e5 actually   is a good move now here uh the best move  for me to play is actually to take this pawn   and then like castle or trade queens for example  i'm trading queens right away is not great because   i can't castle my king now but for example if  i do this i mean it's a game of chess white is   a little bit better white is a little bit better  here uh because okay my friends who are confused   this is the link join there you go so this is a  little bit better for white because the bishop is   blocked by the pawn and i have a very stable and  solid center and a little bit more development   if in this position i had played d5 the best move  for my opponent would be something like knight h5   and f5 and i can play a move like g4 but then it  gets very wild so for example something like this you know and and i can i can win a pawn  but this bishop just becomes an absolute   you know god on g7 absolute god like way too  strong i mean look i have a bunch of pawns   on light squares so of course the bishop  on g7 is not counterbalanced by anybody   and that is why in the game blundering this is  we see this all the time so black has to be very   careful here uh the way you prepare against an  opponent's long castle is you play c6 or a6 c6   long castles b5 talked about this a lot you want  to play this with black you have to play c6 b5   uh and uh this is the way you prepare against  somebody who is going to try to castle this way   everything else was pretty self-explanatory  nick meson nick mason let's go 1180 e4 i'm gonna go uh e5 standard stuff  knight c6 bishop c4 what are we gonna   get or scotch scotch okay so again scotch of  course take of course take knight d4 now uh   well there's an extremely tricky line  against the scotch but there's a lot   of good ways so bishop c5 is a mainline  move bishop c5 bishop e3 and then queen f6   there is also the immediate very tricky  move queen to h4 there is also knight to f6   right away uh i don't know i mean it's a it's a  big choice i can also play queen f6 immediately   uh i i should we should we teach you the main line  or the tricky line let's teach you the tricky line   yeah queen h4 super aggressive tricky system  if opponent knows what he's doing or checks the   database i will get a very unpleasant position  however the move that white has to know here is basically impossible to figure out unless  you've played it before or you know you've   a second monitor so queen h4 is super  tricky uh the trick is to take the pawn   to take the pawn on e4 so for example  knight c6 is met with queenie for check   need for check and you pick up the pod knight c3  is the best move and now you play bishop before so the knight is now pinned very very  annoying position for white the knight   is now pinned if bishop d2 three horse if queen  d3 development is stuck if knight takes c6 now   queen takes c4 check and they  cannot take because of the pin   and you're going to win back the horsey and  you've won a pawn so you're up a pawn on move six   actually can i even go here i don't  think so i think there's bishop f3 so   this is still not a threat uh we can take  if you want but queen c6 is more than okay   thinking dc6 castle now let's uh  let's let's not do anything too insane let's think about this for a sec so if i take  castle this is a bad move queen g2 because   bishop f3 is super strong that's why that would be  a mistake and then our piece gets trapped in there let's go check thank you blue thank  you thank you thank you so we're   gonna take and we're gonna do this so  the night is no longer threatening us   uh and uh okay big thought here by my  opponent but opponent has to go here what that was a very long thought for no reason  so take or take or take which way are we taking   really the question here is uh how to get  our king to safety that's really the question so if i play bc6 the thing is a  couple of moves are about to happen   so here's what's gonna happen bishop so opponent  is gonna castle and then go here and then put play   rookie one so three moves are about to happen i  basically need to be ready to meet those moves   so for example castles knight f6 is terrible for  me uh because rookie one is also coming after that right so queen is hitting the pawn but as i've  said there is bishop f3 which defends   the rook defended by the bishop and hits the queen so something like this now  i'm thinking bishop here i like this a lot bishop here   to block the e file i kind of like this can  someone tell me if this is going on youtube or not   i don't know have i put all the other  episodes of win at chess up on youtube why not just the queen well if we  move the queen in this position   then rookie won and it's really hard to defend  our king if we play knight e7 let's not forget   the bishop can come and attack us so it's a  little bit of a dangerous variation for black   right a little bit dangerous variation for  black but we're pawn up and we are just   going to have to defend ourselves a little  bit carefully but i think we should be fine   no no no no no no no no no no no no too slow  and we can't castle by the way because it's   it's this no but this is too slow no this is too  slow no no no no too slow too slow too slow too   slow too slow of a move too slow instructive  but too slow too slow if anything if anything   the bishop going to a three is better because  at least it has control of the full diagonal   but no too slow i'm a little bit disappointed  but that's okay that's why that's why we do this   this series that's why we do the series it's too  slow guys bishop f3 that that is a better move   definitely definitely a better move uh but now i  have time you know you gave me time this bishop   maybe i go queen a4 i just completely kill  your dreams of ever putting a bishop on a3   i don't want to put my queen anywhere it can be  a target and i don't want to go here trading the   queen because that's how you lose a queen uh  so candidates i don't want to go here because   g3 i don't want to go here because g3 so i  can go here here here and here four moves honestly i think stopping bishop here is  the most important thing you know because   right now i'm a move away from castling  this is a nice move and it looks like it   everyone's always going to  be thinking what can i attack   but it's about stopping their plan because if you  go to g6 you know what's gonna happen my friends   you know what happens if you go to g6 you're  like oh i'm here you go to g6 they play bishop   a3 you are never castling you are never castling  everyone's out here like queen g6 bishop h3 and   and okay here and here and are you even  threatening mate the bishop is protecting   the bishop to a3 prevents the king from oh  and by the way look at this bishop c4 pins   the queen to the rook but the rook is gonna give  a check do not be selfish everyone's like i want   to do this and this and then yeah you want you  want to buy a house where's the money i want to   buy this and this and where's the money show  me the money now okay now we're in business   now we're in business now we're in  business now we can talk let's talk now   as khabib said when he was on top of conor and  punching him in the face hey hey let's talk now   let's talk let's talk now rook d8 now we're in  business once we get the king to safety we good   we good everything's all right this bishop is out  of the game but the pawns are now going to be our   targets queen goes to e3 we're gonna pick up this  pawn we can't pick that pawn but we have bishop c4   which we have now we didn't have it before but  bishop c4 now queen cannot stay protecting this   because the rook covers all of this and if  the queen goes here we take so now our queen   is going to sneak in we're doing damage  that's what we're doing we're doing damage   that's how you pronounce it damage  damage that sounds like a japanese word yes why not put the f rook to d8 in this  position because this root gets blocked   great question how do you decide where to put  the rooks you anticipate which where is the game   going to be open if the bishop moves the e and  d files are open so if you put your a rook here   in the future you will move your effort here if  you move this rook to d8 what the hell about what   what about this guy it's like you lock your little  brother in a room and you just hold the door shut   you know don't do that and now it's all part of  the plan queen takes c2 very nice and by the way   who's protecting this bishop so with this we went  upon what the bishop goes here so it's actually   not it might not even be so perfect because  then i have to move my rook and it's guarded   but it could have been could have been  unpleasant so we have to go here i think right   you know i'm starting to think winning this pawn  wasn't even such a good idea because there is this   maybe i should have continued well then i  can take it's we're winning all the pawns but not so simple a little bit tricky  position you would rather have a   rook than a little brother i can't say  that because i have a 13 year old brother but here here but take it's this and attacks this and  protects this he protect actually she protect   she attack but most important she eats snack  everybody she eats snack and stay hydrated hey gotham when is it worth trading queens uh  if you're up a lot of materials simplifying   the queens down uh if you're under attack  trading the queen is good uh if it damages   your opponent's pawn structure if it improves your  pawn structure very difficult to live your life   with these big concepts i hate that i hate when  i get into a lesson and the first thing i hear is   i don't like to trade my queen what first of  all no one asked okay if the best move in the   position is to trade the queens you're gonna  trade the queens i don't care now the fact   that this bishop is protected is an illusion  let me take you through this thought process   you go whoa that's attacking everything i have to  move my rook hold on wait a second what rook e7   because in this position my queen is hitting  both rooks which means they defend each other   which means that if i play the move rook takes  bishop this rook no longer will defend the rook   in the corner you don't always need to play  the move where you rely on defense at least   ask yourself if you can play this move  in another position this move will be bad   but this can you go knight d5 good question knight  d5 hits the bishop but then there is bishop takes   d5 here's bishop takes d5 and then you maybe maybe  you move your rook out of the way sure knight d5   also would have been possible but it wouldn't have  been as good as this this is not mate because the   opponent doesn't have to take if they take sure  they take sure yes yes well they didn't move   their rook out of the way now my rook comes in and  takes everybody now do not get tunnel vision and   do some crazy things like this some guy asked  about a queen trade we're up a lot of material   so just for that guy i'm gonna trade  the queens i think my opponent will   uh realize that i just hung my okay well i just  totally hung a bishop i was just a free bishop   i was just really i really wanted to trade  queens and i forgot my bishop could be taken   but we can force a queen trade like this so that  yeah all of this uh you know instructive content   and then i just hang a bishop for free i mean it  happens that's why you tune in for entertainment   uh and now the rest of the  game i will go like this   except not actually correct do not get tunnel  vision and then i got tunnel vision there but   but see now you get to watch me make  mistakes that i'm trying to teach   because they're very easy to make especially i  mean you get lazy you get a big material advantage   a lot of people for some reason think that in in  series like this the point is for me to show you   i'm so good and that's why you watch which is  not the point at all literally it could not be   further from the truth i understand my place on  earth when it comes to chess i get comments like   that sometimes like why do you do stuff like  this it's what are you trying to accomplish   what homies that's not the point you  ever y'all ever been to a gym for example   and the guy is like teaching the weaker person  how to lift or stretch do you think the point of   that work is to show to their student they  are better and more fit than that person i'm sorry do you think  people get personal trainers   to pay them so that they sit there and i  mean it's it's crazy it's crazy what people   have in their minds you know it's crazy  what people like conceptualizes reality so let's get the rook out uh let's  get the bishop out so we can make a   queen you notice i can make a queen and win  the bishop but i just want to make a queen   it's crazy stuff people are crazy crazy crazy  people so thank you for not being a crazy people   now i'm not talking about chat today i'm  just talking about in general i get these   like very i'll see like very very dang i'm  like if this video upsets you so much why   not go watch like a video you know like top  10 funniest husky compilation or something   like any time i'm bored and i want like to  be happy i'll go watch a video about dogs   i mean why why would i stay angry and watch a  video that i don't like people are weird man   this is the only move and now is there a  mate there is in one move with the horse   boom nice so scotch queen to h4 the best line  here for white in this position is to play b and then after queen takes e4 which  is the entire plan of the position   uh i believe that the best move is uh knight  b5 yes yes knight b5 looking like you are   sacrificing a second pawn but knight c7 and  bishop f3 so if you ever get hit with queen h4   in a in a game and you you let's say you're you're  nick meson okay you're nick mison you're like   i've never played queen eight i've never seen  this you got never seen this go to the openings   database look at the openings database and look  at computer you say okay i played the best move   and you say why is this the best move  according to computer what if take take   take i don't understand oh then i just castle  why is this so good it's so good because of this   black is spending a lot of time in this game  winning material but not developing their pieces   so you can play like rook to e1 bishop f3 and  black is in some trouble right that is what you do   that is what you do whenever you're you're faced  with a line in the opening and it tricks you and   you know and it gets a good position and  you don't play it the best way you go back   and you review now for example did i play  the best move i did it's actually funny   i found the best move while d takes c6 maybe  not trading the bishop but dc6 bishop e6   and look this is just too slow  look what happens look at the evil what happens to the evaluation black's favor after  bishop b2 it likes white's position actually quite   a lot after rook b1 it thinks that white is  doing pretty well after rook b1 but uh yeah   there you go instructive game we defended  our position we got our king to safety   and only then did we actually go to work  and start you know attacking all right   uh i played e4 right where did i play  last game e4 all right let's go d4 gg gg ggg d4 knight f6 okay c4 i don't play  main line a lot let's see what my opponent is   going to play okay knight c uh they want nimso  or something bishop before let's play knight f3   and i'm gonna play the uh the catalan okay   queen's gambit declined i'm gonna  play g3 bishop g2 castle catalan this is the catalan catalan and the point is that  you are gambling upon because long term you'll   have an open bishop okay this is a very solid  defense but in being very solid it's also a bit   passive takes away knight c6 and the bishop cannot  get out for black they'll play knight c3 we're   playing the catalan this is a very good you can  ride this opening up to 27.50 even higher knight   d7 so i can develop in a variety of ways i'm still  waiting for this trait to happen uh i can play   b3 bishop b2 the two fiance i can play bishop f4  bishop g5 uh i don't know let's go b3 we've given   enough chances for our opponent to take this pawn  for free let's defend it and then we will decide   b6 and bishop b7 so super closed position like  insanely closed and generally in in positions   like this with white you are you are trying to  determine whether or not you can play the move e4   uh and whether or not it's going to be a good move  so i will uh finish my development with bishop b2   a very solid but very passive system which is  one of the reasons i like to open the position   faster you know that's why you always see me  in all of the openings i'm playing trying to   open the position a little bit faster black  wants this move so i'm going to play rook c1   common idea because in the future the c file will  open now one of the most common ways to play this   position which is actually hilarious is queen  c2 rook to d1 queen b1 and queen a1 which might   look completely stupid because it is but the queen  and the bishop on this diagonal in the future can   cause some problems for black so queen rook queen  queen and well that only comes from experience   that just comes from studying games played at  this level hey shout out to chess what a big raid   they get a chess what a big raid  writing with a party of 6 700 people so shout out to chess and we got bodhi in  the chat oh my goodness let me vip bodhi cody gets that big vip hi body so the other idea is to play the move e4  to take space in the center basically if   my opponent does not play this move my  opponent will have a terrible position   and they've delayed it once again which  now gives me all the time that i need   to play the move e4 if this big trade  occurs white is a little bit better   you played a 98.5 game yesterday i've  never played a 98.5 game so thank you um ever ever not once bc4 so we have big center big  thick center thick boy center right here all right ladies and gentlemen  instructive moment number two   c5 has finally happened what  is the best move for white download better ttv extension it's so worth it   but i have it already why are what what  a random thing to tell me d5 of course   of course of course d5 because now you have this  big block and this big block is taking space   and right taking space pressure here maybe e5  maybe d6 in the future central space is very   important cuts out this bishop's movement black  cannot move any piece forward it feels like so   then now you have to ask oh tough question oh  which pawn do we take back with ah they both look   so good you know what i'm gonna do oh they  both look so good i honestly don't know   i i actually have no idea you're supposed  to take toward the middle but i don't   like activating my opponent's queen side i  think that with this i have a bigger clamp oh this is so hard no i'm gonna take like this because i will put my rocks behind my pawns and  then my pawns will go forward they will merge   they will march forward i don't know how to say  uh forward in in french okay bishop goes back   rook sees this but uh if i push it's protected  so i'm gonna put the rock behind pawn one   and then rock behind pawn two these pawns  together you see the difference if i took the   other way only one can move forward but now both  both both can ride to the finish line very nice okay 95 this is a good trade for me why rook in  the center is just the target that is all it is   and now i can bring another pawn or move my horsey  so my bishop attacks but oh my goodness look at   this oh oh this is a game look at this this is the  catalan catalan f4 e5 d6 oh imagine we get connect   five eric rosen would be so proud oh los peon es  del catalan cinco take take take rook d1 at the   end and we win oh my goodness i don't even have to  wait i don't but yeah i don't even have to wait i   don't have to wait i can just push because i have  the pin but do we do we do we get the connect five   because you know if i push and they take i don't  get connect five but the best move in the position   is to push maybe it's not maybe we just go here no  no i want connect five i'm here for connect five   i'm gonna try to get connect five on the board  e5 d6 the most vicious pawn chain of all time and it cannot be stopped what a beautiful  position and you know people would not   play this move because they go i'm opening  my king oh my god c4 oh my god oh my god i don't know why everybody thinks in spanish when  they're playing the catalan but uh es cinco de   says what is it like how do you say pass pawn  it wouldn't be pasado because pasado is passed   how do you say peonies was passed pawn oh it's  passata is it actually pasado oh oh well there   you go it's pasado i thought i thought pasado  was like in the past el pasado is in the past   oh okay okay it's time for  connect five ladies and gentlemen   connect five is about to happen very nice nah  double meeting got it spain is not catalonia   okay sorry sorry sorry you're right you're right  you're right technically if i'm playing el catalan de catalan like that espacados that's how i have to say okay the faith yes d6  and you know what the most beautiful thing about   all this is we're gonna go d i don't actually how  do you actually say oh it's doble you say doble   that's what you say yeah you say doble when it's  an it's a double attack you say doble double ended isn't that the catalonian accent  no am i just completely wrong   well then i have probably just offended like 40  people who are from the catalonia region i'm sorry   no it's a different language oh that's the  wrong accent ah that's the wrong accent well   i apologize i'm a stupid american i apologize that  is the that is the that is the that's a isn't that   the southern region accent that's barcelona oh  it's oh ah got it got it got it got it no but see   now d7 okay forgive me forgive me i have an excuse  i have an excuse all right i'm a stupid american   i don't know anything i'm listen i don't know  anything please do not hold me accountable here   in american schools we are taught about mcdonald's  recipes and we are taught about how to own guns   oh my gosh i have a new queen we are not taught  about different accents of spain i'm very sorry yes i'm very sorry i i didn't i  i honestly thought i did not know   it is the reason not yes yes yes i apologize  i am sorry i don't want to offend anybody i do   know also there is the tension between you know  catalonia and uh and mainland and spain and um   so give us the mcdonald's recipe i didn't pay  attention in school so i actually don't know   estabing all right if it's bien it's  bien we just play ahead and that's it very nice thank you thank you thank you glad  you're enjoying the beginner boot camp we're a   queen up this position is good guys if you if you  play the catalan oh my goodness this opening is   el solido it is the most solid and you play  this e4 you get this nice big center and   at the end you style with knight to f6 check  they cannot take because of the pin knight e8   i'm gonna hear about this queen blunder how  where was the queen blender knight to e2 check   no knights don't move like bishops knight to  e2 fork would have worked if the knight could   move like a bishop but sadly it cannot  bishop takes g7 check and it all falls queen takes g7 and that's it and that's it nice i mean i have nothing else to say i l we the  biggest decision of the game came right here he could afford the queen and rook when i mean  the connect 5 was beautiful oh and d7 oh and don't   don't just take back boop whoop i just this d7  and we convert you mean here no no no night was   covering and then uh that's why i played knight  d5 and then we went down and there you go there   you go nice win all right geo you're up next and  if anybody's confused by the way why i'm playing   low rated subscribers i'm playing i'm recording  for uh youtube oh twitch and youtube called uh win   a chess series if you haven't seen it yet i don't  know what you're doing let's play siciliano e4 c5   uh uh let us play the accelerated dragon with  knight c6 and g6 oh yeah elite very nice cd4 i'm   glad this meme never died g6 magnus carlsen  played this this is the accelerated dragon   sicilian he played this today against david uh  guiharo spanish player c3 not a bad move but   not critical you want to put your knight there  why would you block your horsey i just played   bishop g7 and i'm going to play uh d6 knight f6  and castle how do you say sicilian and russian uh i can't like i can't quite say it i don't know it's like it's a  weird thing with your tongue there we go i had to like turn on my inner comrade  knight f6 and castle cecilia oh my goodness   since i like had a uh it's not cc what is cc  sicilian sisig is a very tasty filipino dish   but it's sicilian yes i have to as a sub how do  you play with me if you listen public service   announcement you ever want to end up in one of  these videos must be twitch subscriber twitch   not youtube and you need to be in the discord so  i'm going to take with the pawn i don't want to   trade queens no queen trade for me thank you uh  and now we so we want to put more pawns in the   center but also castling is good and then you know  we can do this uh what about tata steel day two   there's one more game going which is why i cannot  record a recap video until that game is over   it's not my fault they decide you know they  really love chess they want to play it for   six hours and 15 minutes as native i would  say my russia well i do speak russian so yes the okay d5 yes we have comrade russian okay now e5 knight  g4 very important move protected by bishop   from queen hits this this this so opponent is  1300 very respectable rating no repertoire against   sicilian i mean four moves immediately inaccurate  and already making stuff up so chess is a game of   unlimited beauty but it's not just checks and  attacks you have to be creative in the words of   kasparov during his master class advertisement  and it's also not a game where you need to be   making up theory on move five just learn something  against the sicilian that's all that's it you need   to just learn uh you know a line or two against  sicilian easy but you cannot be making stuff up   at this level at 13 14 hundreds people already  studying you know they have their courses they   have their you know um they have their courses  and it's they're gonna be looking at stuff at this level openings have  you guys seen my youtube video   are you stuck at chess you should  watch this video that video   always i'm pressing at 13 1400 learn some  openings for the love of god learn some openings   play a gambit you're gonna see a world of  difference now we take another pawn to the   center also queen b6 would have been very  strong attacking b2 and e3 not guaranteed   that we win anything because queen can guard both  but very useful move smith mora gambit for example now we'll play queen b6 i like this move a lot  very flexible hits this this rook b8 open b file   and i'm just i'm playing normal moves i haven't  done anything specific special you know uh aleppin   versus sicilian is good but there's better options  you have to understand what do sicilian what do   all chess players hate being attacked so play  gambits smith moore gambit is vicious smith mora   you know if you're going to play like this  suffocate me c4 well some people are into that   but in chess not everybody's into that moroxy bind  super vicious if i play e4 knight d4 can i go c5 i like that let's take space e4 oh oh i  missed this oh bishop h6 was so strong   i had bishop h6 and the only  way to defend would be king 2f2   which actually i mean it looks stupid  but it does the job see i missed this   now my idea when the knight comes here  is to extract it kick it out with c5 but you know what happens this smith's more  of the gamba is similar to danish yes   just look it up guys look it up do you you   everybody wants to learn chess everybody wants  to be good at it no one wants to put in the work   everybody wants to be in good shape no one wants  to go outside and exercise and not eat you know   sugar and soda you know everybody wants a  high-paying job well actually no that one's   let's just be very clear that that that that one  actually does not always depend on your degree   i was going to say nobody wants to go through  school that's that is not always very true   okay when the night goes here do not  get tunnel vision because the knight   is just going to come right back the pawns are  doing a job not letting the knight go forward   so play bishop to e6 finish  development guard the center right it's a good question should you learn  catalan at 6 700 is the question you can but it   will be difficult to fully implement everything  i would recommend learning just more aggressive   standard stuff uh which you can actually you know  put to the test and use and attack your opponents   catalan at 6 700 is nice you'll never make  you know big blunders but at 6 700 it's a   you know it's like a drunk bar fight stay out  of trouble don't get hit with anything sharp   and uh sooner than later they'll tire  themselves out and fall face first on the floor   that's chess at 6 700. c3 sicilian  work for kante against you uh i didn't play the sicilian and he didn't play this is still oh he  i didn't play c3 sicilian against them   so no definitely don't play c3 sicilian i mean   compared to your other options i do not like c3  sicilian is it a good opening yes but i personally   you do not have my blessing does that mean  that you need my blessing to play an opening no   but you do not have my blessing i'll tell  you right now you do not have my blessing   should i take as much space as possible by the  way now i can play c4 because the knight cannot   come back to the middle in fact i like that  very much how does my opponent defend this pawn new viewer here dude the stream is so effing  insanely entertaining holy blank is gotham a born   entertainer oh thank you my ego is so inflated and  so is my rating check thank you on a serious note   um i know that sometimes i'll pull out you know  chat haters or even on youtube i'll pin hate   comments guys i know 99.9 of you are just here  to number one enjoy the chest number two learn   and like be like you know every day trying to  get better number three just have fun it doesn't   matter what your mechanism for having fun is some  people skydive to have fun some people create 47   anonymous accounts on twitch and get banned from  everywhere for saying gross things some people   just hang out in the chess community because they  like it they like it they just like to play chess   you know they don't need to work hours and hours  it's a nice escape from them for them because   they're doing you know law or their doctors  or something or or they're you know students   you know or they're or they're suffering  the consequences of coronavirus   and it's affecting their mental health  and chest for them as a reprieve from the   otherwise you know stresses of day-to-day life  it's a lot of people living different lives so   if i'm the mechanism and we're the community where  you're having a good time then how can i you know   that's great welcome welcome enjoy yourselves  have a good time maybe learn some chess as a bonus   why does my stream feel like one and  a half speed uh new yorkers talk fast   i think i'm also generally born uh i think  i'm an undiagnosed adhd actually they they   said i didn't have it when i was a kid but  i think i've developed it as an adult so   plus with the whole streaming and  all this and blitz and bullet it   i can't do the slow things anymore you know like i  can't read a book i can't focus which is not good   and i think long term that is something i  need to fix but uh for now you know i'm good okay we can take and you say levy what  about bishop d4 and i say you're right   that's another that's another good move  but here my opponent does not have this they don't have this because bam for quito so this is a nice move the point is  that they want this this but i have   in between move e3 defending the bishop  attacking the rook and maintaining this so   uh we also have bishop back to e3 of course  we are definitely winning but let's not let   let's be very clear my opponent had a worse  position by move eight that cannot happen   that is just an openings problem and you need to  put in the time to find a good opening against   the sicilian that is just the truth that is why  you know we're here if you want to get out of   13 1400 it's time put in the work put in the work  and you can beat up people who play the sicilian   let's go geo my opponent says damn man  should've said damn man when you played c3   it's been damn man for a while it ain't  damn man right now it's been damn man   for a while free bishop declined that was  not a free bishop because there was check   all right that is the truth there's a couple  of good ways to play against the dragon   c4 by the way you know i could be talking about  all these things here i could be saying like oh   c3 c3 is bad maybe my opponent mouse slipped like  maybe my opponent meant to play c4 and mouselipped   and actually like knows like hundreds of hours  of meroxy bind which is what this is called   which is one of the main lines and he just  slipped like maybe c3 just was a slip and uh   but i actually think i i think c3 was was a  move i mean i've seen you know daniel naredinsky   play against people or like 13 1400 and  they just play c3 because their logic   is i'm reinforcing my knight and they're  not wrong but the knight has to go here   so that's all that was honestly i said everything  i had to say about that game everything that game   was was decided by my my open lines my queens  my bishops and my pawn space advantage right so let's go uh what have we played so far  e4 i'm gonna go back to e4 because i had   a king's indian and then last game i played a  catalan i'm gonna go back to e4 for this one again oh my gosh everybody's playing  this okay d4 i mean what to say   what to say are we going to get a king's indian well if it ain't broke don't fix it   if it ain't broke don't fix it i mean  this let's let's see how mr fabs fabs and plays against this long castle okay i  have said many times how you all supposed   to play this y'all supposed to do this if a  poster castle's queen side king side it's oh   see now now i'm gonna do my thing i'm just  gonna go to work that's what i'm doing do   my work every single time it's the same game  plan every single time it cannot be knight d7   yeah got it fight fight that's a good move this  is a good move um now if we want to create an   attack chat members dearest members of my chat  what do you do you can take bring out the king   do you take or do you push  what do you do what do you do close the center now if you take it's not  terrible but their knight comes out then you push   lock the doors okay y'all ever seen  kingsman what happens in kingsman   guy walks to the door locks it turns  around and goes manners make a man and   man everybody gets their butts kicked okay that's  what happens that's what we're doing right now   now c6 is a good move the problem  is this is a mistake now why because we can take and we can take this pawn so  the thing about chess it's like martial arts you   f you fake the takedown and you go over the top  like khabib on conor right we're faking that we're   gonna go this way it forces a reaction and we can  immediately punish this reaction by winning a pawn   so don't get tunnel vision necessarily  right you can also punish immediate mistakes   like if the opponent had played a6  for example to go b5 i would have   i would have kept going but c6 you know bop  them bop them take them d6 bop them take on   d6 pop them and take on d6 easy right pop  them and then take on d6 uh and uh you know   if the if they had got knight c5 for  example again f3 and then g4g h4 h5 queen takes d6 yes now this is a pro and con  for me because on the one hand i've won a   pawn and on the other hand no this is the  second time the second time in this video   someone played a bishop to a passive square  time time is everything time is precious   in kasparov's master class ad time is  precious no too slow don't be so slow   who cares about this pawn go hunt me down queen  b6 something more aggressive um i really like g4   i really like this move this move looks so good  but i just realized it's stupid my idea was that   if this this i can take and i'm not wrong but  then there is knight takes f2 so maybe i am wrong   so maybe f3 maybe bishop b2 maybe h4 h5 let's  go h4 i mean this is a slow move two things have   happened here number one this is blocked number  two this is blocked number three this can't move   because this is hanging number four there was  no number four i just wanted to sound smart correct actually i think i think you're right  i could have maybe taken taken and all this but   just h4h5 and um but now h4 and again what is  the golden rule if h4 h5 don't even think h5   you cannot let me go here if i go  here you lose that's i mean it's just   if you're gonna play the kings indian  and they play h4 h5 don't even think h4h5   is not listening to me but this is a  good move first of all this is hanging first of all and also rook can come and i'm in a  little bit a little bit of trouble so let me think now i like queen v6 i like this move a lot it's  actually it's it's forcing me to slow down and actually contemplate but i wanna i'm  gonna keep going because the truth is   this pawn is not worth it for my opponent  it's just it it the queen's in my up in my   face but i can play like attacking and then i  can just develop around it i'm much more worried   about the night getting here and forking my my  rocks but oops that's illegal and also stupid what if you tried to do h5 but  they have g4 covered with a pawn   so h5 for them then you play f3 g4 okay  very good opponent wants to move horse very good very good opponent wants to move horse uh knight f3 i mean here's the thing my  friends this knight is guarding this knight   and right now knight c5 looks good because  the queen cannot move but don't forget we have a lingering threat we have a lingering  pawn standing on the outskirts of town   and i said romeo take me somewhere we  could be alone i'd be waiting for you butch   okay i'm gonna can i get dmcad  for even singing taylor swift   so if if the knight moves the king is the only  thing guarding the horse i will play check because   the queen is worth less than the king the king  moves and then i will take the horse for free so   that would be really funny if i get dmca but  it's okay it's like an hour in they'll never know right right right okay knight  takes h5 has occurred there it is   now you also you always  have this question do i sack i i don't i don't i don't think  so i i don't think i sacrifice   there's no reason to sacrifice no reason just  g4 g4 with big attack i think but do i know um g4 knight f6 g5 knight goes  back huge progress was made it's the most direct plan i have trust my instinct   knight g5 looks good as well knight g5 also  looks good a lot a lot of stuff looks good   most important if you're playing in a  clock situation don't fall behind on it   on time don't fall behind on time i cannot stress  this enough you both have six minutes you don't   have five and a half minutes to sit here to find  the best move just play the move damn it move   just go trust yourself the point is oh you're not  playing defensively brother you playing hostile   very aggressive very aggressive style so here's  the thing is the knight attacking anybody no   if i take take take that's good because it's a  fork however what if they don't take my knight   what if they move now i have a problem  because my queen cannot take this pawn   anymore right now the reason why they cannot move  their knight is because i would take the pawn   if the knight were to take there i would not have  that anymore uh so what do we do that looks good i think i like this because the other benefit  of this is that i have queen to f6 when the   knight moves i like g5 i think g5 is the  best move securing squares near the king   i can also move this bishop to c4 just to  show my opponent i know how the bishop moves   and also maybe just activating it a little bit  again i'm not really concerned about queen f2   but you know the longer the game goes on queen of  two does become a possibility the longer the game   goes on uh but right now again the only threat is  is to take my okay there it is but now see the the   here's the difference is that now i am threatening  to take because i secured this see a move ago if   the knight moved i wouldn't have had queen f6  but now i do now i do i do have queen f6 because   i play g5 so it all flows together if knight  takes e5 queen e5 is check only move is king g8 and then chess happens okay take take what  here rooks see each other should i take   i don't really want to i think taking  is i'd rather have my opponent take me   maybe bishop c4 yeah now now this move looks very  nice very very very nice and i connect my rooks   and i think i'm happy this bishop is still the  worst light squared bishop of all time for black   and black has actually a decent position but uh  could get in trouble very fast so why not take   because rook comes no reason to take helping  my opponent activate the rook and keeping my   i would rather fight for control  of the file so don't take   and now of course a move that will always be  useful for me is king b1 just getting the king   out of the way of any check with the queen or  the knight but i don't need to play this move   we also have a lingering threat of rook takes  h7 king h7 rook h1 very common sacrifice okay   to get in i mean that's nothing right just king b1  and and and and speak your truth fabsen speak it fool there rookie eight there you go tax queen um first of all can i just go  for the bishop first of all what about this that looks very nice oh that looks   oh that's just ugh this is like the mob boss  outside of the store you know it's time to   pay up rent you see the seam outside you're  not getting anywhere it's the mob boss right   here and it's progressive mafia it's a queen  who's the boss so it's not like the 1920s mob   it's like the modern day mob outside to collect  the payments it's it's about to get really bad   rook is coming to suppress the support oh man this  is the guys the shotgun rolling up right here oh   this is this is not good the bishop is finally  activated but i think it's too little too late rook to d7 and i'm not sure  how you are ever surviving this   of course we need to look at what they can attack  as well but they cannot take anything bishop f7   is a mate threat just a mate threat rook f7  queen f7 gg knight can come back to block   um actually that's not terrible knight can come  back to block but then bishop is hanging so this   yeah the game is over why i don't suck rook  for mate because knight can come back to block   so those of you that are saying this this  rook h1 knight comes with h5 or even h3   so don't don't don't be so hasty rook takes b7 and  finally we have captured this pathetic fool on b7 uh also somebody is saying  take take mate you are not   wrong but take and take and there is no mate um by the way what is your name if only i knew what  is my name what are any what even is a name really   knight d5 defending the queen notice that i didn't  just take even though i'm not material trading is   good trading is good when you are up material but  in this case i would rather my knight land there   what even is a name man who who even knows  who even knows really doesn't does anybody   really even truly have a name we didn't  pick our own names we were born in them   molded by them i didn't see my name till i was  already a toddler but then it was just blinding   okay i'm gonna stop quoting movies and songs  it's gonna confuse people and now we can take   and now the simplification process begins this  pawn can be taken but so can this pawn and this   game will be won and lost with our pawns we'll  move the rook and go bap bap bap bap bap and   opponent will try to go bap and not push anything  further because they cannot move any more pawns   so only in death do we have a name yes  very true very true for artists by the way   a lot of their art only becomes  you know more famous when they   pass unfortunately uh oh to me bane is one of  the most gangster movie villains of all time   terrifying i mean what they did with with bane was  unbelievable and then what you do is you use your   pawn as a bit of a decoy you deactivate the enemy  rook you swap back bam bam bam easy easy easy and   now ladies and gentlemen you will be rewarded  for spending one hour watching me play chess or perhaps he's wondering why you would  shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane oh you think darkness is your ally but  you merely adopted the dark i was born in it   molded by it i didn't see the light till i was  already a man but then it was just blinding   and then obviously the most  gangster moment of the entire movie   which is um uh thank you for the three dollar  donation by the way youtube didn't hear what   you wrote but it was uh it was uh it was  really quite a quite a tts um there was um   something about you know what we are we are  acquainted aren't we mr wayne when he like   figures out because obviously you know  he knows who bruce wayne is spoilers i   apologize okie dokie ladies and gentlemen  so let's calculate can we sacrifice the rook   b5 f5 b6 f4 b7 f3 b8 check boom and we are this  is something called the square so in this position   we are one two three four squares away from  promotion so if we go one two three and four   this is the square the black king needs to be in  this square if black was to move black would play   king of four we would still be winning because  we have a second pawn but if we didn't have that   second pawn then probably it would be a draw but  because we move bam bam and bam and we are outside   of the realm of the square and the pawn will queen  first and by the way if the queen was queening   also if the pawn was queening as well black would  be fine but we queen would check and uh that's why   now we play c4 you know the best part is without  this pawn this would be a draw the spawn this   would be draw queen versus bishop pawn one square  away from promotion with king close is a draw so   we sacrifice the queen for the pawn in this case  we promote a queen and the game is over if you   don't know that uh how to win queen versus one  pawn end game you know who has a video about that and now the easiest checkmate  pattern put the queen in night   opposition if it was a knight it would  be giving check and they will resign okay or they will play it out which is fine  so what you notice what we're doing once we do   this we follow the king oh never mind opponent did  resign actually would have been completely okay if   opponent kept going so you put the queen in night  opposition if it was a knight it would be giving   check and then when they move you copy them one  square and diagonally backwards so one square this   way king this way we would have went this and you  bring the king to the back row and once the king   is on the back row make sure it's not stalemate  the king always has one square of breathing room   bring the king give mate easiest technique for the  beginners in the chat let's go sperg let's go we   got we got back to back germans they sent in the  big boy e4 i've played a lot of d5 let's play e5 what is this danish gambit oh danish gambit ladies  and gentlemen i'm about to show you how to refute   the danish gambit that is the beauty of chess in  chess you have to win with an opening and you have   to defeat the opening ladies and gentlemen the  best move against the danish gambit is the move   queen to e7 it is a move that no beginner will  ever play against you no intermediate player   will play against you but this is why you show  up to the martial arts dojo this is why ladies   and gentlemen and my opponent is very well  prepared actually is playing all the best moves my opponent has watched my video it's  like playing myself let's give a check   of course we need quick development because we've  grabbed the pawn we've got a queen as a target   this is the best move i'm playing against myself  basically sometimes you play with and sometimes   against so bishop takes c3 as possible but it's  a pin so i don't need to rush um question is what   do i want do i want then i don't have 6 i guess  right it's very active maybe 97 is also actually   not a not a crazy move i kind of like this move  knight to e7 so yeah i like this this cannot   take because of this i'm thinking maybe not a  five in the future i don't know knight f6 also   so still not threatening to take me knight d5 or night knight f5 i don't know this knight f5 i also just want a castle  oh what do i do what do i do ah i'm gonna go knight five i'm  gonna do it i'm gonna do it knight f5   because the thing is you know why because if  i played knight f6 here's the truth because   if i had gotten knight f6 i could have  gotten knight d5 but i played knight e7   which means i can still go knight d5 but then  why did i play knight why didn't i just go here   so i'm doing it a little bit different can  i go here it looks nice i like that yeah   yeah yeah yeah that looks good because  then if take take my queen i take this okay can you play danish as black uh no  what take queen what stop inventing stuff   i mean i i guess i guess you could but no stop  no don't do it no castle okay we're just pawn up   so a gambit is designed to get aggressive hostile  and beat you but if you take away the queen   where's the queen i don't see a queen and then  you stabilize your structure you're gonna be okay you're going to be okay that's what we're doing  and i'm not rushing i'm not rushing to take you   know why i played c6 you could levy why didn't  you just put your knight there i played c6   i didn't want the knight to enter i didn't want  the knight center it's like a little rose thorn   right c6 this knight is not going anywhere  and then i want to put two pawns in the center   i can take and play d5 and now i have finished  my development i have one clean clean extra pawn   there's no b-pawn for the opponent it's  not like a completely winning position yet   and now ladies and gentlemen we play  f6 to prevent the other knight from   ever entering our territory is it necessary to  play this move absolutely not but i just wanted   to show you how to do it on the other side  of the board you can also play bishop to g4   which is also a good move that is a great move  activating the rook maybe wants to go here king f7 is uh you know honestly  maybe can i play king f7 it doesn't hang this because i no maybe  it does because like something ah i'm   not gonna no no no no no no no no no no no  here i don't like that the rook can get in i don't like this maybe bishop bishop because  i want to trade the rook this is my idea   that's what i want i want to trade the rook i want to trade the rook whoa no no no no no  no no too fancy what is this it's too fancy   what is that what are we doing this  and this that's called a reroute   but i'm gonna trade and uh if i can get your  active rook off the board i am very happy wow but if the knight comes this  way i have b6 so should i take i just b6 stop the knight from stop the opponent  from getting what he wants it's like you know   it's like a hostile toddler in a cookie jar  a4 a5 maybe because they want a5 themselves   how do i can i just play knight a6 by the way  like what if i just i'm i'm tired of reacting   to my opponent why not here and if this okay  whatever so what take me and i wanna go take   take rookie eight i wanna trade the pieces to make  it into an end game where i have an extra pawn   and then if this this yeah so let's go  here and then immediately go for the trade   so now the opponent will not have any rooks and  we are a pawn up in a knight in bishop end game   what is important when you're in a  knight in bishop end game being a pawn up   after that it's the pawn structure  and where you can create a past pawn   in this case we have one two three they have  one two that is where we are going to win   that is where we are going to win the game  somebody said i clicked because you said uh   not to click and now i'm going to leave okay  very good bye okay now this is going to take a   while do we trade the bishops as well oh huge  decision oh my god do we trade the bear shops um i don't think so and i want to move my  king but in some lines my pawn is hanging   i'm going to play h6 and then i'm going to  bring my king to d6 and play c5 this is the plan so the thing is right now if i had moved my king  taking here is bad because bishop gets trapped   however once i move my king far enough it wouldn't  have been trapped so i'll move my king to d6 i don't know so bodhi said should you trade bishops if your  pawn will promote on a light square a little bit   too abstract uh i i honestly think the more pieces  we trade if if this was a pawn end game black is   probably winning because six pawns verse five  basically is always going to be a win i think   for the guy with six pawns uh but maybe maybe  bishop takes was the best move it's not what g5   and trading too many pawns is also not good if  you get down to one pawn you get down to one   pawn the knight can just sack itself so king  d6 this was always the plan activate el rey activate el rey you can also activate el rey by the way that's  kind of unpleasant and i have to go like g6 maybe   i don't know but we'll see c5 is is is the is the  coming idea it's the next next idea for me right   but the king cannot come any any closer so c5 and  okay come forward and you cannot go here my bishop   is very nice i can play bishop d7 to prevent  you from moving forward at all oh now in some   end games an imbalanced trade is the best kind  of trade bishop for knight which will basically   create a totally new complex of an end game or  knight for bishop for example generally bishops   are better than knights and end games however if  you leave all your opponents pawns on dark squares   and they have a light squared bishop they will  never be able to defend their pawns for example   if this trade happens and i play c4 i create  this wedge and they have pawns on different color   squares than the bishop then i can go here and  here and win the pawns pawns together ladies and   gentlemen pawns together i don't want to see none  of this knight takes c5 garbage knights is good   but pawns together in the end game i want to hear  any of this gar any of this knight tit no okay   c4 is a terrible move because they play knight d4  and they block our pawns now bishop a4 oh goodness   me i have no idea knight c7 i'm gonna start with  this knight b5 going for this pawn spawn's got no   guards and the best part is no one can guard it  nobody can guard it knight b5 what oh knight b7   here wait wait oh also c4 is a possibility  ah clever clever okay check king goes up hmm that's a good move very very very decent  move decent move for sure bishop d7 i think   is now i'm i'm back to this idea because i i  really don't like that the king is all up in   my face i don't think this is as scary  of a threat as i'm making it out to be   check here oh then i have knight f8  which is kind of savage to go bishop g6   a pushing is also we don't we don't need  that that pawn's just going to be a decoy   c4 now is not is not the world's stupidest move   actually it's not a bad move maybe because now the  knight cannot blockade oh but the king can go back   and games are so difficult  what do i do i don't know what do i do you know what i found something ladies and gentlemen knight b5 the idea is c4 but  even in end games there can rest tactics g5 check and if the king moves to either of  these squares the knight goes to d4 so the king will be forced to retreat to e3 after  which i will push my other pawn with a check   and then i will move my knight i think i'm  not very good at this game but that is what i   think will happen also opponent decides to take  some big question do we take fg or hg fg or hg uh king g4 h5 defended by the bishop so  oya i i'm honestly leaning toward this move but it is so difficult to tell oh my god oh my god  i have no i'm gonna take like this i don't know   and i'll tell you why because this is an  imbalance if i take with the h pawn it is   f and g versus f and g but with this  i can create a past pawn in el futuro d4 check ladies and gentlemen it has arrived  upon the board there it is with check the   plan the grand plan the grand master plan has  arrived the point what what about check hello   you're not scared i'd be scared wait wait  you're just gonna let me take your bishop   no i'm very happy because the pawn end game  is winning 100 now 100 this will be a win if we trade knights and bishops because i have  too much activity and the outside pass pawn   i'll make a h-bond pass pawn because now  now this is good for me if take this way   just bring bishop back i mean nothing or  even even this and try to win the pawn   because i j i have too much activity i  have too many active pawns there i think   i don't know but um we'll see also this is a move  which hits both and then i'm gonna have to either   play king c6 and attack the horse or sack the  pun but i don't think i'm gonna sack the pun   did i know the statue of liberty is in new  jersey thank you this is the prime time chat   commentary that i i show up to stream every  day for in the middle of a intense chess bout   40 moves in i just want to be told that  my opponent says man i hate end games great never ever tell that never never tell  your opponents you're hating the game   alright don't do that don't ever show weakness okay check king d3  nothing happens knight c3 knight b7 king here   check you know what i'm gonna go uh i'm whoa whoa  whoa knight c7 wait wait wait wait wait oh my god   here here here here here here oh my god oh  my god oh my god this might be the best move   oh my god this might be the only move because if  i play knight c3 there is check i have to play   the only move that protects my pawn then there is  a check and the knight sneaks over oh my god and   it's gonna hit my pawns oh my so maybe it's knight  c3 because knight c3 knight b7 king c6 knight d8   king b6 or king d7 knight f7 knight e4 then if  knight h6 there is knight f2 and we're trading   but is that winning for me i have the pass pawn  but i'm not sure if i go check here here here oh   i have no time oh my god i have no time what do  i do if i have no time have no time have no time   i play knight c3 and trust my gut oh my goodness  i'm down two minutes and i've got no bonus time   bonus time bonus time singing songs is why you  watch my videos oh this is so bad oh my goodness king d i i don't know man   i i don't know maybe i'll go this way i just  say to hell with it g4 knight h6 no 94 there no   yo what is happening i have got no clue actually  this well this i can come back what is happening knight to e4 if f3 there is this if this there  is this i'm not sure this is a winning i'm not   sure this is a winning i can't even speak english  anymore knight takes f2 knight f7 hits my pawn   but i can come back i can also push i can push  wait should i push shall come back here take   take no that's definitely a draw and also play  knight h3 let's just go g4 check here here here   here i have this and then  back oh we're good we're good   i think we're good i think  we're fine i think we're winning can you say i just gotta  go this is no that no no no   knight d3 knight d3s best move  93 is the best move for white wait but that's a blunder because can't i activate my king now see this  is what my opponent needs to avoid   moves that attack the knight and  get closer to white's position   here here check knight g5 king  e3 oh my god is that winning king e4 knight here knight here knight deflects  king e3 and i've i've brought my king successfully   into the territory and i think i'm winning  because if knight here check king d2 i have   no progress because i cannot go here because  the knight is covering if check king d2 i lose   my pawn so this this check kinko's also king  f5 actually what is that what is that king f3   we've snuck in ladies and gentlemen we have  arrived we have arrived no this person's not   cheating that that's ridiculous don't don't don't  say such silly stuff check now we give a check oh my god wait are we still not  winning yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo you're kidding me oh my goodness i'm gonna have to lose this pawn   dude dude this is crazy dude this  is this is crazy what is happening 92 no checks oh my god this is so tricky   and i cannot push because knight just  sacrifices itself and it's a draw blunder knight f4 knight f4 knight f4 trade  take take push there there there there and   we queen would check oh my goodness we're  gonna win this game because of the the fork   we forked them and now we take with check  we take what check in the game is over   we think we're checking it's over king d5 g3  king e6 g2 c7 g1 also just move the knight   far away yeah we only have 12 seconds by the  way now we go out here if they push we push   is gonna try to go for my knight i think so i'm  just gonna push oh opponent just resigns that was   such an epic game oh my god that person played  the game of their life that was was that end   game a draw not no here we're here we're playing  for win okay this g5 plan a little aggressive okay did we play okay g4 best move king e6  best move king f5 best move king e4 king f3 oh i blundered a draw this is a draw   this is a draw wait what wha why can't i just  take knight c5 oh computer is just a savage   computer doesn't think that you need to go defend  your pawn this one natural move draws the game if i had just taken and went here i have  a shield with my knight oh my goodness   i have a shield with my knight and i just i  just promote his knight cannot get back in time   if knight to e6 attacking my pawn i can  push it if check king e4 and the um that i   mean that's so hard that's i actually played  that end game really well just at the end i   i mean yeah i wow why is it a draw so knight  e6 loses the only way to draw it is to go here   and then sack and then win this pawn and what if  i go here oh take take and don't take just push   just push i thought this was winning for me  it's not because we queen at the same time   and check and you don't take because you  get x-rayed you don't take you go king c4 c2   and it's a draw it's perpetual check and i can i  mean that's i mean that is just disgusting is what   that is it's apparently just a draw wow schwerk  aka n with five ones in chat that was a that was   an outstanding game what a game i'll i'll put that  game uh in the in the link in the youtube video wow what an epic game four ones oh i keep adding a one  i mean i don't even i don't even i don't even that   was just whatever i mean that's just the kind of  game like you play a game like that you just want   it feels like you just like donated blood how  can we i mean that was just i mean this is okay   uh d4 we're gonna end with super  daniel i mean that game was   more than super that game was crazy  what an insane game of chess d4 d5 um c4 or what london c4 london we  haven't had a london in a while london london okay let's show you how to be the 1800 in a london  system knight to f6 just play e3 solid that was uh   what a game what a game uh and by the way you were  well within your right to flag me there because   i only had 12 seconds if you're playing a real  game go for the flag why why not b6 that's not   a normal move i would expect more movement to  the middle of course it's not a bad move just   want to play bishop b7 can play knight f3 or can  go for c4 i'll play knight f3 uh c4 also possible how hard is it to turn the page after an epic game   for me i mean with the with the streaming  it's very simple in games that matter like   in tournaments what it's not so simple uh i am not  a gm i had a crazy end game and i couldn't recover   in the next game i blunted in the opening so you  know sometimes you uh you play a six hour chess   game and uh if you win it feels amazing because  it you know you put it in the work but if you   lose or you draw kind of it feels awful it feels  atrocious to not win a six-hour game when you   were winning oh it's just the worst feeling in the  world i wouldn't wish such a madness on anybody um okay daniel is not playing very super  chess i'm just gonna say this now uh   i don't know what is going on here so first of  all i guess the idea is to you know sweet weird   what about queen e4 this is not always a  good move but in this case the bishop is just   hanging it's just because they already moved  their horsey uh so if bishop c4 takes we will   have a trade and okay i'll have an active queen  pressuring this very sweat this is very weird   like not suspicious this just  we doesn't look good at all   queen c4 i mean i have a very active c file  now uh i don't know what's going on here   i mean generally if you're gonna play b6 you  have to go bishop b7 super daniel needs to   have an opening against the london and guys  all of you need to have an opening against   the london just something you play you  cannot be making stuff up about the london so i don't you know you gotta get a weapon you  use okay e6 but by the way isn't this just free   oh it's not oh it's very very so bishop c7 is  at least possible but i would not recommend this   so for example if you go queen c7 take take  rook c8 comes so you have to think how can   they attack my bishop rook c8 if you move your  bishop they have rook down here and you lose   bye-bye but if you play knight c3 just  developing another piece now the c file is closed   now you actually are threatening to take this so um so knight comes out to c3 white is a  little bit better here just in general   the higher you go up the rating ladder  the harder it's going to be to just   completely wipe people off the board  with london it's just not something that   you know unless you play like some super  super aggressive london systems but it's a matter of taste a matter of taste 92 looked way stronger are  you missing something why is 92 way stronger   what's wrong with knight c what's wrong with  this how did how did knight d2 look way stronger   that's a very specific set of words knight  d2 is just the i don't know knight c3 is nice   powerful active knight d2 is the standard  london move but in this case knight c3 is i don't know knight to b5 actually knight to b5  attacks both pawns no see again this is like a   balance do you play for castles or just immediate  destruction also thank you vessel for the 500 bits   um a bishop c7 was possible but queen c8 and  i again guys it's a balance you have to strike   between trying to destroy your opponent in this  case though this is destruction because we are   getting in with with meaning we're getting in with  meaning instinctively castling is good but if you   wait too long black plays c5 and looks at you like  stupid you should have taken your chance when you   had it the benefit is that when i take here the  then the rook is hanging which is a serious issue   um and black is just never going to get  comfortable if black plays bishop e7 this   is a check right knight d5 defends and  attacks but let's not forget knight a7   rook 8 knight c6 it's a crazy game it's  like we're we're looking to just destroy   the opponent in the opening and uh it's possible  because they just played a suspicious setup this   there is a reason not no gm i've never  seen a gm play to london like this   it's because it's bad it's just this is bad  because of this because things in chess are not   played because they're bad they're bad because of  a reason this is the reason that's how chess works   so uh wait a second i don't have  to take that can't i just take this and then if knight takes g2 check can't they  just attack the horsey but then knight e3   okay so essentially what's gonna happen is  i will win a rook they will win two pawns   aha so maybe it's better not to do anything  stupid and just take the horse and then   bring the knight back i think in this case  this is better queen is not trapped ladies   and gentlemen that is not hard to visualize  please how is the queen trapped at all come on   come on guys knight c6 i saw knight c6 it's just  not trapped queen has just doesn't have to move   here it's gonna go it's gonna go to f6 okay knight  b5 to come back and attack this again or knight c6 i kind of like this to be honest at least  this creates a threat which will force a move   like bishop d6 take take and then castle where  pawn up which is nice it's good to be up pawns   as we saw from the last end game it  was literally the reason why we won um knight c6 to go queen f6 is also a thing so  i'm going to make this trade and then i'm going   to finally castle my king and be in my pawn  up sanctuary we're also up almost two minutes   on the clock which is a lot in a 10 minute  game now a common idea is just to restructure   to make sure everybody's guarded make sure the  king has a little getaway square if it needs   and we have something called a queenside majority  a two on one which we can turn into a past pawn   as the game goes on um queen c6 attacks upon but  opponent will just protect it or move the horsey   knight f6 is a good move now the question is  what do i do with my rooks the knight will   also be very happy on d5 so even though i'm up  a pawn i mean it's not the end of the story rook   c1 so we're gonna move this rook to the open  file why not maybe queen b5 and we will just   lurk in the general vicinity or bring the  queen back to get it out of danger like for   example the d3 and lurk lurk clerk this knight  okay that's very hostile very rude very rude   queen c7 no queen c7 queen trade what do we  think i think it might be a bit too early but it's a very i mean it's a very difficult  decision let's prepare for the end game with   our own advancement let's play a4 play a4 a4  queen trade i don't think is good i like our   queen in general here's a good reason not to trade  the queens our queen is far more active i'm a very   active queen black's queen is very passive all of  black's pieces are very passive except that if the   knight gets to d5 the knight gets to d5 i would  like to trade the horses what this is a lot of   a whole lot of nothing here being done by black  so before like i said plan is to expand on the   queen side and create an outside pass pawn  maybe not right away but in the future so   right um and then something like  queen b5 something like this i don't i don't like this i  don't this is a little bit   now you know the other thing about putting  pawns like this you allow me to plant my night   see you allow me to plant my knight you needed  the pawn on h6 because when my knight gets close   get out no but now the night is there the  only way you get rid of my knight is with   your f pawn you move your f pawn forward i take  this pawn i triple fork you i laugh in your face   so you needed i i get it i know why this  move was played you want to play h5h4   you want to attack my king but it's not  going to happen and when we get into c7   now now this is a very different story  queen c7 because there is a physical threat   in fact when this trade occurs the only way to  protect against f7 falling is to go rook f8 rook   f8 relinquishes defensive e6 and this pawn is  not defending e6 because of the pin on the king   knight to e6 then lands forking the king  in the rook so queen c7 is devastating here   opponent has to be extremely precise with their  defense good best move best move now i have   to decide if i want to trade the queens maybe i  don't maybe my trick didn't work so i just back up   maybe i my trick did not work you don't  need to get tunnel vision just back up   it didn't work all right so back up take b6 that  hangs a queen i don't know why you want me to   lose so bad but i'm not gonna hang a queen  no queen hang for this guy a5 doesn't work uh tough position this is under attack and i guess f6 is okay let's go queen  b5 keep discarded f6 is possible roxy 7 is a good move if take take i take  the pawn but if take queen take i don't   it's not quite it's not quite anything there  and somehow the queen is defending everybody   maybe it's time to like bring the horsey back  could be time for this i have a new target   i have a new target d6 and f5 is a horrible  mistake horrible because i just go back i go   back and this is a weakness see pawns can't go  backwards knight can go back to where it was   so if you push i go back and now you think oh  you're just wasting time no you've changed the   position for the better because the f pawn can no  longer defend that is not a bad move at all also   that is also not a bad move i don't want to  take because i totally destroy my structure   and i don't want to take and then take the  pawn but i want to keep the pressure going   i'm thinking something like  a weird move like rook c6 and then if take take take i can take the d6  pawn maybe rook c4 also possible just to trade   on my own terms but my god this is this is not  an easy game oh my goodness uh a5 doesn't work   because at the end they take and then they have  this although i can play take and a5 this i can do maybe that's my best thing and  can the queen get in somehow take it's time it's time it's time a5 this was my plan a long time ago and  it's happening well let's put it this way   uh the opponent played very well after the opening they played really well after the opening you sure what is this just push knight g5 a lot of good moves it looks  like a lot of good moves also like a6 oh chess is hard rp8 i'm gonna go a6 i don't see any  problem with this move and the more i can   push my pawn to the end the more chance i have  of completely killing the activity of their rook   knight c3 we just take what so what  about knight c3 are you worried about   queen c3 queen f3 and stuff i respect  it but i don't think it's a problem no no no no that was you played so well but don't  trade the queens the queen you can't play   this and then trade the queens no i'm so upset  no because now i win d6 and the game is over   i mean you just you you have no threats anymore  no that was a that was just a fundamental   misunderstanding there by the opponent like you  needed your queen you needed your queen your queen   was the heart and soul of all of your chances once  you've left yourself with rook and knight you you   will never ever have any chance because now your  rook also can't move yeah i guess anti-positional   is the right word i mean it was just a it  was just a bad judgment of what to trade so happens it's chess play a lot  of chess it's chess you know um you play a lot of chess it's chess  knight to b5 defending my pawn   and knight c7 and just don't get back crank mated and that's that i mean this is not   i can create a box here for the horse actually  knight c2 rook a2 or rook c1 also good what if queen b7 instead of queen b6   that hangs a queen for free okay but now i  just queen no you don't have a back rank mate so that doesn't work was rook siena move instead  of the queen trade yeah yeah yeah for sure   creating some something here yeah yeah yeah and the game is over there  was a lot to analyze these last two   games were really good i mean if you  dig through these two games they are they are very solid knight d6 we swarm  for the rest of the pawns and game is over rook to f8 i hung i completely missed that nice  find it's never too late to do something stupid   i just forgot the king could fork my my pieces  luckily i'm still winning but whoops also it   helps that you know i'm up on the clock but yeah  see it's never too late to blunder that's funny no no i mean i mean yeah you know if i wanted to  be a a pretentious douche i could be like that   was all part of my store plan to simplify  position no i just hung a knight of course   i have more pawns okay now we can take  and this is just a winning pawn end game   just don't go g4 too fast if their  king was on h5 this is easily winning triple stacking the pawns  is actually not recommended   i would recommend just using the pawn as  like an outflank and then go like this   it's a free pawn but it's actually  better not to triple your own pawns and that's game this is winning easily easily  easily winning opponent refusing to give in   refusing all right gg that was a lot of fun
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: LuatJJ9glzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 39sec (6339 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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