Magnus vs. Hikaru: Who Survives?!

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ladies and gentlemen it is time for the second day of the quarter finals in the ftx crypto cup magnus carlson and hikaru nakamura all tied up fabiano karwana yanya bomnichi aneesh ghiri timur rajab of wesley so maxim vashey lagrave before i jump into the recap of today's games and tell you all the results today live on stream uh we were raising money for a coronavirus relief in india through care and during the broadcast we raised 435 000 a record by far so before we get into the games i want to tell you there's a link in the description it's still open for donation for those of you that haven't uh watched on twitch it's available for the youtube audience as well timestamps on the video player here we go but before i show you this game i am going to verbally tell you what happened in one of the matches this matchup between timur jamba and anish giri had four draws and therefore i just want to give you that as a verbal appetizer timur job of beat anish giri one and a half to half and you would say well why were there four draws well aneesh took two four straws with black he didn't fight at all uh trying to put his money on winning with the white pieces uh and he was unable to do so so timur is the first person to move on and now i will show you this game between wesley soh and maxima shayla grav they drew their first game so it was half half now this is game number two in their mini match we have d4 maxim plays a move he basically never plays because he was not getting anywhere uh with wesley's berlin and since wesley has the win from yesterday of the mini match he doesn't need to do anything crazy today so we have a london system okay i've been seeing this quite a lot it's not a big deal c5 e3 and here the main line overwhelmingly is the setup with knight to d2 followed by pawn to c3 but we get knight c3 so kind of a joe bava fusion style you know knight b5 trying to get into c7 wesley develops his bishop outside of the pawn chain now knight b5 just has rook c8 that's the whole idea to cover c7 so bishop e2 wesley plays e6 and maxime doesn't even castle he plays knight to e5 so knight to e5 opens up the pieces looking at each other wesley just trying to be solid trades just brings his rooks to the center and plays all the natural looking moves now maxine plays knight d3 and we trade bishop so a bit of a weird structure already from the opening it looks like uh maxime's decision here is that he will take the potentially slightly weird position because he has to win okay he has three games to win he has to beat wesley somehow and so now uh mr wesley uh doesn't just play solidly from this point forward he actually just instigates now how do you instigate in a position where both sides have eight pawns uh you play b5 and then you play a5 and then the queen side explodes and by the time the queen side explodes we get queen b6 the queen has arrived to defend everybody so wesley is taking a lot of space on the queen side before castling so you're supposed to castle but these grandmasters know that you don't have to generalize your principles right there's moments when you have to castle now he castles because that pawn is not going anywhere and then he just goes and wins back the pawn now white is worse how do you know that how is white worse material is the same literally mirror images of each other queen two rooks two knights a bunch of pawns because of the weaknesses white has much more targetable weaknesses than black and that's kind of what wesley just does throughout the rest of the game he just goes for that weakness now mvl can sit back and try to guard the weakness or he can go for h5 takes takes knight e7 queen to c2 queen to a4 wesley just super solid let's trade queens buddy you trade queens with me i'm still going to come back i'm going to stay on this weakness look at black's position black is like has a lot of space but nothing is weak this knight is not weak it will just move so queen c1 queen a5 rook before trying to block it out but now knight c6 and it's just over because your rook is under attack and mvl goes e4 trying to go queen g5 but wesley just says well you want to play queen g5 so what i just go here and the craziest thing is this is a draw like wesley could have in this position played h6 to prevent queen g5 but then we would have gotten queen f4 queen g4 anyway um but there would have been a way for him to play that position instead here is it's just it's just a draw i mean literally if you play knight h5 if king h8 there is made in two so it's just it's a repetition but maxine plays this move and then takes on d5 and it's still a draw actually it's still a draw but it's still a draw but it's still a draw and then he plays this he could have went back to f6 here and tried to go for h7 and queen c5 check and it's still a draw but maxime tries to you know b-line for win and that the knight is now no longer attacking the king and one guy has two rooks and the other guy has one rook and a knight and so all end games of course are going to favor the guy with the material so the guy with the material makes a couple of forward moves and you know wesley proceeds to look for some pawn trades uh sorry for some peace trades um he uh safeguards his king you'll notice that he's literally just shuffling back and forth um looking for a way forward and um not much has happened in the last 10 moves but he ends up trading and rook b3 and i i don't really know how to judge this game um maxime just never really got going in this match and i had a couple of people commenting on the recaps like hey man i'm from france you've shown no respect to mvl you only only show games where he loses mvl won a couple of very nice games he beat magnus carlson in the prelims for example granted magnus carlson mouse slipped on move three and played a slightly bad move but yeah he played very well but this match was so weird because obviously round three was just a quick draw even with the i mean you know envelope the black pieces it was just a very quick draw and um yeah i mean that's that's that i can just make little dashes here so wesley just beats mvl to nothing uh and uh well let's there you go so which takes me to my next match which is the match between janja bomnichi and fabiano caruana now these guys are all tied yesterday but their first four games today ended in draws very much like a niche geary and seymour however they were fighting draws jan saved a couple of very bad positions um and so the score was two to two now the way the format works is that if it's all drawn after the rapid you gotta go to the blitz okay you play two games of five minute with three second bonus blitz and if that's all tied you go to the armageddon five minutes for white four minutes for black no bonus time and the person playing with the black pieces has draw odds which means that if the game is at a draw then you win the person who chooses the color is the higher seed okay so this is the first game of the blitz we have c4 e5 a king's bishop english opening and a big decision for black whether or not to play d5 and so fabiano does play d5 but a little bit delayed he builds up the pawn chain uh being a connoisseur of mr eric rosen and um now we get cd5 queen d5 knight drops back and fabiano actually blunders something here he castles and you would really like to do this fork but you can't because you will get ambassador shout out anarchy chess so what do you do well you get rid of the thing that can on person you he sacrifices a knight and plays d4 and now when the dust settles white just has two bishops like white is just better here because white has two bishops like white is a lot better actually because um you can just put the bishop out on the long diagonal and and black is just clearly worse this is just kind of what happens when one guy gets a bishop pair very early you see jan develops all his pieces now fabiano granted is still fine i mean he's not losing he's got a nice little clamp on the position um knight c4 tries to instigate knight d7 and throughout this match jan has had his moments but he he was just giving fabiano opportunities like for example here bishop f7 now he attacks the center with e4 knight c7 bishop d4 with pressure here not on his own piece pressure on this knight with this and this lurking um although he could have in this position played b4 which would have been a little bit more aggressive but here fabiano plays knight takes b3 which actually is a very nice tactic because after queen b3 you are in the line of sight of this bishop so of course how do you add pressure on the piece that's pinned right you play b5 except b5 is a losing blunder fabiano should have played c5 first not letting this go anywhere and then b5 why why let me show you because you played b5 first and now you join your queen with your bishop and when this gets taken bishop c5 will win the exchange and i think that right here jan saw that he was like bam bam bam bam he missed probably c5 b5 but they both missed it and so fabiano after the sequence goes down in exchange he's down uh rook for a night in a pawn but the problem is that jan's got all the advantages of the breaks and watch as the game progresses he trades on the queen side and just opens up the center everything that i just drew arrows to it chops everything down and in patented yan style he blunders he forgot uh i'm not saying jan is blunder prone but i am saying that sometimes jan will go a little bit too fast and there are opportunities in there for his opponents jan if for whatever reason you are watching my recaps i love you as a chess player i didn't mean to offend you so queen to d5 is played queen b6 thing is if you trade the queen gets out of danger and now the knight gets out of danger so fabiano somehow transferred all his pieces out of danger and his a pawn is rolling now rook for knight and two pawns like a two pawn two pawn end game could be winning for the rook which is why if you're going to trade pieces you need to also trade pawns like if the pawns come off the board rook and knight don't beat rook and rook so here fabiano can either take the queen or get his queen taken and bring the knight here and there is a massive difference and the difference is that the knight would hit the pawn so if he played a4 and we got take take check here here here here the knight takes right and it's knight and two versus rook and one that's a draw okay you with me right good yes wonderful uh-huh great fabiano took the queen so when all of this happened um the knight is not there yet and so the difference is that it's a tempo difference that's the difference and so rook a4 guards this and now white is winning and that's the problem with blitz sometimes it's a split second decision and this is actually very easily winning for white you you use your rook to check and force the king back especially against the knight and then you walk your king forward so you give a check you walk the king forward and at some point you can simplify rook for night or rook for night in one pawn um jan does it like this by just walking the king down black just simply cannot move anything because if you play something like h5 uh king d6 right and you're dead so king f8 king e6 and fabiano resigned and fabiano in the next game had a very very long rook end game that he was unable to convert because in typical yan style just like he might necess he might blunder a little bit he was super resourceful in defense drew a really really long rook end game and so jan eliminates fabiano and um he moves on as well so now we've got nepo and uh he will face uh wesley soh and timura jabov awaits our main event of the evening once again i have saved for you hikaru nakamura versus magnus carlsen we will begin in game number one yesterday they made four decisive results white won every game it was hikaru then magnus hikaru then magnus attacks positional grinds you name it so today we begin with e4 e5 and the usual we have an italian we have bishop c5 castles knight of six d3 castles rookie one so yesterday we had a lot of h3 this time magnus plays a slightly different move order and hikaru immediately jumps on him with knight g4 looking to attack on f2 rookie two and now you'd really like to play f5 but you need to get out of the pin so you play king to h8 we've seen this a lot so hikaru plays his f5 by the way look at that even at the cost of a knight you ever seen that before to open up his own position this is too dangerous for white to allow all this it's actually very well known so we get this the knight comes back to cover the queen here here d5 and we have a trade in the center we have one more trade we have one more trade and we have the following position on move 16. what the heck is going on queen rook rook knight bishop or player obstacle or bishops opposite colored bishops favor the person who wants to start an attack why because the bishop will target certain spots that the enemy bishop can't defend so that's why you will have a piece attacking but you might not necessarily have the same piece defending because it can't defend the corresponding squares magnus has an upon advancement potentially on the queen side um and hikaru just begins to mobilize this way now at this point it should be noted magnus is also down a lot on time on the moves queen d2 and b4 a4 he spent 10 minutes out of a possible 15. so he really didn't like his position all that much and so what he did is he decided i don't want hikaru to attack me so i am going to go find a queen trait so he plays queen a2 here queen e6 and hikaru says all right now your queen's in with me and i'm not going for a queen trade i am now going to use your queen as a target i will try to play h5 to kick out this stupid bishop i will try to put my knight on force to kick out this stupid rook my bishop will stay here to hit your stupid pawn everything's stupid basically so what does magnus do he takes on a5 and plays rook b1 hikaru plays rook a7 stubbornly defending and also pressure here in the future queen c4 queen g6 now h5 is coming here magnus plays a really wild movie plays rook to b5 which on the surface attacks nothing i mean everything is defended um the computer here gave a move that was so ridiculous knight d4 moves that look impossible right that doesn't look possible but the problem is that that would be a check and a loss of a rook so in chance when you can make an impossible looking move to then improve your position you can get a very big advantage that's why moves are impossible right so uh he didn't see it in play rook b5 and hikaro goes to kick out his rook because he's like i don't understand what you're doing here and magnus goes all in and plays knight takes e5 d e5 rookie five he could have also taken the bishop and done this to fork and then that all that would have been better than what happened in the game because he i believe he missed hikaru's defensive resource he must have thought that the pressure here along with queen d4 check was a problem but hikaru has watched the danger levels video folks what's worth more than a night besides every gotham chess subscriber if you're not subscribed yet come on go check it out a lot of people are always like oh my god i've been watching for so long i didn't even think i wasn't subscribed we're trying to hit a million let's do it okay what's worth more than a night the king rook d8 look at that move leaving the knight hanging rook d1 check king h2 and there's a fork here queen d6 the loose piece will fall off so all of a sudden magnus carlsen is losing with the white pieces he begins to fight back he saveguards his king gets it out of danger pushes the pawn in the center he actually volunteers that pawn for capture because when the pawn is gone the rooks will be connected right he actually wanted to do that and now he goes for taking on b7 what is hikaru gonna do now there are two ways to win a winning position okay i say this all the time trade the pieces down into a winning end game or use your material advantage to go on a belligerent attack step one trade one pair of rooks magnus creating counter play on that side hikaru understands that he needs to push all the resources every pawn needs to go every pawn is getting involved in the game why because the opposite color bishops so this g3 square the dark square diagonal keep that in mind as hikaru begins consolidating picks up the three three pawn and gets out look at that look at that active operation gets the pawn and comes back makes the diagonal and now my friends we've got this laser beam so it's time h4 everybody's playing in this game knight queen bishop pon pon rook i mean the kings just as long as you're safe king you you you stay being a beta in the corner okay pawn takes h4 and now we're we're coming in knight comes back to g6 king to g2 bishop b6 hitting on f2 bishop f3 knight back to the middle because you have no way to defend that now if you're magnus carlsen the sly bastard rook to d2 look at that move oh no my rook oh no you're beta king that you opened up and now you are losing you are losing the game even though you are up a rook you're up a rook but my queen and my bishop will swarm you it is never too late to lose the game you know it i know it you know it better than me so queen to c5 here and now folks we finish it off in style take the bishop lose the queen knight d2 check and you pick this up and now all you've got to do is know how to mate with bishop and knight and not lose on time and hikaru coordinates his knight in his bishop stops the apon and magnus attacks the bishop but gets his with knight d6 and hicaro has won the first game with black that is big that is big which takes me to game number two because now magnus carlsen is a very difficult decision does he stabilize with black and try to win the next game of white or does he go all in hikaru plays e4 and magnus carlson plays c5 the sicilian defense this is not an opening that you play when you are looking to make a draw now hikaru plays the bishop b5 check variation very solid and plays castles and goes for this setup i know i'm going to skip a little bit but the most important thing happens right here this is a setup known as the miraxi i don't pronounce that right and a lot of you guys criticize me i don't know how i'm supposed to pronounce it so i'm going to pronounce it like an american meroxie so c4e4 and essentially the structure that white gets is uber solid look f3 little pyramid here to counteract this bishop and magnus has a structure here known as the hedgehog the little spiky ball you poke it you might you might you might start bleeding a6 b6 d6 e6 this is known as a little bit known as the hedgehog very passive but very it's like a slingshot you know you pull it back all of a sudden you get a broken orbital bone from a rock hitting you in the face so b5 d5 are the pawn brakes knight e5 knight on c4 is a is a typical idea and so hikaru kind of invited it upon himself when he destabilized the knight from the rooks and he knew he was he was thinking magnus would go all out so magnus did b5 if you take with the pawn you lose your knight so he sacrifices the knight for two pawns and attacks the rook now any normal person here would think about the move rook to c6 but then knight to a7 would fork and hikaru doesn't have to do this he can force a draw he can also take on c8 he can and then push his pawns and probably he is better but here magnus carlson played a move that you if i gave you 10 guesses you wouldn't guess but now that i'm saying that you'll probably guess it immediately what do super gm's do when they're bored they don't know what to do in a position h five so hikaru says well whatever you you can do i can do better a4 we're playing the mirrored crab magnus says all right i guess i gotta address the situation on the queen side i don't really like that pawn coming at me h4 car says bro let's go okay from this point forward it begins to look like a guess the elo game h3 trying to get hikaru take so his structure is destabilized hikaru just plays rook a1 allows the h-pawn to walk down the board and just continues ignoring it and plays knight c7 and b5 now b5 is a big decision because you are committed to your pawns walking but magnus meanwhile is going to get the c5 square hikaru could have just played a6 and left the pawns here but also along with knight c5 what's the one pawn move that's gonna open things up for magnus it's the move d5 it's gonna open up the queen it'll shatter the center it'll open the c file it'll open the bishop the knights get into the game and ladies and gentlemen here we go d5 on the board b6 attacks the queen queen e5 attacks the queen again queen slides in amongst everybody icaru goes for a queen trade magnus says uh-uh-uh no queen trade i have eight minutes you have one and a half no queen trade just like last game the top guys they know what they're doing they will put that pressure on the clock especially when they have a big time advantage now if you court plays bishop a4 magnus jumps in with the knight the pawn goes out to a6 connected past pawns on the seventh rank so we sacrifice the bishop for both of them but the problem is that black still has really active pieces and this pawn is lurking and this pawn is going to play a pivotal role in this game because now with bishop c5 trading off another very important piece hikaru brings back the the rook to target the queen brings back to the rook to target the queen look at that move queen f1 magnus carlsen says let's calm it down let's calm it down it's a crazy tactical position but the end game is better for me i got the two knights i have connected pawns use that pawn this pawn became a queen believe in yourself here knight d3 here here and this is this is really a tough end game maybe in classical chess this is borderline very borderline holdable but probably not against magnus carlsen and in blitz chess with 20 seconds on the clock like hikaru had you you just can't do it because the problem is your pawns are too weak magnus has the second rank coming in not right away he's not going to lose his rook in one move but um hikaru sacrifices and sets one trap bishop d7 which looks like you are getting pinned but then there would have been this stunning move bishop f5 it's never too late to blunder backrank checkmate yeah you take both things and then the king can't escape that is not what happened in the game magnus took the bishop now has knight and three pawns for a rook and that's all he needed his king walks out he defends all his pawns and the game is over right here after knight to f4 i think hikaro might have made a move and resigned but um yeah very very impressive game very impressive match six straight wins to start things off two with the black pieces now folks let's take a deep breath round seven and eight of their rapid portion were relatively effortless draws magnus did begin um the he did begin the the second game he had white with the move b4 he didn't really get much from the opening he blundered later but it ended up just being an equal end game so my friends um it's two to two and uh it's time for blitz now hikaru is the higher seed of the two so he opts to play with the black pieces first and now magnus changes everything no more e4 he plays d4 knight f6 c4 e6 now hikaru is a predictable man because he will play this queen's gambit declined he plays it all the time e3 he will play knight to d7 and his whole point is that he will suffer with the slightly worst spatial situation uh and then use the queen side to break he plays this a lot they've played this a lot so magnus says i i'm not gonna play option one or two or three i'm gonna go deep into the rabbit hole first i'm going to begin with bishop e2 dc4 and now i'm going to castle i'm not even going to take back the pawn i'm going to let you make a decision now knight b6 you can also play knight d5 in this position which is one of the moves knight b6 a4 a5 e4 go ahead hang on to your c pawn but you now you're you're not going to get developed anytime soon it's going to be tough for you to develop at this point there's no games played in the database magnus is smart about his preparation he gets hikaru out of it takes a a risk that he won't remember the line the best move here i believe is bishop to b4 targeting the knight and trying to win this but then magnus would maybe play queen c2 bring his rooks hikaru doesn't play the right move he plays c5 the idea is simple you want to use the c pawn to trade the center but that allows this nagging move your c and a pawns normally can fend off the knight but because they've went too far now bishop c7 is threatened you have to play knight back to e8 so magnus takes on c5 knight comes to d7 now he gets the the situation right here to a grand master this position is almost completely winning for white why because of one plan and one plan only do you trade queens are you open to a queen trade no when you have a lead in development and more space don't trade pieces queen to c2 and so they both move their queens out now there is one move in this position and one move only that guarantees white and advantage my friends it's very subtle when you watch magnus do it you're like oh duh duh that's what cece says that's what the computer says it's very important to use this pawn move as a thorn to remove your opponent's pieces from being active e5 you might think i haven't moved my rooks yet that's not the priority the priority is to shut down the circulation of black's position and line up to h7 you're threatening knight g5 bishop d3 or as magnus plays in this game bishop a2 and bishop b1 look at that maneuver lining up to h7 hikaru cannot defend this he has to play f5 and now for the second time in a row that he's had an opportunity on poisson by mr carlson of course to keep this open now when hikora played f7 to f5 what got weakened the light square's near the king so we add bishop e5 and we're ready with knight h4nite g6 and magnus smart man doesn't continue improving his position realizes what's my most forcing move here i have one check that loses a that loses this guy bishop f6 now knight f6 is it looks forced but i can also do this the queen is not mate very simple move here the only piece that's not involved rookie one and the laser beams down the center of the board rook takes d5 is coming ed will lose the queen hikaru saw that played queen g7 but just queen takes bishop and hikaru resigned the truth is that this is already this is basically already lost you cannot defend all the pieces you cannot defend against all the threats and magnus carlsen wins a very nice game credit to the man for completely going away from their entire series of openings playing d4 and taking uh a little sidestep and then another sidestep and catching hikaru of guard in this kind of queen's gambit decline structure and just e4 nagging position very annoying position very common i made a video recently about the computer influence on magnus carlsen this is very standard nowadays lose upon in the opening dominate the center win that pawn back in the future and if your opponent doesn't react perfectly as cecaro did in this game very convincing win magnus crossing up three to two and that takes us to the final game of blitz the final game of blitz e4 e5 hikaru's got to win plays knight f3 knight c6 the okay this should be five knight f6 uh you gotta offer the berlin if you're trying to make a draw d3 no berlin and c3 c3 prevents knight d4 which is what they played in one of their draws castles castle's d6 now again it's in the 4a5 position so for the first kind of stage of the opening the players are shuffling their pieces um and probably the most important moment is right here this is move 14. nah one more move let's get the pieces out move 15. how do you beat a guy in an e4e5 position every piece is still on the board every single piece is still on the board guys so i don't really know what to do if you trade a pawn in the center you give your opponent central majority potentially not at the moment but you know bishop d5 is very strong on f3 knight d5 is coming to f4 so hikaru tries to keep as many pieces on the board as possible just for the long time he plays queen to f1 not the prettiest move but necessary magnus meanwhile lashes out with b5 get get that guy out of here i want all your pieces to be passive queen c7 now kikaru decides to take on d5 cd5 d4 so again e takes d4 runs into c takes or knight takes looking to create some degree of imbalance in the position remember the really important move last game that magnus played to take dominant control in the center and chess it's all about patterns e4 now this is open and that bishop is going to go to b8 just like last game so now he courage kind of turns his attention to creating a dark squared blockade she's gonna play queen e2 knight f193 so we have queen e2 knight f4 let's get rid of that knight it's a little bit annoying and bring back my knight to go here when the knight comes here i'm gonna have maybe pressure on d5 i'll play f3 or something but the bishop on b8 is really strong what are we going to do about that magnus brings it forward a little bit eyeing over here connecting the rooks maybe rookie 7 maybe rook f8 um plays bishop f4 no queen trade rook c8 92 let me get that bishop no no bishop for you i'm gonna move my rook over bring the bishop back and hikaru is going for a queen trade he goes for a queen trade queen shirt actually would be very nice no no no no even though all i need is a draw i'm not interested in making a draw i'm interested in playing the best move in the position king to g1 now magnus once again plays a very nice move he just improves his position one more of his pawns needs to join the attack that's not a pawn but that is and then now he plays f5 they trade hikaru goes for the open file f4 and a couple moves later hikaru has to play f3 because otherwise f3 would have happened for black and this wedge you are not going to overcome queen d1 and when the position is all but perfect sometimes there is a lurking sacrifice to shred it all open magnus plays bishop takes h3 rook g6 bishop c2 takes on c2 and hikaru resigned he resigned because even though he can take back and he's only down one pawn a rook is hanging that's the problem and by the way let's just say you don't like let's say you play like king h8 you cannot overcome this this is just too dominant of a of a structure here now magnus carlsen eliminates icaru with very two very convincing blitz games we talked to hikaru uh when he joined us on his channel um and he felt like it all got away from him in that second game when you win with black in the first game and magnus goes all out in the second game you have to stabilize uh you have to not lose and when they just trade the blows it's match on again and you know it felt like in these two blitz games i don't know everything kind of shifted magnus was just super locked in and uh he just won two games very convincingly what more can you say so magnus wins four to two and wins the overall match one and a half to half he will move on to take on timur jabov timur is not going to be able to make seven out of eight draws and still win the match and wesley so will take on yany pogbashi the winners of those two matches will then take on each other the losers will play for third place my friends it has been a pleasure covering hikaru versus magnus for you here in the quarterfinals we have our semi-finalists now uh whatever the hell the price of bitcoin is now the players still get about 2.2 of it as a prize fund and um yeah once again friendly reminder that if you want to donate to coronavirus charity relief try to i hope we can get to half a million dollars raised we're at 435 000 at the time of recording and uh i believe in this community and if you have the means to donate let's help india out with their coveted crisis that's all that's all for me i will see you all tomorrow take care and um stay awesome get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 395,040
Rating: 4.9688902 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, melwater, meltwater chess, meltwater tour, meltwater champions tour, meltwater champions chess tour, champions chess, champions tour, champions chess tour, ftx crypto cup, ftx crypto, crypto cup, crypto cup chess, champion chess tour, champions chess tour 2021, chess24, chess 24, chess tour, crypto cup tour, crypto chess tour, chess tour live, ftx crypto chess, magnus carlsen, anish giri
Id: MG_RBGMbs8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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