Maggie Street Virtual Service 8.16.20

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welcome to maggie street missionary baptist church where a pastor ezekiel pettway senior is the senior pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit [Music] maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 pm giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc happy birthday to everyone celebrating in the month of august and happy anniversary to everyone celebrating in the month of august [Music] let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code 265 [Music] let us now receive our praise team [Music] oh sanderson i love you i love you [Music] of oh of the prayers you are always there [Music] you were holy [Music] my life did change i love you [Music] oh [Music] yes you are [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you are worthy [Music] in the house [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my life did change you are holy [Music] let us now receive pastor ezekiel pettway senior good morning and thank you again for tuning in to our worship service this sunday morning we're so thrilled and excited that you are a part of our worship service via online my brothers and sisters it's just good to be in the house of the lord again it's good to be above ground amen and so therefore we give god all the praise glory and honor for being here this morning let's go to the lord in prayer father we thank you for your loving kindness we thank you for your tender mercies we thank you for jesus christ our savior who died for all of our sin and for that reason god we give you praise we give you glory and adoration pray now that you would call seth to be hidden behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but allow the power of god to be expressed through the preached word today that the people of god may be blessed by what they hear allow the word of god to death dev really deep into their heart this morning that they may understand that no matter where they find themselves in life that you are there with them so god we thank you we love you we appreciate and adore you we ask all of these blessings in the only name that matters in jesus name amen well my brothers and sisters again it's just good to be here and i want to give you an opportunity to share with us and i've given our worship in giving you have opportunities to give via website you can do it online hit the green dot and you can give your donation you can mail it in or you cannot bring it by the church we're going to be here for one hour from 10 to 11. again i want to encourage those of you that can if you will if you would give an offering to our benevolence we'd appreciate that we still have some people who are experiencing some difficulties during this covet 19 season so again we just ask you to dig a little deeper if you can and if you cannot we also understand that as well well it's time to get into the word of god and i'm so excited about this message on this morning as a matter of fact i'm i'm excited about the word of god each and every time i get to stand and deliver the word of god from philippians chapter number one verse number 12 paul says but i would you should understand brethren that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel and then in genesis chapter number 42 verse number 36 and jacob their father said unto them me have ye bereaved of my children joseph is not and simeon is not and ye will take benjamin away all these things are against me and my brothers and sisters that's exactly what i want to talk about this morning i want to talk about all these things are against me uh have you ever suffered a setback in your life sometimes it's called a reversal of fortunes setbacks are the hallmark of personal testimonies sometimes our testimonies amen they lift us out of the maya that we are in something has gone wrong in our lives something good has turned bad and that's why we call them setbacks everything was going good but now the bottom is falling out of my life perhaps it's the loss of your health unexpected doctor or hospital visits having to pay outrageous prices for for prescription drugs can be a severe setback especially to those who are on fixed income setbacks are common to all of us and it has happened to us on more than one occasion i'm sure and it's never any pleasure in a setback all setbacks are by their very nature stressful when we think about going through some tough times in our lives and there is no pleasure from the forces at work that are creating these setbacks in our life whatever they might be there's never any good pleasure in it it doesn't feel good you don't like the situation that you're in but nonetheless this is happening to you even now there are some of you who are dealing with setbacks at home right now you are dealing with something that was so unexpected you did not even see it on your radar you didn't see it coming it didn't forecast itself it didn't let you know that it was on its way to your house but the setback showed up anyhow amen so at the end of the day we can learn some lesson as a result of a setback if we really want to learn a lesson well the first lesson that we need to learn in a setback is that you have to learn how to advance through your adversity amen you ought to help me this morning because there are some of us that are facing adversities but we got to have this thing right in our spirit where we are saying to ourself i'm in an adverse situation right now but i'm going to advance through my adversity in other words i'm going to forge on i'm going to march on i'm gonna push through what i'm going through because i believe there's something that happened in my life about god's design so the question on the table this morning my brothers and sisters what if what you are going through is part of god's plan what if god has designed this for you because he has an expected end for you provided that you are able to advance through what you're going through in other words my brothers and sisters we've got to learn how to make progress in the midst of our problems even when you're having problems you got to still have a progressive attitude you got to talk to yourself and you got to say this too shall pass you got to say i'm coming up out of this a man it's only temporary this is not a permanent fix i know the god that i serve he has brought me out of something once before and if he did it once he'll do it again so you've got to talk to your setbacks and let them know sometimes your setback is just a setup for an even greater comeback and so at the end of the day we have to learn how to advance through our adversity the apostle paul gives us a formula of how to advance through our adversity he said in philippians chapter number four rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice come on help me this morning it's hard to rejoice when things are not going your way it's hard to rejoice when you don't have money in your pocket it's hard to rejoice when you don't have everything that you desire to have but paul said in the midst of my adversity i'm locked down in a roman jail but i'm still going to keep my joy how many know today that the joy of the lord is our strength amen it doesn't matter what you're facing in your life it doesn't matter what you're going through if you have j-o-y in your life you can get through it amen you got to learn how to lift your hands in the midst of what you're going through rather than complaining you need to tell god about your troubles amen there's another passage i want you to think about here amen that really we need to take a good look at when paul wrote this thing he says amen listen now paul wrote these words he was not writing to complain but he was writing to inform amen when you when you're when you are informing and not complaining it spells it out really clear and it sends a clear message amen that i'm not writing because of my predicament i'm not writing to detail my discouragement amen but rather i'm writing so that i can share with you the victory that i have over this adversity in other words i'm looking on the other side of my adversity i'm not going to get stuck in what i'm in because if you get stuck where you are and what you're in you will never be able to see by faith the end result that god is working it out for my good he had plenty that he could complain about but it is the victory over the trial that paul emphasizes and that is what will prevail amen in our lives and this is the prevailing message that paul wants to get apart he may get across to us but now on the other side of the ledger when we go to genesis and look at genesis chapter number 42 there's a stark contrast of paul's words of victory and joy that are found throughout his letter to the philippians and these words are found amen over in genesis now they are words of a father named jacob jacob in this particular text we hear jacob saab and whine and complain all these things are against me that's what jacob said for these two passages and from these two passages amen we see two entirely different perspectives amen we see life shifting in different directions for both of them but one complains and the other one celebrates with victory can we really say that jacob does not have a reason to complain oh absolutely jacob has a reason to complain can i tell you why first of all jacob's wife rachel died in chapter number 35 verses 16 through 18 while she was giving birth to benjamin his youngest son so jacob is reminded of his son being born and his wife dying reuben on the other hand his oldest son conspired to sell joseph into slavery in chapter 37 and verses number 21-29 so jacob has a lot on his plate at this time and i can understand how jacob feel i don't lost my wife amen why she was giving birth to my son i don't lost a son by the name of joseph and when you get a little deeper in the text you'll find out that benjamin amen is asked for by joseph while he is down in egypt and we'll deal with that in just a moment amen now listen at what he says in the text amen he says and jacob their father said unto them may have you bereaved in other words i'm still grieving over the loss of joseph i'm grieving over simeon because joseph has kept him in egypt and they don't know that joseph is alive at this time but joseph has kept him and he's sinning for benjamin he's saying i want to see benjamin that's my baby brother and jacob is in a place in his life where he said i can't lose this son i don't lost one son i don't lost my wife but i need to make a decision can i tell somebody that sometime you're between a rock and a hard place and you have to make a hard decision and you don't know what to do you don't know how to make that decision so jacob has reason to complain you know the story of how joseph ended up down there and if you don't can i just refresh your memory you remember that he was he was led and sold to the egyptian slave his oldest brother as i said he was seething with jealousy of joseph and so he conspired to get rid of him brothers and sisters we need to stick a pen in this right here when people are jealous of you they will do anything to get rid of you they conspired against joseph benjamin led the charge he's the oldest brother and the rest of them went along with him to get rid of jose why because joseph had vision because joseph had dreams joseph had dreams and and when you have dreams and vision you have to understand there are some dream killers amen there are some people that want to poke your eyes out because you have vision but at the end of the day amen can't nobody take away from you what god has put in your heart they may sell you off into slavery they may sell you out they may even lie on you but at the end of the day they cannot take away the dream that god has put in your heart so they sold joseph to this passing caravan of israelites that were on their way to egypt that's how joseph got down in egypt can i tell y'all that sometimes the dirt that people throw on you they don't realize down the road they're gonna need you to help them get out of the mess that they're in they threw joseph in a ditch but they didn't understand that that ditch that they threw joseph in was the thing that joseph needed to lift him to prominence in life they lifted him up out of the pit and his gift came alive inside of him joseph had the gift of interpreting dream if joseph had never been thrown into that pit his gift would have never came to life can i tell some of y'all you are in a pit right now you are going through a pitiful situation but god is trying to awaken a deeper dream that's on the inside of you if you listen to the voice of god while you're in your pit while you're in your shutdown moment god will bring it to pass what it is that he wants you to do and when you figure out what god wants you to do you don't have to worry about looking for anybody they'll come looking for you joseph is locked up in prison but they came looking for joseph because he had something inside of him that could bless everybody and you just don't understand that god has equipped some of us with blessings on the inside of us that will bless everybody if they would allow you to share that vision and that dream with them but some of them are so jealous of you that they will try to kill your progress so my brothers and sisters i want to encourage you today that joseph the brother who wore the coat of many colors was a brother of influence he wore the coat because he had leadership in his blood he had leadership in his bone and when you wear the coat of many colors you attract a lot of haters in your life you attract a lot of enemies in your life because you simply want to carry out the purpose of god you raise the question sometime to yourself why are they messing with me i don't bother nobody i do my job i treat everybody right i give my tithes and my offering god why in the world are all these things happening to me well what you need to know is not just what's happening to you but what's happening in you what god is doing inside of you he's maturing you for a higher calling in life god allows us to go through humiliation so he can take us to a place of exaltation y'all preach this this with me today when you hear of somebody being humiliated you got to remember that god has the last say so and whoever you humiliate god reserves it so that he can lift them up and exalt them to another place in life so jacob a man nearly died of the grief that he was dealing with in his life can you imagine his sons come back with this line and say joseph was killed by a wide animal here's his coat right here papa here's his coat look at the blood on it and jacob didn't know it was animal blood he just thought his son was dead that thing almost took jacob out when he heard the news years have passed now jacob never forgets his son a new son named benjamin is born he is jacob's pride and joy and jacob is determined that nothing will happen to him how many know sometimes the folks that you want to protect you can't protect them the folk that you try to help you can't help them you know why because god has purpose on their life you know about the time of this family now it drove jacob to a place amen where the boys had to go from their home in canaan down to egypt to buy grain and that's what joseph is now notice they threw joseph into a pit and now they need grain so that they can live and survive and guess who is sitting there amen as the chief of all their agriculture it is joseph the very one that they threw in the pit he is sitting there and he's selling grain to his brothers and they don't even know joseph has a beard at this time he is so distinguished that they don't even know him they think they have gotten rid of him that's a word for somebody some people think they have gotten rid of you but you need to let them know that i'm still here and i cannot be gotten rid of until god says it's over so here it is on one day after a journey in egypt all of those who had gone on the trip with with with the caravan to to to egypt they returned back home but simeon is missing so simeon is missing when you read the story you'll see that that that joseph kept benjamin kept simeon there in in egypt and then when jacob learned that that simeon is kept in egypt and joseph is asking for benjamin to come down it just rips his heart out all over again and that's when he says i got to make this decision whether we're going to have grain or whether we're going we're going to starve or whether my entire family and my herd are going to starve and so all these things this is what he's saying all of this stuff is against me now as it turns out it probably probably was the best thing that could have ever happened to him jacob did not know even though he was dealing with some issues sometimes we don't understand and we don't recognize that a negative situation sometimes works out for our good and jacob didn't recognize that but it was working out for the good of the entire family he thinks all of this stuff is against him through through our misunderstanding through our mistakes and our weaknesses of our faith we often consider things to be against us that are in reality working for us we are afflicted in our body our finances our name our relationship and we think all of these things are against us but the truth of the matter is they are working and even great a weight of eternal glory in us and for us so the second things i want to tell you my brothers is that trials work for us and not against us listen to what paul says in second corinthians chapter four and verse number 17. paul says for our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight in glory now listen to what paul said this thing is light in comparison to what we are going to inherit that is heavy in glory we need to know that the glory of god is heavy and that what we are going through is only for a moment even though we call it eternity because we go through it for a period of time we say i can't handle this but the truth of the matter is is working a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory in other words can i say it this way what i'm going through right now is temporary but what god has for me is eternal if i can endure the temporal stuff the stuff that i will inherit is eternal so i've got to condition my flesh to understand that some things god has designed for me to go through so the key to victory and overcoming all these things against me is the attitude that we have to see in this next verse and what paul says in verse 18. he says while we look not at the things which are seen and too often we are focused on what we see with our natural eyes because what we see with our natural eyes it almost convinces us in our spirit that we can't get through this but at the things which are not seen you've got to look at what you can't see you got to trust the god that you can't see you got to look at those things that are eternal and not the temporal things what what what about i don't have a job that's temporary man well i don't have a car that's temporary amen i don't have a house that's temporal i don't have a husband that's temper i don't have a wife that's temper but i have jesus in my life i have eternity living on the inside of me that encouraged me to know that if i have faith in god he's gonna work it out for my good i don't know when he's gonna work it out i'm not putting a timetable on god i'm not rushing god sometimes we ask god god how long it's gonna take for you to do what you need to do it's gonna take until god does it that's how long it's gonna take jacob was justified and feeling the way he did all these things are against me that's what jacob said no doubt if i had been standing in that family circle today knowing the history that the family knew i probably would agree with jacob there are some of you who are dealing with things in your life you've had multiple loss in your family you've lost some things along the way and you you might be saying all of this is against me but hmm we have the benefit of this hindsight now on our side and know that ultimately jacob was totally wrong in what he was thinking sometimes brothers and sisters we are dead wrong in our thinking that's why jeremiah 29 and 11 is so important for us i know the thoughts that i think towards you thoughts of good and not of evil to give you an expected end god has a plan and a purpose for everything that we go through jacob knew his god though jacob trusted his god but jacob did not know his god as we know him today we have the advantage of knowing him by the revelation that has come to us through the lord and savior jesus christ through the teachings of the scripture and through the ministry teaching guidance and comfort of the holy spirit all of these verses i could mention right now i choose to remind you that we have hope and hope as described in the scripture is like this in hebrews 6 and 19 as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entereth into that which within the veil now let me read it from the amplified bible it says sure and steadfast hope is an anchor that cannot slip and it cannot break down under whatever or whosoever steps on it it is a hope that reaches further and enters into the very certainty of the present that is behind the very curtain of heaven in other words when you put your hope in jesus christ it reaches behind the veil it's in the holy place where god is we need an anchor for our soul and especially in this time that we're living in we don't need to let the word of god slip away from us but we need to be anchored in the lord the next thing i tell you and this is the final thing is that what you're going through becomes your personal testimony now let us suppose you were asked to talk about your greatest disappointment or the most hurtful thing that has ever happened to you in your life what would it be he's a question suppose you were asked to talk about your greatest joy or your greatest accomplishment could you talk about that here's a question or have you become stuck there have you moved past the pain or are you stuck in resentment and bitterness of what people have done to you are you stuck at some place of disappointment or failure this is a very real danger in being stuck and all of these things are against me the attitude is important it's important to settle down but not to settle down there and be stuck god's command to the israelites in the wilderness in deuteronomy chapter 2 and verse 1 moses said for many years we wondered in the area of my seer then at last the lord said you have stayed here long enough turn and go northward some of us have been in the place where we are too long and god is saying arise turn and go north it's time for us to look up and stop looking down north is up and south is down too many of us got our head in the south and we need to put it in the north and start looking up to the lord now another version says you have come past this mountain long enough turn you north in other words the lord is saying you've been going around and around this mountain long enough move out we have to move on we are challenged to make a choice my brothers and sisters we may choose to remain in the place where we have been beaten up but the command is to arise twice in kings first kings chapter 19 verse 5 and 7 the angel of the lord touched the tired discouraged and fearful prophet elijah and said to him elijah arise eat the journey is too great for thee so the lord is telling them to get up from where you are get up out of this stupid where you are you're saying you want me to kill you uh get up from where you are you can't die where you are the lord is telling us to get up the prodigal son in the pig pen this is what he said in luke 15 and 18 he said i will arise and go to my father and i will say unto him i've sinned against heaven and before thee notice what he says i'm getting out and up from what i'm in you've got to get up out of that stupor that you're in jesus said to the leper who have returned to give thanks unto him in in luke 17 and 19 he so rise go thy way thy faith has made thee whole in other words get up from where you are and move out he said to the man that was sick of the palsy in matthew chapter 9 and verse 6 he said arise take up your bed in other words get up and take the thing that had you and take it with you don't let it take you and keep you where you are we have to learn how to rise up he said to the crippled man in john 5 and 8 who was by the pool of bethesda he said rise take up your bed and walk see some people expect you to stay where you are they don't want to see you rise up from your situation we must not allow ourselves the pleasure of taking refuge behind these things or against me we can arise from the midst of a destructive divorce we can arise from the midst of a broken relationship we can arise from the midst of financial laws we can arise from the midst of physical setback we can arise from the midst of our depression we can arise from the midst of our anger we can arise from the midst of our resentment we can arise from the midst of our disappointment we can arise from the midst of our excuses of not trying to come from behind all these things or against me we can arise from complaining all these things are against me and begin to say this is the beginning of something big and something new in my life finally jacob had been grieving as i told you for so many years over the loss of his wife rachel over joseph being sold into prison over simeon being kept in egypt and over benjamin having to go down to egypt you can see why joe while jacob feels the way he does jacob is left in a situation that he doesn't know what to do listen at what he says and i believe jacob is sincere he said my son should not go down with you for his brother is dead he is left alone if mischief before him by the way into which you go then shall ye bring down my gray hair with sorrow to the grave in other words jacob said you're gonna kill me if you take him down there but he has to go so the famine is so bad in canaan that the pressure is building jacob is being squeezed by the circumstance do you ever feel that waste sometime that the circumstances of life is squeezing the life out of you jacob must decide so at last grudgingly he yields to the only plan of action that can be taken the boys must return to egypt with benjamin days and perhaps weeks pass until they return you can only imagine how jacob agonized day and night wondering what the outcome of all of this would be brothers and sisters sometimes we have to leave their outcome and the results up to god worrying is not going to change it and i know that we worry i worry we've got to get to a place where we can trust god little did he know that he was on the verge of a life-changing event some of you even as i am speaking this morning you are on the verge of a life-changing event this could be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you what you're going through as it is with jacob so returning to egypt the boys learned that joseph is in a position of power second only to pharaoh and he is the man in charge of the distribution of all the grain he sends them back home with new clothes oh god god got some new stuff for us amen silver and 20 donkeys loaded with all manner of food and stuff listen to jacob listen at his reaction when he sees all this and here's the news joseph is yet alive and he is governor over all the land of egypt and jacob hart fainted for he believed them not and when he saw the wagons which joseph had sent to carry him the spirit of jacob their father revived the lord sent a wagon to give him refuge to rescue jacob to let him know that your son joseph is still alive and joseph was sent to egypt to save the nation of israel brothers and sisters we have to be careful who we throw in the pit because we may have to go by them one day so i close with this we want to believe that something good can happen to us too like this story ends with jacob we as a matter of fact think it might be long overdue i've been waiting for a long time but you got to exercise your faith we have tried to maintain our hope that all things will change now if that were you and if that's where you are do you know that the bible describes your position listen at what proverbs 13 and 12 says hope deferred delayed or postponed makes the heart sick may you be sick of waiting you may be sick of waiting you may be sick of trusting believing and hoping it's frustrating you have to let your ankle hold though the second part of that verse is still awaits fulfillment but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life here are the two anchors for such a time as this for the vision is yet for an appointed time but the end it shall speak and not lie though it tarry wait for it because it was surely come it would not tarry habakkuk two and three and psalm 30 and five weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning hold on to that believe that these are our anchors and that we will help us to get through this idea what we claim that all these things are working against me when in reality they are working for our good my brothers and sisters if there's someone that know who jesus is if this message has touched your heart today i want to give you an opportunity to confess jesus with your mouth believe in your heart that god has raised him from the dead if you confess that and say lord i believe that you died for my sin that you rose again the third day according to the scripture come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god if you confess that you can be saved today if you do i want to encourage you to be a part of our church ministry you can call maggot street baptist church at 334-263-3215 there's someone here tuesday wednesday and thursday if you don't get in one leave a message we will return your call we're glad to have you we'll be glad to have you as a part of our church ministry god bless you god keep you is our prayer i want you to consider genesis chapter number 35 for your reading this is the chapter that i share with you about benjamin being born and while rachel was giving birth to benjamin she died so that chapter is a really good read genesis 35 well god bless you thank you again for tuning in i look to see you on the other side we look forward to sharing the word of god with you in our bible studies on thursday let us pray well father we thank you for this day we thank you for jesus christ our lord we pray now lord god that you will bless us during the rest of this week until we are able to do online service again bless all of those lord god who stands in the need of blessings we pray now your peace upon them now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest ruling about with us all henceforth now and forever in jesus name amen thank you for being a part of our virtual service maggie street missionary baptist church is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 373
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: NqO0MdkjkQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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