Maggie Street Virtual Service (7.12.20)

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you welcome to Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church where Ezekiel Pettway fear is the pastor our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing Church with Christ as our model to Train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our phrase and to worship Christ the Savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church weekly worship opportunities virtual worship service each Sunday at 10 a.m. virtual Sunday school each Sunday morning from 9 to 9:45 a.m. The ministers Sunday School class lease deal zone class meets real soon sister Pam Osborne's class also meets he assumed the sadhana harper's class will be helicopter and a sister Brenda Ellis's class lease via teleconference virtual Bible study each Thursday at 6 p.m. the church website can be found at [Music] backslash you can give online at Maggie Street Church dot org backslash follow Maggie Street Missionary Baptist Church on Twitter at Maggie M SBC happy birthday to all of those celebrating birthdays in the month of July and happy Anniversary to all of you all celebrating anniversaries in the month of July we invite you to be a part of our morning devotion prayer call join us Monday through Saturday 6:30 a.m. and Sundays at 8:30 a.m. you can Dowe nine seven eight nine nine zero five four zero eight access code two six five six seven two nine let us now receive our praise team [Music] me [Music] [Music] and started [Music] [Music] I was let me sleep tonight she won't be won't be what [Music] [Music] [Music] those are messing me right down to the bus let's leave right now the Lord blessed me write down the thought that should be right passively right back that's Italy right now [Applause] that's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ever [Music] good morning welcome to mega streets our morning service it is a pleasure to be here with you and thank you for joining us let us go to the Lord in prayer do you have my father we just thank you for this day we thank you for those who have sought fit to tourney and then hear your word or we just thank you for the word that you've laid out for us in your scriptures we ask that the word that comes forth today following good ground let it touch each one of our hearts to inspire one of us to become more and more like you we thank you for keeping us over this past week we thank you for your grace and your mercy we thank you for your new mercies that you gave us this morning we just thank you for waking us this morning we ask that you continue to watch over us not only us to a community here in Maggie Street but this city this state and this country even this world Lord because we all worldwide need you Lord we ask that you send your blessings down on this world we ask that you touch each one of our politicians let us turn from what is politically correct to doing what thus saith the Lord touch each one of us to give us more compassion more love because this world needs more love or compassion in Jesus name we pray amen as we grab that prayer now would be a good time for you listeners to go online and give online and if you choose not to give online you can mail it in to 642 maggot Street Montgomery Alabama or if you wish you can drive down between on each Sunday between 10:00 and 11:00 and our trustees will be here to take your offering we thank you in advance for the offerings and the blessings that you're going to bestow on Maggie Street pastor pedway has been teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit we know that the Holy Spirit is our helper Paraclete he is our helpful to do what though the Holy Spirit is our helper to give us patience to give us endurance to draw us nearer to God so that we can increase our faith Christ wants us to have a growing faith because without faith we could not please God he wants to have that job like faith - Joel proclaimed in chapter 13 verse 15 though he slay me I know my redeemer live that's the kind of faith that God wants us to have I want to talk a little bit this morning from the title trusting God in the valley I'll be coming from her Becca third chapter the 17th through the 19th verse trusting God in the valley Rebecca the third chapter 17th through 19th verse and let's just read that quickly and it says although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit being the vines the labor of the olive shall fall and the fields shall yield no meat the flocks should be cut off from the fold and shall be no herd in the stalls yet yet I would rejoice in the Lord I will joy in the God of my salvation Rebecca has some powerful words there and he certainly has mighty faith now hey Becca is the last of the minor prophets the designation of minor prophet is based on length and not on the written word and not on content because we know that all Scripture is profitable demand so it's only based on the length book was written about 80 years before Juna was taken into captivity by Babylon and all the minor prophets except Rebecca prophesied or talked to the people but when we look at the scripture the book of a Becca he's talking to God about the people now how Becca looked out and he saw chaos within Judah he saw externally the Syrians were causing difficult problems to Judah he saw pride he saw greed he saw this honesty violence sexual immorality and idolatry the judges were corrupted and they corrupted the law and converted justice for their own gain you know if we stand and look out today I'm sure we can see some of the things same things going on in our own fallen world we see the covert 19-man Tim ik and how it is excessively affecting communities and people of color and people of low XOC Oh economic status we see institutional racism we see penalties for living wild black the US has been invaded by giant Asian Hornets that are 2 and a half inches long and a sting can kill a man and they're killing the bees so what's important about killing the bees the bees are important pollination of all our food sources no bees no pollination it affects our crops we see locust devouring everything in sight in Africa a young man in Kenya said we aren't afraid of Kovac we got locusts we see extreme poverty which is defined as income of less than $2 a day increasing we see death from starvation increasing from 9 million a year to 18 million a year this year because of the pandemic we see the changes from climate change where we have flooding that increase in temperatures and fires we are more concerned about the stop dial average then we are concerned about the holy being endowed with the Holy Spirit we have delegated leadership to 50 judges our governors who do whatever it is right in their eyesight irregardless of what the scientists say we are only concerned about individual freedom the freedom of a few and we see a country that is narcissistic and only concern about their individual greed their concern about the freedom due to harm due to harm to others while the communities of color and of communities of poverty look for the right to be not harmed and the right to not die we give away millions and billions of dollars to corporations but we complain about $600 for unemployment to individuals Christians are more concerned about political power then Christian morals then that Jellicle say there's no such thing as a social gospel just pray and save souls let us enjoy our white blessings but where is the love where is the compassion we are country started on human sacrifice for the mighty God of money and business when we sent people back to work early the people of color and low income earners one epidemiologist said that the way we have managing the kovat infection is genocide by default do you see what her Becca saw Rebecca was disturbed by what he saw are you not worried because you can work from home he was confronted on Rebecca was confronted on three fronts he was confronted with in his country he was confronted without by the Assyrians and attacking the Israelites and he was confirmed it within by his flesh and his struggle with what was going on across his country David was at odds with the Philistines he was at odds with Saul and he was at odds with his flesh Paul was at odds with the Jews and the Christians he was at ROI which the Romans and he was in arch with his own weakness Jesus had to attack of the three he was at odds with the conflict with his disciples he was at odds with the Jewish leaders and he was in Arad with his flushed when he asks they do not have to drink this of suffering so my brothers and my sisters be aware that a lot of times we are attacked on three different fronts we are attacked in the flesh we're attacked within our own circle community and we attacked without let me take this a little bit closer if our own community is our church we attack within and outside the churches the rest the community we attack without and we also be an attack by our own flesh in our own tendencies so we can be attacked at three different levels so we have to be aware and be prepared to fight on three different fronts now this entire three chapter book is about a conversation between God and his conclusions after he has this conversation now how often do we take the time to confer with God not know quick lord have mercy not know quick now I lay me down to sleep but take time to actually pray and talk to God on a regular basis Rebecca took that time but it's important not only that we prayed and we transmit but we also need to wait and receive how is your reception are you waiting to hear what God is saying you throw your prayer out jump up in you gong no time for God to reach to talk back I'll respond a reflector see you to a scripture even the important part also is how comfortable are you with waiting sometimes that answer doesn't come quickly does it for her becquer in the second after Rebecca second complaint chapter 2 verse 1 he says I will stand at my watch I will look to see what he will say David in Psalm 27 and 14 said wait for the Lord be strong and courageous wait for the Lord in a society that we live in waiting has not looked on very very well it can be very difficult everything last instant we want things right away we live in a right now society but how God he's our own time God but he works on his own time God's time is not always our time and sometimes God's timing requires for us to wait how are you at waiting on God do you wait well or do you get impatient do you throw up your hands and take care of it yourself or do you quietly wait to hear a response from God here are a few points that we may can think about as we wait number one as we waiting on God continue to spend time in prayer we need to pray always not 24/7 but we need to have a special time of the day that we can come to come together and pray with pray to God talk to God don't stop praying because you have not gotten an answer God still wants to have that relationship the better the relationship the more the conversation will go praise God for what he has done and who he is just because we don't get an answer doesn't mean that we don't need to praise Him he's done all kinds of things for us in the past I'm thanking him that I can sit here and pray to Him I'm praising him for who he is he's sovereign God even if I don't have an answer I can still continue to give him the praise he deserves the praise because of who he is keep a proper person Isaiah says for his highest heavens for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts Isaiah 55 and 9 he doesn't think like us he has intelligence that we cannot even even fathom so we need to understand that our relationship and what God is going to do may not even be feminine by a little pea-brain we just need to do what we just need to trust God for who and what he is keep pressing on and serving God while we wait for an answer we don't stop serving God we continue the assignment that he's given us until he takes it from us too often because we're waiting for an answer we just stop we don't stop working for God we don't stop doing God's will because we have not heard from him we continue to do what thus saith the Lord even what thus saith the Lord was six months ago and it has not changed we still need to be about our father's business prepare for what God is going to do how do you prepare you study God's Word the more you know God's Word the better people you are prepared to do his will and to do his work we continue to prepare for whatever it is God would have us to do do you mind waiting on God knowing that he's faithful knowing that he does not lie and knowing that he's sorry do you mind waiting for him I know I don't now how Becca was perplexed he was oppressed he was depressed but he still trusted God enough to tell him about his problems and concerns he turned to God in prayer oh what a privilege to take everything to God in prayer not some things not just the big things not just the things that bother us a lot but if privileged to take anything and everything to God in prayer Jesus is willing to listen to us and whatever we have to say he listened to a Becca he asking God is not a sign of lack of faith what's the sign of faith David in Psalm 22 and one ask God my God my God why has thou forsaken me why have you gone so far from my cries of anguish Jesus in Matthew 27:46 cried out to God and asked my God my God why have you forsaken me we can cry out to God but we don't understand what's going on we can cry out to God and we don't know what to do we can cry out to God we just don't understand what is going on God answers Rebecca and in Chapter three the Prophet prays because he's heard from God hear from God should stimulate more prayers and more intimacy when you hear from God you should be want to go back and hear from him again think when you were Coby when you talked to your girlfriend you want to go back and talk some more sometimes you just talk and go to sleep on the phone but hear from God stimulates us for more conversations more intimacy and after he heard Rebecca did this prayer in chapter three he God had reminded her Becca about Israel's history he reminded him about what he'd done for Israel we have to think about what God has done for us in the past when we going through some things we were in the valley you know you cannot you cannot trust somebody that you don't understand we've got to have knowledge we got to know God you know because you can't trust someone that you don't know so we've got to know God's character we've got to know who he is some of that comes from our experiences in the past I can I can look back on the past and feel good about my future with Christ because where he's taking me from and how he's staying with me some of that I can get from reading in the scriptures and see what he's done so we have to have knowledge of the character of who God is when we go on through these Valley experiences he says from the scriptures 17 and 18 though the fig tree doesn't bloom doesn't burn and though there is no fruit on the vine though the olives fail and the fields provide no food though the livestock disappear from the pen and there are no herds in the stalls yet yet I will celebrate the Lord now her Becca was a bad vocational prophet he was a prophet but he probably was a farmer if you look at what he says here now I'm a city boy but I know after you got the land the things that you got to have his crops you got to have annual crops your annual crops he's talking about other fig trees and the great you come in the perennial with perennial crops on your feed trees you grapes your annual crops of the grains that he's planting and the livestock are your cows and your sheep that's where the money is but what is he saying he's saying if none of that comes about if all that goes away if a farmer loses all of that and what does he have he has nothing but what is a Rebecca saying I can go without nothing lose everything but I'm gonna still praise God can we say that can we say what her Becca said because of his sovereignty he was able to send it he was able to say that God can supply his needs God was able to do those things that he needs to do he knew God was able to supply those things why did he know that because of what he done in the past what did he know what did God tell him one in the wilderness with the Israelites he provided quail he provided manna he provided water to Elijah was fed by two Ravens he provided three God can take a little and make a lot the warmth the widow with the crews of all he made a lot he fed them for he can make things as though they were not there those shoes that the Israelites had didn't wear out for 40 years he will provide and take care of us this is why he was able to send us you know after verses 17 and 18 some commentaries say this is one of the greatest confessions of faith in the Bible the Prophet knows the nation will be destroyed many Jews will be killed many Jews be taken into captivity for all he knows he may be killed or taken into captivity the temple will be destroyed yet yet I will trust God he says I will trust God God told the Prophet in verse 2 and well chapter 2 verse 4 that the righteous will live by the faith of the faith the faithfulness Paul quoted at three times in the New Testament Romans 1 and 17 he said as the scripture says it is through faith that righteous has life in Galatians 10 and 38 he says that my righteous ones shall live by faith Hebrews 10 and 38 he says and my righteous ones will live by faith faithfulness in God means trusting no matter what we've got to live by faith when we're in the valley wherever or whatever we are in we have to trust God no matter what happens in the country no matter what happens in the States no matter what happens in the city in the church in our families we have to trust God and stand on his word by faith but we got to know his word Rebecca had that yet kind of faith after talking and listening to God after hearing of a situation his his after hearing from God his situation had not changed but his perspective had changed talking with and hearing from God to change our perspective even if our situations don't change it should enable us to walk by faith and not by sight and just depend on God conversations with God lets us declare our yet faith it means that no matter what happens to us no matter what people say no matter what people do we're going to stick with God we're gonna ride or die with God no matter what our situation is no matter what kind of difficult as we going through no matter how long we stay in the valley we are going to trust God it means we may never be able to explain the Yellow Sun we may never be able to explain the blue sky I never could figure out how to figure out that electricity flow in physics we may never figure out the suffering that we may we have or the world has but we know that our God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly despite out of things don't we we don't understand it is the faith this yet faith that sustain Rebecca in the face of calamity in the face of crisis in the face of hopelessness in the face of helplessness in the face of chaos and confusion despair and destruction his yet faith sustain them through all those things we need to ask ourselves do we have that yet count of faith are we like Abraham willing to offer our best as a sacrifice believing that God can restore revive and replace anything that we lose are we willing to believe that he can do that are we even willing to if he does not replace if he does not revive are we still willing to trust him are we willing to trust the God that allow Pearl Harbor are we willing to trust a God that allowed nine-one-one are we willing to trust a God that is allowing covet 19 are we willing to trust a god that has allowed and continues to allow racism or we continue to trust the God that allowed our your marriage to go south are we willing to trust the God that allowed a loved one to die the answer is yes we can and yes we should because God is faithful he's truthful and does not lie and loves each one of us even if we don't understand we know that all things work together for good and if we be honest with ourselves we were crowd every day Lord I believe but help my unbelief let each one of us yield ourselves to God's help to help him shape us into children who trust him completely lord give us the yet count of faith we need to ask God daily to increase our faith and even though if we lose everything are we willing to continue to trust in God to have faith in God as a Becca to have faith in God as Joel then even if he slays me I was still trusting God that is what we have to do as Christians continue to trust despite all those things that are going on all those things that we see know that our God is in control know that God loves us and will care for us and provide for us no matter what situation we in let us develop that yen kind of faith if anyone is listening today and he's not giving their life to Christ mikage Street is a great Church to go to heaven throne give us a call at two six three three two one five and give the secretary of name and one of the ministers our deacons will be in touch with you if not mega Street just found a Bible teaching Church wherever you may be and go in and give your life to Christ we want to thank you we hope these words inspired you and please develop your faith scripture for today in Psalms 115 and let us pray they have their father we just thank you for opportunity to study your word we thank you for those who listen in today we ask that it touch each one of their hearts have it inspire them to study your word Lord to pray to you that you will increase their faith and that we can all develop faith like Joe faith like Abraham faith like a becker well no matter what happens if we lose everything we're still going to believe in praising you we give you all the glory and all the praise we don't have to understand what why we don't have to understand what we just know that we serve a God who is able and we thank you for being in Jesus name we pray [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 368
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: xj-yOWmZrUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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