Sunday Morning Live - September 26th

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come let us worship our king come let us power at his feet he has the [Music] see what our savior has done see how his love overcome he has [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yay [Music] you've been faithful through every storm you'll be faithful forevermore [Music] and i know you will do it again for your promises yes and amen you will do great things [Music] [Music] alive [Music] hallelujah [Music] have done great things oh yes you have yes [Music] you've done [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] good [Music] [Music] [Music] give me vision to see things [Music] you know just what to do [Music] [Music] to see things [Music] you know just what to do [Music] [Music] lord forever all my days [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i won't be overwhelmed to see things you know just what to do [Music] [Music] forever all my days [Music] and i will love you forever [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] so [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've tried so hard to see it it took me so long to believe it you choose someone like me to carry your victory perfection could never learn you give what we don't deserve you take the broken thing and raise them to glory you are my champion [Music] i am who you say i am you crown me with confidence i'm seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the [Music] now i can finally see [Music] teaching it how to receive it so let all these [Music] undefeated [Music] [Music] place undefeated [Music] you've conquered it all jesus and when i lift my voice and shout every wall comes crashing down i have the earth [Music] jesus has given me and when i opened my mouth miracles [Music] that jesus has given me [Music] that jesus has oh [Music] jesus has given me [Music] i am [Music] undefeated by the power of [Music] conquered [Music] [Applause] thank you for coming and joining us to start out the week in the presence of god for those of you that are visiting a special welcome i'm pastor bob and i'm glad to have you here and those of you that are watching us online and are faithful to do that we're happy that you tuned in this morning we're missing a lot of our men uh they're up at uh our men's retreat that we do once a year actually well the first time in two years because of covid but they're up there and i got to be with them friday on saturday for part of the day and god's ministering in power so be praying for your husbands for your sons and our brothers because god's doing a work up there and i can't wait for them to come back refreshed a lot of new relationships being born is way more than half the guys there first time at a retreat so it's going to be a cool time to see what god does but we're going to receive an offering right now and uh we want you to know that god is faithful he's faithful to us and he provides so i remember when i was a young man going to calvary chapel costa mesa to their concerts and they would take an offering every saturday night but the pastor that was leading that would say you know what if you feel led to give go ahead and give but if you don't please don't give god love is a cheerful giver he would say things like if you if you don't you know have it together you don't want to if you don't have much or you just want to keep it save it for a taco or save it for just save it the lord knows it's not a big heavy pressure push we just are here to celebrate the lord and we want to give you an opportunity even those of you that are online if you feel like god's called you to support the ministry of the word of god and the gospel through calvary child police standing we're grateful and there's a way on your screen that you can push a button it couldn't be any easier to do it and so many of you are faithful in giving so i'm not up here to ask you to give as much as to say thank you thank you for being so faithful you know this church began in my living room over 36 years ago actually august 4th was 36 years and there were just 17 of us and we were young by comparison to where we are now but we only had one child in the entire children's ministry my son who was one and uh the children's ministry was the nursery down the hall but uh you know i got to tell you something about the faithfulness of god god has been so faithful to provide for us and i don't just mean financially but just with the people and one of the uh couples that came that very first night 36 plus years ago now rick and rebecca eminence they had just recently gotten married but they had a heart and a passion to go into the mission field and do you know they became our first missionaries and have served the lord with maf for all these years and they're here today they live in idaho but they're here today and i just want to would you guys just stand i know you probably can't see them but we love them we're grateful for them god's using them all over the world and you you just need to know them so i don't know that they're going to be able to hang out after service you can have a seat they didn't know i was going to do that but they know me so they figured he'd probably do something dumb um but we love we love to see god's faithfulness worked out in our lives and you know what uh maybe you're here and you're you're saying you know gosh i don't know what god's gonna do with my life you probably have no idea where you're going to be 36 years from now i see i know exactly where i'm going to be 36 years from now i have no doubt about it the older i get the more sure i am about where i'm going to be when it comes to that kind of time frame but i can't wait and i can't wait to be there with you but i want to give thanks for all that god does for us his faithfulness so let's pray father we say bless the offering but lord really you are the one we want to bless we want to cry out with david bless the lord o my soul because you have provided the greater gifts you pardon all our iniquities you heal all our diseases you crown us with loving kindness and compassion lord you're the one who redeemed our lives from the pit we aren't where we used to be thank you for that you're still well you still do pit maneuvers so i pray for those that are in the pit today they trust you that you'll do that for them and you satisfy our years well with good things thank you for rick and rebecca and their lives being lived for you thank you for a church family that is in love with you thank you for men that are studying your word getting challenged to man up and live this christian life in this congregation in this community we pray you'd bring them back refreshed and full of your spirit thank you for this offering we dedicate it to your glory and ourselves in jesus name and all god's people said [Music] we've seen what you can do [Music] the things you've done before in greater [Music] can move all things are possible and there's no broken body you can't raise no so that you can't save all things are possible [Music] the darkest night you can light it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] forever i will trust you [Music] is [Music] [Music] things are possible is [Music] [Music] oh we say come away [Music] oh [Music] every [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh god everybody [Music] [Music] come every stronghold [Music] [Music] people [Music] every stronghold [Music] pour it out pour it out [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we'll oh it out pour it out every stronghold will crumble i hear the chains hit the ground oh god of revival pour it out pour it out [Music] things are positive [Music] things are possible things are possible [Music] amen all things are possible through christ thank you worship team how are you doing calvary chapel east anaheim yeah yes i feel some enthusiasm in the room today glad you guys are here and right now is the time for the announcements and what these announcements are ways for you to be equipped given the opportunity to be the body the church of christ we believe that the body of christ is not just this building is who we are as the people of the lord and therefore we want to equip you to know grow serve and share the name of jesus so i have three ways we can do that today number one is we have the harvest crusade coming up right around the corner it's happening at angel stadiums only one night this year and we want to encourage all of you to come out with us we're going together at three o'clock on sunday so if you want to carpool with us you can do that or just go on your own self but we want to go there they have phil wickham and faking country performing but is more than ju just a concert in fact every year hundreds even thousands of people give their life to the lord and uh lately it's been very heavy in the news with what's been going on for a lot of reasons but one is the 13th service men and women who who died overseas and in afghanistan and one of them is lance corporal corporal i can't talk today corporal wrong you know praise god he used the week and yeah anyway kareem nikui and he actually gave his life to the lord at a crusade in 2016. so what's incredible is now that though he's passed out we know we'll see him again and i want to encourage you guys consider who you can invite out to the harvest crusade not just to enjoy a concert but those who maybe don't even know christ to come and hear the gospel of the lord so consider that not only come coming out yourself but inviting those you know and it's really a great opportunity for us to do that also there's an israel trip right around the corner we're going to israel uh pastor bob our senior pastor as well as uh amir is leading the trip and it's amazing i went there a few years ago and it's incredible um it's we're going february 20 i mean 13th through 23rd and we can only take 50 people on a bus so we have limited spots and if you want to get signed up there's a table in the foyer and as a preacher i always love little like catchy phrases and one i remember the day i realized when you look at the word history it could be his story i was like oh my gosh that'll preach i'm so excited i'm gonna use this next sunday right um but what's incredible is when you walk through israel you're not just walking through history you're literally walking through where he walked you can see the place where jesus taught you and see where stories in the bible you read happened and it's really an incredible thing to bring it to life it's really a faith builder and this gets you excited so i want to encourage you to consider coming out even bringing out maybe your husband or your wife or your son or your daughter really an incredible trip and finally we have blessed fest blasphemous is only 60 days away what bless fest is our outreach to the local homeless shelters on thanksgiving day uh we need help the week of to set up as well as the weekend after just to kind of tear down but if you're willing to come and serve we love your help james says that pure undefiled religion is the care for the orphans and the widows not just to come here and raise their hands in worship but to care for those who are hurting to care for those who are in need so i want to encourage you to truly consider what god used me and my family not just to give thanks through our meal what we eat but giving thanks for what we serve and how we give of our time as well so we're doing it in the morning so if you want to sign up there's two slots you can sign up for the early shift or the secondary shift on thanksgiving day but also we need help the week of so you can't serve on thanksgiving you might be out of town or whatever we need your help leading up to it as well as after it's really incredible outreach we offer a thanksgiving dinner along with optometry dentistry law advice a bunch of stuff you look on the website it's really incredible outreach i want to encourage you to be a part of that so that is all for our announcements our senior pastor bob copeny thank you josh i do want to encourage you to pray about joining us in israel i know that's not for everyone it may not be for you this coming time we did have to take last year off and we love to go about every year i thought i would go uh well first i thought i would probably never go i thought who couldn't afford to go to israel and as a young pastor and then the opportunity came up a friend of mine actually who attended the church said hey do you want to go with me to israel and i said i don't think i could probably afford that or go he goes well it's going to be incredible chuck missler missler's going to be going and how lindsey is going on this trip i thought wow that got i would love to hear from hal lindsey and chuck missler and so uh i said well you know what i'll pray about it lord worked it out that we could go and i i'm thinking well at least i have this this one guy i know from our church to hang out with it's a 10-day trip and then right before it was time to go uh my friend canceled the guy who invited me so i went alone with 173 people who i didn't know uh yet to israel and uh actually chuck missler didn't even go he bailed at the last minute too but hal showed up which was worth the wait of the trip and uh you know what for me at that time to to be in israel and to look at israel through the eyes of prophecy both what god had predicted would happen not just what you know there's a value of going to israel no matter who you go with just to understand your bible your bible comes alive chuck used to say it was a trip to israel toward israel is like worth a year of bible college i don't know how you put those two together but in reality your bible will never be the same but there's far more value than just your bible coming alive and that is to see how god has been faithful to fulfill his prophecies to his people and where they are right now but i also tell people i go to israel not just to see what god did in the in the bible and what he's doing right now but actually i go to look at where i'm gonna live you see i'm gonna live in jerusalem the bible tells me a lot longer than i lived in yorba linda and you too we're gonna rule and reign with christ for a thousand years in jerusalem you are so go check out the digs guys we go there to see what god's going to do yet in the future and it's an amazing amazing life-changing experience and one of the guys who i always think about when i think about going to israel is going to be speaking today i've asked pastor don stewart to come i always love it when he comes because i never know what he's going to say but i'm always glad that he's going to bring us in touch with what's going on in the world today a lot of times with regard to prophecy you know things get hard in our world they're not going to get easier jesus told us that would be the case but when he said you see these things that he predicted we're about to happen he said look up lift up your eyes for your redemption draw nigh we're getting close and i can't wait to hear what don is going to say well you welcome don stewart to the pulpit [Applause] thank you bob morning everybody okay bob where are you going to live in israel do you have a place staked out yet is it jerusalem or the galilee all right okay okay yeah yeah it's first come first serve i think so we'll see what where the lord has us there uh i don't know i don't know how it's gonna work anyway it's nice to be here always with you people um bob is one of my favorite people in fact uh we got to know each other on an israel trip was that 1999 was that the year or something like a long time ago 2001 we can't remember that far back but anyway it was it was a great trip and um very thankful to be there with him and got to know him over the years and watch what the lord has done so again i always thank him for asking me to come here and speak watching the lord do his great work here over the years i um he asked me to do something like bringing us all up to date on what's going on in the world so i i will do that today i've been doing some of you know some of you are part of it a class on monday nights here i've done two of them got one more tomorrow night from 6 30 to 8 30. about uh where are we now 25 signs were near the end and here's the problem i've got from when we finished the class last week until now i have right now 33 zero news stories that somehow fit last day's bible prophecy that just taken place in the last six days and i've still got all day tomorrow and i got tomorrow night before we add more and so looks like i'm going to have to talk especially fast uh to get them all done but we enjoy doing that so anyway looking at the last day's events and these stories keep on coming now if you're not aware we have a website that has my resources for free it's a website i've been put together about a year and a half now thank for calvin from calvary chapel signal hill and we have 61 of my books that are there for free downloads you can download them five audio books and you can print them out because the stuff i'm going to mention today it's all there it's all there because there's so much to talk about the well not the latest stories aren't but the the gist of that so please i've got 10 books on bible prophecy that are there you can download it again for free and also our book ancient mysteries the bible solved now that's the one many of you remember i wrote when i had the chinese communist party coronavirus i was out for 60 days i couldn't talk so i figured i'd finish out a book in fact should finish two during that time but that's one of them and we're going to be talking about these this morning as we look at where we're at right now there's a conference i'm doing about let's see it's the end of october about the 22nd 23rd on his channel and it's called so where are we now with ed heinsohn don perkins and mark hitchcock it's a 10 to 2 um on a saturday and basically this this is something that changes constantly in other words what i would say today is not probably anything near what i'm going to be saying just a few weeks from now because we keep moving towards that time of the end so again the uh evidence is there as we say i want to give a little story i might have told this one before but it kind of puts it into perspective i was thinking about it it was 1988. that's 31 years ago is my math right on that something like that yeah it's hard to believe i was in um i think that's right anyway in sydney australia and with a good friend ross clifford who is the president the well he's called the uh what's the name he's got some title there he's the head of the grand poobah or whatever the theological college there in sydney and uh he's real good fred and we're speaking to a bunch of students there they were graduating and he asked me to speak to him and um it was real interesting because he said something that i've repeated many times over the years and it's something we're going to kind of base our talk on today he said people in this world are looking for the answers to two questions about the christian faith two questions they want to know the answer to number one is it true is it really true what we're believing what we believe about jesus they want to know the answer to that and number two can it work for me can it work for me in other words if it is true can it work in my life and we're going to emphasize both of these things today now again one of the issues as you can imagine i have with so much going on it's um it's hard to know what exactly to say but what we're going to do give a little background what we've been doing on the monday class i've i've told the group there a fabulous group that we need to look at last days bible prophecy in light of the totality of scripture in light of the totality of scripture and they're four sources i'm going to mention these and again they're all free downloads for from educating our world i want you to take advantage of the first one is a book like we call god wants us to know the future it's an introduction to bible prophecy and at the very beginning of the book i list six different passages from scripture three from east each testament about the biblical claims of the god of the bible from the god of the bible that he knows the future so if you have your bible we're going to look at one of the six in isaiah chapter 48 verses 3 through 6 isaiah 48 3-6 if you will turn there and we're going to look at one of these instances where the god of the bible makes these specific claims about his ability to know the future to control the future and to predict what's going to take place isaiah chapter 48 verses 3 to 6. all right everybody got isaiah there all right here's what the lord says isaiah 48 3 i announced events beforehand i issued the decrees and made predictions suddenly i acted and they came to pass i did this because i know how stubborn you are your neck muscles are like iron and your forehead like bronze i announced them to you beforehand before they happened i predicted them for you so you could never say my image did these things my idol my cast image decreed them now verse 6 is the punch line here and i love the way the new english translation puts it you have heard now look at all the evidence will you not admit that what i say is true isaiah 48 3-6 you have heard now look at all the evidence will you not admit what i say is true now what's interesting to me about that this was written about 700 years before the time of christ and so 2700 odd years ago the lord said won't you look at the evidence now at that particular time we're going to say the same thing this morning and asked the same question well we look at this passage we can make a couple observations on it first of all it says the lord has announced events before they have taken place he has made decrees and made predictions this isn't crucial before they took place he has announced events that are going to take place the second thing he emphasizes here and again this is 2700 years ago the predicted events have always come to pass always 100 right 100 of the time they've always come to pass number two now furthermore number three he gave predictive prophecy because the people of israel were stubborn people they were worshiping idols at this time that got rid of that at the babylonian captivity they stopped doing that but they were idol worshipers and they were stubborn and he wanted to predict things ahead of time so they couldn't credit to the idol or the cast image that they made now namely they would give credit to their gods instead of him so predictive prophecy number four from the god of the bible was to demonstrate that all these gods all these idols had no existence there's only one god that exists the god of scripture and this is again the claim he is making now there's no god beside him and finally the punchline number five you've heard now consider all the evidence if you consider the evidence god's predictions and the fulfillment of them you'll have to admit that what he says is true he is indeed lord so god indeed wants us to know the future we can know it and he claims to have told us what will happen so here's the big question are his claims true now what i i've done with the monday night group and i'll mention this again to you there are three patterns i like to go through this i mentioned before in past talks there are three patterns that establish this all right number one pattern number one is called god's work in history god's work in history 50 biblical prophecies made and fulfilled what we do in that book it takes you through the bible the predictions made the garden of eden all the way through the new testament starts in genesis 50 specific prophecies that have been made in the past that have already been literally fulfilled now not just 50 prophecies each prophecy has a number of ramifications a number of points to it so there's over 100 specific things already that the god of the bible has predicted already having been filled fulfilled in the past so he has a track record here in fact when you go to israel if you go with bob he will take you to the city the the group goes to capernaum capernaum is on the sea of galilee when i whenever we go i always like to mention to the people you're going to see the ruins there at capernaum also you're going to see the world's ugliest church there caper midnight that looks like a spaceship they built over simon peter's house anyway uh when we go there you go to capernaum and you see the ruins there and afterwards um the guide always asks me what do we want to go to next and i say corazine and he looks at me corazine i said yeah are you serious and of course i know i am and so they we go about 10 minutes from capernaum to corazine and uh we get off the bus okay people take a lot of pictures well there's nothing but rocks there's just you know nothing there so taking pictures of these rocks and not sure why but i tell them to do it okay then i sit him down and i say all right i want you to tell me what you've just seen what what you see in capernaum they said ruins the world's ugliest church right what have you seen at corazine more ruins what did we see in bethsaida i said we haven't been to bethsaida i said that's right you know why because we don't even know to this day where it ex where it existed where it was it's this geographical location has been lost to us but according to uh matthew chapter 11 verses 20 to 24 these three cities are going to receive the judgment of god for rejecting the great miracles of jesus what do we see the result of that nothing but judgment punishment from god they do not exist anymore i said now how about tiberius you know where that is said yeah that's where we spent the night last night i said yes because jesus didn't pronounce judgment on it thank god that happened it's mentioned in john's gospel but fortunately didn't pronounce judgment and so we have a place to stay in israel when we go there but the point is and this is this i mean this is something everybody can see this is objective testimony like bob said of the holy land of the truth worthiness of the word of god so number one there's a pattern he has established in scripture of making predictions that predictions always come to pass this is in past prophecies fulfilled pattern number two we call this ancient mysteries of the bible solved and basically what it is is there certain mysteries that we had no idea whether they were true or not because there was no evidence to back it up pro or khan and this is the uh the point of did you know moses exists abraham and the patriarchs jonah uh isaiah jeremiah and that until 150 years ago we had no idea none whatsoever because all you had is the scriptures it had maybe a few ancient writings but there was nothing physical to to base it upon and so about 150 years ago the modern science of archaeology start began and buried cities were uh you know unburied they're looked at and the evidence is very clear that god has acted in history there's a man i quote in the book named john elder he wrote a book called prophets idols and diggers now listen to this it's not too much to say that it was the rise of the science of archaeology that broke the deadlock between historians and the orthodox christians little by little one city after another one civilization after another one culture after another whose memories were enshrined only in the bible were restored to their proper places in ancient history by the studies of the archaeologists the overall result is indisputable forgotten cities have been found the handiwork of vanished peoples has reappeared contemporary records of biblical events have been on earth and the uniqueness of biblical revelation has been emphasized by contrast in comparison to the newly understood religions of ancient people nowhere as archaeological discovery refuted the bible is history close quote that's exactly right in fact all the time we're seeing new and new discoveries made my new discoveries uh that the bible is what it claims to be that these people did indeed exist as the scriptures say so pattern number two not only has god predicted things that have come to pass you know already when he mentions events that have taken place as far as we know everything we can see verifies the fact that these people did exist at the time the bible says they existed and so we add that to the pattern of god's word being true and actually one of the things we do in the book we talk about three prophets isaiah jeremiah and daniel if they existed at the time the bible says they did then there's a supernatural god that exists because they made predictions that were fulfilled long after their lifetime and the evidence is they live when scripture says they did therefore a god must exist so anyway pattern two the events actually recorded took place so now number three and so we're going to get in today what we talk about on the group on monday 25 signs were near the end finally we got events taking place right now this very moment that are fulfilling biblical predictions about the future and so we have the claims of god that he knows the future we read that in isaiah we have the evidence of past predictions being fulfilled the evidence of past events actually taking place and now we have evidence of what he said the future will be like taking place right in front of our very eyes and so if you've ever heard me speak you were very much will remember and know what i'm about to say some recent stories you really can't make this stuff up you really can't let's go through some of them story one one year ago the united states was a superpower we were stationed in the middle east we had israel's back israel had a strong leadership russia was a poor second in position in the region iran was being thwarted in their quest for making nuclear weapons one year later none of this is true none of it in fact i used to do a program on his channel live five days a week called breaking news and i would talk about this all the time i said there's going to come a time when the united states is not going to be a player we're not going to be a player in last days bible prophecy we're a superpower right now those days are going to end you know i hate to say it i should put galatians 4 16 up here have i become your enemy because i tell you the truth that's what the bible says it's a good idea that bob to put that up there you know javed mcgee said that once i thought it was rather rather clever anyway and oh boy i got all this oh how dare you say the united states won't be a player we're a superpower look at us we're respected by the whole world here we are in um september of 2021 and my heart breaks to say and you know what i'm talking about that that's not true now it's not true within the last eight months all of this that was true last year is not true any longer now this is exactly what the bible predicts the world's going to be like at the time of the end the us is not going to be a player but it's what we see in our heart like i said breaks as we see this the article um thanks to biden administration iran's mullahs and the taliban are empowered with what just happened in afghanistan here's some of the takeaway points not only did the byte administration whose sole purpose in afghanistan was to prevent another 9 11 attack and the taliban and the muellers of iran a more political and a strategic victory it also rewarded them with sophisticated state-of-the-art u.s weapons worth about 85 billion dollars courtesy of u.s taxpayers which these tariffs will undoubtedly use to launch even more deadly 911 attacks to kill american taxpayers the u.s withdrawal to the taliban was so poorly planned that the biden administration actually delivered seven brand new helicopters to afghanistan just a month before announcing it would be withdrawing from the country seven brand new helicopters and they leave a month later it's mind-boggling the baid administration announced its withdrawal from afghanistan without any plans to secure billions of dollars of uh military equipment but made not the slightest effort to recover it or destroy it and in the last point the taliban and the iranian regime not only are able to unleash u.s made weapons against the us and its allies but here's where it gets really dicey but iran russia and china can use utilizes military equipment for research reverse engineering reproduction and selling it all right so basically within a short period of time we have become the laughingstock stop globally uh lamar a french newspaper did a series after this debacle in afghanistan about how the u.s now looks like ancient rome how it's falling apart from the inside romans never conquered it fell apart from the inside and gave examples and of course afghanistan was the uh the primary one that's fresh and it continues to be fresh in all of our minds it's not over by any long shot but the point is the u.s has fallen from this place of global superpower to a position where it is just not respected any longer and that's and that has global literally global ramifications the reason we say they're not a player when the final uh well one of the final events takes place ezekiel 38 39 invasion led by russia and their compadres there well they're not afraid it's interesting when i was doing a talk on this subject years ago one of the things that hit me is that here we have this invasion taking place of israel and the leader of the you know he's called the prince of rosh the leader of rosh russia we're going to read a verse about him in a minute he doesn't even give a second thought about any any anybody intervening on the side of israel when they invade now what does that say to you well he's not worried about anybody coming to the aid of israel because he realizes nobody can now what he didn't count on is that there is a god who was going to come down on the side of israel he didn't think about that but no country will or or will or did at that particular time but that is again the u.s is just simply we're just not there and now we can see the demise of our country in ways that are um literally unimaginable we wouldn't even i mean um the nightmare that we're seeing and it's going to continue gang that's the bad news the good news is we're always we're always optimists we know how this movie's going to end we know we're going to win we're coming back with christ in that but there's going to be some tough times ahead all right so number one from a year ago u.s not a superpower not in the region does not have israel's back number two russia is now the dominant player again ezekiel 38 1-2 the word of the lord came to me saying son of man set your faith against face against gog from the land of magog the prince of rosh meshech and tubal that's his title this person agog that's a title he is the prince of rosh meshech and tubal and then the lord has a number of things to say to him rash is a hebrew word that can mean chief head or something like that but it also can be a proper noun referring to a geographical area and when the uh old testament was translated in before the time of christ called the septuagint of the old greek the uh what they did they made roch a proper noun ros if you wanted to phoneticize it rosh is a again he is the prince of rosh there and it's a country and according the greatest hebrew lexicographer of the 19th century wilhelm gazzanius let's talk about the country the far north of both babylon and israel what is modern-day russia so it's going to be a russian leader that's going to lead this so russia is going to be the dominant player in the middle east and guess what it is now in fact it's we've got some headlines here uh of russia closing syrian airspace to uh you know to further israeli strikes against syria and the whole the whole gist of the article here is is uh vladimir putin met with joe biden uh in this conference you might remember it a few months ago and biden gave him the okay if you want to just kind of shut the israeli air space you know up to not over in lebanon and syria where iran has these uh uh you know not only armaments stored but people there terrorists there if you want to do that that's fine and so what russia did it said it ran out of patience with israel and syria and is planning a shift in policies towards the sorties that would fly over syria according to an unconfirmed report so the bottom line is now the continuous what raids that israel used to do this is their northern border so the terrorists are sorry russia's not going to let you do that like you did before because moscow had been cautious but now that joe biden gave him the okay well we can do it so russia now comes the forefront we are nowhere to be seen now we add to this a very weak government in israel now this is something that uh unless you've you know been in the country or paid attention to it we don't understand here in the united states uh israel like australia like the uk has a parliamentary form of government meaning they have 120 seats in the parliament and to put together a government you have to have a coalition or one party or number always a number of parties that have at least 61 seats which is the majority well israel's had four elections they couldn't put that together now benme netanyahu and his party got about 60 percent of the the right of the votes in israel but because of infighting and that they couldn't put 61 seats together believe it or not well unfortunately naftali bennett who got a total of six whole seats who was right wing before decided i'm going to work with the left and we're going to all put them and they did they put a government together with 61 seats made up of two thirds of it being left to selective center which do not have not even their own back they're looking at their own nation they're not even looking after uh here with some of the things that have been going on recently in the middle east and so they're thwarted to have any type of strength in the area in fact the real problem was the foreign minister lepid as soon as that government got in he told joe biden the united states of america don't worry we'll never do anything never do an attack unless we let you know first in other words there'll be no surprise attack against iran or anybody else netanyahu for 12 years would never say that never ever ever know if we're gonna have to tax them we're gonna attack we're not gonna ask permission the united states well unfortunately now the united states is not in a position to want to give permission anything like that so israel now housed a weak government and finally number four iran iran there's a headline here the next 911 is at nuclear terrorism and this is what's going on right now in iran basically there is a statement made by the defense minister on august 4th benny gantz now august 4th is what that's august on september that's about eight weeks ago he said iran has violated all the agreements that were made in 2015. they're only about 10 weeks away 10 weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade material to put together a bomb well we're almost there ten weeks right now and so you've got a country now iran who has claimed that they are by allah gonna destroy israel the little satan and us the big satan who is enriching uranium to weapons grade capacity who since 2015 with this agreement has not stopped you know basically its missile system its delivery system perfecting it and they're on the cusp of having at least one weapon to use uh to put together and they've got a very good delivery system and so israel is scared and israel says well uh uh you know well we'll get the united states well no i guess we won't get the united states will we because the united states isn't going to help them here to do that um they're going to have to do something and this is something that's very very um well we'll keep wait and see keep paying attention to this because israel has to do something somebody's going to do something because these nuclear weapons they don't have to be big in fact unfortunately now because of the technology that's there these drones can carry smaller nuclear weapons believe it or not and as opposed to a missile that goes up and comes down you can see the trajectory you can shoot it down or a cruise missile that goes along the surface you can you know at least it's harder to get than the missiles that go in the air but the drones they go back and forth left and right they're very very hard if not impossible to shoot down so there's the fear of this will take place the article says 20 years ago 20 years after 9 11 russia china north korea and iran of all motives to support an act of nuclear terrorism that might drive a demoralized u.s into isolationism and create a new world order this comes from a secular organization by a new world order dominated by themselves so the u.s russia israel and iran are all in a very different position than they were last year at this time just as we've been talking about we've been predicting we're not prophets or sons of prophets because what the bible says is going to happen so we see that first and foremost that's story number one it's ongoing and it's terrible now story number two we sprung this on the people in the class last monday and i call it science fiction soon to be scientific fact this one here is really science fiction soon to be scientific fact there are three passages in scripture first of all you've got matthew 24 jesus is talking about the time of the end and he tells his people uh when you see the abomination that causes desolation that then flee then leave when you see that event take place you've got to leave and you know those in judea flee you know etc etc because it's going to be the start of this final three and a half year period the second half the seven year period this final three and a half is technically the great tribulation and it's been culminated in the coming of christ of the earth but when you see this take place well it's going to take place in the holy of holies in the temple how in the world people are going to see it the high priest is the only person go in there and that's twice a year once for his own sins it went for the sins of the people so it assumed some type of system that when a temple and there's going to be a future one built that will have you know some type of visual um capacity for people to see what takes place and so he tells the people to flee now in revelation chapter 11 we go even further there's a store about two witnesses for three and a half years in the power of moses and elijah they may be moses and elijah they perform miracles for three and a half years then they're put to death then the bible said put to death by this final antichrist final world leader the bible says they their bodies lie in state for three and a half days in the city of jerusalem and then what happens uh the people are so excited these they're not troubling us anymore they send prisons like christmas time a worldwide celebration but after three and a half days life comes back out of these lifeless bodies and the whole world of course is shocked they slowly ascended to heaven there's an earthquake in jerusalem revelation 11 19 says the ark of the covenant is seen in heaven quite a huge event but it says the whole world is going to be watching something like that revelation 13 assumes everyone on earth will be forced to take the mark of the beast on their right hand and forehand and also everyone will get this their marching orders from the final antichrist so how is it possible that everyone in the world is going to be able to see at the same time these events happening it is not possible now but it seems to be on its way fulfillment seems to be in what is known as starlink the brainchild of elon musk and spacex spacex is developing a low latency broadband internet system to meet the needs of consumers across the globe in other words basically cover the whole globe enabled by a constellation of low earth orbited satellites starlight will provide fast reliable internet to populations with little or no connectivity including those in rural communities and places where existing services are too expensive or unreliable it's again an internet constellation it right now has over 1600 satellites low orbiting satellites many more coming eventually be thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low earth orbit which communicate with designated ground trans receivers story yesterday spacex starlink broadband satellites could be used for gps navigation um this is the new research study says then elon musk says yesterday his starling satellite internet is coming out of beta it's going to be there now and the beta testing time is over he said that it'll be sometime next month and this is the um the promise that he made starlink's internet now this is this this is mind-boggling to me their internet will be 40 faster than the speed of light on fiber optics 40 faster so this man who is a genius what he decided to do instead of making the round satellites make them flat made them all flat you know and he's got him orbiting the earth right now and within no time within a few years the whole world will be covered so revelation chapter 11 revelation chapter 13 matthew chapter 24 can be literally fulfilled right in front of our very eyes now what's interesting about this his previous generations laughed at those who said the whole world is going to be able to view something at the same time they didn't know how it could happen in fact there was one commentator i read i thought it was it was brilliant he lived in the middle of the 19th century and he's going through this passage of revelation 11. he says i don't understand how this could happen i don't understand how you know the whole world can see something at once because it's not just limited geographic it's a whole world people are sending presents even you know worldwide how can that happen he says i cannot change scripture i cannot you know change what it says or try and get around it somehow someday this is going to happen well guess what we're about there right now in 2021 another one of these things you can't make this stuff up in fact dennis uh who runs and owns his channel he told me because he's the one that first we did an interview a while back on our world news briefing program and he he started talking i said he says don in the 1970s i realized you know we're getting near the end but the worldwide system wasn't there christ there's still some things that needed to be done for this antichrist to come on the scene i've been watching this but then he talked about elon musk and the satellites this and that looks like it's going to happen right now before you know it and so stage being set again you can't make this stuff up so we were laughed at for saying this would be a reality well it looks like before we know it it's going to be a reality okay story number three secretary general of the united nations antonio guterres sounds like he's reading revelation chapter 13 believe it or not on september 13th that was 13 days ago 2021 it was reported that the u.n secretary general released a document called our common agenda our common agenda and basically it was going to be a new united nations-led world order okay this this is not some you know bible screamer on the on you know the sandwich board sign on the corner this is the secretary general of the united nations okay a new world order led by the united nations he said it's going to be a new agenda for peace now isn't this interesting because when we read the scripture this final seven year period is going to begin with a covenant according to daniel 9 27 or an agreement and probably be of some type of peace treaty so it starts out seeming everything is great everything is peaceful in fact remember revelation chapter 6 the four horsemen of the apocalypse the first one is the writer on the white horse who brings peace a pseudo peace to the world first thessalonians chapter 5 when they say peace and safety then sudden destruction will come on their way so basically one of the first precepts of gutierrez new world order is that there's going to be world peace and there seemingly will be bible says for a while so he's reading straight from scripture oh he's not but it seems that way now another thing he talked about is mandating every nation on earth to obey a world government and that would include global vaccinations global vaccinations i don't know if you saw the story yesterday it's very interesting norway first country they lifted all the restrictions from the chinese communist party coronavirus and they're classifying it now as an influenza after vaccinating the vast majority of those at risk european countries continue to gradually lift the strict restrictions that are imposed on the population during the panic and norway announced the lifting of all restrictions and return to normal life i know everyone wants to get on a plane move to norway right now we're not supposed to do that right okay what's interesting about that we talked about this uh on the monday class effect we have a friend my wife and i we talked to her last night she's uh in new south wales australia and uh it's terrible the situation that everybody's on lockdown and uh i was mentioning the premiere of um next door state victoria where the premier there is just oh just talk about a dictator he actually about two or three weeks though got in front of the camera and said look if you're not vaccinated don't expect any services from the state of victoria none we're not going to help you out with anything basically said if you don't get the jab then good luck you're on your own she's worried the same thing with going to happen to her in new south wales the worst one though we mentioned this in south australia another one of the states they have done a pilot program where you have to download an app that will do two things first of all you have to have facial recognition your face has to be put in a database and then you have a geographical locator at the same time so not only will they know what you look like at any moment they will know who where you are and if they call you and you know they get from the app if they let you know they want to make sure you're where you're supposed to be you have 15 minutes to comply if not guess what the police come after you there's a story i don't if you saw that in in italy uh believe it or not they've got drones now flying over the people at the beach basically reading their temperature anybody's got a fever guess what someone swoops down and takes them out of the crowd at the beach because the technology is there again you literally can't make this stuff up and so uh guterres says that we're going to have a united nations running something like this he said he wants to strengthen global governments and our troubled climate change suffering world there we go again our day of trouble and distress he wants a new more relevant united nations multilateralism with teeth it seems that he wants leaders from several nations to be at the forefront to run this organization and this is precisely what the bible says that's going to take place in the last days ten kings that rise out of western europe uh led by the one who's going to lead them the final antichrist who have the power to force force globalism on the entire world guterres wants world leaders to hold a global summit of the future in 2023 to study ways to strengthen global governments to make world government more powerful to make sure global policies are being enforced all he has to do is read revelation 13. it's going to happen a good terrorist whether you you know want to or not but basically this could control again global governments who buys and who sells he wants the g20 leaders of the world's 20 leading economies to restructure the global financial system hmm where have we heard about that revelation 13 the bible speaks of a digital one world currency that allows the tracking of all buying and selling you think it's not going to happen about a month ago the brit coin revolution rishi sunex is from the uk plans to replace our cash with official digital currency in the biggest upheaval in the monetary system for centuries the bank of england would establish a direct digital equivalent to physical money supporters say the move will give the economy a boost during a financial crisis could slash costs and times to make payments online and transfer money now communist china already has something like that uh there it's in their toolbox now they're surveilling and controlling its population and there's parts of its you know uh the land it's also in uh has digital currency now there now here's the this is not cryptocurrency or bitcoin people this is government regulated currency you don't do this on the slide they know every transaction you make everyone i make did you see what the bide administration is trying to push now on the irs uh now before today it's every transaction ten thousand dollars are over the banks and credit unions have to let the irs know about that biden wants to move that from ten thousand dollars to every transaction six hundred dollars and above that the government knows what was spent on what can you imagine the time that would take to regulate something like that you'd have to hire twice as many as the irs agencies and that to do something like that but anyway this is coming it's total about totally about control about monopolizing um you know people's uh ability to buy and sell this is precisely revelation 13 says you can't buy a mark without you know can't buy anything with a mark on your right hand or forehead the mark of this beast now so there's central planning now for a worldwide economy digital currency sets the stage for the final antichrist and it sounds like guterres is sounds like he's reading revelation chapter 13. one more story the gospel coalition argues for vaccine passports for people to attend church you have to have a vaccine passport to attend church our friend in australia she can't go to church now she hadn't been vaccinated and i'm sorry and all the pastors in australia are behind this you know that you got to have the jab or you can't come to church this article says they continue to stake out the worst possible position on the ongoing ecclesial drama surrounding the novel chinese communist party coronavirus releasing an article advocating for churches to institute vaccine passports and relegating others who don't want to get vaccinated or who cannot get vaccine there's many of those by the way for medical reasons to online church in the name of loving one's neighbor now here's where we're going with all this and this is precisely the world the bible speaks about at the time of the end i'm reading you stories that are happened recently some just this week like i said tomorrow in our class we'll have 30 new ones besides these ones that are taking place setting the stage for the time of the end and so what do we see let's take a step back god says he knows the future he's in control of the future he tells us what the future is going to be like we see it happen in the old testament period the new testament period prophecy is given prophecy is fulfilled okay pattern number one pattern number two historical accuracy we see buried cities being discovered rediscovered now after you know thousands of years we find monuments that have names of people biblical characters is something like 60 now six zero biblical characters whose names have been found on monuments you know whether in somewhere in the ancient near east whether it be babylonian egyptian or syrian or whatever like that these people did exist so we can check that one off and then it says at the time of the end we will see certain things happen the world world will be set up a certain way it's precisely what we see today ergo the first point we made a year ago we couldn't have said that and that's what i kept telling people i'm sorry the united states has to go down as a worldwide profits but as a worldwide power russia has to move in its place israel's leadership has to fall by the wayside and iran has to move up the ladder it's precisely what's happening not because i'm a prophet or a son of a prophet it's just what the bible tells us is going to take place so all that to say this god tells us what's going to happen ahead of time it's kind of like a hurricane we know it's coming we've prepared for it we can't there's no place we can go we have to hunker down but we don't hunker down we don't hide we don't buy freeze-dried food and live in caves we are we are i'm sorry we're activists we're going out and engaging people salt and light preaching the gospel telling people about jesus because we live in a world where people desperately need to hear the message that we have because let's face it gang there's so much depression so much sadness and so many christians too by the way that have told me and i'm sure we won't take a poll here that i you know i just want to get out of here i want to leave i just want to you know i can't handle this world anymore well again we were warned about this we're also warned and told that god will give the people the strength he'll give us the strength to make it through he'll be there for us when these days come and for some reason god has allowed you and i to be here at this particular time in history to see all this we didn't see none of this 10 years ago 15 years ago we're seeing it right now right in front of our very eyes and so first and foremost is the christian faith through what course it is how in the world could you have these predictions been fulfilled in the past and being fulfilled right now if there wasn't an almighty god telling us what's going to happen all right number two ross's second question can it work for me yet can and today is a time when the christian faith we in many cases gang we don't have a whole lot of choice we've got to trust god to let it work for us because the world is so much against us and it's going to be further against us 80 of the religious persecution in the world is against bible believing christians our present governor called us regressives not progressives in other words we are neanderthals because we believe in right and wrong we believe the bible is god's word and they're doing all they can to shut us up we could you know do stories and stories about social media uh google recently said yeah there are stories that are true but we won't put them up there because we don't think it's in society's best interest so we'll just x you know take the story out even though it's true even though it's exactly 100 accurate we don't think it's in society's best interest that they know certain things okay we know those days are coming isaiah 5 20 they're called good evil and evil good right well that's what we see happen today but here's the good news is we know all this was going to happen and we are here watching it happen now it's not pleasant it's not you know it's it's very unpleasant at times and yeah they're places you know we want to just get rid of their places we uh things we'd like to do there's things we wish we could do that we can't do anymore our friend in australia said she can't even meet with her friends he can't even go out of the house they're housebound because the government for your own good is in control well we see this but you know we are victors according to jesus christ and the answer is being a witness right now you have a great pastor a great church here you're taught the word of god what you don't want to do is think well if i only move to here if i only move there i won't have this problem i don't know if i told you this story before i remember years ago i was in lake elsinore and i was reading this one you know some they have these papers that come out once a week and there's this article it was fascinating it said a learned australian in the 1930s realized a second world war is about to take place he saw it coming so what's he going to do he said he's going to find a place that where he can sit out the war and watch the world powers you know uh you know fight it out and he could watch because he saw it coming so he decided to move to the pacific idaho pacific island of guadalcanal now if you're not familiar with guadalcanal that was some of the worst fighting in the second world war in other words you can't get away from a gang i don't care where you move to it's all there the good news is god's with us he's never going to leave us he's never going to forsake us he's going to be with us during this time yet can work but here's where your christianity really comes into play right now we've got to ask god for the strength the wisdom of what to do how to get through this stuff because it's very very difficult some of the restrictions they're putting on us some of the things they're telling us we can do or cannot do and it's not going to get any easier that's the bad news the good news is the lord is with us and he's going to find a way where we can be that witness for him because he has put you and he has put me here at this time not our great our great-great-grandparents it's us for some reason we're it and so we have to be that witness to the world as we see the days you know happen soon for the coming of the lord jesus christ the world now we don't know how soon it's going to be but at the stage is being set and the good news is we know at the end of the day we're going to win because we're in christ but number one the christian faith is definitely true the evidence is there and can it work it certainly does but if there's ever a time when you and i had to let it work in our own lives and trust god it is now it is now because the world that we live in the good news is we can and let's hope to god each of us will be determining in our heart that we will we will be these people who will stand up for the lord in this day looking people looking for answers to be salt and light in a world that so desperately needs to hear the gospel of the lord jesus christ let's pray heavenly father thank you that we live in some very exciting times thank you for putting us here this time in history you knew what you were doing we probably if we had a choice maybe we want to live in a more docile time but you know we you got us here lord you have us here to be that witness and i thank you for bob for this church and other churches that are still open preaching and teaching the word of god where they get the message of christ where we're warned about these things ahead of time like jesus said i have many more things to tell you but the holy spirit when he comes he will let you know all these things we know the apostle paul has told us many things that are going to happen at the time of the end and we see him taking place right now lord i thank you for giving us the insight of this that we can understand the times but also lord i pray that each and every one of us as tough as it is and you know as fearful as it is sometimes we will turn and trust you and we'll watch you be god in our lives lord thank you that you're there thank you that you will protect us thank you that you will guide us and thank you that you promise never to leave us or forsake us in christ precious name we pray amen all right god bless you guys thank you don praise the lord let's all stand you feel like you just got a bit of an information download hopefully you took notes if not watch online you know uh it's true um and and amazing to think about the relationship between the things we're going through and what god's doing but it might happen the government well it already is going to mandate vaccines might require them for you to work or to travel or to go to school let me just say it on record we will never mandate a vaccine to worship the living god to teach the bible to worship the fellowship it will not happen at least not on my watch not here not ever and if you're in that place where you feel like i hate all these things that are happening i want out i have good news for you jesus does have an evacuation plan he really does and and it's in place and the marching orders until he executes it are occupied until i come and he said this he said let your loins be girded and keep your lamps burning that's what that's the mission that's how to be ready keep your loins girded what does that mean be ready to go that's what you gird your loins when you're about to go so live light in light of what the lord's doing in this life he's going to come he can come at any time let your lamps be burning that means let your life glow let people see your love for the lord thank you don for a timely reminder always outstanding by the way i i've never known personally any author so prolific as pastor don he is a gift not to us just to us but to the whole body of christ making everything he's written available for free i don't know you know any other authors that have ever done that that is awesome he reminds me of pastor chuck chuck's heart was that the gospel would go everywhere if possible for free and don that's his heart so he does sell books there are books available if you want to buy a book but everything he has offered is available free online he's not really all about money he's about the message going out and i was also very glad that the lord used covet in don's life to have him make some changes in his ministry if you weren't here shortly after he got better and shared with us that he decided to go off of his daily virtually a daily news program where he took things like he's sharing with us he occupied himself can you imagine how much time he has to spend in touch with what's going on in this world to be able to share that that that's been don's life and it is still to a large degree but he didn't want to spend all of his time just talking about things that are in the news because he realized if the lord tarries it for a year a lot of those news stories will just be old news so he's wanted to devote himself to getting the word of god and the ministry of god's word about things that are happening in our world that will be timeless and be of ministry if the lord should take him home i'm so proud of and and grateful for and have deep affection for this man so please love him pray for him say hi and say thank you on your way out but don we thank god for you let's close in a word of uh a song and then i'll close this in prayer hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heaven you conquer the grave you free every captain and break every chain oh god [Music] oh god [Music] me [Music] will you bow your heads let's just pray father we thank you for the message but we thank you for the cry that you said would go out right before jesus would come back that there would be a voice heard by the bridesmaids the bridegroom cometh lord and as it goes out then they would awaken the church of jesus christ would awaken lord they would trim their lamps they would make their lamps burn so that those around could see that christ is alive in their lives that there are a people waiting for their bridegroom to come may we be that people lord where there's sin that has entangled our lives we want to be free from it would you set us on fire so we could share our faith at work with our family to share some of the things we've even heard today thank you jesus we're one day closer to your coming but we want to be ready for it we want to have our loins girded we want to be ready to go when the trumpet sounds until then lord make us a people that are excited to help us to lift up our eyes especially when other christians seem to be discouraged about what's going on in our country in our world jesus you're on the throne you're allowing things to get a world ready for you to come back and really for a world that needs to be judged we pray that you would steal out of it before you come back many to be saved fill us with your spirit use us for your glory for it's in jesus name we pray amen god bless you guys have a good week [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come let us worship our king come let us [Music] see what our savior has done see how his [Music] oh you conquer the grave you free every captain and break every chain oh god you have to break oh jesus [Music] [Music] you've been faithful through every storm you'll be faithful [Music] yes [Music] we dance oh jesus [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] oh yes you have yes oh [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god [Music] [Music] give me vision [Music] to see things [Music] you know just what to do [Music] [Music] to see things [Music] you know just what to do and i will love you lord my strength [Music] [Applause] i will [Music] [Music] i oh be overwhelmed give me vision [Music] to see things [Music] you know just and i will love you [Applause] i will love you lord [Music] love you forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i've tried so hard to see it it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone [Music] [Music] you give what we don't deserve and [Applause] you take the broken thing and raise them to glory you are my champion giants for when you stand undefeated every battle you've won [Music] [Music] now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive [Music] undefeated [Music] all [Music] oh [Music] authority [Music] that jesus has [Music] [Applause] [Music] that jesus has when i opened [Music] for me jesus has given me [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] heavenly place [Music] with the one who [Music] [Applause] you can have a seat well we're glad you're here to worship the lord to start your day we have about 220 guys maybe one of your men in your family uh a husband or a son or a brother up in twin peaks and chad williams the navy seal speaking to them this morning i was able to spend about half the weekend with them with pastor chad bieler ministering god's word just awesome time and most of our regular worship team we're thankful for these folks that are some of them are regulars and some of them are irregulars but we're glad that they're here [Applause] you know um it's an interesting thing about the way the lord works in the lives of his people sometimes we feel like lord why aren't you doing anything or we read in the bible about things that god did and we think man that would have been great to be alive back then and you know it's an interesting thing because it was the same way back then in the book of judges we read of a man named gideon in chapter 6 of the book and gideon has an angel appear to him who says the lord is with you o mighty valiant warrior and gideon's answer is well if the lord's with us i don't really know about that because we're in bondage to the midianites and i'm terrified and and gideon says this if the lord is with us then where are all of his miracles that we read about that we heard about when god brought his people out of egypt it's like you know that's not happening in my day and age now it's funny to me because we know the rest of the story of gideon and we know how god is going to use gideon in a miraculous way to save the nation of israel but he did not know what god was yet to do can i suggest to you that that's always the case you don't know what god is about to do in your life the bible says this in jeremiah god says call unto me i'll show you great and mighty things you don't know anything about in other words i want to do more than you have ever seen me do more than you think maybe i'm going to do in your lifetime and do it through your life i'll never forget when pastor chuck went home to heaven we expected it of course we knew he was sick but i remember when he actually went home and there was a sense of sadness in my heart being a calvary chapel pastor and having the blessing of being pastored by chuck for many years and i thought you know this is the end of an era and it was uh because pastor chuck had led the calvary chapel movement and inspired so many of us for so many years and some of you attended calvary costa mesa and were blessed by chuck's well you're still being blessed because he's still on the air though he is dead yet he speaks he's still ministering which is wonderful but i remember thinking lord it's it's not going to be the same and i remember the lord gave me this kind of a vision it was a picture of a picture a a firework on the fourth of july kind of like the grand finale the big firework that exploded it was magnificent i felt like yeah lord that's chuck's life and then it went dark and i thought it's over but then out of that giant firework out of each one of the little streams that came out of it another firework exploded and filled the entire sky and the lord spoke to my heart and said bob this is what i'm going to do what i've done through pastor chuck is just the beginning of what i intend to do i'm going to do works all over the world i'm sending people all over this planet for these last days i'm not done and i thought lord that's just like you we get discouraged we feel like wow we saw something that we were maybe part of or wish we were part of but now that's over it's not over until it's over and you'll know when it's over because you'll hear a trumpet and you'll be in heaven until then our god is still working amen so we're glad you're here to start out your day and your week in the presence of god you're going to hear a great message today not by me but you're going to hear a great message today that is going to encourage your faith as we wait for the lord's return if you're watching us online we know you're there we we see your numbers out there we miss you we're sorry you're there but glad you're here visiting us through technology may you continue to be faithful to start your week in the presence of god with us and if you're here and you want to give to the ministry there's ways to do that most of you know because most of you are giving so i'm not here to ask for money i'm here to say thank you for supporting the work but if you're online and you're watching there's a little pop-up that'll come up to tell you how to connect with us financially as well but i want to pray and thank god for what he does what he's doing what he's yet to do let's go before him father be with our men the men of this church that are there to fellowship some of them brand new most of them first time up at a men's retreat awkward and difficult to go around other men that they don't know but i pray they would come back with brothers they'd come back with friends they'd come back with a new foundation for what you're going to do in our church in our community in our families that you're forming in finishing even right now thank you for the work up there but lord we're praying now for the work of your word here in our midst would you feed us would you feed our faith strengthen our faith protect us forgive us convict us lord you know what we need more than we know so we just invite you to work among us but definitely we believe jesus is coming we want to be ready for it and we want to be doing the work until he does thank you for this offering in jesus name i pray amen [Music] we've seen what you can do [Music] the things you've done before [Music] [Music] you can't oh the darkest night you can light it up [Music] you've already [Music] [Applause] [Music] i will trust now [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh you're the god of revival [Music] pour it out [Music] oh [Music] [Music] pour it out oh oh [Music] oh oh [Music] every stronghold will come god [Music] we want more [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh god of revival pour it out pour it out every stronghold will crumble i hear the trains hit the ground oh god of revival [Music] oh there's no prisoners [Applause] [Music] [Music] all things are possible [Music] [Applause] a amen thank you worship team amen how are you cowboy chapel you stand heim it's good good to see you guys whether watching online or in person here glad you are here and i'm here to give you some announcements and these announcements are available in your handy-dandy bulletin you were handed on your way in or your e-bulletin that was emailed to you and i wanted to encourage you to take a look at it because i can't cover everything in this bulletin so take a look at it take a look at some events we have offered and all that they're all about simply giving you the opportunity the equipping to be the church of god we believe that the church is not this building is who we are each of us individually as the body of christ and therefore we want to equip you to do the work of god so here are some things you can be a part of some ways to to be the hands and feet of jesus i have three things for you and number one is our harvest crusade it's happening on october 3rd harvest press it on and we're blessed to be a part of it every year and we're driving over there at three o'clock next sunday so if you want to caravan with us you can or you can go on your own time and just meet us there but we're gonna go sit together and enjoy what god does at the harvest crusade at angel stadium is only one night this year so we would really want to take advantage of it they have phil wickham and keane country four key and country performing but it is much more than just a concert in fact that's why it's not called the harvest concert but the harvest crusade because it's about sharing the good news of jesus christ in this day and age which is so dark we need to shine the light of the gospel ever so brightly and one thing that's been very heavy on my heart i'm sure in many of your hearts is what's been happening in afghanistan including the 13 men and women who gave their lives out there and one of them was kareem nikui and he was a lance corporal corporal i can never say the word i don't know what it is but anyway and he gave his life to the lord at the harvest crusade in 2016. and he just had his memorial there at harvest this past week and is to commemorate not only his life but how he committed his life to the lord and there's a new hope for that family that we will see him again in heaven and i want to encourage you guys to consider not just if you want to go with your family but those people you want to invite to hear the gospel of jesus christ we're not guaranteed or promised tomorrow and that's what the bible says tomorrow is the day of salvation just kidding today is the day of salvation so therefore i want to encourage you guys to think about people to share the gospel with but also who can you invite to hear the gospel at the harvest crusade okay we also have the israel trip coming up very shortly uh and not very shortly but the sign ups are and we're going on february 13th through 23rd our senior pastor pastor bob copeny and emir will lead the trip it's incredible their knowledge of the land and i'm a preacher obviously i remember how excited i was when i saw the how history could be also broken down as his story i was like oh that's i'll preach i'll share that in my next sermon but it's really incredible when you can walk through history and literally see his story and see where jesus walked to see where the bible that you read actually happened where david fought goliath where jesus taught on the steps it's an incredible thing to see the bible come to life so i want to encourage you if you've never been to go and um it's the really the best guys we can have so if you want to be a part of it we only have 50 spots i'd encourage you to sign up quickly to be a part of the trip and we have a little table in the foyer if you want more information if you're watching online you can register for that via registrations on our website or our app and finally we have our blast fest which is our outreach on thanksgiving which is 60 days away everybody we can clap for that i heard some clapping over here yes yes yes good job yes yes we're at the outreach on thanksgiving where we we offer thanksgiving meals but also clothing and dentistry optometry and legal advice and we do a lot of things to bless people in local homeless shelters we bust them in we bring them on buses and we bless them and it's one thing to give thanks by simply saying that prayer it's another thing to give thanks to actually give of your time and i want to encourage you to be a part of the blessing to bless others james 1 27 says that pure and undefiled religion is not just to eat a turkey and pray for it but it is to care for orphans and widows basically those who are hurting those who are in need and therefore i want to encourage you to take time out of your thanksgiving maybe even with your family and your friends to come out here and be a part of what god does and you can sign up for that online or in person all the apparel we sell all the proceeds go towards supporting it so even if you have a blessed fresh shirt from last year you might want to just get a new one just so it's fresh but also supports uh the event we also have days leading up to bless fest the week leading up to it and the weekend after we need help as well to set up and tear down so if you can't give your actual thanksgiving because you're busy we would love to have you be a part of the setup or tear down team as well so that is all for my announcements now our senior pastor pastor bob copeny thanks josh [Applause] so there's a line and handles messiah that you are familiar with that what we call the hallelujah chorus and it comes from the book of revelation but it talks about the time where the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of the lord's christ that time when finally jesus christ will come and rule and reign in the world and and of course we as believers are looking forward to being with him you know he's going to come back for us and then he's going to come back with us and he's going to rule and reign in this world do you believe that i'm convinced of it i am looking forward to it and uh but you know uh things like that in the bible that are so important in our future are many times prefigured in the old testament and in events and one of those was something that happened in the book of chronicles it's when king saul has died and the kingdom of israel it's a brand new kingdom under the first dynasty of saul which will not pass to his son jonathan who dies with him up on the mountains of gilboa but as you know that is the new the new king has come and so the nation of israel gather finally all the tribes to a place called hebron hebron by the way in hebrew means fellowship i don't know if you knew that but the nation of israel came together all the tribes all the men of war came together to hebron to basically anoint david over all of israel not just the tribes in the south that had supported him in the past now now everybody is going to declare david is king and there's an interesting thing because they they number the men of war and each tribe has a certain number of guys thousands but one tribe is uniquely different and it's the tribe of issachar let me just read it what it says this first chronicles 12 32 of the sons of issachar men who understood the times whose knowledge of what israel should do their chiefs were just 200 but they were men who were described simply this way they were men who understood the times and could tell israel what they should do right before right as the king god's anointed would take the throne david is the type of jesus christ who's coming saul a type of every other kingdom that's ever been and they're right at the point that you and i are living in and we have the privilege today of having one of the sons of issachar with us pastor don stewart who is going to give us insight as to what's going on would you welcome dawn [Applause] thank you bob hi everybody how are we doing uh it's nice yeah all right good gary i like that yeah this is a lively audience here i know that because you've got a great pastor a great uh group here and um bob and i you know we've been in israel before fact that's where i met him on a trip way way way back and many many years ago and i was i've mentioned this before i was so impressed i was there was like four or five buses and i was the speaker but then i thought you know we got something like 17 pastors from different church smaller groups at that time and i thought you know i'm gonna let one of these other pastors give a talk and pastor bob is the one i asked him to do at elijah on mount carmel and he told the story there and i was listening to him i said you guys got the wrong guy leading the tour it should be him not me he was fabulous and so i've been impressed with him ever since and it's nice been coming back here over and over again and um nice to be here today now some of you know um that i do a class here i've done two of my one more tomorrow night on monday nights and it's been looking at the events of the last days one more class and what's fascinating about it we're talking about the time of the end and things that are going to take place believe it or not from our last class till now i have right now over 30 three zero news stories that have happened the last six days that again set the stage for the time of the end you can't make this stuff up so much is going on it's literally mind-boggling so bob asked me to talk a little bit about that now if you're not familiar with our ministry we have a website called educating our world educating our and in it there's 61 books there that are available for free download you can download them print them out whatever you if you printed it out be about 14 000 pages you're welcome to do if you wish but you can read them five audio books there 10 books on bible prophecy there and also a book that we're going to talk about today that fits with what we're going to be dealing with here about god's truth they're called ancient mysteries of the bible solved and so it's there for further information please take advantage of that tell others about it shamelessly promote it and i think it'll be a real blessing to you and others the um the whole thrust of what we do as christians is to tell the world about the lord jesus christ it was back at night i was thinking about this day 1988 1988 i was in sydney australia and this is my good friend ross clifford he is the principal or the grand poobah at the sydney college moreland college it's a theological college like a seminary and we were talking to students there who are about to go out in a full-time ministry and ross said something to him i've never ever forgotten and i always like to pass it on you probably you may have heard me say it before here he said the people of this world are looking for the answers to two basic questions two of them about the christian faith number one they want to know if it's true are we really believing something true are we believing a fairy tale now number two if it's true can it work for me can it work in my life and so today when we talk about what's going on in the world and how to follow all this we're going to answer those two questions in particular to know it's true because let's face it you would not be here you wouldn't be a christian unless you really believed in your heart of hearts it's true there'd be other things doing on sunday morning but the evidence of course is very clear that it is indeed true all right so what i want to do i'm going to talk about four sources and these are on some of the books that i have again you can download them for free and that put this into perspective the first source is a book called uh god wants us to know the future it's an introduction to bible prophecy and in it there are six passages from scripture i listed the very beginning three from the old testament three from the new about the biblical claims that the god of the bible knows the future and i want to read one of them for you so i want you to follow along if you would if you have your bibles isaiah chapter 48 the 48th chapter of the book of isaiah verses 3 through 6 isaiah 48 3-6 and we're going to look at what the lord claims here now again these are this is just one of the many statements in scripture where the god of the bible makes these claims about himself now it's important we we say this we don't make this stuff up these are god's claims isaiah 48 3 and listen to what he says about himself he says i announced events beforehand i issued the decrees and made the predictions suddenly i acted and they came to pass i did this because i know how stubborn you are your neck muscles are like iron and your forehead like bronze i announced them to you beforehand before they happen i predicted them for you so you could never say my image did these things my idol my cast image decreed them now verse six is the punch line you have heard now look at all the evidence will you not admit that what i say is true that's from the new english translation the net bible you have heard now look at all the evidence i love the way they put this will you not what i admit what i say is true all right when we look at this passage this is what god himself claims look what we find number one the lord says he's announced events before they take place he has made decrees he's made predictions before certain events have taken place number one specifically these predicted events have always come to pass always come to pass it's very important to understand he makes the decrees he makes the claims they always come to pass furthermore number three he gave predictive prophecy because the people of israel were stubborn they were a stubborn group of people and he gave it to them so they would have no excuse and they couldn't attribute it to anything else which leads us to number four they they would uh they would give credit so often to the gods that they made instead of the one god who exists to him so predictive prophecy this is why this is so important it separates the god of the bible from any other so-called god or idol the false gods and the god of the bible says he is the only god who exists the only one and he proves it by telling us what's going to take place in the future and of course the punch line you have heard now consider all the evidence if you look at all of the evidence the totality of it god's predictions and then the fulfillment of him you'll have to admit that what he says is true he is indeed lord so god does indeed know the future he claims it to tell us what will happen so the question is are his claims true are they true and so what we're going to do uh today we're going to look at three different patterns of testimony three patterns that establish this and document it that that his words are true okay the first pattern is second book in this series called god's work in history 50 biblical prophecies made and fulfilled basically what we do is this the first book is about the claims that god makes the introduction of the whole subject of bible prophecy the second book starts with the book of genesis and goes through with 50 specific predictions that are made in the old and new testament and not only specific predictions but a lot of different ramifications of these predictions in other words there'd be over 100 specific things that he predicted is going to take place and they all have been fulfilled already taken place so he has the track record as it is now what's interesting to me this passage we read in isaiah is about 2700 years old 2700 you know years 700 years before the time of christ and so what we see here is god even at that time climbing to having predicted the future and tell people to look at the evidence now here we're here in 2021 and we can look at the evidence from both testaments and we see god has given us a track record an example that one after another after another predictions that he made have been literally fulfilled now one of them to me that's very interesting is in matthew chapter 11 verses 20 to 24 this is where jesus is denouncing some of the cities uh around the sea of galilee and uh bob mentioned going to israel we like i said we went to israel together one of the things we do when we go to israel you go to the city of capernaum capernaum according to matthew 9 1 was jesus headquarters at that time that was his city it was strategically located you go there and there's a couple things about capernaum that stick out number one it's got the ugliest church in the world that's there really no without a doubt it's built over simon peter's house they believe where simon peter live in capernaum but it's just grotesque looking number one but also too it's just a bunch of rocks just a bunch of ruins nothing is there and so we go there we talk about because there are many stories about capernaum in the new testament we mentioned one or two and the guy says okay where do you want to go next and i always say i want to go to corazine they said corazine you sure and they go okay yeah we'll go there corazine is you know a few minute bus right away and when the people get off the bus now take plenty of pictures here i want you to have to document this so they go there and corazine just a bunch of rocks it's nothing there but they're taking the pictures they don't understand why but they figured there's a reason for it and there is so i sit him down afterwards said okay we just saw capernaum what did you see there they said well the ugliest church in the world we saw a bunch of ruins right okay number two you're here at corazzi what do you see there here there's a bunch of rocks a bunch of ruins correct how about betsada what did we see there scratched their heads uh we didn't go to bethsair i said that's correct because because this day no one knows exactly where it existed the geographical location it's been lost for history now these are the three cities that jesus pronounced judgment upon chorazin capernaum and bethsaida and none of them exist to this day as he pronounced it would be condemnation for each of them i said now how about the city of tiberias that jesus mentions in the gospel of john do you know where that is they said yeah that's where we're staying tonight thank god jesus didn't pronounce judgment on tiberius because we have a place to stay now on the sea of galilee but what i point out is this now what are the odds there's four cities there and capernaum is right on the on the water just like tiberius a great location it doesn't exist bethsaida was on the water too that's where the fishermen worked you know that's not we don't know where it is to this day corazon is a major city not not existing but tiberius has existed consistently since the time of christ the one city he didn't predict any judgment upon so the point of all that is we've got object objective evidence from the lord that these uh these cities that were going to be uh you know judged by him indeed do not exist any longer as functioning city so he's got a track record and he can even look at it when you go to israel that's not the only example of that so that's one pattern now the second pattern to me is really really interesting and that's called a book i did called ancient mysteries of the bible solved basically here's what this is all about until about a hundred and fifty years ago nobody knew whether the accounts basically mostly in the old testament had any historical value to it because there was no way to determine whether moses existed whether it was abraham isaac jacob jonah all these different characters because there's you know nothing really there there's a few ancient documents but that's about it now 150 years ago began basically the science of archaeology which it started you know digging up buried cities looking at monuments and the such like and so that the ancient mysteries of the bible i took 12 specific mysteries or things we weren't sure whether they existed or not like abraham and that and we show that the evidence in all 12 cases supports that these people actually existed during the time the bible says they existed in other words the historical part of scripture is true also so not only does god have a track record of predicting the future they've all come to pass when he mentions a person that existed and it's really interesting what uh bob mentioned gideon gideon had a nickname jerob the all jerob bale means let baal fight for himself now a member of the story of gideon he he was a coward god chose him he was the least tribe of israel the tribe of manasseh the least family in the in the smallest tribe the least and he's the youngest son he's like the last person get to deliver and so uh god had him to deliver the people of israel and when he at night uh destroyed one of the altars of baal they wanted to kill gideon that the people of the town because they were in idolatry at that time and gideon's father basically saved his life said wait a minute it bales god let him do it you know let him take care of uh my son you know if he's a god he can do it so okay i guess so and he never did so they called him jarob let baal or baal defend himself now what's interesting about that i have a talk that i use it as the kind of the punch line with that this name this nickname of gideons was a very rare name about what was six eight weeks ago there was a little uh part of a shard there um pot that was found in israel with the name jerob baal the name of gideon his nickname 3100 years old had been sitting for 3 100 years just recently discovered showing the name was real and it could have been you know his own name you know wasn't exactly where he was from could very well have been his but the point we make over and over again these are genuine characters they're not characters that uh uh didn't exist and what i liked about that one in the uh the the story i i use from that gideon was outnumbered by the enemy remember the number of midianites that were there but what happened it was god god who you know as martin luther said one with god is a majority paul said if god is for us who can be against it so it's interesting a thing that verifies the name of gideon 3 100 years after the fact that's been sitting there is found here in 2021 and so the point is we're dealing with historic reliability over and over and over again a minute reliability there and so bottom line is not only we have the huttered specific predictions we also have historical you know evidence that these people were real characters so you've got that but then we come to pattern number three the 25 signs we're near the end events that are taking place right now right in front of our very eyes biblical events showing the accuracy of the predictions of scripture and again recent stories that you really can't make this stuff up so we're going to look at a couple of these this morning number one uh this was one year ago i was before i um i used to be doing a program on his channel called breaking news five days a week an hour a day looking at the stories that are taking place how they fit in last days bible prophecy one year ago the united states of america was a superpower we were stationed in the middle east we had israel's back israel had a strong government russia was a poor second in the region and iran was being thwarted in their quest for making nuclear weapons here we are one year later and none of this is true any longer absolutely none of it now when i did the program we we talked about what the bible says about the future and about the united states not being a player in last days bible prophecy and i said unfortunately there's going to come a time for this country when we won't be a superpower we won't be looked upon as a country who is there you can trust us this and that and boy did people hate me for that how dare you say that look at us look how great we are now well unfortunately they're not saying that now not at all and that's the very sad thing about it so here's what we see what in one year basically with respect to what's happened to afghanistan there's a uh article written on september 25th yesterday by nami majid rafizadeh and it's called thanks to the bite administration iran's mullahs and the taliban have been empowered here's what it reads that kind of the take away from it not only did the biden administration whose sole purpose in afghanistan was to prevent another 9 11 attack the taliban and the muellers of iran a major political institute had handed them a major political and strategic victory it rewarded them with sophisticated state-of-the-art us weapons worth 85 billion dollars courtesy of you and i the american taxpayers which these terrorists will undoubtedly use to launch another possibly even more deadly 911 attack to kill who american taxpayers now this you might not have heard this one the u.s withdrawal uh to the taliban was so poorly planned that the bide administration actually delivered seven seven brand new helicopters to afghanistan just one month before announcing they were going to leave one month before announced they're going to leave and withdrawing from the country article goes on to say it's mind-boggling that by administration announced its withdrawal from afghanistan without any plans to secure billions of dollars of u.s military equipment but made not the slightest effort to recover or destroy it and so what's the upshot well the taliban and the iranian regime are now not only able to unleash u.s made weapons against the u.s and its allies but iran russia and china can also utilize this military equipment for what for research for reverse engineering they do that to find out how they're made reproducing it and selling it so what's the upshot america is now a laughing stock laughingstock globally because of what happened and so we have gone from a superpower which we were respected and feared around the world particularly in the middle east by iran by russia by these other countries to now absolute laughingstock the um french newspaper lemon which means the world did a story a couple weeks back with all this afghanistan fiasco of comparing the us to the roman empire how the roman empire fell apart from inside because of a b c and d and showed the parallels between the two romans never conquered rome just fell apart and we're falling apart just like that so as the bible says that in at the time of the end when it talks about all the different players in the world the united states is conspicuous by its absence i've mentioned this before to you i was asked to do a talk a number of years ago in the state of wisconsin they asked me to speak on ezekiel 38 39 and one of the things that caught my interest there at that time because i only had an hour to talk is that when this last day's invasion takes place of israel there's nobody who comes to their aid nobody can or will so i'm reading this i'm thinking where is the united states well obviously we are not a player in the last days it's the actions in western europe the actions in the middle east it is not in china and it is not in the us neither these countries are going to be players at the time of the end and so what we see now is the fulfillment of that at least for the u.s and it's very very sad it's heartbreaking but we are not the dominant player who is number two russia now the dominant player ezekiel 38 1 and 2 is addressed to the prince of rosh rosh refers to modern-day russia he is going to lead this coalition now we always need to say this because someone will say well you just say it's russia because it sounds like it no that's not why we say it at all roche is a country that is to the far north and uh both uh israel and babylon where ezekiel was when the old testament was translated from hebrew into greek they made ross ros omicron sigma in greek a proper name and so they considered it time before the time of christ as an actual country because the word rosh means chief or head or something like that so some translations will read the chief prince of meshech and tubal rather than the prince of roche if you've got a i've been reading there out of the new king james i believe that's the correct translation if you've got another translation it'll say the chief prince of meshach and tubal they won't have the name rosh but rosh is the proper name referring to the country that is modern-day russia anyway russia is basically moved into the middle east and is taking over where the u.s was taken over but i tell you what's really really sad there are some israeli raids that were thwarted a couple months back in syria they have an anti-aircraft system in syria thanks courtesy of the russians there that shot down some of the missiles that israel would send over now they're not sending over missiles just to be problematic they're sending over missiles because they're they're terrorists there there's there's ordinance there there's you know plots to destroy and kill the people of israel so they're trying to take them out ahead of time the reason they were able to do it according to reports was the meeting between vladimir putin and joe biden and joe biden seemed to give the okay that oh you know we're sick of these israeli raids into syria and lebanon and so russia if you want to defend these countries go ahead be on your own and that's exactly what's taking place so russia now is numer uno there in the middle east not israel any longer now speaking of israel israel had a strong government they don't any longer they have a parliamentary system there if you're familiar with that we've got that in australia uh uk other other countries you have seats uh 620 seats in the parliament you have to have a coalition of parties to get at least 61 seats and you can govern whoever got the 61 seats the prime minister comes from that well israel's had count them four elections in the last few years could not come to any majority netanyahu came so close each time like one or two seats away from a majority never got it with all the infighting there what happened one of the right-wing parties man named naphtali bennett who is now the prime minister decided to get together with the left and so now you have a leftist government in israel a government that's not really pro-israel you've got people in the government now who are actually anti the state of israel but they're governing now and they made the huge mistake of saying the moment they you know finally have a full-time government 61 seats that they told the united states don't worry we're not going to pull any surprises we're not going to do any surprise attack unless we clear with you first now you think that's really good strategy particularly when iran is there ready to destroy them and so this is kind of where we're at right now and so israel has a weak government and then we come to iran and the problem with iran is they are developing uh you know enriching uranium to the point where they can build a weapon and israel was their first target and we are target number two there's interesting story says the next 911 is it nuclear terrorism 20 years after 9 11 could it be nuclear terrorism and there are stories here that iran is just a few short weeks away from acquiring weapons-grade material where they can build a nuclear weapon and so um in fact the new defense minister benny ganz said this on august the 4th he said in 10 weeks they'll have enough weapons-grade material for for a nuclear weapon now when we think of a nuclear weapon let's understand something we're in a whole new world now it's not a missile intercontinental ballistic missile necessarily that goes thousands of miles or even a localized missile that goes maybe hundreds of miles you can put a nuclear weapon on a drone and send that the difference between drone technology those of you who use them and know all about them is that the missiles have a trajectory as soon as they're launched you know exactly where they're going that's can be calculated and you know where you can intercept them even with the cruise missiles it's a little harder to go along the you know the surface they're not high up like the regular missile along the surface of the earth the drones can zig and zag and that's part of the problem that no human being can think fast enough or manipulate fast enough to knock one off and so it's a literally a really a big problem so that's why we say stay tuned sooner or later something's going to happen in the middle east we don't know what it's going to be but israel is going to have to do something so basically the bottom line of this story on iran says 20 years after 9 11 russia china north korea and iran all have motives to support an act of nuclear terrorism that might drive a demoralized u.s into isolationism and create a new world order dominated by themselves all right and so this is exactly what we're seeing happen the u.s is pulling out of all these places the middle east pulling out of uh other parts of the world the isolationism what's going to allow other countries to take over so um here we have russia iran israel in the u.s all in certain positions the bible says at the time of the end and they're in these positions right now if we were doing this talk a year ago i would have told you someday they'll become the us will become not a superpower will be you know on its back foot with the other nations russia which was a poor second in the middle east will move up to the number one slot israel which has had strong governments will have a weaker government not to be able to thwart it and iran will be be you know buoyed by something like that okay we can build our weapons and go forward and that's what we were talking we talked about this for a long time so it's gonna happen well it has happened so again like we said you can't make this stuff up just a year ago it was so different so we're talking about right now it's the stage being set for the tr uh the words of scripture to be true now this next one to me is one of the fascinating ones we talked about this last monday to our class here and i call it science fiction soon to be scientific fact all right in matthew 24 remember jesus is talking about the time of the end he's talking about what's going to take place in the holy of holies in the temple where the sacrifice is going to be stopped the abomination that causes desolation we know that's going to be something placed in the holy of holies in the temple some type of idol that will defile it and he says when you see that run for the hills because that starts the final three and a half year period when you see this now the question would be wait a minute now how in the world can anybody see this um the holy of holies is only used once a year by the high priest he's the only one to go in and only goes in twice once with his for a sacrifice for his sins and then for the people nobody can see that how in the world could people see something like that and then we read about this group called the temple institute who have built the implements to be used and is soon to be built they believe third temple that talk about what the third temple is going to have is you know you know live uh you know video you can watch what goes on live when they build the new temple we talked about this before in other words it's going to be something that can be made visible to the people revelation 11. this is the one that's really interesting to me there's two witnesses for three and a half years they're they're witnessing christ's second coming they're talking about it all of a sudden they're in jerusalem they're put to death by this final antichrist their bodies lie in state for three and a half days while the body's lion state it says the whole world celebrates the whole world rejoices they send gifts like it's christmas time these people aren't going to bother us anymore then after three and a half days the world is astonished that they come back to life now the question is how in the world is the whole world going to see something like that at the same time and we go on to revelation 13 and we see the same sort of thing no one can buy or sell without the famous mark the number of the 666 on their right hand and forehand as this final antichrist is in total control of everything in the world no one can buy or sell without his mark so here's here's the problem we've got three passages that assume events that take place and and they're all basically in israel too um the the abomination of desolation the temple the two witnesses die in jerusalem the antichrist who you know defiles the temple and and and with his cohort claims to be god himself how is it possible for everyone in the world at the same time to see these events happening and until now it hasn't been possible when we talked about this being literally fulfilled in the past christians were ridiculed for saying well what do you mean this cannot how is everybody going to see this at the same time well we may be seeing the fulfillment right now in our day and age and that's in a low latency broadband internet system called starlink the brainchild of elon musk and space x enabled by a constellation of low earth orbit satellites starlight will provide fast reliable internet to populations with little or no connectivity those in rural communities and places where existing services are too expensive or unreliable he said in the north pole they'll be able to get the internet it's a it's this constellation that spacex is providing so far there's 1600 satellites uh right now that are up there's going to be thousands more they're going to mass produce these satellites in low earth orbit which can communicate with designated ground transceivers and basically the whole world will be wired up so that you can watch it anywhere on the face of the earth he talked about the north pole again they'll be able to see anything that takes place anywhere in the world now what he did and and his genius instead of the satellites being round he made him flat and he's got him up there and it's uh looks like this is going to be the fulfillment of with the starlight again their story came out yesterday spacex starlink satellites may be used for navigation and global positioning in addition to their core function of broadband internet a new research uh study said and elon said yesterday his starlink satellite internet is coming out of its beta uh testing time and it's going to be there to be used uh he said next month this is this month so it should be in october it's going to arrive early for people to start using and here's now here's it's mind-boggling to me the internet will be 40 faster than the speed of light on fiber optics 40 faster than the speed of light that's why they've you know putting all together uh they're a few years away from the whole world being wired up but remember in the it's only in the middle of the final seven year period three and a half years in where the whole world is seeing this happen at the same time so we're right on schedule there so the people that laughed in the past about how can everybody in the world see something at the same time well here we go the whole world will be wired up it's and you know and and it looks like it's going to be a reality very very soon so generations previous ones that laughed this sort of thing it's um looks like it's going to be a reality soon you know what's interesting i read a commentary was written in about i think in 1860 and the commentator was talking about this whole event in revelation chapter 11 how the whole world could see something happening at once and it was fascinating how he replied to this he said i don't understand how this can happen but i am not not what's the word of use i'm not obliged to change what god had predicted what god had said and basically said this i don't understand i don't get any idea how this can happen but i'm not going to change the meaning i'm not going to change the grammar someday this is going to be able to happen saying that in the middle of the 19th century well here we are some days today it's going to happen right now in front of our eyes he took it by faith all we have to do is open our eyes so we got that number two we've got the world now being wired up it seems to fit what revelation 11 13 says in matthew 24 but as they say there's more number three secretary general of the united nations antonio guterres uh my headline it sounds like he's reading revelation 13. it was uh 13 days ago september 13th 2021 he released a document called our common agenda now listen he is the secretary general of the united nations he called for a new un-led world order a new agenda for peace in the world now this is interesting here because when we read the scriptures what do we know about this final seven year period it starts out as a time of peace remember revelation chapter 6 and studying that you got the four horsemen of the apocalypse the first one is the writer on the white horse bringing peace but remember it says death in hades follow him but it looks like everything is going to be peaceful in first thessalonians 5 paul says when they say peace and safety sudden destruction will come on their way daniel 9 27 this final seven year covenant will probably be an agreement with with israel of peace and so guterres says we're going to bring in a whole you know generation of peace to the world at a new agenda for peace and that will include such things as making every nation on earth obey a world government in other words there won't be any sovereign governments anymore a world government and every nation will obey that which includes mandating if if this happened now they mentioned mandating every nation on earth uh to be basically uh receive global global vaccination so in other words if there's one small group of people running the whole thing the idea of a global vaccination would be mandated it's interesting about two years ago gordon brown he's a former prime minister of the uk leftist prime minister didn't it was kind of a failure but he said something very similar after he's out of office he said you know what we need we need a small group of people who make the make the final call the final decision in medical issues economic issues political issues you know across the board so we don't need all these countries doing that we just need a small group of people doing this global governance is what he was saying that's what guterre is to say and the global governments would tell you and i what we're about to do however it so far doesn't seem to be working real well because we've got particularly with the uh the global vaccinations i don't know if you heard the story uh yesterday european countries continue to gradually lift the strict restrictions they impose on the population that during the chinese communist party corona virus pandemic but yesterday norway announced the lifting of all restrictions and now norway is returning to normal life i know all of us want to get on a plane around go to norway don't we so we can feel like we can live again but the point is we've got nations that don't want to fit into that right they don't want to fit into this category here and so they are um they're going to go you know they're going to go back to like it was before they're going to treat this just like a case of the flu influenza as it were lifting all restrictions no loss preventing large gatherings and amusement parks restaurants parties and the such like now that is totally against what this global government sees now they want everybody to be in lock step with it and you know it's you know what's really sad it's unfortunate you've got a country like norway doing this and they've got other western countries that are going just the opposite way i live in australia for almost five years my wife and i talked to a friend of ours who she lives in um new south wales that's the state where sydney is in uh one of the six states on the mainland there in australia and she says she can't go to church because you have to have the jab to go to church that all the pastors are for it you gotta have the jab and she's not gonna get it number one number two can't leave can't go anywhere and she said our state's supposedly the most conservative all i said what about this character that's the head in victoria that's the state next door when melbourne is the largest city she said yeah he's like a dictator you might have seen the video this guy's dark hair glasses and he said basically about two weeks ago he says let me tell you citizens of victoria if you're not gonna get the jab then you're not gonna get any services from us basically you're on your own here in victoria good luck i mean it's this is what's happening because we are in control we are the bosses the worst ones in south australia though another state where adelaide is the biggest city the premier has established a pilot program now this is going to sound like 1984. or number one you have to all everybody there has to have their face in some type of facial recognition database but also you have to have this app that always tells the government your geographical location at the same time and they will text you and you have 15 minutes to respond that you're in the location you say or you're supposed to be in or guess what the authorities will come after you and the premier was saying is this great we're we're the one of the leaders of the world this pilot program to make sure we don't spread the you know the the disease and so uh we're gonna make sure everybody's in the place they're supposed to be well of course this is where the world's going right uh 1984 it is there was a story uh this one to me is kind of mind-boggling we mentioned this is the class in italy one of the beaches in italy in the place osteo what it's called they actually had drones flying over the people in the beach and they were taking their temperature the drones can take the temperatures of the people anybody had a fever they would call them out of the people on the beach and send the authorities over you see all these guys in hazmat suits coming you're sitting there you know soaking some rays okay get out of here this is what the world's coming to this is what we see with the globe and this is what guterres is promoting there the global governments and so he says he wants to see a new more relevant united nations that has multilateralism with teeth he wants leaders from several nations to run the whole thing well that's exactly what's going to happen revelation tells us to be 10 countries and from the 10 kings that'll force the globalism on the world that's when this where this antichrist comes from so he says we're going to hold a global summit in the future in 2023 to study ways to strengthen the global governments in other words to make world government more powerful to make sure global policies are being enforced and that could include of course controlling who will buy and who will sell well uh right now the biden administration is all for something like that they have no problem with that it's almost always america last not america first so what we're seeing now is the world being set up in such a way that you really can't make this stuff up now everybody says well that's really bad news well yes or no it's bad because it's it's terrible as far as the world's concerned but it's precisely what god's word said is going to happen so we should not be surprised by this but we're hurt by it we're heartbroken by it and we're all in situations now where we're thinking lord what how did it change so fast how did this world get in such a big mess where we see all these things taking place well again we are warned about this like a hurricane coming you know it's going to come you can try and you know hunker down for it it's going to come what's coming here and it's here and it's going to get worse but the good news is the lord's going to get us through it he's going to take us to the finish line he starts with 100 sheep he's going to end with under sheep right and so that's the i that's the attitude you and i need to have look we are here by design this is this is this i'm speaking to a group of people that god has chosen each and every one of us to be living at this time it's not by chance it's by design for such a time as this that we can be a witness to the world of the lord jesus christ of his grace graciousness is goodness we can be light to a very very dark world and god knows they need it right now so we're the ones who are to be that light who to shine the light of god but in doing so if you ever doubted whether you need to put your trust in god now is the time you really really really need to do it right because it's going to get tough and it's it's tough it's going to get tougher but the lord is going to be with us now let me say this in particular here we've seen so many people and i understand this and that number one i just want to go home i want to be with the lord i don't you know i want to you know live in a cave or something like that and eat freeze dried food until the lord comes back or what a lot of people want to do i'm just going to move out of california then everything's going to be fine right well it doesn't quite work that way and a story i told the first service i was real interesting i read this years and years ago about a man in the 1930s he was australian and he saw a world war coming and he said you know the powers of the world are going to fight each other it's coming to the world so i'm going to find a place to live and i'm going to sit out the war and watch it until it gets over so what he did he put he basically looked around looked at the geography and he picked an island to go to the pacific island of guadalcanal if you're not familiar guadalcanal was the scene of some of the worst battles of the second world war in other words no matter where you go you're not going to escape it i'm sorry and so we're here to fight i like what there's one missionary he said i'm going to plant my mission one yard from hell because i'm and that's kind of where we're at right now it's where i can bring people who are lost into the kingdom of god so the christian faith does work but now you got all of us got a real chance to see it work in our lives because we are the ones that got the target on our backs and on our front we're the ones there after we know that but we know this the lord's going to get us all few through it he's going to be with us he's not going to leave us he's not going to forsake us because remember the same god that made these predictions about the future that's the historical accurate events in scripture made promises to you and i that he'd be with us he'd get us there and so we can trust him we can live it it is true and it can work for us going to be easy no it's going to be really difficult is it going to be heartbreaking at times yes but we know how this movie ends right at the end of the day we're going to be coming back with him revelation 19 when he returns as king of kings and lord of lords so what i want to say today is look number one i mean you literally can't make this stuff up one after another after another event is setting the stage for this minutely accurate where you know the god of the bible has told us this ahead of time we can know what's going on but number two we can live for him in this time and be a witness to the world that so desperately desperately needs it so we need to get our gear on that shield of faith this helmet of salvation and what we do we put the armor of god on and we fight a spiritual battle with spiritual weapons and if we do so we trust him to get us through and he promises to do that so yes the christian faith is true and yes indeed it will work and we're going to really put it to test in this next amount of time before the lord jesus comes back so thank god for giving us the one warning ahead of time but on the other hand thank him for equipping us to be able to get through this very difficult time with the people he said i will never leave you and never forsake you and if he starts with a hundred sheep he's gonna bring us all to the finish line that's all you and i need to know so let's just um encourage ourselves and let's just give ourselves the conviction that we're going to do it we're going to we're going to see it through with the help of the living god okay all right let's lord thank you that you have told us this ahead of time we are not surprised that's the good news and we we we're not shocked the speed of it maybe but we knew these things were coming and we knew they would happen we didn't realize it happened to us so fast and it would happen like lightning strikes but lord on the other hand we do know that you've also promised to get us through it and you've got us here by design not by blind chance and help us realize that that we are here as children of god at this time in history not another time not a more peaceful time not a hundred years ago we're here now and you've got us here now to be a witness and i thank you for bob for this church that preaches the gospel that makes sure that the word of god goes out lord thank you for having us here at this time and thank you for promising us to be equipped at this time that you'll help us through because lord we desperately need your help right now we need wisdom how to move forward so again we love you we appreciate you and we know that you're a sovereign god who's chosen us to live for such a time as this thank you for granting us the grace to get through we thank you for that ahead of time in jesus precious name amen all right god bless you guys thank you don awesome let's all stand it just reminds me that old saying when you see the christmas decorations coming out in the mall you know that it's almost thanksgiving when you see the world getting set up for the things we know are going to happen during the tribulation at the end you can know the rapture's even closer and it should cause us some excitement can i just say i don't know what united nothing united nations is ever going to do with anything uh during our lifetime but if and when because we see this in our nation the government can say you're going to have to be vaccinated to work here i just talked to somebody after first service i know what our congregation is dealing with if our government says you're going to have to have a vaccine to travel which is already the case if you're going to if they're going to say you have to have our a vaccine to go to school they can do that they should be fought about that but i can tell you this the government is never going to have a right to say where you worship not here not in this building as far as i'm concerned you will never need a vaccine to worship the living god to hear the word of god or the fellowship and you can take that to the bank and when you feel like i just hate it i don't like what i see going on in this world remember jesus predicted it as dawn just said don't say i want out listen jesus has an evacuation plan in place okay we can trust him on that and until that moment he has a mission you're on a mission he said occupy until i come and he described it this way for those that are in the days that we're living in let your loins be girded and your lamps be burning your loins that's your belt and the idea is get ready to leave get ready to go during the passover they had to eat the passover with their loins girded why they're about to leave you and i need to realize the time is short we're gonna get ready to go home and until we do there are people who need to hear the gospel there there are people who need to see people who believe the gospel that we're living in these times share the message that don just shared it's all online and then not only let your loins be girded but let your lamps be burning remember the bridesmaids they hear the shout the bridegroom is coming and they awaken they were all asleep but they woke up when they heard this message hey he's almost here it's time to wake up trim your lamps let them burn brightly there's people that need to see your witness and so i love don i appreciate the encouragement the excitement that he brings to us that we're close to christ coming these things have been predicted we're not shocked or surprised we just want to be ready amen so let's sing let's sing one last song of the lord [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so now may the lord bless you may he keep you protect you may he make his face to shine upon you i pray he'd pour out his grace upon you i pray he'd help you to cinch up the belt to be ready to go i pray that he'd ignite and reignite the lamp if it's grown cold in your life that you would burn bright listen there are people around you who didn't come to church with you there are people in your households and your families who need you to be interceding for them can i tell you something that's on my heart today some of the songs we were singing about how he breaks every chain do you remember when paul and silas were in the jail in philippi and as they worshiped the lord the bible says their chains came off the prison doors were open but what is often forgotten is all the other prisoners were set free too every chained prisoner every prison door was completely open because of them being there listen to me i don't know how many of those prisoners got saved i only read of the warden and his family i don't know what god did but i think to myself sometimes where you are where i am god wants to do things in our lives not just for us but because there are other people that don't believe but they're going to witness the power of god in their lives because you're in their lives so let god's spirit work through you in you in your household at work and your family may god release many more than just us in jesus name god bless you [Music] you
Channel: Calvary Chapel East Anaheim
Views: 2,156
Rating: 4.8400002 out of 5
Id: gPqFeMmyVvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 30sec (12870 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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