Maggie Street Virtual Service 11.8.;20

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to maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the pastor amen our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 pm [Applause] giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at www dot maggie street church follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc [Applause] happy birthday and happy anniversary let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code 26567 be sure and join us for revival of encouragement with pastor ezekiel pettway senior each wednesday at 7 p.m our theme there will be praise after this congratulations and let's celebrate pastor ezekiel pettway's 18th pastoral good morning pastor pat way first lady pam deacons trustees leadership members and the entire listening audience dear children let's not merely say that we love each other let us show the truth by our actions i shared with you last week the meaning of the spirit of love and that people enter our lives either as a blessing or a lesson so today if you would allow me just a few minutes to talk about activating the spirit of love pastor pettway as i said has brought both blessings and lessons to this congregation as well as the community for 18 years as pastor of this great church maggot street missionary baptist church so now you have the opportunity to show your love and appreciation for all that he continues to do for these 18 years you can show your appreciation by several ways we're not asking for any set way any set donation we're asking you to give from your heart you can do it by placing our ad in our ad souvenir booklet you can do this by getting in touch with the church tuesday through thursday 11 to 3 o'clock someone will be at the church the church secretary ms gloria jackson you can do it online you can also become a patron or you can go through our website also on sunday from 10 to 11 someone will be here to take your sharing directly so you can show your appreciation in a number of ways so remember you we are in the process of showing it by sharing by activating our spirit of love dear friends let's not merely say that we love each other let us show the truth by our actions first john 3 18 and if you find that you can't at this time we still have the spirit of love smile at someone talk to the pastor and let him know how much you appreciate him but we are asking if you can just give any donation that your heart tells you to thank you so [Music] much tragedies are commonplace all kinds of diseases down people can't get enough pay but as for me all i can say is thank you lord for all you've [Music] folks without homes are living [Music] and robbers no place seems to be safe but you've been my protection every step of the way and i wanna say thank you lord for you hey yeah yeah yeah you could have been [Music] without a friend or [Music] [Music] you keep on keeping me [Music] [Music] [Music] i want to say [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you for protection [Music] thank you say thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you lord thank you for keeping me thank you thank you thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] sleeping in my grave [Music] [Music] and you're probably good morning my maggot street missionary baptist church family certainly it is good to be in the house of the lord one more time on yet another lord's day for those of you who are viewing it's so good to see you all tuning in to this broadcast and cannot wait until the day that the lord shall allow us to come and worship together but until then we have to keep pressing and do what we're called to do this morning i want to call your attention to the book of mark chapter 5. the book of mark chapter 5 verses 25 through 34. chapter 5 verses 25 through 34 let us pray father we come right now thanking you for another day's journey thanking you oh god for allowing us to just see another day and for that reason that reason alone god you're worthy of all of our praise and so father right now we say thank you for all that you have done god we're so blessed to just be able to still congregate by means of social media zoom and all other type activities that we have here so but god we're still we know that you're able and we thank you in advance for all that you're doing and for everything uh that is to come now god i need you to do something for me that i cannot do on my own father help me preach your word let joe decrease and you increase let the people see none of me but they'll see all of you and you will get all of the glory for it's in a marvelous matchless majestic name that we do pray amen this morning i want to look at this very familiar passage of scriptures coming from mark chapter 5 verses 25-34 and the word of the lord reads on this wise and a certain woman which had an issue of blood 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had and was nothing bettered but rather grew worse when she had heard of jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if i may touch but his clothes i shall be whole and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague and jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes and his disciples said unto him thou see is the multitude throng in thee and says thou who touched me and he looked round about to see her that had done this thing but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee well go in peace and behold of thy plague the grass withereth the flower fade but the word of our god shall stand forever just for a brief moment i want to preach from this thought keep pressing and don't give up keep pressing and don't give up uh my brothers and my sisters this year 2020 has taught us a little bit more patience this year in 2020 it has taught us how to persevere and push through pain and search for peace uh my brothers and my sisters 2020 has been a rough year so far for everybody uh as this year came in i know people were looking forward to 2020 being such a great wonderful and magnificent year i've heard all of the scenes i have a a good vision in 2020. i've i've heard people say uh uh uh i'm gonna get plenty in 2020 bad english but that what was said but yet in 2020 we have had to deal with some things that has caught everybody off guard uh my brothers and sisters lil duvall and snoop dogg had a song that was topping the charts through all the year and everybody was singing this song called smile i'm living my best life and and i ain't worried about nobody else well i'm i'm just going to smile that was a thing song heard around the world but all of a sudden by the time february comes in uh it seems as if everything went from uh being joyful and joyous to now gloom and doom uh my brothers and sisters it seems as if all hell has broken loose uh it it it used to be a time uh in the first part of the year everybody was joyous in in in celebrating the wonderful magnificent new year everybody had their song uh it used to be there it ain't no mountain high enough and and and and then everybody was still saying i'm living for the weekend so i can show nothing part it down but now that february has come it seems as if the song has now turned in from a joyous song to a blues song we no longer are saying i'm living for the weekend instead of now we're saying that the thrill is gone because the world is just a great big bowl of confusion uh my brothers and my sisters this year has been challenging for a lot of us but can i tell you in this world tonight i've got good news for you if you just keep on pressing uh there's some uh good news that comes along with your present here here here we see uh now the young have become restless as they search for tomorrow uh following the guiding light and and and as the world's turn they're looking for another world because uh they only have one life to live the bold and the beautiful still partying and dropping it like it's hot at the edge of tonight now they're on their way to a general hospital battling a secret storm and now grandma and granddaddy has to take care of them and all of their children help me somebody 2020 has shown us that we need the lord because uh this year if some of us will be honest this thing makes us want to holla my brothers and my sisters but can i tell you that giving up is not an option giving up is not even uh in our vocabulary giving up is the easy way out but but but can i tell you uh we can't give up because because we can't throw in the towel and we can't throw a pity party we can't say nobody cares for me we can't say nobody knows the troubles that i've seen we can't say i think i'll give up we can't say that nobody loves me but my mother we can't say i think i'll give up we can't say uh uh uh i'm gonna throw it all away because this year has been so troubling to me and i don't know what else to do uh my brothers and my sisters but we have to keep on pushing until our change comes uh i've heard that that that somebody uh uh uh may be feeling like uh uh uh just go ahead on and throw this whole year away and start 2021 over can i tell you no it's not it's it's it's not uh uh the good thing to throw the whole year away because can i tell you even though we're going through some things god is still making ways out of no way god is still provided god is still sitting high and looked low god is still answering prayers god is still making miracles happen god is still giving us joy god is still giving us peace god is still giving us love god is still holding us in the hollow of his hand god is still opening doors that no man can shut god is still on the throne so my brothers and my sisters we cannot throw away the year because if we throw away the year then we might as well throw everything else away but can i tell you when i laid down to sleep last night god rocked me to sleep in the early this morning he touched me with a finger of love when i got up i still had a roof over my head i still had clothes on my back i still had shoes on my feet i still had food in the refrigerator i still had gas in the car i still had the lights on i still had the gas was on i still had a washing machine i still had a dryer i still have joy uh but we can't throw this away because god is still good and i know right now it is it's unbelievable times that we're living in this is strange times but i think that this year has shown us that we can do absolutely nothing without the law this year has shown us that we need to go somewhere and listen to the voice of jesus and when we listen to him we can see exactly what he wants us to do uh uh as we uh pull up to this particular story in mark chapter five uh here we see that this is the gospel according to mark one of the three synoptic gospels and and when you hear that word synoptic it means that it is part of similar writings just like the other gospels aside from john yeah mark the evangelist a traveling companion and a uh companion of paul and barnabas but he was a disciple of peter now here we see that mark here it records this gospel but can i tell you that mark's the gospel according to mark he records and he constantly portrays jesus on the move can i tell you that uh jesus is always moving around he's always taking care of things that we cannot see he's always taking care of things that we cannot handle he's always moving around going here going there and going from everywhere to make sure that all of his children does not lack anything so in uh chapter number four we see mark on the move and in his writing uh in chapter number four we see first of all uh jesus calming a storm yes my brothers and my sisters in chapter number four we see that jesus is is in the boat and out of nowhere a storm uh comes about and and and jesus uh is is awakened from his sleep uh and he immediately calms the storm can i say that again jesus is asleep but he's waking up and he immediately calms the storm that's in chapter number four but as we arrive we see that jesus he is just a bad man can i tell you jesus is so bad that he can take care of any of type of storms that's in your life it does not matter if it is a financial storm it is a physical storm it is a spiritual storm it does not matter only thing you have to do is wake him up and when you wake up the lord he'll come see about you grandma say he may not come when you wanted but he's always on time and if you call on him and call him right jesus will be right there to help you take care of your situation so we see here this storm in mark chapter four jesus comes the storm because jesus is just a plain old bad man yeah jesus is so bad that that he can take the fourth of july and he can put it in june jesus is such a bad man he can take libya and make him jump over up the moon jesus is such a bad man that he can handcuff lightning and throw thunder in jail step out of the boat put his foot on the wind the wave and the waters thrown and say hush your mouth peace be still because jesus is just a bad man my brother said my sisters uh while i'm perusing this periphery uh looking for prophetic preaching power we see a very familiar story about this woman who's dealing with an issue of blood for 12 long years 12 long years to be dealing with something that you have utterly no control love can you just imagine dealing with something for so long that you almost want to just throw in the towel and say you know what i will not get any better my situation is not going to change i may as well deal with it this is the way that my life is going to turn out but can i tell you it does not matter how long you're in the situation if you come looking for jesus baby i've come to tell you he'll meet you exactly where you are and he'll help you take care of your situation 12 long slow years 12 years equals 144 months 625 weeks four thousand three hundred and eighty days to be dealing with your issue uh scripture tells us that that as we pull up to this story uh that jesus is in town as soon as he uh comes out of the boat calms the storm they cross over to the other side and assume uh we're at the very start of mark chapter five as soon as jesus steps out of the boat he encounters a man who is dealing with an unclean spirit now this man is is living in the graveyards in the mountainside and day in and day out he's cutting himself he's harming himself he's not in his right mind because nobody who's in their right mind will possibly want to do some harmful to themselves but when the enemy has a grip on you you don't know what you'll do to yourself but here's the deal when jesus comes up he sees the man and he acts uh he tells the man first of all he tells the man that these demons he tells them to come out of the man now now when he tells the demons to come out of the man jesus perceived to ask the man what is your name and the man tells the uh man with the unclean spirit he tells jesus that my name is legions meaning we are men but can i tell you jesus is so cool he's so calm he's so collect he does not panic he does not run away but if that was some of us ain't no telling how we would handle that situation you mean to tell me that jesus is able to look an unclean man with an unclean spirit in the face and ask him what is his name he does not respond with the name but he responds with this phrase my name is legion meaning we are many uh i don't know about you but if i encounter somebody just like that i don't know if i would be cool calm and collect like jesus maybe baby i would have a tendency to go off and let the person know wait a minute now you messing with the wrong one i ain't with that stuff so tell me what is your name and don't tell me it's legion because baby don't try me try jesus because if you come the wrong way we may have to lay hands but jesus is so cool so calm he calls the unclean spirit out of the man and allows them to go inside of some pigs scripture goes on the tales of that the pigs falls off into the water and they are choked uh and when now they see this man in in in and when he comes to himself he's clothed and he's in his right mind scripture goes on and tells us that that now the man uh he wants to follow jesus the rest of the way because it's easy uh to follow somebody who just helped you out of a situation that you could not even handle yourself it's easy to want to follow somebody who made ways out of no ways it's easy to follow somebody when they have helped you in your most desperate moment it's easy to follow somebody who cares for you it's easy to follow somebody who loves you it's easy to follow somebody who has your best interest at heart but jesus tells the man go back to your family and your friends so scripture goes on it tells us that after jesus deals with this man jesus now gets back into the boat and he's getting ready to cross over to another side and just when he uh comes out of the boat here comes a ruler of the synagogue by the name of jairus whose daughter is at the the point of death and gyres falls at jesus's feet now jesus just had to deal with an unclean spirit and now he has to deal with a man whose daughter is about to die but just when we see him about to get ready to deal with the man who has a daughter who's at the point of death we see this woman with the issue of blood she now arrives on the scene and she is uh ultimately she's in the crowd and and she see all of the people surrounding jesus they are marvel they are they are wondering uh what kind of man is this uh people are from everywhere and there's a huge crowd centered around jesus but now we see this woman who had the issue of blood who spent all that she had and instead of getting better she got worse we see this woman who was socially distant she was socially distanced from her family from her friends from her community because of her issue we see that she was destitute because she spent all that she had and she was seeking a cure we also see that she was desperate and without hope and all of those things that she's desperate she's socially distanced and she's destitute sister girl makes her way come see this man who have done miracles and wonders she finds her way and she gets through the crowd and she says to herself if i could just touch his clothes i know that i would be made whole and uh uh scripture tells us that that that that that immediately uh here here it is in verse number 28 she says if i may touch but it's closed i'll be made whole 29 and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up my brothers and my sisters can i tell you it's hard to remain the same when you have come in contact with the lord jesus christ it's hard to still be in the same situation that you were in that when you met jesus it's hard to steal be bitter after you have met jesus it's hard to still remain mean after you have met jesus it's hard to be uh with an evil spirit after you have met jesus because there's something about transformation when it takes place after you have met jesus when you meet jesus you cannot remain the same i don't care who you are i don't care what type of issue you dealing with joe you mean to tell me i've got all these issues i'm dealing with all this stuff in my life you mean to tell me that if i just bring it to jesus christ if i keep on pressing and don't give up and don't let my situation handle me you mean to tell me that if i come see this man that you're preaching about he can take care of my situation you mean to tell me that if i let off at his feet he'll take care of my problem you mean to tell me i've been dealing with this thing for so long i can't see my way you mean to tell me yes because the lord is the only one who can take care of your situation and can i tell you uh after her blood dried up the bible says verse number 30 and jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned about and said who touched me we see jesus compassion we also see his concern because after the woman touched jesus it was something about her touch it was something sincere about her touch it was something magnetic about her touch because all these people around and even his disciples said jesus wait a minute you got all these people around you and you asking us who touched you but it was something about that touch and can i tell you baby i believe in my heart that that touch that when she touched his clothes it immediately got jesus attention because he knew the pain that she was going through he knew the humiliation that she was going through he knew all of the sorrow that she was going through he knew all of the heart pain that she was going through and can i tell you if you just learn how to touch the lord he can take care of all of your problem but i do believe that this woman uh believed that the scripture said that she said if i can just touch his clothes other writers have said if i can just touch the hem of his garment now now a him is very low apparent to the garment that jesus because they wore long garments so you mean to tell me that if she got down to just touch the hem of his clothes i've got a great question for you how low can you go when you need a touch from the lord how low will you go when you need a breakthrough from the lord how low can you go when you need deliverance from the lord how low can you go when you need uh some medicine from the doctor how low will you go when you learn how to get down and give it all away and lay it at his feet deliverance can take place sister girl had enough sense to get down and i do believe that her getting down is a suit that we need to follow if there's anything that you need from the lord bow down if there's any mountain that you cannot climb bow down if you have to drink cheers for waters and you don't know what tomorrow is going to bring don't worry about it keep pressing and bow down don't give up don't throw in the towel well god has a debri he has a deliverance for you he has a breakthrough for you he has a miracle for you i know somebody watching this broadcast may say well reverend how is it that we've been we've been dealing with all this stuff for so long when will life return back to normal can i tell you life is already morning because when he woke me up this morning i was still closed in my right mind life is normal when i opened my eyes and i saw a brand new day life was normal because i'm not worried about what tomorrow is going to bring i don't worry about what tomorrow holds but i definitely do know who holds tomorrow and since god is in control ain't no sense and we worry about tomorrow take no thought for tomorrow for what you shall eat and for what you shared with let tomorrow take care of itself he that keeper of israel shall not sleep neither does he slumber thou will keep the imperfect peace whose mind is staying upon him if god is going to stay up all night long there's no reason for me to stay up with him go to bed turn the lights out pull the cover over your head and let god be god yes my brothers and my sisters sometimes when it rains in our life it shows no pause we're dealing with situations after one thing grandma you say if it ain't one thing it's always another and i'm out of here goodbye maggot street may the lord bless you real good but on my way to heaven i got to tell you that sometimes when it rings it show enough pause when it rains it seems as if the bottom is falling out of the sky but i have learned to listen to the words of my grandmama what she said a long time ago and grandmama used to say when it's raining go somewhere and sit down and let the lord do his work ain't no sense of you running around running about the house doing this and doing that get somewhere sit down and let god be god let him handle it let him do his work let him complete whatever it is that's going on but can i tell you whatever you're dealing with don't give up don't throw in the towel jesus is on the way he's just a few streets from your address jesus is almost pulling up in your driveway jesus is almost there so hold on and as i close my brothers and my sisters keep pressing and don't give up i don't care what this year has had to bring my god it's an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with wisdom power and love our god is an awesome god god has not brought us this far that to leave us uh i don't believe that he brought us this far to leave us now so i don't care whatever it is that you're going through whatever type of situation uh that you seem as if you cannot handle your situation can i tell you bring it all to him he can handle it if you take your hand off of it release that thing to the lord release that thing to jesus and i guarantee it may not happen overnight but when the lord is doing great work baby sometimes we have to stay a little while longer and simmer don't give up my brothers and my sisters whatever it is take it to him and let him work it out dr charles g hayes and cosmopolitan church of christ over in chicago illinois wrote a hit song in 1980 the year before i was born very hit song they're still singing this song 40 years later jesus can work it out that problem that i had i just couldn't seem to solve i prayed and i prayed but i kept getting deeper involved but i turned it over to jesus and i let him work it out when you turn it over to jesus can i tell you you'll get a joy unspeakable joy you'll start throwing the word of god back in him lord uh you are my shepherd and i shall not want lord you are my light and my salvation uh whom shall i feel lord you are the strength of my life whom will i be afraid because lord i will lift up mine eyes unto the heels from what's come of my help knowing that all of my help come from you lord i will bless your name at all times and your praise shall continually be in my mouth god i'm going to tell you how wonderful that you are my brothers and my sisters keep pressing but don't give up may god bless you may heaven smile upon you god keep you is our prayer until we meet again on the next time i pray that god does something miraculous in your life i pray that you see him for the wonderful miracle worker that he is amen to god be the glory amen the doors now open the door is open and there may be somebody who has listened under the sound of my voice saying i want to know a little bit more about that jesus i've got some problems that i can't handle myself and i want to give my heart my mind and my soul to jesus can i tell you you can do that by simply saying these few words lord i repent of my sins and i believe that you died on calvary's cross for my sins if you believe in your heart you're already saved once you have confessed it you believe in your heart that's it signed sealed and delivered some may want to join maggot street well if you want to join maggot street uh at the end of the broadcast we have our our address on uh the website you can write us call us there's someone here during the week but if you want to become a part of this magnificent ministry there are many many ways that you can join amen until we meet again the benediction our god our father god we thank you right now for the word and for what we saw in scriptures keep pressing but we can't give up god we believe your word we know your word to be true because you have never failed us you have never left us and that's why we give your name all of the praise the glory and the honor now unto him who's able to keep us from falling and present us faultless before his present with exceeding great joy to the only wise god be glory majesty and honor in jesus name we do pray amen go in peace ezekiel pettway senior is the senior pastor maggie street is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama 36106.
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 470
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3A-3arE1eMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 15sec (2895 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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