Maggie Street Virtual Bible Study (5.14.20)

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good evening my brothers and sisters it's good to be here again to share the Word of God with you I'm so grateful to God that he's allowed us to come together again amen although we are not together physically we are together in the spirit shall we offer God a word of Prayer father we thank you for this day we thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ we thank you Lord for giving us another privilege and opportunity to worship you we pray now God that you would give us ears to hear what the Spirit was say to the church I pray that you would bless everyone who's listening that you would cause them Lord God to be affected by the Word of God now god we thank you for revelation knowledge that will flow unhindered and unchecked and we receive Lord Gotcha blessings even now we ask it in the only name that matters in Jesus name Amen god bless you again thank you for sharing with us on this evening I want to encourage all of you to continue your giving I want to continue to encourage you to keep watching us I want you to encourage others to do the same also I want to encourage you to attend Bible study or Sunday School online or actually through our telephone conference you can do that on Sunday morning there are various classes that you can be a part of so let me encourage you to be a part of it and encourage others to be a part of it I just want to commend you again Maggie Street for your support and how you have kept the church afloat through your giving through your support and I pray that God will continue to bless you amen now the last time that we were together in Bible study we talked about in Psalms 27 we talked about our confidence and hope and unwavering hope in God Amen during times of trouble we got down to verse number three we're gonna pick it up in verse number four today I probably won't get any further than that number one that number four verse number four and David is he's just talking here and he had he had told us earlier how God was his light and salvation and that he would not be afraid because God was the light of his life but in verse four he says one thing have a desire of the Lord that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life and to behold the beauty of the Lord and to enquire in his temple a man and I just want to just talk today and just encourage you through these words that David has penned and given us a man to get us through this pandemic these times that we are going through and I wanted to raise a couple of questions tonight a man David my my brothers and sisters is attracted to God he is attracted to the holiness of God he's attracted to the mercy and to the grace of God he's attracted to the unfailing love and power of God and my brothers and sisters you and I know that when you are attracted to something or someone there's no left that you wouldn't go to to make sure that that thing that you are attracted to that you wants you would acquire that thing of that you would get your hands on it or that you would get in the presence of Allah that you would be able to embrace the very thing a man that you are attracted to and as I read this text say man I realized that David is not only attracted to God David a man is obsessed with God he's obsessed about God David said one thing about desired of the Lord amen David has a man this singular focus on one thing a man that is it is a gift a man to reduce everything in our lives a man to just one thing and that one thing is seeking after the heart of God and my brothers insisted Matthew 6:33 says to us amen in this particular tax a man in Matthew 6:33 he tells us a man that we ought to seek ye first the kingdom of God notice now Jesus is saying that you got to have a single a focus a man you got to think focus on the the kingdom of God and His righteousness and he's all that other stuff will be added unto you the things that we are desiring physical things that we won't de closed the cars the husband the wife the house the money all of those things will come if we prioritize our lives in such a way that the most singular thing that I want in my life more than anything else is God and God himself I want the presence of God with me a man rather than the presence a man we like for people to give us presents present amen but we don't want the presence of God amen what we need in our lives a man is one thing and we need the presence of God more than we need material things in our lives so we have got to make sure that we have a priority in our lives as to what it is amen that's number one what it is that that will ring my bell amen it is the presence of God more than anything else even over in Philippians chapter 3 verse number 13 Paul picks up the same idea of singular focus Paul says brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing notice what Paul said one thing I do Paul singly Amen focuses on one thing he said the one thing I'm going to do is forget those things which are behind me too many of us we're trying to move forward while we're looking in the rearview mirror it is impossible to make ground it is impossible to have success in God if we're constantly looking back at where we come from amen God want us to forget to pass he want us to forget where we came from and look forward to where we're going notice what Paul says a man forgetting those things which are behind Paul said I'm stretching I'm reaching forth unto the things which are in front of me Paul says what's in front of me is more important than what is behind me and to many of us we are chasing amen things that are behind us whatever is behind you you can't get it anymore man it's past and now we've got to start seeking those things that are in front of us and so what David says going back to that Psalm a man with this single of focus he has in his life they it is in pursuit of God's present because he knows that in his presence there is fullness of joy and at his right hand there is pleasure forevermore amen look at David now David the thing that he wants the most he is pursuing after you brothers and sister you know what I'm talking about you know when you were dating back in the day when you were pursuing that person that you wanted to be with that's someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with you would stay up all night long a man you would drive a long distance just to get to that person that you want to be within even if they broke your heart you were continuing to pursue after them because that was your desire that was your heart desire you sought after them you wrote letters a man before they had email before they had text yeah you would do all kinds of things just to get their attention can I tell you all you got to do is look up and call on the name of the Lord and God will hear your cry if you if you pursue God like you pursue your career if you pursue God like you pursue the material thing God will show up in your life amen it is so important for us to know that when we put God as a priority in our lives when we seek after him he'll seek after us a man so at the end of the day you gotta be gay you got it you got to make sure that you're chasing after the right thing too many of us are chasing after the wrong thing we're chasing after thing that only lasts for a season but at but God Himself he lasts for ever Psalm 16 and 11 he shares that with us a man where he said thou will show me the path of life some of us are looking for life and we're looking for life here on earth we're looking for what we call the good life we're looking at what we called a fulfilled life and I understand that don't get me wrong I know we all desire to have good things in this life but I need the path of life I need what's gonna lead me to eternal life even if I got the car even if I got the house even if I got the money it will not give me eternal life so he said you were shown me the path of life and in your presence so watch this he said if I find the path of life I understand that it is in the presence of God a man and in his present is fullness of joy at his right hand there are pleasures forevermore and one thing we want a man in this life is to have what we call enjoyment what we call pleasure what we call satisfaction what we call a manner guaranteed a man life that is fulfilled and the only way we can have a fulfilled life is that we have it in Jesus Christ a man so the Bible is there's no end David here as David is leaning into this particular Psalm David is all-in for God can I raise the question today are you all in for God are you leaning into the things of God are you leaning to see what God was say to you amen have you reduced everything down to the one thing that you need to have you become hungry and thirsty for God once you become hungry once you become thirsty for God and you pursue after God God will fill you up you know David said over in in Psalm 23 amen he said my cup was running over David said because I pursued amen the presence of God my cup is now for in other words my life is so full that I can live out of the overflow y'all help me up in here you got to live out of the overflow and not out of your reserve too many of us are living out of our reserve rather than out of the overflow because Jesus did say in John 10:10 the thief come but for the kill steal and destroy but I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly in other words you don't just have life but you have abundant life you have the overflowing life you have that life that continues on and on and on so we need to understand that in the presence of God there is fullness of joy and so David reduces everything in his life down to one thing he's hungry and he's thirsty for God amen that's what he said hey man I'm thirsty for God over in Matthew five and six here's Jesus talking from the Beatitudes he's on a mountain and he's teaching a man these brethren and those who were following him he said blessed are those who do hunger and thirst after righteousness one thing I know if you're hungry you will look for it if you're hungry you're search for it if you're hungry you you'll go after that thing I just don't believe that we are really hungry for God I just don't believe that we are hungry for the things of God my brothers and sisters the other day I had to drive to Montgomery I actually came through Pratt via a man because I needed to look for something and earn in the morning I saw people in a line and they were lined up at Hibbett Sports a man now that tells me something that they were hungry for them Jordan tennis shoes a man but if people were lined up for the church and people were lined up to get in line for God it would be a different story but notice we pursue those things that we love we chase after those things that we won't that give us temporary satisfaction can I tell you they're gonna bring out a new pair of Jordan before this year is over and people gonna line up again to get another pair of Jordan but can I tell you that Jesus it's the same God he never changes he's the same yesterday today and forever more and when you get him in your life you learn how to be satisfied with Jesus amen if you don't have the finer things of life you're still satisfied if you don't have everything you want in life Jesus makes you satisfied and we are trying to satisfy a desire in our lives that only God can fulfill and so I want to encourage you today get hungry for God get thirsty for God event desire God more than anything else in this world David said in Psalm 5 in verse number three I just want to go that real quick David David is seaching seeking God listen at what David said this is early in the morning I just told you that there was some folk that were up early in the morning and they were at hip in sports they were trying to get tennis shoes but look at David he said my voice shall die here in the morning Oh Lord in the morning will I direct my prayer if you get up in the morning and start directing your prayer to God he said unto thee will I look up a man David is saying it man if you allow me to get my feet on the floor if you allow me to get up in the morning I got to direct my voice towards you because if it had not been for you who are on my side I don't know where I would be a matter of fact if it had not been for you I probably wouldn't be up right now so David said my prayer I'm gonna direct it to you unto thee and only the will I look up David to say God I'm looking to you can I talk to somebody in this pandemic that they're looking for the government to give us the all-clear sign to open up things I'm looking to the God who knows what the end is from the beginning I'm just trying to encourage you this evening to look up to God and let God hear your voice in the morning if God has been good to you when you wake up in the morning tell the Lord thank you before you do anything else let God know you appreciate what he is doing for you because you want to deepen your relationship with God you want to bring this thing down to one thing in your life and that one thing is that God you're number one God you mean more to me than my job you mean more to me to my family I appreciate my family but you are number one my brothers and sisters can I ask you a question in this evening where is God placed on your priority list is he number one you see number 10 where do you have God at on your priority list who's the most important person in your life I hope it's God I hope it's the Holy Spirit and then your family come next and in your church and then your job a man I hope you have an order that you have these things in if God is not number one then God has numbered nothing at all because he said thou shall have no other God before me don't put no other God in front of me don't break no other in front of me God wants to be number one in our lives amen look again 9 songs 42 and David is talking here in psalm 42 David talks about a man not only will I direct my prayer towards you early in the morning David said I'm so thirsty god I'm just as thirsty as I can be I I can't get this thirst quenched with water he's alight the heart goes to the WaterBrook like the deer goes to the water brick he says something down inside of me it's much deeper than that he said I need you to speak to my soul God I need to speak to the very instance of who I am god I'm thirsty in a place in my life that if you don't give me some water and I need the water of the word I need the water of encouragement to know that even as my enemies are on my tail even as they are on my track god I'm still thirsty for you my soul is thirsty for thee and my soul pets after the water broke on and I need you God to come into my life I don't need h2o but what I need is the Holy Ghost to fill me up from the inside there's a song that says feel me up God till our overflow fill me up til I won't no mo God fill me up with the overflow of your love of your care and your concern these are my soul thirsteth my soul is continually see the thing about it once you get a taste of God that's why David can say in Psalm 34 amen o taste and see that the Lord is good he's in my soul thirst is for God for the Living God when shall I come and appear before God David said I'm so thirsty I just want to come before God David said my tears have been the meat day and night Amen I've been crying amen and I'm just thirsting for God while they continually say unto me where is your God David said I know y'all don't understand what I'm doing they man I'm crying out to God I know you don't understand but God is gonna show up and when God shows up he's gonna take care of everything that I need David said when I remember these things a man I pour out my soul you got to look back over your life and start to remember some of the things that God has done for you amen he so far I had gone with the multitude I went with them to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise with the multitude that kept the holy day stop right there now amen David said look I went to the house of God I went with the multitude but the multitude could not satisfy me see where we are today we came to church when the multitude were here we came to church when it was packed out when people were all around us we came but we didn't come for God David said I was in there for the wrong reason a man was there with the crowd but God God didn't have all of my heart he said but now that I'm in this dry and thirsty place god she got my attention is there anybody that's thirsty during this pandemic that realized that I can't come to the physical sanctuary but I need God to do a work in my life where I am right now can I tell you God can bless you on your Street where you are you don't matter where you live you don't have to be in the multitude a man Davis said to him he said I went with them to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise where is your joy right now do you still have your praise now that you can't come sometimes we came to church to get our praise on so somebody can look at us are you still praising God now if you can't praise God at home now everything you did in the sanctuary it was not real in the first place that man if you did it cuz the multitude was there if you kept the holidays because the multitude did it you did it for the wrong reason so you got to become thirsty and hungry for God amen so David was hungry a man for the presence of God and this hunger that he had it made him become a worshiper and a deep desire for the presence of God David said man I got a desire so deep in me that that I need God's presence like I need the air that I breathe so we need the presence of God we follow what we love and desire my brothers and sisters that was the secret to David's spiritual success now now you can have success in the world and God wants you to have that but if you don't have spiritual success you are failure if all you have to point to is your degrees and your accomplishment but you don't have a relationship with God that's robust if you don't have a relationship with God where you can get out early in the morning and call on the name of the Lord then you are not successful and what we want is natural success but we don't have spiritual success I believe in Joshua 1 in 6 if you don't mind Parker Joshua 1 in 6 real quickly will we're just about done this is not what he said be strong and of good courage for to this people he said Joshua thou shalt divide for an inheritance the land which I swear unto their fathers to give them only be that strong and very courageous that I may observe to do according to all the law you can't skip over it you got to do everything in it you can't you can't you can't play around with this he said you got to do everything that's in the law which Moses my servant commanded you he's returned not from it to the right hand or to the left that God may is prosper whatsoever and I go with brothers and sisters if we keep the Word of God keep the law of God I don't care where you go God will cause you to prosper but you got to have that single focus even in trying times even in the darkest hour you got to trust God the next person I'm moving on this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth keep the Word of God my brothers and sister in your mouth before your eyes and in your ears so if you're riding in your car play some music that has the Word of God in it or play some some some CDs that has the Word of God on it keep it in your spirit but thou shalt meditate therein day and night that that may is observe to do according to all that's written therein watch what he says for thee thou shalt make that way prosperous see we always ask God to prosper us but you make your way prosperous when you do what God say do when you start doing what the Word of God say you make your way prosperous because when you obey the Word of God then God is going to bless you and then shall doubt have good success he's saying is that your success will last because the Word of God will never fail and therefore we have to do what God says do and not what we want to do we want God to bless stuff that we know he's not in and God cannot bless our mess amen and the final thing David said his heart and his affection on God and God have developed such a hunger and love and David for his word and for his presence David desired the Word of God he's out he desired the presence of God and he said these three things and I'm done he said I want to dwell in the house of the Lord David said this is what I want to hang out in this is why I want to live I don't I don't want to live in the mall I don't want to hang out in the tents of wickedness I want to hang out in the presence of God to dwell in the house of the Lord now David has said goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I should dwell that's what they were saying in the house of the Lord David had this innate nature in him that he always wanted to build a house for God and David wanted to build that house but he could not because of the blood that was on his hand but David left provisions back so that his son Solomon could be a god a temple or a house but what David was saying hey man I I just wanna I just want to be there in your presence I I want to see what it looks like when people congregate in your presence in this house he says and I want to behold your beauty Wow David said man I want to I want to see the the beauty of his grace I want to see how beautiful is holding and see as David is saying when I look at God I thought I've seen some beautiful things in this world I thought I've seen beautiful houses and and beautiful women and beautiful men or whatever that case might be and beautiful sights and beautiful places to go on vacation he said but I want to look on the beauty of the I can't not even imagine the splendor and the beauty of God what does God look like that's not one of us who can explain it because we don't know what he looks like but David said I want to look on his beauty one songwriter said oh I want to see him look upon his face there are a man he wants to be in this present forever you just want to look on his beauty so David said I want to behold I want to see the buter of the Lord then they said and inquire in his temple David I just want to sit meditate in the presence of the Lord in his temple that's why David says in Psalm 1 blessed is the man go that real quick as I close start my first one Psalm 1 blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law of the Lord and it is law nothing meditate day and night David said I'm so fascinated by God I'm so attracted to God that I'm willing to meditate in his word day and night and if I do that David said I make myself grounded and strengthened I'll be like a tree planted by the rivers of water which bring forth his fruit in his season my leaf is not going to wither and whatever I do David said well prosper go I'm right back to Joshua what I said but he said here's the thing if I do what God say I'm not gonna be like the ungodly I'm godly or not so but they're like the chaff with the wind driver the way I know we think that wicked people are prospering trust me God is just giving them space to repent don't be envious a man of evil workers keep doing what God told you to do therefore this net what God said Davis said the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous everything that is fake God is going to uncover it we don't have to do anything you don't have to put people out of church you don't have to call them out God will call them out because we must stand before God and give an account for the Lord knoweth notice what he said God knoweth the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly Shall Perish and that's I hope I hope is in God but we gotta have a singular focus on one thing and that one thing is to do is the live in the presence of God well my brothers and sisters we're down to the end of our Bible instead I want to give you an opportunity to join the Lord Jesus Christ to be a part of our church and ministry and you can do that all you got to do is confess with your mouth believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead and you can be saved simply repeat this prayer lord I believe that you died for my sins it rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life be my Lord and be my god if you confess that your saying all you got to do is find you a good church that teaches the word believes in the Word of God and if you do then the Lord will bless you you can join our church you can call three three four two six three three two one five Amen that's the secretary here Monday through Thursday should take your information and pass it on to me or some of the Brethren and we'll make sure that we contact you amen all right now we're going to give you a manual scripture reading for the rest of the week a man I want you to consider Psalms 100 I'm a have given it to you before but I think this is a good song we just need to make a joyful noise unto the Lord Psalm 100 it's a good song for you to be happy for the rest of the week god bless you God keep you as our prayer now may the grace of God thus we commune of the holy spirit may he read rule and abide with us we ask it all in the only name that matter in Jesus name [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 256
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: fqSBG1CqwfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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