Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 Bible Study

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god bless you people of the Most High God my name is Clarence I'm pastor of United body of Christ Church I give honor to the Father creator of all things seeing an unseen and also blessed son the Lord Jesus Christ King and captain of our salvation allows us to be here today to even come before you and I'm blessed God in my spirit daily I ask God you know what can I do for you this day you know and of course God has us going forth in our Bible studies with with the book of John and I bless God that you know I'm be coming forth today in the book of Genesis and the book of John if those of you that had followed our Bible study what we really appreciate about the book of John if you will go with me real quick to John and then we'll start off in in you know the book of Genesis one of the things about about John is as it talks about Jesus deity especially as it opens up in the first chapter it lets you know that in the beginning Jesus was there so those of you of course will be starting in a book of Genesis today why don't you go with me to first John and hold your place there and we'll start here in the book of Genesis I know I got you flip-flopping real quick but let me give you a little bit of information on the book of Genesis it was written by Moses and it's one of five books it's the first of five books by Moses and some of you who don't know your Bibles as well we'll get a chance if you stick with us through the teaching of Genesis you'll be able to understand later on who Moses is but at least the first five books of the Bible we got Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers and Deuteronomy those are the first five books of Moses Genesis means the beginning amen so I know I got you with the book mark in the book of John the Gospel of John but hold your places there we'll we'll start with the Genesis and then when the time comes I'll have you turn and you know and like I said you know we we started when we started our Bible studies we were able to start you know you got the four Gospels but we started with the book of John and I I believe the Lord pushed me to start there really be you know I list the way I see it is because that book really describes Jesus deity it really it expounds on his deity number one being the Word of God and number two letting us know that he was there at the beginning where the other Gospels don't really capitalize on that so it's fitting that as we would start there we would be able to come back to Genesis and then start the book of Genesis here you'll be able to least see the relations as we begin with the book of Genesis you those who have been with us on our Bible studies in the book of John you'll be able to see at least a relationship at the beginning here so there's nothing to review this is the start here so we'll just go ahead and take it from here and father in the name of our son jesus christ acts that those that are in attendance those that are watching God that they be blessed by this word father in the name of Jesus that they have a better understanding of who you are and how you loved men so much father I pray in the name of Jesus that you open up all of our understandings O God that we may worship you that we may glorify you in the understanding of that word the holiness and the power and I might ask these things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen let's begin in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep so the earth had no shape and there was this darkness there and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water so we didn't know that God created the waters as he created the heavens and the earth along with that was the water and so his spirit begins to move across the waters there his imagination is about to kick in okay and God said let there be light and there was light now this isn't the Sun at the time this is not the Sun that shines in the sky that's made a little later but there was a source of light that God just flicked on at this time he said let there be light and there was my and and as we as we go through the text you're not going to see God doing anything with his hands it's powerful as he is he is speaking it and the Spirit that the strength of his words are going out and they're forming their big the way God pictured it in his imagination the way he had everything set up he's commanding what it needs to hat what needs to happen and so what begins to happen amen and as we see here in verse 3 it said God said let there be light and there was light that there was an element of light that began to luminate but again this is not the Sun we'll see the Sun created a little later here in the text verse 4 and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness now summer look something you got to understand here we as everything that God has created he has given he has given it a choice to obey Him and all things that don't obey Him some things are hue down as the Scriptures call it like a tree being chopped down some things are hue down other things are set aside until the Judgment Day where it has to give it has to give an explanation for why chose not to be obedient and we see no different here when God turns and see and he says that when it went when we get a chance to see here that God saw that it was good you can kind of look at it and say that God saw that it was a and therefore was good amen and obey God and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day I washes and God said let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters so what happened is remember as God created the heavens and the earth and then there was darkness and he said let there be light remember his spirit began to move gravitate over the waters and so all that was there at the time was water so what God said is let there be a space you know let there be a sky in between the waters so what happens is as you have the waters just a big thing of water the waters begin to split in half those of you that know your Bibles if you can remember later on in Exodus how when when Pharaoh the king that king of Egypt was chasing after uh God's children to Jews um and they began to walk on dry land the waters partying well if you could think about how they walked on dry land and the waters parting such as the case here but in essence there's no dry land yet so what happens is the water begins to part not left or right but up and down okay so that's what happened here when he he said let there be a firmament basically let there be a sky between the waters okay and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and so it was or and it was so and God called the firmament heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day now remember what I just told you the waters what he did is instead of the waters dividing left and right the waters divided up and down so one was above the one is beneath here and so what happened to the waters that were above the sky and this is what I believe we get rain from you know that there's Storch if you will somewhat in the sky which is how we have rain that comes down when it's time when clouds get together I believe the storage is opened up and then therefore it's allowed to rain but there was a great deal of water that God crew you know that that was created and God fought for whatever reasons he had whether it was to give rain to the earth or what-have-you he divided it he he actually made that water go up amen it could whatever he did it whether it was evaporated or what but he didn't get rid of it he just allowed it to uh you know to allow there to be a space between the waters above and the waters below uh verse nine and God said let the waters under heaven be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and remember he's not doing anything with his hands he's speaking out of the power of his mouth his words are going forth and forming those things that he envisioned within his heart and they're forming it exactly as he envisioned it and he looks and see that that his words and the elements that was done obeyed him amen verse 10 and God called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called he seas and God saw that it was good again it had an opportunity to obey and it did and it was real good verse 11 and God said let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind whose seed is in itself upon the earth and it was so and and and if you think about it as God begins to populate the earth with vegetation um you I asked my kids this what do you think came first this seed or the fruit and my kids you know bless their hearts that you know my youngest daughter she said the fruit no she said the seed come first but as you see here the fruit actually came before the seed I mean how do you have seeds unless you have the fruit to bear the seed God said in verse 11 let the earth bring forth grass the herb yielding seed and the fruit trees yielding fruit after its kind whose seed is in itself so that you have the fruit and then you have the seeds inside that it can replenish upon the earth and it was sold in verse 12 and the earth brought forth grass and herb yielding seed after its kind and the trees yielding fruit who see was inside itself after its kind and God saw that it was good and yeah again you know out of the imaginations of his heart you don't see his hands but what you see is the word and that word is going forth and it's forming the very things that was in his imagination to a tee and one of the things you got to understand here is guess why this is being done this is being done for you this is being done for mankind God is if you think about a man if you think about a good man he had tried to do what he can those that he want to marry or those that he wanted to take in and call you know - well the family that he envisions for itself he begins to go and make a home and what he don't know what he does is he get a house if you know giving up the best financial responsibility for himself he gonna make a house you get the furniture he makes sure that he has everything right and once he got everything right he'll bring his bride to his home you know him marry her and bring her to his home and something this is somewhat an ideal of what God is doing here God is is you know as he begins to form the earth he's not just forming the earth for himself what he's doing is he has an image he wants to be able to put mankind he wants to make manna he's excited about it remember he ain't just making anything mean he's making it and then here check to see if it's good and he'll see that it's good it did here move on to the next phase of his plan all of this is done in an expectation of pudding man there he wants everything is almost like a perfectionist and he wants everything to be right so that when he put man there everything will be good amen so we're on verse 13 and the evening and the morning were the third day verse 14 and God said let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be a signs for seasons and for days and for years so now God is creating time so he said that the light that's in heaven and the light that's in heaven that he referred to as day and night he's starting to establish seasons which means he's starting to establish time okay once you start thinking about seasons you're starting to think about time and he said let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and for years so now he just established time so he what he did is the light that that begins to that light that's in the heaven he begins to have a time forward to to turn itself off somewhat or to rotate into darkness and that he put it actually what he did is he put the light and the dark he put the light and the night or the day of the night on a schedule and and that's what you see in here has been explained here seasons four days and four years so basically he added a schedule to the light and the end the the darkness there and verse 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and soil was so in verse 16 and God made two great lights now here's the creation of the Sun and watch this you don't hear about no other planets being created at this time but what you do hear about is what you're about to see right now is the Sun and God has actually made the Sun you know that big solar star that's in the sky where the earth gets us where the earth gets you know the heat and this light from you know God is actually God has actually made that for us that actual big star within our own solar solar system that bring forth its light and it's heat that was actually created for this planet and you'll see that here in verse 16 God made two great lights the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night and he made the stars also so now he's talking about the Sun and he's talking about the moon he as he placed the moon above the earth he the way and he's so awesome in his imaginations the moon has no light within itself but it it acts as a as a reflector it actually gets light from the Sun and that light that the moon gets from the Sun he allowed that to be the light for the nighttime it's a night light for the planet you know and it's awesome you know because there is no true source of light within the moon itself except within the moon itself except to act as though it's a reflector from the Sun so when the Sun where as there as the schedule's begin to rotate that moon begins to take that light and just reflect it right on the planet and it's just it's awesome how the imagination of God is it is I get real excited about it here so forgive me him from talking too much here verse 17 and God something that God sent them in the firmament of heaven or set them I should say in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and to rule over the day and over the night and to divide the light from darkness and God saw that it was good a man and then the evening and the morning were the fourth day so now we get a chance to see that how God established the waters when he created the heavens and the earth and then he allowed there to be he took all the waters and put a division in between the waters and allow the waters to go above against other waters to rest upon the earth and then commanded you know that there be a light wise he's working he shut on the light why he's working and then we get got an opportunity to see him establish the vegetation which is the grass we got a chance to see him establishing the the fruit trees and and remember we've learned that the the fruit comes before the seeds amen and now we've got the chance to see God put light and day and night on the schedule and to begin to define days and begin to define seasons and all this is done in the preparation of men being formed here shortly so we bless God for his love and for his great imagination verse 8 let me see verse 20 and God said let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creatures that have life and the files that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven and and firmament just means sky that's all it is firmament is sky or space the expansion thereof it means sky and God created great whales and every living creature that moveth which the waters brought forth abundantly after their kind and every winged fowl after his kind and fowl is another word for you know birds anything that fly in the sky that's considered any animal that flies in the sky is considered a fowl and God saw that it was good and God saw that it was obedient it was good and verse 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas and the fowls and and let the file's multiply in the earth and the evening in the morning or the fifth day so he began to bring forth all of the imagination within his within his heart he begins to command that his words feel or that his word filled the seas with all the creatures thereof you know you know don't just make the heavens let me fill the heavens not with just nightlights but allow there to be you know birds or files flying of all different kinds and it's just awesome and then God said not only do you make it but now let me establish a covenant with them that they may have the power to be to multiply so everything that we've seen here even the fruit that he's made he's allowed to be able to multiply within itself the sea is to replenish and then as you see with the animals in the sea with the files in the air he gave gave forth the commandment that they should not only enjoy life but that they should multiply make more of themselves amen in verse 24 and God saw or God said rather let the earth bring forth the living creatures after its kind that cattle the creeping things the beasts of the earth after is kind and it was so and God made the beasts of the earth after his kind the cattle after after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the earth after its kind and God saw that it was good so first God called it and then his word created it and all the your horses your your cows your cows or anything that is thatis as a cattle that you can think about so it was and then all your insects your reptiles all those things they began to be established and on the verse 26 and God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth now let's pause for a minute this is why I wanted you to go to John God says here let us make man in our image now that's plural and I know some translations you know different Bibles may say something different I teach from the King James and I don't think this is written as no fluke this says let us make man in our image now I want to kind of answer who us is okay so go with me if you got your places that you should have left your places here and book of John chapter one it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God now watch this the Word was with God and you know how this how this starts out in the beginning same thing this had this happens in the the book of Genesis here and it says that the Word was with God and the Word was God it's his word that's actually going out informing this thing all those things that God said God gave a commitment this is what I want to see and his word goes out and create these things watch this and the same was in the beginning with God verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made it's talking about the Word of God which is the Lord Jesus Christ and it's saying that him men the Word of God without him was not anything made that was made so it's saying that that when God says here let us make man in our image he's commanding the word you know here we go I'm you know let us go forth to make this man out of our image in our likeness here but this is a very word that's going forth and building or forming these things out of out of his father's imagination and as we see in 1st John as we see in the book of John or the Gospel of John there wasn't anything that was made that wasn't made by him all the things that was made at the beginning was made by him he is the word of God and remember say remember when God would give a commandment let this happen or let that happen and then God would see that it would happen and it was so that part of God's that's going forth we believe it's the Lord Jesus Christ that's forming these things after what his father is commanding amen so verse 26 God said let us make man in our image after our likeness in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle over all the over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth now the image and likeness my son when some people look at you know one of my sons I'm Lord has blessed me to have to have a when you say be fruitful and multiply I've been I've been blessed enough to be able to have children and if you look at my sons my sons look just like me and I look like them and the Lord is blessed me with the ability to write and my sons right they you know they write poetry they write stories they have the ability to write so not only do they look like me which is the image but in my likeness or my attribute so my characteristics they share the same thing of me so here God is saying let let us make man in our image and it remember the Lord Jesus Christ so he's making in this instance he's making them as the Spirit of God and then the likeness or his attributes which is somewhat of his power the characteristics of God so he's making them to be like him and to act like him be like and look like him and act like him look like him act like them be a creator you know and and that's what's happening here and that's why you're here when we when we read this let him have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl of the air over the cattle over all creeks of all the things of the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth men was to subdue the earth it you know he had the power remember if God is making him in the image and his likeness if you think about what God is doing here previously the way he's creating the way things are he's dominating things with just his words men in this verse was given that same ability to do this this was major you know he established the power of men right within this right here God said let us make man in our image us our is plural after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowls of the air over the cattle of all the things over the earth over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth verse 27 so God created man in his own image and then the image of God created he him male and female created he them so it kind of jumps forth hairs as though he's creating Eve but she hasn't been created but this is the plan set forth so God blessed them and this is actually as a illustrating that Eve is actually here as the Scriptures jump forth there God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowls of the air over every living thing that moveth upon the earth but notice subdue it that means to take control over it to exert your authority over it that's what subdue means and man had if he's made in the image and the likeness of his father you know which is the Lord Jesus Christ which is Lord Jesus Christ then Jesus that which is God Almighty if man is made in their image in their likeness imagine the things that he was created to do the the way he was created to move about upon the planet because even though the flesh of him God made the things on the earth to to appease somewhat of his flesh but the Spirit was was the actual aspect of him that had the power to subdue that's the likeness of his father right there is his spirit and with with him there was no limitations so not only that God made a half flesh but he also made half spirit and that spirit aspect of man was dominant you know however you know there were things that happened and God said in verse 29 behold I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth every tree in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed to you it shall be for me - it should be for food and he said I mean the the natural aspect of man or the flesh of man God as I said these things that were created was to appease the actual flesh of man so he says that as far as the trees go I got your flesh covered you know there are some things that I made the trees their fruit all men it's going to be good you know you're going to love it you know so that you can eat so because I know that there's going to be an aspect of your flesh that's going to hunger but I got you covered verse 30 and to every beast of the earth and to every fowl of the air and to everything that creepeth upon the earth wherein there is life I have given you every green herb for meat and so it was so naturally you you would have a need of nothing okay and and the Scriptures counter is jumping forth here as is talking about the commandments that he was given to man though you know when he was as though he has made man it's kind of out of sync here but it's describing what was going on here and God saw everything that he made and behold it was good and then even in the morning were the sixth day now thus the heavens and the earth was finished and all the host on them and on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he had rested on the seventh day from all the all the work that he had made and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that he had rested from all his work which God had created and made now that's what we get the word Sabbath from or you know when we talk about those of you that have been following our Bible study at least in the book of John and one of the things that we talked about is how Jesus was healing on the Sabbath day that was the day of rest as we see here in the beginning God created he took six days to make everything and then on the seventh he began he rested on the seventh day and so he he ordained that or he established that as a day of rest for man so that it would be a pay for a man that work six days but to be like his dad to be like his father why don't you rest just as I rested on my day on the seventh day why don't you find rest and so that's how we get the Sabbath day at least later on in the scriptures it's it all comes from here amen now verse 4 verse 4 chapter 2 these are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created and then the day that the Lord God made the heavens what lo God made the earth and the heavens verse 5 and every plan of the earth before was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew for the Lord had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground so now as it goes forth in the beginning of the chapter says they go forth to talk about all his creation and how he created man last now was coming back and talking about and it's going to take time showing you how he created man so he created man and woman as the Scriptures go as he made everything the last thing he made was man and woman and then God decided to rest now the Scriptures go forth and pick up where it needed to leave off at was talk about how he formed men and what happened within this okay so the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground verse 6 but there wasn't up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground and the Lord God formed men I watched as this is amazing and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul so when we back up here in verse 27 of chapter 1 this is how God made man when he did when he did this amen so that's what it's saying here and when he breathed into his nostrils basically what he did is he took his spirit and put it right there into men that was the trance that was him taking his spirit or part of his spirit and putting it right into men that man would have that power to to control and subdue a man verse 8 and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground made the law of God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and was good for food and the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil and God is just awesome because you may have heard there's a tournament if I could I will give you the world and in this in this aspect here God actually did that he did that to Adam you know he gave him the world I mean he made man named man called him Adam and then just gave him everything and then God's prized possession besides man the one thing that God had was a garden and and he had spiritual things in there everything else that man had was just to sustain him naturally but there was aspects here in God's particular garden that would sustain man spiritually or there was some spiritual fruit in his garden here and and and Lord God would have meant it to tend to that amen verse 9 and now that the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food in a tree of life this is one of the spiritual aspects here the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil those are the spiritual things in the garden that God had okay everything goes was to tent immense natural aspects but then there was some spiritual aspects there too were some things that man could indulge in and others he was forbidden to as we're about to find as we're about to find out here and in verse 10 a river went out of the river went out of Eden to one of the garden and and from thence it was parted and became into four heads and the name of the first is paysanne and that is which compasseth the whole land of havilah and there was gold there and the gold there that is in the land was good and there's been dead liam there upon the oxy stones and the name of the second river is Gehan and the the same as that that compasseth the whole land of ethiopia and the name of the third rivers had echo and that is that which go toward the east of assyria and the fourth River is Euphrates and the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden thou miss eat freely but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat for in the day that thou should eat thereof thou shalt surely die basically in the day that you disobeyed me sin will manifest and the wages of sin is death and death in this term is is depicted as being set apart from God losing your deity somewhat from God and that's and God set forth a commandment here to protect man somewhat but remember remember how the Lord fashioned the the heavens and the earth and he law he looked and he seen that everything was good everything has a choice to obey or disobey and same thing here with man man was given the same choices everything that God had made to obey or disobey God is now going to take away your choice he will make you knowing that you do have a choice he didn't make us zambese or robots he gave he made us and many things would free will so we wanted to share that with you the wages of sin is death and and this is somewhat not totally the physical death but the but the loss the separation of God is the separation from your own deity in a sense from the from the power of God that that dwelleth now we have this holy spirit through Christ Jesus before we had the actual spirit of God you know before and which allowed us to be able to do some things but once we lose that now we're just more of a natural state you know not able to do what God intended us to do then amen so God was saying that once you disobey me you'll lose all these particulars that I've instilled within you you've been made in my in my likeness not only in my image but you've been made in my likeness you're going to lose the likeness of me if you if you eat this that's what I'm trying to say verse 18 and the Lord God said it is not good that man should be alone and I will make him a help that's meat for him and not help meat I will make him a help that's suitable for him to accomplish some of the things that I want him to do I need him that sees the day I need him to subdue the world I need him to create I want to see what he's going to manifest you know and I need I need somebody and remember the Lord the Lord seen that the Lord said that he was alone that's because the Lord made everything else to multiply you know all the all the birds and the fish everything had the commandment to multiply but at this particular time there was not a woman that man would be able to multiply okay and so the Lord God wanted to address that and so he gave in order to subdue the planet in order to accomplish those things that man was purposed to accomplish he knew that he would have to make him a help that was suitable for him that's where you get a helpmeet you know a help that was meat for him amen and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field verse 19 and every fowl of the air and brought them unto Adam to see whatever he would call them and whatsoever called whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was the name thereof and let me tell you how how major this is if the Lord God took a horse the God knew God knew it would be a horse he was seeing what Adam would call it and and whatever Adam called it that's what that's what it was because that's what it was do you understand that it was if God brought a bird to Adam the Lord knew that it was a bird but Adam would just whatever Adam called it that's what it was because that's what it was he was just like his daddy whatever so his daddy thought saying was him and what Adam had the privilege of naming things that were in a sense named all God was doing was to see what Adam would call them and sure enough Adam called a bird a bird Adam called a horse a horse Adam called a fish a fish that's what he would call him my Python a Python you know cuz he was made after his father's image and his likeness but in the midst of all that God had did by Adam he still see God still saw that there was an element of Adam that was not satisfied and that was that natural aspect of Adam that wasn't a net that wasn't satisfied that's why I said it's not it's not good that man should be alone you know and and that's you know best cuz God that examined this situation and I just praise God because God could have made man all for himself but he knew that you know let me con somewhat share in the sense woman like God don't share a man don't get me wrong but there was a natural aspect that he at least wanted to accommodate man man he wanted that spiritual aspect that great father-son relationship but he knew that the natural aspect of you that he made he wanted to make sure that he fulfilled that for you and that's just that's his major that's that's major and I just bless God for being who he is in our lives and then verse 22 and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto Adam and Adam said this is now bone of my bone don't flesh of my flesh and she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man or she was taken she should be called woman good now watch this watch how this is this is Major she was taken out of man and so man is taken out of her you see the perpetual nature of this she began her her existence come from man but without her now man today would not exist without her but she wouldn't exist has she not come from man and God that's how marriage is the two becomes one this is what God was is trying to establish when he didn't make a separate thing in the dust he didn't make a separate a separate individual or separate entity from the dust because he wanted to frame this as one he end up taking part of him to make her that the two are as one a man not two but that they are as one so that's what he did he didn't he didn't take another he didn't take any clay or he didn't he didn't take something else and form it and call it woman he made sure that she came from him and eventually that he would come from her that the two will become one and therefore watch what Adam this is this is a decree set out from Adam therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be as one flesh that's because that was the whole purpose he's just like his daddy the very thing that his dad said the very act that his dad did which is taking the rib you know so that she could actually come from him Adam followed his dad's footsteps by setting forth to decree that the two shall become one and we can actually stop right there and they they were both naked and the man and his wife we're not ashamed amen so we'll stop right there Lord willing next time we'll pick up Genesis chapter 3 praise God as always with our Bible studies we always take the opportunity to to open the doors of the church not so much as this church but the doors to the kingdom of God as we can see here in in the book of Genesis God formed everything he created everything and then the very last thing that he created was man because he wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for us so that when he put us here everything would be suitable for us and and the fish'll to see it not only did he put you here but he wanted you to just have he wanted to that to to take over the planet somewhat he wanted you to live within him and rejoice within in him you know that he created you and had this relationship with you everything was made that he would be able to come down and visit you and talk with you and walk with you you know that's the way he would have it but as we're going to learn in the book of Genesis the devil gets in there and getting away every time God wants to walk and talk with you the devil always got some money in your life that's distracting you um he's always got some money pulling you away from God every time you know if it's not your kids it's your wife or it's your husband or it's your job there are so many dates there's so many things that's demanding that God can't walk with you the very reason that you were put here he purposed you he had plans on being able to walk with you he had plans on being able to talk with you to visit you that son that he put up in the sky you know that the day heat not too much heat not too much cold everything in life that you need he supplied and he wanted to make sure that he gave you everything everything so once he gave you everything that you would have no complaint that you can make time for him and that's what he wants you to do he wants to make time but the devil don't want you to make time for God because the devil got you worshipping Him you may not in your mind and in your eyes you may not see yourself bowing down to the devil but that's what's happening every time that you disobey God if you disobey God you're being obedient to the enemy if you're being obedient to God then you've been disobedient to this this enemy you know you don't you know he's trying to get you to serve and to worship Him as though he created you but he didn't create you he caused you to fall from your place in God's eyes but God had a remedy for that God says I'll tell you what he got in the way of our relationship and he took some things from you that was meant for you at the very beginning I'll tell you what I'll bring my son I'll put my son down there and I'll let my son sacrifice himself that he may have life eternal that you may have life eternal God wants you not just man but he won't woman that you guys all of us will have life eternal with God but you have to move away from the enemy to take part in the sacrifices that God made God gave his son that we can have life with them but we have to start making choices because remember what we learned about in the book of Genesis everything is about a choice you got to know what's pulling you so you can take hold of your life again in the only way that you can take hold is to make a choice and the choice got to be to live for the Lord Jesus Christ who came and re-established you from the things that the enemy stole from us the Lord Jesus reestablished that but in order to to get into our inheritance in order to get into what walk in order to get into our relationship with God it starts with us making a choice a choice and the choice is going to be as hard as he's going to turn up to pressure on you he's going to turn up the pressure and say look you know I'll make things in your life right I'll tell you what you're trying to go to God because you got a foreclosure coming I'll have people just come and give you some money all that is designed to keep you in bondage the answer is God and it's on the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord is going once you accept the Lord Jesus Christ he's going to take power that you've given to the enemy God is going to snatch that power back up out of the enemy's hands concerning you in your life and he's going to not only put it back into your hand but he's going to come in and clean you out he's going to give you a new way of thinking so you would know how to use that new authority that he'd just given you because he will be giving you your life back and he's not giving you your life back to give back to the enemy he's giving you your life back to stand up to the enemy and to go subdue your children to go so do your husband or your significant other the Lord is trying in significant other meaning that of the opposite sex I'm put that on out there but he's trying to get you back and not only get you back but to make you every whit whole so that you can draw others like yourself unto you because of the Christ that's in you to subdue is to be fruitful to multiply to control he wants you to be fruitful and to multiply in your prosperity with him yo yo your presence with him he wants to have just time with you and that's always looking for you want you to live with him and he wants to live with you but it all starts with you making a choice your home will line up your life will line up your children will line up but all this starts with the choice that you have to make so you say okay is the choice that I need to live for crow for God in Christ Jesus how do I make that choice well you come before God and you tell him God I come to you just as I am he knows what sins we have in us he knows what things that we struggle with the things that we can't seem to let go on our own he knows this that's why we're telling him we come to him just as we are he say God I come to you just as I am I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is your only begotten Son and God I believe that you send Jesus down to earth to give his life for me to be crucified to be killed and to and then be resurrected on the third day and soon after ascended into heaven that he sets on your right hand side all this was done that I may have life eternally with you I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the son of God and that He gave His life now it all comes from you believing and you confessing and if you said that heaven rejoices because guess what you just tell god this my life is your life take my life and use it as you will Jesus come into me subdue me I'll surrender and not submit praise God that's what he's waiting for he can't kick your door down everything is made by choice and got Jesus this because you say I believe you gotta tell him come into me because it's not going to kick your door down even the demons believe in God but you have to be willing to open up and let him come in and that's what's important you believe in your heart and you confess with your mouth that he is God that he is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Most High God and invite him into your life now it's one more thing that's required my brother or my sister just one more thing that's required water baptism his blood is enough to cleanse us but the ceremony is this it's this you being fully merged into the water rising back up and coming up in your new name the old man is going down the enemy why you've been with him he's got you dirty he's got you and all kind of stuff and your garments that you can't see are filthy so what the Lord will do if you will let him you have to go and get baptized call a man of God call a church tell them I need to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that men and I will either have you come to his church where he has a tank a water tank waiting for you or he'll come to your house and baptize you in your bathtub because this is of the most importance and you may say bath tub but let me tell you my brother my sister it's not about where you get it done it's about you getting it done and that man of God is going to submerge you down in that tank and bring you right back up the old you goes down then new you comes back up and spiritually your garment is never spotted your garment is not spotted you have a new garment clean clean by the blood of Jesus he's waiting for you make the choice for him today until we meet again god bless you praise God for the new Saints the angels in heaven rejoice and the things that he's going to do through you to draw others to you oh my goodness because they're going to be drawn to the Jesus that life within you you just got to make room for them and because you have made room for him your days I'm going to get better bless you until we meet again those are you if you have prayer requests go to our website wwhen we have a prayer request page fill that out it is submit to us and we'll get you back with your prayers will be petitioning for you we love you and God bless you
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 157,408
Rating: 4.8869047 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, LORD, JESUS, CHRIST, The WORD, Creator, creation, spirit, life, in the beginning, bible study, Genesis, heaven, earth, light, let Us make man, image, likeness, dominion, tree of life, tree of knowledge, Adam, Eve, Genesis 1, Genesis 2
Id: Qt-y8lF79R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2012
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