Special Message - Step Out in Faith - Nick Vujicic

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everybody good morning Oh afternoon then you just cost twelve it is my privilege and honor to be here at CCF I want to thank our friend Rebecca and her whole team who actually invited me here to the Philippines if it wasn't for them by God's grace we wouldn't be here can we thank Rebecca and her team please thank you so much it is my privilege and honored to to be able to communicate my story of how the Lord has transformed my life from a life without limbs into a life without limits and I give all the glory to God anything good that you see Nick Nick voyage is because of the grace and power of the Lord Jesus Christ amen I am I'm so blessed and humbled and I'm sure that you've heard the great news that me and my wife we got married last year and now we have a boy is three months old we're really excited and the Lord has blessed our ministry of life and out limbs you might want to take notes of these scriptures I'm going to be sharing with you this this this sermon there are times where you listen to a sermon and you think you received it but then three days later you forgot what scriptures the preacher was talking about and you can always go back to these scriptures to help uplift you because we all have ups and downs amen so you can always go back to these verses that I'm going to be sharing with you this time I every time I get up and preach even in the same church I I find myself preaching different so the messages are even coming from different verses as well but the core message of my testimony is the same and I want to encourage you in the times where God doesn't make sense and you don't understand his perfect plan for your life what do you do before I get into it I'm 30 years old I was born in Australia I started to be an evangelist age 19 so 11 years ago and by the grace of God has opened up doors for me to speak across 46 countries made eight presidents and even speak to Congress's we have many many testimonies of how people's lives have been changed on our website and the videos of our traveling are going to be constantly updating this year I'm very very uh you know excited to be here in the Philippines and this is my first official tour in the Philippines and definitely not my last I'm praying about coming back next year already we are so excited to report that last yesterday actually I was able to have a press conference with the top three TV stations top three newspapers that cover 80% of the Philippines and we are so thankful to report to you that within a week or two the preaching sermon tomorrow that's going to be held in I think it's in the Coliseum I think is going to be broadcasted nationwide to the Philippines hallelujah sound Ministry of life without limbs is in which I go and share about my faith in Jesus and Lord willing we're preaching across 27 nations this year we just came from Japan and we're going to continue our journey and you can follow us on Facebook as well nick voyage fans anyone on facebook yeah maybe two of you three of you yeah um it's so wonderful to be here and I really pray that the Lord touches your heart I want to get into Scripture I want to open up to Psalm 23 if you have your Bibles with you we'd like you to follow along and I want to share with you my story I'd love to first open up with one of my favorite Psalms that that's mine my favorite anyway tell me when you're there I I'm so thankful for my little foot that God's blessed me with I love my little foot I can do the peace sign peace how you doing Lord's blessed me with wonderful parents to install my faith in God I went to church every Sunday my parents always said do your best and God will do the rest amen you know it's so wonderful to have the joy of the Lord everybody say joy say it again you know it's so beautiful one of the verses in the Bible it says the joy of the Lord is my strength what is the joy of the Lord it is is it limited by circumstance no I love it how actually we're going to get up on screen Philippians before we read Psalms 23 we're gonna read Philippians 4 we're gonna have it up on screen if they have it ready I want to talk about the joy of the Lord I want to talk about the love of the Lord Apostle Paul says in 2 understand the first part of verse 11 you need to read verse 10 and then to understand verse 10 you may need to go back to verse 9 we don't have that time but we're going to go from verse 11 and it says I want to read the same portion can you put up on this screen again if you don't mind so I can read exactly what it's there we go Apostle Paul says I am NOT saying this because I am in need for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances let's just stop there look at those words I am NOT saying this because I am in need everybody say need say need again alright now the difference between us coming to God and asking him for things the difference is it's either because I want or because I need all because I think that that's what God wants are you with me so pasta Paul says I am NOT saying this because I am a needful I have learned in whatever circumstance I am to be content next verse I know what it is to be in need does anyone here know what it is to be in a right and I know what it is to have plenty I know and I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation does that sound like all things are possible does that sound like a man of faith absolutely we're the well fed or hungry whether living in plenty or in want his content then the most famous verse may be verse thirteen I can do all things through him or through Christ who gives me strength hallelujah amen I was not content as a child I can't say that as a child that I was a thankful child there were times of ups and downs you see my foot ups and downs ups and downs and there were times where I could be thankful for the things I had but it's very tempting to be jealous it's very tempting to see what everyone else has and then compare your life today and then the question is especially when you are in need did I want arms and legs yes but it was very clear that I could categorize the desire for arms and legs as a need I need arms and legs I need to walk I need to look after myself I need I I needed help because I had no arms no legs I didn't have something that everyone else had so it was a need and to me in my life as a child I thought well if I don't have what I need then how am I going to be happy how am I gonna have joy if I don't have what I need wanna ask you today what are you waiting for what have you been praying for maybe it's a circumstance to change did my circumstance change no what changed my heart my mind do I have peace yes do I have strength yes do I have my eternal purpose yes what do you think I want arms and legs o purpose arms and legs Oh peace arms and legs or strength there's arms and legs give you strength did you wake up this morning and say wow I know I'm gonna have the best day of my life again because I have my arms and my legs no arms and legs is not happiness so what are you waiting for are you waiting for money are you waiting for a different season of life because I've met all people of all nationalities that I've met five million people face to face I've spoken to across 46 countries like I told you my book life without limits is in 29 languages in every culture that I've ever been to I have seen people who are happy and people who are not happy what's the difference is it because they have the money and the success and they have things no the greatest things in life are not things I had a billionaire came up to me crying desperately weeping asking for help I said what's wrong he said it's my daughter I said what's wrong with your daughter he said my daughter has stopped eating because she was teased at school about how she looked and she is now in hospital she hasn't eaten properly for three months she is in the intense care unit please help me Nik I have money but I don't have my daughter help me get my daughter back money is money money drugs sex alcohol pornography fame fortune any pleasure that you can see or touch or hold it's all temporary some people say well if I can just get to university then I won't be a stress then I know I will be happy I gotta get out of this place called high school it's stressing me out I can't do this anymore then they get to university and they're like oh my gosh I'm so stressed now I need a job I need to get the best grades and I can and then when I get a job then I'll be what happy then they get a job and they find out who they're working for and they're like oh my gosh I work all my life to work for this person he's stressing me out I work too hard I don't get paid enough when does the stress end where is that point of happiness well for me I had the wall in my mind between the truth and the lives everybody say the truth what is the truth - it sets you and who the Son Jesus Christ sets free is free indeed free can you see a limbless man yes is he free hello can you see my smile does that mean that I never cry no I still go through ups and down but even in a valley I can always preach the word because the word is true it never changes God's promises in this book is for you some of you today don't have a relationship with Jesus because you believe that the pain that you are given in your life is actually God's fault well don't die because of a lack of knowledge it's very clear where pain sickness disease and death comes from and it's not from God it is from who the devil who is the devil he wants you dead Satan wants you in Hell God wants you in heaven to live forever just like he did with Adam and Eve but he gave us all free choice free will so here is the book the Bible jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so encouragement takes me closer to all that God wants me to be I have my family and I have my friends who pray for me who encouraged me and I have God's angels around me amen but what discourages me are other people circumstances and the wall that's in the supernatural some people think that having no arms no legs is a very very hard life no I did not have a very very hard life when you compare my suffering to some other people I actually believe that being in a home where your mum and dad constantly fight that is worse than having no arms and no legs a loved one is worse than having no arms and no legs brokenness is brokenness but don't let your brokenness define your future amen don't let your circumstance define your joy if the joy of the Lord is your strength what does that mean when you have circumstances that you cannot change and you pray to God that he changes it but he chooses not to does God heal every cancer no is it because of their faith no is it because of how much money they didn't give no is it because they didn't pray enough no I might die of cancer if I don't die of cancer I will die of old age if I don't die of old age I'll die in a car crash if I don't die in a car crash I'll die in a plane crash I will somehow one day die great so if God answers every single one of my prayers then I probably would never die because I would never want to die no one likes dying no one likes death but if Heaven is waiting for me excuse me the place where there is no death no sickness no disease no evil no war no limitation there is nothing but pure holiness love peace heaven I'm going there I don't know about you but this earth it's going to dissolve the way there will be one day that we will all go home if he comes in our lifetime if he is it possible yes do you know the Bible says when God gives all of humanity that is alive a chance to say yes to God to hear about Jesus that is when Jesus the king of kings and Lord of lords will come down through the clouds and we will go home if he doesn't come in my lifetime who cares I'm 30 today if I die at 90 heaven for me is 60 years away hallelujah this is as close to hell as I will ever be thank you Jesus but you must understand that when you come to the Lord Jesus Christ it's not just a prayer and it's not just coming to church and it's not just being a good person it's having an interactive personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ an encounter and a conviction where you say God I am a sinner forgive me of my sin I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sin I believe that Jesus rose himself from the dead fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me a passion and hunger for your name I want to live my life according to your plan not my plan your best not my best your strength not my strength does that make sense when you have that interaction and you strive and hunger for the Lord you allow God to encourage your soul as you read promises of God sometimes we only open up our Bibles on Sunday why because we add to what busy bu as why being under Satan's yoke don't be too busy for God hallelujah don't even be too busy doing ministry where you put your ministry above the priority of your family your greatest ministry men is your wife and your ministry is not just to be a provider some of you are worried about your family well I'll tell you right now you need to understand men that your wives don't need an excellent provider your wives need an excellent godly man and husband who trusts in the provider amen your wife doesn't need a man who can hold her hand your wife needs a godly man who holds her hearts my son doesn't need an excellent college my son does not need an excellent paying job my son needs an excellent example of a father and until I know the father how am I going to best be a father if I don't know the Heavenly Father who forgives who loves who's patient who's gracious who's kind who's gentle amen so we need to understand that it's not a certain place of success or things where we become happy it's being set free by the truth hallelujah when someone says look at this boy with no arms and no legs I was teased and bullied at school oh look at him he is ugly well is that from the Lord Jesus Christ is that from God how do you know that's not from God if you don't know what God says how do you know the difference between a lie and a truth some of you teenagers come to church but you're playing Church and you are not a new transformed creation some of you within the youth group are teasing each other and gossiping about each other that is not a transform new creation believer if you tease someone you were teasing God's child how can you do that when you understand the truth of their value is not determined on how they look on how popular they are or how smart they are they are valued because they are a son or a daughter of the king girls when you are a daughter of the king you are our princess if you don't know the truth of your value you will die with the lie of conforming to what the world says is beautiful I am wonderfully and fearfully made I am anointed to preach the gospel God has given me the ability in his hands by the power of His Holy Spirit to break open the doors of the captive and bring liberty and justice in this world I am an ambassador of the king of kings and Lord of lords I have an army of angels around me wherever I go and death itself will not hold me down death itself will not scare me even to the point where I got a death threat in milena Indonesia too many people who were Islam converted into Christianity the week that we were there we were on TV someone said if Nick comes back to the city and converts any more Muslim people into Christianity we will kill him so I got an invitation to go back and I prayed about and I felt the Lord to go back I went back to the same city and guess what happened we did an altar call in that city many many many many came forward hundreds I think a couple thousand came that night two thousand people added 20 thousand people hallelujah and guess what happened the guy who gave me the death threat gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and now him and his entire family are serving in that church still to this day glory be to God and yes I've been in a hotel where some terrorists in 2008 were planting bombs in my hotel we left before the bombs went off we missed it by 24 hours 120 foreigners were killed I don't care how I die I'm gonna die I'm not looking forward to living billions of years here on this earth where there are 1 billion people going hungry 10 million slaves I don't like what I see in this world I can't wait for home I can't wait for that devil to be locked up forever hallelujah and he doesn't want you to have happiness when your parents are fighting you know what you think you think that you just need to determine who's right and who's wrong and we fix up the problem and move on it's not about who's right and who's wrong it's about who's gonna pray for your family because there are demons and angels fighting for your soul just like they were fighting for mine I was believing lie after lie after lie Nick you're not good enough Nick God doesn't love you Nick God's never gonna give you a plane you're not gonna get married you're not gonna get a job you're not gonna be a father you can't even pick up your kids when they're crying you're gonna be a burden to your parents at age 10 I felt like there was no hope why because I was focusing on the lies what are you focusing on a false happiness because if you're not content in the Lord Jesus Christ and who he is and what he's done for you you do not know my Lord and Savior if you're not happy with the Lord Jesus Christ single you ain't going to be happy with the Lord Jesus I married just ask any married person many people they're waiting on a different season of life before they're happy no hope begins with Jesus amen so at age 10 in 15 centimeters of water I tried to drown myself in the first two times I was trying to work out how much air I hold in my lungs before I let it out and then let the water come in and the third time I rolled over I was stopped by one thought and the thought was seeing my mom and my dad and my brother crying at my grave and because my parents did nothing but love me I love them and I realized the pain I would leave behind so I decided to stay by the grace of God do you think that anyone knew that a limbless man would be the hands and feet of God traveling around the world speaking 2,000 times across 46 countries eight presidents and seeing a half a million souls come to heaven if God can use a man without arms and legs then he can certainly use you God can use you if you are willing trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not upon your own understanding and knowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your paths proverbs 3 verse 5 and 6 Romans 8:28 all things come together for the good for those who love Him who have been called according to his purpose --is Isaiah 40 verse 31 those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles I don't need arms or legs I'm flying on the wings of the holy spirit and I don't care what the world thinks hallelujah God is good when you have a good plane you know Jeremiah 29 verse 11 remember for another planes I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you a hope and a future well as a kid I prayed for arms and legs why because I thought I knew what God's plan was then you say so God can you give me arms and legs then he says nothing and said God if you give me arms and legs I'll go around the world and preach the gospel can you imagine if God actually gave me arms and legs when I was age eight I'll tell you right now no one would have believed the miracle no one really would have been changed apart from the people who directly knew me I'd maybe go on Australian TV for one day and that's it brothers and sisters I stand in front of you as a miracle of God that the world can't argue with I am one example of the joy being my strength the joy of the Lord is my strength not what God gives me the joy of knowing him the joy of interacting with him the joy of knowing his promises the joy of knowing that he will even carry me when I cannot walk the joy of knowing that he sees my tears and my tears are a language that he understands not my parents not even my wife knows exactly how I feel I don't know exactly how my wife feels we are together and we talked and talked and talked about our life but I still don't understand some of the things she has gone through but God does and God reach down from heaven and she stretched her arm up some people don't even see the hand of God reaching down all he's not real why because he doesn't fit in your plan he didn't fit in mine I said God I'm not gonna believe in you if you want me to believe in you tell me why was I born this way he answered me when I was 15 I read John chapter 9 a man was born blind no one knew why they said Jesus why was this man born blind you know Jesus said he didn't say I don't know just like my doctors and my parents and everybody we don't know jesus said I know it was done so that the works of God would be displayed in his life can you imagine the blind man he can't see Jesus and he his Jesus spit on the dough and then Jesus without warning puts that mud on this man's eyes can you imagine if you're the blind man you were like who are you what are you doing he didn't say anything he was still I love that verse be still and know that I am gone he didn't say tell me what you're gonna do before I can really trust you how many of you have Jesus in your heart but only as a guest in your house not the owner of your house not the first priority principal person you go to and and and align your life up against with every decision that you make honoring him in your life you sort of have him as an accessory you sort of have him as an iPhone app and you call upon the name of the Lord only when you need him that's not a friendship he wants you he wants your life if you hold on to your life you will lose your life if you hold on to your strength and your wisdom and you don't surrender your entire life to the Lord Jesus Christ you will lose your life because no one raised himself from the dead like Jesus Christ and no one was holy like Jesus and no one said there were God like Jesus and if you want Jesus to raise you from the dead you must allow him to take over your life Nick voyageurs Nick reaches but I'm not living for Nick voyage anymore I'm living for the kingdom purposes I'm living according not to the flesh to size but according to God's desires and one day at a time I am under construction Philippians 1:6 being confident of this he who began a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ that means that every day as long as I have breath I am not perfect and I need him I would rather be a dying often who knows they need Jesus than a billionaire who does not you that they need him hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so I gave my life to Jesus Christ at 15 I became an evangelist at 19 five years later I met someone who I'd never forget I was speaking in front of a church and this man held up his son no arms no legs exactly like me little left foot I got the father to bring him up on stage 19 months old and he's this high and he's looking up at me and I'm looking down am and when I looked at him I saw me I saw that he is gonna be teased he's gonna feel alone he's gonna wonder if God really loves him and I had a flashback to when I was a child and I used to wish that I had met someone else like me if I only met one person like me who's older than me that would have given me hope if someone else was like me then they knew my pain and if they're smiling then there is hope that one day I will smile too well I didn't get that miracle when you don't get a miracle you can still be a miracle for someone else in the hands of the Lord I told his mum that when he's six years old that I'll go to his school well last year he turned six and I went to his school and he was being teased by everyone I went to his school and I spoke about love and bullying and purpose and value no one's teasing him today he is the coolest kid in the school some people ask me so Nick if you had a choice no arms and no legs and with arms and legs what would you choose this why because one day in heaven I will have arms and legs that's not all one day in heaven I will hear my name hey neck and I'll turn and I'll see Daniel running to me with his new arms and his new legs and he will come up and hug me and say thank you so much for letting me know that Jesus loved me thank you for letting me know that heaven is real arms and legs it's going to give you our itis later on you just watch hallelujah I might get arthritis in my little foot so do you know where I'm talking about today did you get the message okay Psalm 23 I'm gonna read the whole song it says this the Lord is my shepherd I shall not be in want he makes me lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul what on earth restores your soul nothing hallelujah nothing for Jesus he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear any evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies what you prepare a table of celebration a table of fellowship a table of rest a table of the presence of God you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies what's he saying relax be with me I'll handle your enemies pray for your enemies hallelujah you anoint my head with oil my cup runs over I love this surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever a man is the Lord your Shepherd is he the owner of your life your master is he your master because if he is not your master something else is your master you you were your own master just like Adam and Eve so will we choose to make the king of kings and Lord of lords our master or not believe teenagers you think you have time there is no time tomorrow is not promised for anyone oh but Nick I don't want to be a Christian I want to do some stuff I don't want to be a Christian yet because there's too many limitations what you want to share your virginity with someone before you get married and you know it's against the law of God you think that it's restrictive to follow the law of God and you think that you are living in freedom I don't think so the rules of regulations and the law of God is there for you for your blessing I was a virgin until I met my wife and I can look my son in the eye and say I waited for your mother that is beyond words a great example of true love in waiting by faith that my woman of God is on the way and if I look at someone and she is not the one that God ordains for me so let it be God's best will come if I wait some girls are with emotionally controlling abusive boyfriends and they afraid to let them go because well if then on my boyfriend and who's going to love me I'm never gonna get a better person than my boyfriend right now well guess what if you never give God a chance that's exactly who you'll end up with and you might have shared your virginity with someone who you'll never meet again in your life and you feel something's missing when you share that part of you God created you God designed sex for marriage and what was good the enemy tried to twist it and bring in evil I'll tell you right now sex out of marriage is never better than within a marriage period how can the devil's wine be better than God's wine his counterfeit is never better than the authentic God will honor you when you honor him in serving and living the way he has ordained repent of your sin he will forgive you of your sin you are not any more free than me to think that you're living your life the way you want no some of us get into addictions and you think you're strong you can't stop your own thoughts and addictions you need Jesus you need a renewing of your mind to become a Lu creation that's under construction until the day of the law today do you know him is he your king your Lord your everything because if not I want to give you an opportunity to start a relationship with him it's more than going to church it's more than being a good person and it's more than giving it's about living the new life God has for you hallelujah so from the front to the back to the second and the third levels if you know that you can confess today that you are a sinner that you need forgiveness of your sins you don't want to sin anymore you want to run after God's will for you and you realize you do not have an active praying reading seeking God honoring a life and relationship and if you want to begin that relationship now it starts with a prayer and I want to pray that prayer with you so right now all across this place if you know you need to make your life right with the Lord Jesus Christ I want you to stand and be counted in this prayer right now stand sit down for a second there were a lot of people I want to make sure that you understand why you're standing you will stand because you do not have right now an active god-honoring relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and you want to turn away from your sin and your life and you're done playing around and you want God in your life to come and change you and give you his plan and his future for your life if that's you stand again Wow as we are let's pray Heavenly Father we come before you and we thank you for your love we thank you for your kindness thank you God for your Holy Spirit thank you Lord that you've spoken to many hearts Lord we pray for faith we pray Lord God that you would do miraculous things in this place the greatest miracle of all is knowing you and we think that all of heaven is now watching and rejoicing with us hallelujah we give you praise we give you honor we worship you you are the Most High God there is no name above the name of Jesus and it's that name that we proclaim as King of Kings Lord we pray for every prayer requests represented in this auditorium we pray lo God for the blind to see the Deaf to hear the lame to walk the skin diseases to fall off bodies crooked backs to come straight migraines and pain in the backs and the legs and the arms be gone in Jesus name we pray logon for the sick people we know who couldn't make it to church today father send angels and legions of angels to our homes we pray for miracles we pray against every power and principality of darkness that be against us be free and healed in the name of Jesus we thank you Lord that the greatest miracle of all is knowing you hallelujah father we pray for our homes and our families and our friends we pray for full salvation we pray Lord you give us the courage to go out and serve and to invite people to church to know you as Lord we pray Allah God to give us wisdom in every day of our life comfort and protection we give you all the glory hallelujah if you're standing would you say this prayer with me out loud say dear God I come to you today and I thank you for loving me thank you for dying on the cross for all of my sins thank you Jesus for showing me that you are God and that you did raise yourself from the dead I confess that I am a sinner and I know I will never be perfect but today I turn away from my life my lifestyle I turn away from my sin I do not want to sin anymore and I asked for forgiveness of all the things I've done please forgive me change me fill me with your Holy Spirit I want to know you teach me to pray teach me a wood and draw me knee to you I want to know you more every single day I pray in jesus name amen amen we serve a great God who specializes in the impossible that's more fighting through you I can do anything I can do all please could you give me strength nothing is impossible okay nothing is impossible No Oh I know that you I did ah nice dress mozypro pair papa is impossible is impossible I can do anything I can do all things possible you see y'all next week
Channel: Christ’s Commission Fellowship
Views: 3,893,850
Rating: 4.8768678 out of 5
Keywords: CCF, Christ's, Commission, Fellowship, Sunday, Service, Sermon, Speaker, Message, Nick Vujicic
Id: rZ6YJFfjxrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2013
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