9:10am Sunday Morning Worship Service

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thank you put on your mask [Music] it's monday morning and another week i have to face so many problems i'll have to saw so much going on it seems like there's never enough time to do all the things i have to do so i sit down and wonder how am i gonna make it what am i gonna do [Music] foreign is [Music] [Music] i feel a sharp pain in my body lord what is this what is this now jesus gotta go see my doctor find out what's going on i can't afford to get sick right now it's not the right time oh lord i've got so many depending on me what am i gonna do i'm gonna look to the heels from which now [Music] if [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] if [Music] [Applause] from which comes [Music] oh [Music] if [Applause] it's gonna get better if [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] do [Music] welcome welcome welcome welcome [Music] [Music] [Music] i cannot me i cannot tell you [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Music] i cannot tell you i cannot tell you [Music] i can't you know can't run down [Music] i cannot tell you i cannot tell [Music] i cannot tell [Music] [Music] [Applause] now let us give god a great great great hand praise hallelujah hallelujah i cannot i cannot tell it all and i thank the lord for our praise team on this morning and for our musicians and for each and every one of you those who are watching via live stream let us give everybody here in the kenwood sanctuary a wonderful hand and now as we prepare to go before the lord in prayer as we prepare to give god great thanks for his goodness and his mercy uh on our lives uh the lord has been how many know the lord has really been good to you hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] and now as we go before the lord in prayer we go thanking him for his goodness and for his mercy thanking him for the love that we have thanking him for the joy he has put in our spirit thanking him for how he's answered prayer how many know the lord has really answered your prayers [Applause] we have much to be thankful for and now as we go before the lord in prayer we always we always pray for our worship service that the word will go forward both in song as well as the preach word and they'll it will touch the hearts of those who the lord has called their hearts will be turned and transformed and they will give their life to jesus christ we pray for the life of the church how the lord has just blessed this church how the lord has just blessed you [Music] and even even now even as we go through great turmoil within our society whether it be the pandemic whether it be global warming whether it be a a social upheaval and racial uh disparities whatever it might be it's all a part of god's plan but the lord certainly has blessed us through everything that is going on even as we watch it right now [Music] [Applause] i want we always pray for the sick and the afflicted and those who are bereaved and grieved and i do want you to pray for um a brother jim johnston uh brother jim johnston uh heads up our hospitality ministry he lost his wife uh on friday night uh her name was claire reese johnston she sits right over right over there they would they would they would always they were always here and he's still he's still here i want you to pray for that family amen uh she he was she was the oldest niece of the sainted reverend evans fellowship baptist church and she was a member here and i want you to pray for the johnston family amen but look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor i'm going to pray for you too [Music] you know you know some of you all look like you need some prayer [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah how are you let us pray dear heavenly father lord we come given honor glory and thanks for your goodness and your mercy lord we thank you for the life that you've given to us we thank you because lord you have blessed us day after day week after week month after month and lord we stand here right now in your precious name we stand here giving you thanks we stand here giving your glory we stand here lord knowing how you have blessed us and now lord we pray your strength upon our worship service touch right now in the name of jesus souls oh lord as they as they are touched by your word souls as they are touched by song souls as lord as you have blessed them and kept them and healed them now lord we pray your strength upon us oh lord as we go forward in your name we ask o lord that you will that you will bless the saints of god bless the choir bless the preached word the lord bless our society bless us as a church bless the household of faith allow us o lord to share your grace allow us o lord to have that strong and great testimony and now lord be with us strengthen us right now in the name of jesus bless the sick and the afflicted blessed lord those who have lost loved ones bless our brother jim johnston in a special way and lord when we pray for one another the prayers of the righteous avail as much so we thank you and we give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor in jesus name let the church say amen let us give god a great hand praise and now as we open up the book to the word of his grace it has to turn to the book of first john chapter one beginning with verse one let us all read together that which was from the beginning which ye have heard which we have seen with our eyes which we have looked upon and our hands have handled of the word of life for the life was manifested and we have seen it and bear witness and show unto you that eternal life which was with the father and was manifested unto us that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ and these things right we unto you that your joy may be full and this is the word of the lord let us give god a great hand praise you may be seated uh to to uh to the ushers or brother brother deacon trustee durham if they have not if the screen in kenwood has not opened up don't take them to the banquet hall first put down chairs first all right and then and then the excess can go to the banquet hall i'm sorry well then they can come back over here when they put down chairs all right i want some chairs put down and then those from the banquet hall moved over to fill in from over here okay thank you very much so [Music] god but i know you will you will come through [Music] just like you did for abraham [Applause] lord i need you to show me a sign [Music] so today i challenge heaven cause i feel in my spirit it's a manifestation time so here i am jesus all i have is your word show yourself to be god i know you won't let me down [Music] god i feel you now [Music] preparing me for my next move my faith is being tested oh lord but i know you will your shell you've got to come through just like you did for abraham lord i need you to show me so today i challenge heaven cause i feel in my spirit it's manifestation time so here i am jesus all i have is your word show yourself to me god i know you won't let me down [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] believe is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know [Applause] [Music] [Music] he watches over his word he watches [Music] [Music] when all he had was god's word carrying him even when it hurt him the most he still had faith in his god to lift his voice and declare the lord is he will hallelujah hallelujah let us give our praise team a hand we certainly thank the lord for for them and for each and every one of you uh the lord has certainly been good i got word that kenwood is now okay i guess they got the video camera up so thank the lord people don't have to move uh and so i want to thank each and every one of you and as we prepare to lift our offering as we prepare to give god great thanks it's always it's always good to give when you consider how much the lord gave for you gave for your life the lord is only asking for a tenth of your giving not as a sacrifice but as a as a willing token of appreciation for what god has done in your life uh this is what offering is all about uh i don't know if you remember the time that i almost forgot to lift the offering and people were telling me you forgot to lift the offering it and you know i almost just went on and just said don't worry about it i almost did that because the service was i think it was a communion service or it was something and i was really you know you know i was already set but then as i pondered it just very quickly the lord spoke to my spirit and said lift up the offering because that gives the people the opportunity to give and that's what i want them to do you know you know ministers sometimes take a a bad rap and sometimes rightfully you know about about money you know because you know people people think about money and they think about ministers and they say you know they call them you know chicken eating preachers and money grabbing you know whatever whatever you know and and and sometimes they think of us that way and there was this one joke that that that a pastor was very pristine and you know he had all of his his robes and his his letters and everything was on and he was he walked out to greet the people after a sermon and and and a guy who was a rapper walked up to him and said he said he said dog he said you was bad today and the deacons surrounding themselves you can't talk to the pastor like that and so the pastor overheard him say well you know i was just i was just so appreciative that that i just wanted to tell him that i dropped ten thousand dollars in the in the basket and the preacher said dog [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and so i said all that to say this this is not personal this is about you and your relationship with god it's not about me not about anybody else this is about you and the lord i want you to give your of your tithes and your offerings to the lord and the lord the lord has blessed you this is not about getting something back you know because you gave and now you're looking for something in return you were not the first giver in this relationship god gave to you first you oh god not he owe you [Music] so give humbly unto the lord as the lord has blessed i do want to make one announcement and that is on this thursday september 30th from 5 p.m to 8 p.m this doesn't this doesn't look right i'm sorry all right [Music] okay uh uh this thursday september 30th from 5 pm to 8 pm cook county commissioner bill lowery who i've known for many years and his family and cook county clerk karen yarber are partnering with our church to host a men's health fair this this health fair is organized to commemorate prostate cancer awareness month while this is men's health fair it's not just for men it's also for spouses it's also for significant others because health is is important no matter what the gender uh and if you are a sometimes wives you need to you need to make sure that you know about how to take care of your husband because he may not take care of himself you all know this and so it's important for wives to also attend this and prostate cancer uh is highly treatable i want you to know that it is highly treatable so men you don't have to be afraid of prostate cancer you don't have to i had it uh i contracted prostate cancer back in 19 20 2006. and so they said after 15 years you're you're long than a survivor so it's been 15 years ago and i'm still here [Applause] and and you can you know you are they're all kind of treatments in fact um my urologist said said dr brazier you're gonna pass away from something but it's not gonna be prostate cancer he said we got so many ways to address it now he said he said it's you know you that is not going to be what you're going to what you're going to die from uh and so and so we just need to make sure whether you whether you're going to take surgery whether you're going to have radiation for 40 days or whether you're gonna have the seed treatment or whether you're gonna have the the the iso treatment whatever that treatment is um uh uh it is your cancer can be addressed so men i want you to come to the men's health fair this thursday and your spouses and it begins at 5 00 p.m and it goes to 8 p.m uh and i'm looking forward to seeing you seeing you there i will be here uh you know for that uh for that event as well amen uh so right now let us give god a great hand praise as we prepare to lift our offering uh sister andrea morris is going to be our our our psalmist and i i do thank the lord for her [Applause] and you know sister morris i was i was listening to a cece weining song this morning and it sounds just like you [Music] give as the lord has prospered you to give let us pray dear heavenly father lord we come give an honor glory and thanks for your goodness and your mercy lord we thank you for your great grace on our lives we thank you for the life that you've given to us we thank you for the joy that we have we thank you lord because we have this great opportunity to share the sustenance that you have given to us to share it o lord that it may go for the work of the ministry now lord bless right now in the name of jesus every heart every mind lord bless this offering sanctify it for the use and the work of the ministry and we will forever give you the praise glory and honor in jesus name let us say amen ushers please come forward [Music] his love reached from the heavens to the foreigns of the earth to give you life forever he left no stone unturned and before the birth of time [Music] jesus had you on his mind [Music] so you never need to question his concern so what can separate you for all the precious love of god who could ever come against his strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and your nights are cold and lonely darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing can separate you from god's [Music] love he numbers each and every star and he calls them all by name he counts them one by one and sees that they are still in place if he cares for every star then he sees right where you are you can trust you'll never fall from his embrace so what can separate you from the precious love of god who could ever come against his strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and your nights are cold and lonely the darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing can separate to you neither pain or sorrow not today and not tomorrow nothing past or nothing present nothing future nothing that i've ever remember nothing can separate you from the precious and love of god remember nothing could ever come against his strong and perfect love so when you're in the valley and your nights are cold and lonely the darkest hour is just before the dawn remember nothing absolutely nothing oh remember nothing can separate you from [Music] god's love nothing can separate you from [Music] god's love [Music] [Applause] oh bless the lord come on you know when i first got saved they had a part of the service that they called testimony service and they would tell us if you sing you can't testify but if you testify you can't sing so we just came this morning just to sing our testimony and it just simply says this [Music] [Music] that's really gonna be your testimony a wonderful change that's your testimony all they do you let your testimony [Music] it was a wonderful change things i used to do [Music] [Music] [Music] changed this morning is oh yes he did [Music] hey is see i get joy when i think about what the lord did in my life because he whom the son has set free it's free of sins in my life [Music] come on [Music] i don't walk the way i used to walk oh it was a great change it's been a great great change that has come into my life let us give our praise team a hand we now prepare to open up the book to the word of his grace the word that is able to keep us that strengthens us that provides for us and as we open up the book we ask that you turn to the book of philippians chapter 1 beginning with verse 27 and i will be reading from the niv translation but i want to put some things in perspective and some truths and perspective because the this message is to help unravel confusion that people have concerning god the things of god and in relationship to the things of this world this unraveling takes faith takes discernment it takes a an understanding of god's word the scripture says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god and by faith we understand so it does not matter whether you are a young person or whether you are a senior [Music] the truth is still the truth and the truth is still real and we all have to navigate through the increases and the changes and the confusion and the sophistication of unrighteousness [Music] it is it is still here unrighteousness as wickedness is still here it is just sometimes hidden or you just got used to seeing it it just becomes normal in your life to hear certain things and normal in your life to see certain things but these things that are coming up coming about are abnormal and what we as saints of god what we have to hold on to is the truth once you get all the things unraveled you have to ask yourself the question what is the truth about what we're looking at and so as we consider those who say i'm fortunate [Music] many times they only give the appearance of prosperity it just looks like they may they may have even been provided new opportunities somebody might say well you know they've got wonderful children they've all gone to school they've all graduated from high school they all got great things going on in their lives [Music] and it seems like everybody wants to help them they seem to be fortunate but i believe this that those who are called by god [Music] to the salvation unto jesus christ those are the ones who are the most fortunate why why why why why are you well dr mercedes why are they so fortunate because their names are written in the lamb's book of life those are the ones who have been chosen before the foundations of the world those are the ones who who god hears their prayer those are the ones who are the most fortunate in the world they've been endowed with they've been favored by they've been graced with all the presence and the power and the promises of god they have received it all and they have an advantage of inheritance among them that are sanctified having an assurance by faith that the promises of god are true now it it has been said that all we have in this world is our good name and that is true and and you should look to protect your good name it also says that we also look that we should protect the lives of our children and our children's children but i want you to know this that if nothing else you should protect the salvation that you have been given you should protect it because it is an inheritance that god has delivered unto you [Music] it has been given to you it has been made possible for you and this inheritance that you have is also for your children and your children's children and it represents the future legacy of our existence so as we turn now to philippians chapter 1 verses verse 27 through 30 and i'm going to read again read out of the niv [Music] verse 27 says whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of christ then whether i come and see you or only hear about you in my absence i will know that you stand firm in one spirit contending as one man for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you this is a sign to them that they will be destroyed but that you will be saved and that by god for it has been granted to you on behalf of christ not only to believe on him but to also to suffer for him since you are going through the same struggle you saw i had and now here that i still have and this is the word of the lord amen amen my subject my subject today is but for the grace but for the grace the whole idea of this passage is the victory of being faithful regardless of the fear you might have it is important to know whether you are young or whether you are a senior because you all got different things to go through you need to know that faith is the backbone for your relationship with god through jesus christ faith is the backbone it is the connecting a ligament that supports defends sustains affirms and substantiates the faithfulness and the promises of god faith does all those things but faith is also the doorway that leads down the path of righteousness but it is also the recorder of your testimony of victory all these things come through faith the world will try to have you minimize what faith really means but faith is that backbone faith is the connecting ligament faith is the doorway that leads down the path of righteousness so we take a look at our text today we recognize and theologians recognize the philippians being a book of victory and the chief concern and the concern of most pastors that i know today really deals with the faithfulness of the church in the midst of persecutions and you say well i'm not being persecuted i think it's important to know that persecutions have different shades of gray sometimes it's direct persecution now you might not you meant we live in a country where you might not be killed for being a christian but that does not stop people from persecuting you directly or indirectly there's some that try to deal with you emotionally and they try to keep you emotionally unbalanced they try to try to keep your salvation here don't bring that to me now you used to be just like them but that now they don't want to hear they they used to be your friend but now they don't hear nothing you have to say and they they address you emotionally out of rejection and lack of conformity to the world and then there are those that just outright are in warfare against god and the things of god and the impact of god on your life so in this text speaking looking to encourage believers to to be all believers to be as one individual one church this is the church of jesus christ one church we're all individuals but we operate as one choice as one person having the same love for christ now we're not the we're not the same we're all built different we're all custom made by god we look different we act different we got different experiences but we operate as one because we have the same love for the lord we we we have the same fellowship with christ we are like-minded with him and we're not caught up in selfish ambition we're not caught up in vain conceit so there is a battle you might as well get ready for it there is a battle there is a battleground and the lines have been drawn there is a battle there is and there is a battleground and the lines have been drawn it takes me back to the to deuteronomy chapter seven when he said the lord did not set his love upon you nor choose you because ye were more number than any other for ye were fewest of all that's what moses wrote that's what god told moses i didn't choose you because you were so good i didn't choose you because you were the many i chose you because you were the fewest because the lord loved you he's going to keep an oath to you that's the battleground the battleground is that he chose you it sets the tone for everything not because of you but because of him and we are we're looking for that victory and that victory assumes conflict as well as a position you got to have a position in the conflict you just can't be well i don't know i don't know you got to have you got to be a you got to have a position you got to have an opinion about the battle you're in you got to have a voice you got to have a conscience your mind has to be made up you got to have a position in the conflict [Applause] people want to know why why why is that there's a warfare why is there a battle because there are enemies of the cross that's why there's a battle but the real question you got to ask yourself what's the real question if we're in this battle what's the real why are we in this battle because satan thought he could be like god and went to war because he couldn't be like god because he wasn't god he just wanted to be like god he wanted to be like the most high that's the real issue why do atheists fight so hard about something they don't think exists why do agnostics fight so hard about being oblivious being well i don't know this is true i don't know of that they fight hard to stay in the middle and have no opinion in the battle at all but i want you to know that your adversary direct indirect emotion whatever it is your adversary sees the jesus in you and what that shows them what it shows them is that what they have what you have and they don't have is a feeling in them because they don't have the promises of god what they're looking at is the condemnation and the judgment while you're looking at the grace so they see the grace they want the grace but they don't want the grace the way you have it they want the grace they want the grace of god based on their own terms but you got to recognize a very key thought to this text is that the life of a child of god is a life of victory and a life of strength you're not weak it's a life of victory and strength that our way and our way of life should be consistent whether somebody else is watching you or not we should walk with the lord because the lord is watching no matter what somebody else is watching but while we are walking with the lord we stand firm together not being afraid standing in one spirit with one mind the first church would have never lasted had they been confused and conflicted that's why paul wrote to the corinthians he said i'm glad i didn't baptize none of you all someone apollo someone this one someone with that one it's all about jesus but the result of always walking in the faith the result of that is that we are not afraid of the adversary and the adversary knows we are not afraid you see we are the ones who have escaped the condemnation that they are still living in and they have no way out except through the same door that you walked into it is your salvation and the grace you have received that makes your adversary your adversary it is that grace you have received and i want you to know there is no escape out of this battle that you can't you can't run for this battle whether you are in christ or not you can't run from the battle but i want you to know that there is no defeat in god you can't escape the battle but there is no defeat and people are walking around they're running around scared scared to go everywhere anywhere they've got our kids so scared to go to school now trying to figure out what's going to happen in school because now all of a sudden a young boy brings a gun to school and not everybody got the whole school afraid walking down the street afraid to walk down the street can't even go to the gas station at night can't go to the store at night to get some milk without feeling uncomfortable so you just don't go you just suffer through it because you're not gonna get caught how we living but since you're a child of god we're not afraid see i'm not afraid see all y'all see me with security they're all they're all here walking around but after i leave here it's just me and jesus everybody you know everybody they you know they want to help you know they they get my bags and everything else you know if i got some big bags they you know they put them in my car and everything else well who you think got to take them in the house [Applause] see we get caught up in in some of these things you get caught up in the in the fear of the media you get caught up in all these things you're always wondering and sometimes i have to turn i have to turn off cable tv because i can't take it no more it's good news surrounded by bad news and everybody's got a position but there's this there's this thing this is designation that black people have especially black men especially when they're stopped by the police we call it uh driving while black you see you can't stop being black and they still stop you from being black you can't you can't change that but but also you can't change yourself from being a child of god you can't change being black and when the lord calls you you can't be you can't change not being something different than what you already are how many you know you've been redeemed by the son you've been sealed by the holy spirit and you have an inheritance [Music] among them that are sanctified but the second thought is this because we have a confused enemy you you think that they they're rational you think that they got it all together the enemy is confused so that they believe that humanity establishes the standard of existence that it is their righteousness not the righteousness of god somehow they get confused that they think they are more than what they are they're confused because they they want your blessing but they don't want to get your blessing the way you got it you see so they they want to they want to say well i i believe in god and so he should give me the blessing but do you worship him do you have faith in him then you got others who tried they tried to find the middle of the road with christ they want to be in christ and they want to be in the world at the same time and they think that if they live in the world and in christ at the same time that somehow they are going to live a balanced life somehow they're going to have the advantages of the world and the advantages of christ both at the same time and they are confused because they mix up the grace of god which has which which has all power and all things with the things of men that have no power and and they are now confused about which way to go and they got some saints some of y'all confused because now you want to camouflage your inheritance you want to camouflage that you are a child of god and you don't want the world to know you're a child of god so that they leave you alone but why would you let the world dictate to you about the grace that god has already given to you the grace of god is non-negotiable you can't negotiate about what god has done in fact there is nothing to negotiate because he's already won the battle he's already saved your life he's already given you the grace that you need he's already done marvelous things in your life he's already shown you the truth and the truth has already set you free there is no more negotiation with satan it is god that we serve through jesus christ our lord it is the lord who makes intercession for us it is jesus who died jesus who rose again [Applause] [Music] our inheritance is all wrapped up in jesus the world's got no inheritance they just have condemnation but saints of god you have an inheritance among them that are sanctified and even though we have an adversary isaiah wrote in isaiah 26 he said thou shalt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee because we trust in thee i want you to know that you are kept by the power of god you were born kept by the power of god you are yet kept by the power of god you are you you are assured of being kept by the power of god because you have been chosen chosen chosen before the foundation of the world chosen the world didn't choose you god said i chose you when nobody else would choose you i chose you when nobody else wanted you i chose you i lifted you up i built you up i established you i kept you in your right mind meet jesus oh power all night is in his hands we are ready for the battle the battle is not yours it belongs to god and he's already won the battle [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got to go through some things you have to suffer through some things you're going to get through some things but god has never failed you not once not once [Applause] he's always been there you've always been kept so when you when you leave here and you got to face something get yourself ready put on the whole armor of god get ready for the battle get your helmet out get your breast plate out get your sword out get all shot it up [Applause] we're going to win this thing we're not going to let the world take our children we're not going to let the world take our children's children we're going to stand and we're going to build we're going to throw down we're going to break some things up but we're going to restore some things we're going to build some things we're not going to allow the world to get into our hearts and our minds and take us away don't get caught up in the world get caught up in jesus for had it not been for the grace had it not been for the grace had it not been for his power had it not been for his mercy had it not been for everything that god has done where would you be but thanks be to god he's given you his faithfulness he's given you his joy he's giving you all that you need somebody give god a great hand praise [Applause] when your adversary shows up and your adversaries got you trapped in the corner and they're looking to pounce on you but you are not afraid [Music] in fact you standing there you go you'll be looking them up and down [Music] [Applause] and you gotta you and then you have to tell them said i know who saved me and i know who's gonna continue to save me just like the hebrew boys whether i get out of this or not i'm still not going to serve you there's certain there's a abstinence in your mind there's a perseverance in your mind there's a determination in your mind that i am going to serve the lord no matter what because it's all been by the grace somebody give god a great hand praise hallelujah hallelujah we're opening up the doors to the church [Music] i've got i i at least have another 20 minutes in this sermon but i i don't have 20 minutes i'll deliver the other 20 minutes in second service in fact somebody told me a second service says dr brazier said you you you really you let go in the second service you cut the first service short [Music] but i give you all that you need doesn't matter it doesn't matter how long i speak it doesn't matter that that people stand up and shout and everything else that's there's a difference between first and second service all right there's a difference and the lord allows me to give both what they need and today but it all comes down to the same thing that we all need jesus so if you are here and you are ready to give your life to jesus christ right now come down the aisle and say yes to the lord whether you are young or not so young it doesn't matter whenever the lord touches your life then that's the right time and if you are here [Music] just come right now and say yes to jesus are you here [Music] don't wait don't hesitate to those who are watching by a live stream many times people want to know what what can i do i'm just watching but you can receive the holy spirit right where you're sitting it doesn't say you have to be in the places that faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of the lord and you have now heard [Music] and now all you need is to receive jesus into your life so if you say the name of jesus if you've got the nerve [Music] if you've got the faith to save the name of jesus those who call on the name of the lord shall be saved just call on him [Music] thank him for his goodness and his mercy thank him for the joy that you have thank him because you are now have your name written in the lamb's book of life come on down my brother come on down [Music] [Applause] hallelujah somebody give god a great hand praise [Music] [Music] it it does not matter how young or old you might be you say well i can't come you know i've been in i've been in the world a long time you know and i don't i don't know if i can change i want you to know you can't change but god will change you come on down [Music] coming all the way from the kenwood sanctuary god bless you [Music] is there another [Music] well i thank the lord for you may god bless you may god keep you in jesus name i want you to know that by faith through grace we're able to make it you can get through this whatever you're going through you can get through it look at your nail look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor you can get through this you you can you can get through this i don't care what it is the lord is good amen i want to thank the lord for you may god bless you may god keep you shall we stand [Music] as we prepare don't to dismiss please don't forget the uh on thursday uh september the 30th at 5 00 pm uh and so it's not during the day it's in the evening at 5 p.m it's the health fair that is being uh sponsored through the cook county commissioner bill lowery as well as cook county clerk um karen yarborough and they will both be here on on thursday so i thank the lord for you may god bless you may god keep you let us now receive the benediction let us pray dear heavenly father lord we come given all the glory and thanks for your goodness and your mercy we thank you for the great grace you have given for had it not been for the grace where would we be so now lord we we do thank you we do praise you lord that your revelation remains true lord that you are the way the truth and the life that what the world is looking at is not you how the world perceives you how they want to make you is not you lord you are the one who are the definer of yourself and lord you define us by calling us out of darkness you define us through your grace and your mercy you define us by your faithfulness so lord we thank you for being saints of god we thank you lord that we're holding on to you and now lord bless right now in the name of jesus bless the souls that have come fill them with your holy spirit as you have promised lord bless them lord that that they all lord will find themselves being planted on good ground we ask the lord you bless the saints lord bless them and strengthen them as they go forward each and every day lord allow them to witness your faithfulness and to grow in faith for the victory o lord belongs to you so we thank you we praise you lord as we leave this place but never ever from your presence lord we're going to give you the praise the glory and all the honor in jesus name let the church say amen may god bless you and may god this telecast is copyrighted by the apostolic church of god for the private use of our audience any other use of this telecast pictures descriptions or accounts of the church service without consent from the airport starting truth of god is prohibited
Channel: ACOGChicago
Views: 2,387
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: yAwaqvxxN_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 57sec (5157 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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