Sunday Morning Worship Service 9/19/21

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still has a word even where you are there's still a word from the lord god ain't through yet and when he gets through we shall come forth as she'll go [Music] listen me [Music] [Music] payday [Music] [Music] for that christian jubilee write my name [Music] come on and clap your hand right now everybody listen here talking about the man name jesus he's all right [Music] he's all right anybody know me is up talking about the man name jesus [Music] he's all right with me baby [Applause] [Music] listen you took two little fish [Music] and five loaves of bread [Music] and a mouth or two i'm hungry [Music] [Music] y'all yes [Music] it's going to [Music] be in the morning yes it will be [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is good nobody ever turn you around [Music] come on come on praise the lord everybody come on praise the lord everybody let everything that has breath praise the lord come on come on [Music] everybody just you don't know what the lord has done to me [Music] said jesus [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] hey let me tell you what he did for me that he gave me is [Applause] [Music] [Music] you don't know like i know [Music] jesus picked me [Music] oh [Music] and let me tell you what it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] you foreign me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] don't go back down [Music] for me [Music] me [Music] thank [Music] you for watching [Music] thank you [Music] my my my what he's done for me good morning pilgrim rest this is the day that the lord had made we're going to rejoice and be glad therein amen amen we want to thank our praise team for ushering in the spirit of jesus this morning this morning thank you thank you thank you thank you and to our music staff and to our media staff good morning and thank you guys for all that you do uh before i read the scripture this morning i just want to say greetings to the pilgrimage nation welcome to the rest today i want to say good morning to all our deacons uh deacon morass piken ross deacon jones deacon campbell nicodemus and all of our officers of this church amen amen amen i also want to say good morning to my wife at home there good morning sweetheart i want to say good morning to my kids uh especially that one there in tuscaloosa who on last week took a test a tease test she's in nursing school while studying to be a nurse and she pays past the teas exam well on her way to nursing amen and i'm just so proud of you uh matter of fact we're all proud of you amen amen we love you we love you i want to extend condolences to a few families out there in the church those that i do know and those that i may not know uh uh brother trustee zack buckner and his family we went over on yesterday to funeralize his sister sister pat wallace sister alfreda garrett reverend and family and i just found out this morning sister o'keesha lane had death in her family so we're praying for all of you also there's a re as a reminder uh every wednesday at the mobile mulberry medical clinic there is covet shots being given out so want everyone those that haven't been vaccinated go out and get your shots we want to thank dr mcleod and his group on last sunday they came in and gave the second round of kovitz shot and last but not least uh we're a little less than a month away from our pastors and first lady 41st anniversary celebration that will be held on october the 16th and the 17th there'll be a parade of blessings on the 16th and we'll have a virtual program here on that sunday october the 17th so be be tuned in pilgrimage nation i'll be reaching out to you there's a goal that we want to try to meet this year and uh uh i want you to all uh contribute amen amen amen our scripture this morning will come from chapter i'm saying from philippians 4. starting at verse 4. it says rejoice in the lord always and again i say rejoice let your moderation be known unto men the lord is at hand be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplications with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto god that said let your requests be made known unto god and the peace of god which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through christ jesus may the lord have a blessing upon the readers hears and the doors of his holy word our father which are in heaven let hallow be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for the honest the kingdom power and the glory o grace is heavenly father is once again you have allowed us to assimilate to the house of worship one more time and for that we want to just say thank you we thank you for all of those that are tuned in to to watch us through youtube and facebook the hell and father and any other apparatus that they may be able to tune in today the hell the father the early father we invite your holy spirit into this place dearly father we need you right now dear heavenly father for we're living in a troubled time the heavenly father but we know that if we keep our hands in your hands everything will be all right dearly father we thank you for the good days we thank you for the bad days the hell and father we thank you for the the rain and we thank you for the sunshine the hell the father then the father if we had a thousand kung tongues we couldn't thank you enough for all that you have done the heavenly father then the father we ask right now that you just continue to bless pilgrimage nation the heavenly father we ask right now to just continue to comfort the bereaved heavenly father bless the sick among us dear heavenly father then the father we ask right now to just continue to bless our pastor and his family the only father strengthening ways we build him up where he's torn down the hell the father continue to shout down your blessings upon him each and every day the heavenly father then the father we just want to just take this this moment to just thank you for all that you have done the heavenly father the only father on just this past week i had a dear friend who lost his fight to covet the heavenly father i pray right now for his family his wife the son and the daughter the hell the father give them strength the heavenly father as they celebrate his life on tomorrow the hell the father i ask you right now for your strength dear father then the father we ask right now let you just continue to bless my family the heavenly father those that are here those that are far away the hell the father those that tune in to to hear our service every sunday morning the heavenly father i thank you for allowing us to have the apparatus to be able to continue to reach our people the heavenly father for we're living in a troubled time dear heavenly father and we just know that we got to just continue to keep our trust and faith in you the heavenly father you didn't say trouble will last always dear the father for you said we've been in do it for the night but you are coming in the morning the hell the father and that joy that you have given us is what allow us to keep rolling right along the hell the father we thank you for your joy dearly father when it's our time to study well no more i ask for a home somewhere in our kingdom where i can praise thee forevermore for this is your service prayer this morning for christ's sake amen amen and amen again come on somebody praise the lord listen we don't know when it's going to be our last time but that's why we got to worship him every chance we get come on come on somebody so right now is your time go home go on go on go on throw your hands in the half you have to we're going to open up your mouth and just worship him just how good he is that's who he is come on come on let your worship let your worship be known hillary hallelujah come on [Music] come on come on [Music] why you got a chance come on [Music] thank you god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] my yes it is [Music] let's sing that one more time you don't know [Music] all the things [Music] [Applause] what i had to go through what i had to [Music] so don't try to [Music] [Applause] [Music] how much [Music] come on y'all [Music] too much [Music] [Music] but [Music] it looked like i wasn't gonna make it one more time [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] thank you thank you jesus thank you cheers thank you jesus thank you i gotta tell him thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] say lord i love you [Music] and everything i don't [Music] lord i love you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you brought me out thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you say thank you jesus thank [Music] thank you thank [Music] oh you you jesus thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] somebody [Music] [Applause] i know he'll be right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tomorrow [Music] [Music] because [Music] [Music] my come on let's celebrate his name hey hey who been there for you come on come on [Music] he's still good [Music] good morning good morning good morning good morning yes my worship is for real when you see me waving my hands and see me shouting see me crying it's not always sad it's just that my worship is for real praising for what he's done but i worship him for who he is god god by himself whatever you need in the name of jesus ask it shall be given seek ye shall find not and the door [Music] shall be opened worship him don't have to have any special occasion in your car in your automobile you ought to have your worship period with god on your job while you're walking whatever you're doing carve out some time to acknowledge him for who he is i hear i hear the writer saying in all of thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path what almighty god we serve good morning to the pilgrimage nation how are you all doing on this marvelous magnificent sunday morning a little claiming on inclement rather on the outside but the joy of the lord [Music] is still our strength for those who are chimed in by youtube facebook welcome welcome welcome into the pilgrim rest family [Music] faithful lawyers and dedicated members we we we invite you to just enjoy jesus today whatever you're going through i promise you if he can't fix it nobody can listen church notes are coming and i promise you i'll be right back [Music] these are your morning church notes september is sickle cell awareness month a time to raise awareness about a group of inherited blood disorders that mostly impacts people of african descent people with sickle cell can face many health challenges but the disease can be managed to learn more about sickle cell anemia and local resources in our community visit the sickle cell foundation of the river region at riverregion sickle cell dot com the christian education ministry will hold a meeting for all ministry heads deacons and trustees on tuesday september 21st at 6 pm via conference call line you can dial the toll-free number at area code [Music] six 425-436-6 three five zero and key in the access code three five nine five three three two pound for more information see beacon willie prichard mark your calendars to attend the pilgrimage missionary baptist church 41st pastoral anniversary celebrations on october 16th and 17th 2021 our celebration honoring pastor walter e ellis and first lady sadie ellis will kick off at our parade of blessings on saturday october 16th check our facebook page for time and other event details then join us on sunday october 17th at 9 30 a.m at our virtual anniversary service our special guest minister will be pastor jamal browder of north star missionary baptist church in montgomery stay tuned to our facebook page and on future church notes for more information [Music] filgress church members and anyone affiliated with pilgrim rest church who have not received their first covet vaccination may do so every wednesday from 8 am to 10 am at mulberry medical associates located at 1301 mulberry street in montgomery with dr joel mccloud the vaccinations are being offered at no cost but you must call ahead to schedule an appointment at 334-265-6153 extension 110 again no walk-ins please call ahead to schedule your vaccination thanks for your continued support of pilgrim rest missionary baptist church and our online streaming service we're counting on your continued faithfulness during this period you can give your tithes an offering by using the giveaply app the easiest way to give through our website at by paypal using the email pilgrimrest1550 at through the cash app at p rest nbc or you can mail your gift to 1550 east washington street montgomery alabama 36107 you can also bring your tithes and offerings to the church our church office will be open monday through thursday from 9 a.m to 2 p.m on fridays from 2 p.m to 4 p.m on saturdays from 10 a.m to 1 pm and on sundays from 11am to 1pm if you need another accommodation please call the church office at 334-265-1807 or call any deacon or trustee at 322-5209 to conveniently schedule pick-up of your gift for more information call the church office at 334-265-1808 thanks for your faithfulness and we'll see you online via our streaming services amen thank you so kindly for the announcements we are going to remember them and be governed thereby i don't want to be redundant not repetitive the our chairman has done an excellent job of just acknowledging all of the marie families in the church i want to just say to all of you the buckner family the pool family that jenkins and garrett families and uh we are praying for you sister pat wallace we're praying for all of ivory families on this morning i want to say good morning deacon bruno curley bruno he's going to have a surgery in the immediate future we're praying for your success deacon ras as uh the ross family deacon demus deacon campbell uh deacon man i want to say good morning to the hoops family who had the homegoing celebration on yesterday i also want to say good morning to dr emily jackson who's back with us we are praying for your strength this morning okay once again to my sister kathy and my brother-in-law uh angelo and to jamal good morning to all of you this morning the knox family want to say good morning to river knox and family uh good morning to mother colleen rivers how are you mother coral fields how are you mother magnolia watts and all of our senior citizens of our church this morning we are praying for you even as we are absent one from the other i want to say good morning to my mom on this morning and last but not least want to say good morning to the first lady here at the pilgrim rest church this is a day that the lord has made i declare and decree by the power of the holy ghost we are going to rejoice and be glad they're in god is good and he's good all of the time i say it uh repeatedly but i really mean it when i say i'm so grateful and thankful for all of the loyal support that we uh have received and we are receiving from members and those who just tune in to support us spiritually financially and morally morally we thank god for you it's time to give this morning as unto the lord we have about eight ways here to give our tithes and offerings you can get to give a fly cash out paypal and other means that we have in place that you may give those tithes and offerings if you have your offering this morning hold them up and repeat with me give it shall be given unto you good measures pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for what the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured unto you again luke 6 38 oh lord our god we thank you now for every liberal and cheerful giver for we know that you love those who give cheerfully we thank you now for those who desire but have it not blessed now in the name of jesus amen amen let me before i do anything else say happy birthday to sister green gwen patterson good morning sister gwen and happy birthday to you on today amen all right fire i stress my hands [Music] i [Music] withdrawal [Applause] from me oh well y'all help me this and father [Music] lord i stretched oh [Music] no [Music] withdrawal by from [Applause] [Music] what did y'all help me this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] my soul [Music] coming in [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you love it if you know you've been good praise god [Music] yes [Music] [Music] our preacher this morning is coming in his own way the reverend sylvester caldwell will come in his own way this morning [Music] [Music] let the church say man let church say amen and let us say amen again father i stretch my hand to thee because simply there is no other help that i know uh if there was some other help that i knew i certainly i could find it in the hospital rooms if there was some help that i knew certainly it would be in the emergency quarters and the nurses wouldn't be so full but but the only help i know is to call on the lord and the lord will take care of you it's so good to be here it's so good to be amongst the living it was good to wake up this morning and to be here under my own accord to pastor ellis to sister ellis to this fabulous choir to the deacons to the members and to for to all our friends i greet you in the mighty name of jesus and i say once again it's good to be here let me also take a special time to say hello and good morning to my mother sister evelyn cunningham and to all of my family that may be watching hey and how you doing amen now there is a word from the lord and i promise not to hold you in here too long but if you'll turn your bibles over to first kings 17th chapter and around the 17th verse kings 17 starting at 17 and 18. we'll read for you if you hold tight just a little while we'll we'll be out of here quicker than you can remember that old nursery rhyme that said something something and the cow jumped over the moon amen something something and the cow jumped over the moon in 17 it says and it came to pass after these things that the son of the woman the mysteries of the house fell sick and his sickness was sore was so sore that there was no breath left in him and she said unto elijah what have i to do with thee oh thou man of god are thou common to me to call my sins to remembrance and slave my son amen may god had a blessing to the readings of his word if i could for just a moment talk to you about god's plan now if you amongst us are watching youtube and maybe on facebook if you don't mind repeating our theme god's plan amen amen guards plain look at it in here as we look at this woman and most theologian says refer to this passage as the widow of zarephath the widow of zerath and and here she is and the bible says that her son died amen the son died so we we we see her already in a crucial and in a difficult situation because the bible says that she was a widow that means that she had already suffered loss she had already gone through some things and then a son died hmm this can be spoken about a lot of us going through today's situation where it seems like we're already enduring a whole lot of things and then on top of that something else happens dealing with the pandemic you hear all the time that somebody is dying oh the great charles spurgeon said that the woman not only seems to be enduring her own personal situation but she's also familiar with folks that are dying not only inside of her house but folks that are dying all around her she's going through a special and troubling situation some of us can relate to this widow because not only have we lost some loved one but folk all around us seem to be dying for all around us seem to be suffering heartache and pain oh i stopped by to tell you that life is not always good all right oh i can't color your your sunglasses all roses and flowers and tell you that once you join and become a member of this church that life is going to pour you out blessings and everything is going to be good there are going to be sometimes when you're going to endure heartache and pain there'll be some times where you're going to be depressed you're going to be distressed and it's going to seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulder it's not all right all the time oh if i was to tell you that things were going to get better and you're going to have joy every day you're going to look at me like you're crazy because somebody right now is going through something and they can declare that oh i got some things going on that you won't seem to understand yeah it'll leave you depressed and distressed and then the son died put put put put a note right there if you if you don't mind putting your finger right there because i think i better catch you up to speed on what's going on in the text bible says that ahab ahab had sinned against the lord and his sin was serving in worshiping other gods and this made my lord and my god angry with ahab so he sent his son elijah down elijah go and tell ahab and i'm paraphrasing but some of your bible readers know the story yes sir elijah go tell you tell ahab that f until until they get it together there shall be no rain in the land ah not only will there be no rain in the land but he says there'll be no dew in the land let me pause right there for i want to give you my cliff notes real quick uh here's some nuggets that i found while i was reading this text first one is power the second one is promise and the third one is praise pal now that's power god says there shall be no reign in the land but but not only does he says that he says there'll be no do in the land oh now that's power you know some legislations think that if we could control how you vote that's power some bosses on the job think that if if we can just regulate how you come to work what you do at work uh your code of conduct at work that's power but there's nothing like the power of god god says there'll be no rain and no more dew i don't know about you but when i was in the military when it did rain and there was a drought somewhere they told you to take off your t-shirt wrap it around your legs and wade through the grass and when you wade through the grass it's he said that that it'll collect water in the t-shirt and you'll have some drinking water oh but isn't it god that said i won't even let you do that not only will you have anything to drink you won't be able to find a way to get anything to drink he says there'll be no rain or there'll be no do now that's power oh it's power when god can say to the dog let there be light and the light shines that's god's power it's power when jesus can say to the storm and the sea that are raging peace be still oh that's the sun's power there's power holy ghost power jeremiah said the word ah it was like fire shut up in my bones and i couldn't hold my peace ah that's holy ghost power oh that's the kind of power that i'm looking for god's power can i get a witness this morning uh but here elijah says that i'm going to trust in the lord because god said i'm going to take care of you elijah go down by the brook and there i shall give you water and not only will i give you water but i'm going to feed you with the ravens and after god made that promise said go go on yonder to seraphic and there you'll find a widow and the widow be at the gate here she was take a look at her there she is gathering sticks there she is there's a famine going on in the land body all frail there she is look at her lost all hope that elijah finds a at the gate says woman all i need is some water go and find me a cup of water and bring it back bible says the woman turned and and as she was going see i like what it says right there because that shows the woman had some faith because she turned and she started going she didn't wait for what the next command was going to be soon as he said go and fetch me some water she turned and she started going sometimes in life god gives us the answer to our prayers but yet we're standing in the same place and we don't turn and go sometimes things are not just going to be given to you there's an action you got to take in order to receive what god has to give you and she turned and as she was going bible says she he told her why are you going give me a morsel of bread she said in my mind's eye reverend she said man of god of god uh i was here gathering these sticks taking them home so that so that i can tell uh me and my son we're gonna eat our last meal and when we ate our last meal we were just going to wait and die elijah makes a promise says to her give me just a piece of bread and i promise you that when you go back to your barrel a meal and your crews are all uh it won't fail so that every time this woman went to that barrel and every time she dipped in that meal it was a meal still in the bed all that that helped me pastor because every time i think about the promise that god gave us yes told me he'll never leave us nor forsake us i think about that promise so when i when i go to my barrel that is my bible every now and then i can take a dip when it seems like my heart is broken i can go to that bible and i can take a dip and the word says weeping will endure for one night but joy comes in the morning when it seems like my friends and loved ones have turned their back up on me i can go to that bible and i can take a dip and it tells me that if i hold on a little while longer if i just keep my hand in god's unchanging hand uh if i know that god has already done it whatever he done for me he'll do the same for you when i go and i get down i can go and take a deal and i know that i never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread is there anybody in here this morning then every now and then you you can go to that word and when you feel in some kind of way you can open up that word and take a dip oh oh and that word gets down into your soul it makes you feel like going on a little bit further i'm so glad i learned how to take a deal yeah on god's promise so not only did she give him that promise but the bible said every time she went the barrel never got empty every time she went the oil never ran low and for about a year's sake it kept going on just like that oh it seemed like things were starting to get good but but but what was going on good for her on the inside everything else on the outside was collapsing anybody ever felt like that sometimes do you know that every now and then god will let uh take care of your house but everything on the outside be falling apart oh come on some of you covet folk uh uh you ever been sick in your own body but god took care of you but but but but friends and neighbors and loved ones slowly dying and then the son died can i can i can i share with you a quick story real quick uh i got a daughter and and and i like my daughter she to wear her natural hair so she told me that uh daddy emma i'm a woman natural because you know you have the extensions and you know the stuff that you put in your hand i said well why don't you why don't you want your word natural she said i would but but but but i'm gonna wear it natural for you and she sent me a picture and she had a natural hair and so she came to the house and she walked in the door and we were talking and i looked up and i i saw she had to put the braids in it you know the weed back and a half so i'm looking and i'm having a conversation i also have a nine-year-old and i'm having a conversation with her and i'm saying uh i thought you was gonna wear your your hair natural and uh the nine-year-old who seemed to be drawing at the time she she says uh ooh plot twist i said i was like huh she said yeah plot twist and i said well wait a minute i can't i can't focus on my daughter because now i'm i'm i'm wondering how what how did this little nine-year-old understand that that was a plot twist and i said well how do you know that was a plot she said you know just like just like something something and the cow jumped over the moon oh y'all get that that was that was it plot twist and the sun died everything was going well and then the sun dies but here is where my praise came in hmm the woman was upset but the bible says that elijah took the son and he took him into the upper room and there he prayed for him not only did he pray for him but the bible says oh lord that he stretched his body over him three times [Music] and tell me that the young man life came back [Music] and it said in the word that elijah took the son and presented him to the mother and the mother said surely surely this must be a man of god can i tell you wow my joy came at that moment my joy came because i see god's plan just like the woman stood there saying surely you must be a man of god i can see the roman soldier standing there with a spear in his hand and after he appears my lord and my savior in his side tell me the blood came rushing out and tell me that the water baptized the soldier and i can see him standing there saying [Music] [Applause] [Music] you must be the son of god oh it don't stop right there but i can see him going on to the grave tell me that elijah stretched himself three times over that young man but i see that number three because i can see my lord and my savior died from the sixth to the ninth hour and they tell me that they put him in a whole bar return but he died all night friday tell me he died all night saturday but i see on that third day that early early early sunday morning he got up and he just didn't get up but the bible says he got up with all power in his hand and that's that holy ghost power that's that jesus power that's that lord power and now i see god's plan and his plan is at work but not only did he just get up the bible said that he had all power and that my joy got up uh my hallelujah got up my thank you jesus got up and i know that he is he is he has me in his hand i know that it's all god's plan when i'm going through my hard times it's his plan when i'm going through my lonely hours is god's plan when i can't sleep at night it's god's plan when my loved ones walk away from me it's god's plan when all everybody didn't think i was gonna make it it was in his plan and so right now here i am because it was in this plan and surely what god done for me he can do the same for you cause you're in his hands you're in his hands keep your hands and guards [Music] unchanging hands and everything is going to be all right something something and then the cow jumped over the moon oh i come back right there to tell you you don't know how it's gonna work out but if you hold on a little while longer everything going to be all right doors of the church are open there may be someone out there who maybe want to come by baptism christian experience [Music] the door is open ah you might want to come to the church they're here for you prayer is waiting on me the door is open god bless [Music] [Music] all the way [Music] [Applause] [Music] nobody [Music] took my faith away from me and you blessed it [Music] all the way [Music] [Music] nobody can hold me nobody can shake me nobody [Music] me can fix me nobody [Music] [Applause] like you oh my mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all praise the lord praise the lord nobody can fix me nobody can heal me [Music] nobody can make a plan like god you see sometimes god carries us through just so we can make it too [Music] praise the lord for the message today how many can identify with this woman's ordeal seem like if it's not one thing it's always something else meal running out all about to be deleted and then after that her son dies but here's the shouting part right here god sent a prophet [Music] god said the prophet who stretched himself and brought the boy back to life you may be seemingly in a dead situation but i promise you god works best in a look bad [Music] situation i don't know i don't know whom he preached to today but if you out there and you're playing what you planned seem to be up to note put it in he already told you put it in god's hand the safest place in the whole wide world is in the hand of my god bless you pastor cowell bless you listen on the screen he's already given the invitation but let me give it to you one more time on the screen if by chance [Music] you need a savior not just a church home but a savior we are not campaigning for members we are campaigning for disciples a little christian experience as a candidate for baptism you can come the information is on the screen call the number somebody will respond to you i promise you in the name of jesus bow your heads with me our father now god we thank you right now for what our eyes have seen our heels have heard and our hearts have felt thank you today for the word thank you for the messenger bless now in the name of jesus somebody made plans but their plans have fallen apart they've fallen through but we found out there's nothing too hard and difficult for you move right now by your spirit by your power and by your might and when you do it we'll be so careful to give you all of the praise all of the glory and honor it is in the name of jesus may the grace of our god the love of jesus and the sweet communion of the spirit rest rule and abide with each of us now until we meet again all of god's people said amen amen and thank god god bless you [Music] nobody can hold on nobody can hold me hold it nobody can hold me nobody can mow me nobody can move me nobody can move me nobody can show me nobody can make me nobody can't shake me nobody can't shake me nobody can shake me nobody can shake me nobody can shake me with nobody with anybody [Music] done [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Pilgrim Rest MBC-Montgomery
Views: 1,959
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Id: -i10_eMWHtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 21sec (5121 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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