Who's the Best at FAKING IT in the 2HYPE House?

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welcome to the quarantine game make sure you guys click the like button and subscribe if you're new and tell your friends to subscribe now enjoy the rest of the video Musha Musha peeps is chris bullard and welcome back to the channel welcome back to the quarantine games you guys are loving this and we're bringing another game today we're gonna be playing at Jack's box we're gonna be playing faking it I personally haven't played this yet and I don't think anyone in the house says either oh yeah but we're gonna see who's the best fake in the house who's the Vegas I don't know how this is gonna go but it seems a lot of fun you guys requested this as well what I need you to do right now that helps me out a lot is give this a thumbs up and subscribe guys let's just let's just get right into this so watch the tutorial first see how this is playing all right cookie and this is what you call making the best of a house arrest couple quick words before we jump into the game only ass you can skip it if you're in a rush during each round to play each of you is going to be sent a task to your device like raise your hand if you've ever farted but one of you will get nothing and that person is the faker everyone wants to figure out who the faker is and the Baker just wants to blend in when you hear the ghost sound raise your hand or not depending on whether you've ever farted before which you have and the faker just has to fake it after that everyone votes on their device who they think the faker is if everyone picks the correct person the faker is caught but here's the most important part bakers if you're caught in a lie if you raise your hands when you only should have kept it down lie cheat denied come up with whatever story you have to to throw other players off the scent be the faker some of the tasks will involve raising your hand or pointing or maybe making a weird face but there will always be a faker and you'll have three chances to catch him oh one more quick suggestion before we get going it's important to be able to see each other so if possible consider sitting in a semi-circle or the lines facing each other whatever works best while still feeling comfortable let's start by picking a category use your device to choose which task it's going to be first category face value okay sending the task to your device's now know is that I think I think could be Zach I think that I think it's a maybe you guys are those would do it until it says 3 2 1 yeah but their faces really thick yeah he was you were like angry disgusting I don't know that I'm just gonna say James man yeah I'm gonna James oh he dead ass does not a face you make relaxing on the beach now you're in freshening every time no just buggin so so do your best for your group consensus we get two chances to catch a fake we have to [Music] [Music] okay three two one no because he's attacking me aggressively now it wasn't it you you couldn't agree do we all have to vote this the majority has its face value task mandate right which is why are you not reading your time watching movie it's not even looking at his y'all trippin [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah I mean now that James got that because I mean it only took number so they sold the whole team right you have to just do it at least once specify no everybody has to vote for them because every one vote is the first time well Jesse yeah that's easily did you go for James at all that game well I've got my genes yes he never debates we're now group it doesn't have to be unanimous all right Oh mokey what moppy moppy bro in high school kids in high school because he was sitting here like this and he had no idea what was going on dude bro you got me if it's me you can just give me that sprout throw in high school that's a crazy story I stayed up like two and a half days there's a crazy experience number pressure task yet no it's holding up a number of fingers probably from one to ten okay sending the task tear devices now I'm switching three dude you think it's the task was hold up as many fingers as a number of dates required broke Chris put up time way to battle no dude cuz I Drive wait now hold on oh dude I think it's Mitchell or Zach alright does the only reason I think it might be used I guess cuz you just want to Chris for the same reason I did the same thing as Chris oh he does even fast we all agree we have to put up our thing I go yeah otherwise you know the faker could see it all right yeah I'm go we don't have to all vote together together who's the war no well no if you genuinely chris's the faker you should vote for Chris I'll give you points what dudes I stopped attacking you this exact no it's not I swear does not me it is Chris Rose now you keep time you every round Oh 365 why you going to sit this year but it's it last year - I read that with lights who didn't vote did you read I know who did it Bo it's Chris bro dude [Music] look at you but inside dude it's like I had to just pick up a number you gotta bow it's good everyone's going to get a task that involves pointing at another player in the game okay devices now to your devices now aim at sideways for good reason you didn't vote who you always go yeah guys this one you guys we got it serious okay this is it everyone pointed the same time still pointed in Zack after the problem [Music] whose money for me for you Whoopi walk-in you wait on me you dummy you dummy you walk in his bony hate your name somebody else's no baby no but you ruined the stats now I got so lucky with that point I've some three questions to each of your devices typing your answers for all three and then hit Send now the faker has three questions to answer to slightly different questions to everyone else so good luck Baker I don't know wait what is this one is there a faker here too I think we base it off the answers people say I didn't know was more than one question last thing you gave someone as a gift I met Travis Scott oh but I thought was I saying you God is a gift Oh guys Jesse look at this bro it's not being uh it's specific wait do we only vote three times dude you register my vote was Jesse like six times one of them make sure you lock in our song you want played at your funeral [Music] dude it's Jesse what are you talking about die Eugene why are you coming at me cement young I don't understand though you literally put they don't play a song or funerals they don't I've never really nothing make sure you vote this time but why is everyone coming at me [Applause] that makes sense [Music] wait what's going on did we all vote it's like not registering is your last night right it's the very last okay I didn't get to answer this one but I'm Aris job faker now do I need to say anymore I voted for Jesse every single round I don't even need to answer oh this is for a second answer better than you per soldier if it let me vote he wouldn't think that was it let me know it's it what is your dream job give me the points that is under attack Congrats on winning the trial round another doom ski the trial round this is the trial round now we're gonna play for real that we all know and we have to vote of course you guys are gonna want me to wings already have toured know that happened there's a reason I think you should count it is because that's just gonna happen again we'll just count belittle okay alright so that was the first round Congrats act that was worth 1 point for the quarantine games now this is the final round boys we all should know the rules we should all vote this is going to determine first two so it's very important that in your games worked it is what it is whatever the score is so we're gonna play one more time fellas this is where - here we go all right mom you pick the category all right I'm paying attention to everyone everyone's going to get a task that involves pointing at another player in the game okay it's really just luck what you like that's all it is if you answer her pressure everyone's going to get a task that involves holding up a number of fingers probably from 1 to 10 okay sending the task to your devices now even the task hold up as many fingers as cavities you've gotten as an adult and ten and two we know you ever been an adult for many years either I had a bunch of baby why didn't you guys almost the last time Jesse went to the dentist does it give you ever since one of the day is like two he's been an adult the whole time you that was what he became an adult you would have heard about it he would have said something to you about it definitely no it was when I had my did Invisalign what are you doing crystal drops back in the last 24 hours one dream bro it's him because what do you drink to eat at the district well no let me explain mean we've all played drinking over watch with the Malibu and we only have like one drinking I wear little knob bro it's Jessie my I played well all night Renee I only saw crystal might lose your dad do cuz I leave it open for my streams Chris doesn't drink like that not to in 24 hours in 24 hours I've drank a little beer to catch the fake on this I just ready up in BO Chris I'm curious to see Chris this number is one every and I'm always a why you're one suspects you all gave up on the wrong person wait a minute something right the first round in the second round all oh my god oh so audience because I didn't get the prompt and I'll tell you guys I'm just gonna put that in for the banter but like I glitched that whole round and like I want this to be like counted for so we're gonna restart alright this is for sure the final round I'm gonna have to just say if it does glitch like I'm just gonna go with it alright it's going to be everyone's going to get a task that involves making some kind of facial expression maybe a weird one okay sending the task tear devices now [Music] the task was make the face you'd have to buy a section from wait wait it's out in these five years I'm gonna beat us to get there woof is sexy like oh he was looking at Mitchell for a face bro and Mitchell is a bit like that's his like Segway scared you are attacked by a sexy werewolf the vote went to you all got together it's the wrong superhero face okay so then it's because you just like a superhero any distance no no I swear to god it's not me oh wait James what do you think I've initially mopey but I'm going Jesse dude all right then why do you guys all do good posture Chris just your face with your chest I want moving your chest suspect was collectively you all make the wrong choice I'm not the Baker I'm gonna get points getting Siler drum telling you right now you like a nervous like what I don't know what kind of sell me I'm gonna get here but with a creepy smile it was like something you might be like yeah what is that wait you think so I'm looking at my new cellmate you were late Brown you're gonna get your new cellmate like no you're walking in from Opie let me get these points right here no no let me get the points you'll see you'll see you guys are done you will meet someone like this take your zero points and leave it there bro I just geez you shut their other kooky mouth make them think you're the faker and then just vote for you think the picture is what the figure getting points to cuz they every time they survive they get more like at least the last round you're going to get a task that in your number of fingers probably fruition okay sending the task to your device's now we stay pick up the email we could James where's your number zero this was the task hold up as many fingers as seasons of the washalot win-win-win see what happens do they go to the prison for okay I know I've watched them go play I don't know the old ladies I just threw up a five because I know I don't like that I tried to vote for that so if it is that can I get 150 added to my scores boy let me pose remember the kids I know you know I was like 12 is our broach all right look this hotel [Music] that's not a real understand understand you [Applause] [Applause] data points everyone's going to get a taxi it involves pointing at another player in the game okay sending the task tear devices now [Music] so get it last [Music] with you suspect has the tiniest underwear who are Jessie I don't know Zack pointing at yourself just you know I think most of cedron I know I know but Jade does all the laundry and puts it away I know but it could have been a heat like most of you going off of points I think James is the last yeah I will say that too but I don't know though I'm just saying I'm just saying and I that's all we have to go off oh because every other movie if those true please vote for me vote for me vote for me oh no bus is that Jeanie he's doing you couldn't quite figure out who the faker was we got two more chances to catch that faker [Music] what you call the wedge will mean look watch no why do you see remember last time when he had the dance and we were playing your game your car it's not it's James it's not Moby there's not me why would you vote for me it's not me okay English then yes I'm trying to win most you were all wrong together he's trying to cheese points well I believe for the same person everyone voted for both rounds how am I being sus [Music] what the heck one of you guys speak Oh Mitchell the last thing says why are you putting in me let's make sure that's not the last thing I heard is always the last person to speak though I waited myself because I thought I was but then I remembered Mitchell's that's like right well we already know G was okay would you say that book look you guys are doing to me but no it's not Jesse because he said everybody be quiet okay yeah it's not him so it's what are you not gonna vote for myself being on Moby's are you voting I was under sitting right next to it it's one of these three it's not that's you it's not me it's you you couldn't get together with it who is it a minute now and I didn't let's go how did you think it was me voted Mitchell I was about to [Music] you up I've sent three questions to each of your devices typing your answers for all three and then it says now the faker has three questions to answer to they just have slightly different questions than everyone else so good luck faker [Music] let's see everyone's answers to the first decision an instrument you can at least kind of play I've talked about it yes I've talked about it moppy gets hard if there's anything it's what I had to pick something because like if there's any instrument I feel like it'd be guitar but if you never played it's movi it's movi fibula me look at you you ask me where I want to visit Oh bro it's trying to sell you I think you should reset the quarantine alright so that took three freaking points today for the quarantine ban g3 you guys my first one and that was worth - it was worth - that was weird - I said yeah that before we started that's really do it I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys have any suggestions for the quarantine games this is gonna be going off for a while Zack is a commanding lead right now but it's not over yet guys don't lose faith just yet alright there's gonna be more games to be played more chances to win and there will be more points on the board so hope you guys enjoyed give this a thumbs up make sure you guys go check out everyone else's videos their links will be down below go check out the - hi video and our - hype merch is on sale right now so go cop and OD fresh bro dude I mean it and you should see the logo the long sleeve on luminous stars okay go get it now and I hope you guys enjoy subscribe a new journey for you I know Dooku's
Channel: Kristopher London
Views: 1,681,814
Rating: 4.9533219 out of 5
Keywords: who would you pick, who would you choose, 2hype, house, youtube, youtube challenge, ttg, kristopher london, funniest card game, card game, voting game, most likely to, 5 second, 7 seconds, challenge, funny, kids, youtube house, 5 second rule, board game, comedy, five second, rule, try not to laugh, funny moments, funniest, funny videos, hilarious, lol, lsk, jiedel, jesser, moochie, 2hype house, mopi, guess that, faking it, jackbox, jackbox games
Id: emJLooWxmPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 58sec (2458 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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