WHO'S THE SPY...AGAIN! (Squad Vlogs)

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Courtney: What was another game we played where she was really good at keeping a poker face? Courtney: We played another one with her Shayne: No, it's because you don't suspect her Olivia: Cuz I like to eat...*voice crack* chairs! Shayne: This is exactly my point *laughter* Olivia: What's up guys? *others greeting* *Shayne and Noah intensifies* Olivia: *claps* Alright, today we're playing a game where I think, uh, Noah might be really good at it. Noah: Uh, don't set me up for failure like that! *chuckles* Shayne: It's a lying game so Olivia just called Noah "a dirty liar" Olivia: I did Keith: Pretty much Olivia: Yeah... man, you weren't supposed to say it! Keith: If- no- hold on! Keith: If Noah wasn't gonna be an actor he would be a what? Olivia: A liar? Others: A lawyer Keith: Liar lawyer Shayne: Or and accountant or a studio exec. I see where you're going, uh- *laughs* C: Or a secret agent! N: *points* Secret agent! S: So yeah, Courtney and I played this with Ian and Anthony...and uh- Shayne: We rocked! Uh- S: Courtney said that she was the greatest liar on the planet Olivia: Is she? S: And then we straight up destroyed *snickers* [her] Anthony: Can we vote now? Can we point? Shayne: Sure! Ian: Yeah- A: 3,2,1- *all points at Courtney* *cue spy music* *everyone laughs* C: No, you did S: Uh, she got-she got the spy twice In a row, it was a such an immediate karma C: It's so much anxiety! Okay, so yeah, if you haven't- you didn't watch that one, go watch it. If not like, here we'll explain the rules S: Yeah! We'll wait. C: Yeah, We're here, we'll be here C: Um, so yeah, it's a lying game C: We are-we have this whole list of destinations, and we each get a card, and we don't get to see each other's cards Keith: Nope! Courtney: Everyone, but the spy gets to...oh. Courtney: I'm the spy again! *Beep* that! *laughter* K: She won't let us know that C: But everybody else yeah, and then I keep that a secret everyone else knows where where the jobs are Shayne: We're on, the Pirate ship! *shows to the camera* C: So they each have jobs or a position and then... C: We all want to figure out who the spy is and I also want to figure out where the job destination is... So we're all asking each other questions to try and figure out who is the spy where we're working... S: But you don't want to be too specific. You don't be like: "Oh! Do you have a peg leg?" and then Courtney be like: "Oh, we're probably on a pirate ship" C: And I'm like: "Yeah!" And I can just-- you'll never know S: And then we're never gonna get *inaudible* C: We can ask who we want, just the same person can get questions twice It doesn't matter what or who we ask or whatever and yeah, there's a ton of crazy destinations, and we can all like, look at it figure out how to trick the spy or to like lead them out. Shayne: Use strategy! *dances* O: This is awesome! C: Okay ready? K: Yeah, are we ready are we ready? Shayne: Oh, dude, I'm so ready, ah, I hate-I hate getting the spy! * sneaky music* Shayne: Noah! Noah: *looks at him* Shayne: Do you think this place, uh... S: Do you think it all comes down to skill? Noah: Probably not Noah: Nah. I don't think so Noah: Courtney! Courtney: Yeah? Noah: Is it loud? Courtney: Yeah Noah: Yeah? Courtney: Yeah, I would say so Noah: *nods* Okay Courtney: Sometimes, depending! On that.. hour. Olivia: Is this place...crowded? Courtney: Who are you asking? Olivia: Keith Keith: Ohhh, sometimes Keith: Uhh, is it warm? Courtney: Uhh... C: You're asking me right? K: Yeah, sorry Courtney: Yeah, yeah, sometimes, I think? Yeah C: Yeah, it kinda can get warm C: Yeah- Noah: "Yeah sometimes, just sometimes!" Offscreen and Courtney: Everyone says sometimes! *inaudible speaking with laughter* Courtney: "Depends" was the most popular answer last time Noah: When are we allowed to guess who the spy is? Shayne: Let's just do one more round! Shayne: One more and we say that Keith was the spy Noah and Shayne: Yeah- *all laughing* Noah: Yeah, we all knew it, c'mon Olivia: Yeah, I knew it immediately *everyone continues laughing* Olivia: *mockingly* "Is it warm?" Noah: Just out in the open! *more sneaky music* *music continues* Courtney: Olivia Olivia: Yeah? Courtney: Do you feel safe... here? Olivia: Depends... Olivia: Can I ask you a question? Courtney: Yeah Olivia: Do people come in and out of this place? Courtney: Not really... Olivia: Okay Courtney: Are you okay? Keith: Oh, it's getting intense! Courtney: *confused* What? Keith: I don't trust any of you! *chuckles* Olivia: You trust me. Keith: I trust you Courtney: Is Keith the spy again? Olivia: I feel like you're the spy again! Keith: *shrugs* Olivia: Or Courtney, cuz, I dunno Keith: I have a question, I'll go Keith: Is it cold there? Courtney: Are you asking me? Keith: Um, no, I'm asking Noah Keith: Is is cold there? Noah: Are you asking me? Keith: Yeah Noah: It-It's not cold Noah: But it should be slightly chilly Noah: Olivia Olivia: Yes? Noah: It's expensive I guess for like a full service? Olivia: Full service? Noah: Mhm Olivia: I mean, like, I guess so? Noah: Okay Shayne: Keith... Keith: What? What do you want? Shayne: Would you ever like, like to go here? Keith: Sometimes *Courtney laughs* Shayne: L-like for pleasure? Keith: For pleasure, no, but for help Courtney: Olivia Courtney: You have a job, do you have, do you say it's a dirty job? Olivia: Um, no Courtney: No? Okay Keith: Shayne Shayne: Mhm? *nervous laughter* Noah: Th-That was the sound that made me nervous Keith: *giggles* Noah: I don't like that, like those small little like moments Yeah, whatever you're- in movies- like those are characters having fun- like there's somone really trying to steal a moment. Keith: Shane. Do you like the food there? S: Uh... but I have it everyday, so... Get used to it. Noah: If I think it's your turn to ask a question. K: No no, Olivia didn't ask, she's the spy *laughter* O: Is there a schedule for people there? C: I'm sure for people there, but not for me. N: Olivia. Would you say you're my boss? O: *suspicious* No, no, Noah I feel like I know who the spy is now. Shayne: So Keith. What do you do on a daily basis? K: Help. Help! N: So you help, huh? *laughter* S: You can say that for anything. *accent* I help this blimp go higher C: What would you say you wear here? K: Like, um, White. O: *deflating noise* K: Hold on, do I? Oh sh*t. S: That's some grade-a lying if he's pulling that off. Let me see. Oh damn! C: Wait, is it different? K: Yeah... *laughter and people speaking over each other* K: I have a uniform, I do wear a uniform, I'm sorry, I apologize. *all saying ok* Shayne, do you think I'm at the supermarket? S: No, I know you're not at the supermarket. K: Oh so what are you saying? O: Noah. Is there a popular show on ABC? S: *beep* N: Uh, yeah? Courtney, are the nights stressful? C: Not for me? S: Noah, what unit are you in? I guess we're not really, at least for me. I'm not set up into units I'm more specifically called for myself. O: Shit, who is this. K: oh, I think I know who this guy is. I think we should keep asking cuz I don't know anymore. N:I know exactly who it is. Are we ready? K: yeah! We all just want to put it in? Do we want to point? C: Do we wanna keep asking? N: Let's just go for it? Let's just go for it. Cuz we have more rounds. N: Courtney is the spy. K: I thought it was Shayne. S: Now it's between Noah or courtney. N: okay. You can vote for yourself. O: I think it's either Noah or Courtney as well. K: Oh, sounds like it's Noah. Noah: Okay S: Courtney's gonna, ah, Courtney's good enough that she could have gone under the radar this whole time I'm not gonna be shocked if it's Courtney, but I gotta go with Noah cuz he's being so accusatory. S: He's too happy. *sees Courtney's face* It's not him, it's Courtney. *All exclaiming* K: I was sittin by her the whole time! C: *to Keith* I thought you were like, 'I know you're the spy I know you're the spy', but you were like trusting me, aww. Aww, you trusted me! *sneaky music* K: Noah, when would you say the best time of day is to go? I mean personally I enjoyed the day time so I would go by Maybe like 1 o'clock [1] to [2] You think this place is somewhere you go with what by yourself? Oh? That depends on your mood I've gone with myself Sorry S: Courtney, is this place safe? Um I I definitely feel safe there um Noah S: I'm the fucking spy. *gameshow music* *general chaos* C: Oh, I thought it was Noah. K&O: No, it was Shayne. S: What was it? C: Day spa. Dude, so your answer was perfect. S: Cuz I thought it was just done K: No, you answered really good... C: No, you wouldn't have guessed cuz you just went to the spa by yourself K: I just kept staring him down. C: You went to that one spa. N: They thought it was me the whole time. O: I knew it was Shayne. S: I told you guys, I'm the worst spy! *sneaky music* S: Okay, since I blew that one... K: Blew it, blew it. We're gonna do another final round Let's hope I'm not the spy again. N: Keith. Is it air conditioned? K: Yes. Sometimes. S: Olivia. Are there numbers involved? O: Sometimes, depending on what your job is. Noah. You go here for fun? N: no. Olivia. How often do you go to this place? O: My job? I go there every day. Is something that you can like sign up for? Yeah, like take an interview you know, all that. You need a job? Hell yeah. Why not? I had to for my job. O: Okay Right? Come on, now. Come on somebody. Shayne. Do we see each other every day? S: No. Courtney. How much do you have to pay to get in? I mean depending on the place, but no you don't have to pay to go in. N: That was a good answer. K: That was really good Yeah, yeah, it's really good Sorry This might be the spot. C: Olivia. Do you get paid well here? My job, not really It's like gettin by. K: Noah. Do children enjoy going there. Um I don't usually see children where I am but maybe. S: It's either Olivia or Courtney. It's not no. S: I think Keith is in the clear here. No, it's either Keith or Olivia. Okay, you think Courtney's in the clear? Dude. N: I think Courtney's in the clear. Shayne. Were you taught this skill? S: No, because I don't work here. N: Olivia. What is usually the protocol if someone gets hurt? O: I don't know, I feel like you're really far from... Like there would be someone there to help you like a medic. N: Okay. *Keith laughs* Alright. S: Is there any area here that you maybe have expertise in? My job, what do you mean like? I'm very confused by your question. So what are you asking me? Does my job require skills, is that what you're asking? S: A skill that you might have. - No, I don't think so. Not at all, in this whole place? - In this whole place including other jobs? Just in this place... - Yeah I'm sure that there's certain like spots in the place that there are expertise That are like assigned to them for that area, but mine is bullshit I don't have any... K: I don't trust any of you. N: See, no, I'm still 50/50 on her and it was a 100% before, but now I will say there's a coin flip now. I thought I was sure who it was. I'm just I'm going to say this I know I probably shouldn't, but I acted as if I was going to turn over a card and she like pulled it back yeah, well cuz if you were the spy, and you saw the location, N: I would do that if you were coming at my card. K: Ok, true, I'll give you that. But she might be the spy. *laughs* N: Sounds like you're a spy. I think you're a spy. K: Ok, like if you want to believe it, bro I think it's Courtney but Olivia could straight up cuz... K: She's not sayng anything! O: Dude! I haven't said anything all these rounds though. N: You told me there was a medic. No, you know what I meant is like, Maybe there's special Department that takes care of shit. K:yeah, can we guess? C: What do you wear? S: That just means one of them is bad, one of them knows where they are and they're bad. C: What do you wear to work? O: To me? I wear a uniform. C: A full uniform? K: Good answer. Courtney, do you love your job? C:I don't really care. K: You don't care? C: No. Sure, I love it! Like it's not it's not like no. I don't really care for it. O: Noah. Is your job a specific skill set? Yeah. My job requires specific skills. N: Courtney. How many hours a week do you work? Would you consider yourself full-time or part-time? C: part-time. S: Olivia is there a certain type of Specific one of these that you go to or do you not really care? For me, there is a specific place that I have to go to. You have? You just like- Alright. I think I know who. If it's not Courtney, then she's acted like a crazy person. C:I just love this game! I'm sorry! No, you are stacking the plastic bags like all weird- I stack everything, have you not noticed my life? No, you've been acting like a crazy person this round; and Olivia's giving vague-ass answers I'm giving Olivia as the spy just because- S: She's so sneaky. N: Well Courtney killed it on the first question- O: Do you guys really think I'm sneaky? K&N:Yeah. C:What was my first question? N:It was whether or not you had to pay to get in. I thought she had a great answer. K: I know why she said that though. S: Okay so we're done asking questions... K. All right, I'm going with Olivia. N:I'd say Olivia's the spy. S:I'm gonna go with Courtney, but if it's Olivia then, good job. C:I think it's Olivia or in like in the slightest bit could be Noah. Okay, one, two, three. C: Ayyy, who'd'a thoughttt... S: Nice job, you guys were onto her. N: It was mainly that medic question. Yeah, we were at a supermarket. N: Yes, who were you at a supermarket? C:Delivery man. C:Yeah, sure so delivery is usually part-time Yeah, cuz they only deliver certain hours of the day and Costco was the paying to get in. K:Cashier N:I'm the butcher. S:I was a customer Cool and you were a spy *sneaky music* C: Alright. S:Who starts? N: Uhhhh K: You can start N: Anyone else- of us three K:Let's just- let's start on the ends K:It doesn't matter it all gets around O:Umm S: I think it's Keith *laughter* N: Ah, it is. *laughter and chaos* C: *clapping* Hold on let's ask questions, lets ask questions *more laughter* C: Ask questions C:Ask questions C: Olivia so N: Keith S: This round has blown up O(to C): would you say this place is- C: asking me? O:Oh, yeah C:mmM O:crowded? C:crowded? C:Usually yeah, I would say yeah. N:Keith when do you usually show up? K:in the mornings. N:okay? Any specific? I'm just general morning N:like sunrise Yeah in the fall, okay? *offscreen laughter* Offscreen: Type of day in the fall C:I know exactly who the spy is S:Courtney, do you personally like this place? C: Uh.. Indifferent C: Um, Shayne. S: Are we all just pretending this round now? C: Shayne. Do you bring anything here? S:not for my particular job. I have a room. K:Olivia K:Do you eat at this place? O:you can. *N&C laugh* O:Noah your particular position Do you get paid a lot? N: no. N: Uh, actually Well, technically my parents pay for me to be there Keith. K:What? N:are you my boss? K:Yes. *Shane laughs* S: I am now bitch. *laughter* K:I prefer to be called Daddy. S:Courtney, do you think this place is doing well in America? *laughter* C:uh, no. i don't think so, not really K:Yeah, I mean, it's not been great for a while. C:No S: pft oh my god *laughter* C:How much do you pay a year to be here? N:I don't pay anything. C:how much do you how much does it cost for you to be here every year N:um I'm not sure N:um I'm sure you could look up how much the- C:I'm not gonna google that. I'm asking you. N:for me being there uh I don't know how much I pay to be there, but I know that they get paid for me being there K:Shane K:Yeah, are there clocks in every room? S:Yes. C: that was so~ specific. well O: Courtney in this place are you following a specific Schedule and time? C:I am yeah N:do you think we're ready to guess? I think we know who the spy is, right? *chuckle* N:I think I know who the spy is. S:I'm hoping I'm wrong. I'm hoping I was wrong C:I think it's noah N:yeah, I think it's Keith. S:I'm gonna go with Keith because I guessed it right off the bat K:I'm gonna go with Noah, okay. N:All right. (to O) You've got one. O:I think it's Keith S:Wait is it Noah? N: no. I'm a student. S:Oh S:I knew you were a student C:WHAT THE K&N: OHHHH *general chaos* C:WOW K:That was my first guess actually C: WOW WE FORGOT S: Keith, why did you- you acted so suspicious C: we forgot Olivia's abilities! S:Keith when I said oh, you're the spy you were like this. K: you were all so suspicious. Dude those are my lips S: No! You made- you made a face. (incoherent) N:wrong C:your guys' faces that it wasn't him S:yeah, you're trying to trick me. C:Yeah C: Cuz you could have been the spy! S: No but Kieth K: YOu could have been trying to trick me! C:BITCh S:No, that doesnt make sense if you act suspicious everyone is gonna think youre the spy and then thats why Olivia got away K: but i didnt mean to.I didn't mean to. N: what was your job? K:I was a principal O:I knew it. K:I was gonna be your boss. S: Youre immediately the boss! You dont need to think about that! N:Also K: I said I was the boss. N: You said you get there at sunrise only during the fall *laughter* K:I was talking about S: DO YOU KNOW ANYTHING OF SCHOOL N:Should get fired. K:That's why K:That's why C:God damn, Olivia. O:I knew it was a university C: And the questions gave it away too quickly And that why Olivia had the advantage N:yeah C:in the hall clocks in every room O: When you said in the fall, i was like what the fuck?Alright guys so apparently they were at a school. I'm a spy K:no. C:Did you not know where we were?S: Boy, Olivia didnt have to do much that round O: Um, I knew it was like a school or a university C:Okay, I was a math teacher. K:I was a principal. N: I was a student S:I was a janitor N: You do what I do. Which is effectively be i guess be the "most suspicious" all along C: Yeah N: If youre just constantly guilty no one is going to question you Offscreen:And Noah didn't even have to lie this whole time O: No! C:Ayyy! Wow! N: Yeah. C: You were never the spy C:It's a load of anxiety like seriously. S: Yeah its the worst. the worst. N:Yeah, you just crumbled. yeah you go to the video right you lasted 90 seconds S:Did I last 90 seconds? Ithought I lasted less N:Maybe. Alright this was super fun if you want us to play other games like this comment down below any other games You've played that you want to see us play uh if you want us to play this again just be like "SPYFALL" All: yeah C: I love this game C:so fun N: this was dope All: BYE GUYS
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 3,642,899
Rating: 4.9510546 out of 5
Keywords: smosh 2nd, smosh, ianh, smosh 2nd channel, squad vlogs, spyfall, who's the spy, board game, spy, spyfall game, spyfall board game, playing spyfall, courtney miller, shayne topp, smosh pit, noah grossman, keith leak jr
Id: DW1gUTM_prU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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