lucifer (s5) being a comedy show for 11 minutes

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this is gonna be good yeah i'll have some of that what's up why don't you stop by to report a crime i'm in a deal you gotta stop playing vigilante you can't make citizens arrest on jaywalkers and littering there was a sign it was clearly forbidden the kid was three years old all right well this is totally different dan now i have been d deep undercover at lux lucifer's den of sin and i have finally gained the trust of a real big-time drug dealer police show me your hands show me your hands don't move what the hell who's your supplier kyle tell me there it's none where'd you get the drugs from my mom she just had back surgery there's nothing here just a one-bagging you just said there was more so where i was gonna maybe hit up my grandpa he's getting his gallbladder removed every child is special in their mom's eyes huh yeah no but charlie's actually special yeah that's why the classical music the science lessons baby pilates it's all to harness his full potential which is which is something the world has never seen yeah well here i'll show you okay okay charlie charlie where's boron see yes that's yes bubba looking for something oh hi huh oh just lucifer oh sweetie has come to this full-on delusions we are gonna get through this i promise daniel [Music] it's really really good to see you and you're looking exceptional by the way oh i love your bracelet did you make that uh no no it's amethyst cleansing my chakra ah well good luck with that thanks man you uh want to climb that tree alan what are you talking about i saw that maybe you can get him against the wall and spread him maze that that is crazy talk okay i i am done with the bad boys okay sure whatever you say you left us at my desk detective it's not even name you're lying no i'm not i'm sorry did you want to do that everyone loved my melons why oh really nothing at least why would i do that she might be a murderer oh come on you're lying i apologize for my partner that was very unprofessional it's quite all right by the way i never managed to thank you for all the things you did for ozzy from one prince of darkness to another right thank you for the offer but for now i'm gonna stick to police work and avoid anything god-related [Music] hilarious i feel like i can tell you anything uh do you know of anyone who would want to hurt sister victoria do you know of anyone who would want to hurt sister victoria well i i'm not i'm not sure [Music] do you know of anyone who would want to hurt sister victoria yes i do who the devil of course anyone else you are the most beautiful person i've ever seen thank you the question was do you know of anyone who would want to hurt sister victoria oh right no i don't sorry i don't know who would want to kill that wonderful soul but you're hiding something aren't you yes it's a secret but who can lie to those gorgeous eyes you're nervous it's all right sister francine you can trust me i've wanted to do this ever since i met you but i'm scared i understand i do but listen once you admit the truth you are gonna be amazed at how good it feels never done anything like this before i haven't either it's just i'm a woman of faith well you see that's all the more reason because you sister francine you of all people know what you need to do right here right now yes just let it all go remember daniel there are no shortcuts let him put in the work point wow so you read all of them yeah powered through them pretty quick actually so insightful i'm really enjoying learning to live my own truth and do you have any more well this is all the self-help books i have maybe let these you know simmer for a bit first maybe [Music] oh michael of all the things you've done to hurt me this might cut the deepest maze oh i missed you while i was gone oh you know there was a few tough nuts down there and there were times i could have really used law blame look i'm really trying to listen so if you're telling me that you'd like to stab me then just avoid the old parsnip for old time's sake i'm lucifer's brother michael it's nice to meet you you know that won't kill me yeah but it makes me feel better okay okay i get it blaze tell the girls to swap their g-strings for evening gowns tomorrow night wow it's like looking into a mirror simpler times thing is amenities down in hell waiting for me to return yes i'm aware why do you think i'm in such a bloody hurry lucifer doctor i need to clear things up with a detective before i go home because once i relieve my brother who knows when i'll be back it's not like i can just leave hell unattended and the mana deal okay hello hey lucy let me get this straight i just spent millennia down there diligently doing everything he asked without complaint and you have one sleepover in hell and dad tells you your watch is over well you know that father works if you finish that sentence i will punch you in your mysterious ways that's odd [Music] [Applause] i was wondering when you'd show our face again brother look at that breaking news local journalist gets cute girl's phone number ah jeez for pete's sake uh see what i did there see what you did there he seems nice i think he actually is we know you're lilyman 85 pete the original whisper killer we have all the evidence we need from your creepy little plant room god just when i thought i found a good guy i am a good guy yeah except for the whole you know killing people part exactly everyone has flaws i just came back here to get some work done work building more stuff for charlie how much does that kid need i had two rocks when i was growing up one sharp one knot take the sharp one and try and stab things take the dull one and try to make it sharp that um that explains a lot good morning detective good morning are you cold cold no why odd given that hell was supposed to freeze over right i need guidance i need i need i need i need to decide i need i need something [Music] help me mate why are you defending him because he promised me a soul that's impossible why because i'm just a demon exactly that's enough dead [Music] children you know i hate it when you fight you
Channel: MsSweetSerialKiller
Views: 3,319,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lucifer, s5, lucifer (s5) being a comedy show for 11 minutes, chloe decker, ella lopez, maze, amenadiel, linda martin, tom ellis, dan
Id: GeQCrBI3hkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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