Lucifer and Linda being besties for over 9 minutes

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the plan is simple you kill me i go down to hell interrogate the professor get the formula and then you bring me back oh come on who's in this is a terrible idea what do you think i think that i followed about half of that we all have itchy bats excuse me oh she's something the woman said to me right before i punched her in the face [Music] i believe this is the part where you tell me it's much more than just a sandwich what about hitler the sandwich is hitler you went to medical school correct many many many many years ago good so you'll be the one bringing me back from the dead the brain only lasts three minutes after death or so i read just now like on the right over why am i doing this again you have some sensible advice um he's the devil nothing's really been sensible since i found that out god and his ex having a fight to the death sounds kind of bad for you know humanity you'd probably be fine probably well i thought what with your medical expertise and training even if i was that kind of doctor i'm pretty sure they're not teaching wingectomies no no no no no it's quite simple it's just snip snip and bob's your uncle yeah well god's your father lucifer i mean how many times i have to tell you i'm not that kind of doctor okay so that was god god back there as in capital g i didn't bow i should have passed a spit in his face yeah i'm not gonna do that then you're no use to me doctor what do you know what you're doing here anyway chloe sent me to check on you because she was worried but now i'm worried please tell me you're not still planning on having your mom and god destroy each other don't be silly that plan won't work anymore oh okay maybe i should have chrissied unfortunately dad seems to be soft on mum like he still has feelings for her explain to me what's going on please i'm trying to recreate that first date you what wait you're trying to parent-trap god and the divine goddess what what in the movie displacing no i'm not and that's denial that's a river in africa is that sound oh my boobs okay can we go back to the angel of death is he uh is he another one brothers sister actually the angel of death is a chick yes i sort of wish we're back to talking metaphors thanks to us mum what are you doing here oh you know girl stuff dr linda i have no idea what is that [Music] what well you're not that handsome that's helpful thank you linda dab dab linda a handshake will do my beautiful child i can't you do it no no no no no the deal was you kill him i bring him back but you're the doctor if you're the demon from hell goodness sake what i just want to take care of you is that so hard to believe yes out with it what's going on our wings like body hair no that was so ridiculous my apologies doctor i don't mean to barge into your home like this but you weren't at work it's 7 a.m and lucifer you didn't invent the idea of giving out favors yep forgot who i was talking to don't tell hi lucifer what's up i'm wondering if you've seen a mana deal nope haven't seen that family member you're right i am and always will be master of the mojo king of desire sultan of humans in the most wishes thank you doctor did you guys kill the chairman of the review board please tell me you didn't kill him i'm just gonna doctor for the life of me i can't even remember why we were fighting hold on do you think it's possible i've given my power to everyone i've ever had sex with and just never knew it but who me no well we did the deeds what so if i give people the opportunity they'll tell me what to do exactly like bring back my baby's daddy thank you well actually i don't think lucifer's being that ridiculous sorry apology accepted so um [Music] what do you think it means what about my uncle edwin is he down there and because he was one he was one bad mamma gemma i think i've broken my therapist let's try now come on lean in look into my eyes ask me what i desire right be eve from the garden of eden i mean i am carrying an angel baby i guess this is just a normal tuesday for me now what do you desire nope never totally limp ouch several million bullets touched well i know what a big deal the kiss was for the detective for her well i'm sure he must have made quite an impact on her no doubt she's overwhelmed by emotions she's never felt before she's overwhelmed trouble was they were celestial beings so that moment created the universe the big bang never knew how appropriate the name was until now we had sex and then this morning wow wait you guys had sex finally do you mean actual gates like big and pearly are we talking clouds old dudes and white robes my dad is morgan freeman i do yoga hot yoga i'm freakishly flexible wanna see wow i really tried to keep that one in well you tried that's what matters thank you doctor and the fact that he came to this emotionally mature insight on his own impressive shows a sign that he's grown now can we jump to the part where you teach the detective how to return my mother yeah scratch emotional maturity you're saying that distraction is a way to avert your problems no ergo the more i distract the less i worry no i did not say that we didn't need to doctor i just didn't it's bloody brilliant any warning signs of lasting trauma denial rash decisions so why is your gift desire that's a good question actually i suppose when i first went to angel school they uh sorted us into different houses for different powers there's a school for angels no hogwarts in the sky obviously so you left a mena deal in hell really doctor an evil twin the detective finding out she's a gift from god and that's the part you're stuck on i'm in a deal the father of my child oh yes she just fired me shocking lucifer oh dr linda martin hello here you are that's great you must be so happy everyone must be who's watching hell oh don't worry about that it's fine uh yeah because the last time hill was left unattended demons came and grabbed my baby so i'm gonna need a little more than it's fine it's not about the idea it's about the execution it's about how i use the wings that's actually pretty wise so i'll just tuck them away and pretend they don't exist that's good someone else is giving favors who cares i'm lucifer bloody morningstar i'm in the middle of my session here well the doctor is with child she needs her rest how dare you burden her with your petty concerns now run along come on shoo shoo oh and she may be planting to send me back to hell okay that's a very serious accusation how do you know this a complete stranger told me but i'm a 10 times a day man doctor big ben strikes 10 as they say i'm big ben i got that is it possible that the word boyfriend is what stopped the clock when it comes to your case i fear a lot of um complicated things lucifer told him you used to screw among other things oh you had a date with chloe that's a big deal i need to hear about it you know as you're a therapist expert perspective on our wonderful kinship i'm guessing this isn't going to end well you seem very distracted today why are you so defensive lucifer good question too doctor lucifer you asked me to analyze the situation no i asked you to help figure out what's wrong with her even if he hasn't lost his mark here's lester's what now allow me to catch you up did i mention that eve has just come out of a long-term relationship so and as far as i can tell doing a fantastic job why thank you you're right lucifer she's amazing no she's verbal ebola where's the button to put the glass up if you were still my therapist i might listen to you are you fat since you're not bye-bye
Channel: cubespdr
Views: 681,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lucifer, linda, funny, humor, edit, minutes, 5b
Id: YnuZX5_BMZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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