lucifer being a jealous bf for 11 minutes straight

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i mean what in the world could i not be dealing with i don't know khloe and pierce maybe perhaps you're not as okay with that relationship as you think look i am not an idiot doctor clearly i don't love them together but i'm also not a 16 year old crying in my bedroom with a dell on repeat this case isn't over we have to get a confession at a neil oh so you and pierce can do your dynamic duo thing again no it's you and me this time no pierce oh no pes but we're still following his lead in absentia we are following the case let's go solve this i'm not gonna yell at my boss even if he lost our witness twice well because you've got a soft spot for him to new beginnings happy birthday to me oh how sweet she brought a date [Music] hi i am looking for andy kleinberg do you know where he is don't waste your time with him let me get your drink keep it in your pants tommy bahama she's spoken for i didn't know i'm not chloe oh hey what's going on it's been like a minute so good to see you [Music] these are fun aren't they oh hi uh jed meet lucifer chad chloe said yes to mary pierce it's mind-boggling i know i mean when i said it was a piece with the detective making her own choices it didn't occur to me that she'd be capable of making such a spectacularly bad one i mean why on earth and then there's potential reason number 54. 55 55 the detective would accept pierce's proposal drugs eui engaged under the influence or a craziest reason yet maybe chloe said yes because it's what she wants well maybe it's what she thinks she wants but does she know what she truly desires because few do unless i help them and unfortunately i can't do that with her i know have you two know each other oh um jen and i dated right uh casually yeah long long time ago come on cherry jane wasn't that casual uh uh lucifer is my partner yes partner so you're still married to that guy dave then we're divorced well i never thought he was good enough for you only one man is what's bothering you right now well right now i'm experiencing a very odd feeling as it's like a it's like a fat man sitting on my chest but not in a fun way and when is that happening well um when you're with chloe yes well actually lately when she's been with dan her ex well sort of i don't know what she sees in that oaf lucifer you're jealous the devil doesn't get jealous i'm gonna check out a lead on our vic's last place for employment some winery called monte de oren i'll go with you okay uh no need lieutenant actually on second thoughts i think i should make 100 certain amazing's guilt before i find and punish her come on partner for some inexplicable reason she's on the fence between the two of us and how does that make you feel well it makes me feel like i like i need to tip the scales in my favor show her which side the grass is greener on and why do you want to tip chloe to your side because as her partner it's my duty to save her from making a terrible mistake aha sorry i was my manager i'd tell him i wasn't dead what do you mean why are we supposed to go on after pexa it's scary seeing another dj i die makes you realize life's short so i'm not sure enough you were here for the selection interview i'll spare you i created top meat for people exactly like you oh well thank you very much and actually i was talking to the lady you're exactly my type i mean the apps tape bit on the nose there big mac i hope our case didn't ruin your kissy time with dan what is with your recent obsession with my love life obsession oh it's awfully defensive probably indicates deeper issues wouldn't you say i agree why are you so defensive lucifer good question er too doctor lucifer you asked me to analyze the situation no i asked you to help figure out what's wrong with her did you know no one has that kind of passion are those from marcus yeah bastard thanks jerry jane what would i do without you okay besides killing pierce isn't the answer anyway because inexplicable as it is the detective actually cares for the man and breaking her heart isn't the goal i gotta admit i'm a little fuzzy on that one myself what is the goal for the detective to realize she needs to pick me over that blithering claude pierce which god shouldn't even be an issue but i'm sorry this is rough for you no fine i'm fine i'm more than fine actually having those two datings practically my idea can we allow me to introduce amanda deal my brother well come on don't look so shocked um i just didn't expect your brother to be so handsome we're all full of surprises it seems i never expected my brother to change careers as he did but i'm definitely beginning to see why lucifer your brother got all the charm in the family okay that's enough of that it's unsettling to see you to get along well isn't this convenient for jed his place blowing up how first someone tries to electrocute him on stage yet accidentally kills someone else now someone tries to blow him up yet fails again either jed is the luckiest target alive or he's behind all this jed would be here right now if we hadn't kept him at the precinct yet he isn't he could have been blown to bits yes he wasn't why do you think he's behind all this clearly he's orchestrating all this to get close to you again that's ridiculous is it electrocuting a colleague blowing up his own studio no one would go that far just to be near me well i did go to hell and back for you twice but who's counting lucifer are you jealous jealous of a man boy who scratches records for a living now who's being absurd hey hi are you from tennessee no because you're the only ten i see oh you poor soul does that actually work no no i didn't think so it's cute it is yeah you're cute i love this song okay hey oh were you at the party last week uh i think the dress may have backfired actually you could stay chair are you inviting me to stay my place yes yes that's exactly what she's suggesting excellent idea to take so you're reading my mind great hey totally boned let's lopez please don't be vulgar the detective doesn't bone seriously do you not see the epic fireworks there's more chemistry over there than in my lab and they just went to the azara concert it's a natural aphrodisiac well if you're a pimply millennial perhaps but the detective is a grown woman with sophisticated tests trust me she's not so easily won over oh my god you are totally freaking out right now what about this coming between you and chloe don't be preposterous i'm not freaking out about anything it's okay okay i i get it you're afraid that they're gonna start spending all their time together you know joining each other crime scenes bantering over dead bodies and where does that leave you right i assure you miss lopez that is the least of my worries the chemistry in there is just a flash in the pan exactly a completely hot flash in the pan lucifer what you and chloe have is on a total other level exactly nothing is changing nope my father is manipulating me is making me do things that i would never do what like flying through the night helping people like some rogue angel yes yes exactly that is the only plausible explanation either that or linda's right and i'm suppressing pent-up feelings about you and pierce which is obviously absurd you hate that i'm with him i could care less at you with that insulin done we both know that's not true it's crazy almost as crazy as if it had been concocted by a madman to say lower back an old flame which is also pointless because the detective has spoken for wait are you talking about chloe she said she wasn't in a relationship well she is oh i get it you're interested in her i'm not interested in her the detective and i are seeing each other which is why your little ruse is not going to work happy birthdays [Music] for the record detective i'd like you to note that i haven't once asked you about your evening with pierce i realize it's none of my business you're right it's not but miss lopez thinks you're bound what her words not mine i uh simply thought you should know we just went to a concert you know it's not a big deal right that's what dr linda said too well for having this not be your business you're certainly talking to a lot of people about it i know i just wish people would stop prying but regardless i've come to the conclusion that no matter what happens with you and pierce you and i are partners detective and nothing can come between there prepare yourselves people that beach day that you went on with pierce was it a date day um it was just a regular day are you free to spend your your spare time with whomever you choose i mean i'm not one for gorilla sized ham hands or stale alcohol breath or you know just a general bloat but i suppose there's no accounting for taste is there no no there's not no also i'm surprised that you date someone so on in years huh what are you talking about oh believe me pierce is uh well he's much older than he looks and we all know that dating older men has its downsides performance stamina you know the important bits okay who's here well i'll just hate to see you unsatisfied that's all
Channel: nanite
Views: 239,840
Rating: 4.9748755 out of 5
Id: vD1MAERVpaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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