chloe decker being totally NOT jealous mhm

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yeah we we were uh celebrating my birthday at the precinct and um and then all of a sudden he just bailed and now he's not answering my calls would you like to have a seat no no it's not a big deal you sure yeah i'm fine fine it's probably just lucifer being lucifer you know probably okay so what do we think of candy well i think she's perfect for lucifer her bra size equals her iq huh that's generous have you uh talked to lucifer oh i went to his place and some woman was over there i didn't want to interrupt but uh it's not a big deal no just giving him some time listen ella he cancelled i guess he'd rather spend time with my ex than hang out with me okay okay we'll work the crime scene lucifer you coming lucifer's coming with me this time you coming oh you're not here alone well i have a guest if that's what you're asking mm-hmm yes oh yes it looks like you've had a few guests fun um okay well this was a bad idea it's it's okay i sorry to bother you eve did this thing with a conch shell it was very creative that i'll draw your diagram no we're good we get it i feel like i am right there with you detective when you said you were fine hearing about my romantic life with eve dylan super fine fine with the aquarium story fine with the vat of melted chocolate story with the boning the entire cast of cert disolay's story oh true and i personally i can't get enough because it's awesome but right now i am trying to concentrate whoa hey was that an earthquake or did you just rock my world i don't think so you got a boyfriend or something [Music] definitely not damn it lucifer i was so stupid to think i could actually take a leap and trust you for once i mean a woman's life is on the line and here you are doing wait what are you doing what you doing in vegas don't you look ravishing lucifer uh sorry i've got to go doctor speak soon bye what did he say at the end there um something about radishes he said ravishing then he he's in vegas with someone ravishing on my birthday but you know what why why do i even care why do i care this is stupid okay feelings feelings are not stupid well this one is okay this feeling is stupid okay okay lucifer and i are friends partners that's all i'm totally past anything romantic full-on rear view in the past okay oh um the the girl from the jewelry auction you're still hanging out with her yes yes she's uh she's been staying with me she's just never mind you know what never mind it's not pierce it's lucifer when he started here no one wanted to work with him then i spent all this time training him and now that he's somewhat of a decent partner pierce just swoops in and grabs him lucifer doesn't even blink it's not cool right possessive much luciferanella working on a case that i don't know about hmm why no reason they just seem to be spending a lot of time together is someone jealous what no no way gross cause you can tell me if you are would you say that's the uh the crux of your issue oh the crux of the issue oh no no that would be loose for disappearing and then popping back up with zero explanation and a ditzy bimbo on his arm he's cheated on you in in five days of marriage no of course i didn't i've been completely faithful i take the vows of marriage very seriously and that's why you chose an idiotic bedazzled tweener as your partner i just need to make a quick phone call first oh okay no worries private phone call detective just give me a moment yeah sure wait where's lucifer oh he's uh been ignoring me actually oh he's with eve yes probably with you what do you think of her i think that she's rubbing off on him and not necessarily in a good way good morning detective please don't tell me she's behind me but she's behind you hello lucifer this is a crime scene no visitors no offensive what look you're the lieutenant you call the shots but the next time you want to steal my partner to tail the target of my investigation you want to clue me in first he left on my birthday and i wasn't expecting a big party or anything huge maybe a card you know lucifer is a non-traditional guy and he celebrates in non-traditional ways right like going to vegas with some radish lucifer cares for you i'm sure he's gonna come back with some crazy explanation that i'll probably never hear about that's fine it's fine i just hate that i sound jealous cause i'm not i'm not jealous i'm not i just um he's just my friend you know i know he's not really gonna leave us is he no remember when lucer disappeared and he came back married i mean this is how he works through his issues uh soon enough everything will be back to normal i'm sure yeah you're totally right he's gonna burn out and all these new ladies soon enough actually it's just the one lady what some party girl named eve wait what are you serious i mean if you're serious that's serious i'm not worried i am not worried at all there is no way she knows the real lucifer like i do to the bar right after she left well what about the five minutes before she left are you jealous detective no i'm just trying to piece together a timeline a lot can happen in five minutes it can't be suggesting that you slept with her i'm not this here ooh right which is when he attacked victim number three but victim number three had defensive wounds the match skinflex under the fingernails of number four so i'm thinking duncan dropped the knife okay number four picked it up right attacked number three like this right and then at some point number five got involved and so on and so on until full yoga massacre oh that'll be what the piano's called full yoga mastic are 2016. very good okay i mean turn around oh my god i've got someone you have to meet this is eve yes we have met you expect me to let you go undercover with your stripper wife right first of all she's an exotic dancer stripper is pejorative well far be it for me to disrespect your bride ella detective oh um i was just all right is this about me and ella in the penthouse look who you sleep with is none of my business but i mean the lab tech really it's a little inappropriate well much as i love to cross professional boundaries detective i can assure you everything you saw was entirely work related so we should find out what alexa knows if i can have my partner back of course this is your ex-girlfriend from the beginning of time pretty much i can't think of anyone i care about that much except for miss lopez world's greatest forensic sciences oh my gosh that is so sweet wait did i miss my birthday well every day is a celebration when you're around darling anyway you know i'm not happy of course i want you to be happy but the way you're happy it it makes me uncomfortable it it makes me feel sick to be honest and yes sometimes it makes me jealous so i hate the way you're happy and there it is
Channel: nanite
Views: 2,568,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, deckerstar, season 5, season 4, season 3, season 2, season 1
Id: bjO1zB8XIhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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