The Most Annoying Strategy? The Castle Drop

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what's going on youtube and hope you're ready for an absolute treat of a game and i'm bringing back a series i have not done in quite some time the most annoying strategy not the most complex of names not the most complex of ideas but it is a strategy that maybe brought many of you to the channel some people found my channel because of force nothing others because of various expert games but the most annoying strategy series is a series that i came up with many years ago to kind of highlight some of the crazy annoying frustrating and successful strategies that you can see in age of empires and the reason i can't do that every week the reason i can't show you games every other month is because i want this series to be taken seriously i want it to be special so if you're interested in previous videos uh that playlist is all gonna be down below but let me dive into this one right here it's definitely more unique than some of the ones in the playlist and one of the big reasons why this strategy right here is is more unique and this upload is more unique than the other ones in the playlist is because this is at a very very high level so let's do the introductions uh trust me there's a lot to break down a lot of cool information here and uh i've even had personal experiences with this strategy and player in recent times so in the red we have com tim now comtam is currently ranked 120th in the world um if you eliminate the 40 or 50 repeat accounts that are there um comptam is a top 100 player has been around the scene for a very long time three definitive edition days like virtually everyone in the top 100 with a few exceptions and komtan is a great all-around player plays with a lot of civilization comtam is currently playing with the chinese here which all high-level players would say is top five maybe even number one on the map we're on here arabia and as to why chinese are good i'm gonna get to that we're gonna have time in case you don't know but chinese start with six villagers you start with no food so you're gonna have to get the food income rolling to keep that villager lead and exactly what we're seeing here now in the blue this is the player that really uh inspired me to make this video we have tea now um tea was not always known as this um and forgive my awful pronunciation here but if you've been following my content you understand i suck at that uh t was was formerly known as cxu way it's like y-o-u uh w-e-i and this player i did a little bit of research has been playing at least since voobly days since 2013. so it's been a while that's actually around as long as i've been playing consistently anyways it's a chinese player and i actually reached out to mr yo a high-level chinese player to maybe get a little bit of perspective um you know just more history more fun facts about the player but this player here well he has shown to be well-rounded in previous times only pick spanish spanish are currently bottom five in the ranked 1v1 ladder win rate at the high level bottom five and that's against the top and we're currently up against a top five civilization in chinese so you've seen the title of the stream and uh or not the stream excuse me i'm used to streaming let's try that again you've seen the title of the video and the title is castle drops and castle dropping is a strategy that all levels are familiar with because when a castle gets dropped in your face it can be really complicated to deal with it at that point you don't really need military at that point you know it's shooting down their buildings uh maybe denying resources and at mid to low levels you can just comfortably move out across the map and do that at times you see it on maps where players start with stone walls the enemy feels secure and you just walk forward and drop the castle the problem is at a high level players are constantly flooding the map with military and dropping the castle is not so easy and then if you're collecting resources for a castle that means you're not going to have other things like food and and gold and when you're playing as a spanish i think the reason that win rate is so low is because you know you're always trying to get to that conquistador which is their unique unit and that's behind the castle and it's a little bit predictable whereas chinese can they can go all the way to arbalest through their archer units they get full blacksmith upgrades on that they have they have stables like uh they can go for knights and cavalier and camels they can go for halibuteers champions sea drams i could go on but it is the civ with the most options in the game and then also uh it has cheaper technologies also even more food on their farms and they start with more bills so let's get into this game that was a big mouthful what's so interesting about this player here well t also in the top 100 just has the absolute audacity to try what no one else does um and i played t the other day i'll talk more about that later in the video but that's what made me say oh man i've got to show people this so here we have arabia known as an open map right and you can see all throughout dark age t's been thinking about some walls some houses diagonally this way now we're going to see two villagers pulled this way to drop palisades berries are very forward main gold is very forward stone here very exposed just so much open space in the front even the deer are not easy to get to but he's already thinking about getting a potential castle up and it's just very risky if i were to play spanish in this matchup i would probably try and open with scouts or men at arms maybe get into towers or something i'd try and compete in some way before thinking about a castle because it just frankly seems logical um but not t the t is not about that life t is about the yolo life and the yolo life can work for tea at times uh enough to put you in the top 100 right and so t uh not even scouting the enemy that much i went through at one point just to see what the enemy was up to but maybe assume some pressure's coming not looking to confirm that and just trying to get in as much food as possible maybe because the berries are forward but i guess the logic here is you have enough stone for now you have enough gold for now and the the game plan is to eventually get castle and then come to him if he's like me has played t once or twice before and probably knows what to expect here and if you look at contam scouting he scouted the back wood line backstone and back gold so we're talking high level here players are recognizing all the tiny little things and com tam sees a spot to hit so it's pretty uncommon for chinese to go forward because you start with those extra villagers you normally keep them at home and try and take advantage of that economically but we i think com see a player in com team who recognizes the threat of spanish if they're able to have success with any type of a castle drop so the forward archer range forward militia may be soon to be mad at arms and he sees this not the archer range i don't know did see the arch range foundation excuse me and so now t is gonna wall the entire front of the base like this doesn't really look like someone who's top 100 right now does it it's just like it's just so silly so passive you give give up your berries i mean come on man giving up your berries but here's what's brilliant about this build order this isn't just this isn't a fast castle build order because if you go straight fast castle you're going to be up to futile age a little later this is more of a and there's no real word for this this is fast castle but prepping to build a few defensive towers as well right so she gets up to feudal at the point where if the enemy is tower rushing you you can drop your own tower and has enough stone to do that in multiple spots now spanish build faster which is why they can wall which is why castle dropping is good for them it is a bonus which is quite helpful and t sends the scout out here in future legion quickly plugs up the gap behind and uh tower goes up tower will now shoot the tower from comtam where there's four villagers and an archer and this scout's just gonna kind of move around for now but look at the eco right now just compare the situations you've got three farms for food that's it three farms for food for tea and then over here you have chinese farms so you're gonna have a bit more food on them which is fantastic and you're already seeing more and more farms turn out you've got berry villagers i mean the eco balance is just it's it's just better there's no other way to say it for comes him and so if i were in kamtam's point of view if i was in his shoes excuse me and i will have dropped this tower just based on the timing and based on experience i'm going to recognize there's idle villagers there that's a tower that's going to take him further away from having the stone to go up to the next age and if i'm lucky i might even be able to kill one so forcing stonewalls is also stone that puts t further from getting a castle later on and uh yeah there's just no military whatsoever from tea so i played tea two days ago or three days ago one of those and the thing is you instantly know what type of player you're up against because with the ranked queue nowadays uh you can have random sieve enabled and i always have random civ enabled but if the enemy wants to go pixiff which means they disable that uh it always goes for whatever sieve i have selected and normally that's mayans because of mine she's just a solid all-around pick and here's comtan with the tower behind the wood line some fancy market abuse here from tea to buy food but pretty soon tea is not going to have a wood line to take so anyways i i had mine selected just in case someone didn't want to go for random sieve and i go up against someone who picks spanish and i'm like oh boy these players are pretty rare nowadays as someone picking spanish tells me he's experienced and i had i had like seen the play around before but i didn't have any strong first-hand experience you know so anyways that is i i really like how com tam has played this so far now naturally villagers have come forward so the the up time to cast lage isn't going to be as strong as it would have been otherwise but economically things are looking pretty good you do have a tower behind a wood line and that's gonna hurt t is currently chopping straggler trees like a low elo legend like it's a completely different series right now and it's gonna go over here to place the lumber camp which isn't all that efficient no eco upgrades no no wood upgrade no farm upgrade but we'll have the stone to build a castle now com tam is somehow going to be up at 19 and a half minutes um that's actually an incredible uptime based on everything or after everything that's happened here uh has not really walled at home but there's nothing really wall against and now we see t just walking outside away from the tc dropping or chopping the straggler tree for now and com tam is it can see this and says wait a second i want to deny this woodline too so uh we're probably gonna see another tower on this side in a moment actually currently lacking the stone for it we're seeing an outpost as both players lose their scouts and now come tim sees the castle now if you're watching this and you're probably like hold on a second i've castle dropped my younger brother before and my seven-year-old younger brother didn't know what hit him when i dropped a castle and it was on his face first off congratulations on beating up on your little bro um who probably doesn't have any build orders or hotkeys but anyways uh that's what that's what brotherhood's all about i think and uh the castle's gone up at home now again high level age of empires you're not gonna be able to just walt across the map all that easily so what what's he's gonna do here start off with the defensive castle now important things to pick up on here eco upgrades zero forget the wood upgrade forget the farm upgrade taking berries in 20 minutes for food that's the situation we're at with teas eco right now and tea actually is is going to lose the villager now but here come the conquistadors they are a very strong unit and for com tim he built an archer range forward which is going to be a little awkward as the production is going to want to meet up with the rest of the group can already see uh fatality because of this problem but then again i think you could make arguments that the forward wouldn't have been as successful if it wasn't for those archers so the forward range did make sense at the time no eco upgrades but we are going to see uh armor upgrade for these conquistadors one of the strongest unique units in the game they're also really expensive though so uh about the cost of a night it might actually be the exact cost of a night i forget and com tim's a little concerned about this when you're up against spanish you just have to have the constant mindset of my eco is better my options are better let's let's uh survive that wave right so while com10 could be adding eco right now com tim's got to be thinking about dealing with this so far not so good there's the overall kd and these concs doing pretty good now i i watched this game already um obviously and it's just the level of commitment is what's astounding to me about this we've had two woodlines denied due to towers um by the way the four villagers that built that tower over here chopping wood archer in each tower and t doesn't really care about the long-term eco because t doesn't care about eco if he could batter this down right now um he could siege that down but instead he's going to siege this archery range down and for tea it's about aggression right now uh two tcs now for com tam that's a really good position for this second town center and there's something up with with gun powder projectiles in the game right now the devs need to fix because these conchs should be hitting the little unfortunate for for our uh our castle dropper t but you know you've got you've got the villager lead for com tim he's got crossbows but not too many crossbows and now at 23 minutes get top 100 player very close to it getting his first eco upgrade against chinese now the crossbows have 35 hp though they're not the strongest thing compared to the conch that has 55 before bloodlines and all that can come in uh com10 was producing out of this range which is probably a little bit of a mistake probably meant to go back to this range probably just using hotkeys and not paying attention to the details see but yeah the conquistadors have six range the crossbows have seven so in theory you know you can mask the crossbows outrange them and whittle them down and uh you're starting to see comtant balance out the eco a bit more i mean just compare the farming eco we still have one player depending on berries so getting worse and worse for tea and um no real sign of that changing just yet thing about these yolo players and a lot of this strategy really is just down to the yolo micro as well it's not just about the castle drops but at this level you're gonna have to have a mix of both but the thing about this player that makes them so interesting is just the dedication to the aggression now i would say that that age of empires is like 60 defense 40 offense and i would have to think about exact percentages but certainly lots of ways to get yourself out of trouble what is that lumber camp i guess com tim really needs to chop wood right now and can't go anywhere else so all right now we do see a second tc for tea you see a second mining camp on gold for t a ram going over here for t okay okay okay remember it's that commitment i mentioned it's that it's that uh constant thought in the back of t's mind of when can i go forward again when can i do this again when can i make this interesting again it's it's really turned into an interesting game right because conch magnel is really hard to stop crossbows are pretty good against the conquistadors but this magneli here that has an answer to the crossbow so now you've got to be looking at other options like do you fortify with towers do you go for a castle of your own which is a little awkward to do when your forward stone's been denied so we have comtem going over here to the stone and even getting ballistics now so those shots won't miss and uh teams like this tower is going to be dealt with the crossbow will still be there but i'll keep you updated messy messy game for comtem really not fun to be in this position but when you get ballistics on crossbows and the the conquistadors don't yet have bloodlines the the konks do seem to go down rather quickly and maybe guard tower on the cards too uh can't afford it right now but we see a tower here which tells me com tim is genuinely worried about this little push tower having bob canero too so it definitely helps out and that's actually going to force t to look this direction and now this is where this is where i just fell in love with this player's style so he added the second town center but it's not really farming or anything doesn't have farm upgrades but you see if you we're paying attention to the resources as a magnet shot goes in and let's see if com sam can micro this good micro actually very good micro there and it's going to continue so i'll hold my thought but i was going to say as i'm not holding my thought clearly was that he transferred over to stone when he saw that tower there perhaps thinking about ways to deal with any defensive towers and i think you know where we might be going really fun game here the chinese player has the better eco the chinese player has the better position you could make arguments that even the units are a little bit better right now or comes him if the crossbows can continue to be utilized like this and this is at the point of the game we're watching it for the first time i said all right well com tam is officially held 15 villager lead roscoe's looking strong we'll have more towers that go up defensively tom tam's officially held so we're going to have more siege coming forward here from t even bringing forward that ram from earlier just everything you know just everything to be aggressive and if you start to fall behind in games especially with disadvantages you've got to go aggressive and gonna be in the back of t's mind here really should think about making a stable for weld lines actually there's bloodlines so now the conchs instead of having 55 hp are gonna have 75 hp it does make a big difference right ram is going to take out a house i don't think you need to be too concerned about that if you're compton but you need to be concerned about the mango and thinking about a defensive castle for this front area there's some stone and gold that will be needed later on but right now the pressure's so real it's so extreme i just don't think that's going to be a strong option now when a players are aggressive when players are making you they're putting you into awkward situations you're going to make some mistakes here and comtem's got that idle time skyrocketing he kind of like not keeping the tc producing here uh 12 and a half minutes of tc idle time 10 on food you need six on food per tc uh six on fire six on farms per tc normally to keep the tcs running and then conquistadors cost a lot of food have a lot of market abuse there but a lot of conchs on the front and we now have content buying some stone i just just full-on panic right now tom tim not even comfortable enough to try and get a tc up over here notices there's a vulnerability on the back wood line do we see the confidence with the micro again it's he's not looking at this right now and boom big shot i still think that's worth it you can confidently move out with the 21 crossbows and now t was coming forward we know what t wants to go for it's so annoying to play against these nerds the guys who try and kill you all the time trying to drop castles all the time it's why this is going to be part of the most annoying strategy because player only plays like this only spanish boom big shot and only yolo i know that there's other elements to this strategy but it really does come back to how important castles can be and i feel like it's so underrated at our pro scene right now as spanish villagers they do build faster comtams saw the villes so has some idea what's coming and placed that tower before as we have excellent micro i placed that tower before the castle foundation was placed so expected it now if this castle was going up with any other sieve i don't think it would complete but you have that spanish bonus working is it 70 percent you also have comtam having to focus the villagers or the conchs look at the villagers there look at the conchs a lot of the konks going down castle's at 90 people he will commit everything all the time and he sent just the amount the correct amount of villagers forward and now this castle goes up and this strategy gets ridiculous if you've been castle dropped before you understand you did everything right you have the economy you're trading against your military well but now suddenly there's a castle next to two of your town centers you've got to relocate all these villes it's absolute madness absolute mayhem now i want to just take a quick moment just to show you this timeline here because this is this is really what t's strategy is all about it's just all in aggression it's all about the dark colors here that's what's military forget about the eco even wheelbarrow came in right here but still look at that lead look how much comtam has on the field a 20 population lead but we'll see what stems from this now the economy is not getting any better for tea in fact in many ways it could get worse but we're going to have more villagers go over here to stone um this castle will slowly destroy all these buildings and this is just it's just awkward for calm damn right tom tam is is capable as we've seen to defend from the conchs and another castle is kind of out of the question for t for now so we have a back area of eco at mixing in farms fun little tip for you by the way uh if you ever have past uh farms in the range of castles or towers and you abandon them like like comptam did you need to delete those farms because if your villagers finished let's say this farm they will go to other farms that are not finished before they reseed that farm which will lead to situations where villagers will go into the tower and castle fire and uh that's something that plagued me for years before i ended up realizing the situation i really i didn't tell villagers to go there i just thought the game was dumb turns out i was dumb this is kind of funny how the crossbows are being produced and they're not even dying to the castle fire most of the time they're heading over here to this hill expecting the kongs to come in a lot of these conchs are weak and remember the crossbows have ballistics so in conquistadors right now it feels strong but with the magnols which is just so expensive to get to all right i was wrong by the way uh we have 13 on food now for tea 38 minute game 20 minutes of tc idol time whatever here comes a ram still 84 villagers versus 56. still actually you know comtams eco upgrades aren't all that good to be honest it also has had a massive amount of idle time it really sets you back when you're being pressured like this i really like what comptom's doing here with the houses uh placing houses in this area will as we see a castle for compton i'm just worried about the future is that a good castle you know i feel like if it's not there yeah i honestly don't hate that i mean you need something fast so it's never gonna be perfectly placed as the conquistadors are coming in i was thinking maybe the hill but then you can't take your stone so i don't hate that but i i was saying something oh yeah the houses so that's going to give you vision if you have town watch and also what that will do is if any army patrol's over there as we have a counter-attack from comtam the confidence he knows most of that pressure's forward right um but yeah anyways the enemy army is going to patrol into your houses and kind of give you an idea of what's happening all right he got away with purdue there right there you see that villager die on the farm that's because that farmer was on another farm i think um gotta delete those but you know com tim has kind of got away uh with with a little bit more than maybe possible because i think these pcs could have been rammed down a little bit earlier comtam could have been forced to run a little bit earlier but the panic's real over here we had crossbows trying to get some counter damage in and you can see the eco kd is actually pretty close this game and just now seeing that wheelbarrow tech and these conquistadors run in and taking out the crossbow taking out the magnel taking out some villagers dc down here you've got a bunch of villagers 16 villagers that probably need to relocate fast now comte may be looping home with these crossbows seems to have lost a few and all stemming from that castle on the front top 100 player always plays with spanish bottom five civ top five in terms of dropping castles people actually pains me so much to see that neither of them have horse collar right now oh man i feel like the the big thing here is so many people watching understand how stressful age of empires can be and i think that they're looking at com tim's position right now and they're like oh man i i've been there buddy now check this out tom tim is is thinking about ways to solve this so army hasn't really solved it in castle age as we see another castle coming forward and he's gonna go imp going to the imperial age and then with imperial age you can just trap down this castle right everything's gonna be fine castle number three still 20 villages behind his t but also there's an efficiency difference because of the amount of idols that com sam has had i'm tam also will not have this stone and gold long term however i think comtem could maybe find this stone in gold with a little bit of scalding it's ram man i don't know if that's the same ram or what but ram has done so much damage as that tower goes down a few more villagers go down and this castle goes up this is what t can see at this point this was the main eco area for comm temp it's gone because of the castle drop it is so annoying which is why it's a part of this series and i know that some of the ones uh my most annoying strategies here are super unique but i was thinking the other day i was like i need to highlight strategies that happen all the time that are annoying that's the point of the series but what's cool about this one is it is it's a common strat at most levels but it's unique because you never see it possible at a high level what is this tc number five in the game maybe four for comte i'm just trying to find safe space and making crossbowman with the hopes to maybe get to arbalest with bracer which would shred conquistador looking back at the eco here for uh tea he actually bought food to get hand cart which is fascinating still no horse color which would mean there's a lot more food on those farms right conquistadors moving this way this is what t can see castle has ballistics really not a position you want to be in but wait yes i do enemy hits imp enemy can make trebuchets i don't freaking care says t this is ridiculous has been behind in villagers virtually the entire game well since the start right because he's been up against chinese but t has the stone and he has the guts and capturings is lagging but castle going up there are castles surrounding gomtam right now now this is what solves that problem right this solves that problem it can take care of the castles but it takes time and the conchs are just looping in anyways forget about the castle fire forget about the crossbows and t realizes with my positioning of the castles if i just you know we're gonna do here with me guys um the super enhanced graphics makes the slag lag and it bothers me um so you know he he realizes with his positioning that if he can just take out trebs there's not going to be a whole lot of gold income here for compton long term and he always conks here he's sacrificing so much for this though can he get that one i don't know that's a big loss we end up at t90 population for both players 86 versus 89 i just can never pass up an opportunity for a good or a bad joke i should say and now for t uh t is using a magnel on this tc as castles that have taken out the other ones uh just repairing this castle for time still making more conquistadors the comm team really just can't afford anything the only thing gum tim has really benefited from in imp has been the trebs don't get me wrong it's not like there's zero benefit to that but just look at how crazy this continues to be t just relentlessly pushing in with rams with a commitment that i've just never seen not with spanish anyways and i guess the thought process is my eco is untouched even if it's not pretty i'm just going to keep tossing crap in towards you and make you deal with it and the longer this castle stays up the longer that comptam doesn't have that town center the longer you can't rebuild one the longer he can take resources and right now it's really just the gold fontaine is completely out of gold and look at these kongs from t just sitting on it has placed castles in all the critical areas to deny golds even mining some of that gold as we see the gold mining upgrade and now it's 89 eco versus uh 76 eco and while t is in castle and the castle here is staying up somehow some way the castle here is staying up and comtan was just like what do i have to do to get this guy off of me he's got one treb on this castle and one treb on this castle now this is where the marquee can really help but if you sell wood you're gonna get golden return it's not gonna solve that food problem so here comes some farms still seems doable for comtam again best probably i think number one arabia civilization in the game though maybe there are some awkward matchups like mine and that mine and aztecs but uh plenty of time to talk about that in other videos spanish are certainly not there man but they're castle drops and there's a few people watching right now who might be inspired by this in some way like man this is strong and it must it must make you feel so good too you know to be able to get so many castles up on somebody like how many rams have gone down this is crazy man completely out of stone here for the repairs t's been repairing this castle for a couple minutes here but the chukanu and arbs actually pulled over there to deal with the conchs and they were the only thing here to take out the rams comtam isn't mining any stone we actually had 200 stone purchased to continue the repairs here it looks like these rams are going to go down there's another ram here just take out the houses yeah why not and suddenly there's a lot more conquistadors there's more rams coming in there's more commitment from t who has shown that he doesn't have any real problems with fighting underneath castle fire and now we see com tim in the most awkward spot still can't take gold sitting here with the trebs going after the conch the crossbows who still don't have a bracer which is the imperial age deck but it still feels like it's kind of worth it in some ways that's a lot of conks and rams down oh my word what a game okay so now t's thinking well all right so we didn't kill him off in cast leaves the castles didn't do it two of the castles that were dropped went down that's never a great feeling but does seem to have an idea that there's gold here does seem to have an idea that there's stone here players is really good at finding the extra resources uh and we might even see you know watch there be an outpost or something show up in the corner for the other gold does see the mining cam from comtam and it's now going to react to that castle dropping you either want to place the forward castle right before you go imperial age for trebs or you want to deny resources and the castles and the map control and map awareness has been so good for teeth i think his conk actually tried was tried to click away there to run oh man and comptim knew he knew this might force a reaction and now these villagers have to run away goldless almost goldless as comm tim as we see this castle get tripped down and now we get horse collar like that that's not a thing man i guess for com this is a bad example because com tam also didn't get a horse collar so me saying it's not a thing at a high level is kind of is clearly wrong but three castles have gone down on the front that's not normally something that makes you feel positive but it's just bought time and it's it's brought this massive headache to the enemy by the way speaking of long-term gold and resources relic number two coming in for tea that will give him some gold and now maybe we're going to see a switch now suddenly the enemy's been backed into a corner um and throughout all the mid game what he's been doing is having that one clumped up force that has to stay together you know where they're at now time to time to spread out time to make a tech switch and it looks like we're gonna see maybe hussar something that doesn't cost gold as we see cab upgrades coming in and stables being placed on the front because who needs any defensive buildings at this point right this castle is still producing conchs geese there was still a great unit now now i will say that uh you know with ballistics and bracer being in conks are going to look a little bit weaker here unless they're upgraded all right tc goes up tc will hit those konks these range students looking good i mean 71 villagers big difference now between com tam and t's position and look at all the rams even the the siege workshops right now being trapped down absolute helpless feeling when you get castle dropped guys an absolute helpless feeling and comtam had great micro i think the macro really is is kind of what hurt but when you have a 20-fill lead against spanish you're still feeling pretty good with chinese normally if i would have played in t's position i would have never made it this far because i wouldn't have committed i would not have had the guts to go for that initial castle which almost didn't go up right that could have been the game but it did go up and sometimes the most interesting players are the players who are okay to take those risks this is what comtam can see now uh trying to take the gold that's that's good has decent farming eco now uh trying to switch into camel expecting like cav expecting maybe cavalier uh but now is is almost out of gold right except for that one spot he just switched over to and now you just get you just get raided to death really i mean like cav can run in time and time again there's so much on food right now for tea um just not seeing as we see a okay this is an army that's gonna go for a raid there's not much at home right now so we'll see what happens but look we've got capped rams coming in still somehow so many conquistadors he never stopped producing conquistadors at original castle the og castle still stands maybe we'll see some konks come out of that he hasn't really reacted just yet but who can blame t for that uh probably focused on the front where everything is being killed i'd prefer to look at this the light cap went right back to that gold and uh okay there's a reaction this will probably be dealt with by something soon tell you it's it's not fun to lose to styles like this um because as a high level player what you're trying to do is you're trying to play that meta yeah you have an understanding of that balance between eco and aggression tom tam calls the gg past the hour mark uh and with t it's not about balance it's about castle drops seriously i i've watched through teas games it's just you see a whole lot of this and it's it's incredible and it's incredibly annoying nothing makes you feel worse about yourself as a player like imagine everyone in the top 100 pretty much has been playing for i don't know let's say five years minimum for the most part right so you spend half a decade playing and honing your your skills and understanding the game you get to a point where you feel like you're solid and then you lose to a strat like this and you're just like he didn't do any of the stuff that i that i had to do to get here but is he cheating like how you know or or sometimes you're just like that shouldn't have worked man i should have stopped the castle ah and i think for some it can kind of lead to that classic thought of i just lost to a worse player um it's very easy i think so we don't look at our own weaknesses to just be like oh what a noob only does that strategy it's just so we we don't have to acknowledge our own shortcomings one interesting game though let's look back at this timeline it all started with that overly passive play from t timeline shows you the eco military on the field no intention of making military and futile no intention of of even faking it gave up the berries gave up so much map control eventually got the castle in cass lage eventually got the wood upgrade and then i think right around here actually you can see the dip i think this was castle number one because the dip in military i remember a lot of units dying after that and then you can see where all the future castles came in i wish i really wish there was a way on this timeline to show the castles but it wouldn't surprise me if it was like every time there's a dip so castle i think there's castle right here that would make sense right right before imp yeah yeah right before imp you remember and then another castle over here it's just i'm gonna chip away your eco with castle drops non-stop even if they go down doesn't matter good luck hitting me at home uh buildings raised was insane kd was insane economically gamdam had the most wood but that was just because villagers were forced to go chop wood they were forced off of other jobs and i want to hear from you guys uh twofold first off i want to hear your opinion on castle dropping because you might do this all the time i don't know your level but for me it was one of those strategies when i first started playing that was really fun it just felt so strong so i want to hear your thoughts overall in the strategy uh and then i want to hear maybe just general strategies that you feel are also really annoying that i should maybe look into now of course you can always post them in the discord or tweet me maybe but uh thank you guys so much for watching this one now next week i'm going to upload a game where i played tea and i talked a little bit about it in this so i don't know how frequently you guys watch my videos but i should be back on uploading either every day or every other day consistently and just keep an eye on those videos if you want to see my game where we kind of talk through some of the things that went right or went wrong for me in that game make sure to check out the most annoying strategy series if you have any interest in other annoying strategies remember a lot of those videos were actually before the definitive edition came out so it has those classic nostalgic graphics if that's your cup of tea thanks for watching guys um with my youtube only stuff if you enjoy it i don't i'm not a guy who does like sponsorships or begs for subs or anything but a like on the video does help a like in a comment just makes me be able to see that you guys enjoy the extra effort i put in for these and if not no worries just thanks for listening thanks for watching and thanks for being a part of what i do have a good one guys
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 149,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, the, most, annoying, annoy, strat, strategy, castle, drop, rush, dropping, on, opponent, enemy, base, conqs, conq
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 3sec (2463 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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