Lost Run - Polling of Isaac

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hivemind lost run as picked by chats mr. Danforth tastes sexy tier 2 sub 15 months what is up welcome back I need to take my loss frustration out I think I've lost the last lost runs but lost doesn't have health so technically that doesn't count is taking damage because I've never taken damage you just died no damage he's already dead though the dead may never die yeah lost inevitably comes a guppy run because of the hole like take all the items in the devil room we always take all of them sometimes death is better [Music] very turkey day [Music] you know what my parents made my parents made Moroccan Chicken still a bird but my parents made Moroccan Chicken very good had chickpeas in it and sticky rice I hate steak and lobster is below bedrock I had I was like what's wrong with steak and lobster I've had lobster I don't think I've ever had crab outside of like a crab roll or a crab cake like I've never had to like crack open a crab leg it's never happened in my life you've put me in the middle of Red Lobster by myself and you give me a plate at the big lobster claws or crab legs and I just I wouldn't know I wouldn't have a [ __ ] clue I hate Turkey is one true egg turkeys all right you don't eat turkey for the turkey you eat turkey for the stuffing and gravy can we just admit that number four you guys want bozo it's technically a damage up it's not bad makes me look fly we got what bozo does sometimes when I take damage I drop a rainbow poof and point one damage up diamond Jake hundred bits I love your videos and I hope you had a great day had so you want the rest of my day to be [ __ ] then Wow can we all just get super pissed off right now at Diamond Jake for wishing a [ __ ] day on me can we riot right now now I had and I'm having and we'll have a great day tanks back bro blast it oh god what the hell Jake get everybody you break it open and tear out its insides then consumed with garlic herb butter pretty much works with most things I was gonna say could you imagine if we ate other things like crab but what happens when you go to a [ __ ] pig luau same thing you deep-fried the whole crap or the whole pig roasted it I'll be spit roast kind of a thing deep-fry all crowd that you love Kristi probably [Music] what does the d4 do rerolls all your items you guys see on the map right now where it's telling me that there's a secret room top right it's black like that and I look it up it's like the L it just hasn't like rendered it this is called Hanks backed by a little Hank it's very good the [ __ ] Bob Mackie Oh siren Tier one sub welcome modern luigi 14 months welcome back 14 months is one year right it's a super leap year ultra mega leap let's pick it on the leap abound it's a bound year a extra green a lunge ear Yeats ear yes ridiculous detective we should just go in the shop you have a golden key let's go is it a leap year shorter yeah right that's why it's abound here yeah actually stopwatch is probably one of the better things you can ever get as a lost but this is better than nothing you know every year is a bound year because you're bound to get older huh [Music] the amazing jokes you're bound to get older and more depressed I recently found out that my aunt was walking on the road like a like a gentle stroll right well she fell over and landed on her hand and broke or dislocated two of her fingers [ __ ] old people right i I'm terrified of the day when I can't walk without accidentally falling and breaking a bone moose ash gifted a tier-one sub to Firefly ninja wonderful thank you for that welcome back Firefly and then that was my aunt my uncle insane side of the family which maybe there's something going on there my uncle was walking he was walking was he was he jumping was he strolling was he at a brisk pace was someone chasing him was he [ __ ] his pants no good questions he was not he was walking he tripped he fell he didn't catch himself with his hand he landed straight on his face cracked three of his teeth he imagine hitting teeth down onto concrete teeth imagine tis like from like this level and then just hit in concrete your teeth [ __ ] old people man what is the deal you can't walk without hurting yourself unbelievable I'm not gonna get that old death by teeth self curb-stomp axis the axis deception three months coming through my brain for a loop Reaper hunter bits once I figure out when I can set up the vacation I'll message you and discord with your permission to see what we can do cool Chino get your family safety bubbles for xmas have them just live in a big ball with arms and probably end up having like a stroke or something inside the ball P catsup I mean if you don't move enough you get like a what's the what's it called thing in your leg both self curb-stomp yourself my cousin is older and he was just riding his motorcycle and then got hit by a drunk driver he gets to have his leg amputated for Thanksgiving bro I mean motorcycles are death traps this is known it is a hundred percent fact that you stop you stop riding your motorcycle when you get hurt enough or die this is how that ends up working or you know somebody who dies and you're like okay I gave up the motorcycle or you're too poor what's the thing called you guys when you don't move enough and something happens like you get the blood clot blood clot in your legs that's what what happened to my relatives then Chino if I put him in a ball yeah t13 got it pulmonary embolism but the same thing [Music] can't ride a motorcycle of you dead yeah I think what's the [ __ ] his name ghost rider would disagree with that deep vein thrombosis blood caught the damage up though my uncle kept driving his motorcycle even after his back breaking his back I I did say or dead which is probably where your uncle falls let go you can still move around but there's a harness where you will be protected from falling and stuff you can move around but they won't number three you want let's just yeah let's find some really cool hologram machine synergies here [Music] let's find some cool synergies with this guy I'd like to lend this run [Music] Frank it would be good to [Music] games like what's that you want the trinket [ __ ] yourself market it as Amex soups hmm which had a bomb tractor beam plus pop would be fun some Blackie you can candle through the Stoney Boys that's important we can do better actually if I just shut this out get all of them wild well I want to get it at a shop double charge isn't terrible more options won't do anything or even more options rather it won't do anything yeah I think the battery and I feel comfortable going into the curse room could get a better item later I mean sending out to fires is nice that would I ended it right there that would have ended the run that I [ __ ] that up done that is the killer right there which I had a bomb man nice spider-man bra getting space you guys Kevin Spacey definitely the pecan pie apple juice we take them all always melting white face severed cat paw torn scroll not excitable torn scroll and I'm gonna keep a candle here since the Guppies pol literally does nothing sleepy turkey syndrome and now any turkey though I'm Moroccan chicken remember those Moroccans hey thank you this right now Bob brain Oh with uh Laura fly that's the worst that's the worst case scenario of everything I will I wish I did not take everything this is bad very bad Adam boy 17 welcome back Firefly ninja if you could have any superpower what would it be was there an enemy left and I missed and have chat come up with restrictions for that power I wish I could fly oh but you can only fly it did one mile an hour oh shoot would still pick it there's a maggot I didn't see it clearly this is what a hot stream is like yes this is lovey t13 tier one you can only fly in the dark think about me bats you would hit I would sure take that Oh a probably wouldn't fly during the day anyways because we've talked about this before if you are somebody who can fly and nobody else can fly and there's no scientific reason for your flight it is magic you are Harry Potter if the muggles which we can call them that now if they were to catch you they would put you in the facility and just torture you to death testing you slicing pieces off of you trying to figure out a way that they can use your flight to beef up their armies to go kill poor people so now what you thought was a great life with flight ends up being you are actually like the worst person alive and and you should wish for someone to break into the facility to kill you so that your secrets don't get out into the wrong hands so you want flight but you better hide that [ __ ] because it's best life ever with flights or pray for suicide or something to kill you pray for a cyanide pill yeah there's a dark side has a dark side for sure mine was unlimited knowledge but only what humans know so an accumulation of all knowledge mankind has accumulated across history but not knowing things until they are discovered would be the restriction then because what if you had unlimited knowledge but knowledge of everything and you knew like where aliens were and what they knew and you knew like how to make a black hole you knew what if what the fourth dimension was like I'm pretty sure that you your head would explode if you have flight power you can't fly higher than three kilometers above sea level or so we just [ __ ] move out of pole thing it's it's oh you're right I didn't even click it whoops all right revote I told you I'm sleeping reality-warping if you had a limited knowledge what knowledge would you what right now would you think would be the most important knowledge blowing up your own brain blowing your brains out ignorant is bliss knowledge can be a burden think of how much [ __ ] you get the stomach right there'd be a lot of things that you just shouldn't speak about how to talk to women out how to fix cold alarming what the [ __ ] the universe is life after death all seekers from the Soviet Union alien contacts somebody expects life before death how to kill all young beerus does a bear [ __ ] in the woods you guys want dr. fetus because you're [ __ ] so funny you guys are so funny everyone's laughing warm room in a cookie jar sounds like a classic kids song okay what's the most important thing though what happens after we die or or why are we here right or are we alone like realtalk here which of those three is actually the most important oh my [ __ ] god you see it's like an laser on that bomb why are we still here just a sufferer are we alone what happens out do we die I would think I would probably think that what happens after we die right because why are we alone is gonna somehow explain oh that's stupid tractor beam pulls it this is [ __ ] day knowledge of all mankind 80% understanding why people do so many stupid things honestly if you could explain that at least let you live with it you're gonna die potentially as far as I know for the rest of eternity that's a lot longer than like why am I here now but I mean of course I want to know why I'm here now Hey Thanksgiving happened we can play Christmas music now [ __ ] you war look at dig [Applause] beep even in an EVP baby Bimini baby to me baby babe listen to Christmas music [Music] DDP it sucked to be that one Jewish guy anyone here Jewish or nonfiction I mean atheism whatever that doesn't really count you guys just go along with it with whatever the [ __ ] holiday makes that that suits your needs at the moment so don't even pretend like I am atheist so far Christmas I'm atheist so I just get all the presents and don't go to church so you mean you get all the best stuff yeah whatever with none of the work all bood methodological I don't even know how to say that word method that men method doll let's just no I can't all I see is met a Methodist [Music] people are alien with short penis and pretend like I didn't read that my card though uh method men believe in meth rip spawn load I uh not to get into where the religious debate but I don't care what religion you are as long as you don't judge me I shall abstain from judgments as long as you do as well but I would I would consider myself agnostic there's something there's something going on here you guys there's something [ __ ] going on here it's just it's not an old man up in a cloud it's not an old man up in a cloud too many questions for that old man then he will not have answers for but there's something going on right this is all [ __ ] weird everything everything is weird that's silly I judged you way before any religion came into play simulations even okay so like you say the idea of like we're a simulation right like we're some part of some computer program like the matrix or some [ __ ] could totally be the case weird since someone we're just NPCs and some super advanced alien computer game how the [ __ ] do we know it could happen that you know it's such an advanced computer that it gave us each personalities but all we really care about is drugs sex and rock and roll but anyways what if what if there was a advanced civilization out there right and they're so advanced unbelievably so there's one little goober right little Gooby alien guy you guys [ __ ] suck by the way goober a alien oh it doesn't work it's fine we're good you guys are great and his name is uh his name is jelly farts right and in jelly farts once to get a good grade on his senior project so that explains the exclamation point over my head oh no on the quest giver Tina would be a quest giver what was I trying to say jelly farts right he is he really wants to impress people with a senior project but what he's studying is civilization right and in like civilization like what would he call that when you could like like an archaeologist of sorts right so what he comes up with is this idea where he ends up taking a small tiny piece of bacteria he finds a planet within the habitable zone and he launches this little tiny piece of bacteria that lands on the planet that ends up multiplying and becoming all of this we are just jelly farts science fair project that's all we are and the reason that we can't find anybody else other aliens is because he's isolated us because he wants to study the effects of how a civilization starts anthropology hoping it's a name how the [ __ ] you know that's not the case tell me jelly farts isn't real right now he's in a different sort of time well maybe he just lives till he's 5 billion years old right and that's the scope of the projects aka the life of our star that's like the sims it's like a simulation but like on a whole different level I'm good it's no proof which is why I'm agnostic [ __ ] are you gonna know I just know in my heart in a way that makes so much sense it's it's food for thought it's not like I'm like I've really put effort into this and I think is right we treat it like a random anthill so advanced then then that we don't pay attention to them and most of the time we'll ever have any contact with us yeah we could just be an anthill and like the rain forest and maybe one day some alien will come down and cut down our edge of the Milky Way and we'll just vanish like that without ever anyone knowing that we existed I was a little worried there in that sloth boy came from the bottom the screen I was like what this book that looked like the in Gunjan the the Grim Reaper guy that follows you from room to room at max curse you seen the Milky Way in the sky before of course I thought I just walk into life I'm really warm so this fan is phenomenal but it's blowing into my eyes and it's making them super dry Lord of the jams how long do you plan on streaming I'm gonna stream probably until the end of the stream which will be I think a good time to stop [Music] this is a long t-shirt you know when you got like those guys that were those super long t-shirts that cover up their shorts that hang down those are the guys that buy the blah blah blah long yeah this is a long t-shirt but it's a medium long it's perfect too damn tall too damn tall to wear a long shirts man dem curves boy I love long shirts as Lobby I aside and I was like you know what maybe because I buy medium shirts normally which fit me well up here right if I buy a large shirt the the shoulder on this shirt for some reason it's like all of a sudden if you have a large shirt you have like massively wide shoulders and it hangs off and it's kind of droops I like like a fit arm but then the shirt like it's a [ __ ] belly shirt right and you're hanging out sexy and everything but people are too stupid to be a simulation how you know that's just not the parameters of the simulation I feel like people are very simple which would mean that even more so simulation best shop can I get that guy without blinding machine up like a genius sack me [Music] first from a cot I suggested a song on Twitter it has become our demons from start set I did see that tweet it's that tweet I'm definitely looking for something like very specific that's got like a cool acoustic either chords or like a strumming or a picking and then some like nice vocals that are within my range so not everything is gonna you know you just want to throw as much [ __ ] at the wall as possible and see what sticks kind of thing so I can't guarantee that everyone who submitted a song it's gonna be learned people want a variety of things some people want money revenge for wrong done to them love compassion money kids fulfillment doesn't mean they can't be stupid though you said money twice I said money twice so people are pretty simple then some people want money money things that make them happy like money or revenge for money you need to make a Tim Twitter account abrade huts kids for money okay I know which one do you guys want you want that sexy-looking hallo that's been redone to actually look like a damn alo cuz I can see yo hey hey perhaps money no sure not just looking for money does Tim Kaunas kid-friendly you know actually had a bit in the video that I'm editing currently where I called out Tim for being too kid-friendly and I fan of snap them away and then when I got to the the point where I'd to edit in Tim going no and like I don't feel so good and then like fading away and possibly even dubbing in like the real scene that was like I don't have that much energy I just cut the whole [ __ ] bit cut the whole bit shamelessly ripped him I just cut Tim out of the whole thing like I don't want to deal with that right now sounded like a good bit I haven't even seen a damn Marvel movies I just know about them because I [ __ ] read it spoils everything things I want most in life to earn enough to live and get a few things I like do something I enjoy have enough time to hang out with friends not to ever have a panic attack again and to have my anxiety chill alright so what you mean is to earn enough to live money do something I enjoy probably gonna have to like fly their drive their money have enough time to hang out with friends enough money not to have to work too much not to ever have a panic attack again meds money humans are simple see done Wow you know you ever talk about anything other than money Jesus these spots still a thing it'll come back at some point something broke it got him dad God this money conversation is borderline depressing so life Tim dies an endgame son of a [ __ ] chats cruelty no no limit meds money I mean big pharma you guys think about them less CB vote in Bernie Sanders to take down Big Pharma some of that shit's just absolutely it's let's take this cancer med and make it 400,000 times the price because someone will pay well it's the insurance companies that pay well yeah you got to pay for insurance but we're not hurting anybody my dry mouth because I didn't get my meds [Music] that's my bad I'm gonna die right I did oh they [ __ ] me we couldn't we totally could have died right there a hundred percent that was a little bit of a panic attack money meds messieurs hair gets the more powerful he grows well let's hope that's not the case for what's his [ __ ] Boris Boris Johnson the Messier's hair gets I hear that he didn't did you guys watch that last week tonight thing where he intentionally messes up his hair to see him cute so that you don't want to rip into him for doing the wrong thing bro what something guys are like I I'm just here for the Isaac did just smile and nod my friends YouTube goodbye moon man Rick and Morty I posted a song not a good room for me Oh hit him I all I want is for kids to not get hurt by others or born with cancer but if they get it when they're one-year-old and you're like sorry sucks to suck nilly don't you love it how I take all the good things and they just my heart can't take that review the Hutt subreddit I did it's depressing a [ __ ] place of the bits by the way insulin one hundred one dollar and 25 cents to produce it 1200 retail that was so surprising to me Jan right she had a very serious allergic reaction to dairy pretty common have dairy around oh so you carry an EpiPen she's like oh [ __ ] no it's way too expensive doesn't your insurance cover it oh no how we just waiting for her to die waiting it out of the genetics pool or go somewhere away did I miss something blow bedrocks out Sam the co-worker I had who was allergic to bees I didn't know insulin has a shelf life either well actually no actually at the same point we will be able to sue it's a realistic thing to think if we can even if it takes a million years can you agree on that as long as we don't all die first that is I don't know you're referencing I'll put the thing on the screen sorry Donna Jake none of its all I want is a box of baked beans from Costco a box a box of cans does I get the box of the the black beans there and then when I'm meal prepping I'm just like poke yeah this was like five bucks even unless this beans on beans on beans on beans well I did expect hunter bits I was driving when you were having that conversation but I was gonna quote Daniel sloth too bad if I forgot what we were talking about oh well how's the stream been streams been good did you see the quote I posted on my Twitter I'm sure I'm on the second one from sloths and I'm very much so agreeing with a lot of things that he's saying be inception box of wet baked beans hear what the person who is deathly allergic to sunlight I've heard of people like that yes all right well this was a given vr laser balls good choice everyone well struck [Music] you mean real-life vampires you have until the Sun consumes earth to make it you guys think that the human race will go extinct by the time the Sun explodes you miss attentive rock yes no probably do you think anyone's gonna find us right like let's say that we go extinct another one of these small rooms that just breaks the whole polling thing what's the what's the thing to type into the the console to spawn a pedestal does anyone remember that will reproduce on to another planet then wreck that one like we did this one this planet will be worthless way before the Sun goes you think that like if we do die out that like another like alien species will find us and be like hmm let's study them or anything by that point in time like heat death and like we're so far away the universe is that like you know no one figures out how to bend time and space to travel that fast space travel within the next 75 years I doubt we'll live unless something can travel that quickly through space that's the thing though right because the space is expanding I think I've gone into my rant before about how the universe could be infinite but not really infinite and I don't know if anyone here gives a [ __ ] about a theory that I came up with that I actually ended up looking up online and it there's people who have said it before so I'm like less special but if someone cares I'll go I'll go into it something good times is Veda I want to hear it disco gbeary sure do it do it I care please do it's it's just it's like more of a science II thing though right it's not this like will we're getting philosophical tonight Donny papi so we just if we could yeah we just I could go through it now um if I had a piece of paper maybe okay here here is something that I I was thinking about and I came up with it the other obvious lie was one night where I just couldn't sleep and I was just thinking thinking thinking and maybe I had some sort of something else planted in my brain and I didn't really come up with it I don't [ __ ] know you guys blah blah blah [ __ ] anyways so let's just say that we tried to understand what the fourth dimension is and not time time is not a fourth dimension like a like an actual spatial fourth dimension because there's all this talk about like how you make a wormhole in a black hole that like rips like a fourth dimensional thing like Inception and all that stuff let's say that you have like a two dimensional world right let's say that we take our three-dimensional world down to two and we just simplify this into terms that we can actually understand considering we can in the fourth dimension we live in two dimensions I'm walking along and I'm like but but I can go over here I can go over here as far as I know it's infinite right there's no limits that this is just a you know placeholder but let's just imagine a plane here that goes on infinitely there's no limit to how far I can walk left right and you know up down now let's say that this thing is very very large but curved like this right let's imagine like this whole plane is a sphere I'm in two dimensions kind of like we're on earth right you're on earth and is if you didn't know science if you weren't able never able to travel up and look down at the earth you would never have known it was round probably but I mean people have thought about it whatever let's just say that we didn't know is round you you might think that everything is flat and as far as you know earth goes on forever right but you keep walking around along this two-dimensional earth all the sudden you get back to where you started from you're like wait what the [ __ ] hi I'm on a flat plane this should go infinitely how did I end up back where I started this assumes you'd be able to interact with the fourth dimension maybe we can then we just don't know it right because a two-dimensional being can't interact with a three-dimensional world yet when he walks around the sphere he's like wait what the how did I get back here anyways let's just say that we're in three dimensions and there's a fourth dimension that we have no [ __ ] clue about we can't see it we can't interact with it but let's say you fly far enough throughout space that you end up flying all the way back to where you started like the sphere like being a two-dimensional being not seeing the three dimensions yet you you somehow came back upon yourself infinite universe theory that that I feel like what if though if there is a fourth dimension and we don't understand it it could be the fact that if you fly long enough you end up right back where you started but you ended up travelling through the fourth dimension which we can't see or understand so anyways that was something I was thinking about let's get back to the game it does really take simplifying it down to that second dimension let's say that let's say that we were two dimensional beings right traveling around this three dimensional sphere unknowingly that hurt my tired brains the CDM my brain hurts my brain hurts is like you guys the way of saying like yeah I thought about understanding that and then I was like putz is crazy so ouble was just a crazy old turtle after all I don't know how do I get out of here help me which way spear and 2d world how that's the thing the two dimensional being can't see the sphere much like we can't see the fourth dimension but it's there right was worried you weren't going to show today now Here I am touting about Big Pharma and fourth dimensions he's a crazy liberal it's not that they can't see it if they were truly a two-dimensional being which were not right it doesn't really make sense to say that it's like us on the earth because we're a three-dimensional being can totally understand that three dimensions if it was truly when we simplified everything from one down to dimension we then became a let's say a circle right so we couldn't even understand a third dimension at that point I don't know how to [ __ ] get out of here help me where am I I've also heard of like uh yeah like a parallel galaxy you know universe thing where like there's a bunch of universes string theory and whatnot and like there's a bunch of universes that are like right next to each other that are all existing in one and sometimes one hits the other one and that's actually what creates the Big Bang Theory golden like nothing happens did you see that though I like sent a bomb and then I walked away in my tractor beams like oh hell nah this is even worse than having my reflection at least that's predictable hey pink book right honestly this might be the answer bud still then take damage there's no health to lose what's dead may never die membrane theory I think that yeah that sounds right I love watching all these like science shows where you're like I know they're just guessing but this is fun all those what-if moments like [ __ ] it I don't know maybe could be a little faster hit that speed our guesses are based on decades of math and observation so it's that's always cool yeah but most scientific guesses are wrong half been wrong and we'll be wrong up to date and moving into the future and that's that's okay it's cool though we wouldn't have you know opened up the path to learning it have had me not guests you can go to the black market now they patch that in case you don't believe me though I don't even think this is gonna work though with this because of the the oomph that I'm putting on these yeah that's how's it going oh it's going never bad see reap hey dark Judas who's that Pokemon awesome that's [ __ ] perfect you're small enough to run into the right wall you'll be able to get into the black market I think five mini mushes size downs will do it interesting Keira saya I think Tier one sub welcome thank you [Music] most to bomb throws or heavenly there's a bookworm [ __ ] this frickin item dude we've got exploding fly follow me around - how many hours into Isaac I don't know we've been live for a couple hours now the last time you got the black market and Isaac feels like crazy rare it is it's unbelievably rare like it didn't feel rare before because we just cheesed herself into it every time and then edge like what's that huts is having fun let's fix that I mean overall I don't know you guys ask me that every stream take the last number I gave you add how many streams if n times about five hours average per stream I'm me to do work for your answer what else do you play mostly like those small time hand tied puzzle games oh he meant publicly um [ __ ] just Isaac I don't do math me hey mine [Music] Pam Beck's is ccino ccino knows that I'm talking about puzzle hentai games so I'll get you right rip wallet and we're right love sassy huts yes that was sass Spyro scouts will count it let me get hentai stem on a [ __ ] it's funny joke but I love to f on a huniepop also spyro Scouts well this is bound to get exciting bow Scouts is the baƱo never played huniepop huniepop 2 when dad's ring is bae i remember what the ring does honestly girl [ __ ] yo take it then dad you guys got to vote for it ring of petrification well you guys are voting for it oh good great let's take it onion ring yeah what does it do ring turns you invisible but then you must sacrifice it at the end of the run increases drop rates thank freezes them when they touch this'll be a fun this will be a doozy you missed actually wasn't too bad red ice cream that make yeah it makes the laser ring bigger ladies bird Mike three months in a row huts iPods iPod site three hives for three months Lord of the Rings reference right over your head get the sacrifice it at the end of the yeah makes you invisible that I just don't feel like it yeah it did make him invisible but didn't it make him more visible to the only [ __ ] thing that actually mattered besides Aragorn he was a gambler okay just a lovely individual spoon bender for science yes I touched him Gazeta host hatter pyro no I'm just that good 69 cents you know what this is actually bad that the laser ring grows because it grows when it when the bomb touches them the laser range no longer kills them it's too big ladies see whereas before the laser rings sat on them and killed them it's good thing we have decent damage right now for moments like that I could have been bad [Music] I don't got a poppet I'm not gonna Oh gonna pop it robot arm with Spike bleh knife bloody nail hope the mom knife it's still late I hate these turrets so much and II D put them [ __ ] everywhere everywhere well you'd expect kind of forgot for a bit hat bit like the kind of twitch currency but do you still want to do that for souls thing we'll see we'll see I would like to would like to I just feel like it's been so long that it's is it worth it to do a video like that for 20 or less k views right give me a lot of work yes is let me to freak yes says one of the twenty thousand maybe unedited well unedited we're probably talking about like ten thousand views maybe also unedited though you're talking about not being able to see any the cards because what you'd expect would be the one who actually headed in all the cards that we're holding to the cards onto the screen that you can see you know like what's here grace did mainly just be down to your according stuff tears still pulls in a hundred thousand on his last four souls bid do you think it would do that well massive power when I can just shield up say something I'll playing Terraria I did yeah I'm actually thinking about bumping up terraria too real soon real soon Jena one of its we could play over tabletop simulator recording that would be much easier to I want to say something about this run but I don't want to curse it jinx it [Applause] happy little pepper I got the power on this with that Incubus him back to pretty sexy just bashed him in the face of the bomb ooh lust ease this run is the bomb you know check me out wake me up before you go-go [ __ ] fine fine I'll do it ah would you play a multiplayer single-player I'm thinking single-player you have to decide when you create the world right yet either hosted or just play it rip run you underestimate my power could you switch something to multiplayer posts post start don't do multiplayer because yes you can host then load a world in you can switch I think I'm a start single-player I think it makes more sense given the scope of the idea if this was Hutt's plays for shit's and gigs you know then whatever oh no for sure tape to take here and knock some health off with the delirium for all the bosses that matter best use for the tick Florida's got all the bosses on God it's genius I won't be able to see anything skirts to the blind so we're just taking these random item drops could be bad [Music] yah when would I use it you're off first golden chest maybe nut blowing fly should wait and I'm gonna charge stop with the green ones they blow oh wowzers oh [ __ ] dude I got a guy cocaine oh no no no no no no feet don't fail me now finish him faster oh [ __ ] dude there's no way I could survive this when he's like super well Jesus he just popped up in my face right there brah where is he one more charge nice thing we would have had it Oh Hall DJ's ass Oh No [Music] Oh [Music] but enough master of lost runs but this guy right here turfy Apple three months in a row I need to watch something to calm me down and I know you 100% help putz welcome back friend thank for that check that out that's his hacker confirmed that was impressive yay GG thought just [ __ ] I thought we were gonna die for sure but I honestly think that taking that book was the right move we just busted through his hell for me when we spammed the bomb Blazers without using dart Judas I forgot that I even had that didn't even need it
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 13,706
Rating: 4.936842 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: xWCavsdjSxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 34sec (4174 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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