Homing Shotgun - Hutts Streams Noita Ep23

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normal mode bumboat is then DD only without me all right now go now wait wowzers why don't you get the guy that's in front of your face [ __ ] normal Modi said normal mode would you stop punching me pheromone flask get peed on oh it's not working captain curtain my shot partner on his nice is my shot pug boom I said pas boom it's kind of like Timon and Pumba in one a bum bah hell yeah [Music] welcome to normal mode egg new tricky son of a [ __ ] how do I do that how do I get to it let me end snake a bomb in there well I thought that bomb when I thought it was the one that took off up up top yeah buddy try to stop me another bomb wants bombed mods can you undo leet a message can we not joke about that I missed some stuff and some things let's go egg do my bidding for me don't light everything on fire my friends a pyro ok let's not die we're 31 we can do this that's a big old scary big old stupid - I want the money but it's not worth to death there was a torch over there I'd light it fight fire I would make it go away alas I do not I wish I could grab the lanterns would that be a nice little touch if you could grab them off the wall and throw them or kick them maybe you can kick them I'm not sure I've never tried the probably just explode in my face and I'd die that guy just break open the whiskey flask and drink it all [ __ ] genius that's what I want her to do drank all my whiskey seed please one six six three nine two three seven seven five bottom left corner roguelite enemies are all drunk stand you know [Music] then refill the water on the other side this is not really a reason not to just have at ye make it so there's no more holes when you're walking back what the hell I just saw a body just Bank off the side hello sir sir are you okay sir oh oh I gotta know what's going on up there well it's gotta be some sort of hole up there to the the top dimension where also those bodies be coming from how long do you sleep I personally usually sleep between six to eight hours I'd say what we have here we got pheromone and toxic sludge uh not all up in the pheromone to be honest sometimes me like wait the pheromone you need to need that for the elixir the way you like although I don't have poly juice so I really don't have the ability to use these things just yet this place is pretty now with the pink I wish I could jump up there though and see what the hell was going on with those bodies the place is pretty now like the orb place is different um you meet I'm like them the mountain place or I take these things you can jump on them if you throw them correctly oh if I want to do that I'm gonna go all the way the left I understand that I'm low in health but I haven't died yet in this game ever so I'm feeling pretty lucky calling morph potion please the acid that ate through this place what is this oil that's a lot of oil down there quite a way to light it up I would that money go towstee flaming zombie runs through whoo boy scare me Oh wowsers my morphine doesn't work they made sheep flight have stamina limit so you can't get back out there anymore I'll do how do you get up to the place then you a kid fight me [ __ ] I'll pee on you yeah buddy IQ 14 bajillion my brain just exploded out of my cranial get out of here ah lava whiskey whoa what's going on here oh that scared me P never fails getting that golden shower teleport a diem recall yourself up I say V you for twenty nine months to your 2 Peggle better win I'm sorry I missed that it must have been activated when I was on in between phases and killer jae-hwa appreciate that shotgun guy comes out of nowhere why is he punching blood blood punch at 16 health I got a mercy on my soul no P P P P P best noida player alive he's the best around I can't believe I didn't find a single I did find I found the bomb one but that blows you're not just get like one single other damaging ones so too much to ask for it's up Katie this your first time my first time playing noida obviously not how could I be the best noida player in the entire universe and had this be my first time I'm impressive but I don't know if I'm the best press if mmm as a shop I think I'd like to go to that shop I do have more bombs we're gonna totally die though you guys we're getting greedy here and it's not oh my god oh my jeepers did you see that pile of little goons no way yeah now they want me to go get that money which is just sitting down and in the poison yeah right this is fine this is fine this is fine this is holy moly guys I don't think there's gonna be this hard to get to that shop that was just right there I should just bombed in wowzers I need to get this guy and range here still not the right way in lying in ambush dude that was an ambush and a half impressive I've never even seen that many little purple guys I don't know what I want to do with this I'm running really low in water actually still can't get in fireflies okay yeah yeah maybe I can't get to it can't do it sure what to do about that there are an extreme height yes this is correct what we got magic missile but you have pretty good things circle of fire projectile transmutation filled path of dark flame I don't even know a path of duct flame is but the the projectile transmutation field I can just fire something out turn in enemy in a a sheep or a duck looks like I'm here and then just take care of it that way it would be pretty easy when it paths of dark flames sounds cool but I don't know if that means like it's a path on my bullet and then I light on fire but their goal is to give you a heart attack that one just jumped into the fire he's like oh my god there is panic jumps into fire and I Bob dark flames though dark flames can't hurt you that sounds like the meme right dark flames can't hurt you dark flames what's the flame circle probably a makes a circle of flame around me that sounds painful sounds like I would use it once died immediately and then everyone be like well it was a flame of circle you dumb [ __ ] many of these bumbo tonight I I'm I don't know we had up we had a vote for three different games and people voted against Bumbo so like maybe if it gets really late but other than that refill your water oh yeah let me just buy some water yeah you're right you're right replenish your pee I prefer the term human water you're probably excited to see a little bit more bum ball Katy with some commentary on top but eat people how dare they I know so I don't trust people to make decisions for me yeah we were talking about how it's like super it's just like a super chill game and in this game is like high action I die a lot rage a lot I think that's what people just want to watch me for they want to see my pain I'm not sure if I should be happy or offended I'm not sure why this barrel is floating but it seems pretty magical to me that's what we call a eat children how many pulling vids on his channel I've got a lot of pulling vids I like your screamin says rad pepper number one things I saw a psychopath says for 500 like I'm talking like number one I like your screaming you're screaming soothes me when I try to sleep terraria stream is on Thursday or next Tuesday rather sorry that's a lot of fire what's going on in there what am I looking at meat brickwork there's a wand there is a wand in there and I want it i wand it 16 health still knock-knock-knocking no on heaven's door hey yeah knock knock knockin on heaven's door oh I just need this a little bit of fire here to go away so I can jump down and grab that thanks could you do that thanks appreciate it love you no no no negative mister eyeballed nonono that fire can stay as long as it burns up this acid cloud what is causing that everlasting fire to burn goodness that's another bomb wand oh great the exact literally exact same one that we have identical I don't know if I've ever come across the exact same wand journey's end is in a week what's journey's end this guy waiting an ambush in the acid I can't even get in there that's a flame demon down there I could lure him over here I could get him with some water okay I can't lure him over here heaven knows I've got enough bombs I just kill him with a bomb is it him that's him have fun with this sucker oh my gosh I've never killed so many fire demons before this is exciting we should really just go we should go we should go I gotta go Bob's TNT in my face oh wowzers nervous no no no I'm actually empty this because it's a blood mix I think right no never mind identical sort of play on the eyeball monster all right I've got some cash what do we got good fire a good castle a meta max yeah well yeah pasty too though isn't not good but it might be a good shotgun when I feel the shakes in here does that mean pretty much a worm I guess probably there could be somebody hucking tnt underneath me recharge time is not good spells cast too though fire trail with egg more of these little shotgun e guys na nan shuffle I had a a delay down that would be a solid choice laser what's the laser managering 70 vertical barrier oh no I don't think I want that always casts acid ball I will it's got potential seven capacity eight cast delay so if we got some chain saws on that thing it would be poppin vertical barrier I killed myself with that once why is it is it painful to walk into the vertical barrier acid can break everything you're right you're right you're right so let's take it then you could take this wand as Mike my firing ones but let's just take this and I'm thinking this this guy here too and I'm thinking let's see how this looks that's not bad how much damage is that eight damage is better than three damage so let's dunk this wand off as soon as we possibly can keep this as our our main damage dealer put it up front and always cast I think I want to take these off right it's a it's a free acid cast free acid cast and that just ate that water my goodness okay that's how we'll dig I guess if I had some sort of flame thing though it would be nice use the flame although yeah path of dark flame I do have a flame thing what does that work I'm not sure that's gonna light up the gas though huh I'm unsure I'm kind of nervous about taking it with me and then having to dump it off don't use it anymore are you anger the gods extra enemy knock-back slime blood boomerang spells I don't want that I don't want the acid ball to come back that would be a bad bad thing for me extra life more love more hatred I don't know what hatred love is do you guys understand that right the crystals to the sweetie wolf girl I'm gonna break your crystal dark flame is too spooky how much damage does it do 20 and I wonder if they like that they get stuck in that flame stuff if they just keep taking damage hatred makes enemies to fight each other love does the opposite I probably just take the life in it's not extra power its plus-one life mmm upon death he will respond with 100 health not not very strong if you ask me coal pits no eat I set that scene in Lord of the Rings where he knocks a thing off and it's sleep well somebody died but a dark flame somebody right in the face this game as good as people said it was that is completely up to your evaluation yes and no that's pretty good this whiff boomerang had potential but not with not the acid that would have been me right in the keister you missed really bad look at that though I just kind of kept like create a barrier oh good shot this guy's on fire he's hitting his friend why was he taking his anger out on his friend's dead body should a sit everywhere please I just I'm worried about hurting myself with the acid that's are you that was cool hey this thing lights things on fire I can just like that what that's good spitter bolts are fire this is a yes no yes no spells cast six it just lob six things at once I'll take it but I don't like it five hundred bits thanks for making my day better it says a little doppio thanks for joining the stream appreciate that let's test this theory again I don't know wait wait wait wait wait wait sir sir are you going why are you running this is the stupidest way to dig ever the acid though is not burning through the wood yeah oh yes it is never mind all right these guys fighting this is not a bad wand and I get up there I had some chat hope everyone's doing well absolutely I'm gonna pretty good night seriously though imagine if I had immunity to the toxic stuff can you get immunity to the gas though - this thing is just leaking gas look at it interesting um okay that does not like fires and it's not eating through this rock it's actually flammable gas not toxic gas can you get immunity to toxic to acid and does that also give you immunity to the gas gas doesn't hurt you gas doesn't Oh Oh the gas doesn't really is there such a thing as talk to gas uh yeah your Oh - just runs out you just kind of hold your breath in it I thought acid was supposed to eat through everything looks like maybe it is going very very slowly okay worth it for this second level want probably not but here we go doctor gas doesn't hurt you sometimes appears when toxic sludge is involved I mean it hurts you because you can suffocate alright that's like saying water can never hurt you but it can toxic gas is a burnt toxic sludge not acid gas okay my cup is looking ripe you guys the toxic the acid is this kind of like almost evaporating before it even hits the ground it looks like four years later it gets another bomb whines you know I don't need this ass in my life fajita on Erb it's my elementary school teacher used to tell me you can drown in a teaspoon of water you can drown an air if you don't breathe it I saw some on reddit today or not today I was like yesterday it said that air is just an ocean we can't swim in which is kind of sad if you think about like what if this was you know water and we had like what if we lived in the ocean right and we can only just walk in the bottom of it that'd be sad but here we are kind similar I'm 14 and this is deep our slosh what do you got burst of air oh thank goodness is a fart wand we're all saved everyone burst of an air poof whispers you hear that - it's like making a little noise that'sthat's the song in the back that's the song in the back take this air burst oh my god and he died you know actually they do make um like air guns for bugs like you can met you can like buy these guns that shoots this like super you know I don't even how to describe it I thought that felt like a worm to me you know I'm talking about you guys know what I'm talking about that's some focused air military makes air guns for humans - I wouldn't want to see one that could like roughly human apart that would be gross I don't forgot about this I didn't make it but for what eat that eat that naughty girl that's right it's more where that came from I'm thinking about just lobbing in some acid down here to get rid of this water kind of cool that acid eats water I guess shoot it under the water the air burst insect-type is weak against flying-type there's a wand over there I was gonna see if I can make a shortcut but this thing just takes it ever sure if it's worth it it's not really let's go around poof underwater toots it's like a jacuzzi tub get in there could have gone a little deeper then three she said that is super cool that was like waves of fire does I see fire inside the mountains and the sea fire burning the cheese and the sefer swallowing rocks is I see fire blood in the breeze let's go this is a dangerous area there's a spawner down there as well a rat thought he could sneak up on me well should we dig because my ad limits have been reached for about four days now is this normal what happening for anybody else is nebula for admits I'm digging it just block let's kind of hoping I could just give and get down to that little spot down there yeah it's kind of working I think you guys told me about the whole like oh no what is there a time limit oh we're dead oh we're super dead oh we're mega ultra dead no we're not no we're not we're fine we're fine we're fine refine refine refine friend no no no no no no nope nope nope no this is perfect let him let him come up into the bombs into the bombs oh come on come on oh mama mama oh mama just kill the tentacle ouch ooch annihilated the music picked up a mage appeared out of no out Shane I shot mage appeared out of nowhere I don't know what that was about I don't know who I pissed off must have been somebody important though it's guys shoot very fast and I'm taking it right to the face get some get some get some POW right in the kisser more Cthulhu monsters bring it baby bring it baby I got so much acid slaps a real for this bad boy bad boy can carry so much acid bro you guys even trying don't die never died I'm Lloyd I gonna dance again guilty feet have no rhythm never gonna dance again guilty feet dipped right in the acid was that hauling oats or something gray rock blue fungus I still trying to get to that one wand over there it's 40 years in I don't think we dealt with that mage speaking of that's that's not him that's a good metroid thing it's a fungus I don't want to mess with that guy but I really want that wand I bet it's good George Michael yeah you know you're right you're right I knew it when I heard it another one of these bad boys but this time I'm ready mage teleported away they always teleport back though no you can't have any hello sir my head is totally in this gasps but I feel fine hit though good hit though gust of air start getting baked on these shrooms that'll help oh good hits he's gonna try to go underneath he'll know I arranged just to beat his it's hers I don't know all these flasks are just broken there's that maid she's gonna sneak up behind me now oh my goodness I could have been bad I just want that one wand and then I want to leave oh jesus oh Jesus oh gosh oh no oh yes big old splode II yeah no no no no no no no no no no no no no nope I'm gonna go ahead and no pout of their big old and open that guy is he still coming for me oh [ __ ] oh no he's still coming for me I gotta I gotta leave I gotta go I just changed my name we done is he gone no [ __ ] maybe he's super easy in this level I don't know but when he gets when you fight this guy later on he is not easy oh my god that was incredibly easy okay false alarm false alarm that guy is like impossible later on but here that was simple surprise dark fire em do die fire I forgot I even had the dark fire excuse me mushrooms I need to get above that thing an acid down into it look at this oh my fungus that's gonna be fun I'm drowning in fungus well there's another guy but but boom I can't I can't get him not sure this guns gonna do any damage that guy Oh Dark Fire I can't tell what's acid what's not dude my vision is just I'm having a great time just how would our great time just don't touch anything burn up that pedestal I could maybe even grab the thing before that guy even slips out he might not be able to slip out at all but if I do run in there and he does slip out we in trouble um yes that would be worth having just to add to the wound I currently have sorry fart want oh yeah that guy did shoot at me I'm a little scared I've puckered my butt a little bit anyone else up here no one wanna mess I'm so high on shrooms you can't even stand me every single flash that's ever existed in this entire place is gone eat the blue shrooms - money shroom good time let's drop in and say hi what do you got yeah yeah Wow downward bolt bundle fire trail I don't know about that it's impossible to die from shroom overdose no unless you drown in shroom which I could have you not a fungus what should i what should I do is spread is negative one interesting amount I don't think I need this stuff is worth it for there was a chainsaw or a drill I would take it raw them spells replace first one third one is way better this one well this one's better this one's got the point o to cast delay though but this it's not even there's not enough room in it to ever even put on a chainsaw but one on it and that would be pretty spicy but this is that third one he just picked up yeah no that's better yeah yeah okay fine that's better let's get the hell out of here before we die I kind of wanted to touch this giant shroom pile though you're not real quick oh there's another wand I don't know if that's dangerous stuff beneath me right now or not touched it still alive [Music] now everyone's alerted come into my spicy zone that's right so I want to fight that robot up there it's like the one no no spark bolt and what is that oil you might be time to go I like how it knocks him out of these out of the sky it's a nice touch what I got mm-hmm teleport spell somebody's me be like oh my god do you have to take the teleport spell see the shrooms eat the shrooms be the shrooms this is like a hot spot of like was that for Juan's teleport spell seems like it could be nice if I was up on the surface right oh my god you had to take the teleport spell funny funny stuff screw teleports so I'm I'm thinking screw that oh well that's the guy I don't wanna fight serpentine serpentine serpentine serpentine serpentine captain he's gaining captain can you squeeze through this area I'm on a fly juice roof go go go go go go go we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done I'm leaving oh why is my portal it's covered in magma is that magma lava what the hell my portal eat eat mushrooms go up to cheese moon oh my god teleports tell you'll need it for later what would acid do a lava nah yeah we're fine I'll go arounds just acid it what's up at the rave effect shrooms bro we're Pathan you know this Cole just going straight down to be the way to go alright drowning this coal that big old dumb dumb video this run should be called LSD simulator time to watch the same person who helped me get good at gunjan get good at some Noida excellent love this game dissolve him in omega No ah sir negative who falls down into the acid pit okay I'm trying to make a mage smoothie you you flew down there yeah idiots dark fire you're right I should be dark firing really man this is pretty good though this is really good don't get me wrong here trust looking I knew any dead mages down here he almost overdid it there by almost I mean we overdid it a little bit a lot of it we super overdid it Wow my goodness okay skur bowls problem-solve atop scribbles I kind of want to see what's down there Narciso tunnel through holy mountain true always casts fire ball thrower Oh spicy that could be real spicy oh my god says reina de leur Luke Luke arc super laser wands horizontal barrier sorry I've had what was the stats in that want that is energy sphere which is the the diggie one or the non diggie one ooh chainsaws I don't mind the bubble spark the bubble spark is hot what's the manager ain't looking on this thing the same as this I'm thinking we get bubble spark and a chainsaw on this on our start wand Orbis Diggy sphere is not good definitely this 100% but let's here I'm gonna take the spells out of this one since I'm probably not gonna use it right yeah please let me have them sir by this replace that take the chainsaws off fire trail not doing for me okay stats on this thing spells cast for capacity five would I want a spell cast a multiple spell cast to get more spells out oh it's just garbage given the fact that it's a three point one five second recharge time get rid of it I would like bubble spark Bubba Gump spark shrimp look at the capacity on that thing though can't afford it anymore always cast fire ball thrower one shots everything can't afford it bra explode til they die only 14 uses though on the fire ball thrower what even 14 uses now we get homing shots and we're in somebody with the beard has no beard with a beard I miss that conversation oh no now you're gonna die site down off too could be doable on this guy - it's probably just better on this better oh we got a hundred form in a recharge speed better better better better better better better better swing better what if we dark flame this sucker not this good still good on its own though and I don't think we really have anything else what if I did this oh that was my face is it because I'm changed oh my god I chain saw the thing I chainsawed it immediately popped it on myself a self pop desk pop well rip that idea thought we were onto something [Music] all right we'll go with the shotgun we'll go with the shotgun of doom what kind of things we're looking for a homing less oh my god [Music] okay gettin jiggy with it Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana now gettin jiggy with it but Nana Nana Nana Nana Nana and now gettin jiggy with it I wish I had fire immunity still ask for more things Hutt's luck excuse me nice pardon me Oh spark negative 0.15 Castille a burro this thing's almost better now one second recharge time right now well it's almost better that's like really good oh man Mama's heating up must keep knock it off not close enough to home ah oh oh my god that came so close Majid's Zab bless the rains down in Africa jumps up on that platform it's the circle holds up Simba mulched to a paste only nothing to kill me is walking down into a danger zone I can't see Simba meatshield Simba soup how the heck does negative 0.13 cast alight work everything just goes immediately I'm not sure why this one is not doing that Oh spells cast six capacity six so it doesn't really matter what the cast delay is it doesn't doesn't affect it step this I'll walk it out walk it out and I'll walk it out and I'll walk it out shotgun madness this is just like it's a well known combo it's a well known very solid combo with a bubble spark and the homing and the fast fire it's it's it's it's a thing no sir please no oh my [ __ ] god its psyche Oh getting stuck on half a piece of snow or a bug in mice [ __ ] dude prove it right sneak attack oh that's a nice boy I get are shocky dude one shot from him one shot from him and we're toast let's go in let's proceed it's a health up and there I need to funnel in boys he died so it's bone dust what is that well giant fire bolts I kind of want to save this for the sparks I'm gonna say that for the bubble spark I'm thinking that maybe we don't go with dark flame anymore let's snipe hype acid got him oh you probably right the acid every spark triggers the next one so it's one spell if I ever I replace this with a spark trigger I wonder if it's gonna do even more dark flame is obsolete also curious how the dark line reacts down to homing fire anybody here hello welcome to the blender brawl get blended on this shoots even when it saw empty on Nana just tippity tip top-notch it's at my Polyjuice potion fire flask toxic sludge flask it looks or I should probably just get rid of this thing go just get out of here get lost would ya what an unbroken flask yes seriously what happened there yes mmm always cast gunpowder trail with a giant explosion on slimy enemies it would have been really cool have you been able to buy the fire bolt thrower spell but I'm not I'm not exactly feeling this one I'm not exactly feeling this one either so I'm sure many use any of these we kind of need more money all right light on fire oh that was spicy I didn't mean to throw that no I switch weapons man a bit dude gifted a sub this is business chunks of bodies falling around to Kenny thank you for that appreciate it's all done yeet gifts the sub doesn't even have a sub ultimate generosity I lead others to a treasure I cannot obtain however it goes you know the same my grandson says it all the time Oh what the hell who shot me on the top of my head that's right oh my goodness gracious I think you did this oil squirting out of that thing bubble spark sir yes it's my it's my chainsaw I think that's digging what the hell is this a worm or did someone pick up a black hole ones black hole one won't come wash away the rain black hole one you brought this pain on yourself sir lightning bolts eight cast nine capacity I think that would just murder myself wow that's strong one want to get caught up in that I don't know if I want to even take that that sounds way too risky right zap do that again now I'm gonna hit myself I don't trust it do it again I missed it just looked like a big sappy thing okay there's a lot of zips fuse apps in there worm oh my god worm was like I'm alive dead how did I not anger aah oh my god mama the mama worm that was my child zap it boom I did nothing would you come back Punk spicy Oh Nelly why was this is that his health bar above his head now I did he did oh yeah drink up baby worm below that's the most worm blood I've ever seen in my entire life how deep does this go not very that worm bud fill all the flasks you think that worm blood is the most important thing I need a little bit of water and that liquid fire though or teleport adium chainsaw the body for giggles oh it's worms flare I killed it it's it's kid then it was just like oh I almost got me it was real close touch-and-go for a while black hole Sun won't you come chainsaw this worms body oh my god more worm blood the rat was like oh hell yeah jumps in blood and guts my favorite die-off more chunks of rad falling from Sky one pine a ham Tier one for 23 months welcome back squat two months in a row all 41 toils like what that I don't have to say here but as a good char cutting last night no.10 would do again I don't know what's going on currently but I do know that I am here at least for now and that something something chat bad I couldn't said it better myself thanks the sub squad that's me we're still pretty low on money take that money more worm trail second worm Oh No get in oh he actually killed me but he's gonna [ __ ] everything up now that I left he's like right above me fight me come get me I dare you you won't pass e2 still it's got a better cassoulet though oh mama that could be good that could be really good this one could be good to bad recharge right though it's gonna anger the gods and then the gods are gonna exact her revenge directly on top of my peen peen revenge I'll be working with spells over here and something's gonna happen just on top of my frickin head I don't need don't need it don't eat it don't want it no no negative make that worm into sushi I had to go I mean he still killed me I should have stayed and fought it off but okay we were not thinking about doing the trigger Yassine on that burned it up way too quickly this this good okay if I went over here right this is a garbage wand if I bought this one instead place that here I'd like to know what that looks like we were to go ahead and put this on this it's dead oh my god that's bad that was just terrible it's so awful my keep a couple of those and then we'll just probably dump off these bottom ones don't anything else it's still wrong the same thing bombs materialized strong levitation and oil blood strong levitation I don't really see use coming out of anything else trigger bolt with cloud trigger bolt with cloud of what strong levitation I don't even know what it means but I want to say thanks for your stream I'm off to sleep CSLB ton I don't know it means I wish I had 400 sake just reroll it but and fly 100 percent longer oh that sounds really nice actually I'm still waiting for this worm to just eat right through I hate the AC base so much it's actually the worst though takes long to kill anything oh hi vampirism would not be bad right now given the fact that I have a chainsaw I can cut off bodies but spider on my wall disappeared have no idea where it went nice relaxing are you shooting that sniper needs to die chainsaw and bodies good Campbell's chainsaw body soup is that guy what that one would that come from like oh that guy look like you're trying to shotgun me through that explosive barrel not the smartest thing I've ever seen not the dumbest to be honest did I just swim down on all on a waterfall of blood that's some style points right there Oh No downsides I'm homing yeah not being able to pick where you want to Oman those are explosive go go go go go go oh thank god for the hunter person flying Wow that tube filled up with death yikes I was in the bottom of the pile of bodies not sure how I was supposed to handle that situation there was another one there that's good to know you didn't see it so I thought when one went off they all went off KaBlam communitive fire I'm telling you it would have been so strong to get money surfing on the blood of your enemies that's metalist [ __ ] I'm gonna get out of there okay feeling the shakes I don't know if that's a worm I'm not sure I'm strong about the phyto worm at the moment nothing comes through and hits me once I think I'm dead the shoot long enough eventually their father they'll find their way in super tricky looking though their homing on something would you stop going up into the [ __ ] toxic stuff what he got yeah yeah yes yes yes yes no large splitter bolt with timer it's not the best thing I've seen they could how long this peen is that one instead of this bubble spark could be fun bye think bubble spark with the homing probably the best combo now with the green gun shoot heal projectiles yep 10 if it's buzzards yeah yeah yeah oh yeah let's let's do that without killing Wow such timing these guys up here they're like what the hell man they're swimming in toxic sludge like he's down here just like shoving his heal gun up my butt oh yeah ooh wait are you done come on oh I'm falling alpha thanks bud appreciate it and go so much longer now oops sorry bud didn't try to target you there didn't really not try to target you at the same time but yeah so putz I'll just having one of the best runs in my life waiting for it to end poorly the yoozh that's not good but now he's dead yeah I got that much thanks for clarifying that it's such a good gun it does everything does it all baby remember never play Mar fall in water with the held and I just oh stop it didn't see that acid scared me have fun with that mm-hmm the gold just plops over 7:53 I guess the money's not bad I feel like we haven't been collecting very much but no that rocket launcher just jump I'm sorry did you just leap you have tank wheels sir you have the wheels of a tank fight me you're on fire sir hurry up Griff medic auto medic is it always cast homing know I have homing perk this is the way to go through the hissy bass oh hi that was awesome that was awesome blood vol okay it's coming towards me though but want that gold I'm going for it so much fire in here I just want the gold sassy fire inside the mountains leaves before a death happens I'm almost full health though tiny little shitty hole haha that was event music I don't know what that means saying something's happening little did Hut's know here's about to get doomed on hmm I don't think anything really looks that good give acid for the metal that's right ooh mama acid with homing though is a little risky could just come right back in my face finish them off there we go I tried to get up there but that guy died didn't work another flask bites the dust and another one's gone or another one's gone another one bites dust [Music] I don't know where this is oh that's everything oh gosh oh no they were bombs is he shop that's fire that's fire here's that there's a one in the in the lava but there's one of those per hissy base and I want to have it I want it well that's not gonna work where's that what is this glass does the acid not eat through glass no because you could put acid in a glass container mister my ninja what's up and break glass though that's so much flight you guys the strong levitations pretty good I don't know what that was okay yes no yes yes I thought it was gonna be like maybe like a automatic good weapon since it's like a guaranteed spawn but new gave a shot I did not see that missile and now I'm leaving now my head hurts so I must go invisibly [Music] blink we got circle of thunder toxic mists personal gravity field quadruple spell quadruple could be good maybe in the future maybe now I don't think so though not with what's going on a lot of potential um toxic mist plus homing is nice interesting nicer than this J thanks so much the prime sub welcome repelling Cape extra life greed another extra life it could be good maybe I'll reroll not better than that currently but could be quadruple chainsaw some projectile [Music] that could reroll though life is awesome fire immunity I'll take the damn life not much to do here besides get camped on by this piece of [ __ ] you think you're doing spawn kami then she want to try the splitter shot on main wand yeah this is I think this is just gonna take the cake though we could have tried it but splitter one maybe having more range which this does suffer from but the slow movement speed I think makes it more susceptible to homing that is kill it Oh kill it dead burn with fire we're doing like one damage to everything now or sprinkling on them [ __ ] ready for a light rain it's still the most dominating one I think I've ever had in my entire life but you know one damage of projectiles [Music] I know what that is but it just died we're actually collecting money on this one this is nice change of pace last spot oh hi sir it's nothing over there someone could have it could be wielding it oh hi another one of these stupid spider things and even mage kill yes shoot upwards get the gold to fall down on ya Oh showered oh I think those things are just armor or something worm that's like worm to me where you at worm that's why the explosions from this guy maybe excuse me log excuse me I'm stuck sir it's been a mistake I gotta go I'm not it's fine juice going down oh good escape bro you some sort of escape wizard oh my pile of golden body mind-body-soul and gold that's a lot of dough I got poisoned a little bit we're good we're good we're good we're good Death Worm or no we can't hear me yelling form oh my god the amount of things over there just a sheer amount of stuff that has an aggressive amount of stuff brah you see these dodges this is this has been empty by the way on mana for some time now and stuck all over the place what am I stuck on all the time ah sir scam you like that don't do me like that baby baby baby don't don't don't don't when he's hot find branch scared behind me [Applause] yeah well maybe you might have potential they never find that worm but no gods have been angered yet so I'm not really complaining I'll get dessert into yah hi sir this one is underwhelming set chat about using its brain what do you got I'm capacity OSU digging bolts I'll take it just for that I'll take it for that I don't know if I really feel like this thing is that promising so I'm just going to replace that pick up like two K gold in three minutes it's not a bad run nothing in that egg unfertilized bone dusts hi guys wielding the wands what is it come here wand secrets it's raining gold hallelujah yes no yes no yes oh we got tentacles reduce recharge time probably take it for that quadruple poison arc gigadeath cross triple kitten bolts I kind of want to use this guy as my main wand I might get rid of the always acid you don't need acid any Morse's be cat I don't think I need the acid anymore but I bet you there's a point in the future in which case the acid could be held focusing isn't there more metal more metal stuff did he death cross that's [ __ ] metal lost what's this game about it's about winning until you just absolutely get crushed your death cross sounds like a world ending spell it like shoots out this like green thing in a cross if you're if you hit by it not good news friendly fire on editing wands everywhere coulda saved lives that's I'm talking aboot severe lack of health on grades but I can go all the way back up then I would have gone back up and gotten me some health upgrades in that dark cavern touching that gold midair bro that's a funky looking ones oh my goodness explosions oh hi hi hi hi hi hi hello so we take Oh take on the corner and quote dragon I got poisoned though fine if I had health I would think about it do it I don't think I get anything special by doing it this one is the shuffle though the shuffle is what's really gonna get me here on making this these wands kind of not very good pole for us as Jamaicans you get health to sweetie wolf girl you get health by going in to kill the dragon love your vids but not that big of a fan of streams just want to Vice game Hades it's roguelite I've have heard of Hades just haven't checked it out wash the poison I don't think you can wash the stuff off right 34 health I think I need to need to run yes max health and if I kill it I get max health is that what you're saying sweet sweeter wolf girl because we're not talking about whether I could get health after the battle if I fight it at 34 health I will lose yes okay then no then it's a strong no for me only a health up what was this again 197 is good though 197 mana recharge it's just not good enough I believe take what I got and go save and quit [Music] electric torch large splitter bolts disk projectile gravity and heavy shot see you dance hope you feel better hope you feel better no disc [Music] let's think about what we really want here you don't need the lightning bolts we do need where was it where was it where was it we took the look this one just for the wand we took this for the digging bolts garbage garbage garbage damage plus sounds nice save it for later knock back knock back could be cool but slow their path projectile speed plus kind of wish I could fit that on this but I can't reduce recharge time is a must mana drain though is gonna bite me in the keister I wanted to use this one down here garbage bouncy balls though put balance e balls on it I with homing this is better I have to say that's more projectiles this is five damage this is three damage to its bouncy balls are not strong late-game I don't feel like [Music] I should have saved more of these bubbles barks but let's just try just the triggers chainsaw chainsaw reduce recharge time digging bolts spending too much time trying to chainsaw be rich tier 2 sub 43 months in a row month 43 welcome back my friend hell yeah feels good sound of something like I don't know why that's going so slow as a garbage anything try it with one two three that's got a cast delay of 0.4 three though it's not gonna be good none of this is that good shuffle No so what we could do if I remember half of what people tried to teach me would be to put it like that maybe that's the sexiest hottest garbage I've ever seen concentrated light removes cast delay I don't okay okay okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry where are you at I am bone dust me bro fight me right here right now I'll run away the big plus plus come on he's like I'm driving my own bone powder not the boned us guy ah no my perks wait well I got more lovin loss at my health sweet I got way too focused on the god guy could attack could add more health instead I took third health good boy he's alive he's still alive he's alive he's still alive is he doing why is he taking so long I think he's dead he didn't perks back out see I didn't know that I see five damage popping up but I'm not seeing all the bone dust so funny not saying who the owner of the damage is dad look at that there's multiplying it's a chest down there only I had acid all different gold generator you managed to lead the holy mountain without breaking the ceiling you can go back there and be able to still edit ones there my god that thing heated this [ __ ] right out of there use Paulie or teleport for that screw the gods man I am the guy I don't want to go that way splish-splash I'm taking it back buh-buh-buh nothing like a nice blood bath it's good for the skin here's a test not bad about 10 times faster as I have ever killed that guy that's a demon that's dead and then I'm gonna come in the lobby I'm in the second love I'm stuck in the love I'm stuck in the lobby I'm stuck in the wall I'm stuck in the low fine for health this is how I normally live [ __ ] this game dude seriously that guy shot me so like when you get hit you you fall you can't like do anything so just like man yeah I'm just gonna just have a bath in this lava for HP that's more than enough I've done it on less it's never stopped shooting amber teleport ATM visibly um and visibly could have some good luck this could work this [ __ ] I don't know if he can see me or not second I run into some sort of liquid I'm dead I don't think I can I don't think I can I don't think I can I don't think I will warm blood drinking some warm blood could help ya why don't we do that though without being an idiot rush through it no that's blood that's blood that's back toe hits the blood oh look at that about a quarters worth of blood flying through the air kill it [ __ ] dude should have regained your flight juice whatever shoulda coulda woulda's all this game ever [ __ ] boils down to so
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 14,226
Rating: 4.9215684 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, noita, roguelike, roguelite, rogue-like, rogue-lite, pixel graphics, physics, indie, adventure, action, 2d, rpg, difficult, magic, simulation, spell, secret, gameplay, footage, walkthrough
Id: wCHmTVCY0to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 48sec (6528 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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