Robot Run - Polling of Gungeon

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we're going to be doing some polling of gunjan today oh you know what I should probably bring up the poll that like might be important maybe I don't know potentially we'll see if I click this button and I think I have to click this button after that where is that button that button the YouTube site dude why did you even bring me here if you weren't ready why would you do that why would you do such a thing wasting my time does it work it works all right you guys let's do this no my sub says J Reich [Music] 20 100 bits bits total baby hi dad what's up walrus thank you so much the 2100 that's awesome and both of you 13 months in a row if you're happy and you know it clap your butt cheeks did you hear it gets on table starts working pouting EMU two months in a row welcome back and for herp derp 20 months dad when can we start to fight me pulling of gun gin uh you guys can fight me right now if you want to it's up to you did breath it's up to you Bret's whatever happens happens you know you guys vote on a night how to do it the rules are down gem Darrow damn game beer damn damn damn damn I'd be a cruel name to name a dam in the South damn damn what Dam dam dam where damn what dam Dale yo delicious why would I fight my dad her superior artery is superior River superiority and first is there ticks you know it's like you got to think about the important things in life lazy eyes sour on 15 months in a row welcome back miss teens is like a nice number I like that yeah I can read chat and play at the same time how was your week off 22 months my week off you know was uh for therapist you know it's good fine and stuff I think kiyo ten months in a row ten months when are you gonna ship the shirts and are you still together with Chantal I don't need you don't need to answer if you don't want to buddy would you just would you just come up Jesus Christ goodness mate yeah you guys is an announcement I'd like to announce something to everybody froggy girl just donate 145 bits and I thought you all should know trying to get subbed with say in $4.99 instead of the one dollar this sub gifting is not a dollar renewing your gifted sub if you've been gifted a sub then you can go ahead and renew that gifted sub for one dollar so you're not gifting sells for a dollar does that make sense demon vape six months in RL Lenny flappy fruit gifted a sub to you vol 2 Mons alright you guys real though I am back together with shantel currently some [ __ ] happened before some [ __ ] the fan we're able to work through that we've been going just fine for over a month just thought I would let everybody know so that you all know where you're at but where I met right that's all I what I mean to do also Lenny's and also my emotes are broken again after I fixed it why is that baby Barra just subbed twitch Prime what's up I say AI doze 12 months whoo happy birthday to me when you plan sending out the butt baby shirts I will be sending out the but I'm sending them out currently I've sent out about like 50 of them so far and I think I've got about 200 more to go something like that so be patient it takes me about three hours to send out 50 or more explosive tools 20 months what's up happy to hear that ow it's good to have you back too and cream kong and prime so what's up this is news to me yeah I've been and I haven't said that to anybody I haven't said that to anybody yet so now you guys know I don't know what's gonna happen I don't know you know like I can't predict the future so I just thought I'd let you guys know if she pops in what's up little man little man's happy to have his mom back though aren't you yeah yeah he snuggles with me he has like respect for me but he doesn't play with me that much moms the moms the player don't hate the game hate the player just marry Lenny is a bad that I guess that about about that already huts nope not at all I think anybody that knows me probably knows cause I got my two months of subbing and it didn't show it helps cry rip cranny a cloak they hit the share button give me give me play the game again buddy what do you think there's a chest wait they're waiting for us let me go get that what do you think buddy [Music] who did some stuff you've all $1 hello HUDs back from the Army finally said they don't have much time to stay and watch but I thought I should jump in to say hi to my favorite streamer thank you you've all appreciate the dollar and baubles good that's question my dog barks while sleeping in his mom's name and his name's Orion it's not a question but I thought I'd share awesome video that and put it on our /oo you get some karma for that or our pet is the cat waterproof we're all waterproof Urmi dark ninja 22 months ago welcome back and Deeja Bettis 13 months how do you deal with your cat allergy I love to adopted cap but I don't know if I can handle it my cat allergy is not that severe obviously otherwise we'd have some problems to your chest blue 3 all right who's ready to pole you can I feel like I get more and more used to it the more I'm around them 31 months for sarin what's upstairs Oh Paul as well all right number one the the pitchfork number two turkey number three loot bag number four bouncy bullets oh my god that's gonna be a tough choice you guys it's like some good stuff get the hair out of here I do suffer from the allergies though I sneeze and my nose is constantly hit she and the hair gets all up in me and my eye started to burn you just gotta want it I guess I said no to buying a cat Vincenzo said I'm buying a cat so we compromised and bought a cat Rin 17 months welcome back Reina rhino I did resub it did the Auto renew when he wasn't streaming well you should still be able to share it though cranny ACK it's up to you when you share it it's up to whenever a tree news when it reduce no I mean no I mean unless you got on when I was offline and click the share button alright should we put the poll on the screen I think we should do that refresh that number for you guys want bouncy bullets really you know what the loot bag you know I'm gonna have fun or be happy ok twirl off ten months in a row watch me get the other payday items now I'm telling you telling you twirl of ten and silver Knight Requiem sub for one welcome back breath alright let's do this what is it like talking why are why is the music talking that's up it's a mozzie song I like mozzie let's do this will you play this new spider-man game not on any kind of place where you'd be able to see it no one gives a [ __ ] about me playing spider-man everybody else is playing that I don't think anybody gives a [ __ ] about me playing that all right let's do bouncy bullets besides you of course you are someone finally it worked if we take advantage of our bouncy bullets to just bounce them off the wall they like the heat caecus entually when you bounce them it's like it's really hard to miss after our violence sometimes you'll notice that the bounce is not even incorrect dude I remember back in the day when techno music electronic music was like incredibly nerdy and I was like I still like it people like you're [ __ ] weird and now we're like totally take all the time granny ACK look there it is tier 2 sub I got to work I was using mobile so it didn't let me I'm glad you got to work dude cool apps hey I was finally able to get my hands on some bits so I could share some love with you oh nice thank you for that so I was balancing bollocks to just bouncy bullets or is there any kind of like DPS hidden in there can't possibly love and argue with that do I get a second but baby shirt um I cannot afford to send people to shirts I can't afford to send people one shirt which is why I'm discontinuing that in nine months whoa [Music] did you guys hear that screw that spiderman game did you buy the cool game like Dark Souls haha I think if you actually be interested in watching me play Dark Souls though because there's the whole aspect of me being a complete novice and I wanna beat dark souls officially I'm not gonna build it on my own I can play spider-man on my own and enjoy it I can't play Dark Souls on my own and enjoy it doesn't happen doesn't work like that for me I played our souls alone and I wanted I don't even know take sandpaper to my face get shocked upon sir he's like I have the shock ease here's here's a key rule 34 dip or is it Rutherford IP 100 fits hey been watching on YouTube for ages but this is my first Twitter email welcome welcome to the twitch life I hope it feels good Matros Murdoch that sexy tier to sub for eight months in a row welcome back alright let's spawn these in you guys this is cat hair everywhere just cat hair all over in my life it's not okay spawn chest round 3 let's reset the poll number 1 the Holy Grail get it's full of holes I don't remember what it does number 2 money number 3 is also money then number 4 probably also money can I spawn in three more how does that has a kind oh can I spawn in three more maybe someone help why I can't help you huts I'm great at it spawn three more I don't know I like what do I do with that just brown chest sometimes just blow no this is Deb's - yes says don't forget your items we'll see if it spits out more money than I don't think we should keep going shut the thing over there alright there we go and finish gun blunder butts and Phoenix number one Holy Grail - unfinished gun three blunderbuss and for Phoenix go now go pull you guys don't know how to enter the pole just look at everybody else in the chat most people have it down right also welcome how does Hut's send the but baby t-shirts I go on and individually order every single one of them and they come directly out of my bank account that gets this repr two months in a row welcome back double but Phoenix sounds cool it's uh it's not a very good weapon but it can become good with synergies number one you guys want the Holy Grail still with the vessel so no guns then just do I had that clear remember when people are like yeah once always a gun and ones always an item haha oh oh psych I got two items what now you guys I'd love to fight the boss at my starting weapon oh yeah could I please I please do that Stacey spies hello what does it do though spider-man was great i Platinum it in three days enjoyed the three months I'm not saying it wasn't great and I'd like to play it just I don't think anyone I don't think it'd be a smart move career-wise to stream it are we done with the buff baby shirts are we continuing at 9 months 9 months from now squat is when I when the cutoff date happens when I stopped setting bought baby shirts right so if somebody subs Tier one for the first month to day they will not get a t-shirt in nine months but the person who did it last was it fricking August they will still get a t-shirt in nine months Mexican penguin four months are all hard to believe it's been four months for me already here's to many more welcome back Mexican penguin 9s correct that you are absolutely right about that because it's not technically it's like eight and a half nine and a half okay I'm 16 months what's up this is not enjoyable [Music] that's called skill looks watery it's called IQ of four billion sad story are we weepy when I step in that that water sir how do we know if either one of them the shades or smile laces sir I don't think we do chop wood so with the shirts do we give Hut's our address yeah when you fill out the form you put on the information otherwise I can't send it to you pretty standard stuff and we got mega Han which is [Music] really good actually lobbying a freak nine months and on this day another but baby was born hi huts top Lavina appreciate the nine months of support welcome back spacey seventeen months oh no other Hut I'd rather spend seventeen months of my but that was silly so a squat the reason that we're doing it the way that we're doing it right now with like still doing the but baby stuff nine months from now is the fact that when people signed up eight months ago or one month ago under the impression that they'd be getting a t-shirt I'm not gonna take that away from them that'd be cruel right like someone's on there eight months like like loving a freak and I'm like I'm sorry you don't get any more that would be mean all right do we know the keys do you think that the secret is in here too I thought it was gonna be in there let's buy ourselves some keys delicious keys to be a good spot for the secret room as well maybe not okay then right ah what I would say good thing we bought two keys spawn chest green Oh great option numero uno alien engine number dos the shell a gun I think is called number trace all that is science cannon and number cuatro the rattler not really in the right order but in whatever do only as I said them I thought you said it was the first of September through the cutoff I thought we did that last month clock remember it was like the rest of October or not October sorry lot rest of August starting September 1st was the cutoff right September 1st and on was the you will make the poster in nine months does that make sense someone who stopped last month will still get the t-shirt someone who subs this month and keeps her sub streak for the first time will get the poster name on a poster he said starting today Wow Wow don't do as I say do as I do wait it's a bread of doom nine months what is up but baby welcome back you guys can someone like the next time someone order something from Amazon it sends it to me can you put one of those little like air horns swing over and blow it when it's someone's birthday but baby guess what number one alien engine joke's on you this is my favorite weapon oh I didn't I didn't show it that's the one right there number one with the highest votes knock he was 21 months just gonna drop this here and keep lurking it's up innocuous Tim oh 14 months a year and two months of sub money for Papa hot Slav huts love keep up the good work and maybe take more breaks my man gotta go to bed at school tomorrow night Brett dude it's pouring rain outside you guys want to see it I could show it to you quick check this out check this out abominable all about $5 hey Dad can you try to inspire me my girlfriend just broke up with me the other day I have the big sad well we can go look sadly out at the rain together does that help if I join in barrel roll you stay there's barrel rolls you guys what were you doing barrel rolls for do you guys want to get sick you guys are nuts vomit it was raining upside down at that point rained up your nose all right should we just get the hell out of here did you drop the robot squad pressed a so we had to do a barrel roll still need to draw that desk out for you huts and then work on building it we should talk about that on disk or table later for sure oh the dice rolled a zero are an at one and died nat twenty becomes super dices hey miss our bones what mic stand do you use and what mic stand would you recommend that's reasonably priced this is the road boom arm stand three hundred and uh everyone uses it just get one everyone everyone's doing it bones hi I've yet to see someone that doesn't use this mic stand boom arm ro de you'll see it actually I think I used to have a list of all my equipment no I don't oh well maybe there's a command for that good golly gosh I love trap ropes love them love them love them love them love them love them love them just like my super friend what nightstand do you use the mega ultra super flex nightstand 500 by grq nightstand specifically designed for streamers I'm gonna put one of those uh what are those what are those chargers called that you can just like set it on like those little like you don't need a wire I want to put it hidden one of those in my nightstand I'd be sick so you just put your phone down only problem is then you can't serve like Reddit or YouTube or like watch something in bed you know while it's charging if this like physically set it down on your desk cause you could have a wire as well it's not I'm gonna throw away my wire at this point wireless charger yeah isn't some fuller sounding than that though like IR Wireless capable something like that I'm a wireless charger up my desk and the cord by my bed and he ever ridden a skateboard or a longboard also you're my favorite streamer no yeah I have I have back in the day um but not for a long time blender but again I don't I don't want that should I just give myself the Shelton key guys that we can open up all the happiness what's the point of doing a polling of gungeon if I can't pull you guys because I can't afford to it's called the dock the thing that you fish on who are you why are you here know anybody do they don't hack it did sucks to suck Braille you know about a phone game called soul night yeah I've been told but soul night from like 7,000 people yes yes do it yes hacks says Averett no can't average I'll sit out in the hack if I do it so I won't do it everyone's in or no one's in you guys got to convince Asgard what hacks are good nope you gotta say it's not hacks you guys say it's only fun and love but love but but you know you're halfway there alright alien engine nothing but I don't mind the Sheldon key I just it's kind of a lame thing if I like can't spawn a chest because I don't have keys I can go buy a key right now but that's just one key it's just like like my backyard is literally flooding if I got washed away would you guys still watch alright give shell it's in shallow tongue shell that tongue I got more curse than that you know probably rightfully so curse me dad number one sable tech money I think number two could you sponge for overtime the avid ethylene flare-gun number three a sawed-off shotgun Hot Diggity damn I wish I had the Phoenix right now you guys phase we should've listened to you I wish I had that Phoenix gun because then number two would have made it the most powerful weapon in the entire world don't vote for it now it's garbage now don't vote for it now what are you doing table tech money you guys what are you doing the entirety of chat is drunk right now you get enough bonus money from the extra chests not good enough alright let's roll this number two you guys suck Wow my booze jerk he's stealing my things and he calls me a jerk currently in the process of stealing my [ __ ] and calls me a jerk [ __ ] up the rad has to feed himself there's pizza over the floor there's a piece of pizza right there and an Ambu Pizza Ray's Pizza everywhere razza feed himself my dick my dick way he has to feed himself my dick okay poor choice here on the alien engine oh but you guys didn't see that coming I am the best player that's ever existed confirmed I think if I get a new tation then the alien engine turns into a flight machine of green fire doom and that would be cool I'd like that yeah just another day using the alien engine honestly I thought it was a blanks as well but eh what's blanks as well she talked about boy don't forget to use it for mobility it's like powerful as all get-out but you know hold difficulty using your thing ya know you know you know right use your water put it out we didn't the fire yeah [ __ ] hit me there ah okay what the [ __ ] dude orangey just sometimes just shoved a banana down your throat for breakfast great source of potassium and salt who's doing some stuff and things hunter bits from Alpha Mu a but daddy got a challenge for you only the starting gun with all passive guns and role related upgrades that was a challenge that uh we had talked about last time too but choosing like my favorite passives I can't even kill the enemies and survive careful careful can I hit them to the corner like I can and the shoot through walls gun game polling that doesn't make any sense is literally only way to not make it work oh dude stop a trip will spawn huh use the fossil more I said nothing but an alien engine though remember spawn chest green 3 alright that is that super dueling laser that I got a charge up of damage that's blasphemy that's the eye the beholder and that is the gamepad go I have not clock and you should tell them that it's still a go but I need some time just need a moment hopefully by next week yeah if you run into him let him know guys gotta let him know what you guys want number two you want me to have blasphemy so this turn into like the most epic fight me into like yeah or like care anymore wait a second I can't I don't get the lasers as the oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wow okay the robot doesn't ha ha ha so you don't get any technically I have full health all the time Isaac knew this zero health is full health gun Jim you dick you're so discriminatory towards robots I'm sick of it I'm disgusted I am absolutely out of my mind disgusted right now this is not okay I just [ __ ] hate that room I've never done that room without taking damage in my entire [ __ ] life not once not even like I haven't even thought about doing it once I'm thought about doing that room without damage once Dan those devs they have no heart just block the shots in that room yet blasphemy don't tell me what to do okay I'm my own man I don't think I can fight him on fire cuz he he puts down his own goo so starting weapon then sick bro awesome where's your place sign on 24 months here's to another two years huh type [Applause] we don't use blanks when we get in [ __ ] I want the Deb's to feel the pain I want you to feel the pain so we all rise up in demands just came to work now I want to die right now I'm done with life after they took blasted me away from me I'd like I gladly accepts the trap rooms take me away sweet sweet release of death sweet sweet releases being shut off huh more alive hey stop it knock it off dude is waiting to die super power [Applause] stop it see if age for help is like really good though for the second floor like you know it's pretty acceptable I like a lot I'm having a good time Murr further asks a question what's your favorite color of the alphabet - 42 hots give me tips how about beef tips wait is this a fight me I thought I was just pulling I thought I would just die if I use this fossilised gun I'm gonna end up letting myself on fire it's a fact tank tear to 30 months we'll talk about it being forever hey what's up tank long time no chance come on fire literally the one guy that spawns like directly outside the fire well this isn't fun Sabra saw with the balance he's gonna be balancing on bouncy on balance here on bouncy it's balanced tastic tank is back guess he's back oh good oh good there's another one yeah this guy yeah good room Brad good room breath take all that money please about love you forgot it was Thursday definitely a long time [Music] they like donations except the streamer gets 100 percent of the money from it how about bits Eagle Bustelo four months in a row what is up its up Eagle the thing with donations is PayPal does take like what is it like a 1% plus 30 cents or something like that so it's like a and then with the bits is that you pay like you know 13 bucks and I get like 10 of it or something like that so you know they're both on the same level I guess throwing bits out there you know that you're supporting twitch as well not that Amazon needs money Jeff Bezos has enough money that he could literally solve all the entire everything everything that's wrong with the world if he just like went like ah there you go oops but here's the thing though when we're talking about people that have a lot of money is they set themselves up with lives that are so expensive that they need all that money well I've got businesses to take care of you can't have yeah I did world hunger I can't solve world hunger when I've got mortgage payments on 17 mansions what am I gonna do just sell my mansions what is that's what you you want me to world hunger spawn chests green 3 anyways doesn't which also deal with the taxes from bits it's some of the stress off your back if they take taxes out of bits they got to let me know that but I don't think they do I still pay taxes on everything everything cuz it's not technically a charitable donation it's it's income for me IRS is like ah [Music] charitable my ass what's the best game in your opinion why I honestly not to sound like a complete fanboy but I had to say that Isaac is really impressive rocket power bullets will give you ovd rocket powered Rockets rocket powered demon skull head and a magnum I think Isaac you know really is so impressive how they've gone for this long with people and and held the interests and Bay's and like Edie and all the the devs behind him really impressive it's like right behind like Minecraft for like long-running games [Music] all right vote well what if I got rocket-powered bullets with the epica tank wants to tank wants an anti-tank missile do they synergize I'm not sure number one 50% of you guys want number one rocket-powered bullets it is that with the saw is gonna be hilarious it's gonna be bouncing around like crazy sweet dude all right place the crest upon my chest I mean altar what do you think a repentance pumped opinions on subnautica based game on a flat earth where you don't have to swim but fly are you making one or is there one that exists some nautical is fun I like this Somalia DLC is coming at some point in time and I plan to play that this gun runs out so quickly hello there is froggy girl 169 speaking about baby shirts my mom just called me she's back in New Jersey while I'm in Florida again and asked me if I ordered a shirt then proceeded to ask what the hell is a butt baby why is there an ass where the face should be I had to explain it so I came already that's quick are you saying back in the day what the hell is a baby why is that an [ __ ] you should have said because it's supposed to look like you mom burn dabs roasted savage no regrets I would never say that to my mom Savage sometimes gonna stir it up you know that's how you get yourself unborn not sure that's how it works remember my first Aegina wait [Music] I'd like to say someone had to read it back to me do you even hear yourself right now yeah I drift in and out this hike this smells like a bonk song doesn't it drop the bonk [Music] Punk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk can I drop my blasphemy it doesn't want that gun yeah yeah turn the volume down it's too bright in here I can't smell can't hear you over me being awesome what is that it's what is this oh I thought it shot differently last time okay okay bye have fun more armor more damages that would that is ac15 that almost hurt me a little bit alright let's reset the pole let's spawn the chests in well anyone more actually sorry okay number one bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk charge gun icebreaker vertebrae k47 and grenade launcher go vote vote now [Music] come on internet Bennett been better name fitting in a teeny teeny faint beat robot dance vote bunk there should be an option to junk the chest junk all four of them doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo number three 50% vertebrae key bouncy K break a alright turn the volume back down a little bit tad just a smidge it's trying to gun one more run looks like that's cool I don't mind that at all all right sweet save that for the other rooms I feel like I should use the vertebrae K and the boss or the mega hands hello the flowing 13 months glad to see you back keep up the good contents Lilith the AC is fantastic as long as you have armor for the more armor I have the better it does a little bit good combo for [ __ ] dude something a good combo to have as a robot oh where the [ __ ] did that bullet even come from it's dick hole dude that's the longest reload time I've ever seen in my entire life though I have played D&D oh yeah and drama strain makes enemies weaker oh yeah girl [ __ ] yup alright now what if I'm the secret room which is right here guaranteed more shields yes haha now what crest room animal synthesizer yeah nope Armour yeah yes yeah game hacking again I just I'm not even sure where that book came from I think I might have been from the kid gun drum with a strain dip it's just an upgrade as long as you have one armor doesn't scale with more armor okay so as long as that one armor is good I think it feels pretty good though I wish there were more benefits to having Armour as well like being able to get the master rounds as long as you don't lose health there should be some sort of like big benefit here to being the robot instead like around every single turn it's just shits all over your neck like Isaac like is a lost you can take like free deals of the devil that's blue baby you get like all of the add half red heart bonuses or at full health bonuses or get yourself under the challenge room both challenge rooms robot keeps getting nerfed worst character I think they just wanted a challenge mode honestly it's less so a new character and more so just challenge mode it's like the I hate winning mode what's Isaac it's up the Leni's all right let's do this number one battery gun number two Smiley's revolver number three magic lamp number four light gun something let me see em up say I again the second time look at my beautiful cat he looks different today what's up with this buddy you changed something about your looks look at this cat buddy get up here would you boy that's a weird face he's like dad help dad help I'm stuck upside down [Music] [Music] all they need you guys voting by the way votes still on I just can't wait wait wait filthy goop goop you like the butt scratches proper method of scratching your butt for your cat's butt oh yeah you got to knead it like dough I'm not right see he's happy 12 months ago welcome back he's like alright dad I got like a couple licks for you that's it though all right you take your damn licks and get the hell out of here but also stay and snuggle me do both at the same time Pet me but stop petting me you dick that's a catcher like I need you to pet me but if you do so I will kill you and if you don't I'll kill you harder you'll suffer gas-mask she'll burn ya Kalen keep a lookout for the rat room [Applause] just donating two bits to make my bit count even because I'm weird like that wait how could it have not been even if you just donated - that would go from even to even stand drugs don't do school I didn't know that okay you know you got to let me know that they're only gonna go half way you piece of [ __ ] you see those bullets go all the way around the room and come back rat rooms not until next floor oh that's right running the true gun abbey thing you think I'm paying attention well you're sorely mistaken I roll into them and hurt them don't you robot should start with a gas mask how does a robot get poisons I'm saying there's to be a lot more benefits is that purple light means there Zen mean there's a mini-boss shield boss in there that purple light right doesn't that look like it it's telling me something about that next room not the shield guy probably the other guy I don't think so huh maybe it doesn't mean anything I don't know another gun muncher I don't really have the guns that I would like to munch honestly mate Chris the young 116 months and I'll welcome back lunch blasphemy I cannot it was really tried that last for breath all right blue it is I like when they line up like that number one heart lock it a bottle upgrade heavy bullets black hole or cog of war Oh mini-bosses have the boss icon in the map yeah duh of course I knew that look at Lenny contemplating life back there you see him staring at the floor I'm doing a right bud okay let's give me the bling keys what do we got number two you guys want heavy bullets so now we have faster bullets and slower bullets these are way slower these aren't even rocket-powered at all anymore but they do more damage I didn't mean it that button I'm gonna hit that button all right boat snuggles is that all the stuff that is yes what are we gonna use just the best stuff I'm not sure if that guy's even affected by the lightning considering he's flying sweet dude I feel like slow is really good for vertebrae kay it's able to kind of float around them even more [Music] [Music] walk into that my bad rack okay that one just like Point Blank directly to my dick not even fair bro sup slap remote you he's your blanks no this to secret rooms crazy what are you nuts why is all my animal coming back on my guns am i getting those other was an animal upgrades I'm just I'm realizing it also where the Frick are the secret rooms one's got to be in the shop right if neither of them are off these rooms any went up up here secret floor bosses should have some no damage bonuses Rick are you you'll fricker whoo-hoo cat allergies okay could be here sweet definitely right here none that I'm in here nope here your bullets are drunk they kind of are aren't they here here or they get to test multiple spots though per shot that's kind of nice I should over here and bounce down the wall how do I not find the secret rooms with this sweeted love that I love not finding Seagram's it's so much fun for me which I was drunk come on help me out would you brother Albert from where did bullets come from a hot night of swagging both is this oiled cylinder reload faster oh thank god oh you know what I probably should have spawned some chests huh huh oh whoops you guys know I love you right maybe we just count that when it's like a free one you know like just for me where the Frick is the other secret room though kind of hate when they make me look for things I hate trying I feel like I've checked all the outside rooms like I've checked already dancing leo twelve months full year of supporting one of my favorite streamers keep up the good work thank you dancing leo appreciate that a lot oh there's a question their own heads shot gaming pen is good one breath all right um confuzzled just pop one in the shop I just feel like there's no room for a secret room to even be in there which makes me think it's not in there but I think I've checked every other room legitimately maybe not that el room maybe not the l ron Hubbard room I don't [ __ ] noted maybe we didn't get to maybe the game just give me a middle finger there sweet man not every floor has a secret room except for that floor has two Seagram's guaranteed I don't know if it's guaranteed it's probably not guaranteed that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try to look for one now and feel cheated if I don't get one they're never off the boss row I don't then that's even a thing I don't that can happen and yeah I mean I lost a couple shields in that room which would have opened it I think the leaving room I did check that rum [Music] I'll try to have a room legitimately Green 3 doink number one angry bullets number two gee oltre I think number three the Magnum again number four the void marshal [Music] I want macaroni and cheese but I don't want to take the time to cook it you sound like an ad for the minute mac or whatever that is are you selling something is this sponsored do I get paid for that as well clock you're making money off of this I want in easy Mac it's called lemmings just like Jesus take me now [Music] maybe that little love that little floating lump only thing I'm selling is in fact that I'm hungry and have four hours of sleep and have to go to work in less than four hours take a nap Matt nap take a nap maybe I need a nap or a nap hey Sutton six months in a row glad to have found your stream HUD said it's on lease you bought yeah honestly brought so much positivity in front of my life as I'm sure it has to everyone else's thank you for being you thanks Sutton appreciate it that's about it though let's sneak up on them [Music] [Music] [Music] you know any burglar [Music] [Music] all right would you knock it off calm yourself sit still bro all right now what are we doing what a fluff noodle number one angry fire-and-forget homing bullets not angry of course I knew that homing bullets with the remote control they think it just cancels out I think our motor control cancers the homing effects entirely I'll get demolished so like bouncing doesn't really matter anymore homing doesn't really matter remote just completely [ __ ] the whole thing just give up you see that curve the hole I feel like we're getting amble back on all of our guns for doing nothing am I missing something about my animal am I just not using it look out for a rat room - bullets - got a mega ultra spider that's gotta be cigarette butt I need both of my blanks for the rat room Johnny cat two months in a row what's up Johnny and Johnny watches bender oh oh Jesus either huh huh guys do another one pow boom baby so good at remote Rockets he came to handle I'm gonna get this guy - no no rat room dad did I miss it this guy all right where's the Teutons goods that's odd right here right here right here out of shot automation great targets winter prize the champions of the night [Laughter] I got RC controlled Rockets right easy mode still not easy mode though I said that but I don't really mean that we're probably gonna miss now how do we handle this situation we gotta like shoot it and bend it all the way around what tough stuff man honestly probably easier just to fire from this side do a slow arc you're a god this is Charlie ah I'm spawning in three more you never never done seen anything like it spawn chest black oh holy [ __ ] little buddy hasn't even moved since I moved them a little bit for the camera you think I'm just gonna lay here until you give me more belly rubs dead all right what do we got number one yari number two Minnie gotten number three Golden Gun number four uh that guy I don't know if that is or a gunny that doesn't look like or a gunny or Gunny wouldn't be in a black chest anyways composite gun is for I don't know what that is I can look it up I guess I can't really look it up though cuz you guys are pulling and you're in my way vote to kick Alexia by the way hike sup dance guys want number one synergy with rocket-powered bullets no hail to the king what let's look it up Chevy blue seven months enroll welcome back hail to the king of the players oiled cylinder yari launcher magazine size is increased by 50% and its damage increased by 20 if the player also has Zilla shotgun when either gun is held the player gains an orbiting demon head Wow okay that's really good that's like really good and stuff pretty excited about it [Music] should really do my homework oh Jesus that was the most high-powered freaking mushroom bullet I've ever seen in my entire life let's get the best gun and then die should we do that can we do that please see we got number one charm bow shell directional pad and smiley revolver just a bunch of fart what's homework I don't know some silly thing that children have to do high five Lenny like that joke so much that now he's comfortably napping he's like mmm I relish in the roasting of other people and college student scoff no I said children double burn like 75 or some of the people in the chattering are like number three I'm gonna shoot this and get another chest that was actually kind of cool this actually seems kind of good with the the remote-controlled bullets hey we are big children thank you very much you need a Leni cam I know I do I need a special Letty bed though check this out dude let's see that guys see that how is all of my ammo back for all of my guns I don't understand I've been using the [ __ ] out of this gun and now it's like fully reloaded what happens [Music] it's like a less good Remote Plus Crown gun crown Holy Grail now what does Holy Grail even do I never even looked that up Gunjan Holy Grail pawn taking damage triggers of fullscreen blank effect then refills 50% of the ammo of the players guns upon taking damage so yeah we've been getting reloaded because we suck thanks game I love you too prepare to die if you stop trapping me ended miss like on all of those video well still got him Bo trip-trap 15 months it's up welcome back holy [ __ ] no it's the Holy Grail that's some good L to get for the boss I knew it oh you're still alive steal the key how would you Oh with the directional pad whatever now do I use this in the first phase of the rat or the second phase of the rat I feel like I'm potentially better at dodging bullets in the second phase so possibly just the first I'll probably have enough for both I don't know we'll see children help putz pay his taxes via donations fake game play confirmed he's out on a second what's your reasoning explain this to me what do they spawn in the guy that jams bullets if they're already all jams scare faces up Wow oh is that this skeleton summoning guy this is the jammer perhaps you are correct it's live thanks guys Oh [ __ ] got me little [ __ ] last one well I got all the ammo back die rats had to do it it was necessary get numbed second has more health yeah but I'm more worried about the first guy when I place down my water I lost a couple rockets there I'm not proud of it now does that be proud of it you know let's go baby am I gonna try to get six keys I don't know if I really care to get six keys good shot mate that's agree with it but sure the oven guy that's the one you guys did with the devil doll why how could you do that why cheeto your blanks ah use yari now Rick I guess I could try fight me you [ __ ] nerves I mean cheese I don't know how to counter that one I'm gonna try [Music] put eat and cheese you dick cheese dick let's go any day now what the hell is up with it does [Applause] Letty get up party he's like I'm good I'm good dude don't don't give a [ __ ] easy rats was this supposed to be a challenge it was bro dude take a screenshot of that up there six keys baby super dragon fight yes absolutely if I live that long Oh a little [ __ ] I'd burn in hell no damage six keys sure then I actually not get hit once have mercy ah you'd but i'ms if one of these is a mimic there rots and hells what it does I don't even need any of this I don't even need your freaking handouts oh all right spot on extra three rat chests yeah I you know what I could do is I could sneak by and get that guy without using my last key and then use my last key to jump to the last floor but I kind of want to get the extra chest on the fourth floor right thoughts I promise up to you and it didn't go through on your side does the white knight did it did everything work it says yourself yeah that's weird I don't know why that would not have gone through I'm sorry well welcome I'm the red [ __ ] what happens if I talk to him now does he say anything different you have a sub badge odd all I can say is welcome alright that's it [Music] feed the rad to him I feel like I should talk to him just to see if anything happens but if you refer you are me and I am you I was born you were born we were born in a place when the thing happened and then ah take off your mask they may have see my self and your eyes spin my eyes he doesn't say anything new that's the lamest thing ever time to go bud I'm gonna move him with the cheese if it doesn't make it any worse insult to injury right here baby get in there get in there [ __ ] you little douche noms one more [Music] feels good what else did we get laser Lotus cold 45 Paul's cannon shotgun full of love and the hegemony carbine not the worst things I've ever seen in my life all right let's do this [Music] did I actually not take any damage on that fight I don't remember it's another room name bar flappy fruit gifted a sub to Rena boner Renault boner welcome Thank You flappy flawless yeah six keys no head god damn I'm Way better than I thought it was I'm on fire hell I'm still gonna say my dad I dead I commit died trying to bend it around the corner but it's not very easy I'm not worth wasting this animal but we'll get it back don't worry too easy that Ice Cube was like die potato I'm actually cheese [Music] [Music] all right bye salon Turtles I'll add blog first [Music] now I'm feeling good rap tile all right number one plain hands two triple cross bow three big iron for Excalibur well I know which one of you guys pick every single time flame hands super good big iron amazing even the triple cross spell is not that bad heavy rounds and big steel have awesome synergy big steel is in big iron heavy rounds big iron [Music] take that with a grain of salt everybody chat lies a lot I believe that's the shot Bo you know it does look like a shotgun actually what does the triple one look like I can't look it up could be a shot Bo [Music] two of my items on my steam wish list are on sale vampire and raw data Triple has yellow in it number four you guys just you just don't give a [ __ ] you guys just don't give a [ __ ] you just want a scallop err cuz it looks cool and it has curse is that correct am I correct about this those are both great games slap slap we were talking about raw data a while back correct that's what I'm talking about a real paradox gifted a sub to hate otro Peplow hay otro Peplow turkin awesome dude Jordi Tron and azĂșcar azĂșcar Rican illa thank you so much for the 5 sub gifts paradox appreciate that so much don't forget you guys this month only you can renew your gifted sub for a dollar so get on that see if you can renew before the sub even ends I'm not sure how that works but figure it out I wanted to know what the big iron thing was let's actually look that up let's look it up the player has heavy bullets big iron fires one large explosive iron bullets that does you guys a giant explosive iron bullet that does increased damage iron slug you guys suck Excalibur my ass you pick Excalibur over big iron every time every time big irons like one of the best guns in the game figure it out jet try it no this is your punishment this is your fault I'm not even gonna come down no I'm not gonna do it my pain is your pain I do want the vorpal gun though it's no reason not to buy everything it's not like we're using half our [ __ ] am I gonna use vorpal yeah I don't know we'll see flame 100 bits say can you shout out my binding of issac stream I just started up Sue's flame technically it's kind of rude to ask for shoutouts flame not gonna lie we try to to not do that here like if I went to cobalt stream and I said that cobalt would be like banned but I understand you just started good luck don't do that again on anyone's stream for that matter it's what we call poaching you just got more curse that vorpal is better kappa out this is a powerful increase with curse that that increases with coolness that wasn't me give me the middle finger okay let's let's be clear on that that was told about giving me the middle finger d connor prime sub it's up what kind of buff did you gain weight smiley face but gained like 20 pounds of muscle I wouldn't mind I try to be as understanding as I can you guys because when I started reading the same thing I was like hey guys I'm a new streamer and everyone's like dog I didn't [ __ ] know tried something to be nice to me about it got him got him got him got him tip - this game focus on your dodging focus on finding the holes giggity don't steal my [ __ ] don't you steal my [ __ ] good guy huts well like flames us up to an ass I hope it goes well for you honestly here have this I sell but I don't think it showed up Thank You real paradox also a thousand bits on top of five sub gifts Bree Bree Bree cheese I really don't want to do this room but as people pointed out I could try to use my blasphemy it's not red they guarantee that it's gonna work huh whoa easy mode cobalt is playing a shite game I mean it's different in a band my dude you don't feel like punish anybody yet mods if they don't they honestly didn't know the rules I like to believe in people hotels COBOL plan that's a mimic so um we shoot it dead every get it for free because I fought it and I deserve it and then we spawn form our chests in sound fair dead by daylight this is that game we gonna come back why is it like number eight on the top ten streamed games or maybe even it's like number three I cannot believe dead by daylight has lasted this long Riley Jake eight months neural I am eight months old now good for me welcome back rally alright I'm here we can stop [ __ ] around something on top they put out some more stuff for it recently just my god why I understand the idea the whole set the triple that's the triple the hole that needed to be filled by a horror game but I played it actually i streamed in a few times I'm not a huge fan of horror not a huge fan of come super competitive rage games so spawn chests blue for reset the pole if I can do this all in one button that'd be amazing number one armor thorns number two oh the ballot number three table text unnumbered four massage increased coolness would be cool for vorpal gun home from the e.i hospital everything in my brain is telling me not to ask but what is the EEI hospital he is dick suck my balls imagine the rat with a my nice moustache though al l hospital hospital doesn't hot I already have max coolness that's Lenny ITAT for okay so you guys just suck that is that yeah he doesn't actually wear the moustache though you guys know that right it doesn't even show so yeah pretty awesome pretty pretty sweet stuff if you asked me really excited about it bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk Blanka me to my dreams time to die [Music] Lolo KOCO 5 on sorrell hey bud - love you dad you helped me through my depression the buds community is amazing thank you you're very welcome thank you for so I can't I can't do it you guys I'm the robot I'm not dropping my cheese for that that's where you're wrong about that I don't need the lock code give like ten armor and I'm not gonna cheat that hard that's what we call it getting racks bundle lavon's deal ow ow ow seriously no secret room in any of those rooms mustache plus SIG's dad what is it mustache even do the key guy most odd chance to heal when money is spent I don't get shields for that though still not following sabra okay the Seagrams not in this room as well then I'm thoroughly lost a hell null in that room I'm in a dad joke mustache plus 6 equals dad do you want to like show me where the secret room is then that could be like super fun would that be a blast for all of us [Music] have you checked the su Gandhi's rapture says I missed my resub what does that even mean click the share button breath anytime anytime anywhere marathon will take you there where the hell is the seeker um where is the Sega room you had the brick of cash sir you have a point look for the little Ricky dude have you seen him yet there is a spot you have not checked out it's got the cheese shoes am I scared of boots oh cheese fell tear 26 months in a row hope you had a good break him off to work at the moment with stress so I know how it gets hot it's love I'm off work not off to work well you have a good break then to felt here I'll come back for 26 big thunder in the background there it's too bad you guys can't hear that has anyone spotted the brick there it is kappa best jokes number one joke maker i don't think he exists i don't think that he is real i don't think that oh there's no cigarette minutes floor i heard it wouldn't that be fun though if like you bought an item that showed you where the Seagram was and then there was a secret room how's that fly doing on me see how fast my reflexes were though I just killed it not always ad what the [ __ ] dude and it's not even cool all right I guess I'm leaving then I have an item that shows me where the secret room is and I'm leaving [ __ ] let's use all of our guns that we're not using let's use mega hands [ __ ] dude brain can work that one out brains like sorry dude you're on your own piece [ __ ] get demolished did I hate when these shotgun guys blend in with the wall that's just that's not even okay curving around the corners did that guy just spawn into fire huh yeah ammo for what yari launcher it's full ammo ammo for carbine rifle sixth chamber that's a yes right more curse I had the more damage I do you guys want plague pistol I thought you'd call it black pistol money machine pistol or a crossbow let's just do one two three Dow sir machine pistol crossbow go use Worple chansik to fire a critical shot which is 100 damage critical shot chance increases with coolness yeah it can be fired rapidly after dodge rolling critical hits do not travel like normal bullets but instead instantly strike the closest enemy in the cursors direction regardless of intervening obstacles number one is gonna take the the cake here mega doused sir what's my synergy with mega hands bobble lead so it shoots bubbles out whilst charging sweet dude we're gonna end up dying before that matters but I want to see if this thing fires faster after I that's how fast it fires yeah that's a little bit faster after I dodge roll so I bust through the door on the nature ramp and flare them out with all that coolness I'm only getting one of these specials crit shots every go to neuro [Music] [Applause] Asham billows shoot from here right and we just hit him through obstacles if I got a crit it's true it is known well this is gonna be funky [Music] [Music] number one the bow number two zomb a--let's number three roll bomb number four platinum bullets more damage against jammed enemies which would be great considering uh hey listen to this song considering how much curse I have [Music] it's the boots and pants on boots and pants and boots and pants Zomba lats if I miss an enemy with a bullet sometimes it'll refund me that bullet silver not platinum silver bullets [Music] no one's gonna comment on the song sweet okay awesome number fuller blessed metal this sounds very familiar oh there's enough pineapple under the sea dance to hundreds new bit fetch baby check me out I have to get the comments again for me to see it too [Music] laser Lotus pretty DS fight yo [ __ ] girl damn reset the pole you guys have never even heard the end of the song have you found number one Full Metal Jacket full metal casing jacket thing whatever it's called whatever uh - glacier ice giant gun thing rave wizard hex gun for what's that call I know what it's called okay mandolin the gun demand a gun the gun gun to lend a man to lend the gun gun Zang shut up I knew it see I told you I knew it we need more marimba what's the first one again it automatically takes my blanks if I take damage which would be nice as the robot just saying just saying yeah where's my marimba gun number one six five four three coo coo bets one bass nerd nine months in RL hey papa huts what I missed so far today also nine month but baby hell yeah welcome back just playing dungeon just doing like the gungeon thing you know Rocky's butthole do-do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do more brown chest yeah 18 O's I can just I I know there's a Lennie hair touching my nose I don't know from where from the fiery chasm from whence it came uh that's unfinished gun that's winchestertonfieldville iowa rifle that's the Phoenix I melted the gun I got the clicking gun i frickin God the fossilized gun and then I gave it away and sling [ __ ] dude [ __ ] that was a second opportunity for us to get the Phoenix Energy scam hates me cue the sad music for you guys want sling so I think about your sling [Music] how do I do the thing no no no no what's the thing down right thank you then I work once for rum there we go the white knight two months in a row much-loved huts keep all of your awesome content Conn White Knight you figured it out so glad what's up what's the thing please define the sling sling does massive damage against bosses only three AG palm for twenty prime sub sub wrath welcome don't forget that we have silver bullets now and we destroy jammed enemies they do not have a good time little man I'm a jam Danny little man you want to snugs you want the snugs again what is this like the sixth time he's shown up on camera already I'm not even done with my first freaking round [Music] this little [ __ ] I'm gonna get my emotes on here how do I do that no don't tip over move there we go let's see if we get the emotes back its browser source I think emotes there we go now you guys emails will show up on the screen behind my camera hopefully there we go like dad stop haha let him go he's like why oh there we go he's like what I don't wanna leave I'm having a go Kate on actually it's what I would say if I'd allergies to cats just see the hair clumps like that's in my mouth cases cat wonders why he's got cat Aaron's mouth ah what a loser is what is he dumb oh that's right my thing ran out don't you destroy that chest sir how dare you shoot my chest red oh good deal good deal alright number one that is the super mega shotgun that's super mega number two the crescents bow number three the shock rifle number four m16 I think I think that number three is called the Emperor not a pressed any of those I think the shotguns good isn't it I don't know what's called though crossbow it shoots stars and then the star splits up into tiny stars is like mm-hmm it's got a good synergy with something though I don't remember what delicious all right you guys are very split here 31.7% on 1 & 3 it's a tie for 1 or 3 you guys number 4 is probably the best but make your mind up keep boating 1 or 3 bo3 bo3 bo3 I want to know what one is I don't I haven't seen it in such a long time pick it up and drop it if it doesn't win 43% for number owed that one number one actually did come in the lead they're all goody sweet breath alright what does the Emperor that's the shock balls yeah you know it's okay we'll stick with the old goodies to what happens don't make your maker oh hi yeah oh that hurts dude I said that [ __ ] hurts stop doing it it's a very concentrated blast I think it's supposed to be spread but because of the remote controlled it's like it's all in one little line it seems really good right guys all right three more green chest number one that's the shell a gun that's the shield gun that's the Icebreaker that's the science cannon repeats [Music] there's like a chest every other room I know taking us a while to get through this star of day am I too late to do a sub giveaway I've got to I've got to do double since no stream last week all right I'm in mods can make that happen shotgun is called old Goldie old Goldie I've never gotten a rainbow chest no 42.9% on both 1 and 4 how are we tying how are we tying it's down to like what is that three significant figures these poles are so split both 42.9% that's ridiculous I've gotten a glitch chest before long time ago and I crushed it then take both I don't even want the cello gun oh good the shell gun one because you guys want me to have curse thanks guys oh good good yeah if I smoke is my Full Metal Jacket come in and save me anybody now I can't even pull at this point in time you guys have [ __ ] it up so table Tec rage it is rage it up broccoli wait why is she mad Oh because [ __ ] came in I got my broccoli though doesn't matter first equals damage though technically yes these jams sucker what a loser I mean it's so much easier for me now we die though got no way to dodge the damage though yeah so you know that's gonna happen yeah that's this is like super fair stitch gamer thank you juicy appreciate the host you guys use your blasphemy last time Oh empty shotgun full of Sling old Goldie maybe shotgun full love [Music] golde was better though Yatim giveaways are fun sub give away from starved a keyword as giveaways are fun to type it into chat you could win a free subscription the Hutt's gaming channel no spaces now that's a master blank that's how good I am I'm so good at this kick ah got a blast rip the Dragons hands did he get a desk job working on a computer how is he gonna live how's it gonna support his children selfish people bullet-hell [Music] ah bodacious speech abut a bodacious peach prime sub welcome peach [Music] doing this with the Green Reaper following me simple man in just four easy steps you can die miserably I gotta go that's a key though I don't need the keys what am I need the keys for [ __ ] am I going back for keys oh good shot bud you got me fair and square [Music] could you just hit him though maybe Oh health healthful Bunder bards did something hit me excuse me as i standing on poison again son of a nipple liquor has more keys than Jesus as nipples still goes back with key empty you know I could use the cheese gun but sometimes it just takes forever and the rums dog Corgi run little tater till I get out of there it's a grim reaper we're gonna go oh [ __ ] I don't think we're gonna make it gonna make it gonna make it not gonna make it oh oh oh said to my face boy when I recharge my laser rifle now let's just take the damage on the nose it's easier that way take it up front oh it's a reunion of the Grim Reaper's again hey was that you years right back at Grimm Academy off my warble maybe I don't have anymore coolness though that's the problem here any time you want to drop some of those crit hits you know you let me know there we go you hooked me up dog oh I gotta go back for that shields okay you didn't hit me there that's you know that's that's cool doll you thought you did dream big you know always dream big cheat whenever you can that's a jams chicken oh Jesus I don't have any blanks oh can I turn you into chicken doesn't seem like it did anyway everyone that enter just leave guys pay attention to chat if you're gonna try to win a sub gift we still live hello turn them into chickens five people have won without claiming the actual prize breath nobody wants to be stuck to my channel they just want to enter a thing and win for free fine that's okay you can keep the sub gifting I don't really I don't really like Hut's that much so like go ahead take it home pass probably pretty useful here why did you swipe picked up the [ __ ] new thing and then you put the what are you doing game lucky but I get to the sub to roil nobody awesome welcome Royal nobody I pick up and I'm like oh great compass let's use it oh sorry we swapped it out for the [ __ ] ah my god load a ball [ __ ] [ __ ] this game dislike undoubtable literally unplayable right now need gun soul bloody I don't know if that even oh is that the super bullet that comes out sometime starved yeah get this other Drago wolf welcome Drago wolf congratulations you actually not acclaim stuff good ngratulations you're not totally brain-dead just partially hello no stop oh wow oh there we go health good saved [ __ ] you game
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 21,207
Rating: 4.9202657 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Enter, gungeon, enter the gungeon, advanced gungeons and draguns, supply drop, update, free, hardest, game, impossible, secret, easter egg, shooter, shooting, rogue, roguelike, dungeon, crawler, random, randomly generated, best, top, worst, fail, epic, pixel, art, amazing, color, bullet, storm, bulletstorm
Id: HVhPxsl9kCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 15sec (8415 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 30 2018
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