Eden Streak #163 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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right let's keep it going maybe we shouldn't do eating streaks today if I'm like losing so miserably I like yeah like squeezie up 200 blank cards squeeze a bad damage 11 fire rate with squeezy so that means it was [ __ ] terrible means it was just balls but good health here probably should have waited on the soul arts cuz then I could have done curse room and protected my soul hearts to the next floor that's really how you shoulda coulda woulda min/max that cheese man works I see it Danielle applies of my ass about the TPS reports like cards gonna be a long run hey you don't know that this room is so much easier when there's a fire let's hit that item room up first who wants to call it what's gonna be in the first item run I'm feeling monstros long or tech one d20 ludo mini monstro like these guys ludo what you sad boobs sad boobs is it's probably worth takin it's really strong it's really strong but it doesn't necessarily save my life Silver Bullets reroll it's a tough choice we might get something a lot worse reroll did get d20 Wow I'm not gonna take it but I will rear all some stuff with it we'll mess around with it oh I can't even get in there it's probably even worth it then can I reach this chest no weren't weren't weren't were blank card moon yeah sure yeah sure it's got nearness puns question hey dad do you know a pirate's favorite letter but you think it's our but it's the sea my roommate used to torch me with that joke well thanks for bringing back memories cheers man thank you for the 35 bits figure it out so I want the some dad to put the ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba / and I think I want that yeah should we go for cards judgment I'll take the judgment I can work out in my favor super Joe cuts definitely said that one on stream before so now that's tempting to crooked penny no balls get out of here H juts spelled my name wrong now if I had this in sad bombs we'd be back in business but do do do do do do do do do do do go for that pill nice sweet oh so sweet another man Nutter butters what a weird spot for a table Seagram or not top secret um doesn't exist what am I missing here how come I miss in my it doesn't exist top right oh right here oh right here oh oh oh yeah where the [ __ ] is it though nice bomb in the wrong spot probably that was close enough he'd [ __ ] [ __ ] almost got him our damage and fire is just balls we started with squeezy but not really not in my heart this is terrible this is painful it's painful kennedys bums he moves too fast and he teleports there's no sense and dropping bombs you can bomb himself damage your tears gives me like a little damage upgrade like he's a little bit gonna help you up but not much Oh PhD would be nice jump into the fire yes - to burning fire down down down burnt off my taint got a plan for that machine you just weights half on the bat bud now fun ok bye damage is back down but our fire rate makes up for it shut up shut it that's just fun well that's fun boom fun what everyone get out of my [ __ ] way the Jukes all right when is the library no that's a double key room never mind psyche goofed yeah fun for the whole family all right I suppose we need to check the shop first before we spend all of our money but uh that's not the shop right that was a double key room a four is Melissa for do rerolls all items on the floor once we can do better than that I've got 99 freaking bonds 99 bottles of bombs on the wall 99 bottles of bombs you take one down pass it around yes more money please I'll need some monies [ __ ] ease up the judgments please please sir I need to feed my kids quarter please uh uh I would drink a bottle of bomb suicide by words just drop all these dumb faces in my cup for get your dumb faces out of here I'll see what's in here I'll pop in for a little bit potential yes that's everything I wanted that's not what I wanted only getting it one more charge unless I buy a battery which would kind of make it impossible for me to pay out the beggars oh hey where's my quarter can't say didn't try where's bass or when you need them pin not so bad all right give me some more damage upgrades if I start getting tears upgrades I'm gonna feel real dumb about taking the skinny odd mushroom there's a lot going on in that cuff you guys somebody make it go away that's not damage set this belly button cork may be better like em both hence the belly button ooh good ah ah yes mine five fire eight five point nine five damage site tears bro we're a loaded fully loaded I could beat the game right now if I wanted to I could defeat I could have used that for room room two reroll the thing oops you're not wrong if I get a demon beggar I'm gonna feel dumb judge okay good cup bomb I hope maybe the health upgrade is worth taking right now well what's the fun of that give me two items that I could use here place cup bomb I hope I eat it got about half of it yes yes you beat the game with less deal it's tempting considering we might blow it okay okay okay check penny questions game suggestion or in the blind forest definitive edition great game wonderful grabs great music scene you know you love tall night this might be something yet you and I would love to see make a series on it I've gotten requests for me to play that game like a thousand times and I would walk thousand more just to be the man to get ten thousand game requests to fall down at your door not saying I won't play it I just I am very aware of it very aware of it well we should have just jumped into that room first before we made up our minds good good yes but that's an awesome item list we're doing it we're doing it 300 bits from an ad woot cat and dammit thanks I know this isn't a question but Lobby hots thanks King of Jukes oh yeah look at us look at us I'll be back for you I was gonna blow them up and now it's like oh no it's like my brother I'm like his older brother can't you tell Schoop right when I don't need it still they try to find that secret on there might be another reroll machine real machine plus judgment blank card is dreams but the guys I got a cat playing card day guys but I'm having too much fun with the judgment paintings in tier 1 sub welcome should probably wait to see if I get another health upgrade first maybe maybe judgement you guys quit crowding my brother he ain't heavy he's my brother oh yeah no that's a that's an obvious one right there I should honestly wait I should wait on that charge until we know we're gonna get more or less demon beggars because we could play them all at the same time for ultimate victory min max the [ __ ] out of this bro I thought of everything my nose itches you guys I feel like I got a Lenny hair up there or something it's really bothering me anybody ever used a neti pot you were braver than I I'll tell it to stop I'm not sure that hair is understand English many pots of the [ __ ] no and I never will that's if I feel Gunjan later today got a no if not I'll go to bed I was planning to play gunjan run after this yes but you should get sleep it's very important you know I could still play the man if I get a reroll machine in the shop I don't think that will reroll item drops I'm quite certain of it chopper your old machine is a special machine is that an algae's too because that's just perfect for the demon judgement just please give me more demons Schmidty smiths what's up judge clear some room you guys have some decency ready for Thanksgiving Hut's oh yeah always I want to find the secret room [Music] two brothers now twin bagger boys but crowding them if one of these drops a troll bomb I'm gonna be heartbroken somebody blows the whole thing it's possible you do do do-do-do do-do-do pop pop pop it up a bit of that Debbie Debbie Debbie live potential in this room it's just covered in sheds and maybe by batteries yes get it get what we've got a lot of batteries already not gonna get a double charge from that boss somebody's it'll take it now found where the secret room is as well full command real machine I got to do it in here I got to do the same thing real machine Trump's that hurts we get to in there it's worth dananana gave me that battery I'll take the battery buddy if I could afford it but I can't but gotta make them pay out first otherwise it doesn't count for [ __ ] Oh ran out of money now what the [ __ ] do I do well now what do I do now what do I do you panic now I split my demon beggars I get big dumb like a big dumb whole Chinese myalgias first on these two guys bucket bucket you get this guy to pay out or blow up I mean pay them in okay do it uh-huh don't need a real machine for that you're gonna give me a bottle of pills I just can feel it no glorious I'll take one just gulped a bunch of [ __ ] got a pretty fly Oh spicy thank you come again which one's what I like brown cap that hurts me probably more than anything mixed poops explode I think give me stuff give me the goods baby give me the goods baby give me the good baby I will play this guy until he pays out even if hurts me oh all right no we're fine that totally worked out you guys not a problem in the world's problems not here um I want to say yes to both not T Chevy where's my active item it's in the item room right screw health it's a double health oh we're gonna get deals with the devil coming up scum be good where's my card by the way is that down here peel me Father nah I'll save for deals with devil shave the potato oh eh eh eh oh eh eh oh eh oh I got another charge on this thing how did that happen so I could have done it again even what I didn't know a nuts would you cooperate with me bruh sweets nice cooperation appreciate that what's the goal here to get missing page - it's really worth it I think I think it's really gonna help us out in the long run I think that it's just gonna be like really nice for us yeah it's awesome no best don't even lie and tell me that you don't like that missing page - is not your favorites all right because now I just know you're lying now I just know you're lying hey it's would you ever consider stardew valley again after its new update and also why is my Kaos car in the wall the update to make it multiplayer and like the new farms because I did check it out but stop because it wasn't new enough for me to make a whole series on it the series was like the longest thing I've ever done in my entire [ __ ] life back when we were streaming every day and it yeah I don't think I can go back I think I'm welcome anymore go for a meat boy go for a no boy I don't have the time for that I'd have to forego everything in the entire world mega Omega walnuts mango almonds cranberries and pumpkin seeds just neck healthy right we have to read hearts don't forget it now put dark taco chips in it makes it so much better look at all Big Mike Cuba meat is compared to my face [Music] probably put this down somewhere [Music] blank card anus I still think I'm having more fun with the judgments [Music] [Music] do-do-do-do-do-do how much shrinking is that sup putz two questions one would you play nuclear throne on stream someday probably and two what's the best way to get 100% in gunjan get really good the character unlock the bullet probably go ham with it I'm not gonna be taking that I'll touch it but that's a yogurt prime sub welcome yoghourt check out our item room maybe that's a real machine in there three health pieces don't forget to use your bombs offensively sometimes [Music] here's that doesn't even matter [Music] [Music] just give me something good here would you just work with me for five seconds you don't goldberg doofus nut slumpy dump shittily winks I actually got more help by using hematemesis pill sucka grab my card [Music] I'd never supercooled there was no to your cat I'd like that a lot that's pretty good [Music] look at that look at the sides flying [Music] besides flying streak numbers like 162 or something like that - ah - count I'm the master don't ever been better than me anything ever [Music] kill self with Bob's brain [Music] all right I'll let you speak game jobs person DJ cut man shoots colorblind gifted a sexy tier to sub to ox tree look at that two gifts tier two subs dang color blinds I'm gonna eat some food and celebration at this I want to get their demon beggar to pay out I'm gonna do this judgment hope for help upgrade or help uh that's a [ __ ] chest dick science is good I like it I like that kind of thing all right can't wait to get down to the chest as a half soul heart over there is it worth going for check out the shop gee this is so hard [Music] worth damage more important you never get hit you don't need help it's a fact call our blonde gifted another tier 2 sub 2 something vague look at this - something badge don't be like n LM confused science for acid tears fine scrub muffin oh my god thanks the love though I love my life is Ock Street good let me see some loops ten points for every loop I see alg is gonna be pretty important if we drop some demon bags that bottle looks dope [Music] my water bottle Chantell about it for me [Music] colorblind gifted a tier 1 sub 2 sir dark night it's after dark night welcome Thank You caller blinds still at it though I should be dropping these off should be dropping the kids off at the pool Paul swarm I'm in oh you know what we got a charge last time because we walked into the boss room with the hairy hairpin that's what it does literally its job to do [ __ ] oh my god that yo I'm not seeing any loops you guys I never have any time to watch streams because it starts at 10 p.m. i express is that right did I see that right crime sub thank you my friend me a real machine again no real machine unless the button give me one yeah it's pretty much the same thing check our item room for we're old machines dddddd Papa buckle bush dududududududud dudududududu dududududududududu empress and all [Music] colorblind get that a sub to Henry what's up Henry color blinds going for broke first stream for Ock Street colorblind is the damn man [Music] another judgment well look at that just pop one down then hoping for demon beggars not interested in the other ones [Music] [Music] she got drowsy feels good so what's new you guys what's up what's going on your life talked to me about it the Alger's anus another judgment going back has it snowed for anybody yet you got snow on the ground I had snow in the ground but then it melted I'm sick right now snowed the day I almost crashed by the job nice very nice where's my card it's up here moved in with my girlfriend started my first semester at uni so lots going on good luck with that I know that sometimes you know they always say things can change and you're moving together hopefully change for the better I think one of the best tips of advice tips of advice is that a necessary thing to say PhD would be kind of nice right now but necessary some advice I would say is you guys are on the same team so act like you're on the same team it's easier to pin one against the other for whatever reason this is out of the other but in the end of the day if they realize that you're both trying to have a good life while trying to enjoy that life together and sometimes it's just nice when you're having an argument to take a step back and say we're on the same team here I'm not sure why we're arguing with each other [Music] is it necessary that might sound some kind of sending so obviously had to put your own flair on it right cuz you might be like well you're the one that's arguing with me menu is gonna swirl the toilet don't do that [Music] tips and advice colorblind get this sub to divin soul heck yeah welcome my friend thank you color blinds at her first argument in two years in the first night and the feet in the new flat but we resolved it quickly what run am I walked in on gloriousness [Music] ah fine bye bye love worm Wow nice gifted sub does anybody think that there's gonna be a new update for Isaac I saw a tweet by Edmond saying that repentance is uh it's coming out and he called it the final one for real this time I'm pretty sure that he said final one for real like four times ago don't trust it there's more like literally what he needs to do he is working very very close with Kilburn on this one right he just needs to say Kilburn look if you're like super passionate about it we work together you know how I work just make sure you bounce things off me in the future but here take Isaac and keep improving on it oof [Music] I don't think that makes sense to do that because our demon beggars are gonna be deal the devil items right kind of maybe but up TIG tickets prime sub it's up I don't know if I want to take it I don't want to take it I don't want it nothing I want it Eagle butts 1000 six months in a row what does that pay bucks to finally finish high school so now I can actually catch the streams love everything you do man keep it up two-thirds but baby hell yeah welcome back and congratulations pannin five hundred bits for the good advice thank you so much papa hogs have some money get a hot tub yeah hot tub I'll give you any advice you want to hear if I can get a hot tub out of it what advice you guys want hit me up but uh oh [ __ ] hot tub yeah girl damn Chantel said no hot tub until our lungs are paid off it's a shame a uni student I can't buy you a tub even having been at uni student in the past means you can't buy a hot tub damn loans damn moon owns stupid loans being all lonely and stuff so small I'm super [ __ ] small I'm small yeah I would like the ability to hold two cards that's let's roll for that didn't get it still took the other thing how's work been for Chantel yeah she's like she got a new job and stuff and she's liking it she's liking it more relaxed attitude better hours better pay better pizza Papa John's what was the thing that we were gonna use it was like a nalgas that was floating around right here ya can probably make it all the way through in one algae's but just in case I can't let's do it this way save our charge for the algae's instead of the other one oh yeah oh yeah [Music] that's yes that's a yes that's a yes [Music] tapeworm I'm intrigued I do like a good tapeworm appreciate the bit see guys [Music] still later what's up I'll stay for the whole stream you guys I was thinking about trying oh that's right I was like I'm gonna do a weekend stream and play spyro but then I remembered I've got a bachelor party all weekend oh I like I love the idea of getting everyone together with her for a bad party it does become a little tricky though when you expect everybody in the bachelor party to chip in 500 bucks for a weekend right not including going out to the bars you can spend $500 in a night if you like what nuts I've never done that I've never spent more than a hundred dollars in a at a club or a bar I just can't it's not in it's not in me to spend money like that I'm so goddamn frugal I sweat about everything that's know how bachelor parties work the guests don't chip in that's how it always works right it's like the person who's getting married is like the one like that's almost like their birthday right it's like they're not gonna be the one that pays everybody else pays with them then I we were already in the top secret room I don't know why I'm looking for that I got caught up in the conversation would you guys quit talking to me Jesus just yakking away in my ear no chaos right we're good I think we're good to go into this room it's dank that's why it doesn't [ __ ] matter it's adversarial what a joke I never mind I had a backwards all these tears upgrades remember I'm like I'm gonna feel dumb if I get tears upgrades well rip the one throwing the party does doesn't pay yeah which you know and it makes sense as we want to throw in a party for him and like I'm not saying that he's a jerk for doing this I'm just saying it is a thing and it is like yeah the thing is though he is gonna be paying a bunch of money to put on a wedding right I'm not paying him to get like food and stuff and I don't know if it's gonna be open bar but there's a lot there's a lot going on with weddings especially here in the US I'm not sure if I I can't really speak for overseas but overseas just sounds like such a pirate thing to say but we still say it I like it yarr over him there sees a bunch low like five thousand usually yeah you just spent like three thousand dollars in a wedding ring and then you drop like fifteen thousand dollars in a wedding and then you're like alright now let's go buy a house I'm Way ahead of the game already got the house I'm not pathetic you're pathetic I'm not lonely all the honeymoon right three thousand dollars in the ring fifteen thousand dollars on the wedding and then another ten grand to travel backpack around Europe and then you had to drop forty thousand dollars on a down payment for a home that you just signed up to pay fifteen hundred dollars a month for well then you're like oh goodness we want to have kids right away so let me sell my car and let's get a minivan let's get Alexis and that's how life works a very very well-off life if you can [ __ ] do that judgment by me Alexis where's mine Moses hey was sanity we care about you will pop you in the corner top just a vagina speaking of babies and then your life goes to [ __ ] I don't like Lexuses clock I can't say I've had any experience of Lex's not a single one I haven't even known a family member that's owned Alexis black Runet could be potentially good doo doo doo doo doo de doo doo de doo doo doo did it doo doo doo doo hail Satan exactly there you go you gotta figure it out just waiting for you to be like my mom is listening in on when you said that and now she doesn't want me to watch you call me Nene it's easier and everyone does anyway ninny ninny or Nene Nene not mini Nene Oh get out of here spike / throw yes yes that one good [Music] I don't want to be teleported into this room though didn't dinner don't huh then it yeah give him your money I could save the money for the shop first dispose quiet Requiem tier two subsets of tier two welcome to the show my friends how quiet is the Requiem though can i still hear it I'd like to know what it sounds like so quite you didn't even know what was playing succubus gets more damage when he's in the ring it's not wrong [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo any other demon drop up buh-buh-buh-buh-buh where's my where's my special rooms though the last rooms I gotta find with my shop and item room they're gonna be smooshed together in the corner classic which you've got a bunch of turd just a bunch of it's heard not sure I've ever seen one of those machines drop a chest try drop a chest on my dump some money's perfect for Christmas just a gift card please just two gift card 1:45 hey hi it's been a fan for almost two years would love to sell but I'm poor take some small bits instead and keep up the good work appreciate it my friends re-roll machine with batteries it's got lots of potential and yeah well triple shots not even worth it triple shots not even worth it but we got it davon ski Prime subs up bears myalgias oh it's perfect good [Music] all right what are we done where we going another judgments love bat let's see if we can't get some of these money guys to pay out before we go anywhere doot doot doot doot doot doot drop a troll bomb and I will find your family [Music] yo right the game already I can't guarantee anything but I will do the best I can to chubbs [Music] Lizzy Blasi 105 hey hot stuff you streams like I hit by a car recently and they keep me happy I'm sorry about getting hit by a car that doesn't sound like fun unless you did have fun in which case you know let you own that car hitting you work it girl joy P what's up oh hey have you got an extra judgement card I think so I can just pop that down that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good that's good can we not have everything smooshed in the corner though because that's gonna be trouble for me later on the per throat is important so I will go in here and drop it so we don't forget it I also want the other runes to Bart's is not one of them the guys is not one of them where's the rest of my stuff algae's there it is cheese man filling the cup baby black ruined the health upgrades I'm in a Perth role to help upgrades just blow this guy up I guess all right put these in a sensible location you guys help me out here I can't even see myself I'm so small when accidente come one of these health upgrades okay syringe is good with me and then we perthro the rest of them and if anything that doesn't come back if it doesn't come back the way we want it to what is this that's my purse wrong then we black ruin it at the end Potts you smell like [ __ ] you smell that [ __ ] game's not broken Regas but this is pretty flippin good quiet requiem a hundred bits was watching and eating running YouTube the other day and you talked about dogs mostly inbreeding you're awesome and I completely agree with your views on dago's keep being awesome yeah we need to like I mean you know you know I'm talking about breed them responsibly goodness for making dogs that can live quality of life people we all want it let's have it for our dog goes to black room blacker in that I got a range upgrade not very exciting I'm looking for my judgment card I really want that back found it good we don't need to reroll for anything we spent all of our money it was worth it though red moon 23 months what's up great the Buddha nah judgments gonna be real good for the last floor it's an item for every judgment that we spawn [Applause] deal you're coming with me partner BFF - little brim mm-hmm I want to pet wolf you guys seen pet foxes they look awesome but that's another thing though is that too wild I don't know how good of a lipo Fox gonna have in captivity something I don't know I haven't spent any time looking into it but damn it they're cute I like I want to keep going with this whole idea but I kinda just want to get to the last floor we're gonna make it we're going to win so let's just get there can we just get there I also say don't make me choose between a yera and a judgment don't make me choose between children boxes aren't really domesticated ISM now I didn't take damage because I got this trinket that gives me one shield per floor I didn't I I destroyed that turret because I've got science tears the void tears they're known to do that doot-doot-doot to do do doop doop doop don't do [Music] some sonic jazz I really like this trinket as pay2win puts a rear old machine in every single item room oh god that would have been deadly early on with the judgement blank card that would have been so deadly foxes can also carry some nasty parasites like Paris the Pokemon for us favorite dog breed go I still want a Shiba she's got 75 bits from an ad I was watching for you I didn't even know that could happen Lowell Hunter put some rank appreciate that border collie favorite breed a dog cat Bernese Mountain Dog Huskies Porgy a corgi Inu Welsh Terrier I don't even know what a Welsh Terrier looks like is that I got hunting dog brown head that's what I'm imagining but I don't [ __ ] know no one said bloodhounds slopmaster the police dog German Shepherd German Shepherds are cool intimidating Corgi plus German Shepherd is volitans a couple of health upgrades that I really don't need I have a black crown available at my disposal might as well make use of it then max that [ __ ] dog black hole Sun won't you come I have four baby dogs all palms palms a palm Palmer a naeun they fit in your palm Iranian flaxen boot 11 months in a row dude what a trip sorry about not being in the streams but just got married you just got married right now the plush master prime sub like minutes ago you just got married you're like ran home to computer and you're like I'm in it Clifford the Big Red Dog hell yeah now we're talking haagen-dazs ice cream watch master prime you uh twelve months yes one year Congrats on the wedding nah man but I wanted you to know since I am your child they didn't let me walk you down the aisle dawg [ __ ] jerk what is this well my just like a rented dad here Congrats big Lou do do father-daughter dance mother-son lot dad bought baby dance it's like you don't even love me anyone get invited got a gulp pill I really don't need the bloody crown well I'm going take it maybe you should have shown I sent an invite don't lie to me check my mailbox all the time my PO Box love you too dad now whatever liar oh so always our dicks to anyone who isn't the one who carries them around all day in a purse not talking about the prison kind either president Kyoto oh my god honey that dogs got a knife ain't cutter bits again hunter bits this time from one ad whenever you stream I use up all my ads with the day to give to you been watching you for almost 20 minutes straight and it hasn't stopped me yet thanks which also Aussies are the best don't you say about that last part but now is the time I think you can get big ad money from the from the ads because it's like almost Christmas right like all the ads before Thanksgiving Christmas is just like Lots can you empty the cup place thank you for asking so nicely and no I can't I gotta figure it out May mystic four months in a row welcome back [Music] come on come on Jamal eight Jamel you are live right now thanks how do I get to my cheer stuff goodness that took way too long boom did you see that do you see that see the boom guys panic up is fun some of the bed sometimes land back in the cup though looks like not this time biddies went bye-bye flocks and Boo gifted a sub to dax-ur welcome back sir Thank You flax and blue appreciate that much love to the unsub it's your name who the unsub like the unsullied but there are the unsub heed yes I am okay medically cop is primed and wants to belly flop I'll still give away t-shirt for everyone anyone who clears the cup where's the door in this [ __ ] place black room city health up city Hunter bits I'll give it a shot low all the shits I want to hear like noises somebody here like that would make it so much better one more four hundred oh it's already cleared oh where is it hello mr. bit did you miss the cup there it is if you if you put a big bit in there it shakes up the place it shakes up the place I'm not Sam out begging for money right now that's not the point just saying it's possible I've given out muds do you remember that one needs to go out t-shirts if they clear the cup I want to say I've given out like two or three t-shirts doing that blank rune could potentially be better than a judgement card if it if we were able to use it and get euros out of it I'm not to do that I thought it was like five or six o'clock that might have been might have been more closer to five or six but these were probably people that dropped like a 10,000 bit and just nuked it just did the nasty I know it was more than one you know that what if a 1 million bit shattered the cup I mean that would just be a t-shirt in and of itself you give me $1,000 worth of bits the least I could do is send you a [ __ ] t-shirt right you busted the Cup I'd give it to you can even send a million-dollar bit or a million bits I opened up the thing wait a second a million would be what ten thousand dollars a hundred thousand bits would be $1,000 the ten thousand if you send me $10,000 worth of bits good gravy I'll bring you the damn shirt ten thousand two thousand dollars of the fancies no ma'am I'd bring you it because you would be mr. beast and then I'd be like hey Beast collab pop the anus but I can't see the map anyways did I can't I can't stand not be able to see the map you won a new car fantastic down payment on a very nice car it easily buy used car for ten thousand simple outside it'd be cool to have an electric car are like a Tesla expensive though she's man and a bits very colorful cup in there they sexy anybody have anything to say about Tesla cars good bad good the bad the ugly I can't believe I haven't gotten a single year up from this rune bag I heard that they are a bit too advanced they're pretty good bad and ugly this Destructoid coming in hot I'm here to eat your bits the awesome Xavier two months in a row can sue exactly what the mister Destructoid's we're doing just get a new Bentley once again haven't I don't what is a Bentley I don't even know I've never even seen one haven't we gulps the paperclip seriously though yeah it'd be nice would be a nice gesture game I'm here to be your bits mister Destructoid on mr. Destructoid action it's a car look it up nine I know like it was being zadra exaggerative was exaggerating for effect [Music] a rogue mister Destructoid double agent golden key doesn't matter if I saw that trinket she's apparently making some pasta let her know which sauce I wanted the sauciest sauce Joey P gifted a sub to gamer Lane Thank You Joey sup gamer Lane find Joe gifts all three sauces at once one ball two sauces you guys ever mixed tomato sauce and cream sauce together pretty good pretty good I'm just surprised I've got no batteries I've got no yeras got no worries all the rest of the old days we could have broken the game so unbelievably easy game said no it's pink and delicious that sounds nasty hunter bet some cheese man can we change that Cup I want to try to fill the bigger one we switched it over to a different service she's man so I can't switch the Cup this other one only has one Cup I'm sorry about that this is the one that does the splode ease and it's got one cup one cup option to be fair I don't think it's a bad cup that's it that's it dude that's [ __ ] it night not a single battery super fanatic 25 months welcome back Alexia gifted a sub the burn domain look at that [ __ ] try to sneak that in there thank you thought I wouldn't notice thank you for that oh yeah what what's up with the sub gifts you guys what is it like almost Christmas or something [Music] so small who killed the boss is nothing there's nothing left to do besides go to the void if I really wanted to depending on these items well we'll see if we go to the void or not liking it I'm not liking it not really oh that's a big no that's a big no uh-uh nope I don't know I'm too tired to be a lot of me internet I need to hear I need to he had to work you think you're tired I just said he had to work sorry Hut's love all try catch up another day fun at work fun he adding I do blades 10 months and relics up [Music]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 15,086
Rating: 4.9672132 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: 8fDsZY9f9Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 46sec (4906 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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