Eden Streak #39 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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I'm clicking the recording button so we are officially going as of right now oh you know what we actually have a mod on and we should take that off for a second let me actually just pop it to this screen quick and then I'm gonna reset the game now it makes sense to me to reset the game just to make sure that there's no mods going on we want to start the game fresh so fresh JJ we're 14 months in real high what is up we don't have twitch things on here let me fix that right now boop boop twitch alerts there I'm so sorry they didn't pop up I saw it go all right and I appreciate it so now if you people do stuff it's gonna pop up for real this time we fixed it out there it is two thousand nine hundred bits it's mine that's mine oh the gauntlet is thrown all right mods are completely off there we go we're good to go second save file new run go over to Eden hard mode 39 let's go I always like to share when I find cool stuff watching Marco Polo on Netflix and it's awesome 10 out of 10 Marco Polo you know I started watching that it was like that's kind of how I feel about it how I feel about this run though lusty Bloods void good fire rate good damage good health good speed range I have no idea what that number means curse you says the nerd Marco Polo seemed like it had potential I watched probably about I don't know seven episodes or something like that what a great start you know voids pretty good here and if this guy gives me the health upgrade I'm just gonna just gonna eat it eat it Drago Drago Drago anybody get the reference oh no ragout today Rhaego that's my favorite ravioli I hope you insist reek Wow I wouldn't wish that on my enemies much less a fellow but oh my god he almost got farted right into me when you get a lot of farters in a room oh my god what is this what is that what is that what is that what is that no what is that what is that what is that what are those thanks for helping me through my divorce John you've been a great way to take my mind off my situation on the positive side I don't have to worry much about buying any Valentine's gifts this year I'd like to tell you more but I've run out of cha cha kro a nation holy crap 501 69 thank you so much I don't know what I did to deserve something like that holy crap thank you so much my friend and I'm sorry to hear about your divorce but you know what good riddance throw out the bad and get on with the good you know what I mean there's good out there there is take some time off if whatever you need but get back on the horse get back on the horse but don't get on a horse okay that's you know don't revenge lay with a horse I would not recommend it's not talking personally here just saying okay Oh 500 Wow holy crap thank you thank you thank you where were you on that hot sauce challenge Wow mellow top hello it's I like your face have some more money Viva Lots thank you malikov Wow Wow jelly kid 15 months in Romeo my out timed how does the time fly Thank You jelly kid welcome back 15 15 is a good number I like 15 it's the same age as the girls a date stuck know what you guys what are you doing stop [Music] rip despot LLL settle for B spot love you Hut's best community going sorry I missed the hot sauce bet you're happy Thank You Power Hour you missed the hot sauce that's okay that's okay oh the goodness wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow stop it don't less than three push push push more donation training no I'm gonna stop the stream I'm gonna end it right now bye everybody thank you so much for coming by it's been awesome [Music] all the hats [Music] No [Music] looks good this looks really good it's a Gyarados dad dude oh how about a hip Gyarados dad a HIPPA dose a super sick of dose huh guess I should keep this going no what are you doing [Music] [Music] - huh - stupid huh I'm dying putz we all love you keep up your awesome work you deserve everything Thank You Alexia Wow a big boy Godzilla didn't meet him is that 5-month there thank you for that he'd go with the new hats it's a it's a hip Gyarados Cathy Pikachu uh-uh-uh-uh a hip a Pikachu good good good O's oh my goodness you guys would just would you knock it off we should knock it off what is that I don't know but it's falling off my head an abomination should have been destroyed long time ago good lord it's a Pokemon sandwich these donations are like fire like that hot sauce oh my goodness this is ridiculous you guys I don't even I only ones like said three words yet look into my stream hello my name is Hut's nice to meet you thank you for filling a sack a bag up with money and beating me with it may I have another Cappy getting gangbanged by some pokies oh geez please no fanfic from this I wish I got upgrades from shooting fires out you know what spit some balls out I'll get some some damage upgrades from that let me smack your balls around a little bit would you mind would you mind if I did that that's what you get for being late I am so sorry I'll never be late again I've learned my lesson shows up three hours late next time I'm so late next time I don't even stream fanfics that's my area I'm gonna just take this help is good I think in Tibet ah that's not good I don't have a bomb okay I can't get the tinted rock oh my goodness Speight ism says honored keep it alive Speight ism what's insert mods name your favorite cheese mods or illa more puns while stream for five minutes get $250,000 in donations hustling stream for five seconds retire keep it alive well that was 100 bit donation I got you you missed a tender rock like I just jumped this gap how is everybody going on how is everybody going on how's everybody doing how are you how are you doing how's it going what is what I would say and and and thank you you ridiculous people power our good Lord at crow nation pain in the shin stupid dog you guys are nuts you guys are all nuts oh good odds good I did nothing all right it's payday huts we're all good I guess to one beginning of the month what's happening oh it was happening oh no oh no happy and Pikachu couldn't take it any longer and decided a jump ship they're like screw this man all right we're gonna stick with the hip the hip a--does all right there we go much better all right I think I got a leaf I think I just got to go I don't want to suck up the the hurt thing that hurts myself because that'll hurt thanks huts yep rip snow blower Molotov doesn't get mentioned you're in there man you gave me ten big ones love you too freak 1000 ask and you shall receive take more Big Love inna thank you for a thousand bits you guys are nuts you guys are nuts Lisa think you're crazy but now I can see you're nuts oh my goodness I ask and you shall receive what should we ask for can I have a hot dog now that's not sexual the B and D spot needs some preparation H right now we're gonna be jammed up for a while I'm sure crazy people mentioned mentions huts five hundo already good lord I hope I hope that everything goes well with you you generous bastard good gravy I love Mary oh hell let's make it official killer fiend prompts up welcome friend alright you know when you're the void you're like almost want something bad and you're like I can't void it holy lights yeah this run is already yeah yeah yeah bonds are good I like it [Music] hello some chocolate ass cream hmm I don't know about that dude crow nation are you subbed it man are you subbed brah sup brah are you like are you like heavy lurk I'm trying to look for you in the chat catalyzed sixteen months in a row welcome back sixteen huh try the but car why are you crying on the flames I'm not crying you're crying yeah look at this room take that farters I think it my luck up now with a Holy Light they are liquor well praise be to lurk man you know some polling streams Kyle Seaver prime sub thank you so much Kyle Seaver you know what let's uh ninja DOTA thank you for the sub heck outta praise be to prime sub sooo this is what we're gonna do you guys let's do a giveaway right now let's do like a really really good giveaway I see the corporate Doge gave us a resident 5 Resident Evil 5 gold edition let's do that that's took a game that's a good one I'm gonna give that away I'm gonna throw that your face right now I'm gonna beasts you know let's let's give back man type evil into the chat if you would like to win a copy of Resident Evil 5 gold edition let's drop the beat is the music was really loud dark Leviathan 26 months under all that's too much 26 and Counting thank you for giving me something to calm me down while I'm applying for a fellowship for the summer we'll update if I got it or not mid-april have a good day thank you so much i provide been appreciate the continued support good good good gravy holy holy gravies dude the gravy dough I'm actually gonna save this judgment for the next floor increase my devil chance all right guys gifts to the bought hot 245 thank you crazy beans we know you're crazy [Music] I'm just gonna type that I'm gonna and pick that it's gonna grab that worth 99 bombs is actually really really really rid of it or it ever did really good like super good it's like all kinds of nasty good unless you get nothing of course yeah i call hacks or now you can't see my hands i mean that means I'm probably a I'm a hack gosh it backfire typing codes with my d ik Resident Evil 5 gold edition you guys type evil into the chat don't I put too many times otherwise you're gonna be removed though alright can I use this hangman at somewhere not really no so the oh the things why I'm late you guys I got four shots today four shots big ones tetanus Pepe uh typhoid toothpaste three three months in a row what is up butts hi an aqua technic thank you so much to the prime sub friend and then I got a flu virus shot I got the flu the flu shot so two in each arm and both of my arms hurt I'm like aw like kind of like weak you know you're like like you've just got a charley horse you know what I mean that's kind of where I'm at right now and I was there I had to like get the shots and then I had to wait it was like 3:45 or not 3:45 2:45 and they told me I'd wait 15 minutes in case there was a reaction and the bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla so that's why I'm late today I'm I'm planning a trip to to Thailand I guess come my friends are going to Thailand I was like hey can I come with you and they're like sure we're leaving tomorrow better you better get your shots done I'm like oh [ __ ] not literally tomorrow but like kind of almost tomorrow rip quality we drop in frames you know we have zero dropped frames man all right fight the boss then we'll pop the thing the thing that does the stuff good on you for taking care of yourself putz vlog I want to vlog but the only worry is if I pull out like a really fancy camera it sadly gonna get stolen or like you know people are gonna swarm me right there give me like he's rich ask him for money and like I don't want to I don't want to bring attention to myself how do i how do i do what do i do with that yeah oh my god JJ Guire I want to play to 500 crystal flow tell a trip to Thailand meeting some lady boys you mean no no it's about seeing the world no actually you know what that's pretty Thailand ish issed there's lady boys all over the place alright don't you don't you bring that here alright the unusual biscuit redeemed a question hey Hutt's are you gonna visit Europe once again just like he did last time did you like it last time I loved it and I'm sure I'll be back someday but probably not in the next year okay um Wow Jade Jaguar 20000 bits thank you for that that's that's insane and crystal flow 500 thank you thank you thank you leak that's six six six seventeen months under can't stop won't stop appreciate the continued support we're gonna pop this giveaway in three two one let's go BAM catalyzed I call rig complete rig Wow this is the time we riot right now thailand assist i'm telling you coin that phrase a bit racy their huts has nothing to do the race that's racist to assume one minute catalysed say something speak to me try to get your voice heard amidst the chat rioting we might go angel room on this cuz uh hey uh ghost baby is like really bad I could drop the judgement card potentially get him to pay out with something but unless you can reroll it Dodd you did it you did it congratulations catalyzed that's a that's a big victory that's a big one Wow I actually won no psych no you did nice I predict a riot love the content huh thank you sell salt chasm sounds moist all right should be should we go should be leave are we ready to go no shop first shop first we have the money to do so so we should do so riot so lies can't win why didn't you void it you can't void a unbutton pedestal can't do that [ __ ] spud speaking of voiding things we can however void the blank card so we will get unlimited judgments unlimited judgments what do we have what do we get that guy okay that's 'blow-up-able bolt blow op p bleh and then i'm gonna buy this cuz I'm smart look at that man look at this we have a blank card it's a worst blank card but it's a blank card with the ability to you know keep doing stuff with it right let's just yeah let's just keep going with these guys get all the batteries round it up what's up hot suits up emoji Joe Joe's here battery and chap [ __ ] off that's too late unless I blow these guys up and get enough money to go back I was kind of hoping for a demon beggar is hoping for waves rip be spot Thank You nerd you're still going I really appreciate that holy crap you guys are so flippin generous I don't even know what to say man that sucks I know what to say about that that's balls that's a big hairy sack that's not so good either okay I guess I'm gonna go ahead and take that done okay okay sure yeah all right what's the pill though double speeds up all right I can't I couldn't boy it there's no more batteries and not enough money to buy one all right next floor who would like to be a fellow human Here I am always here this game is so unfair to me hey man you gotta take every last little ounce from it you gotta be a big old jerk you know you gotta demand respect RESP ect power hour of good Lord stop [Music] I want my spot back insert meaningful message here [Music] yar mateys who'll be donating so much money let's power our the 10,000 bits holy [ __ ] holy balls balls everywhere wow wow wow wow wow wow we're like on track for like the biggest biggest day biggest donation day flippin ever man good gravy I got my fiancee mini-fridge India vids does she have a spare mini-fridge because I could use one to hold my apple juice good lord you guys what did I do actually go get my by vaccines every day in my sexier now that I can't get malaria oh my god we keep getting really good stuff I'm definitely taking that I'm not thinking that though you know what we should use this whenever it's ready and it's ready now after actually winning unconvinced the giveaway is rigged says catalyze well did you rig it then then that would mean that it's definitely rigged [Music] like utters what's my Viking milk gross that's probably the grossest thing I think I've ever said in my entire life [Music] nothing I do from this point on will ever be that gross I trust that your snowblower fund is covered now we're we talked about this oh my god why why why why you lose we win and we need more hats [Music] huts can't get malaria oh it's a sexy how do I donate my life savings and bits I think you're on the right path 505 just ask Chino look at him he's got teeth oh man looks like he's got sick ass teeth Magikarp [ __ ] your neck right off vampire Magikarp check that out he's got like God he's got little like Metapod pinchers dude mallet ah 129 I got you a dollar pain in the shed asks not a question really to find the rubber helmet talk to him with the lake I did that I did it I got it I did that last time pain thanks the tip though rabid Magikarp can they get an explosion gift yeah I'll just keep this running for the rest of the the whole time how about that non-stop explosion gets until you guys leave and stop donating money I'm dying by the way you guys are missing it why aren't you here why aren't you watching I'm dying are you guys even paying attention I lost a full soul heart it's like you guys don't even care good gravy man I don't even have to say I don't even know what to say you literally paid for my entire flight out there though cuz that's pretty expensive so I appreciate that alleviate Papa butts from the burdens of trying to be a traveling adult sand please don't love it me as much as mosquitoes sand please what are those who the Miranda carps dying oh he's dead [Music] he's a goner he gave up he gave up on life didn't show you a bum line makes me so small I'm so small dead carp would you just like relax man would you just relax and sit still damn it look at him he's like oh Jesus I don't even know which direction he's in yeah perfect thoughts needs a bigger head for all those hats my beard is sliding if you found a box with everything you lost what would you find me my sanity my existence my meaning of life [Music] let's find your balls rigidity warframe Sony gamer prime sub welcome my friends hey that's pretty good you know what we could actually void up the the key piece I like that idea you know what I like this idea I've gone like this too I really like that idea Lakes control our tier 1 sub appreciate that my friend we need a charge though at least one charge in order to suck up the key so we shouldn't go too hard here shouldn't go too hard maybe even get a couple items in the floor here that's take a bowl that's really good do you guys stop throwing bits at me pinky hey hot started bring the hype of the huge donations down that's not even thing that's not even a thing don't worry about that I finally got some money to subscribe and give some bits and I want to thank you for being a friend who doesn't know I exist you brought me out of the dark abyss with your humor and uplifting personality I've got my girlfriend watching you know cheese in the stream now I love thanks for all the hours of fun and the happiness you've got given me oh my god would you just quit it I'm trying to read here and will no doubt give me and everyone in the future dick % Thank You pinky I appreciate that and hello pinky's girlfriend gamer geek I have very little as mum but here thank you for that nerd two hundred bits the butt babies have United to support paw pods feel the law of dad it's too much I'm suffocating scary Jake my dad this is technically my 11th month but that's okay oh by the way I changed my name from scary ok sweet scary Jake I like scary Jake that's good one chief tater send 23 months ago welcome back be water no apparently not be water 100 be water 100 Chino I heard you trying to play a game care for distraction power our are even going to play thousand bits ah the fit spam from Crystal Flo power our 500 I came for Isaac I got it just play I got to play and talk at the same time real Dark Lord four months in a row my beard is slipping off to you guys everything is going wrong besides everything that's also going right if you catch my drift oh Jesus how'd that happen oh my god how though how though oh my god you're a wizard be water 100 B 100 100 rate ak nine months in a row welcome back be water 100 B water 100 another 100 and JP fitty good gravy guys oh my god another 104 B water more like beware err get it that was dumb another 100 Jesus guys let the men play Oh Mike oh my goodness oh no I got hit I got tagged there that was that was sheer panic that was sheer [ __ ] that should not have happened this room is a mistake this room is God's mistake the game is like quick move in now while he's distracted another 100 times like 14 thank you be water can I just say like thank you for the rest of the 100's cheer 500 from lynx controller I'm [ __ ] dying you guys I'm literally dying I can't at what point in time is it is it okay to not read them anymore Brito made of hundreds this is what you met in your title by giveaway giving away my sanity the best run - the worst run all right [Music] [Music] you guys are nuts you guys this is Street focus BJ so can we get a total [ __ ] count home can't wait to watch on huts - hey future me did you eat today I [Music] don't know what to say besides the fact that I'm dying I want to get BFF I do but the red heart also good for the demon beggar but don't put the pokeball bop bop bop shoo boo boo pop-up batteries also really good though maybe battery instead I need those glasses a thousand you won't read one-hundredths anymore let's continue with oh my god be water you're nuts okay you're going to run out of accessories to wear I just I don't I I don't even know if I should try anymore squirtle I'm dying I just I don't even I don't even I don't even I don't even I might I might know but I don't know but I'm not I'm not even I don't even I don't maybe I don't know holy crap that was awesome the water just pushing it just pushing it but push it real good are you guys okay with the 100 diggings oh my god Sweet Lord bee water what are you guys doing well access to five hundred thank you for that holy crap crystal flower thousand Wow zoinks Scoob you guys are nuts why did that I do man another one what did I do another thousand from nerd are you playing a game focus dad and Chantal with you [Music] i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i shirt short-circuits explodes guts everywhere good gravy good gravy good gravy it's just a normal day ah nuts but hide on it why are we in it good gravy good gravy good gravy silence you know what just enjoy this for a second just breathe in breathe out [Music] dammit crystal flow silence you know it lasted it lasted a long time no silence only victory and then pain combo breaker breaker I have nothing I have nothing I have no words to this I have no words for this we need this like stop screaming after this because then it's gonna like actually get silent in like an hour and then those in like no donations because everyone's [ __ ] broke and then weird it's me sitting there like twiddling our thumbs gotta go I'll be on later whatever okay bye good gravy you guys pledge what's up I'm spending all my money on that guy do I really want to do that not really the red heart that he gave me it's pretty nice though ACK sister paying the Shen Oh another pain another pain cranky silence who are what a silence pain act sister everyone just leave just go watch somebody else okay access to warframe of thousands combo going be water 1500 thank you be water your nuts back sister [Music] I only smell to keep from crying [Music] [Music] full health access sir thank you the stream is dying it we haven't dropped a single frame though you guys are like please drop some more frames good lord guess I'll join the bitstream till to love you HUDs carrot carrot equals hard Thank You wife I appreciate that Chino I dreamed a dream time gone by when hope was high and life worth living I dreamed that love would never die crystal flow all at once be water said I'm gonna I'm just gonna suck this up for a fire rate upgrade I enjoyed that very much so but didn't think about the fact that I'm going to have to actually get that charged back up so I can get the rest of those guys oh well it's too late it's too late we're moving on from this I'll come back with maybe some more red hearts 500 from be water you said all at once no you said you were all at once now you're still going no lanes controller ten big ones I'm back hey been a while measure huts love you thank you one controller for the most normal Finn has ever been in a donation in the last 20 minutes that one felt real oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my [ __ ] oh my god holy balls [Music] don't forget BFF I love being a freak thank you I'm going back for that right now [Music] ah damn it's gotta go here's my bye bye thank you fancy Bob power our everybody upgrading those badges I see good Lord there's too many badges get the badges out band badges lovey if you see a badge take it out and besides your own so I clock clock got a badge I don't know why I'm burning myself twice when I'm really trying not to hear game [ __ ] is okay and I'm taking this okay yeah let's control our five big ones how real dead how real is your love there's a reroll machine why don't I go did anybody tell me about that does anybody suggest putting it into the item room with a reroll machine you guys are slipping you were supposed to tell me that that's your job Chad to know everything we've gone through this is a reroll machine in the item realm er him it badge is powerful it shines at the power of the Sun yeah you don't have to get banned for having a badge ban everyone I can do that alright I'm leaving I'll bite Holly a hundred bits see you guys are nuts I just I don't even it's beyond the fact if I don't know what to say anymore because I've already said that outer times I'm just gonna sit here and set my coffee [Music] oh that's good coffee bori giveaway question mark I completely forgot what's a giveaway and whoa the red arts though let's give away to stupid Doge also has a sonata you guys I'm gonna throw the good stuff at you as long as this hype rain is up let's discus Isis just keep it going sub-block is not on right now and we are gonna do subnautica type sub into the chat if you would like to be you let the enter be water a thousand found a few more in the piggy bank you're crazy des looks I know you sell drugs and launder your money through bits and donations Shh be water they're on to us run o Gotham City Tier one hundred types up if you guys want to win stuff Nautica highly recommend the game it's a lot of fun I don't care how much you feel like you want to cringe because you've seen other youtubers play it that was a close call I should probably gotten hit there probably should got smacked I'm trying to save that rainbow poop but it's not it's gonna be that easy to do that if they run into what it's gone I shoot it once more would you stop circling it like a dip you're gonna dip your Abbey liquor got it saved it Oh pop our our the cup looks beautiful is the cup even working anymore Holly cheer 100 blinks controller five bucks sing me to sleep dad what is love what is love baby don't hurt me three necks smooth jazz remix of what is love it's needs more marimba I need pennies I have stories if anyone asked a question in the last 45 minutes I didn't see it would you consider a burrito a type of body sub it's long cylindrical and ends up in a liquid type of body sub the hell is a body sub you have to define that first for me let's just go ahead and start using this I think we should probably wait like I said until we get into an item room in cases a reroll machine because that is primetime getting good stuff I just I can't believe that we're almost losing this run because of distraction smooth jazz boys Lane's controller five big ones you're sleeping cause it's silent I don't even what to do like I'm like afraid to talk I'm afraid to open my mouth my head hurts too good lord wish I could get subnautica but I don't have a steam account what's free unless you don't have a computer if no computer in that kind of Hayek's you know hands are tied at that point in time Zelda denied polling now question mark no Zelda tonight actually I am from it's my brother that I would help them with the tiling job in the bathroom he wants my help he was to show us she wants to show me how to do it really is what's going on and I really want to learn so warframe Sony game or 100 bits you lose we wouldn't keep her go and gamer K test and see if penny redeems are working in if you think you got enough donations today Lowell I so think I got opens mouth and gets bras and bits with your facehole I apologize Hut's my 13th sub and Leonard West your huts left to over 9000 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the salad game gets you nowhere all right all right fine I'm stop talking again I just want to see how I can keep it up the giveaway the giveaway for subnautica let's do that right now you guys in three two one BAM black wizards thank you so much to the follow appreciate that what a minute to claim your prize one minute that is a steam say leus our alias I like that very much so that's quite nice for me yes space finally we found a ride a room gosh darn it you know what we need right now you mister me oh let's curse the blind of course so we don't know anything about anybody scat scat that 'yes that's you know that's okay especially we're going for angel room that gets that out of the angel room right black wizard ooh you have 20 seconds 20 seconds that is a 2 & a 0 rigged don't speak rigged ten seconds I'm gonna I think I just like pay these guys I'll pay the man and then save my last charge to actually suck up everything it seemed to be smart to name a million-five I'm sorry three two one god I don't deserve it black wizard dammit you're gonna make this difficult dude would you like this or would you like me to give it away give it away give it away get away now well rigged I don't know if I should take these or not you guys they could be good they could be bad facts of life just tuned into black wizard do you want this or should I roll it all that chat decide give it to the man since our kangaroo take it my dude give it just void it suck them all up I think I want to suck them all up but if it's Plan C then we're dead if it's Plan C I can't suck in the guys I'd rather take them I changed my mind I changed my mind don't suck it because if it's Plan C you're dead I can't no no no no no no no no no no no no I'd rather pick up Bob's brain then suck up Plan C brah give it to give it to give it give it reroll i guess i'll take it then all right black wizard you got it a lot of people in charge of saying just take it brah subnautica really good game congratulations I think we can officially say it's not rigged if you just tuned in appreciate it my friend hell yeah that feels pretty good you heard the man take the demon beggar suck the rest growth hormones I'm actually really good I took that restock I'm actually really glad that I took that paper clip desert desert double desert what the hell is that what is this nonsense what is this just kidding I really am actually happy about that cuz then I can go like this look at all this flippin hell that we got bruh holy bruh we should have kept that maybe we should have probably kept the the temperance card with the blank card because then we could have got in you know it's almost maybe possibly infinite money which then could have gotten us Infinite Shop items oh no did I make a mistake did I bung judgment is still like really good though so there's no shame Oh touch the devil beggar pay out and suck the rest it's too late and I'm actually glad you know the health is gonna be good here I think well that's a tricky one let's just focus on this guy technically I could run between the two of them but that's the scientific Alton let's just be as safe as we can be here the money would be good because a shop refresh but I don't really know you guys to ask mogul 14 months in a row 5 days into quarantine in my room for the flu this sucks send help dude the flus let it last a long time a lot longer than five days for me desk a lot longer than 5 days for me more like more like a month more like I'm still coughing from the flu that I had a month ago sue strap yourselves in roid-rage spine Oh lockdown Oh fill that cup prove last six weeks mr. Peyton three months in a row welcome back hell yeah you guys this has been the most ridiculous best to stream ever trying to flip and play a game that was so shut up I'm kidding I love you guys you know that right this is it was a joke it was a joke Donna and 969 damage love that five fire eight super love that ooh [Music] [Music] I didn't know you knew sign language only the best ones and my initials it got a little too quiet in here is this jelly blue trust me the silence is good oh man cursed I carry again could have been worse the water now what have you done [Music] dying run run for the hills you're right [Music] more power bre AI n power [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he threw up his guts [Music] [Applause] atomic Oh butt buster brain power [Music] don't you try it I'm gonna hit where is he take control brain power oh my goodness 1,500 J jagwire [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] then Elena's bump in general is pumping here how let's move jazz relax relax relax 48 hour energy black Buster brain fellow Power Hour a brain power clip caramel compilation to try yet don't try it alright everybody in unison this time [Music] brain power [Music] [Music] [Applause] can we get a total bake counts as the nerd goodness [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] this is saying 86,000 as karma prime sub welcome friend you are very welcome to the party okay my hair has not even cooperating today it's a bad hair day [Music] I don't even know what I did you guys [Music] where's my shop my shop [Music] I guess I'm nuts damn girl it's still going why is it still going this isn't even it ain't our remix this is not the 1000 remix Oh a little finish I'll let it finish Oh [Music] blow did I [Music] [Music] done I don't need that I have full fire rate I am at full force I don't want that either where's my angel room you guys where's my angel room you guys I'm sucking that up I think first speed upgrade Oh shot speed oh good oh good oh good well fantastic oh hey look at that Wow you sucked the key piece then I even set the key piece I don't remember I don't remember that happened look at your Isaac for the first time he's got a face only a mother could cheer for he said love but you know he looks good to me all right did I really miss at in Iraq where was it oh I totally forgot about this room and that it even existed chroma nation you back holy [ __ ] since I spend more of my time on YouTube channel I sent you a message on there so I could better explain how you helped me and what you did plus they don't have 255 character limit I'm heading out for the day good luck today and damn this word limb thank you for the 1331 Croatian please come back please the long room all right you know what else is long [Music] not $8,600 oh I'm retiring after today it's official or time I'm announcing my retirement to Thailand one bit equals $10 one bid is the same price as a Bitcoin that's that's what a bit is it's technically just short for Bitcoin then I got 86,000 of them same brainpower with thoughts to me boyfriends think I'm crazy no it's nothing crazy about brainpower headstrong we'll take you on same thing there's my adult I have beard I am beard now oh yeah four shots wasn't enough to take it down good though nice sick bro power our 100 if you retire we better still get vlogs or at least Lenny's gaming channel and Sheena says Hut's make it on Twitch blows his money on tile ladyboys he caught me that's exactly what I'm gonna do all right I really regret not having a battery which is your cue book of sin go [Music] you failed [Music] yet honor you're done darn diddly failed damn it damn it Earl oh okay you were now a grown-up you can drink apple juice whenever you want to but your doctor says you shouldn't you should limit it do we have any more of these guys laying around oh hey we got a charge was that it would whip up up up that was a that was a key was a magical key of happiness was a magical key of happiness the charged key magical key move magical magical key Charlie Charlie more giveaways Power Hour says I still want to finish this run trust me the guys I like have too many things going on right now in my life okay we're gonna get literally one run done today let's give away bye-bye bop bop boo boo boo shooty Bob I'm me the way your Witcher - you guys would like which or - which I highly recommend I played it on my youtube channel actually you guys want witcher 2 then type which into the chat which which that which type which into the chat [Music] Sparky gang what's up spark what's up gentle breeze through my crotchal region feels nice which are three really good but witcher 2 you know you got to get that backstory you gotta get that backstory see God do that alright telling you I don't tail the man alright that's why people it's a gog ki [Music] should I still give games for giveaways his anime or just give the them to the mods I just think that there are so many gay is somebody giveaways it isn't fun for me anymore says anime I don't know do you do what you want man this is your stuff I really appreciate the fact that you mean you're gonna take the ones back or you're gonna add more to it potentially I don't even want that I don't even want that pass no thanks I'm set I'm all good good to go which which fell in a ditch picked up a bit coin and thought she was rich so I'm gonna give aways in the last few streams I haven't won one yet gosh it's almost like there's like 500 people in the chat that you're competing against [Music] what's the game Witcher 2 what is Gog stand for Gog like mean guard lucky you're choking hot SAS good old games I don't even want that wasting my money here am i ready to go oh the tinted rock just like yeah I totally forgot peepers I could had a BFF peepers I yeah you're right you know I should have gone back for that I just kind of like decided it was garbage but it wasn't really that garbage to like not take it you know it wasn't that bad do I need it no but wouldn't know but sweetie wolf girl 100 say dad just had a bad breakup because she brought under the guy into the equation while it was already me and another girl I put up with her for three years because I actually loved her and now 14 days from our 3-year anniversary I had to leave your stream has been helping things will get better things will suck right now and and forgive yourself you know for liking this person forgive yourself don't don't blame yourself things will get better but you know it's gonna suck it does breakups always suck graph the bat and then people are like yeah it's not that bad and you're like it feels pretty bad it feels pretty bad but thanks oh they always get better always every single time things work themselves out magically forgive yourself for liking trash I'm not let's not like attack people here [Music] was this our shop I have shop refresh that is really good that is really good to see that's nice I think that that's a good thing to see right there I'm gonna go ahead and take that too I think I'd like to buy a battery honestly Mike honestly my he throws a shoe now we get double payouts until it blows up if we were to have what's it called nun's habit that would be pretty good too you can't break up with anybody if nobody loves you ouch on yourself [Music] it's got potential a sub Spooner duders less potential sure that I would like that age soaps Peduto duders game break use the blood bank and the on sale soul heart oh yeah I could have done that I'm expecting the machine to break any time now but PhD would be nice so I get more payouts from this thing [Music] PFF buddy in a box uh yeah I suppose I could be okay yeah yeah I guess Oh Oh God look at him he's big well there's my PhD I'm gonna go for that next I'm gonna go for my PhD you guys pretty huge dick is that where you're going to Thailand shut up chat legs controller to fitty anyone want a free sub gifting one links controller gifting a free sub Oh Richard you guys why don't we just like do the Witcher thing all right I'm gonna pop that in 3 2 1 go spell my god completely rigged completely rigged it's almost like if you talked more in chat you just get you give prizes good lord okay I'm gonna suck this up now showjumping Theo Wilson a one-minute spade isn't bad as a spade ISM miss pay right I think so talked about this [Music] dan an intern uh done on every night uh [Music] yeah that's gonna be gone in a second if I take it [Music] Jacob's Ladder buddy GG but totally rigged Yas first time ever and got my stream account a while ago so this is apparently a GOG thing so you have to talk to the mods exactly about what that means less you totally know and then I'm the one who just doesn't know anything which is very likely so you know do what you will congratulations plane controller to fitty dad could you roll again for the free sub we could do a Rolly roll on this for a free sub how about that how about that three two one shidou Inc Zephyr Zephyr yer thank you so much for the follow but that's what you wanted link that's for a free sub Zephyr gets a free sub then oh I'm sorry let me put that in screen this person that that person right there least one who is giving away stuff if that's what you want to do link will make the question okay cool sweet call the Suites mine power our honor bits I gave a GOG key I thought it was for steam dude right how do I do this it should be happening soon zip zip your faith is real curse you power our healer musics a little loud can we turn the music down like a little bit does it seem like they miss it a little oil cloud why is this it's a good song but you think it's like low and stuff I don't know why it's so blasting and blaring gog is like free steam is free still free like steam as like isn't steam free old man like things control or gifted a Saab to Zafira thank you so much place controller and welcomes F here welcome very kind you guys are generous generous generous generous generous generous generous generous generous people today flippin generous generous generals and the genitals [Music] I have money just take it already hot sis 505 is absolutely insane full health is this really good in this situation here and that's this breaks don't break on me I just got my PhD don't do it to me keep going forever thanks until our 250 I hope that was the right one Lola yes it was well Don Lane controller thank you for that [Music] what is up with this donation machine is also being very very generous it hasn't popped once look at this I'm gonna buy so many things in the in the shop putz 4head yes power out 100 bits what huts is playing games again I thought we were making him try on hats and sunglasses hats for prime sub thank you for that thank you for that nice glasses thank you I don't know what to say look at all the soul hearts dropping uh-uh no no no no no no oh [ __ ] uh buddy in a box it's not that that's not that good but do i buy it or do i reroll it I think maybe well we should probably just start buying things in case we get to the point where we get the thing you know the one thing baggie of pills then we can reroll it but I've been really attempting to re-roll right now to try to get an item pedicel that's half off at three cents because that would be crazy good just supporting my favorite streamers love you dad thanks link links controller mystery gift I don't know if I'm really gonna keep on a whole lot of that so let's just pop it down and get some [ __ ] out of it apparently some garbage Calvin Gaul is here we can give his games away all right while we're while we're doing some stuff let's give away Kelly and girls games let's do it let's give away a game called cook serve delicious you guys want cook serve delicious which is hit pretty big recently type cook into the chat you had backpack PhD doubles blood bank payouts yeah I'm at full arts and stuff mystery gift Plus void I kind of kept it with me if that's what you meant but whatever I there's probably a better way of doing this and what I'm doing right now but oh well [Music] nananananana eeny Meeny Diplo sack head sack head [Music] look at how pathetic sack head looks right now he's eating his own face creepy sack hey he's staring at the back of my head he's like Tsun Tsun dead a [Music] sub scooter deuter's again I don't even want this mr. mee [Music] mr. Mises no you know mr. mee can make up mr. Me's all mine that's okay I'll support there we go and that's it that's all she wanted right now what no no you have PhD just buy the pills I need the money's though needs money cuz I would do anything for love but I won't do that take Diplo instead of Mister me well that is our last shop but if I charge up mr. me I can get more items you know I mean but well I mean we'll probably get white one more item it's okay we can leave Diplo and then suck try got an angel room for this or something I'll know shoo I don't know chats on screen what are you guys doing screen what are you guys even doing on screen this is my screen I didn't buy this screen for you blank rune that could be pretty fun don't you think don't feel Fang MDT blank rune nenè that's pretty good too though oh [ __ ] man well we got two of them so I might as well just go ahead and pop one of them just off the bat after I charge this up a little bit more Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina whoa are we doing a giveaway we are doing a giveaway we're doing the giveaway of this one cook I'll pop this you guys like in another 10 seconds or so ten seconds would be good all reroll machine in here Oh temperance card [ __ ] man how do I handle the situation like this like that dobbsy tier 1 sub appreciate that makes make a shortcut I'm tired of walking around I'm not gonna walk all the way to the other side I will not walk 500 miles you will not see me walking 500 miles to fall down at your stupid door double double double toil and trouble d Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina Nina what do we do with our Diplo I don't even know what to do with the Diplo because I'm a friend of mine to accidentally reroll it but I'd rather accidentally reroll the dip log and accidentally reroll my void I kind of need that it's my blank card I have cook serve it's a great time killer gets addictive as [ __ ] plated a couple years ago let's get this away guys in three two one point love he loves it too phat phat porpoise congratulations my friend you're the Wiener double the items in here and then re-roll everything yes I would agree with that but I can't ooh I can't no I can no longer use my void in that room because it will use my Diplo unless I bring some of this other stuff up there which I can totally do actually hello I'm here congratulations cook serve delicious we're gonna relay some like really good games today you guys what is the purpose of life was I doing in here just gonna grab some of these things and exchange them Ivey Vegas fine it's just gonna hurt and I don't want it to hurt dad but I don't won't take two hat double IV bag check it out if you avoid those it'll hurt you bad later don't worry guys we solved it like smart people would I have some add bits brought to you by Alienware Thank You Thor facts alright I think we should just void this now get out of the way that was my Joker - Oh what do I want here wafer wafer is really good Polly mantle also really good sensor also also also also also also really really good here lucky bought us seven months in a row welcome back to my month still but baby sorry I've been away for so long life's taking a turn for the worst and a cruel twist of irony like like I'm saying everybody else lucky but it gets better we had a huge talk and our zelda stream about how a lot of our lives are either [ __ ] right now or a worse [ __ ] and got a hell of a lot better and if you're going through [ __ ] you just haven't hit the better part wafer is infinite HP is it I think so sharp plug Satanic Bible sharp plug take any Bible sharp plug Satanic Bible Diplo the angel deal Diplo I can't come back in here though well no I can't I have another Joker card you know what I like the way that your brain thinks and I'm gonna do that I'm gonna do that didn't only have another joke around here somewhere [Music] ace of spades out of my life where see the Joker [Music] other Joker grab Diplo and take them all I could Diplo later on to do some good things but like maybe the good things could just get out of the way right now then we want to worry about Diplo later it's fine it was in your inventory you were holding it blank cards sucked I know I was holding one of the chokers I just wanted to make sure I had two of them so I didn't waste one of them which I'm gonna just I'm just gonna use one now good the hell is that noise what the hell's going on [Music] just shared a bunch of weird noises I don't know if that is maybe chantels upstairs could be it's a bird or a plane - what's up what is up all right diplo now and he didn't charge the void night it's okay I don't need to charge the void you guys that's fine I'm really not concerned about it I'll take everything and just get the hell out of here because I don't need two of them and I don't need to avoid think was I'm gonna I'm gonna bust it up in just a second here fight a reroll maybe quite possibly I'm gonna drop this and what I would like to do is find my pop pop pop pop pop pop Nickelodeon judgment card [Music] so leader Joe to your one sub thank you so much my friends really appreciate that judgment now we cannot just go ahead and have them pay out yet so we have to just put down a bunch of these firsts and then get them to pay out hey man just just get rid of it just get rid of it so you [ __ ] up holy mantle does stack by the way does it [Music] let's get that pick it up it's good stuff gonna be bop bop boop beep it about it does not subscribe there we go still fit of a bop bop bop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop ooh I still have a joker card if I want her to go back and I could totally use it with my my voided suck but like [Music] there's a mod that does make it stacked I can I can confirm holy mantle does not stack [Music] you know at some point like this is enough [Music] at some point this is probably just enough bifida beep beep beep supe d boop beep beep boop boo boo boo boo boo peep shoo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo boo that was a perthro oh man I would've done some naughty things of that we have a real role but it's not infinite du po po po po po po po po po po it's never enough I'm just like giddy with the music and stuff all right now we take the long haul here to get everything to pay out why are we still here just to suffer just to do really incredibly boring things all you watch Hut's just fade to nothing love one leaves the string was so boring boring boring savage barbecue - you're what's up I think I know who you are appreciate that my friend does your name perchance start with an A you need some brain power I know I'm afraid to pop open the sack because it could be a bomb man why did you say bum I did hmm boom thanks to keep me entertained it works uh so later Jill hundred beds appreciate that miss up a sacks are dangerous he needs some milk my name starts then eh oh my god I'm psychic oh my god I'm a psycho card against humanity that's that's probably over here for pop it open yep yeah yeah yeah yeah so welcome to the party going didn't anyone tell you that the yell bomb and it switched Jack what if there's a bombardier ba-ba-ba-ba-bom can't say bombing an airplane is that joking bad taste now was back in the day it like wasn't a big deal now it kind of is a big deal can we still use that joke is that allowed probably couldn't if you're in school I really wish this wasn't curse of Darkness though one day gods could have fixed that did this game just keeps giving and giving and giving I think I bought stanky bee water thank you for everything much love right back at you thank you for what you did today do this with the sack head has been it's been pretty good for me this game just can't expect me not to not to break it up into little bitty pieces meanwhile everybody in chats complaining about how cruel the game is okay like I don't even need to keep going with that I don't even need to keep going with that it's gonna be like a three-hour youtube video yeah it's not mine it's not my problem that's this cruel one troll bomb is gonna do us in here one of these little [ __ ] bags is gonna drop one like it's almost guaranteed I'm so ready for it I'm by far the buff up I didn't mean to grab that my speed is far too high I can't even just bounce off these dudes don't open the sacks either GT a mega pack for the giveaway from anime sweet Thank You anime GTA mega pack is that all in one go give to one person it says oh my goodness you guys we have a GTA mega pack what does the mega pack app though all the gtas or most of what does it mean to be mega rockstar bundle not all of them all but the fifth I used to play the crap out of San Andreas and vice city that's the name of it right by city the the bg1 mayonnaise supply that a lot we're gonna have fun in here but it's the secret room though which means we're gonna be hitting up secret room items and so that pool goes away which actually probably won't take too long [Music] Vice City was my jam Oh like I knew all the songs too Vice City like that's how bad it was like it's sing along with the radio stations video killed the radio star [Music] dude my arms like oh my god it hurts oh the vaccinations that I got today oh my god this arm specifically the Hep A it saw Dale Oh arm I can't even lift it more than 90 it's really painful [Music] everyone was crazy in the beginning with bits now nothing I told you no it's awkward we're all just sitting here like mmm it's not awkward the joke I just downloaded the Vice City earlier let's give away because you guys have been so patient and awesome let us give away the GTA super PAC if you guys want GTA you want GTA mega pack then type GTA me dad in the chat it is case sensitive I let's see how this goes if you all get banned for using capital letters than I apologize twiddles thumbs looking around awkward it's working it's working but don't spam it if you guys spam it multiple times you will get hit and you will not be able to win it this is ridiculous this is ridonk don't don't get you don't even think that like because it's not GTA 5 that it's bad ok you got to do the throwback sometimes you got and you should the classics you're gonna like not even understand half the memes out there because you didn't play the old games sometimes I watch TV shows for the means oh my gosh I feel like I need to know this and one GTA 5 this Monday so I'd have a full pack should we take the Bumbo bumbles gonna make it difficult for me to collect my money what do you think chat with my money Braun yeah it's gonna say there's gonna be incredibly difficult to get in there and pay this guy without picking up one of these stupid items Bombo no for bumbo yes give bumbo coin that's good enough to take what whoops that finger that still work though I didn't take any the [ __ ] okay okay now what's going on GT AME dad bumble one coin let's give it to him then here you go buddy that should cover it what you dude what did you do Bumbo here we go dad here's some gifts alright let's uh should we start rolling them you know I think we should start rear Olin I really do think that we should start that start the process at least you'd get the blood donation machines to give me blood bags as well but like a blue map yeah I don't mean it's okay flight 99 keys don't eat it shielded tears sounds pretty fun the sax I don't need that in my life the mushrooms are just kind of lame Ki bum no ruin bag yes everything else is kind of like yeah pinky here to break the silence I love hot Slav I appreciate the silence breakers and the whistleblowers forget-me-now scissor or shears I mean nah Reed's gullet yeah this is pretty cool though dark bum I don't even need the dark bum I don't even need them dull so we're breaking this again yeah I can't be trusted you guys if a kook if the CAC is an accident waiting to happen like let's be honest if a CAC is an accident waiting to happen gopher conjoins was I was there a couple familiars that I missed I think the Year I think you're right Kraven Kestrel the two months in a row welcome back feels pretty good I'm gonna give away GTA when I'm done breaking how about that I'm not done just yet I'm not done yet [Music] I'm not dead yet will he'll be dead in a minute links in Tartu video I'm on my way out good luck dad much love Thank You links controller for what you did thanks for being generous 4G and Benares brain without the lunch there [Music] so been heurists gosh the better ASSA t all right are we done here should we just be done should we just call it a day I don't even know what we're doing anymore what were we doing I didn't want that I want that though what else do I want Sun card would be pretty sweet down at c1 so dad's store credit I know I don't I don't want the store credit because then it doesn't give my pedestal back it's a mistake waiting to happen all right I am going to leave it up to squat squat should we put sub-block two times two and be jerks and have everyone riot or should be who should we keep sub lock at times one normal analog stick yeah that's fine I guess can i suck off the rest of these I could yeah could do that okay grab some card that's not gonna join this up though I said grab a card that's not going to blowing it up well we did have a Sun card look at that plus one damage is that worth it no not really not really all right Tim Tim max ye boy maximum sub Lux is squat seriously maximum sub block you just screw to everybody everybody ride against squat I'm gonna I'm gonna that's that's that's bold okay squat says max I can agree because big prize for subbers we've been getting a lot of stuff to subs we've never done it before so why not alright you cursed paladin 12 months in a row that the full year welcome back my friends fantastic stuff that's a long time of support and kaze Menezes AK kaak kaak kaak kaak cause a man is AK prime sub all right max sub luck this is ridiculous no riot some of us sanic can't afford it don't look at me or even it's not my choice all right here we go three two one I'm not done putting on I'm not putting sub-block on for the rest of the night okay just throwing that out there this will be it for sub luck good luck peasants three two one boink birth one minute birth and fetch one two three four welcome Tier one sub appreciate that very much rigged rigged it was pretty rigged I'm with you guys here where's my where's my my son card here comes this on dating video one-minute birth that's my donation links controller my name is Ian veterus his name is Robert Paulson goodnight lang controller he's not even subbed rigged birf QT is Isaac is that how I said that QT or quit tie thank you so much the prompts up friend four three two one and oh my jo weil dude [ __ ] rate can we all just can we all just agree to ride at this point in time can we all just agree to riot please I swear it's like the more you talk the more you're gonna win yes oh my god would you like this Jo would you like it her throat you know what ah Jesus I gotta go back we could / throw some stuff in the shop maybe maybe we should go until we get chaos and then / throw it I guess I'm not done sucks balls anime I am chat I haven't chat like wait this is my giveaway why am I not a part of decision making this up luck or not also should I do all three Max Payne gate games is a three-in-one giveaway this is a lot of fun anime I really appreciate it I'm sorry if you know you would you like me to double-check with you blame squat essentially come here little man come here you little man hashtag donate what does that mean Joe does that mean you want it time to kill Joe if you don't want it Joe you better let us know otherwise congratulations my friend bah bah no it is fine okay I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here I swear you know I'm literally just looking for one thing here guys only want one thing it's disgusting bumble I'm not trying to compete with you here Bombo drop bums I'm asking for one thing I'm asking for one thing here I don't even know if I want the car battery what does the car battery gonna do for me [Music] suck the mom Amega until it's still a one-time-use but it would give me an Abbas rush do I care about boss rush not really no I don't really care about boss Raja double blank card car battery equals quadri roll complete mistake but at this point in time I don't think I care I don't I don't think I care I honestly can't say that I give a rip all right full BFF to Meat Boy nuns have it that's good this one chaos man can we just get one chaos could we do it though [Music] almost stopped [Music] [Music] I'm pumpin up there's my chaos booyah blink room all right I'm gonna purr throw in here after I pick up my I guess I don't even need the blood bag anymore do I take this let's go fight the hush today I swear if you void the plan CDOT potate yourself some more potate potato peel all the way I'm fine let's do this you guys what are we yelling about it's because I donate too much I thought you said you were leaving link Kat long time for real I'm leaving this time came for the HUD stayed for the giveaways and kitty I'm not trying to ignore you I swear I'm very distracted three meaty boys hots non finally shoulda taken dark bum I'm still fine [Music] [Music] this blank room could be a perthro let's give it a shot Internet bam bam I don't know what I just sucked up I use the wrong thing I didn't mean to do that it's okay though now we have dad's key we can find on mega satan we could take it right to him could take it right to the man I don't even know what that rainbow baby came from but he's mine now he's a part of me part of the crew part of the ship I honestly forgot that I had entered also I haven't been chatting it up so your theory is wrong I just see you all the time Joe take care talk tier 2 sub thank you so much for that my friend that is fantastic that's generous what is the d6 doing here I'm taking that instead I don't care about the Hache fight you think I care about how much grab some health for double damage of course tomorrow more giveaways dad you guys I don't even know what I'm doing right now like literally I'm a huge headache I can't see straight I'm I'm all confused oh my god that's the biggest payout I think I've ever seen out of a chest [Music] can we just be done can we just be done can I leave I just like to be done please can we just go straight to the void does that count straight to the void and back all in favor its power our are you able to use the huts Cheers my custom custom pool moats do it do it shortcut do it yes all right so far a Fred Safari fred has a GTA 5 code or that's for I can read numbers GTA 4 that's sweet so about this house renovation says the nerd five bucks it hasn't gone very far in the last little bit that's a thing that just happens okay right right oh yes my lord my head hurts a lot you guys might like a major migraine right now cycle ease my old table 150 new bit the beige died holy things got any ibuprofen I'm afraid to take ibuprofen because of all my shots I took today not shots isn't like shot shot shot-shot-shot shots everybody shots isn't like arm shots like that feels not so good shots no no no we still curse die I don't know if he took the black candle we probably took the black Cana but maybe not Micah teleported sample right 14 let's enroll what is up welcome back there it is bastard what is up bass [Music] wait delirium when that's a day three you guys oh man that's a game break and a half in a victory
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 22,863
Rating: 4.8962536 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 1yIvv1sSMec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 42sec (7002 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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