Samson Run (Polling) - Hutts Streams Antibirth

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we just had a little bit of a lag there stable you your number does not match your number okay you want to get your [ __ ] together twitch inspector yeah sure I'm refreshing this thing still says live still says stable I saw I go to red over here though it seemed quiets his cat trot and squeezy hunter [ __ ] [ __ ] sup bus just got here what have I missed tons of stuff everything you missed everything everything everything everything Samson run alright you have three million percent on anti-birth doesn't exist we're doing polling you guys I don't know how he magically found his way to my face what kind of games you guys playing recently what you guys been up to what are you excited about Skyrim for switch woo Samson lag no it says a stable see now if I look over and that says stable I'm gonna blame you dishonored fallout 4 and Wow just loving that fallout huh I am definitely not playing well or a lull never played any of them Skyrim is crap says squeezie started playing Diablo 3 I was super excited for Diablo 3 after Diablo 2 and then I just didn't play it I bought it just didn't play it I don't know it just didn't do it for me for some reason I think it was something special about the time that I started playing Diablo 2 it's a special time vote away hide for the new Pokemon tomorrow has a new Pokemon tomorrow neo PC was fun stream diablo 3 and see if I'm not into it on my own I'm not gonna stream it is this a fight me uh we didn't didn't say [Music] the new game Detroit the one about the AI oh um yeah what's that called it's a ps4 Detroit Detroit become human yeah yeah yeah that one I want to play that one I have that pre-ordered q1 q2 2018 I thought it was supposed to come over like like this month I've been playing TF out of 20xx I'm hooked playing the the F like Isaac level hooked I get the H for some 20xx at all hours I have to check it out I'll have to check it out what do you guys want here 62% for number four right don't give me extra health or anything no no no give me the bombs but love it little girl stability strike dude I'm checking right now twitch inspector show me show me potato salad it says nothing about it it says we're fine it's no delay we're live I'm looking at it right now look at this can you see it look there's no dip it's like nah dude you're good no we're cool all right I'm stoned a wife to lie to me like that but sure man did we slow down I feel like we're slower right now was our tinted rock back here yes there was I thought it was just a troll bomb need rocket bombs now yeah we do good item and become rocket launcher pump up up up up up up up secret run please still not showing any dips what is that okay so what does that mean when twitch says it's getting good data but I'm seeing that something's dipping that doesn't make any sense at all speed down I told you we slow down you guys lied to me been duped and diddly dumped oh I'd like to take a half-off BFF yeah girl oh good give me a IV bag n IV bag can I have one of those please on the rocks is fine shaken not stirred shook and ooh a nickel kind of love that fire nickel Oh is trixie I hate walking through mobs of spiders but protip here when you're trying to get through spiders wait until they're just about to move to make your move because you'll know that they're gonna walk directly to you if you move too early they're gonna cut you off shook it yes shook and if she can to fall I don't know what I just said cheeks meat good good zen hyzer hello there just got my in my eye net back after three weeks without it I heard you couldn't stream for a whole week what happened though heard I couldn't stream for all week split up with my gf yeah thanks for the $50 and welcome back your eye net I guess sad bums would make this yeah really any bomb synergies would be good can't really go wrong nope please don't honestly wouldn't mind too spoopy again protect myself from the madness what's up Pringle the killer says what's your favorite item what's your favorite item chat what's your favorite item pfft [ __ ] that's a good call he didn't want to snuggle so I brought his whole bed he's like this is cool he's like oh look at this I can smile I can lay on my bed and be snide look your breath stinks dude squeezy my favorite item is toxic shock I think it's really underrated vote bucket Jacob's Ladder poops on his infection it's like what the hell did my favorite item is you brush his teeth 50% for number 4 you guys don't even know what you're voting for you guys don't even know what you're doing you don't even it's that's really good Zen eyes are another 50 so sorry that I asked I want to hide in the corner of Shane right now it's okay it's okay you just didn't know thanks to the $50.00 times two holy crap that is very generous of you I'm okay with this now we're good we cool I [ __ ] it up how do I get over there how can I get over there I'll kind of get over there no more stability all right we've hit 200 sell so I think we're due for upgraded hat time I was gonna say that hot bombs would be good this is essentially hot bombs speed-up lockdown mmm we did kind of need the speed but how badly EMB em music prime sub welcome shoot a bomb past the second blue fire curve a bomb to land behind the one closest on ledged best chances there's no way to make a bridge though there's no way to make a bridge it would have to be diagonally diagonally What did he say rahrr we were sleeping under the water are I'm putting fires on top of water gg gg game Mele that's that's fine I fell into a burning Ring of Fire went down down down maybe it's an oil fire maybe you're a oil fire maybe you're a gutter fire dumpster fire the we know we know do we play some fires up at the top so when he gets up there he burns bird ah can you burn a ghost can you burn a little luigi bored alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright vote for one of them you vote for one and I vote for one how about that or we'll just do top two Oh spongebob how was this fire underwater it's mayonnaise a fire I didn't sleep too well last night apparently my eyes are burning today and beyond and I had coffee IAT panda Deadpool thank you so much for the one one months back what do you guys want definitely number four and 19.6% for number one talk - I'd have to agree with that top - and you know what I like getting blood out and having red health spare because then we can actually use that to flip an item then we can actually flip some flipper flips Wow me Dad what does Sampson get with birthright what does he get I think I need to know don't give me three pennies I need it for I didn't see a damn thing hahaha what does Sampson get with birthright I'm gonna look it up right now I think it's I think it's important to know I'd like to know 400 bits from BOE master oh thank you my friends not even a message on they're just nothing but generosity right there birth rights Samson Samson Azazel and Lazarus no special effect yet a copies in a random items of fact that says one which we do not know great great great so Samson just doesn't yeah he just doesn't get a birthday gift that's a load of crap that's some [ __ ] right in my eyeballs dude I don't like that I don't like that birthright though every single time we land on the next floor it takes my red health away and depending on how much it takes it gives me a damage bonus for it and then we need to get it back immediately plus for Samson so every time you get hurt we gain even more damage some solid choices here we have Boaz that blood bombs we have the entrails which leaves like a like a blood tail behind me there's holy mantle which is really good bomb synergies though is that a bomb synergy what is the blood bag blood bomb three and four are cool but number two you know what what is one of these synergies that might happen here creep bomb so they creep bombs they leave creep that that's probably correct I don't know for sure though myself 51% for number two I'm down blood bombs bloody bat blast + HP oh we got HP out of it oh that's a lot of creep that's super good now anything goes into that fuc zone is gonna be screwed that was still uh oh wow okay lead him into the fire uphill into burning revoir down down down he's like oh ah oh what is this I'm stepping on this is good peach skies 95 bits it doesn't make a notification on my side unless it hits 100 it's not much but it's my first time donating love you hots thank you so much Pete's guys I saw that you said that I missed it just uh it doesn't show up for me it doesn't notify me unless it's a hundred or or more but I appreciate anything my friend so thank you this is good these are some powerful bombs give me some sad boobs on top of it and we're in business Rockets add bombs rocket-powered sadness 500 bits now from ball master you're crazy take my cash daddy by the way rip cup is the cup not working we can reload the cup the best part about this cup is I can reload the cup and it puts everything that should be in there back in the cup slam dunk style here goes yeah rip those gray bits now if I use my Anarchist Cookbook you know it's pretty special it's still really dangerous for me though forty-eight hour energy is so good with this book man um goodness much excitement how have we seen so little tinted rocks this whole this whole stream what's up with that airline food I mean like what's up with that steel wool what do you steel or wool their iron sheep popping around Scotland only playing Isaac today I said if I got a four win streak that I would know three win streak I play some Mario's tonight not sure if there's gonna be a break in the like in between that or not knock Lluis 11 months in a row welcome back the Rainmaker meet the fire-maker that went really well that went really well top bit bosses bowl master you are correct 25 years behind because I am 25 years old 25 years behind what such a lack of flippin Tinka drock's and puzzled so fire beats water or dam pokemon lied to me we got the key or the knife piece we're good or the knife ease is for ah they make a full knife that I can stab mom with and then fight mohombi mom + 17 damaged wow that's really good that's really good it must it must just like rage must be giving me damage boosts / half heart took and because look at how red we are and look at how much damage we got that's insanity that's so much extra damage don't don't block my way here why are you blocking my way I'm trying to walk through here that was not fair at all shot speed up is that a good thing oh no oh my god again again really holy [ __ ] we are going for a win streak here so it would allow me to use my book too it would allow me to use my book take a look it's in a book reading rainbow huh can't go anywhere it's Jason Bourne Matt Damon work guards work guards yeah regards regards what is this number three 51% oh dude sealed your fate is sealed we could hurt ourselves to jump over some spikes and then heal myself by bombing myself crawlspace myself and get lots of damage Dody health up please full health is also acceptable swags wait the Mario's tonight after polling darn while I'm trying to keep myself unspoiled so I'll donate now I'm so I to get to the game and switch next Thursday for my birthday nice good birthday requests it's uh I like it I do like it a lot $25 some Zen Heiser oh my god you're still going also just that you know the zip hoodie I ordered arrived yesterday took some time to come to Germany but it's finally here stewed tweet me tweet me I want to see that [ __ ] is it good is it good quality it better be the best damn equality that you had unseen you got poison bombs too now it's exciting mr. rainbow death Reading Rainbow cuz I can bomb everything yay cancer very acceptable actually incredibly incredible that is incredible we're still here by the way Oh Harry's is it come here wait I'm on my way bucks own just got [ __ ] here could I get some tinted rocks though it might be fun I've heard the tinted rocks are beautiful to sound beer would love to see one use a candle everywhere it's tricky take a look in my book it's my dick in a book ooh my dick in a book girl one cut a hole in a book to put your junk in that book three make her read the book and that's the way you do it I knew it was there I knew it mostly because I checked everywhere else but I knew it for you and one for you oh we made through that one the rock who lived [Music] me get a pet tinted Rock get a dog and name it tinted rock Chino chapter 27 still more shaft still got to the end but she says that ending was a bit fuzzy couldn't peel the last two pages apart okay yeah it's mines one so I say we erase something it's it's costly but what he got for me to erase these guys on game don't kill him there no more blind bats I've just I just cured blindness and bats I made them extinct but not fly it anymore gotta look on the bright side cuz I'm mr. Brightside ah mister fart pill not doodle hello oops didn't mean to go down that speaking of shaft could you have erased the turret I don't know it didn't want to waste it this is the most perfectest enemy I've ever seen for this let it rain let it rain oh my god tinted rock - I am so sorry about what I just did to your face I am so sorry but that was awesome but sorry about your car man name that movie name that movie do you know all right should we jump do we forget our knife piece did we forget to go to the mausoleum no and no so much blood let there be blood dude where's my car new come on somebody's gotta have it rice and ranae what's up Tommy Boy swags yeah the hat was awesome but sorry about your car dude when they pick up the deer they hit the deer in the road they're like and they stuff it into the back of the car just me am I the only one that remembers this sorry I took a potty break what's up you think you get that potty I did not mod you Chino so that you could potty I won't poopoo in the potty I have to be reborn cuz I've been gone for a while keep doing amazing stuff and nice beer bro nice beer bro this is aminos five hundred bits hell yeah do what you got to do my friend as long as you're still extremely supportive person ain't no I'm gonna judge ain't no one got say nothing girl plus 12 damage whoo oh that's good all right well piercing would be a no-no with bombs I like it when they punch into the enemy and they go and they stick to him more or less no P P for you I mean he can keep his PP my dick in a book how did we go from a a song about a a children's show to putting your dick into a book that's that's just not a good connection those two topics don't really mesh well together no they don't can we get a hat upgrade Hutt's well this is level two we're at level two level three it takes takes some level three stuff you know what I mean do you know I'm saying girl because you're a terrible person sis scone mmm nice good to go always good to get compliments from your friends no 90 percents then nygma bombs random blasts so that's poison and rock oh my gosh you guys it feels good to be me today that's all I gotta say it feels good to be me even though I'm apparently a horrible person oh hush you know I love you body my law degree how do you know I got a lot of green take look it's in a book my law degree is I'm super smart super genius you guys just didn't know I would like to take that I thought it was box not book hell its book everyone knows it right all right guys you know red patch wouldn't be bad red patch would not be a bad idea at all red patch gives me more damage upgrades when I take damage I think it was synergize well but cancer is cancer you know what I mean leaf two months in a row hello my friend welcome welcome back thank you for returning I'm just waiting for but bombs honestly take a look at uh kaput we've got a four room but I'm not really gonna use it not sure that's nice I would like to get a rock bottom as well if I got rock bottom I could drop the cancer trinket Reap creep I just go straight for the the spikes look you guys the spikes go up and down alright eenie meenie need we need maybe grandpa says head you can't get out without taking it I'm gonna stick with the book Anika's cookbook is rarely ever good for us let's enjoy this let's enjoy this sup spark it's dick in a book in a box Reading Rainbow cuz I can put my dick on everything anarchists cookbook best thing that's ever happened to me this power level is over pupil yeah I don't like those guys I don't like those guys don't have to make more of them please if we didn't have pyro right now we would be screwed squeezie hunter bets dick in my crocks it's my dick in your crocks food in your groans can't say that would be too comfortable just sit still and everything will be fine yep told you there we go Oh trying to send a bomb in there the music on this floor is so rad get those guys quick and I don't like them now not a friend of the people yeah piercing bombs would be a huge mistake here so hard to hit them with fast-moving bombs if you if you pierce through them couple zombie hearts no no no no blood our blood oath plus sabi heart is death and that's not what I want for my life Donna no no no no the fleshy rainbow right or left right or left gang hot snowballs the reaming rainbow raft oh right right right I see a lot more rights have it give me hope that yeah I don't know yeah maybe sure fine it's a well coil I don't know kind girl that I find attractive you make me want to vomit all over myself aren't you a wizard oh this will be fun we can't take all of them you guys anti birth removes them all after I pick one so you have to pick one of them you have to pick one of them number three oh my god it was the right choice get out to true belief that there's the door it's right there out place so I make it look like I'm actually throwing you guys out give me or you get the hell out of my room you guys didn't reach you got to go a little further than that the doors there oh I'll pretend this is you I'm like get out and you're like ah and you look down and you're like you need a longer cord if I'm really gonna take you out that's no just join what am i missed oh we're role-playing have lots of fun number three 49% susana you guys why'd you pick number three it's garbage slowing is fine we had to pick one of them okay don't yell at me because you picked three it could reach but we held on for dear life because we love you man y'all crazy y'all crazy oh dish the room lock down bell you shouldn't have yeah no no tentacles please please keep all of your tentacles inside the ride until the ride comes to a complete stop it's my tanika little box ooh my tentacle in a box girl consent achill x' you didn't I did not give you consent pickles on to touch my tentacle sticking with the whole y'all are crazy thing oh that's nasty experimental pill HP uh pluck down I'm good with more read health I'm cool with that yo do I need to save my keys for any reason I don't know shoe I don't know you got two nickels in the same room no shops feels bad man we're doing okay beat down my luck though with the fires is on fire [Music] Jew come out Jew come out oh oh yeah too fast for you spider I think there's two top secret rooms one per section so I think there's probably one on the other side if we really want to find it we're really really motivated right there right to there did not matter in the least bit good happy about that I love it when the game crashes on me isn't that the best feeling isn't that the best feeling though why does anti-birth crash on me like once every single time I flip and play it I'm gonna start this whole floor over what did we get on the other side did we get anything that was worthwhile or should I just stick with what we got from over here cuz I think we were doing pretty okay just got some like health and stuff maybe I want some just garbanzo beans you know what we get a second chance though to vote on something better right or is that last floor ah that's no balls nice nice balls nice balls man I was even doing anything by the way I don't know why I would have broken I don't know why borked dudududududududu where was our item room what I'm do your damage is it lower now what was the last time Oh do we not go to this room did we not one or two you guys we might be able to get both of them I'm not sure you didn't get stabbed don't not get stabbed in the start of this floor it was over 30 hmm hmm crickets head is gone don't have trick its head what happened crickets head no it's right there I can see it [Music] number two you guys want 47% orphans socks speed up plus your feet feel stronger you just gave Dobby a sock can I walk on spikes now all right let's pull this again number three we picked last time and it was a little dish more like little ish and my right immune to spikes and creep Dobby is free game gave hut to sock plus is free I just quit the game and leave never played this game ever again I'm free and you can now step on dobby look at different turn what do you guys want very split between four and two but I see 35% for four Doris you guys suck you guys are terrible people how could you why Hey look at my items showed up again after I picked up an item Dini [Music] we watch out for these Sync songs she tried to make me walk over the spikes but I'm immune to them I said [ __ ] mom's lipstick would I love to wear some of that okie Dokes really don't want to go ahead and give all my life away so let's pick one of them I almost just push myself into one of them I'm thinking either two or three since they're too hard deals let's pick one pick one keep the rest of the health for the damage upgrades that we do get cuz it's pretty serious and pretty good it's pretty serious shop question mark maybe here's to hoping it crashes for another chance at a nighttime Ramlal get out I do not want to do this floor over again all or no balls I should never have given you guys that emote Nikki Kenton I'm surprised that twitch allowed it honestly but that's cool just don't say anything about it Shh de nanana nanana nanana ceremonial robes good choice a little lame but what did we get last time we got nun's habit by going right let's go left really good bow I'm out what the hell is the new email is supposed to be it's some two fingers pinching uh water bottle nipple yeah that's what it is it's definitely not naked Ken doll nether region for no balls clown there's no pee-pee stupid Taurus it's so good though you can walk into the enemy's Maggie's das vaginas he just whipped the bomb away would be good when a problem comes along you and I swear bet you know it's okay cuz I can walk into them and touch them and get some black card no black card virus the black hearts and the virus was from the DLC I think not from rebirth if I remember reading the wiki correctly blood rights isn't as good anymore this is true which is why I don't want to give up all of my help I kinda want to go for wigglies here Wiggly bombs it's so fun though when a problem comes along use your tentacles how do I get in there how do I get in there I can't get in there doesn't seem right I can't get in there mom there it is I found it I feel like I owe you this for voting for last floor damn you curse of the blind says swags that's ok I forgive you mostly sometimes kind of almost do they don't do new didn't didn't take your night that's gonna you know beat black market it still works here dude black market black mercado black market Negro Mercado you lied to me did you like carrots are good for your eyesight did he need any nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee nee your Portuguese is terrible mercado negro when our problem comes along you might as well bet kill them destroy them with your horns I shall take these sapphire atom half if-- there's only half the Ives I don't even need the health I don't even need it give me some pennies though dude this from blows good thing I got socks on they're called orphan socks does that mean orphans can walk on spikes good next time I see an orphan I'll push him on spikes it's good to know I am Brazilian you are make fell dumb you have been making me feel dumb I got my penny that I spent it for a mushroom and then we celebrate with three vodka Jewish my problem comes along put your dick in a book but again a book girl so Kitty Softpaws what's up little man what's up man coming up or not dude I'm waiting Wow took you long enough bruh bruh buddy man I got him in a bear hug I got him in a bear hug he's like this sucks I don't like this anymore no bear hugs bad stop I am NOT the bear do not hug me like one where we did we leave behind uh no there's another shop oh shoot there's two shops it's a seven cent item and the other one mom might as well take the 15 cent one then ah the bastard box we try for it we give the bastard box a whirl see if we can come up with some soul arts there's a couple actually on the floor already there's actually one that dropped in my curse room yeah buddy I will get this thing charged by the end of this there's another one over here oh gosh there's so hard for days halfway full already thank you tear for the host I appreciate that you little alle bastard what does this item do it gives me two really good items I think if I can get it fully charged with soul hearts maybe stuff like that an axe tiller great what's up dude guys will do things when they damn well please there's no control my cat would freak out so bad if I try to confine in a hug yeah well in he's he's he's a pretty chill dude I just I messed with him as much as I possibly could when he was a kitten just like constantly like touching his paws and giving him hugs petting him scratching homework I mean like you got to do it right right you got to make it worth the cat's while give him all the good scratches and stuff like that all right we're full-hp up lockdown we are full so do we take this to the curse room does it matter which room I'm in it might it might matter Oh bowl of Tears I like the bowl of Tears is it better than the bomb book probably not but it's fine I guess I don't know I charged it by throwing bombs out I think we'll just stick with the bomb book book [Music] boop-boop-boop the bowel of tears not the same not the same thing surprisingly did we find an item room yet it's his room number and there are run number - why you say ROM instead of room I don't say realm I say room I say room room don't make me get into this again alright cuz every single time I say room I stub my food call Hutt's his bowel is crying northern American accent as a difference between rum room and room near the difference rum rum rum rum rum rum room it's just a takes way too much effort for me to say room room room look look at my mouth room room I feel like mmm me me me go to room rum I'm drinking rum mmm this is delicious rum go to your room room go to your room room this doesn't sound like doesn't even sound like my accent it doesn't even sound real what I say room because you're saying it like that cuz you're stupid you guys suck at picking items I'm never trusting you again ever what do you call a little robotic vacuum rumba rumba if I'm if I'm reading my engines it goes vroom vroom doesn't go from from but I'm definitely sending you to your room your vroom vroom Isak up up and away web come on finish her walked into that spider to finish her dammit god dammit some balls where's my knife piece oh [Laughter] goodness it's right there it's in that double long room you forgot the knife no I didn't know I did that to lie you're lying I don't know why you have to lie I'll bomb it open it's okay it's it's fine this isn't gonna work it's in a book take a look whoa what a fail ah hearts is so stupid you know I probably could have just quit the game all to F forward it then I can probably gotta gotten back in you blew it I prefer green you should have let us vote vote on what rum you distracted me eight the roam comments alright this is God's punishment for you're saying room dream didn't go to the right room room room you see how stupid that sounds exactly from this so easy to say it how much RAM does it need to drink in a Boomer um in a room with a broom from bream that's it's a very speedy broom broom broom no okay shot speed through the roof tears up tears up yeah buddy oh my goodness more bombs the merrier rum rum rum rum rum rum rum rum why do you say rum why do you hear me wrong maybe that's the most important question maybe it's not my mouth maybe it's your ears maybe it's your damn ears now well yeah pick one that's fine you want the one where I can control it with my mind red-room how do you say roof I'm gonna walk on the roof I hope I don't fall into this room a dog goes rough oh shoot I must hit my ball out of the rough right on to that person's roof I dove to my shot because that car was going vroom-vroom the balloon went boom too soon I had to zoom out of the brooms new room breem four makes more sense really well it's whatever the people want number two I've the occult yeah second control them with my mind it's actually kind of cool though because if I keep pushing forward the bombs won't blow the other bombs backwards that's pretty neat gang that's pretty special oh it's your bad admit it there's some standard krebs SAS trying to make me feel as bad as possible about myself how about doom doom I like that game our button solves as I can show you the world shining shimmering spender Tim princess now when did you last let your dick of room o new G know people usually make fun of the way I say dollar I don't hear it but everyone else says everyone else does dollar dollar dollar dólar de Lune ace that's not me to say that oh hell yeah do it do it now time to start over [Music] yeah Joker here oh oh let's all vote on whichever one you want we all want number two sweet good vote everybody i knows a good vote i liked it i had a lot of fun courtney murder hay huts how you doing pretty good thank you for thunder bits are you doing I got you a dollar dude whoa check that out baby Colts it's so sweet it is pretty cool actually that was pretty cool look at me in the eyes and tell me that wasn't cool dolla dolla dolla bills y'all meaning me swallow'd penny for money equals power synergy I can't give up the cancer more shot speed please should we go all in with the pills nah so that's a silly idea just glad to get more voting sad bombs so your stream is too stable I just dipped into the yellow and you said that stressed got a lot of homework full-time school schedule and working full-time I've done that before and holy crap but doing what I got to do and watching your stream makes the day much better do what you got to do cuz at the end of the day you're gonna be like oh yeah of course you know as long as you don't let the whole thing we're like you know you didn't live to be happy and then you're like angry and you're like I have things then you try to fill that void by like Spain and might you have because you have a good job now because you did it and people like jealous of your money but like so don't do that you know take care of yourself absolutely take some breaks relax a bit if you gotta take a B here and there it's fine you don't need straight A's it's fine over RC or or you know DS do whatever you I do try to get good grades though don't kill yourself over it Killian game or seven months in a row what is up welcome back doesn't mean my tits anyways spiraling Lowell my my advice is spiraling maybe a little bit dead wisdom heck and Rex did Freck yeah oh wait where's my sad bombs that was a sad bomb where's the rest of my sad bonds that was one are they not all sad but those are sad bombs not every one of my other bombs is a sad bomb no that makes me sad it's not even working it's sort of working but it's also sort of not working - three lucky shouldn't have anything to do with it twenty-one months for a destroyer god he had some back been a long time sorry for not being here in a long time been working about 70 hours a week as a general manager in dealing with a kid miss you guys now I can enjoy how much I can enjoy you how much longer welcome back destroyer gotta appreciate the 21 months in a row good luck with all that stuff get your hands full we're gonna be streaming for a while today so it could be the Enigma fire mind over rules it I don't know why fire mind would have a say in this leave it be fire mind what happens though if I can't put together a knife piece because I already have two of them you know like I see the same knife pieces again and it's gonna be like nah deed yeah that's just a big old dealer Reno oh hello ouch kortnee murder thanks for the advice I think hello just got a funny can make it to the stream missed you la tots hot slob hot [ __ ] love you okay you know I tried like really hard when I was at college university we're gonna call it and probably would have done just fine how'd I not stressed over it so much but the reason I did so well is because of it so this is you got to definitely strike that balance balance being keyword plenty for us and go all you need to do is break the game what do I need to break the game I wish I could break the game with a red key goatskin new you know maybe see turf set 14 months in her all was up moo moo moo I'm a shoe ooh but that was a blank item room just as good as a blank item around the holy garbage Batman that's why I watch you getting my R&R on hell yeah thanks for the more bits to goat skin or no balls goat skin or fleshy naked Ken he's not even fleshy he's plastic who we kiddin hard as a rock gross but not though I'm gonna fight muffin I was fun watching you a guy to play this game I've been wah waiting for to come in the mail rip social life my guys vote for brother Bobby shoopdawhoop blargh 500 now would you like some more bits holy bits bit me dad they just called Courtney my dad it's not weird you're weird where's this top Seagram where is it though kinky I suppose maybe it's ears to the top secret room that's a very faraway top secret room full of garbage do you know the muffin man the Ken doll is kind of like no balls or [ __ ] kinda alright you pick one I pick one go unless you pick the nail in which case I'll just take that one we got two scoops got these hairball the quarter why is the quarter in the deal with the devil it definitely should not be this is still run two out of two isn't it like we should be on run three by now number two because money goes power but also read health equals power probably even more power because we're Samson with blood rights 52 percent for number three all right I'm gonna pick guppy there's guppy proc even if I uh if I'm using bombs probably not oh well shoopdawhoop is powerful we're so slow though you guys so slow as I can show you how slow what does to spoofs do scares away enemies that get too close to me so any enemies like spiders and [ __ ] they're not gonna be able to do melee damage to me because they can't get too close or maybe they can if I walk into them huh what does the tomato do damage upgrade maybe Eve's mascara though double damage bombs there's no spawn in this so I don't want experimental treatment my bad my bad number four 64% I kind of wanted the tomato what does the tomato do can I look it up the tomato rotten tomato tears now have a chance to mark enemies marked enemies will be attacked by other enemies oh that's I don't like that yeah you guys can kind of see it there what would happen there oh jeez oh there's ads oh that's what happens there you guys can't see it still forget it then you're hopeless stigmata for HP HP would have been good too [Music] four months hey Dad what's up Kakashi Hatake what is up Rock and syringe old capacitor umbilical cord sticking with cancer here especially after getting used mascara give more but babies are but bombs just want to see if I can pull off 15 cents we got Steam sale though we only need seven we got Steam sale so shops are way easier to use don't like any of these options don't really Soula pap what's up we could probably add some money to from the the pool maybe nope stingy poo where boy Wurm get totally screwed more like all right Dan and we got all the keep the knife pieces yeah yeah there wasn't even a room with a night piece in it so we're good we cool the candy bar looking thing what was it's three three cards I think called star a booster pack something like that yeah boy wormwood all right so we don't have to worry about getting a knife piece then until we hit mausoleum it's gonna make sure we go to the mausoleum then when you think guys thought I blew this whole episode joke's on you I've never been stronger oh boy let's see here let's go over our options dark Judas it's fine am I ever gonna use to our Judas it's possible we could bump it up to like sixty damage at some point if we got there my reflection would just be I don't even know I don't even know if that would work I've no idea then there is Capricorn which is a health upgrade all stats upgrade tear to lay down and then spiderbaby the tear to lie down isn't gonna be that special since we're at 27 but the health would be nice number three for 42% all right I thought you guys gonna go for my reflection for sure thought you guys go in my reflection for totes you know what Topsy groom could be down there could call me good call DeeDee little ding ding ding ding ding Liddy what up what if I mail you a hat of yourself what if I don't know what if get destroyed no deal with the devil at 72% really really though really really really health ups though tears up speed down 20 fire rate with Eve's mascara is pretty good pretty nice though questions so I'm confused how many months do you have to subscribe to get that but hut also how many months to get the huts but 75 bajillion 430 million I mean 68 damage you guys yeah yeah you know having that health there for the blood rights or whatever it is called really good like really good holy crap good job breaker money equals power what's your favorite game other than Isaac um just whatever else I'm playing right now like the evil within - I gotta say it's been pretty fun to play I like that a lot so far it's gotta finish it and then my other favorite game will go to whatever I'm playing is that lame oh well how about Mario Mario is good Mario is really good we got to play more of it though it's definitely scratching that Mario itch and I like it I'm looking forward to jumping into breath of the wild - I think that's gonna be a good one that Zelda itch nope should blow this guy and now I'm a hundred percent chance actually I don't need to blow up the shopkeeper I don't know split shot I'm sure won't work rubber cement might work with the sad bombs but I'm controlling the tears so they're gonna bounce wherever I push them don't know how that's gonna work and I don't even know what number two is I don't even know it's lost sold this item gives you a familiar version of the lost character which dies instantly upon being hit that the familiar survives an entire floor you get a random reward regenerates at the start of each floor if dead interesting number 273 percent all right I'm gonna name him hmm Gilbert he's gotta survive the whole floor you guys can't make that happen does he die fighting him with my own bomb we're [ __ ] Gilbert screwed Gilbert's never been more screwed ever Gilbert was born into a cruel world how am I supposed to not blow him up with all these bombs it's my own bombs if I'm immune to bombs and he should be me into bombs to rip Gilbert Gilbert who's Gilberg Gilberg sounds like a a wrestler Goldberg my name is Gilbert and now I'ma kill that Batman if my name ain't gillberg in the Megiddo great Gideon and every character I should be able to blow mop Gilbert would not have survived this one either so [Music] come on pop-up the hurt Gideon we just have to kill all the enemies it's pretty simple really it's scrud muffins Gilberg sanchez what do you think brimstone is gonna do with this and how about the hanging folly knife or guppy heylook brimstone you pick one I pick one why not all three remember for as Damocles I think the the knife falls on me and kills me if I don't have a respawn then I'm screwed so I don't think I want it brim will rip your fire right but you're sad bombs will rock I don't think the sad bomb synergies does it happen in anti-birth because you gotta remember this is rebirth not anti-birth or not after birth I mean did it happen in rebirth I don't know if they synergized I don't think they did just like Gilbert number 2 34 percents yes not working officially does not work yeah rip you guys lied to me you lie to me am I not copy though my guppy now no I'm gummy I'm not gonna take Damocles I'm not gonna do that I don't have a respawn I've got a question mark respawn that's not good enough for me to feel good about it whoa whoa you guys got to go down here 140 damage flies though not anymore all right Gilbert's come with me Gilbert's a skilled warrior at the heart of the warrior heart of a warrior and the constitution of a glass of water Gilbert more like rebel Burt oh my god where did the Webby dudes come from Gilbert no do you need anything eenie Gilbert I love using shoot-through hope everyone's dead fun fun stuff for me from my but the whip guys come from your butt interesting I'll learn something today I'll hurt myself today spawned that out of Rome a item rom hey there it is blank card better than Shoop I'm just I'm voting on canes of their eye or peep they're just way good they're way good vote to are no balls if you're gonna go witness then blank card is not worth it shoopdawhoop it is not gonna do much to against the witness either number three 52% oh I didn't show you guys there you go it's just I just don't even show you guys just trust me trust me it's the one that I wanted black candle worth I didn't mean to hit my machine sorry machine Bobby oh can we get some cards then what's this card up here for the devil yeah yeah maybe the visage the flippin screwed alright next floor is the knife piece I got five more minutes with this how you guys I'm taking it off twenty sixty nine one more time before I go to sleep have a good day debts good night Zen Heiser good night thank you so much my friend for being extremely generous today I really appreciate that Gilbert Dooley duh I can't I can't keep him alive can I be done by mere mortals Waku prime sub welcome goddamnit Gilbert make Gilbert gray again Frankel dad dammit gillberg nice jour Pam stray your playboy today yeah I think I'm gonna take a break after the next episode and walked into the fire it wasn't even a ring a fire take a break after this episode I'm gonna eat some food and I'll come back later for a late night streams for some Mario's need to rest my eyes rattler five months in a row five my standard only four left to tell but baby really glad you're back at it with Isaac my new kitten loves attacking the flatscreen when you stream sounds like a good time appreciate the five months rattler welcome back apple juice cremes um I might crack some apple juice we'll see take a sip of apple juice for every sub I've done that before the cheers for every new sub just trying to find that out of room in just trying to find out out of moon no don't go back get high on apple juice smoke the apple juice or you cosplaying as your mom why I don't know I don't know don't ask SuperMario juice hots only smokes Twix this better be worth it to come all this way that was [ __ ] not worth it as it retreats card against humanity interesting there also was a petrified poo back there but do I really want it do i cornea murder 100 since I might not be there for the late-night streams wanted to mention I love Mario Odyssey and evil within stuff you're doing it's been super entertaining I've been having a good time too and I'm glad they appreciate it thanks for saying so looking for a top secret room that maybe has a year in it or something that might be a after birth room though oh I got blue map I know all the top secret are shi-it petrified pube that's my face where you petrified pube get out don't knock it till you try it I am sleepy today you guys finally finally the last vote almond milk also what is that D what's that D I'm looking it up hold on if you guys tell if you want to wait till I say what they are then you go ahead and wait alright and you go ahead and wait I've never seen that D before ever eternal d6 upon use this item acts identical to the d6 item however the item also has a small chance to disappear oh hey the game file is design it was called Florian's dice oh okay it's a d6 but has a chance to go away boo I don't like that what's almond milk by the way greatly increases tear fire rate greatly increases decreases damage individual tier gains random worm effect it's it's soy milk it's so no excuse you know excuse me for my natural body things that happened naturally its natural number two 50% you guys suck yeah yeah 80 damage 225 good good though oh good super I mean 25 damaged bombs we're still gonna destroy the entire world and everybody who's in it see room we're fine we're good beautimous Maximus well okay so what happens if I drop a bunch of bombs and then leave the room can I get a bunch of soul hearts oh this is gonna be real naughty huts steeds hots easties to the max maximum STIs oops it blew up it'll work did it work though no one oh yeah real naughty one soul heart didn't work that time that's for damn sure we got our knife we got our knife together you guys we're good this is fine yeah fine okay fine fine this is gonna be okay this is gonna work it's also gonna twerk all right both no well okay I can't take a double a hard deal until I take a single hard deal so if you if you vote for a double hard deal I'll just take a single hard deal first I guess oh they're stretching gonna make me more tired or is gonna wake me up wake me up before you stretch stretch don't leave me hanging on like a betch betch I'm hungry need to look for what I have for dinner today me too clock whip me up something good order us a pizza wake me up wake me up inside save me 64% from number two if I took it now I'd lose all of my health and I would die miserably Colden alone why go ahead and take a sack bag first then I take a number two then I take a big [ __ ] I don't even know if this is gonna work I hope it does though I hope it does though now that was naughty blank card card against manatee + petrified poo we're fine cancers good what would happen if I dropped pants Gilbert 7 fire right - to fire rate that I think that's significant I think it's worth about cancer here Gabbard [Laughter] Gilberts is not long for this world zombie heart zombie hearts better than a zombie part you know I am seeing some oculus rift things which is good you know it's good to see great way to keep in shape hots question mark what boobs curse plus zombie fart people were saying that I should be able to get into this thing over here but it's still not working for me it's still not doing the trick dropping frames bro let's hold off for a second let's wait till this thing stabilizes itself twitch inspector show me potato salad it says nothing so that was a little dip there but now it says it's back up it's showing the dip this time it just didn't mark it I don't I don't get what this twitch inspector thing is supposed to have what it's supposed to do it's supposed to help me I think we're back up you guys how much money should I give not very much I don't need a new trinket I don't need health I don't need you poop him in poop him in aah aah he can fly Oh Luigi bored we're already guppy so I don't need that thing the tail I go for a mark pooping the big room but fallen is immune to poop is he fallen or is he flying you think that if someone fell maybe on the floor with the poop leg is so bad that even the add is affected see now that makes me feel like as at which problem if ads are lagging how is that me number four I got a soul heart back for buying that too so epic bonus super boner I mean bonus stop downloading prawn says nothing with my downloaded have to do my upload I'm uploading prawn hitter right Gil I just don't even care about him anymore that was the last floor that I could have cared about him you know I just don't care his skin is made of soft noodles and tissue paper he was a true ghost he'd be invincible except for like holy water and sage finally reach the pinnacle of this run it's over it's over it's over make it stop damn it garbage oh my god could it be worse finish you more [ __ ] yeah you can kill me if you can get to me first through the fire and poop carry on oh wait for the day yay that was easy it's a good time real tough real tough stuff Pringle hunter bits the curse of Gilbert is making streams lag let's back up quick cheer belly aching it's at 5% frames dropped again No
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 8,692
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: qwb2dXewShk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 11sec (6611 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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