5th Anniversary Binding of Isaac Stream!

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] High [Music] [Applause] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] [Music] round two fight [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] 8 7 6 5 [Music] 4 3 2 [Music] 1 what's up everybody Welcome to the strs what's going on we're playing original Isaac today the hell is this it's the fifth anniversary today of this game so I figured let's pick it back up it's not the fifth anniversary of the Wrath of the Lamb it's not the fifth anniversary the etal Edition but I mean it's it's the original game we're jumping back into the flash version should be hell of a lot of fun my OBS has been like really weird lately so not exactly sure what's going to happen but you know what for Old Time sake let's jump in see what's up I'm not sure if it's going to be framy or not or what's going to go on Destroyer God all I love all the butts the bees thank you so much for the 8 months in a row Destroyer god seriously it means a lot to me thank you so much that resub that's why we're still at 314 baby all right let's do it uh I guess we're just going to start as Isaac with the D6 I mean like we could play as other guys but let's just do the the original man hard mode hard mode yes let's do Eternal it's so lit oh gosh can you guys see can you guys hear is it all working correctly uh my meta my meta for the original Isaac is not there is not there Lord my Lord thank you for filling up the cup I appreciate that all right what's up you guys uh we're going to be screwed expect to die a lot especially with the hard mode with eternal enemies like look at this look at this what am I supposed to do against that man what can one do against this oh sack dag right off the bat I'm going to take some of that so this is the original for those of you guys who've never seen it before this is the original flash based version uh what I can't hear you well break the game should we go into the uh this room here o the sacrifice room no oh the curse oh the curse room ah [ __ ] I'll do it oh there's a there's a secret room right there as well and then do I take nine lives off the bat that sounds like an incredible mistake doesn't it it's one step closer to guppy but we'd be screwing ourselves for health like done we're doneo for health we could roll it oh jeez you guys ah what am I doing oh no has anybody uh has anybody played this hey what's up everybody lovey Landa erazer what's up prissy basser scone JP what's up everybody all right butt Hut butt no balls roll roll take it oh jeez I feel like I want to take it then I leave the room and I lose all my health immediately you know it's like ah oh I'm going to take it I'm going take it hopefully one of these is like a health upgrade or something like that lock down not exactly Health upgrade and a speed down not ex wasn't really what I wanted wasn't really what I wanted there uh we could touch the unicorn horn and then we can roll this and this room unicorn horn could be super cool for things but uh I want to say no to it right now I'm going to say no to it and then we have to bomb our way out so let's hope that this is like a a special room over here otherwise if I try to go through the door again I die right cheer 500 thank you C marix oh my God destroy the cup destroy the cup destroy it roll this into what what it turns into nothing now since when since [Music] when would people play the original Isaac serious question chat would you guys play this if you had a seed for it all right it is like it's it's very different I I feel like it's very different just like response times and things like that and the whole like not 60 frames per second thing we do have a sacked egg but I'm really scared to use it right now and I feel like I'm going to die I'm so going to die die especially if we have an eternal boss oh no oh the Eternal bosses are even harder yeah this is going to be uh Bad News Bears this is Bad News Bears it's only Duke of flies but still but still man Eternal means they're just like way more powerful extremely so I can't die cuz then I just come back in and I have to fight him again please sir please Tom Cruz help me Fally your Tom Cruz Powers use your witchcraft to get the fire off me all right we can do this you guys we can do this oh no we can't do this no I couldn't do that are you kidding me are you [ __ ] on my face that was what no huh who I got a free Eternal heart though that's pretty hype right that was just like a uh-uh that's like a no that's maybe possibly nah we can go full Eternal mode if we kill this guy a ton of times and get uh at least what is it seven seven Eternal Hearts you go Eternal mode there like an eternal transformation on this uh binding of ISAC Eternal mode a this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous Lefty Lefty two months in a row double butt Club Ro to Sanic butt bound thank you so much for that I appreciate it welcome back here's many more months thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right all right all right we got this we can do this when he dies though oh the sheer amount of death Doom that brings upon my face sack dagger help me out help me out sack dagger no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh piece of cake easy I've never done anything easier than that super easy you guys like unbelievably so uh TI upgrade I kind of want the health but uh I think I'm going to roll with the tear upgrade and then take this since there's no reason not to get a little bit of Health there I feel a little bit better feel a little bit better we lost one life but we did get one Health back and we still have a guppy piece so cool sack dag is op is yeah but it moves so quickly that it's really hard to time it you know it's really hard to get that timing down it's way too fast what is up everybody Welcome to the strs we're doing a special five an fiveyear anniversary fifth anniversary for this game and it's uh yeah I haven't played this in such a long time let's do it has anyone won the t-shirts yet I'm not doing the T-shirt giveaway today unless Jacob shows up and says it's okay I told him that I would do it on Thursday so if he's not here for that then I would feel really bad giving away his shirts you know it's like I'll still wait on Thursday since I originally planned on Thursday yeah okay no no we're dead we're just dead already I can't handle I can't handle a room with flies rip can't handle room with flies officially nice nice game key is actually nice though I feel like the the bullets like they all travel like way faster in this game I don't know if that's just me or because I've got a full screen but it seems like uh reaction time is a lot less a bombb would be nice for that tinted Rock see what we got here in our special room another TI upgrade oh no I think that might just be a uh a shot speed upgrade I think it was a a broken in the original Isaac I think it's just a shot speed upgrade in this one and that's not good I don't want really the shot speed not really not really cuz then it rips lump of coal I'm trying to remember all the meta from the original game Hut you know say my name please will this be on YouTube uh not going to say people's names for shout outs please don't try to use me like that just a shot speed upgrade original that's exactly what I thought but then again we have a chance to get a deal with the devil slight one small little chance so maybe I save my decharge for the boss room instead but probably a bigger chance that we just flat out die in the boss room than anything ah shoot let's go for it I guess can always come back ginese or Scrooge all right ginese or Scrooge Eternal addition of gese are screwed oh no no no no no no no yeah rip deal with the devil that's fine we don't need one we don't need one nope I mean I would have gone really hard on it too cuz uh we can give up our lives holy crap they have triple shot too now we're done we're screwed stop it just stop it you just just don't just knock it off just knock it off sir I can't I can't go fast enough holy crap oh no we're screwed yeah so this is eternal mode it's impossible yep soups Impossibles oh no oh no not like this not like this Tom get away get away get away get away get away get away from me you guys remember how many interal Hearts I need to go to Eternal mode I don't know why I took that Eternal heart right there I didn't mean to it jumped into my face uh a little bit of money here that's not very good that's not very good so I think we roll This and hope for a health upgrade like meat oh yes oh yes but now I'm like super worried about taking any kind of damage and losing this eternal heart so maybe we just go ahead and and leave ah shoot what do we do what do we do I'm going to keep going for it I'm going to go for another roll here and maybe a bomb this looks so hard to do you guys this game is extremely difficult if you beat the original Isaac it's like holy [ __ ] I did some good today let's test some weights again for the five what happened did you miss all right curse room would be a big mistake here curse room would be a big mistake LOL I'm for the items on the side yeah there's no item [Music] tracker this the normal Isaac this is the original plus Wrath of the lamp I don't want the self-sacrifice room we might not have enough rooms here to even no we don't even have enough rooms to get a roll so that's a big old rip ah bomb would have been nice though that's our second that's our third Eternal heart and if we get enough Eternal Hearts I do believe we go into Eternal mode which is like free flight and possibly something else sorry for trying to get a shout out it's not that big of a deal I can understand if you didn't understand you know I'm going to take this item just to see what happens I think it's just a shot speed upgrade but I just want to make sure that it didn't get updated or something like that shot speed up yeah okay we got red tiers though so that's like amazing right get shots speeded get shot speeded I don't even have a key to get into my item room don't even have a key to get into my item room so the Eternal enemies there's Eternal uh bosses which are guaranteed to drop an eternal heart uh Eternal enemies are not guaranteed to drop Eternal Hearts however just a chance for them oh my goodness I feel like the reaction time like you got to be like on crack to get that reaction time oh my goodness there is an eternal enemy right there get away sir please stop it Tom Cruz help oh no no no no no no get him before he uh spawns into a botfly please those little guys the eyess dudes can uh turn into the the Flies Justice absolutely yeah absolutely sir please and a chariot card that could be pretty handy that doesn't seem worth it to me we got a key so now we can go back hot do cry confirmed quad shot yeah that's what I'm talking about all right you guys let's do it got to agree the original music is creepy I love it why are you off streaming schedule it's the fifth anniversary of the original bonding of OAC and since this game is like literally the Cornerstone of my entire career let's do uh let's do an anniversary stream of the original it's classic man it's glorious Eternal enemy but I can't get an eternal heart if he spawns one rip don't spawn wi sir please don't make me feel bad about my life all [Music] right hey that's nice I keep pressing tab to look at the map the map's on the top man map's on the top man Bumbo I don't see a Bumbo are we ready to fight the boss I think so oh is it going to be uh oh it's going to be super peep it's not super peep it's regular peep okay I can handle this then you know what I still kind of want to do this though get that sack dag in there oh get pounded on and a health up upgrade is that good enough is that what we want in our life I mean I might as well we got quad shot and meat and we're doing pretty okay more health is good especially if we at some point have the chance to get uh a soul heart and get a deal with the devil you know what I mean let's just go let's just do it unless there's a curse room curse rooms would be super on limits right now with all his health peep got pounded yeah I was nervous for the peep fight honestly the shots speed in this game I I can't even handle it can't even handle it oh get away man stop it knock it off you don't T jerk you big butt jerk you big jerk but uh we can totally go into the shop with this one key but maybe the key is best served on the item room on the next floor maybe possibly I'm thinking like maybe I can get a uh oh Jesus oh jeez the Eternal enemies I can't I just can't uh maybe there's a soul heart for sale in the shop but holy crap maybe it doesn't matter oh my God the range the range kid why why did that happen why am I playing this game this is ridiculous I can't I just can't nope I give up I give up on everything all My Dreams they're they're done they're gone down the drain uh I could roll that item but I don't have enough money to buy it anyways and there was no soul Hearts so let's just go ahead and cry ourselves to sleep nice nice game it's so hard to get the appropriate money it's like you can't get any money in this game need to make peep mode a thing leas what's up what's up everybody 281 people watching the original Isaac that feels pretty good man welcome everybody are you using mods for this game no I'm not nope this is uh how it comes out of the box I don't want I mean I want that stuff but I can't get that stuff no not like this not like this not like this not like this not like this not like this help what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do about that what am I supposed to do about that I'm a little confused Tom Cruz where are you why have you abandoned me in this time of need all right just don't move they base their attacks on movement there we go trinket Isaac's head hey we got a little follower now hey Isaac it's it's my own head I I picked up my own head that makes a lot of sense not rip oh my God we're dead we're so for sure for totally Toad's dead yep yep there's nothing I can do about that that's what four Hearts down the drain I can't do this this game is impossible you guys this game is so ridiculously hard I don't have it down especially not Eternal mode Oh my Jesus what is this two Spades get four Keys maybe get six keys by the time we get to the item room my God why help me Tom Cruz I can't this game is impossible we're going to do it though I want to at least I want to pull off one Victory today maybe we stream until we at least get one Victory oh that's right I was like there's a heart in that room maybe we strs until we get one Victory We Stand proud on top of the game all right half heart good I could get that chest is it worth it though you know it might be worth it it's possible it's possible that it's worth it yeah we got their key back and some monies nice I like that you can do it Doug but I missed something is my name Doug now all right with all this uh red Health in the ground I suppose we could go into our arcade and try to do something with that or the shop uh jeez I don't know what I'm doing help me Tom all right the money's good the money's good um I'm kind of thinking that potentially we play the three skull miti to try to get some keys because I can't go into the shop and the item room right now as it currently stands we could try to go for the uh Health upgrade the blood bag out of the blood donation machine as well H I'm thinking about giving this guy just a few pennies just to see what we can just see what we can get nice that's what I wanted some bombs okay uh we can bomb this machine keys please that's not a key that's definit not a key if I had to sum that item up in word I'd say not key item description you have one key I know I need two keys cuz I want to go into the shop and the item room yeah yeah could totally get into the secret room if I knew where it was it could be here it could also be over there if no idea I have no idea where it could be so I ripped both of my bombs looking for it e two of spades oh I did I use a key I did I should have used my two of spades before I open up those chests absolutely I totally forgot that I had two Spades you guys let's see if we can't summon no you know what let's just use the two two Spades right now four is fine I'm totally fine with four we could have probably like eight or so but that's fine enough money to go into here let green fight of course of course of course oh oh stop it no no no oh I walked into it I [ __ ] walked into it I hate myself I will destroy you this will happen that was that Panic walk it was like don't walk into it I walked right into it oh jeez oh D oh gosh what's the seed all right now what do we do cry when can I cry daddy is it cry time yet what's up everybody uh speed and range I'm going to roll that uh baby's not so good in this game baby's not so good because the more you hit Isaac and blue baby the more damage they do to your face the more the more they spit back at you so doing that would be a big mistake although I highly doubt I'll have the ability to get a roll here oh no no no no why did I do this why did I come in [Music] here those Jukes though it's all about damn Jukes girl all right wish me luck wish me luck Chad Eternal Chad not Eternal Chad you know like I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm relieved it's not Eternal Chad because Eternal Chad is a lot harder but we do need to get those Eternal Hearts so that we can become Eternal Isaac I I'd hate to fight a bunch of Eternal enemies to not get Eternal you know a big old waste of my time so just so that people are uh on the same page here if you get enough Eternal Hearts we actually have a transformation we turn into Eternal Isaac which is pretty cool and stuff oh no no no go ahead go ahead and kill me please wake me up inside save me from this nothing that I become game Tom Cruz use your witch crap to get the nothing off me bring it all the beach Bring It On fight me he's a cake super easy oh jeez oh Chad well e you know the red hearts are not so bad actually it sounds pretty good that sounds pretty good so let's go ahead and roll our shop or our item room rather our shop was a greed fight remember something good please oh yay that's so [Music] good wow game I know that you hate hate me but like could you at least like try to pretend that you like me could you at least try to pretend please H what does the transformation do I know at least gives me flight I'm not sure what else I'm not sure what else but it's got to be powerful right right this transformation does not exist all right all right should we blow this machine up then we probably should blow the machine up I'd like to save it for some soul hearts out of a tinted Rock though if that's at all possible was there a tinted rock on this floor or was that the last floor I'm thinking of it's probably the last floor honestly what's up everybody D6 destroy pedestal items I think there was not an a tinted Rock in this floor oh dear dear dear seum could be here could be another where could be over here H jeez should we go for the secret room you guys YOLO three coins the best I've never had a better payout than that four coins sorry sorry game give me some buffalo wings please oh that's like one of my favorite foods insert Wings into my mouth please morphins of deadly Doom what's up don't blow up bum friend I don't think you can in this version I don't think that's a thing I don't think so oh goodness what's the best thing you ever ate best thing I have ever eaten in my entire life I that's tough that's tough I don't have a good memory like that and I like don't like keep a journal that no no no fine that's that was fair that was really fair I'll give that one to you game that was really fair good job nicely done nicely done he's coming after me look at him look at him he's bloodthirsty oh my jeez blood freaking thirsty great chest though give me something good to eat what we got Deco cards I'll touch it I'll spit out a moon card that takes me to the uh secret room but let's wait till we have a charge in our D before we go to the secret room just in case there's something like that could be rerolled in there you know cuz as soon as you leave the secret room the door closes up again and you can't get back in how did you get so far huts on the game I'm not far at all I'm going keep dying I'm only necro one I've died like six times ah jeez oh that's good that's nice thank you Eternal spider of Doom hey golden key that actually is nice I actually like that thank you oh yep we're dead y really fair game likes to keep it like super fair you know oh my jez oh my Tom Cruz Oh by Jers oh goodness [Music] let's go uh into the item room since there was nothing to roll in there we roll this into another familiar that I would not like to have please sir no don't do it so further than I would make it your missing Hut is not working Kappa clock what's up oh this is nice this is nice that's what I I wanted for Christmas right there right there please go away keeper sir how do I uh oh yeah you got to Juke it out with your words you know that's how the pro does it steam salus you know what I'm going to take some of that it's a half off steam sale and then I'm going to take some of this I'm going to take some of this I'm going to take some of this death card I of this I think we're going to be running out of shops pretty soon AKA next floor so let's let's take advantage of everything we can take advantage of we got plenty of cash you know Maggie's Faith yes absolutely Eternal hearts in the next couple floors I don't know if they count towards the Eternal thing eyeballs use them what's this it's the original Isaac of course if you don't know it you should be ashamed of yourself no that's not exactly true partially true though slightly ashamed a little bit slight shame you know it's like when you wake up after you ate pizza at midnight slight shame um I don't know if I can pull that off I don't know if I can pull a key off with the with the hacks I don't know if the hacks are true in this game yeah yes the hacks are true we did it Tom Cruz are you proud of me [Music] are you not entertained it was fun having that ooh we come back for that at the after the floor uh it was fun having that Soul heart for about 10 seconds wasn't it I had a lot of fun with [Music] it got him it's all about the grunt you have to sell it stream is fine I have zero drops frames everybody okay we rerolled this again good oh good good good good good good good I'm glad I'm glad it just seems like the game just wants me to suffer wants me to be miserable of course I'm used to this just like Mom calm the Calamity that is your memories Oh my Jesus that's wonderful that's beautiful it's thing of beauty really oh jeez would you stop doing that will you knock it off you just spit an eyeball it's coming after me it wants me it wants my blood oh my God what is this peep or is this a tapeworm oh jeez that to fight the eyeball I can kill the eyeball you got to let me know these things game eyeball fight fire day I think you can't roll two times interesting is that something that's on hard mode specifically cuz I never thought that was the case whoop oh my God then almost touched my P my PP my Pai my puny oh no another one and another one come on quad shot see me through see me through quad shot Safeguard my face and my dreams and my Face's dreams to be the best face on the world please sir your poop your peep your paye your Coy excuse you guys you big jerks oh jeez could you clear that those rocks out that make my life a little bit easier thank you nice nice game oh oh down to three lives everybody it's only a matter of time is only matter of time before I die we're scrud we're a bunch of scrud muffin right now I I'm not I'm not going to the curse room I can't do it I can't do it oh yes good good game's too easy you know about time they step up the uh the difficulty mask of infy easiest enemy 10 out of four would play before NOP stop it go away sir sir please please sir please not interested oh he can turn on a dime he can just turn around he can just go ahead and turn around uh death card I think is called for here y yep I did nothing nice please sir I know that you like to cheat and turn around when you shouldn't but if you wouldn't mind leaving me alone I would like that very much so he wouldn't mind that place I didn't expect them to turn around like that okay yep stop it don't nope uh-uh please how do I do this I can't just like try to hit him in the side cuz he turns around on me fa thank you Al Flair for the 100 thanks for the cheers mate cheers to you too PR chin chin oh jeez anybody hitting up uh October Fest anyone I was thinking about going to October Fest uh plan tickets were too expensive it ramped up like twice as much by the time I was uh decided to go and by the time I got looked at tickets it was ridiculous is Twitch just not okay today that's weird because M I'm like doing fantastic over here on my end it's never been better we can do this oh help me this hurts this hurts me most difficult thing I've ever done in my life right here if I die I have to do this all over again I just I don't even know I don't even know oh my God how am I supposed to do this Ed help is he charging is he not charging does he turn around yes he turns around all the time impossible to tell H oh my goodness rrolling the eight ball because it's no good eight ball ain't no good you know what I mean uh range upgrade also not very good also not very good but I guess I'll just take it and uh cry cuz I don't really have a choice right now now we take that Eternal heart don't forget W fair is East do you feel like original Isaac runs smooth smoother than after birth uh 20,000 times no no no no no this is like hurts me a little bit inside cuz I do believe it's you know minimum maximum 30 frames per [Music] second but thank you for the 100 wa fce maybe maybe on your computer it would but on my computer it's sexy smooth on rebirth SL after birth all right let's go a jeez I'm not feeling Meg's faith is at least going to give me a chance to get more Health but I'm not going to be able to hold on to that Eternal heart there's no way kill him with sack dag the thing he turned around like really quickly so that was like a nogo I would have love to yeah Eternal heart's already gone nice nice game it's been fun being alive but uh so long how how why what is that what is it what's happening what is happening in my face what is even happening on my face I don't understand it I have a beast machine it maybe just looks that way on stream from time to time I got [Music] you I just like I don't understand what's happening on my face right now you guys you guys understand what's Happening Here okay you want to play Agony of Isaac this is it right here Agony of Isaac mod our first pill no it's not we had a we had a lock down and a speed down I think all right get away you stay back you get in the corner you big jerky jerk butt butt luck toe I just don't even know Maggie's faith is good but if I was able to get some uh protection for it be even better two Eternal enemies in here please give me an eternal heart i' very much so appreciate that none of them are giving me eternal Hearts none of them not a one all right we have enough money for a shop so let's go it's our last shop our last shop gives me the ladder and I'm going to take it I'm going to take it I'm not going to complain I'm going to be happy about it ouch towards my face sir oh jeez that was after the whistle ref I'm going to take a look at the replay on that [Music] one oh dang okay so we got two uh original binding of no Binding of Isaac re Earth codes sweet so we're doing a giveaway then that sounds pretty hot to me please let me go back how do I oh jeez you can't press Escape twice and then it makes me want to quit the game all right awesome awesome awesome awesome one from the two bass or is there dose then I miss something I got it cool we'll do a giveaway then we'll do a giveaway after I die how about that you guys thank you so much avenge lovey and eraser I really appreciate that got a couple seeds from those guys got a couple uh oh jeez oh no oh no oh no oh no got a couple of steam codes is what I meant to say Not seeds I mean they're kind of the same thing really but kind of not really thank you so much you guys I I love it I love it you guys when you guys allow me to do [ __ ] like that giveaways are so much fun uh okay a book here I'm going to pick it up monster manual not very good for me right now and roll it into a tear upgrade yes please sounds pretty nice gotcha gotcha basser we'll do a we'll do a giveaway awesome as soon as I die which will never happen cuz I'm the best ay player in the entire world that's why I'm in all the tournaments what do you mean you never heard my name before I'm in a lot of tournaments actually you might know me as uh Summit 1G yeah that's that's me that casual player whatever I'm tempted I'm tempted to do it not very good not very uh satisfying B oh no I'm not liking it this is not good B oh no I'm not loving [Music] it there's a definite amount of not loving going [Music] on although if we don't take any damage who cares right I mean we still lost a key though it's still pretty bad isn't it yeah don't like the whole losing Keys thing not not down with that you guys like how the goo pile still runs away from me how do you do that hey we got our key back okay Isaac tournament oh yeah you may also know me as the katus now he's not really a super competitive dude I don't know the names of the super competitive dudes you know who the super competitive isy dudes CU not following that close enough okay another reroll but we took the uh the tiers upgrade so that's a nogo how much health is over here in this room cuz we could totally go into the yeah uh the curse room man let's do it have you ever tried to speedrun Isaac like competitive times and stuff no no I haven't hey give me another guppy piece could you my only chance here since deals of the devil are off limits for me all right give me this give me this you jerk you freaking jerk Isaac versus Pride my Pride's already taking enough hits Please yeah you could be DB with that anytime hey another item to roll aner kiss my ass book roll that into a nothing I love that that I love oh my gosh I love that so much a jerk you jerk at this point in time I feel like my health should be off the screen if I'm going to have any chance of living there are so few people what are you talking about we got 250 people here that's not bad at all feels pretty good man [Music] oh jeez oh what the hell is that thing he shoots homing bombs news to me half red heart very low payouts here you know what that was our last shop so we play this thing to the death Trinkets and or Soul Hearts please sir was there a luct toe on this floor if there was a luck toe on this floor we should go back and get it oh hierophant hells yeah uh maybe even save the hierophant though until the next floor when we get an eternal heart we can protect it you know cuz I might just lose that I might lose the soul Hearts right now and that wouldn't be a good thing I wouldn't like that very much wouldn't like that if the luck toe was on this floor we should definitely grab it for the machine for a random stream it's great so get off it LOL what are people on crack yeah get off that crack chat putting The Binding of Isaac afterbirth with it with it as a pair says basser awesome we got an afterbirth code too am I supposed to get them both the same person so they can have both of them how would you like me to do this you guys that's super cool thank you guys so much you guys are cool people this giveaway just keeps getting better and better you guys what are they on on your stream wake up wake me up inside you are worshiping a Sun God don't remember that part of the song but I'll Trust you look to L Luna could you give me a soul heart please sir send them as a pair Huts can do we got a rebirth and after birth seed for anybody here who doesn't have it sweet I can send you a pair a these nuts oh there's good jokes hey that's uh Kane's other eye yeah it's Kane's eye that's why he's wearing an eye patch uh chance to show me the floor when we get down there I like my Maggie's Faith that's also I'm missing Paige don't really want that either there's my Soul hurt just give me it just give me it sir please is that the last that we got yes it is I'm just going to go ahead and blow up the machine we could try to come back with more money but yeah a couple more bombs that's nice that's quite nice of you sir now we go back for our Maggie's Faith all right what if I have rebirth and not afterbirth um if you have rebirth and not not afterbirth take the afterbirth code tell me you don't need the rebirth code and I'll give it away to somebody else we'll do another giveaway how about that does that sound fair if you guys like also like I know some people just kind of like instinctively join giveaways because they want to feel the the the joy of winning if that's the case and you don't actually want whatever game that's being given away let me know cuz I I I'll give it to the next person and they'll be happy to have it you know instead of it's sitting there uh being wasted in your steam Library cuz you have two keys and you can't really you know play it twice so if you feel like being generous again and giving it away because you didn't really need it please let me know that all right the left hand we have lots of keys and I'm tempted to like not want that you know what I mean I'm tempted to not want that because o why because though because why I don't know o oof can't even get into the arcade I don't have a penny we could get guppy items and we can get Soul Hearts maybe it's worth maybe it's worth it maybe she's born with it what do you guys think what do you guys think about left hand I can enter and give the code to a friend right no you can't generic name God damn it no of course you can to enter the the giveaway you guys it's super easy we'll get to it when we get to it don't even fret about it just you have to make sure you can do 20 push-ups uh while drinking a beer and then you have to do 17 Jumping Jacks and then two back flips and uh if you everyone can do that it's easy it's easy left hand me Daddy I don't know stranger danger no no no yes no yes no yes no yes is it sub only no it's not sub only boom city that was a delicious ban thank you for that TP octopus don't do that no no don't do that no that's that's bad that's bad bad naughty naughty you don't hey not no yep yeah well done well done sir all right left-handed is is left hand it is but we'll have to well we can't drop the left hand can we there's no like left control to drop trinkets so we might screw ourselves over if we get down deep enough oh shoot could be interesting is there a chest in this one I don't even remember man I haven't played this in forever I haven't played this in Forever is it Eternal mom or is it regular Mom I'm 16 and I can do here HS made me do it on stream mom Eternal Mom it is with that Eternal tiny monstro tiny little Monro oh no oh no oh no Tom I need your guidance Tom my Lord oh I can't touch the foot in this one I'm popping it this one right now I'm popping and I need it to save my life woo Holy balls oh oh oh oh that's right we have to take the Polaroid anyways I forgot that that was a Trinket in this game ohy crap man wow dang [Music] oh my kidney is going to blow up all right shall we shall we do it Polaroid me please ah did you see those Jukes though that was pure luck I was like closing my eyes and running and just like shooting tears everywhere Tom Cruz guided me through it I asked for his guidance he gave it to me cheer 100 Inu thank you so much I appreciate that donation cheers mate all right you need to like stay back there no no no stay back over there please don't come over here this my spot this my spot over here this is mine over here I called it I called it man you snooze you lose I'm just glad he wasn't Eternal all right look at our health skyrocketing it's five look out everybody whose voice impression is that um totally uh I mean there's I mean there's a character like that in every single cartoon hey [Music] guys I about Mr your braces super that's super man all right I had braces don't make fun of me all right chance at a deal with the Devil is gone we never had one of them to begin with who we kidding guys oh oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa easy there mister easy there just make it to the boss room and be done with this [Music] please that heart is mad back there he's mad he's super mad Cooper I'm super mad guys I'm pissed about it generic name 555 fth anniversary hype hope someone makes an eternal Champions mod for afterbirth plus that'd be pretty neat right along with that reflash mod I would play that I would play that that'd be cool man all right can we go can we like leave into this room please I'm nervous con Quest well did we take his horse no not not over the D6 is there a way to reroll the horse though oh the speed we're dead we are just like literally dead yeah no no no that's fine that's good that's very nice that was very nice did you have fun with that oh he perfectly knocked that bomb out of the way nice yeah we're super dead we're super dead unbelievably dead I can't we're dead here this is officially the end I I don't know how I'm supposed to hold down in the space or on the on the keypad and uh still don't have enough room to get through where officially dunzo I was really confused though as how this is supposed to work out not not uh not sure not sure about that [Music] one all right wfirs that sounds pretty cool man just send it to my normal one that's on my YouTube page not not the at business Huts I don't really use that one anymore we're done that's that's it man that's it that's it oh I have to email them yeah do it do it to my uh my one that's on my YouTube about page the mods can hook you up too way fars with that one all right you guys I like that was did you see that fight though did you see that that was like impossible I'm not sure how that was supposed to happen this game is ridiculously hard I just can't I just can't and I won't I thought about but no all right okay guys we got some keys to give away we got some keys to give away so I'm excited about that I'm excited about that let's do it we have a a bing of Isaac rebirth and afterbirth key together if you guys need one but not the other let me know cuz I can give the other one to somebody else or if you don't need either of them let me know that as well all right let's do this AUM thank you for the 100 bits [Music] friendo thank you for the 100 bits friendo let's do this giveaway are you ready for [Music] this are you ready for this okay keyword all you guys have to do is enter the keyword into the chat at some place at some time before I hit the roll button or the roll button and uh the key will be birthday no capital letters birthday type birthday into the chat you will be entered automatically into the into the uh the giveaway just somewhere in the chat what if I typed it in myself can I join my own is that possible to join my own giveaway that'd be lame of course once again this is a rebirth and afterbirth key wait fars let me know if you can't get that that figured out I'll hook you up dog could whisper you myself oh you got it you did you got it maybe possibly but you have my email for sure appreciate that though I love doing giveaways on stream I love giving back to you guys feels really good like really good happy birthday to Isaac five years well done GG this game I for I just forgot how hard it was I forgot how hard this game was we got to do better on the early floors definitely but then again we did kind of screw ourselves over by taking nine lies off the bat ripping our health but uh without nine lies we wouldn't have been able to make it this far probably it's really really tough not to mention all of those uh pedestals that we got that were blank WF being a hard game is hard 155 154 people already 155 feels pretty awesome [Music] all right so if I get a gift on Steam how do I go ahead and give that to somebody how do I do that [Music] wayf fars I'm not sure how this works ah geez there's a button that says install your new games now and there's a button that says free download all right guys let's go ahead and roll this 3 two one redo power I'm going to give you 45 seconds to say anything into the chat to claim your prize redox also let me know if if you need it or not if you do need it I will give it to you congratulations oh wow 13 seconds in nice well done redox maybe for the email to whoever wins but it's like specifically says like my name and stuff I'm not sure how that works the D6 can roll items into nothing on eternal feels bad man yeah I got that power got that much M do you want to re Redux power would you like it would you lock the game we can try all right I can pass it to somebody because I actually have rebirth and afterbirth all right you guys let's uh reroll it let's roll this [ __ ] let's do it again well thanks for being honest appreciate that redox let's do it roll it again AOL AKA stroll 45 seconds to claim this prize nice was with 5 Seconds in nice well done do you need the game AKA stroll honor redo [Music] would you like to keep the game AKA stroll speak to me [Music] [Music] Daddy I only got uh one email W fars yes Kappa what is that you guys we need to like we need to go back to class on what Kappa means would you like the game or not please no kappus all right you guys we got to get our strategy down for this game because I want to get [Music] uh no idea how to get it I don't use steam that much we'll start using it looks like we have a winner all right I'll send it your way then aka stroll it's a free program go ahead and and download that [ __ ] there you go sending it right off to you on your Twitch messages so check that there should be a spot for that cool cool cool cool awesome sweet nice let's go ahead and jump right back in then thank you guys for allowing me to uh to do this that's fantastic you guys did the mail contain a link or steam code for the games no there's no steam code there's no steam code it just says uh let's see what does it say you received a gift giving you a sub gift subscription to the game and it says click here says yes I have steam install your new game or no I do not have steam free download how do I do this you guys I'd like to do the giveaway for these two uh copies of Elder [Music] Scrolls you need to trade with the person you want to give it to says Mr whisk all [Music] right H so I I need to trade the copy that I already have sounds odd can he not just send you the code written down I don't think think you get a code when you buy it on Steam you can have them message me then I can send it to them oh that sounds good way fars I goofed and I did it wrong all right well let's do that then we'll have uh I'll give him your name you can go ahead and send it on Steam and I can figure out how to like refund this to you if if you can't get it back accept the game it will become a giftable copy says Rev let me try it let me see what happens gift is no longer okay you you took it back good good then there no problem then it's no sweat let's keep going you guys I would like to get at least one win on this I need to get at least one win replay yes please Daddy let's go let's do it back on track you want to do a Skyrim giveaway this this stream way fars after I die again I mean totally win and beat the game to death all right I'll touch you I will touch you roll you peep oh jeez we'll reroll the peep if at all possible please sir make it possible updated Graphics yeah it's no longer pixelated it's super smooth it's like afterbirth plus plus plus let's give them both away today cuz I don't know if I'll be around tomorrow awesome way fars let's do two Skyrim key giveaways then nice let's do it Soul heart or yes yes Soul heart not Eternal heart we save that for the next floor per usual per usual strats all right we should probably see what the boss is going to give me before we decide to roll the item room because peep is going to be better than like an eight ball right so let's do the boss first famine blue famin fight me but like not that hard please take it easy on me would you Let's Be Friends why Can't We Be Friends why Can't We be friends can't be friends cuz you're a dick famine you're picking on people taking their food away and stuffs making them hungry darn famines hey hey stupid butthead you big butt you big butt dummy pull all the naughty words today another Soul heart cuz he's blue he's a blue version I'll take the uh Cub Meats pretty good as an orbital we'll reroll the peepers the peeper plaps let's do it back in Action all right shall we reroll this yes please um that's is that the eye in the back of my head or is that the Freezy tears I think that's the eye in the back of my head yeah that's the eye the back of my head not so good not so good but like not so bad I guess maybe fight this room let's do a full clear I'm feeling pretty spice I want to get like a curs room or something it obviously wasn't a cursed room I do believe I know where the secret room will be I think it's pretty guaranteed to be right here your mouse is creeping in on you stop it Mouse staring at me two Soul Hearts feels pretty awesome now if we could just keep the damn thing gers D it I'm going to give you a cube of meat no LS give your mom my Cube of Meat shouldn't be Cube form should not be Cube form just saying if Cube form persists please contact your doctor please make sure your heart is healthy enough for cube form dick sex what what that's who said that that's that's weird that's weird let's not have Cube sex the went from having a a cube dict to having sex with cubes those naughty sexy cubes oh excuse me let's get a deal with the devil you guys can we do that can we get Brimstone please sir give me that Cube of Meat girl can't see my map cannot see the map rip Eternal room oh yeah free flight oh my God that's amazing um we could use that in the other room to fight and we'll come back for the D absolutely that worked out well cube of mirror HS please stop those sexy naughty cubes man all right we touch this for flight and a health upgrade I think yes yes and then we fight eternal Champions do monstro Eternal manro free flight you guys that feels pretty good oh jeez Russian doll monstro Russian doll fight me don't ever talk to me or my son or my son's Sons Sons ever again I ski the step there all right what if what if somebody killed you and two little you popped out that be freaky there'd be some guy out there who' be like I want two manyi wives my God you killed your wife yes but I got too many wives out of it oh jeez let's not take that Eternal heart cuz I will probably lose it this is fun are we having fun yet I didn't want to take the Eternal heart I was trapped he forced me he forced my hand did not have a choice no oh no oh no not like this not like this this 300 people even on strs that's pretty cool should make a movie about it make a movie about it we can call it 300 people we it all be shirtless a lot of slow-mo effects of me being like my dick get all the cocoa butter and another what what run run for your life they don't explode they don't explode they spit out bombs of doom doom bombs oh bomb Dooms oh no oh jeez oh stop it oh my goodness we survived and we got what three Eternal Hearts woo maybe two Eternal Hearts no we got two we got two definitely oh goodness Ane Aqua what's up TK [Music] hello see you Landa a super gluttony super Eternal gluttony of Doom oh oh I'm not ready for this body was not ready at least we have flight oh my God not worrying about creep ever again like the best bring it on what you got son I should have taken the D6 back I should have done that cuz now I missed a charge here a decharge these are three room recharge on the original Isaac not six rooms you got nothing jeez you're bad get good scrub oh my God two Eternal hearts and some l oh my God we're doing so well holy [ __ ] we get all the health health is good health is good cuz your health can go off the screen unless they fix that which I damn well sure hope they didn't oh 99 Keys yeah uh-huh okay hyper gluttony Holy balls you guys we're doing so much better look at our freaking health and if we get to deal with the devil we can like take all of it which which did we get uh did we take red heart damage we might have I'm not sure how well our soul Hearts have been holding up wasn't keeping track of [Music] it I feel pretty good I feel pretty good about what's happening with flight I can just hide out and let my Cub meat handle things look at that [ __ ] he don't have anything on me oh he has got flight though a little bit maybe I think he might have flight but he still doesn't see me over the rock I'm invisible I know it's Invincible Boris I'm Invincible okay um should we uh keep exploring nah we should go hard for that uh deal with the devil she go super hard we're going to have a a reroll as well so this is going to be pretty cool tell me it's Eternal Larry Jr please no I want more eternal Hearts I can handle it Mom oh my gosh apparently I was not over the rock oh my God he can fight over rocks all right that's news to me he can poke his little head over rocks nice okay no sure that's fine game's like you're not going to cheat today you son of a bee I want more eternal rooms that was amazing that was amazing we got this first real uh deal with the devil deal with the devil let's go right now I'm going guppy's pow well I guess we uh we go hard for gup then since we have all this health and then I'll reroll it how does that sound take that guppy's path uh I don't really want to use it though I don't really want to use it though that's the thing maybe I'll use it once just to protect our red Health like that and then I'll roll both of these things into a guppy's tail yes oh my god with 99 Keys guppy tail I am happy sarin hello all right I'm pleased I'm pleased what with what's happening that's nice some speed upgrades nice death card and a bad trip really game it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you're way too happy right now you need to cool it down buddy all right I say we just leave we did well we did good today we did good today is this going up on YouTube for sure oh for totes oh look out oh look out oh jeez oh come on man the hit the radius on those bombs foron you dick that bomb turned into a a troll bomb and I touched it that's nice happy fifth anniversary to this game you guys ooh no 99 keys I think well oh the gup though what do we oh ha ooh what do we think you guys go for gup I think we got a got a Lada don't know the rest of that song A all right Piece of Cake Fight me yes goty please perfect I love that guppy that we just got all right oh why stop it nope uh-uh no it's not very nice right now just hang on to your soul Hearts you dumb dumb hold on jeez Don't Let Go Jack oh curse room I would love to go into a curse room maybe there's a secret room here no maybe there's a secret room here monies that's nice let's actually Qui pretty nice going to the shop now shop me Daddy Lynn what's up all right Eternal bro of course gives me a free way into the secret room you dick got to be such a dick how long will we be streaming um until I get a victory so 40 Years Compass is good I like the map I like mapping effects it's quite nice I have a reroll ready but I don't have anything to roll could have pushed that troll bomb too to find the secret room rip hey you were the only one streaming The Binding of Isaac right now what the hell really the only one streaming the original Binding of Isaac or is Wrath of the Lamb on there and I just didn't see it are people playing Wrath of the Lamb how can I be the only one two Eternal bee lickers yeah you're stuck they're like how do I that's the noise that they're making I'm imagining it yes come at me and my meat meat my meat how are you still alive that's like the fourth rotation of meat to your face that's nice that is that's that's quite nice I'm going to say that's quite nice uh we can totally roll with guppy's head are we not guppy yet we're got to be guppy right yeah oh we're so guppy oh my God I feel good oh it feels good oh oh oh it feels good oh Mom help feels way too good this must be the devil and a fat odd I'm going to I'm going to take the fat odd damage plus HP plus range and roll the guppy's head into SE Scrolls oh o Mama's heating up fourth rotation of meat to your face oh jeez now you just need Tammy too I thought Tammy was a community remix mod unless so the real thing hey bum friends uh blow up aable yeah for a golden key thank you sir I was worried about not having enough Keys Kappa oh you will feel my pain game you will feel my pain time for you to die I'm kind of thinking about uh dropping the left hand now that we have guppy cuz that's the only thing that we really wanted the left hand for right you need Max need Max's head that's for damn sure I'll take the speed since we took uh the bucket of lard that was a big speed down so now get our goat ho get a little bit back up gold hoof probably not worth might have been worth it was a red red chest rip I mean like the more chances of fighting Eternal enemies the better probably but oh well saving this reroll for a deal with the devil otherwise we'll reroll the Dead Sea Scrolls oh my God being guppy is just so sexy right now almost as sexy as that naughty CU meat uhoh that uh that freaking bird is tapping at my door again my window that uh wood pecker is pecking my wood stop it that's my wood don't Peck that you know reflash exists if you want the graphics yes I know I am aware but it's not the fifth anniversary of the reflash mod Eternal boss good good give me the uh Eternal Hearts please sir without taking my health oh how hard would this fight be if I didn't have guppy or flight goodness oh my God feels amazing level two Cub meat uh a lot of people don't like level two Cub meat because he fires out extra shots and familiars are just downright bad in this game but that's that's fine how many more eternal Hearts until we turn in Eternal okay you mean giraffic what's up everybody what's up chat all right reroll time nice love it that's exactly what I wanted uh curse room yes I'm going to say yes let's fight this room first I ain't scared of nobody anymore I scared of nothing look at that [ __ ] very [Music] nice level two meat you're the only one streaming the original Binding of Isaac I feel that feels good that feels good I like that it's the fifth goddamn anniversary you guys everyone's sleeping or schooling one or the other you know or both they could be doing both they could be sleeping in class don't even try to pretend like you didn't sick day today glad to spend with huts and chat [Music] awesome why are familiars bad in the original Binding of Isaac because the more you shoot tears at the Final Bosses the more they shoot back at you so when you have familiars with really really low damage tears that come in it causes the enemies to just spit out tons of Tears make sure subscribed awesome a sub on the original Isaac feels really good thank you so much mixer welcome to the Fam thank you so much for supporting me on our way to 333 Subs I made a promise I said if I get to 333 Subs by the end of the week I will do a hot pepper challenge I don't want to do it but I'm mildly excited for it at the same time so let's hope that happens it probably won't it's not a big deal it was a far-fetched goal farfetched goal but that's okay that's okay you know sometimes you got to shoot big 99 Keys baby Tammy well there's my Tammy's head um is Tammy's Head worth rolling instead of the D that's a tough question that is a really tough question bad pun is bad [Music] Huts new butts baby well that's hot Tammy's head is like super good right but I don't think we need it I like the D and I like the the potential chance of getting lots of good stuff roll nope keep the D yeah I'm kind of thinking the same thing kind of think of the same thing syringe you know chance to poison enemies on touch especially with polar ability when you take damage it does a lot of contact damage firus is pretty good and I think we're going to have plenty more things to roll so let's just take it what is this bombs are key oh no oh no more health I'm going to take the more Health been a YouTube follower for a very long time figure it's about time to catch a stream no better time to sub in today awesome mixer I really appreciate you supporting me like this it means a hell of a lot to me means a hell of a lot to me and have fun with those emotes in chat look at that look at these power get down get to the chopper look at my health oh it's amazing seven Hearts from Eternal gives you the achievement flight that's it okay so we don't really need Eternal but I kind of want to get it anyways right why wouldn't I what's that dice room over there is that what the arcade looks like I don't remember there're being dice rooms in this game if it rerolls everything I have I'm going to not want to do it I'm going to not want that shop with 12 cents not worth it yet it is the arcade that's what the arcade looks like think of how much money we can get for our health I love the original sounds I know me too there's a mod for that I'm pretty sure should be able to get to 15 cents especially with those nickels how hard do I want to go on this I mean like not so hard that uh we screw ourselves over later on maybe 30 cents is a good spot to stop we could totally try to go for a blood bag too Health upgrade' be super Neato could also play that machine over there get more Soul Hearts maybe that's the way to go maybe we should trade our health for soul hearts and go really hard on it miter miter is super good allows me to do some naughty things to the game especially with the D oh jeez do I go for it Captain Fish legs awesome sub train thank you so much for subbing I really appreciate it welcome to the fam arcade song Best Song in the game I'm going to buy this just so we can go harder for a health upgrade on the shop I messaged Edmund to come over don't badg your Edmonds I don't want him to be like God damn it that Huts guy that damn Huts character all right you guys chest me daddy is that another bombs or key oh we're back on top we're back on top feels pretty good super wrath he ain't no thing how many hearts do you even have lots count them you tell me oh hi that that's where I was walking I was going to put my face there ah jeez that hurts jeez that hurts $6 my D well done well done nice D snag that sounds like a disgusting thing by the way a d snag I don't even want to know what that is got the worst D snag in my jeans today on my Jean zipper oh jeez oh look out let's try to like keep our health yeah our health is going like downhill fast downhill fast two of hearts that okay we go back to the machine and we play the crap out of it and we use two hearts to get more Health back but let's make it to this itum first so we have something to reroll with this habit oh oh my God he instantly died how he instantly died and shot tears over my way that wasn't very nice not very [Music] polite telepathy for dummies if you roll into a blank pedestal I will be mad at you I will be quite upset hourglass not good enough like I said we can go really really hard on our uh blood donation machine can definitely get more hearts in this game than in rebirth forgot about that yes do you own the Hut says website the submit page is broken I don't own it I can contact a guy who does seum had to be there hoping for another thing to roll $10 no I think it's mine those are fighting words can it roll into a blank pedestal yes it can on hard mode it can I've done it I've seen it before it's happened bad things happen to good item pedestals all right because of merer Boom Shakalaka have some of my money which just happens to be your tax dollars Navy pay thank you Captain Fish legs thanks for your service all right we go roll again we have uh one more play until we can officially use our two of Hearts to its highest capacity all right shall We Roll yes I I expected that I expected you to be a big dick huge dick I wonder if I hurt myself in that room if I could have rerolled it and had the blank pedestal turn into something else probably probably but Mega rips okay I feel pretty bad about that silent night holy [ __ ] sub train thank you so much thank you so much Silent Night welcome to the fam feels really good I don't want to fight clock Kappa just put the money down just slowly put the money down and back away from the money all right I don't know if I want to go much much harder on the machine I think we're pretty okay where we are thank you for the $5 mixer I appreciate that in Silent Night welcome welcome welcome let me see some Huts emotes in the chat let me see let me see you flex your huts emote muscles hot's emote muscles are located around the glu's Maximus around there give or take all right uh yeah let's keep going we're on caves two only we're only on caves two you guys oh we still have a big chance to die one room could just do me in one room could so do me in I could just blow it really bad no no no no no no no flies in here please maggots all right this has to be our seventh etal heart right come on how many Eternal hearts does it take get the center of a Tootsie Pop no still not surprising all right [ __ ] of babalons it's Ah that's here's the thing horrible bons is a really really good item but there's no way in hell we're going to get down to Soul Hearts there's no way in hell we're going to get down to the point where we can actually use it so I think we roll it and honestly maybe even take Ouija board for spectral tiers cuz we don't have spectral tiers currently and we could shoot through rocks if we take spectral tiers instead of blank card you have blank pedestals huh get both BB but horor Babylon like how the hell I already skipped up guppy's paw and that was like the only thing that would really get me there so yeah I can't get guppy's paw again all right you guys don't go anywhere I'm going to run to the bathroom I have to peed like so badly right now like ridiculously bad badly so I'll be right back chair stream super chair stream nice is all right I feel so much better feel so much better and like I said I think rrolling this is the right option here chair is so good at Binding of Isaac should we go hard for like Brimstone Brimstone could be like super sexy right the chair is funnier than Huts sad face let's go for something better that's pretty good I'll take the packs it's pretty nice and then we'll uh we'll go for another roll here go for another reroll thank you uh to haveit damn it are you [ __ ] in me face are you [ __ ] on me face M tur he training a turd what the [ __ ] M took away my devil pistol I hurt myself for that I hurt myself for that Captain Fish likes $20 bring back the chair stream give the people what they want I'm so sorry chair had to leave chair had to go it took away my devil pedestal that should just not be a thing you know I don't want to I was going to play the blood donation machine but we definitely should not do that because we would lose our Eternal heart oh well ah shoot ah dang it ah darn oh I don't get it man it's like if I roll something twice it's gone thank you for the $20 Captain Fish legs Captain Captain your legs are made of fish thought you should know two shots yes tough love give me the tough love I love that tough toughly toughly love that I don't know what I'm saying I'm blacking out tough love baby teeth shot the teeth are so good oh Jesus teeth are so good how much teeth do you want I'm going to give you so much teeth oh the teeth how much luck do we need to get uh no I don't think the teeth shots is actually uh Changed by luck in this version of the game Steve hey friend that's a damage upgrade fantastic all right don't want to go to the self-sacrifice room if I can avoid it please sir don't make me oh my goodness he charged right into my vagina but I got an eternal heart out of it so I can't say it was a complete waste should we take the Eternal heart now or should we save that for after it's necro one so we can definitely come back for it if I remember hopefully I do forgets Eternal heart and eternal version rip luck is working with teeth I thought luck changing things like that was only in the new version I could be wrong H so I just lost $5 when I tried to donate 169 to you did you get them says Magnus um are you sure you lost it make sure you lost it cuz I haven't gotten I don't see anything on this side no seeing anything on this side I don't know why You' lose $5 for 169 either that sounds like really weird sounds like some shady [ __ ] Juke get juked fool oh Eternal greed oh no oh no oh no I wasn't expecting this but she's dead [ __ ] take that now we can go make the other one yeah made it I made it it's changed by luck Huts if you get more than nine luck pills you'll get only teeth I was watching a really old Cobalt streak and he did it okay good good so it's nine luck the same as the uh the new one is it just me or have we gotten like 75,000 freaking Eternal Hearts I think we come back for the C room I would like to keep my turn or my soul Hearts Alive until I can maybe get a deal with the devil oh jeez so much for keeping them alive I was hoping to buy a soul heart in the shop [Music] okay oh jeez inst explosion oh our Soul's gone yeah rip deal the devil riperoni I'm not sure how I was supposed to do with anything with that bomb fly came right from my vagina could not be [Music] dodged so much money now where' all this money come from I feel when you wish you took spectral tiar oh no all the money in the world though the Fallen that sounds pretty good to me not Eternal Fallen yeah reggy wrecked hey spectral tiar for free or do we roll it you guys is spectral not enough cuz we already have flight that gives us spectral tiar what do we want and when do we want it hotus Maximus what's up chainsaw lizard rip devil deal h no way I could Dodge that [Music] [ __ ] roll for sure take it keep it we can go for brimstone though but there's the chance that if we roll it we get nothing take it take it take it take it take it I see a lot of tiets in before empty pedestal I see a lot of tiets let's take our spectral tiers now we can hide over rocks and I'm going for the curse room now man our health has really taking a toll not too happy about that maybe we'll check for our secret room as well that was easy ah well we have something to roll probably shouldn't have extinguished that fire I probably could have used it to get more rolls one up I like it [Music] not sure what else we would want out of our secret room pool okay curs room do me right please give me my dreams definitely not dreams dreams are not made of spiders well nightmares are made of spiders I guess Come On Come On fight me I mean I could probably squeeze through right here oh yeah lose some flies though pour one out for one's flies fly homies [Music] phies you can have epic fetus on the secret room pool good to know do the chair emote thing Huts what's the chair emote thing and then I will sub people make a lot of promises people make a lot of promises sing with a grain of salt all right let's go you need to make grunting noises remember no that's why it's not working huh to the item room this is uh necro 2 this will be in the mom fight spectral tiar we can now shoot from Over the Rocks feels pretty good feels pretty safe man open all the chests make a chair emote you'll tell if I make a chair emote I have so many more better emotes than a share emote that I would like to get to um we can go into the curs room it would definitely blow our chances at a deal with the devil but I'm probably going to blow it anyways it's tough to say yeah there it is there it is right there there she goes cuz there goes my devil deal chance watch it as it goes freezy tears I love me some freezy tears I also incidentally love freezies Mr freezy pops those things are the best I'll sub for a cherry Moe promise get out I'd sub if you did something really stupid with your career that this guy sucks stop it you knock it off nobody's interested in that [ __ ] all right what do we got we could play these guys but what do I really need what do I really need bombs I guess oh nice TR you see it said trol in the bottom funny funny stuff game hilarious yes we need keys also get out let's go for a shop eh I thought rebirth was the original also also get out going I have no friends left I have no friends ah this guy's such a douche yes freeze him in place VA is this tears upgrade pill hell yeah I like it all right map oh full map me daddy vunda and a pill I don't know I I don't think I know that pill I don't think I know that my mama said never to talk to strange pills did did we go into the secret room did we go into the secret room I don't remember what was in there maybe it opened up and I just didn't realize it no the map shows me where it is so I don't think we have been it's like showing me on the map like I've been there but I don't think I have you guys our our health is like going down the drain no joke that's what we need we need more Health we have not been here officially [Music] could use the blood donation machine as a reroll machine but I don't have much to reroll that skull can teleport to the heart that's interesting all right do we head out I think we do we have compass in map so we can actually see that there's nothing else special about this floor so I think we go oh goodness oh goodness maybe we blow the machines first try I get some red Health back so are you enjoying this more than afterbirth right now yes I am happy fth fifth birthday of this game 69 cents hype Hots I will not leave ban get not actually Banning you all right I accidentally gave that guy a penny you ripped my 69 cents Mister you shall pay you shall pay for this he gave it back [Music] nice see you typhoon all right fight me boss Eternal mom or regular mom which one is it Eternal Mom good I don't want any [ __ ] fights all right Cy is a huge help here fantastic boom easy plus we got Mom's points I like that mom's voice I'll take a Polaroid I'll take this eternal heart how is that not Eternal mode yet I'm confused that's like 17 internal hearts that we've gotten so far and then we leave let's go baby rip Keys only 96 Keys 10th eternal hard is on its way go for Boss Rush secret room me Daddy give me something to roll too that's not what I was looking for actually we could play this for more bombs maybe more Soul Hearts maybe more red Health maybe some pills what is it be nice to me pretty fly oh my god let's play the machine no more shops so like this could be a really good use of our money it just might takes 14 years to do that was the bane of any good Isaac run was just sitting there for 17 years playing on the machine but it does work machines are good more pretty flies would you I think it has a chance to give me a dollar bill if it uh blows up as [Music] well [Music] so streaming is like the internet equivalent of being street performer I [Music] guess you make it sound so not glorious all right getting the red health is good Eternal hearts are good Pretty Fly for a White Guy is good bombs are good good things are good [Music] are you going to do the Eternal hush or are you too big of a puss that doesn't even make any sense I'm back up cuz it could spit up flies taking stupid damage to flies like that is dumb stupid things are stupid uh do we take the speed or do we take the chance to get some damage upgrade with the red patch I think we need some speed right now like the drug you guys have any no gross I'm kidding was a joke die potato all right flies if you wouldn't mind it thank you some more at Health we could totally go for a turn uh a tinted Rock in here tinted rocks in this floor are invisible Scoops invisible again all right well I'm going to pass on that one since the first one didn't really work out for us rip Soul [Music] heart riperoni what do we got blasticus I can handle you you assist maybe I don't know if I can handle it oh jeez you know I was just kidding right we're cool right freezy tears is delicious you guys it's so good it oh my got to deal with the devil holy jebus with nine lives in it no no no definitely not absolutely not all right what the heck is the moon thing what moon thing let's go ahead and uh reroll these we we're already got you guys ah [ __ ] pedestal is disappearing on me you dick you stupid dick stupid dick hole big hole of Dick ah [ __ ] flight ah dumb stupid big dumb stupid big poop head big head of poop poopy poop it's not what I wanted game you know it's not what I wanted took away one of my Adam pedestals G me a familiar and flight come on man killing me luck foot in the deal with the devil what is that nonsense who when who why where Casper what's up what's up no balls what lord of the pit is only one heart yeah it's just flight it's big stupid dumb goodness getting pinched Mega pinch goodness more chests please Daddy I appreciate that oh [Music] flies good Lord why oh my God are are you kidding me are you kidding me Health please sir wow that was a nightmare one room can just take you down like that damn it dang more chests with more red hearts in them I'm not getting a single red heart game was like what did you want what what's a red hearts hey we can play this guy he's like oh a coin oh another one hang on I got to fart bum friend he could be pretty good but I would also like to maybe reroll him into something better right he could take all the money cuz I don't need the money anymore and what would he give me back with that money bombs and keys and cards and stuff oh we should probably take them bum friend friend of all [Music] bum cards are good fool card better than the death card no but it could be if I use it on like curse rooms and [ __ ] probably should just popped my death card at at some one of the rooms ah shoot we'll take it play the machine yes Soul Hearts please sir I'm going to play this machine as much as I possibly can try to get some soul hearts out of it you guys very necessary I just wish I could do this faster curved peep hell yeah damage upgrades very nice the more damage we get in our teers too the more damage we have have in our flies I just picked up a nickel on AC I'm sorry that was kind of a cluster F bad gas pill [Music] okay red hearts nice nice very nice Cath and fish legs $3 last donation before I have to go to work stay safe in the basement thank you so much Captain Fish legs I really appreciate appreciate all you've done today thank you for the support for my lowly street performer self Kappa another Eternal heart um we can come back for that we can come back for that Immortal musician what's up super dude hello I don't think we get locked in the womb room that's only the mom fight BM friend give me what I need give me my dreams keys are not my dreams actually surprisingly okay uh we go for it made it to the Mom's heart battle feels pretty good it moves oh no oh it's moving it's moving it's moving help me Tom you're not supposed to move like that why oh and you spit out Eternal enemies as well oh goodness freeze him just keep her Frozen keep her Frozen keep her Frozen uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh yep like that just like that h Eternal Heart Another Eternal heart and another one well we're Eternal right look at I'm so like white and stuff I think we did it I think we turned Eternal I think we did it you guys and now we go up to the cathedral oh my God we're doing it we're freaking doing it we're freaking doing it unbelievable go through the secret realm as a cheat oh look out he turned all white and stuff steam sail that's a reroll nice nice thank you for that I can't get through oh cuz it's a freaking oh cuz it was a fight are you [ __ ] on my neck what is this garbage what is this poopy garbage you're spitting cancer I can't drop the Polaroid but look at how powerful this would be honestly I think maybe cancer is a little bit better for us than uh the curved horn cuz look at how many more tears are coming out of my face and we'll spawn more flies as well ah jeez this is going to be like super hella powerful I got to go with it I have to bum friend what you got nothing what platform is it on flash does that answer your question I hate the guardian angels they don't guard [ __ ] I think that's a bad gas bad gas yes oh my goodness the Jukes though roll yeah Dad Dad help me Dad Dad Cruz Tom [Music] dadis More Tears equals more teeth as well that's very true squat that's very true oh Dad's here feels feels good notice me dad Senpai dad pie I think we got this I think we got this pretty fly Pretty Fly Fly for a White dude all right shall we this is going to be a nightmare though please not Eternal Isaac oh please sir it's Eternal Isaac we're screwed oh oh the the the tears oh stop it nope uh-uh whoa easy whoa cool it buddy cool it buddy Kool-Aid [Music] buddy we're killed done it we're killing [Music] it I don't know how I'm still alive I don't know how I haven't taken any damage oh I don't know I just don't know I just don't even know what just happened I blacked out did we do well are you proud of me dad are you proud of me okay uh yeah let's just go ahead and leave then cool nice nice the chest what do you got for me speed and range able sister MERS and a fly buddy you know what I think they're all pretty much rollable but I'm guessing that one of them is going to disappear guessing one of them will disappear but able hype though familiars are bad I told you guys and there's no spun two of them disappeared and then we the other two of them are [Music] garbage thanks game that's what I say to you wow wow nice what a rip what a freaking rip my health though that Health though that's all you dog yeah keep going yeah keep going tears up very nice I like that I can get behind that kind of thinking thank you for that all right we go for maximum rolls no speed rip I froze that thing what a jerk oh bloat bloat oh the bloat get Rig wrecked you bloat shitthead that's what I'm talking about freezing tears was a good idea freezing tears was a great idea homing boobs I'm just going to take it I think we got plenty of things to roll over here the tick pass I'm going to pass on that one Temperance machine we could use that for R rolls as well if we want to come back to that all right the rosary for extra Health um I think we can do better I think we can do better than both of those items my thing is like really just being a big jerk my stupid like rly pad is being a huge jerk I think we can do better than both those items you guys I didn't see polytheus so let's keep going PO is bust oh yeah that's a laser beam this game is way too easy you guys the world all the Eternal Hearts not going to take that until there's another Eternal Art in the floor don't roll why not good not good enough Harlin baby isn't so bad because the two tiers it spits out go on either side of the end bosses they don't actually Collide but then if they don't Collide that's not doing any damage for me oh my God Eternal bloat Eternal bloa is Maximus still got wrecked still got riggy wrecked and that's uh range upgrade I could take a range upgrade mini Moosh more range the better for me right now I'm thinking super yeah that's good our health feels pretty good it's re rollable all right demon baby he looks so goofy he's like look at my teeths I've got two teeths let's that what he would say if he could talk reroll and get the poop items the chair wants back into the spotlight come on game give me something better these are both space bar items by the way we could just touch them get rid of them I wonder if by touching them and then rrolling is that is that modifying when they turn into blank pedestals I don't know I'm not sure about this things I don't know volume one more Health more of it good help for me Daddy freezing tear with this fire rate it's like guaranteed freeze game kid it's not exactly what I was looking for there is no dark room true truth to this that's not what I wanted let's go get rerolls you guys let's do it so much health we can go for days [Music] I think there's still a fire in the uh secret room we hurt ourselves in the spikes too would wouldn't really matter like that we can do like that yeah perfect thanks game for showing me what I was talking about perfect example all right see if I can make to this God dang room with this eternal heart nope I need both of them like that okay roll please epks oh yeah woo EP a Kirks I a Captain Kirk Kirk me daddy look at my health look at my health that did turn into a soul heart that was weird what just happened I blocked out let's keep going you guys come on come on Austin is for life just hit diamond in OverWatch sick bro thank you for the 11 months in a row seriously man thank you for that support unreal un Fring real 11 monos dude we're going down in this room holy crap that room is not so good for my penis nice heart thank you so much man oh help freezy tears oh thank you freezy tears are these Eternal versions they like they kind of seem like they're Eternal versions this room not so good not so good for me wow okay okay game if that's really how you feel about it I tried to lay a bomb in there it didn't work all all right then oky does neato there's got to be like an enemy limit or something are we why oh my God oh my gez oh yeah for you wow wow Chariot card could have cherry carded if I was a loser right got him let's just finish the floor let's just finish the floor I know my D is ready I'm ready to finish it though you know what I think we were a little bit stronger before we took iak I'm not going to lie IAC is like you should win with I back but I still think we were a little bit stronger cool we're done full clear on the last floor damn we killed it we struck the game down we've done it should have just bombed through the secret room damn [Music] it all right you will feel my pain Boss blue baby baby k game Eternal and we beat Eternal mode feels pretty spicy and I'm taking this book of bin for extra damage yay you know what [ __ ] it demon baby just come with me and you and your teeths you and your two teeths he's like look at I'm opening my mouth are you looking at me look at my teeths look at my damn teeth okay jeez okay bringing on Eternal blue baby a got [Music] nothing check that [ __ ] out [Music] look a b again it's a cherry card [Music] Chariot done oh yes baby good run everybody good run that was a lot of fun I enjoyed that I enjoyed that okay um nice nice [Music] man very [Music] nice okay so we have some uh keys to give away don't [Music] we are we still doing the key giveaway pudding cups 9 months butt baby just want to say this has been a great 9 months being sub to you buddy thank you so much putting cups You're my butt baby you're in my butt baby wayf fars iay all right let's do it please is it two keys wfirs or is it one what are we doing today lead me through we having any uh giveaway hosted by way far is East I appreciate that very much so everyone give props to him now try afterbirth to see the difference if you guys would like to be a part of the giveaway two two of them let's do it let's do two Skyrim key giveaways if you're interested in Skyrim the game uh we've been playing Ender all all the time on stream and Ender all is a free download for Skyrim so we're basically giving away end all sounds pretty good to me let's do it let's do another giveaway you guys all you have to do to enter the give giveaway is Type in the appropriate message the appropriate keyword and the keyword is going to be WF whoa not the right button not the right button not the right keyboard WF Wayfair is East WF you guys type WF into the chat and you'll be entered to win stream laptop steam what you talking about leg of gods WF will enter you in the Skyrim [Music] giveaway and then you will get in contact with way fairs and he will email you the game sound pretty good to you guys sounds pretty good to me thank you so much W fars for allowing me to do a giveaway on stream I appreciate it if you guys ever want to host a giveaway you let me know and we'll frecking do it we will do the crap out of it wife no capital letters you guys case sensitive look at all the peoples 130 people so far think we had 160 or so on the last giveaway [Music] Chino what's [Music] up all right let's see if we get 140 and then I'll roll it see if we can't get 140 [Music] 143 let's do it and 3 2 1 Shazam banana Lessa I'm going to give you 40 seconds to comment to claim this all you have to do is type something into the chat something anything at all and you will claim this prize if not I will go ahead and roll again banana Lessa are you out there can you hear me just type something into the chat quick hi you did it you got it all right way fairs you got it I think we're going to go back to back and just do another one right away nice congratulations banana Lessa banana banana GG I've already the normal one okay so if you already have the seed or if you already have the game is it legendary edition you'd have to ask way fars on that one way fars would be the guy to contact so I'm going to go ahead and send your name over to wayf [Music] fars this one that one that's the name all right cool let's reroll it again let's roll it again this time the word is going to [Music] be I love butts type I love butts into the chat you'll be ented to get to win the uh the next [Music] one so Banana Lessa don't forget contact wayfair's East give them your email address or your steam profile so we can send it off to [Music] you [Music] all right do you guys love butts that much jeez settle down you guys gross you guys you all love butts you guys are [Music] weird [Music] there you go banana Lessa I sent you I whispered you wayer East talk to him send him your your stuffs your information so he can send that game over all right guys we for 47 people already let's bump up the sub subscriber luck to three since we haven't given away anything to a sub in a long time let's do it 3 2 1 Shazam Secret Squirrel you have 40 seconds type anything into the chat and you get it and it's all [Music] yours all right seeet squirrel would you like that key cool [Music] cool well done way fars for doing that giveaway appreciate it very much so all right you guys GG super rigged all the time against Subs let me know if there's any problems way fars and uh we can handle it let's do one more run you guys let's do one more run shall we let's try not hard mode Let's try not Eternal let's just do the like the normal Isaac run and uh see what happens need to give away the first one wayer is oh she didn't want it banana banana Lessa didn't want it she already had it okay let's do another one you guys let's do another one before we start lucky you guys jeez you guys are so lucky how' you guys get so lucky have another giveaway jeez it's like we're just giving away stuff all right um Hotpot is the word I've already have it happy stream birth no problem banana thanks for being honest Hut's butt will enter you to win the Skyrim key it's case sensitive so make sure you have the right thing see you sarin subscriber luck we'll keep it at three we'll bump it up every now and then and then whenever I give something out to a sub I always reset the sub lock bar but uh one time the subloc bar made it up to like s seven I think still had a hard time giving away anything to a sub up the sub luck more please three times more likely is is a lot Immortal we'll keep it there for now sometimes you don't even notice that it's on though because there's so many more non Subs than Subs but I think three is a good number for right now I think six is a good sub sub luck for this one okay you know what fine I'll do at four since we just gave away for two non Subs fine jerks bullying me they're bullying me you guys it's not my fault 3 2 1 Let's Do It cagi kagi congratulations congratulations on this key cool cool contact way far is East and then let me know how that goes if there are any problems let me know if we need to redo the giveaway let me know that as well so I'll do as many giveaways as we need if you guys don't need the game though maybe don't enter cool cool let's keep going you guys congratulations let's go baby with that Mouse pointer it's like all over the place get out of there get out Mouse pointer nobody in invited you this party like literally nobody invited you let's do it non- Eternal should be a little bit easier we'll probably still die tiny little baby blasticus just got killed murdered murdered rigged redo the giveaway Capal there's a problem I didn't win why are you playing original it's the fifth anniversary of the original Isaac game so in celebration we are uh doing a throwback strs it's off schedule so it's not like I'm taking away any strs all right grandpa nut sack fly bring it this game I would say is about 10 times more difficult than the original Isaac or than the uh rebirth Isaac I mean this is the original fill me up baby thank you Taco is there a way to break this version absolutely Cobalt was the king of the uh original Isaac breaking he would do things where he would come out with like nine Sacred Hearts and [ __ ] like that pretty cool stuff really orbital sounds pretty good let's go this should be like super easy right normal Isaac without even Eternal mode what is this what is this novice crap boom City death card I accept rip item room 2016 why is that item right here got it right [Music] here that CU meat circles so quickly very difficult to use oh baby that's nice thank you for that game nice wonderful oh better oh nice well done GG couple books excited Cobalt hype ER Razer has to go to bed it's 3:00 it's 3 p.m. for everybody in the world why are you going to bed that's weird Joe aim seven months in a row thank you so much for the resub I appreciate that I appreciate that welcome back you guys are the best butts the best butts that ever buted with butts what do you guys do butt the boot do you boot the butts the best butts that ever booted I don't know what you're talking about meanwhile in Canada wow this room is like not good not good for my health really oh jeez oh my gosh the spiders and the Rocks it's a perfect [Music] combination need a key please give me a key sir we could fight the boss chances of getting a a deal the devil are ripped now since I took damage against those spiders that was like a perfect room though that a perfect room I'm a day sleeper Kappa that room was stacked against me some pins though shouldn't be too bad I think we have about a 33% chance of getting a deal with the Devil might be 50 I don't remember I don't remember the numbers are I don't remember the numbers you guys we still had a chance we still got it though don't have a a roll ready which is my bad which is my mistake my mole steak uh shoot YOLO YOLO now we go for a health upgrade we try to roll the boss room into a health upgrade please sir those spoter are so fast I know such many fast spoo RS all right we have a roll ready let's use it definitely what do we got yes Health feels good now it's like we got spectral tiers and flight for one red heart which is absolutely worth it 114% 114% that's a library you know what we've already gone through a couple of books who's to say that we couldn't turn a library into an actual item machine we could totally do that if we if you get all the books out of the uh Library pool the library just turns into an item room of course we need a couple keys to make all this magic [Music] happen quit bombing yourself quit bombing yourself [Music] self you big dumb dumb all right we got some bombs but no keys rip how many more hours will you stream Huts I think this is probably going to be the last game what mod is this what's Su JRE oh goodness oh goodness just like a key maybe could you give me a key you think you have one of those on hand yeah [Music] great great and secret room as well please more monies enough money to go into the shop but I think I want to save my key for marriage SL item room come on fire we're waiting on you it's Isaac's fif fifth birthday bir Jesus Christ I can't speak to him my mouth isn't making the appropriate sounds Isaac's 5th birthday we don't want that those are bad those are bad bad didn't didn't even get to go to the library guys and reroll the books feels pretty [Music] salty damage in the boss room counts for a deal with the devil says Mitra there's damage in the floor there's damage in the boss room you want to avoid both of them damage in the boss room counts as damage on the floor as well so if you take damage on a boss room it's basically like you're dead you're done no more deals with the devil for you all right got a key but we're almost dead and we took red our damage so rip deals with the Devil potentially should we go right into the shop I don't think so I think maybe save it for the item room shops are not as good here as they were uh as they are in rebirth we could of course just hide over the rocks for 17 years if we really wanted to they're protecting each other knock that off oh that's nice there was a gungeon update but it was not supply drop rip when is Supply drrive coming we have a a date on that when is anything coming I feel like I'm just sitting here waiting for all these games and they're all being mysterious like oh there's something crazy big coming out but we don't know when ooh spooky spooky updates so mysterious after birth plus looks great wouldn't know I've I've seen a few items for it that looked pretty hot and happening as soon as it's finished of course hey there's another key now we can go to the shop maybe yeah we go to the shop first I guess the ladder literally pointless now that we have flight GG mate I can't even buy a key back all right there's a there's a new item in after birth plus coming out that uh allows shops and item rooms to be on the womb so it gives you two more floors of shops and item rooms super hype have I checked here for the secret room I don't think I have oh that's not very good is it it's bombable hey got an extra key for that that's actually kind of nice we could reroll the shop or save the reroll for the boss room bring it back to the shop if need be I kind of want some red Health right now so we go into that curse room but doesn't seem like that's going to happen get away spiders you dick spider dicks nobody wants spider [Music] dicks oh my jeez 100 breaks the silence I bet after birth plus will come out on Halloween or on Christmas could be just wish they would announce it you know oh my God could you have more Health sir you knocked my bomb back at me I'm quite offended that is just that's not okay that's not good that's not okay I'm dying it's not good I I hate you I hate you you will die painfully or I will die painfully one or the other hopefully it's you just like seriously you need to go you need to go sir you need to go oh my god um five poison bombs you know what I'm just going to take them I can use those you your death card it would have done like that much it would like me it's a little bit of damage Chad all right no we was supposed to charge at me you're supposed to charge at me this is going to be fun forgot what it was like not having damage it's terrible help I was stuck in the corner with him oh my God why I'll take this little dude I'll take that little dude was there something for me to roll no not really curse room that'd be kind of stupid to go in there now right we could roll the shop pool shop item that was ridiculous you guys G how about that little monster what do you got for me cool nice wonderful oh help no devil deal there's no [ __ ] way we're going to get a devil deal not like this if you take damage if you take red heart damage in the boss room you're basically done arcade I mean we have tons of money that we could play for bombs and keys possibly Soul hearts and red hearts maybe that'd be the best thing to do with our money instead of going to the shop trying to beef up our consumables bring on you big smelly poop head come on fight me greated fight [ __ ] those guys fight me just one V one me bro don't bring your friends into this God you're such a stupid head God damn it steam sail though that Steam s though all right couple free [Music] bombs would love to have something to reroll here please sir went the wrong way the best part about this is that D6 is a three room recharge and not a six that's so good all right the hollow oh he turned around the bomb hit he turned around we took red heart damage and our deal with the devil chance just went to nothing because of that stupid [ __ ] yeah no I should have totally seen to that giant smoke cloud that he turned around that's just my bad oh that hit nothing too nice nice game well done got to hate when those stupid little things happen that kind of screw you over a jeez is our damage like negative I feel like he's getting more Health by shooting him it's just tickling him he likes it oh jeez C Net Tales is only a shot speed upgrade in this one I think it's only a shot speed upgrade not a damage upgrade I'm pretty sure fairly certain the Box Emperor card Maggie's Faith again I like that and a lock down five kill threats against your school today that's not so good need them teeth oh the teeth were good can you g can you break this game version yes technically yes I don't want any trouble I don't want any trouble mister Mr s please no trou trouble Mr S one bit cheer one I have 301 viewers on Twitch I wonder if that means it's still loading remember the 301 glitch on YouTube 301 views let do a run on Wrath of Lambe please good idea I should stop playing the Wrath of the lamb and start playing The Wrath of the Lamb why don't I think of that wonderful rip chat all right I've had this roll for days let's get into this item see what we got that's a shot speed upgrade that's a scapular that's game breaking that plus nuns habit is how you break the game scap daddies and habit though and D6 well D20 technically you want to get technical with it we kind of need the D20 that was a trap that was a nice trap they were like perfectly in sync the band wow that shot amazing I'm not even mad I'm pissed that's the secret room I found it where is the damn s room where is it you slimy bugger all right spend some my money I'm a man I'm a money I'm a money on my mind see what we can get for it some pills some healths some bombs that's [Music] nice full health pill would be kind of cool some keys yes yes full health health down why game why why you do this why you hurt me pee like this all right you guys are all done you're done Health up now perfect probably rooms next to boss room Huts I think it's only touching two rooms and not three it's one of those crazy ones huh nope nope doesn't exist nope wrong there's no top secret room by the way [Music] so to my knowledge mag's Faith gives us an eternal heart every floor which is quite nice we're not going to keep it though especially not with a demon beggar looking at me like that free monies yeah you guys just sit over there that's fine with me totally works for me they're like [ __ ] man he's over he's over the Gap how the hell do we get over there I don't know huddle up let's brainstorm some ideas huddle up huddle me Daddy yeah this is definitely a RI room woo oh my God oh my jebus there's too many things to focus on holy crap oh my goodness easiest thing I've ever done easy peasy squeeze my lemons damn oh all this red Health makes me want to play that demon beggar but that Eternal heart will go bye-bye be sad news kind of just waiting till I lose it naturally and then I don't have to feel so bad about getting rid of it on my own but I think a deal with a devil item from a demon beggar is probably a little bit more important than one more Health upgrade maybe right cuz we'd be giv up a health piece for a deal with the devil so there's no guarantee it's going to be a good one let's just try to get into this deal with the devil first on necro one we're on necro one so it's not a mom fight we played lost Castle nope never played it wants to give away a copy of the original Binding of Isaac sounds pretty cool squat whisper me that you know need the Eternal Arts say jri whisper it to me squat that'd be super cool from Super yeah what is it good for absolutely nothing say it again oh oh yeah it's Champion War so I think we're going to be hurting here a little bit a little bit of hurting there hey oh goodness excuse you if those super troll bombs come after me I don't know how we're going to dodge them oh that's a thing too you can just do that right in my vagina Point Blank it's via steam gift oh okay so we'll just do it to it then I love giveaways I love giveaways hey excuse you bombs this is painful he has so much health it's ridiculous it's ridiculon yes walk into this bomb that bomb's for you sir I can't run fast enough I can't he's getting me over the rocks oh my God he was hurting me over the rocks [ __ ] hacks man oh my God you guys let's take a break and do a giveaway of The Binding of Isaac let's do it does anybody want the original Binding of Isaac to play through this if you do enter the giveaway damn super cool thank you so much super dude for hosting that let's do it you guys right now right this instant before we forget about it let's go baby the word is going to be super type super into the chat and you will be entered to win a copy of the original Binding of Isaac let's go I'm happy I stayed says eraser me too that was a huge giveaway day today I'm really happy about that bold chart hello I see you you guys would like to Str go through this you're not a true Binding of Isaac player unless you've beaten Eternal mode I'm just saying just throwing that out there you know you need that Eternal Champion lowcase you guys you need that Eternal achievement supper thanks for doing that super [Music] dude 75 people 76 people can we get to 80 I see 77s do we have 78 do we have 78 in that man in the background 79 79 going twice one going once going twice I'm not a good very I'm not a very good Auctioneer so let's do it in three two one Shazam who gots it gold narwhal you did it you did it I'll give you 40 seconds to claim that get into contact with super dude and he will give you uh that over email I do believe ban gold narwhal LOL cool would you like this key gold nwal would you like it are you following why does it always keep coming up with question marks cannot be determined LOL gold do you want it if you don't want it I'll roll it we'll assume all is good fix the cup please I did not know the cup was broken I'm sorry all right you guys cool cool well done well done fix the cup fix the cup they say fixed your mom's cup there we go enters giveaway doesn't even know what giveaway is about rip let me know super dude if I need to do a roll if I need to give it away again cool cool all right demon beggar here we [Music] come gold narwhal ad Hots gaming for what what do you mean for what can I give away my friendship gross I can't cheese him twice apparently not in this version all right I see your games I see your games take all my health give me nothing back I have two copies of Binding of Isaac Wrath of the Lamb that I can give away Stone sandre do you have the keys for them or are they steam gifts Stone oh my God it's like a mega giveaway today today oh my God he jumped right into my face H help Tom how am I oh jeez like give me a second to like realize what room this is oh my my God what day is it today I blocked out I don't even know what's happening help Tom that was a nightmare that was an absolute nightmare full health pill that's a good thing nice steam gifts do you want me to do that stone I can do that if you want to get in contact with people I'd appreciate that that'd be super cool another two gifts of Wrath of the Lamb you have anything for me mate I'm a little surprised that you don't have anything for me I'm a little surprised if I ever figure out that you guys are trolling me too if you're like I've got some games and that I do a giveaway then you don't actually have the games and you're like psych that's grounds for insta ban so don't don't mess with [Music] it okay I really wish you would pay out with something oh you know what why wasn't I using scapular you guys we got scapular of course we can keep going like this and get a a soul heart back leave the room come back in and do it again and do it again look at that [ __ ] it's infinite duh you guys what the hell I'm not on my scapular like I'm not like my scapular meta isn't strong today that's five free bombs I think right reroll that that's technically a damage upgrade so I'll take it cool cool nice now we're like really close to death but scapular will keep us there a little bit my stupid Mouse pointer it's crawling on the screen sometimes Leonard's under there and he hits my mouse cord like last night he was under there he was hitting the cord and then he pulled it and it just sucked the the mouse right off my desk that was a big jerk Stone are we doing this or not man redo the giveaway super dude will do it again okay let me uh let me get a little bit further also if one of the mods wants to try to pay attention I got a a message from Stone sandre to see if uh Stone sandre really wants to get in on that action I have a hard time talking with people there you go Squad I'm going to send it to you that's the uh the username we'll redo the giveaway you guys in a little bit let me just like finish the floor first here and then we'll see what I can do that would be the eye in the back of my head we had that earlier it's it's okay can have better though we can do better oh jeez oh jeez thought his hair is on fire is it though oh my God how do I dodge that the speed oh my goodness life is hard life is hard today why don't I just find a spike and I can just continually do the uh the thing the thing in that one place with the scapulars and get more no I don't have the Habit a shoot getting the Habit would be fantastic right now with scapular if you don't know what you're entering then please don't enter unless you absolutely want it true true that the doubled thank you so much for the sub fresh butt wel to but Hut welome to the fam friend I appreciate your support awesome awesome awesome all right you guys looks like we have three gifts we have boning of Isaac original and two wrath of lamb copies that we have to give away oh my God Max's head oh huge damage upgrade that's the same thing as Cricket's head he just didn't put Cricut in there because he thought Cricut was a weird name but that was the name of one of his cats fresh booty welcome to doubled help me Tom Cruz I'm stuck I'm stuck I've been playing for so long I have to pee again been playing for so long I got to pee again would you stop pounding me like sharks you're not sharks you're masks of course uh Max's head is a damage multiplier so we we had [ __ ] damage to begin with and then we multiply it to more [ __ ] oh goodness finally we get to our shop oh goodness stop it you stop it you knock it off all right shop me Daddy the candle oh jeez I think we just got to roll with the candle the candle is so good the candle is like sex I got to do it the candle's good oh so good H can you do a gaming chair for steam giveaway can I give you a gaming chair for a steam giveaway um do you are you ordering it from the website or do you like have the chair in your room right now cuz that's gets tricky cuz you'd have to pay for shipping and all that [Music] [ __ ] sex is good sometimes i' rather have t-shirt cricket and Max are dogs I heard that cricet was his cat was his old cat I had a big argument about it with uh uh with sir Keaton and proved to me that it was indeed a cat all right shall we continue going on shall we go oh jeez oh oh I just oh I don't know feel like I'm missing something my D I'm missing the D rip see you L all right guys should we do some giveaways I think we shall do some giveaways so many giveaways it's like we're not even playing a game we're just doing giveaways giveaway simulator giveaway simulator all right let's do it let's do um what should we do keys with five e let's make it tough for you guys to join it this will be for the uh super dudes original bonding of Isaac uh giveaway I can't hear Huts we turn your volume up what's being given away this is a steam game original Binding of Isaac original Binding of Isaac five e in there Keys damn it they're figuring it out I should have made it harder I should have put some capital letters in there throwing you guys off that sounds like we have two more keys to give away is this still the case squat stone stone sandre 76 people 77 people 78 if you guys don't have the original Binding of Isaac which is what I'm playing right now enter the giveaway o why Huts why not 79 people figured it out what happened to eatting dog I don't know I think he uh wanted to do his own thing happens all right guys 3 two 1 Let's Roll bold chart I recognize you subscribed we got a subscriber yeah bold chart congratulations I'll give you 40 seconds to claim that prize say anything in the chat anything at all I'm ready says Stone sandre all right we got two more keys Wrath of the Lamb to give away well they're not really keys their steam gifts still counts bold don't blow this bold I'm giving you 40 seconds oh my God don't make me reroll this bold don't make me roll this bold don't make me reroll bold oh my God oh my God bold you scared us all oh goodness all all right super dude get in contact with bold chart you got to love it when the name's super easy I would like it awesome fantastic we have two more steam giveaways for Wrath of the Lamb well done bold chart congratulations let's let's keep going let's keep rolling with it let's go [Music] key K take that chat try to enter that one suckers super dude will email that that uh that uh gift to you bold chart you just have to supply him whisper your email to him we got three people that got so far lower case k uppercase E lowercase y lowercase e uppercase E lowercase y lowercase s fight as Huts oh I love you guys I love messing with you guys too this will be coming from Stone sandre so what you guys got to do if it's hosted by somebody like if it's hosted by ston sandre you have to whisper to that person and uh send them your email associated with your Steam account and then they can go ahead and send you the steam gift thing right yeah good you have to get in contact to the person who's hosting the giveaway 76 people already nice well done this is Wrath of the Lamb by the way if you don't have the original I don't know if Wrath of the Lamb is going to work probably not huh Colton my Str broke a stupid ad and I missed the giveaway rip well good thing we're doing two more Colton you better hurry up 80 people three let let's put the sub I said we're going to reset the subblock whenever that happens I said we'd reset the subblock and we did 3 2 1 flick 123 PL 40 seconds bruh 40 seconds bruh going to go ahead and send that whisper off to uh Stone sandre flick 40 seconds bruh before I reroll this 30 31 32 33 34 35 all I have to do is type something into the chat to claim it type anything at all type anything at all in the chat roll canow 72 are you there can you hear me oh my God fake I just rerolled it oh rip fake yo kinow 72 congratulations I'm so sorry flake rules are rules rules be those rules I can see clearly now all right at Stone sandre here is the name of the vinar the cup is right for the taking I can hear congratulations kenow congratulations I think 40 seconds has got to be enough to get through the uh the amount of delay that there is I've seen people claim it at like 4 seconds all right the next key we have one more key for the Wrath of the lamb and that's going to be uh uh [Music] Hees three all right see you can enter this one hey you're figuring it out good job just copy paste somebody else that figured it out in the chat you guys no why make it hard just copy paste somebody else in the chat man you need to be stopped look at how many people can figure it out it's super easy man what's going on says Ricky Wolfie we're giving away a copy of Wrath of the Lamb to type this keyword right here into the chat to be entered might be better off face smashing the keyboard KY3 you've never heard of ki3 that was my nickname in college my mom was killed by ktic 3 Rippy can't rip can't copy pasta on mobile I'll giveing you time we've already hit 80 people which is what we've hit every single time so I think pretty much everybody's figured it out all right you guys 3 2 1 go Bo pdk 1996 say something into the chat to claim the prize say anything in the chat anything at all whatever you whatever your hearts desires I'll give you 40 seconds to do this before I hit the reroll button 40 seconds if we keep getting unamed prizes I'm going to have to up oh you got it I was going to say I'm going to have to up that time awesome Stone get in contact with pdk cool you have to contact stone sandre with your email address and stone sandre will kick that right off to you awesome awesome awesome well done everybody let me know if something goes wrong you guys but I uh have to keep the show going The Show Must Go On It must kyy3 pretty simple if you ask me thank you guys so much super dude and Stone sry for hosting those giveaways it's super cool of you to give back like that super cool of you guys to do that I have a spare Legend of Bumbo in my library if you want it we're all [Music] laughing all right bring it on you guys bring it on health is good cursed skull less good less good I'm sorry Mama I didn't mean to hurt you the fire though recharges by itself pretty cool stuff also blocks tears real powerful want to give away some Huts butt Hut wouldn't that be cool if you could just give away a subscription to somebody like you can give Reddit Gold if you just type on someone's name and say give subscription wouldn't that be nice come on Twitch make that happen please oh stop it he's out for blood you can see it in his eyes he angry those are Angry Eyebrows well rip our last shop bold chart didn't respond to Super so we have another one to give away dang super you're cursed you're cursed you're just trying to do nice thing what's happening man oh goodness look out look out you can already do that with subc cards can't you Huts gaming what are sub cards sub cards paron me daddyy what's a sub card explain this to [Music] me so much money but I can't really do anything with it I'm sad the is said all right at the end of the floor we'll redo it super dude the darker side of a giveaway when people do not respond cuz they died from a heart attack when they [Music] won good things are good yeah they are I'm going to lose this eternal heart there's that Library we were yaking about on the first floor that we didn't get to or second floor rather what do you have for me a book of rev that's quite nice of you if only I had my D I could start rerolling everything rip D pour one out for one's d That's not worth not worth technically could give away an Amazon gift card and they could use that to sub yeah but like that's [Music] shady I've heard that a streamer is able to buy a sub card or code and give it to a viewer and they input it somewhere and they get subscribed it could just it could have just been someone screwing with me though I've never heard of that I've never heard of that doesn't mean it doesn't exist [Music] I'm pretty sure on this oh my God it's Stompy mom I can just uh hit the the doors with the fire no did they fix that they fixed it okay I can't hit the doors with the fire anymore this is [Applause] fun [Applause] [Music] all right I think you're tough [ __ ] mom I atat moms for breakfast wait what I ate pieces of [ __ ] like you for breakfast you eat pieces of [ __ ] for breakfast classic okay Polaroid me we saved that eternal heart that's amazing how did we do that I don't know how we managed to pull that off but I'm ready to go I [Music] think Shady yes it's a shady if I'm just handing people money and saying I'm trusting you to go spend this on something get away nobody's interested in your [ __ ] does the fire count as a shot yes it does apparently suck in my meatball [Music] candle's really good but I got to hit him with it first teleport no no it's a no lock down excellent full health may be excellent though we should just emper a card out of here yeah smart idea to emper a card out of here just go home little bit be free either way get in the cup I'm so sorry life has abandoned you oh did I say at the end of the floor and then here I am not on the end of the floor we didn't do that giveaway right we need to do that now giveaway now right giveaway would you guys like a copy of the regular bnie of Isaac if anything does go wrong you guys and you have a hard time getting to me in chat because it's really hard to hold a conversation when I'm streaming uh contact one of the mods they'll get to me they'll get to me we're still on right guys for another uh another giveaway no bold got it bold got it okay bold got it okay good good he responded he she [Music] nice and then a butt baby don't worry I claim the prize thank you so much bold Shar for resubbing and being a butt baby the butt baby family when do we have a family dinner eating dinner like a family for one goddamn [ __ ] time what is that Cards Against Humanity card eating like a family for once eating like a goddamn family for once that's got to be it can I sleep dude just go to sleep man forever kidding don't don't die nothing better than free [ __ ] right the stream is free that's free [ __ ] you've already won You've Won free viewership into the butt Hut with loves and unicorns and things oh that's tempting Eternal heart why why are you [Music] here Eternal Hearts why you make me feel guilty for playing this guy oh jeez I don't know what to do with that how's that meat taste oh that's all the red hearts too shoot man I got to go for it by Eternal heart now I'm playing him twice for some reason I've got increased eye frames and we got a mom's bra for all of that what a freaking rip what a freaking rip that was lame there's another Eternal heart what a joke what a joker all right fight the Mom battle first damn Jukes though oh don't you hit me like that why you why you always [Music] lying manro been sign up for a monstro fight should at these strats right now it's okay to be impressed it's okay to be impressed yeah baby awesome that was that went really well no [Music] all right the more Health the merrier it's okay to be a breast guys just so you know I missed something in the chat there conversations going on that I have no idea about this room is not nice super not nice oh jeez the shots speed in the sky is ridiculous what am I going to do with all this money if we get like four bom friends in a row oh my God a second Polaroid Cool super [Music] Polaroid super dude's out see you super dude thanks for hosting that giveaway appreciate [Music] it like giveaway Central today I really appreciate you guys doing that for me and the streams feels really [Music] good 150 okay this is it drum roll please rip Secret Squirrel thank you so much for the subscription it's at 319 now oh my God we're on our way to 333 you guys holy crap I love you guys so much thank you for the support thank you for the five big ones that's amazing of you to do that for me I cannot wait you guys H 500 Subs I get five more emotes I have so many emotes that I want to have on the Discord server uh that we made up for Huts gaming I have a bunch of emotes that I custom made because Discord just allows uh the new update allows for custom emotes and I'm having so much fun making emotes there but I just wish I had all those spaces to make emotes here on Twitch so many good ones so many good emotes unbelievable amounts of good emotes five more at 500 but 500 is a long ways away we can do it with you guys' support first subscription ever awesome sub jity feels pretty good Secret Squirrel thank you so much a sack head emote I'm think in like non Isaac related emotes just for General chatting dude this room is ridiculous this room is ridiculous am I supposed to be able to survive in this room holy crap we're down to three red hearts are you kidding me right now what the [ __ ] that was definitely not okay Emperor card is fantastic though I'm G to grab the red hearts and then just pop the emperor card I I don't want to fight this room anymore I don't get down to the chest silent King watch tweet me or something tweet me some of your [ __ ] or a link to your website or something let me know bruh okay oh I said I was going to Emperor card let's do that definitely Emperor card oh goodness this might be the end of the road you guys this fight is extremely difficult when we don't have ridiculous damage like we did earlier wo and I got really lucky in the last one too so don't think that I'm just going to like be amazing again cuz that was weird that when that happens oh my goodness oh my goodness I got to sit here and do nothing but uh fire the blue fires in and need'd shoot at me less but I'm not sure if that's exactly the right way to do it oh I walked into it two more hits and we're done we're not at a half heart interval so scapular is not going to save me I think we're dead you guys we're not even close to being through this fight the poison damage also makes him shoot I think now guardian angels and light beams to deal with yeah not so sure about that oh oh the light beam don't you you do that to me light beam wo no son of a cracker oh Saltines man mega salt all right you guys it's been a good day it's been a good day that was ridiculous that ended me super rip this game is ridiculously hard but we did pull off our Victory today on Eternal mode and returned Eternal so I feel good about that I feel super good about that and I'm going to sign off for today you guys thanks for joining I appreciate it thank you guys for all the giveaways holy crap today was amazing for giveaways thank you for the new Subs the donations the follows everything holy crap you guys sorry if I didn't notice how do I get Discord you just go to the website download Discord it's like a client tweeted awesome silent King you guys have a good rest of your day enjoy all of those keys that we gave away today so many keys so many gifts amazing absolutely amazing you guys we're at uh 319 Subs I feels so good I appreciate everything all of it I appreciate it so much nuke the cup like this Kabam [Music] 169 eraser I have to go to sleep putts had fun hosting the first giveaway together with love good night though yeah thank you for that giveaway appreciate it will let go on Huts 2 I do believe so how to sub wait says Danny oh [Music] goodness just get here and you are ending I'm sorry kappo I'm so sorry about tis youy guys this game hell of a lot of fun hell of a lot of fun good stuff here's the collection Page by the way stuff I found cool cool some good runs what are my stats what are my stats items mom kills Secrets found I don't want to do that cool cool donation hype I will see you guys on the next stream which is going to be tomorrow so I'll see you guys tomorrow should be on 3 300 p.m. central so I will see you guys then see y
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 143,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock, wrath, lamb
Id: 4qbMXsKlUsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 23sec (13343 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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