Keeper is PAIN Pt.2 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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all right what are we going to do now keeper is pretty bare so let's do a keep it keeps run to the darkroom keep them it keep it keeps I do not like playing as keeper but we do what we got to do because we got to do it jump at me jump at me boy we got [ __ ] sleep see you Spencer BAM I like this guy's unpredictable I didn't mean to pick it that coin up you shoved it into me bonded into me I didn't have a choice all right it's a book that's a free secret room - okay free books are pretty okay I'll leave that in the floor for a hell later if I need it just remind me to come back for it what music is this this is if into the lowly palace as suggested by you by y'all's not gonna beat myself up over lost deals of the devil can't really afford them anyways unless we get health drops on the boss rooms and rooms are probably just smarter to go far anyways and I gotta say I can smell at top Seger might there pills are mega doom what I think Yolo we haven't gotten anything yet right so let's check the item room out if the outer most bad will just yellow it and if we get a health down we'll just restart it's really not that big of a deal but is it good yeah it's not lately like the best that I've ever seen in my entire life they could be like a little bit better you know Baltar you know it's pretty ok maybe like a little bit fine but first floor Yolo yeah like it'd be fine if we did that go back to that coin now watch my speed so bad does keeper usually start with that bad of speed and shrinking pill paralysis look up yeah we went through a lot of pills there meat that's a nickel you know the more we do this run the better I feel about it really does he really get stuck on my tar that doesn't make any sense at all your fly you're floating above the tar go over there's tar beneath me I just need to stop oh you're an idiot aren't you idiot confirmed this isn't good I there I did complain about my speed though and then Mira you know even look which not exactly sure LOC depends on if my Wooden Nickel depends on luck it's a good question I don't know I'm leaving bye let's pick it up please we took hematemesis pick what up oh the coin you're saying we took the team at 10:00 mrs. coin or pill does that actually affect me it just gave me a bunch of flies maybe it does it's hard to tell when I can't see my health I still can't see my health okay just have to keep track of it mentally that's pretty okay that's the same two guys good spot I'll be going for boss rush at all we do need to go for boss rush and hush fights so like if we can hurry we then good what are you doing in my room [Music] you guys we are taking care of Lexi dog that dog the late Tony's dog he's a very naughty dog but she kept getting out well Chantelle his dad's place so she's over here now because he's out of the out of state that's dog [Music] alright I'll keep an eye on her all right guys that's dog oh uh he has obviously - so hard since we got six flies from it's got a crawl space as well her name is Lexi they call her Lexi Lexi but Hut is now the mud hut [Music] Oh boogers boogers okay hush fight you guys we need to rush we need to rush for the hush because boogers does the hush in it's really good let's update our fire rate max boogers is what we need right now maximum amount of Booker a mega booger go fight blue map uh you know blue map kind of gives me a map what do we think about the blue map what do you think about the blue map guys rip frames no saying I think of my side lewd beard stubbles yeah I need to shave you guys bug cocky I'm gonna re-roll yeah sure take it do it take it nice socks he sucks I'm not linked socks well of course this yeah of course it was right there [Music] Chino what he gots a blue map good blue map is like good stuff and things I'll roll with it it'll let us know like where we're headed [Music] generally speaking the boss is where the top secret room is generally speaking [Music] oops that's a bad room to use that in little waste I don't think I'm gonna go back to that coin I don't have time to go back to this room twice you guys something is happening unless I need it I'm gonna die baltar is exceptionally good it really is slowing down enemies that are chasing you down can be life-saving all right speed gotta go fast flames go manga peopie's we're not gonna do get a dev to give up the bug gills gills with the devil goodness English wow we're not gonna do deals of the devil or gills at the devil either or so getting guppy is probably not going to happen Larry's Junior's get those boogers on them it's just like Oh Megadeth they're screwed when they get the boogers on them that is a help eat so I can take a deal with the devil if I really want to though I didn't get oh good yeah nice okay great [Music] lazy worm this lazy worm like good for us right now I don't really know not really but survival is greater than Guppies head ya know for sure it almost seems like Wooden Nickel does depend on luck because it's been paying out pretty much every room which is pretty special if you think about it Empress damage upgrade [Music] okay and then now of course and I'm like talking it up like yeah it's so good no I mean [ __ ] me I was trapped I don't know what you want me to do in that room some rooms it just it's like I know it's like I you maybe but like that no can't do it can't do that room can't [ __ ] do it soul is actually really good for the hush flight as well yeah but boogers was amazing boogers would have been so good [Music] that was actually probably one of our best chances of even getting the boss rush but would we've been able to survive boss rush maybe more luck equals more drops and lots of luck equals better coin drops a tested and greed mode with 12 luck got lots of Dimes 12 Luck's not that much so must be heavily affected next you know I'm thinking saving this perthro for an angel room like best-case scenario you get an extra-large floor in the first war [Music] that's good that's lucky just [ __ ] but that's good I'll lock it how lucky is [ __ ] though must be pretty lucky [Music] so love penny allows me to like break the game to with like blood donation machines an IV bag sometimes maybe possibly if you can get like my life savings - on top of it I am the edgiest guy yet still silletti so edgy to talk about how I do you are as long as you do with bits it's a good drop all right should we just run I know where the secret rooms are so I feel like if I can just get a couple bombs excuse me [Music] that's all she wrote never mind gotta go we'll buy e I don't have the store key how do I get the store key is the keeper grittier mode just go for hush Bosch rush what if that was a boss hush-hush rush where's boss rush set for just nothing but hushes all right we have to earn a deal with the devil in order to snuff it out and go for angel rooms I should be keeping health on the floor so it took to come back to but no al no shoe man what is boss rush huh well if I get a golden key I'm coming back [Music] fight me come at me fight me try to have unit me I'm tempted to go for it but I don't have a key yet you guys work with me here [Music] just don't freak out you stupid head mush pile now noise ha ha nice gimmick he plays sacrifice room or is it too much of a danger zone um I could sacrifice up to the first angel fight that could be a smart move but I'd like to get my deal with the devil first can I get a key though please could that happen maybe silly pin tricks are for kids I'll take that I don't need the pill but speed up oh wait what no that's my person that dropped all right what you got ma the void I would love to but I can't sadly bye it's been fun so night Requiem 22 months hell yeah double - that's awesome welcome back silver Knight alright we'll do the curse room what's up puppies what do you want pups my uh there we go it failed on me your pups he's being a weirdo he's like just off-camera she knows he's on camera she knows she's on camera all right curse rum we'll try it out especially if we get nickel or dime drops from hurting ourselves this is not so good for okay first of all squat how many times can I hurt myself before the first ange room seven what is it how many times can I do this it's not so good for time but that's two three four maybe I should have done this before the deal to devil it could have teleported me to an angel room it's for 12 10 and 12 I thought it was eight all Google this is five six I mean okay so when the angel spawns I could literally just leave but I could try to find it for Angel chance that might be the right play here leave all the money in the floor and fight it oh [ __ ] oh I'm gonna take it it might be it might be a poor choice but we have swallowed penny for money it's it's the thing if I get an angel realm I'm gonna use it in there and it's gonna be good you know what I mean you know guys come on guys right guys yeah see now I don't care help me it is because I just stopped counting that was close we'll fight we'll fight fight me now I'm trying not to pick up the money when I'm also trying to goad him over the spikes the spike kirino's come over the spice is fine no no no it's good you love it you will love it the coolest people jump off the spikes I think yeah okay uh it's we might totally blow this but hopefully we don't that makes sense because this guy's a tough tough cookie and we don't have that much damage right now you should walk over the spikes too it's real fun it's all the rage case you push your own child over the spikes are you an angel I'm not sure if you are this'll be a good setup you guys angel me angel me whoa thank you soul all right we're in good shape I still didn't get a goddamn key though what the tits man what did that thing Oh God drop a bomb all the cool kids walked over the spikes tuffnut did Hutt's get a popery no I'm uh I'm babysitting Lexi it's the late Toni's dog and she doesn't have a home right now so she's living with chantels dad but he is out of town for the week rest of the week so we have her Intel tomorrow she's a pretty dog and you guys see her yeah she's laying on my green screen she thinks it's heard she's chewing something off her proper paw like flex she's busy [Music] floating dog oh she's floating oh my god that dog can fly [Music] dude you got one key the golden ball that's trailing you hi we're all laughing - so much money nothing to spend it on sad life I believe it is one that you starts at no charge and then goes all the way up and you use and then it gives you an angel room item it gives me two items and I think it pulls from the pool where I'm standing so if I can bring it fully charged into an angel room it would be good news maybe knowing my luck probably not still right secret room yeah maybe I gotta go fast I got a perthro with you guys I've got this thing I got a perthro I'm dying I'm probably gonna end up dying again there goes my angel chance permit though I could just suit zap in there that's not very good and that's a lot of bums for sale why are there so many bombs for sale why huh look up luck is okay not as important since we dropped our nickel what a bombastic deal a lot of bombs it's gonna be tough for us to even earn a deal with the angel we may have to do multiple sacrifice rooms but I don't think we're gonna make boss rush off that you guys chances are pretty slim [Music] he beggar by [Music] [Music] her shrooms wouldn't be terribly smart to try to go into procane 369 hey daddy just wanted to say hi I hope you have a great day thank you so much procane appreciate you [Music] trying to find my item room just want to find my item room okay I'll make a big deal out of it I'll let them blow that guy up too so I can maybe salvage an angel room [Music] not sure if I'm ready to go yet sharp plug works with solid penny the sharp plug work with swallow penny the sharp plug will press called penny for full charges plus my health back oh shoot does it you can't kill the metal five months in a row whoa I now have more butts than [ __ ] I can handle then [ __ ] can handle you don't get damaged I have no idea if it works but it does that is a break and a half time to try it you know it might work my eating soul is at one time used so it's not really gonna come in handy with this but we'll see as long as I know what kill myself of it that's what I was worried about that was really close to death I didn't like it I didn't like that one bit speed talker 1273 random fact of the day your red blood cells only exist 120 days before they get replaced so the death blood cells are getting brown yellow and they need to get out of your body so that's why your poop is brown smiley face you poop out blood old blood that's disgusting you're disgusting that's despicable thanks for the 1273 friend that's a need your own TV show this is pretty much bound TV show and it's free to watch so possibly even better [Music] let's go I'm ready fight me now but more self-sacrifice drums the better for me honestly the stain why is it that I still can't see my healthy guys what's going on the back who's pooping oh your blood cells too many of these guys too many of those guys too many too many help the minds like don't worry dude or the soul I got you fam don't spot it on top of my [ __ ] head what are you doing you can't do it and 10:10 Satan Satan hey Hut's I'm sort of new to your channel but I love all your vids thank you so much Satan Satan six one six appreciate the 10/10 it's like okay so isn't it normally like if an enemy is going to spawn on top of your location they just fawn next to it isn't that how the game [ __ ] works isn't that how it works edie looking at you just understand did I did i wronged you in some way I only kidnapped your family once okay it was a prank bro it's just a prank bro gotta break my game because of it pretty selfish squish him make you GB bug all my god [Music] [Music] oh my goodness I don't have to wear the glasses but I'm going to water melone [Music] thanks to the brainpower hell yeah thank you so much Chile's watermelon $100 that is insane thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you you don't know where the class perhaps for me your gratitude is enough for me well I'm wearing the glasses it's happening okay so deal with it damn it I did not know that there was a hole there I can't see the hole through the glasses so there goes my angel chance yeah and I can't do I can't see it as it was it there I don't know just yell at me whenever there's a hole in the floor alright tell me what quadrant we're not gonna get an angel room you guys until I get another self-sacrifice room that's a nickel could use this rum rip hush this one should guaranteed payout with at least one penny hopefully sometimes two sometimes [Music] nickels and dimes sometimes lock upgrades rip hush fight [Music] [Music] just like yeah this guy like a quick cash grab you guys it's probably good enough set myself up for success you know [Music] suicidal spider right there he'd ran away from me through the fire and flames what are you doing down there you like this music needs some waves there we go wait why did it my Eaton's blessing loose charge then everybody see that happen why did it start over from charge from from nothing drop of battery for me so I can charge a backup please you douche why is this hard to be charged up again even soul just reset yes it did even if we get an angel Roman Souls I'm to be charged up WTF Edie Edie [Music] a sucks man battery in the shop question mark I can't get the boss rush that the game doesn't work I can't beat the game if it doesn't work can't beat your stinking game mad help creeper hunter ten months in a row hey how to keep up the nice awesome work also just wondering was there something I should have gotten at nine months because I miss that yeah go ahead and chat up with the mods and they will hook you up currently dying currently dying currently dying Curley dying no was he supposed to do there was nothing to do I'm sorry but this game sucks and I hate it so much that's all it takes is one tiny little [ __ ] pulp to your dick hey hon I need a name for my gibble in heart gold egg Glock Nuzlocke what you got for your gibble let's see what's a Gibbler Gible how about giblet the Gible now that hurts it hurts when you hit me it's an extra-large floor - oh you guys this game I just I just don't even like Oh lock up I love this game so much it's the best there's so much luck that has to do it the keeper too it's free spectral which is pretty okay I guess you can get pretty defensive with the spectral we had swallowed penny and everything you guys and I got [ __ ] trapped by two red wall spiders which one of them is death in and of itself with a tiny little platform with three maggots on it this was no chance that was a no room jelly kid nine months what's up welcome back that's a but baby huh well here we go boys t-shirt talks to mods meda pack Tier three sub thank you so much to the tier 3 Oh huts pretzel arm nice man feels good to pretzel arm pretzel me dad as a health upgrade so we go for the deal the devil if we really wanted to this is a dangerous one this is a dangerous widow dangerous widow dying there goes my deal with the devil chance - nice nice buddy - health upgrades all you shouldn't have them so happy about that very pleased very excited about it really just restart until tech axe that's like literally the only thing you need to do yeah yeah yeah yeah apparently no no no I didn't pick up the coin because the coin was underneath my foot you know you can't pick up something of you're stepping on it it makes sense restart until tech X it's the only way to do it hurt myself today it's fun all right Tex anybody not good enough Eve's mascara concussive tears lots of did my first game break nice alright exhale floor give me something good remember when the game crashed last Thursday and he walked off for a second look my stream is dying sis lovey I feel pretty good on my side do you know Stream CPR saved just saved that's all I got to say it's the best feeling really feels so good my soul is dying yeah me too feel yeah I can feel you there yep I'll fill into a burning Ring of Fire [Music] rip pucks luck I never had it to begin with you guys made it up it was a lie from the start [Music] give it to me bait well Gemini oh that's it that's the one bad orangey I just don't want to keep playing and playing and playing I mean if we get the best stuff of them to get [ __ ] over by one room what's the point what's the point why do we play just gonna go until I get something like decent we go until I don't get a bunch of balls in my face yeah speaking of balls in my face speaking of balls in my face I think that might be uh kind of the definition of I think that might be the definition of balls in my face right there that's good that's great oops I skip past that one [Music] I technically let go of the hour button but the game was like nah it was tech act so I'm gonna keep going [ __ ] you gots this is fun I let go of the R button while you're still going hand was not on the keyboard oh my geez you guys this game it's messing with me piercing is good piercing is okay I've got little goat hooves I've got a little gold body I've also got a belly button in the back of my body help you know the goods baby not the haunt haunt is not the goods well boom well-placed TNT barrels alike it's a pop pop pop ah put it inside me that's what the McDonald's logo should have been their slogan pop pop pop shove it in the butt can't wait to shoot this out later Hierophant a bunch of flies you think I get Oh I'm not using this thing I should be using it I was wondering if I get enough money to get into the shop on the first floor but like we do I have to go fast and stuff so I don't know the more rooms you go in the better you're gonna do because you get more money and more keys and more bombs and then you get to go to more shops and buy more stuff and things and then maybe a golden chest that give you guppy pieces or you know gold head or something like dreams come true when you try and you dream dreams come true when you dream I don't know I just said I'm drunk Yolo i sat down and I was like no but down down down the flames were getting higher [Music] Pro can four months quad but just realizing in resub now four months yay don't be salty ugh the game just hates you um you make me feel much better thank you I've got the monies and the keys in order to get in the shop [Music] shoot the poop faster keeper that's nice [Music] immunity to spiders you know the spiders have been hurting me a lot lately spiders can suck my D spot Julis watermelon you got that unlock definitely the card against humanity yeah but that would be a rip boss rush as well two hearts oh my god it's so good I cannot believe how good it is oh my god a scythe panda thing what is that what does that purple thing I don't know what kind of animal that would be a scythe Purple Panda that's definitely not a panda [Music] alright get a deal with the devil and then laugh at it probably won't get one because of these stupid bombs they're so annoying oh don't touch me don't touch me at the bumps the fires though I could take a deal with devil I roll if I really wanted to dark bum turns red hearts that don't exist into soul hearts that also don't exist nice scrambles under bits I believe you pups see none of these are worth yeah I know yeah maybe not [Music] I was hoping for goat head I'm like talking about like galloping up cold chest they always give you good stuff this was like at least you get charges per wave in challenge rooms now jeez that was a long time coming who is this guy follow me around he's so cool he's wearing a parka piercing just tears that guy up hairs out the booty these guys like this is really bad it's a bad room for me for that reason specifically no Jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] soiled it soil bit soil bit soiled it soiled it so I love it I love it I love it I love it on that be leave of all it's not to be believed speed up oh man that is so good I am very excited about this it makes us look freaky as elavil look at us okay blow up the pots for me would you oh hey close the pots we tried we do the best we could would you just [ __ ] off might yeah that's it that's the one that we're done it's if we're done pack it up boys pack it up I'm not gay I'm not even getting item runs you guys it's pretty shitty he'll find my item rooms what is this [ __ ] what is this balls I'm gonna put in work are you kidding me I need to try what is this it's disgusting blow up that pot would ya they just shoved me into it nice good work still in men you're definitely not huge douchebags hundred percent likable Widow the same Widow that that almost killed me last time belly button another lazy word why why nobody wants it not a single person wants a lazy worm Johnny gray eight months in a row one month hell but baby can we name it keeper is pain kappa HD whatever you want whatever you want to be welcome back by the way yellow uses a bomb and a key to get a bomb and a key nice uh-huh that's what I really wanted thank you worth my time alright reroll pedestal that's nice that's for some reason and auto cancelled me says Johnny gray auto cancelled you how's it sound right you should contact twitch about it leo [Music] yeah that's good nice great friendly fire nine months in a row I dropped in to leave a sub before I go watch the CS match counterstrikes was that why did they just die so quickly oh my flies probably thanks for the reset brother they fire welcome back and bye okay bye II just a punch a hot sexy garbage hot sexy knocking garbage Leah would have been good for pot stop I guess and check XR bust knowing my luck I'd get I'll get tech X and then still die form from the shirt done literally cannot wait I usually get to it about maybe once a month thus the shirt batches so do hang in there I struggle to keep up you guys you can that a life of a youtuber is really simple and easy it's really really really really really busy just trying to make it to the item rooms before I decide if I'm gonna restart or not you guys don't be an ass I keep restarting but it's not starting me with an item room so it's like fine I'll go find it yeah jerk a big Butthead d20 well this isn't greedy or mode so I wouldn't have any any idea what to do with that didn't know where to put it I [Music] swear this gaem got harder [Music] whole water false alarm hots I was using my twitch Prime subs is Johnny grey gotcha this makes sense now because if there was a serious problem I'd be worried [Music] this is gonna take a while the charge is up but we have triple shot so I do believe it's like every fifteenth shot so it's like three six nine you know that kind of thing twelve fifteen that's a bad [Music] blarp [Music] that was my old leaky nice why don't I use it on that the chest I don't know cuz Yolo he's yellowing oh hey look all these keys that I can't get nice that's pretty special that's very good thank you for that appreciate it very much I thought it was gonna give me a couple keys back or a goat head or something I just felt it you know gonna give me the IV bag not exactly the same thing now what I really signed up for there's a key it's like come on come on to the fire it all it'll be fun come on I'm good screw your game definitely worth it oh it's just the best items you guys I don't know how it could get better than this little low-key holy water glaucoma just back-to-back good stuff good eats man [Music] three six nine twelve blur it all got sucked up into the poop nine twelve water three six nine twelve you got to get a blarp ready okay it's all about the blarp play three six nine twelve warp look at that Lee so good it's like really good [Music] delirium no angel we got to go for Angel the half deal there's no other choice I have no choice my hands are tied I lost my blarp Connor you guys half the chat wants anal well you should get that then chat go for it I believe in you what's the saying if Internet Explorer has enough courage to ask to be your default browser and you should have enough courage to ask that girl ouch oh god that hurt girl or guy I don't you know whatever you want really soon what I wanted did you just assume what I'm assuming Wow IV bag break rip you need yeah I know he can't unless Mountain can't stop talking it's not possible with our current building no I can't do it can't just can't do it there's a penny in there but I need to get to it excuse me coming through holy crap the game doesn't like your assumptions did you just assume what the game doesn't does not like three six nine twelve LARP yeaaah ok but what are you gonna do for me era what you gon do probably nothing how did that bat survive a blarp I'm like no I tried to pause it Sparky gang I mean it thank you so much for the 25000 bits and for ending my run correct via donation okay thank you so much Sparky gang you're nuts you're crazy fireworks my bad man thank you guys so much holy crap 25,000 bits look at that red bit in there oh my god it looks good it's up pasture no of Jesus I skipped over a game yep that's it that's the one because it means no worries for the rest of your days yeah excited about it date I think I literally just do we I think we've met before Seraphim I think I recognize your face and recognize your stupid little face good to see you you too bass all right it's an excel floor we'll go for it no we will stone men shoved me plus my nose itches I'm allergic to light up glasses it's confirmed seriously though there's like a 1-month face or something ah get it off okay we're good seriously the cat hair alone is not worth having a cat he's gonna say it I'm just gonna go out and say it sorry Leonard but you [ __ ] here man it destroys me I'm allergic to cats by the way brain rupture Oh your dad oh geez good luck with that go for a hat instead we could do a head play you know monster film is good but going from 28 to 27 it really is nothing it really doesn't mean anything cancer uh also nothing I'm gonna go exhale floors only and good items only sound like a good deal I wish it was a button I could just click to instantly restart and then to hold something down what are you going for anything that doesn't blow massive chunks so not Sarah family or Pisces you know tears it's it's still it's 28 to 27 it's it's not good I don't like that [Music] I just skipped an Excel floor I have too many things to look at you guys alright only excel floors that's a little do we'll try it out only excel floors to get that deal with the devil so I can get my deal at the angel I skipped over one the second I look away guys it is one let's just kick me in the dick that's not good enough this isn't worth it it's like is like really actually not worth it this is not worth it I'll just do a run and I'll just die miserably and spend hours of my life wasted and then cry myself to sleep at night that's sound pretty good to you [Music] this one's excellent to me just get me to my item room please I can't sit that long you guys and wait for restarts to give me something good it's ridiculous ain't nobody got time for dad is there an item room anywhere hello mister item room where are you papa can you hear me it's up slabby the best the best around wonderful edgiest sky hunter bets got to go unsure when i'll catch you stream next good luck thank you it s just guy will miss your edginess never to be uneducated [Music] oops [Music] lovers card is flies magician card is whatever the little monstro guys they're tough they are tough enemies spray the ground with a bunch of bullets dark bum is not good red hearts do not exist he will have nothing to grab oh yeah that's yep that's the one oh man feeling the love can you feel the love tonight glitter bombs could be pretty okay it's a pass something better damn it piercing was good I liked the start I liked the piercing start little brim would be good crickets head would be good crickets body would also be good split shout would be awesome um so I wait till this guy blows up that last pot there's actually two more pots technically who's counting there it is oh that's pretty good so I'll roll with it lean with it rock with it should we go straight for the deal with the devil probably but we're not very strong you're not very strong and we might be stronger if I went to my item rooms first and then we could handle the boss is better but oops and then I wasted my charge son of dick son of pain I'm gonna go for anyways it's confidence you know gonna have confidence help what the [ __ ] man I've never seen a famine do that before my entire life I ain't never done seen that he trapped me in the spawn [ __ ] me and then just took me right at the booty not even fear this game is an overdrive what is going on I need to help I swear to God I play anybody but keeper he's a normal run and I'm just like oh yeah it doesn't matter I'm just going to win it's just going I'm just gonna win it's very simple just choose win and this time I'm like trying my ass off and it's cheese man I can't do it can't shake them well just we got that's nothing but ball I think this is mr. balls [Music] brain pal needs more brain power for overdrive still got a deal to devil surprisingly enough some sexy stuff but I can't take it I appreciate it but you know got to do what I got to do just take it and Yolo man just Yolo it it'll be fine you're good [Music] get your balls out of here yeah yeah exactly [Music] Cupid meets fine but I'm probably gonna end up being too risky with it who's here hello a dime fifteen cents no keys nice whoa there buddy hi hello welcome to my face can I help you come on practice good I am a fan [Music] and some block pass best of hot switcher - what about it you're quoting it I did play Witcher 2 and then nobody watched it so it's like well not playing what's your dream we'll get this little guy off my booty I like big guys on that booty wait what all right keep the train going I need some good stuff oh yeah you know what [ __ ] it yes Tommy better fire rate better pizza pop John's Oh give me a key that's all I need right now only I'd shop key maybe we should do greedier mode before I come back swing at that shop key on lock does that be actually pretty helpful [Music] that would be a key thank you gracias [Music] extra trinket room why not [Music] five minutes in the first Excel floor that's not terrible not good what was that come back for Samson's lock right you'll reach crews why Drive stop all right aim drums from here on out you guys I can feel it also self-sacrifice rooms we should just do them all even if we only got to keep a run to the dark room it's still worth it we don't have to go to boss rush and hush we have lots to do Gonzalez the Great and Powerful 1069 Ayotte's guess who just got their three million percent so I could show off we come around here to show off you big show-off geez thanks to 1069 friend so much for keeping the good items train going [Music] it's kind of working [Music] and it worked a little bit [Music] you'd screw this room though if my fire race is hard too hard to do that room [Music] like I wanted me [Music] stupid mark tears I can't even see it on the blue floor can't see in the blue floor [Music] alright guys what I'm gonna do tank Dempsey what's up tank how have you been recently 17 months oh snap here we are welcome back tank ease welcome back tank leave stream walks away alright switch up our luck you guys Magikarp at of glory mm-hmm this is it it really frames my big forehead perfectly let's go [Music] that was close to my but to close the mark does a mistake you guys I'll be the first to admit it though big mistake BFF ah not sure if that's likely to come in handy but I'll take it oh oh girl [ __ ] on my nipples Oh BFF he would meet of course it does of course it does almost forgot about one of the best favoritest combo is a favorite of miss my angel chance hmm why does this why does this game have to be so rude to me why though that's very rude that is incredibly rude there's a library down there is that worth probably probably is worth to library okay tower card into the library it's a long shot they blew up all around the door and none of them opened it good I didn't actually want you to open it though so joke's on you joke is on you guys oh good that's a tinted Rock in here too nice got them I got nothing to lose I lost my angel chance so here comes this extra-large Cuban meat right for your face bring it on but I don't give a [ __ ] anymore I've lost the will to live bookworm right off the bat fantastic oh that's just great yep uh-huh goodbye that card I was hoping it was a joker lost my anal chance that was special that was also pretty special I mean I got a nickel out of it so I can't really complain or a dime rather what can i really be mad about it it's probably not once again I can take as much damage as I really please I should probably not take damage in this fight though if I can't help it because it's still a chance I could get an angel rum very slim but it exists that's a good shot that's a good random RNG shot direct line didn't give me a single chance not a popsicles chance in a hell to dodge good on you you got me good you got me good 100% chance to get a room here let's not blow it then I miss a chance to blow this opportunity comes sometimes once every three or four days depending on whether [ __ ] you you [ __ ] [ __ ] spider I mean yay guys what's up fun times with friends bookworm gives me a chance to duplicate each one of my three tiers have you seen that that's pretty cool sometimes I spell out six tiers six bones your mom likes six bones [Music] 71% chance still we might be able to do something with this oh we got a key to rip spark dad can I get boneless tears [Music] gets rid of pills and gets that okay maybe it's possible possible that hasn't blow chunks the moon fly me to the moon let me play among stars emergency contacts no two clubs fine mama mega I will be mama mega Inge that's that is our our our in right now to be the boss rush so let's do mama mega boss rush i guess i will try it i don't know i'll be end up killing herself whatever that's didn't work out for me ho geez bo oh stop hey now whoa buddy calm yourself calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm calm I need 7 cents to make this happen can he do it folks I could bomb my donation machine I really needed to I could just die to whatever when they'd be fine look at a crazy buddy just died it was like gave up let me silly be heard of from Dax at all no I haven't I have not hope he's doing well in life and things and stuff so a heartfelt message you left on you know maybe he just doesn't want to like risk coming back and getting like addicted or something I think he likes being here all right I'm going back I'm gonna buy mom a mega it might lead us to our debt but it might also be the only chance that we have to get the boss rush are we strong enough to fight boss rush not really but if we're lucky enough our swallowed penny will see us through probably won't but here's to open packs if you're lurking watching now we miss you come back what if Dax was anonymous what if he he did so well when he went out into the world he's made billions of dollars and he's like hooks make it rude I need more damage man the bones look cool but they don't do very much come on man I need something good I need some huts lucky guys my goal is to be your next anonymous thousand bits in the morning when I'm working at least I can take solace in that I'm one of the longer it's eggs hot slug thank you so much tank take care of yourself don't worry about me I miss you but your life's more important I apologize that I stream in the morning you have to catch me on some of those Rando like weekend streams or something I guess I thought that was a top secret room I thought that was it I didn't smell it I didn't smell it you guys that's why wasn't it I didn't even use my nose this one kind of pest Mel's like a little bit it's a little musty in there you know yeah oh yeah the best alright one chance DeMott do not miss your chance to blow oh my god meat boy thank you he's making it tough on me got him still no angel room good I didn't want an angel room and rooms are for chumps yeah that's what I really needed thank you for that nice hey Dave should we leave then at least the page say [Music] got to get my chance to get lucky I give myself a chance what's the point of charming those guys if they just don't really do anything bash each other and then like nothing happens nice dude don't you go back up hand don't you do that to me if I charm one of those walls blue Jers does it become friendly splooge it probably still hurts if I step on his friendly splooge wouldn't you think why would you take that horrible item well the tears upgrade marked [Music] got squeeze it in there that squeeze it in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what floor are we on necro one I wish it was XL so I could pop this thing now and get all those skulls on a joker card or something in there Wow damn you spiders Danny spiders I can't remember what I grabbed in this one but how many runs ago was it that I found that bursting sac 1475 bajillion runs ago geez that's a lot oh you know I can't actively play this guy for free without losing my angel chance right yeah no I want to be super careful about it - I have another judgment card should I use that - no - blow them up for increased chance for an angel room good plan twice but there's no need so I fell into a burning Ring of Fire down down down double active card well what does it double active card would do with my Omega can I use a double active card in order to use it to get in a boss rush and then use my real one in order to get into the hush fight does it work like that does it actually work you lose angel chance if he pays out do I lose angel chance or do I increase my deal with the devil chance oh my god top strats I think I you know it's only a 33% chance anyways right now squad it's probably more beneficial for me to just go for an item because I probably won't get the angel room anyways yes try it oh my god I'm not gonna even make it that far but in case I do I'm afraid to open that might be a troll bomb had to get anyways was this world card sure why not [Music] mercantile come on man mm-hmm - five percent chance okay so that was true bush beds fine let this fine with me good I didn't want that bomb to hit anyways stupid bone shards permit card I well could try to go for a joker card I suppose [Music] what would be the best thing for me right now ace of clubs would that be it would that be the best thing for me right now I can get ace of clubs that'd be amazing renewed hope I go all the way back up now for my item room Wow just stop you need to be done stop something to get rid of marked yeah my exile Cuba me is my exhales fear of meat with a face on it it's pretty good I don't mind it [Music] all right take the double bomb and then use my ASA Club to get more double bonds I tried [Music] [Music] try very hard and I got pretty far but in the end the game crashed anyways that should be my song this room is really annoy holy [ __ ] oh I made it sort of almost the way there is it just me or is it six or nothing with the with the bones is it six or nothing this is really garbage I never like hold the fire button for him to shoot his laser WTF man WTF wth on my neck [Music] that's first stream for cessarich what's up it's a nod when did a frustrating run pulling for keeper Basra oh hello whoa sorry about that whoa easy there fella keeper boss rush I want that card I can go back for the hanged man drop everything here go back for the hanged man good place good place it's gonna be a joke I can feel it I feel it deep down boss rush is gonna suck with marked oh yeah got a try though we might get something on the way like a dry boots right now right now I can feel it dry boobs now nice dry boobs you got a try okay told geo is gonna be an ace of clubs you guys you never listen to me I don't know why I walked into him like that panic panic back point mate bloat blow it bar like [ __ ] hey guys my angel I can shoot diagonally so like I should take advantage of that ability we just stop teleporting me pull it teleporting around me I mean what is your deal what do you want for me what do you want from her what do you want from her Wow you just you can't get good things you guys unless you get the most amazingly lucky item rooms that's that's that there are no such thing as angel rooms they don't exist they do not exist I'm 95% puckered right now phone action all right double active card go it took it away using my double active card took my momma mega it's like no you only get one of those you piece of [ __ ] you want to use the game's mechanics in order to properly play the game screw yourself neck hole I'm happy about it I'm really happy that that's the thing nice sweet glorious so boss rush here we come at least that's a thing I bet you were gonna get an angel room I bet you because we're gonna be just walking through all these rooms we're gonna get an angel room and for a car that can come in handy later you're gonna get an angel and I'm not gonna be able to go inside of it that's just my luck you guys 100% my luck double active allows you to reuse items like mama'll mega it would also break the plop a tap loopiness I mean is it is it necessarily a break you'll be able to use it one more time than normal and then if you're saying that like Oh things aren't meant to be broken well that's just a complete lie I do that [ __ ] all the time with this game save one one coin in the ground my contingency plan [Music] I could play the donation machine technically for a for more money that I could give to that guy who's gonna give me something good yeah right guys guys you know you gotta get as much as you can get all right we're also gonna get sacks and luck upgrades so look at the upside we're still gonna get crushed and boss rush so I'm pulling all the strings I can find you know that was not a tampon joke nice all right let's hit up our shop first just in case there's something crazy inside the shop like a shop yeah I hate this game I literally hate this game this is the worst game I think I've ever played in my entire life this causes nothing but pain and sadness nothing but pain and sadness okay shop give me a good active item blue candle please blue candles the blue candelabra oh yeah that's it that's the that's the odd yep active item I was looking for that's the one and mister me yeah good I'm happy about everything that just happened excellent yep well done everybody I take it this is the last run because of all the pain and sadness I think we're gonna make it into boss rush assuming we don't die and mom and then what then we die horribly eleven months for poop swag welcome back yep poopy poop poop face run I'm sorry what okay no no no no no no no no blue spikes let's let's go over this again in case for anybody missed class I don't know if somebody got their note smudged up I just want to go over this once again blue spikes can go up and down or they can go left and right they can't go down and then go whoops whoa detour you can't just detour into my face like that I'm sorry like I you it's fine it's fine everybody makes mistakes everybody makes mistakes blue spike it's fine okay I just want to point it out though that's not what happens that's not how you work okay your might get fired I don't know we'll see we'll see in the next meeting okay we will find out in the next meeting if you're gonna see if you're gonna keep yelling at me on calling HR I'm going to call HR in your ass blue spike all right I am error this isn't even in their room you're not an error it's like hey would you like to skip the boss rush come on down you don't want to do boss rush come on oh my god he's trying to stop me you're like really hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] should have flushed how was your day [Music] yep that's it I thought we were screwed and then I got do a stuff grade okay literally not starting a run until I get tech X nope nope I need tech X in an adjacent item room you will give it to me game I'll be here all day all day and all night I don't give a [ __ ] okay let's try this [Music] it's not like terrible it's just like you know I hate this room what can men do against such hate [Music] I have nothing left to say you guys I have nothing left to say I can't even pretend to complain I can't do that like jokey bit where I complain because I'm literally sad in my heart I'm literally sad I'm not gonna sit there and complain if I actually mean it what is this complaining about not complaining I don't know see I don't know it's like complain meta we're just deep we're deep and to complain that up my nose still itches by the way is my face bright red or is the camera doing weird stuff the camera is actually doing weird stuff cause I can see myself up here and I'm fine over here there we go it's better now I'm not actually like steaming bright red sometimes I think it's the green and I put my like hand out there and it's like oh that's skin colour oh [ __ ] when angels deserve to die die die did it like that die die die hey I wanna get free ride into the Sun she never loved me she never loved me she never loved me why should anyone we are number one [Music] give me the goods fire rate upgrade is pretty good yeah yeah it's UFO look out everybody how was that not the top seeker oh it was definitely the top secret realm was a hundred percent top secret room who wants to join the green flying potato club are they flying at me or away from me it's a big distinction I'll have to count this couple coins behind I don't really care it's like it's like whatever away from me good just you know let's just pretend that deals that the devil don't exist because then I'll be happy person they never existed to begin with so we never lost one can't lose it if they're not there am i back to red face here red face McGee they called me captain red face our damage is pretty tolerable puberty we call this pill yoloing it's not smart no you should not do it not even with a parent or guardian could you just not you guys well let's just hang all over the rocks through a while see what happens this is fun screw you [ __ ] [ __ ] it it's the best shoopdawhoop cannot be beaten aye-aye captain stubble captain stole a beard that's your service yeah I think that's what he said [Music] shoopdawhoop is my savior that's garbage [Applause] this is fair though you just gotta stand North by Northwest hey the lobby lubes lumpy Lube it better not be able lumps in my lube defect in this Lube honey its lumps in it look out that dog's got a knife as well be tear what's B tear Shoop hey man we got to go fast so if I would have just taken that I would have had like 30 bajillion flies [Music] [Music] anonymous 101 such as the life of the keeper I'll be Isaac powerfully weak mm-hmm thank you so much for $101 hell yeah you know what we're back on track bah bah bah bah what putz is evolving I have enough blue hair makes so much sense thank you so much anonymous and Johnny grey 169 watching the game steal that boss rush run anyway Shoob is a tear how darest you thrown away from you reminded me of all the pain I went through to complete the game keep up your spirits you bright the game it doesn't break you thank you so much Johnny Costa once is denied in Sparky gang 10,000 bits soup is a a tear how darest you holy crap you guys are nuts right now jeez I missed those last guys get a dead that's okay it's all good that's a year uh Beth is here as place I'm gonna use this first uh-huh okay yeah ah balls in my face oh my goodness yeah I personally like let me type it in chat you guys will see it before I even talk about it like this that's what I'm gonna emot-- I got a Bumbo arm though I have a bumble Armorer's bumble on my arm the world may never know it's my secret froggie girls six months heading into the third trimester Hut's you're starting to show really bad what's showing I like all people on YouTube or like I can't see your [ __ ] emotes are you doing put chat on the screen am I still yellowing pills it's gonna bite me in the ass if I keep going [Music] somebody give me a lenny arm nice Lenny [Music] French tout Joker card please thanks that Joker good [Music] you guys are nuts I got my butt baby t-shirt today's another 10,000 bits you guys are crazy pants I thought the stream was going downhill I thought nobody cared about my pain thank you guys for that holy creeps guys nuts there's a lenny arm pots nuclear arm I need the keys still going keeper I care I'm just poor oh my goodness you guys are fantastic huts beard arm I like it I love it [Music] oh my god talent scout reference shizzle TomSka you mean Tom bass cough dumps TomSka Bay wow how did I get out of that without pain damage those little maggots look at you oh they'll get you or the song hey hey she was brutal I had a dream I got hit with the nuke Oh like directly that'd probably be the way to do it you know maybe that better than that then like survived the fall out and then like get cancer for like a third arm seventh nipple your arm just turns into a nipple beautiful singing it's the new brain power hey I'm gonna go for a key in here nice key man she'll totally understood from that where's the best place for me to use my era at this point in time [Music] Joker card I asked for one of those a long time ago I guess we see if we get one naturally and then if we don't immediately make it happen I played rogue like a see I have play drugs like so you can find out my youtube channel it's a while ago though why am i shooting so fast why's my fire at at seven that's amazing that's me my trinket the skinny odd because I want my fire rod like this all the time I take the damage down for that goodness that was good range upgrade to less good but that's fine it's an angel room it's a really bad one but it is an angel room they do exist would you knock on wood you knock it off purple flame where's my fire rate [Music] a teleport dodged though trying to get him stuck on my bombs it's not really working don't trap me in with the purple fire you douche Oh what was that purple fire no purple fire you got to stop you got to slow your roll mister stop nobody's laughing Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah I'm it's fun fun fun [Music] well at first you don't succeed try try try again I think you've missed a few tries in there try try try try try try try try try try [Music] I need this powerup you need to take the tag off first I need some scissors power me up shine a Gyarados I've never ever had this much trouble of keeper in my flippity flip flap life why are you still here Seraphim nobody likes you nobody likes you why are we still here just to suffer every night I feel it my butt help stuff like like if at first you don't succeed give up by the way thank you so much to the three thousand bits bill I really appreciate that that's a lot of bids that's a significant chunk of bit what's updog Cooper poops he's like hi I'm here hello my name is Lexie scribbles this never happened before I swear huts run all along Cooper's is a sweetie Thank You Chino funny evolved into a dog Oh I'm just trying to rack up enough money to go in there and pay that machine so I can change the items up easier to do that to see a couple more items than to do anything else moon card that could be helpful yes that's exactly what I hate it good continue with the plan wait how did you die I didn't die I've never died before in my life dying never heard of it sounds like fun though what do you have for me mr. vagina chest anything good anything good in store for me in your chest vagina nope there was nothing in that chest vagina not a damn thing not good enough nope no I'll try it hunter [ __ ] I died once I don't recommend it like for real like you had to be brought back like CPR [ __ ] that's pretty cray cray awesome mech I could so much the prime sub welcome the huts but at 169 from Hut's gaming hi chat I'm but hacked oh my god it's once it's denying me just 69 myself jealous it's just more of a six than isn't it pentagrams that's okay one more penny could have gotten me uh arcade the next floor failed tech hype yeah it's not tech X though it's not the one that I wanted it's the garret LSAT that's what it dad yep Gyarados upgrade having surgery and I suffocated to death clinically dead for two minutes that's some scary [ __ ] man surgery what happened during the surgery what happened that's insane aquarium nuts see that was just not good for me mm-hmm juice you stop it now another real machine I like that am fan I don't think that that would work with regular tech right with the tech hit the wall and then split in a more tech is there it a bunch of tech going on spots back you think that the tech would work with tech but I don't think tech does work with you know I wish I didn't take the tech lasers now because I would have rather had tech zero I would have rather had tech zero nice that's just fantastic Dez legs I want your attention have a dollar thank you for the hundred bits friends appreciate that fish licks all right I'm gonna look it up tech what is that that tech zero this tech zero interactions 50/50 TT technology technology overrides tech zero fun that's really fun because I would have rather had that oh that's better that's super better that's like mega better happy happy feelings in my chest I had an oxygen mask but I had an asthma attack while unconscious I was too sedated to react the doc in nurses didn't notice my Oh - till I went flat leash that's some scary stuff I know like my dad has like a really really low heart rate like in the 50s or some like it's like standing out right which is pretty low he got put under for some surgery and apparently his heart rate dipped so low after because it you know it lowers when you get put under it would dip so low that he was in the dangerous like you know range of rates so they had to give him like a steroid shot to bring him back that was I just uh you know that's something else scary stuff Cook County Hospital 24 years ago hmm scary [Music] that's scary poor guy I mean same thing happen to you though so like yeah [Music] you're Santa more dangerous really [Music] so we just go or should we try to find somebody to like buy something in the shop or get a free syringe [Music] I mean to rush but I don't know if we get better fly right and then homing we can just get one sacred heart it was almost not fast enough for that that's why I'm so awesome what doesn't kill me makes me stronger flexes flexes buttcheeks [Music] my friend [Music] I got five keys I'm just gonna pop out of the shop see what's up sup Pam oh yeah definitely not a [ __ ] not like I really have any way to do that anyways I can't get rid of my Wooden Nickel it'd be stupid although the oh yeah I know the thing the habit would be excellence the habit would be mmm how did you know I was flexing gasp look for spy cameras hmm reroll item room now I can't the machine broke blank card though take have it I can't you guys I don't have enough money with all crazy monies don't have ways to get the money the club does not eat the clubs actually yeah it actually does work blowing up my scene that I just worked for just work for that upgrade throwing it all away great [Music] weird light on my face I know it's like what do you want from me light stupid Sun Suns never done anything for me [Music] only brings pain and redness [Music] doesn't matter don't have charge shot anyways dip Yolo I don't they fart right next to him and then have him not get hurt amnesia am knew / dupes Oh too fast for you let's go grab that I don't give a [ __ ] I'm gonna get hit literally never happens before doesn't matter had sex that's the danger zone right there would not recommend staying so close a dime now good are you not dead yellow rage hop six room would you like to reroll everything in your entire life now you have a chance [Music] do I really not care about most of the stuff that I have so i six-room you guys I just got a damage up though you know I feel like we're doing pretty well we're doing pretty okay [Music] Chino rerolls life becomes steve buscemi damn it becomes an actor that made tons of money he still gets all the [ __ ] you know he does you forgot the diamond breath the dime is there I can't take it it's too good too good to be taken for real though just tweeted the cosplay that I finished oh you finished it already [ __ ] excellent [Music] I am tempted to six-room you guys but the game has just been doing nothing but screw me over so I can't trust it cuz like I don't really like the I don't need the virus I don't need the curse to i anymore I don't need pageant boy those are three free items that we would get odd mushroom is okay it's a it's like a point five damage upgrade it's not the best neh what if we got something really good though just do it d6 or no balls okay coin [Music] squat what's heads and what's tails squat it's bad foot we would still have triple shot yes what's heads and what's tails heads is reroll says squat tails all right if this goes poorly we blame squat this goes poorly we blame squats keeping habit yeah I know habits good did we get the item room in this floor already I don't even know [Music] would you stop bouncing off the the peep stupid bouncy eyeballs man not about that bouncy eyeball life jerk [Applause] [Music] what if I took it what just hit me excuse me whatever orange fire you're a piece of [ __ ] I wasn't saying it take one of those items and then re-roll but um did we get yes it had fat odd mushroom okay then I don't think we did shop yet though did we fire hits you as you shot it what a douche there is my shop luck upgrades are good [Music] both is these should we go for the card to the club can't even handle me right now a nickel face that gave me nothing I can see two nickels on your face just give them to me more options that's pretty good actually yeah yeah I'm all for that neat that is swell swelling my [ __ ] heart think think think think think think think just grab the nickel why do you put a bomb in a guy oops punching hey when you walk into a room that doesn't have enemies in it and then you pop your thing what was that room what was that yellow [ __ ] damn it dick balls [Music] whoa easy fellas [Music] no I thought that was dodge able you're right definitely dodge Abel [Music] [Music] he shot diagonally you're not supposed to be able to do that sir [Music] skeletons can shoot diagonally now that's nice she's having a good time playing this game it's just everything makes sense nothing is unfair completely balanced rooms hundred percent on board [Music] yeah diagonally What did he say dear go ahead you know me even if Harry Potter said diagonally it spill would not have taken him to Knockturn alley that does not make any sense rewrite it JK rewrite it take your book back take it back I don't want it [Music] of the day he's fed up aids me doesn't appreciate me I ate you both in your general direction mother was a hamster your father smelled of elderberry [Music] [Music] Mercato music is too loud I can't hear you and we should open up your ears [Music] he went diagonally from Diagon Alley to Knockturn alley [Music] wait so you can give this thing commands now who he would have had to say diagonally diagonally right it doesn't make any sense Jay can take your backpack just take your book back it ignores the whole message you made a grammar mistake lull get away get away from me I don't like your games [Music] rip boss rush we still need to do a dark rum dark rum see that time I actually said the word rub you guys think I always say rum there's a difference between Rome and rum huge difference oh wow that's just kind of like the words I'm not sure who ting tang walla bing bang I'm thinking choco I'm thinking choco only the darkest realm is good enough you guys ever try that cracking that's Delphic ooh yeah fire rate increase milko milko choco works right chocolate milk true fire and increase chocolate the stats up is just a tiny stats up this is like us that's only - for fire rate though I don't know place my lasers chocolate he's gotta count for something right dodge dodge he suck at this game man stop trying to hit me and hit me a loser hey that's okay yeah great like any shop refresh and an IV bag and the swallowed penny don't forget it's an important part of a balanced breakfast get it breakfast break fist break break yeah [Music] chocolate laser saw is more effective bomb the hanging dudes and how's your YouTube Hut's doing very poorly it was like before that was like hype around my videos we're like I'd get like a hundred thousand people watching but like not every one of those was subscribed and now it's like only the people that are subscribed and active are watching some of my videos so that's how that's how see a spark a gang appreciate what you did today you look good in that be spot you look good just standing there in your American Apparel underwear but yeah by the way plaids what's up flash flash daddy-o ball as well lock upgrades are good I like those luck upgrades when I'm at zero luck I feel like this penny pays out way more nice shot mates [Music] I'll watch all your videos you teach me English that's cool [Music] dude this guy's sucking me in man that like wasn't even fair is it still just a 50/50 shot but it pays out with better stuff if I have more luck that could be it who knows oh my god when you spawn the spiders on top of my face lovely lovely Hey chocolate lasers another luck upgrade hell yeah watch all your videos Hut's kappa that hurts that hurts pledged hurts me deep I need up back up put your ball somewhere else sir it's a ball free zone yellow oh good stuff now to get a room though we're fine we did it and my shop with a Steam sale Oh give me the goods baby this is good we need to donate we actually need to get that up there to the top so I did what I could I knew what I do when I do what I do my mind is good yeah you get lots of flies with the keeper just because of the heart drops that turn into flies how's a good play steps one Miss Rose No oh my goodness gracious great balls of flaming bill does ah stop it this guy though [Music] so you missed not a range of great come on Bakura eight months in a row welcome back so close to but baby so close I can taste it you don't want to know what it tastes like you're dead mate my dad what J Reich what about my dead pokeballs we go from flaming dildos to bug balls [Music] these freaking drops from the nickel man speaking of pokeballs I'll take a nap on Chino how you ask work your way down the shaft [Music] that's a gag [Music] [Music] uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh this is going real slow goodbye hush fight I mean what do you want me to do you guys I'm just trying to get like ah a V on the on the board a victory a w a W which looks more like a double V check my shop again seen what's up [Music] [Music] alright alright alright fine I'll go oh we didn't hit our secret rooms up though that bothers me come on don't do this to me don't be that guy nobody likes that guy soon I'm talking about I will II really wish I would have known about these per throws before I went into the item room that would have been great that would have been good news for me that would have been excelente gonna Nana better no no no no no Mona might as well just like go like shits Oh balls gonna go into this room I'm gonna drop this use it on this shop I will use it on a shop oh yeah I'm Eva good alright let's just / throw this thing that you know that's good but we're kinda using the nickel to keep ourselves alive potato peeler that's a good joke glad I did it happy happy thoughts happy feelings I was leaving just gonna leave look up like my flies and spiders though feels pretty ok about that all I need now is quad shot now my pennies are my Wooden Nickel is not paying out for [ __ ] finally three luck is just bad supposed to be a lucky number damn it [Music] what's up bud hey weeds like the biceps oh [ __ ] no I don't want to gamble on your rigged games yep poop face got them what a deal [Music] tears up speckly red pill that's good write that down buy that if it's in the shop speckly Reds palki go wow you guys are just talking about that to chubs bulky go fine the steps necro - okay so let's find the top secret room get another per throw profit why aren't they attacking me then I care about me anymore I'm insulted alright they tried to kill me push beds I could see forever kind of a charm boot oh the poot died immediately speaking of dying immediately yeah this room is kind of tough isn't it let's go to top room yeah it's good supper room go that room is easy Wow Wow I wanted to find the top secret room you guys for another perthro I have no idea where I'm going I don't know where to look [Music] oh that's not its work at the top-secret run be you guys I'll check the top it's got to be the left it's the only possible way there could be a top secret room could be can't be right there it's gotta be over here oh I'm looking for it I got that pill that showed me all right there was no perthro in their sadly so I just I don't know is it even worth it to touch some of these items does it really matter no you could just crack this guy to kill the boss but wouldnt be able to come back for the nickel hoop man that's the last shop - OH pain pain pain pain pain pain none of those are red speck please but lockup is pretty good the man for what's up [Music] Spike's don't even care about me anymore [Music] [Music] we're gonna stomp Imam you meat would be real nice but like right now [Music] this is going alright Oh Reese darkroom we need to go oh my god this is the first time you've made it past a mom fight feels pretty special high school sucks is the man yeah after high school was way better than during high school it's so true that like what you say you know like things will change after high school because they really do really do for something you know worse way probably but people are much less stupid we idolize the stupid mean people who are quote unquote popular just because they're [ __ ] yeah people stop doing that when you get older for the most part [Music] like a 10-second video saying that you were streaming did I not do that I think I forgot you this time my bad we'll just never get an angel rum the guys just pretend like they don't exist remember [Music] hey man you should upload your streaming notification you should sign up for notifications from twitch call yourself a fan it's despicable [Applause] Chino some people still consider me a god to this day I don't know I'm good at games but jeez it feels weird to be called God or my lord in public who's doing this I'm an old you get to score free food for men it's all that really matters right no one signs up for notification sites I get notifications when my friends go live did you see that room though that was fun it was a sucky guy or was a suck dude right and he was sucking so hard that I couldn't walk away from him and then his friends got up there and just like [Music] some of those other rooms were doable where I died that one literally not so doable not so doable though keeper is just like it's a luck game that's all it is are you gonna get lucky enough not to get one of those rooms that screws you over or get lucky enough to get tech axe right away are you
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 21,842
Rating: 4.7826085 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 19d7WiWjDEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 168min 53sec (10133 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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