Keep is Pain Pt.4 - Hutts Streams Afterbirth+

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I feel fired up fired up let's go you guys it's time for some keeper runs that's what we're doing today hopefully the hopefully my cheerfulness will will hold up what we got tech axe oh yes take the sack head on do nothing just just do it blind right yeah just to applied it's better if you just can't see it anyways that's a time where the sack head you should get a clip so you can put the dark bomb on your shoulder during the streams just like post him like right up here like I'd like rest him up against the back of it know why he was so young I could like stay tuck him in I'll just tuck him up there he's fine look at him he's tucked in he's like ready to go to bed good luck cots but seeing you already have tech X you don't eat it right exactly very happy and glad about that tech axe that we just got is the best tech x of my life scone is it your birthday's going today if its scones birthday today then happy absolutely flippin flappity flippers day how old are you flip and flip pro can be spot for me in five dollars for you thank you so much broken happy birthday scone happy birthday thank you so much for supporting me scone and being an awesome mod I appreciate it 27 gross okay me too I feel the pain I feel the pain have a good day spend it wisely that's a second dime it's seed it's gone it's the it's the luck today it's the luck today so old yet so gorgeous and so humble all this game slaps at that yourself which would have been kind of almost fun here happy birthday I love you so much hots Thank You Damian alright let's do this are you guys feeling it as much as I'm feeling it it's scones birthday I just got a crapload of handmade gifts inner amenity in a row manatee in Inara manatee thank you so much for the prime sub appreciate that very much all right we would like to hit pots because we really really really really really really want to get the swallowed penny even with the soil penny though nothing is guaranteed so no we're getting a lot of money though a lot of money drops and we should go into the shop and try to buy something currently right now Johnny cat prime sub thank you so much my friend saving the money I don't think anything here is worth buying do we see any pots let's see any pots there's the pots honestly though if I could gets stompy in the first floor that would have been a good thing to find in the item room because let me just walk over all the pots and probably buy probably uh sorry not buy probably get this wallet penny half off key here could be good could be alright alright I guess I'm ready we're one third of the way to spun that's a nickel good luck today man [Music] zombie is so good early hell yeah is my birthday two days ago cyclonic happy belated birthday my dark bottom friend he's like peeking around my corners a clue another speed upgrade why good I'm so fast so flippin fast man cam 101 bits give me that be spot Kappa mm-hmm all right now the next person esta doughnut 102 and then 103 and I want to see it go up and up and up from there the spot war the cheapest B spot war you've ever seen the epic war of 1947 I don't think that there's much else for us to do here we do want to get the boss rush but like I said if we don't get tech axe in the first room boss rush is probably not happening I'll be just not gonna happen whoa goodness that was a close call actually demon wolf master thank you so much to the prime sub master those demon wolves ago and rap ace 20 months passing by to say hello twenty freakin of them right so much things to do in so little time keeps me out of your streams but I'm still here thank you so much Rapace for still supporting me even though you can't be here all the time feel free to stop by whenever you like though I appreciate your support yeah to zero hell yeah it's too many I'm not to cut you off actually [Music] see I don't know about that I'm not sure about the luck anymore our lock is fading away but this is good I'm gonna get that other thing too when I when I have the chance to tear a cloth is exceptionally good yes it is Chronos prime sub welcome friends appreciate those new subs now my pennies not dropping anything I mean I guess it's okay because I got two dimes and a nickel in the first floor so I'll be okay I think we'll make it and finally subscribe to you fantastic that is glorious I want to open up those golden shell there's a golden key I need to get all of those things cuz with my mom's key those things gonna pay out the ass unless they give me a trinket in which case is probably only give me one thing I got nothing from my penny on this floor kuroh oh my goodness the sub and then the $50.00 dropped hey huts been watching you for years now I had to give you something hello from Paris I look I hope you'll continue playing Isaac for years I just loved it thank you so much kurai that's good to hear that's good to hear that you still enjoy it and thank you so much the 50 big ones that is fantastic my friend and birth 102 D spot hype we're doing it and now I have something to do sorry for being late also but baby hype 9 months you guys I got to get on that t-shirt ordering I got to start ordering some t-shirts I'm Way behind so I got a couple months of people lined up if you guys are sitting there waiting for your butt baby shirt don't worry it'll it'll happen it'll happen you just have to believe dammit I said I'm here I am talking about chests and how many good things I'm gonna get from them feels like someone stepped on the tip of my penis there's one bomb could you just give me one or one penny at least bead is one in three I'm a cheap bastard to give me one bomb boom una bomb one bomb Oh can't say bomber and airplane ba ba ba ba ba ba ba tarik little stars card that's not useful right now Sam 104 B tad 103 or making it there you guys how high can we go you know I almost feel like going for the golden chests first is probably worth it but we'll like split right down the middle this is no guarantee I'm gonna get a bomb back but if I open up two golden chests before I got the golden key I'd probably get a couple bombs maybe did get one well we're slowly moving forth here 105 from scale a killer the B spot shall be mine whoa uh uh I want to see how high this gets that's what I'm talking about it see see see what I mean good things happen when you get mom's key we're still gonna probably die but you know we did the best we could we tried tried sell flipping hard toe slurper disgusting name fantastic prime sub welcome thank you should I paid this guy should I pay the man yeah we're gonna get plenty of money I think with moms key give me a Guppies tail to go with it a bit battle oh hell yeah those are the cheapest two bombs I've ever bought okay now they're getting a little expensive oh yeah that's it G flippin g-man seriously though my my penny is being a little stingy stingy master my fire rate is painful I walked into that house my fault I take responsibility son of a dick that was a health upgrade to soive might have been able to get something from it ah dick balls and wieners all right pots give me what I need I mean that's that's a good start are there any other pots in this floor tech ax GG easy win tinted rocks aren't that big of a deal to me but if I got an excess of bombs then why not I'm like a cluster of of pots can I get a Custer of ports plays cluster me dad we shouldn't use our pills but we're not doing that well so Yolo [Music] alright alright ten minutes in second floor nice GG I'm waiting oh yeah boyee blood bank v a PhD or solid penny then it's an absolute yes without those things it's like yeah just don't know don't have enough enough time might go to Bed Bath & Beyond I don't know you know I really want to get those chests but I kind of don't want to die the whole dying thing put a pass on that I know there's a secret run right there blow it up come on come on it's there I know it is would you just line up perfectly that's not perfect that's less than perfect your dick if I take damage in this room I might have to just teleport out oh yeah you know I'm thinking about teleporting out what the [ __ ] is up with that room is gonna you actually like hell that's why one of the toughest runs like ever it's so early on the helmets us to do is a keeper against all of those enemies we have to go back through it [Music] dime luck [ __ ] you stop No hey no portals would you quit would you knock it off help oh oh oh those moves joke through there was no joking there was no through joking dude seriously seriously though what the hell is your flippin mom I'm calling her right now mom that's the toughest room ever in the history of ever ness scrambles 220 blewett's choo choo oh I am so sorry everybody on behalf of scrambles I just I don't think we're gonna get a deal with the devil ever let's just plan on never getting a you me the Calais trinket or something that could be useful as well should we test it there like I think it is yeah it was that's where she was yep yep yep yep yep [Music] it's give me a shop I've got nine keys I'm ready to go give me some damage upgrades to and some fire rate upgrades while you're at it what are we trying to do you guys well we need to go to the dark rum I mean you get a boss rush when you do the hush flight landed you delirium we need to do mega-santa so you know you know we got plenty of things to do for the big babushka tier-one sub what's up babushka how's it going oh how do I say that goo goo goo goo goo goo ILA's I said did I say that right I don't think I did thank you so much the prime sub friend eight hundred ninety eight bits from birth my [ __ ] no aha soiled it super soiled mega ultra soiled mega ultra sterlington the third the third of his name Barbie smart to keep the money on the floor instead of picking it up right now single damage upgrade could go a long ways single crickets head could also go a long oh hey now you're an all star get the show on and stop [ __ ] spitting at me shall they blue 250 I'll take the B spot Hut snake puzzle today Kappa oh please never again Josh and I are Friday we can no longer look at a snake in the eyes again or it's puzzles I won't do it I won't do it for those of you don't know what Shelby was talking about yesterday we did a very long marathon of the witness game and we decided to call it quits we're done we just it's not a very stream friendly game it's just not it's fun it's beautiful but holy crap after a while it's like dear Lord make it stop [Music] stop don't a come on fat bats think about what you're doing here [Music] the real knockout games tier 1 sub welcome friends it's fantastic of you to a chubs well we have taro cloth so that doubled its effectiveness which is pretty good not really anything to spend my money on though which is kind of a bummer so probably just end up dying with all this money I know I got to do is believe but I'm just not believing I need a shop break and I believe it's 99 lives by the way you guys that just turned on a random playlist and it's on shuffle so the frail III Joe here once so thank you so much my friend does that or I say that or is it eggy a list by Iggy L by Yale but my brain first went to Nigel no Idol Thornberry hmm I'm having a hard enough time getting through frailes first shell here we're in for a show while we're in for it don't you poop on me mister just stop trying to laser me give me health upgrade or deal with the devil that's God's Cup his tail in it okay then we'll be square squares a good shape to be I heard your did your good to me I can't take that but I need to get another syringe what do I do is it health or is it not health I don't know there's my tail I've got to take it I have to I asked for it I specifically asked for it this might give me another health piece it might am i to me goods - damage - one hole damage Oh Oh help we can't handle last damage we're already struggling at the damage that we have we better have gotten a health piece from that otherwise it's done it's over give up towel throw it in throw in the flippin towel my magical saw and I just I just cast a magical song over the game and now it's gonna give me tech axe in the next floor and more damage so we're good solve it I was like oh did you redo magical amiss use it now that's good we're fine swing I don't know how to play it yet but what's up buddy as the strength of men and women failed nope hey buddy hey buddy hey no no that's mine this is yours this is yours hey Leonard look it this one's yours this guy you see him I want that one that's mine that's that's dad's that's daddy's buddy there's a little freak [Music] he's a freak [Music] I got my health back you're right [ __ ] [ __ ] dude no it's mine stop can I trust you thoughts look at reddit what about reddit 1,500 bits that's a nice FK n cat FK n hair cat FK [ __ ] in what do you think that he thinks I'm talking to do you think he thinks I'm talking to him do you think that's a that's like he does or you thinking he just thinks I'm crazy your time is up please enter another quarter please insert another quarter your time is up he didn't have any more quarters so buddy this is your toy this is your toy bud go he's checking it out [Music] it's like oh yeah we're gonna be good friends he feels bad for you so he cuddles you Hawks up he probably should feel bad for me the moves oh yeah you guys this sucks this is like really bad hopefully my my guppies tail will cause me not to die right now whoo Tom dude these guys are up geniuses they're surrounding me perfectly am I supposed to have a chance because this goodness all right Guppies tail give me a cricket egg now ooh oh no no no I can't I can't I should but I can't I can't I got Guppies tail mom's key can't do that [ __ ] me I think I got bombs for days should I still Yolo pills probably not anymore I probably shouldn't until I get PhD from the shop so you look at this you guys I can't eventually we're gonna get stuff to like crickets head oh [ __ ] man why would you do that to me why do it if you get a bad item mm-hmm no no if I get if I get crickets head I'll do it or yeah Riggins head that's the one it was actually a good pill good good things are good crickets head and then I'll do it this is too good to pass up though you guys look at all the good [ __ ] we're getting crickets head I'll go take marked and then I'll walk into the room i'll reroll everything and then come back out pick up cricket's head and go and that that'll be our life sure sure though what the tits what the balls how is it so difficult to [ __ ] play the keeper it's like they've made every single room like 30 times harder I swear to you this game stepped up its difficulty time's up bajillion afterbirth plus is not [ __ ] up player friendly anymore I'm dying I'm having a hard time what happened on reddit sorry he's already responded about the reddit thing can we stop begging you talking about like custom challenges [Music] he'd be the bombs do what you gotta do to win to survive his harsh lands his harsh landscape I doubt it was ever player-friendly would challenge that I got into your YouTube out a month ago and after binging the vids I finally made it the stream look on barnyard oh but I probably thank you babushka for the 1,500 that's a lot of bits I really appreciate it that's best for you are you serious it killed nobody what the [ __ ] drop a bomb into a swarm of bats and nothing happens there it is what are the odds these guys are [ __ ] geniuses I underestimated them big-time smartest bats in history I recently submitted a challenge to your reddit oh cool I'll check it out okay it's time for some good shots though you know I mean good shots might be fun to have I'm not gonna buy that just yet I'm tempted to use the one room you guys I am but this might also be a winning combination right here I know that you guys probably just want me to do the one room just for Adams sake just for randomness but I don't know I don't know if it's a wise move [Music] JP I'll trust your opinion on this should I use the one room or should I not I don't think you're out for just blood what should I do we do have low damage we have low damage the one room might help us out in that regard but we might actually survive with this combo your damage is trashed though I mean yeah but I think our our chances of getting her cat's head are better than ever now that we have moms key and Guppies tail just do it are you streaming in Santa Clara I'm tonight no absolutely not 100% now okay get your balls out of my face JP disappeared you guys were lost or alone we're lost he'll give it a go just Yolo it oh [ __ ] all right Oh Yolo it as soon as we made to the boss fight before we go in we get my chance give myself the highest chance of getting something a lot of this mom's key it's gotta happen let's head please please for the love of Sally do I get to keep my space fry time when I would do it use a one room does that a thing it is a thing right I get to keep my space but item because if I don't get to keep my space per item then I don't know what we would want with the one room [Music] no I don't think so nope well then we're gonna be in trouble aren't we no no no no nope nope nope well if I could drop it off in a room I would but what the hell is that Oh scared me way to flip are you dude we have freaking taro cloth - haven't you guys making me do all the wrong decisions this is fun and exciting for everybody but maybe you should give me something come on what the what are you doing are you trying to show off with how much money you can hold because nobody's impressed dude that's so much money I give giving them it's like so much money like I can't stop now so I try to go for a blood bag in case I get another deal with the devil I only have 11 a 11 percent chance to get one but okay there's a health upgrade right there so that's good enough son of a dick Oh Richard Richard what's happening one room let's go that was the moment he knew he [ __ ] up [Music] seemed sale my Steam sale all right fine oh you know let's see yeah let's get this first you guys were right get the great chests first with the mom's key uh-huh yeah sure and now we just uh say goodbye to everything that we hold sacred yeah my spacebar items gone space bar items gone we got our damage back we got piercing we got horrible on which is never gonna come in handy and we got hunting grundle Hey we kept oddly enough we kept the broken stopwatch we also have zodiac we have health regen which could come in handy we have holy water which is the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life we have dark Judas which we're not gonna want to use or no that's my shadow which is fine blue cap I didn't take the thing I didn't take the mark for more items you're right I totally spaced it so I'm gonna take it now no not as a joke I'll get a piggy bank but that's good you play the IV or the other of the blood bank now I spaced on the the other one the item was supposed to take I was thinking about the shop and how I wasn't gonna take this until now although we have a lot of recharged stuff like 9-volt and now the charge cables but we don't even have a space for item and I was really hoping that we were gonna keep a penny we didn't though I didn't keep the penny did we I don't think that we did it's going to be a problem with me rerolls eyes are currently held collectibles into items from the treasure room item pool like d4 wood activates activated collectables can be changed in passive ones but passive collectables cannot be turning to activate it once doesn't say anything about rolling the active items I should have taken this I should have taken that too for another item I just thought you know what if I got a deal with the devil it's you know still possible maybe [Music] IV bag IV bag is not breakable not so much see it's not giving me anything back and I thought my life savings gave me money when I got hit but okay that's how you really feel should have gone for IV bag first so I could drop the penny off you know it's different there's a couple things that we could have done differently I'll give I'll give you that one piercing is gonna be a good thing here though we probably would have died have we not had piercing we still might die who knows giving it everything that we've got I'm trying [Music] [Applause] [Music] dark bomb never comes in handy but does a health upgrade there's two health upgrades waiting for me so why the hell not we've already locked in deals at the devil cell we're screwed muffins all right it's not going well it's not going well my dark bomb over here he's he's cursing me he's cursed my family oh man wouldn't that be sweet if we had mom's key shut up what if it's like angel and devil no he didn't like that he's like I'm not gonna stand up here if you're gonna put both of them hell no I'm out I'm out what are the green blobs for I don't have a permanent piercing it was because of the gas because of zodiac not permanent piercing okay now we have Scorpio this is gonna be rough yeah this is rough that was like the only thing that made it okay was the piercing yeah good now I'm happy about it is my happy face [Music] it's only time until we get Bob's brain [Music] oh yeah feels good feels extra saucy man my luck with keeper is legendary legendary legend with whole wait for it [ __ ] up my ass very derriere it's it we're circling the drain give me another one room or a six room six me six me now game so they blew Boz brain game-winner dig dig dig dang do we have a winner winner winner chicken dinner winner winner a chick and just pick my eyeballs out help more options good yep that's it mom's going purse perfect yep Yolo I can show you the world shining shimmering splendid sister when did you last stick it up your butt a whole new world it's at the wrong world Bible I guess I'll roll with it I guess I'll roll with its tower card or bad trip which one's better ah it's white squad what read my message blocks you got hold on okay wait a second I'm busy struggling and suffering all right it's up I don't even have I don't have an open man I mean had it open man let me open it let me get to it what is it is it here is it there which one is it is it this one is it that use them in discord it's women on discord that's oh jeez Oh squats how are you all today is that what you wanted me to see ma Chet I'm a mayor oh there it is Oh let's do it yeah if you can set it up man if you can set it up and get everything ready to go you let me know if it's if and when that sounds sounds fantastic froggies well there's some time oh okay this is my life now there's some times that we don't do game giveaways anymore and that's up like you know we're giving away games from like 1842 but we'll see [Music] when is up to you man [Music] maybe you tell me which which ones and then we'll decide from there in Amman chats I did get it I can see forever so that's helpful that's helpful I like it yeah sure soul hearts are meaningless to me that Hut's promise me something nope I don't what what another one of these guys Bob's brain is just so it's way too powerful I appreciate the poison on this one [Music] [Music] just dropping the poison off and walking away are you still alive sir Barrett is 420 damage though yeah I went down to 320 now it's back up to 420 I can't say that I'm very thrilled about it at our broken stopwatch this is taking forever one key for two-way suppose that's a good deal [Music] promise me you look at reddit after this run can't make any definitive promises I promise you I'll try to do my best I'll try to think about thinking about it does that mean something trying to be a jerk see Aggie why's Isaac tracer not working is the the tracker you mean is the tracker not working right now currently I should be working I can go ahead and uh tab out of this and see if I can see if it that's on my end but should be flogged unless there was an update that nobody told me about do I need to like go back you know it's not working so sweat just whittles squids McGee was this little dish we already knew that all right let me see if I can make that work you guys we have an Isaac tracker by the way in my panel section lets me not that one there it is that's the one let me see what happens here it is working on my ends it is working possibly the one room killed it but everything is going well in my side yeah looks good to me yeah should be working does it show earlier this runner does it show the last run remember how fast we were now we're at 0.85 speed that's kind of shitty what's an Isaac tracker it shows you all the items that I've gotten over every floor so let's say you came into the run late you'll be able to see exactly what I have or if you forgot something yourself and want to see my entire list of items it should be there on the panel section try restarting it's not showing anything doesn't work on mobile I'm not sure about that if you get the panel is my information section maybe it's there a mobile I don't know it'd be cool if it worked [Music] Ace of Hearts chorus [Music] we're trudging along you guys barely the flip was that whole embryo oh my gosh the Bob's brain that blew up right in my face left to right left to right you guys [Music] justice left I feel like the one of the rocks is generally just better and loving memory bill sorry for yelling putz help fail haha oh Jesus I'm sorry [Music] I'm sorry guys I was even looking over there we're blind we can't see the game see I was just testing you guys I wanted to see how many people would leave you buying it they're not they're not buying it they're not buying it let me show you guys what I did I went from the boo-boo-boo-boo on the scatman or the left side of the map I went all the way down to the item room I just found it it was really lame I survived then I could see his under construction this is Chino where were you at where we at ten seconds ago Chino you're supposed to tell me what I'm doing stupid [ __ ] face under beds my friend well I quit unsub professional streamer lal hain I'd never said anything about being professional that was never guaranteed so don't put that [ __ ] on me that's too much pressure let's keep it very unprofessional I see a lot of left's I see a lot of blinds I see a lot of anger and hatred and unsub Inge lefty-loosey righty-tighty I don't know if I still don't know what that means I was watching stream I was watching Stargate then I got the notification Kat go wrong being right fine sticky bombs [Music] I'm in so much pain just make it end just make it stop make the pain stop the tracker does not work I don't know I'll try resetting it after the game she's too afraid to tab out on my screen now I'm not gonna be able go back in restart sadly enough we've probably gotten to the restart stage where it's like is it really worth continuing hay huts do you still poop every day bro when I can if I can help it even if you got to sit there for like five minutes just to squeeze out one of those little teardrop ones it's worth it I had talked about ten minutes ago you did something stupid [ __ ] with a screen overlay got your back thanks Gino compass is fine with me too what are the next three bosses are taken care of because of our Bible but that's that's about it so we'll probably make it to Sheol can't guarantee anything after that ah the free items question mark those were space bar items that we don't want i was buying things in the shop i was already there even the lost is better what do you mean even the loss is better theodore lost is best lost is the best character ever i love I adore the lost favorite character of all time I used to hate Maggie I didn't have too much against the keeper because I never struggled this much but now I just I don't know I don't like him anymore I like free [ __ ] though I just unbelievably bad luck too though all right crickets head it's time it's time now is the time yep nice lost is not for the weak also best character with d6 is best though we need to do some more of those runs in honor of slap beds those are slap dad's favorites sleep and the guitar go Bob's brain go up up and away web ah ah ah it was a trap no Bob's brain easy he Empress probably from yes by better geez that's nice foon do bars I'm shrinking my Bob's brain off don't do that to me yeah keeper sucks yeah most certainly does if I would have kept the IV bag could I have gotten infinite maggots what is this another Empress card yeah great sure uh midoriya hunter bits hi hots me and my cat are watching your stream together I love your vids oh thank you I appreciate the hunter bits will debar new buddy crunch kinda looks like top secret room material doesn't it [Music] what happened with pewds you know how I said the n-word on live screen I gotta hand it to a mill he handles that [ __ ] with class now I think he's starting to get it - the whole like you know saying racist things on live television that whole thing maybe he's not getting but yeah and that person like threatened to give him a copyright strike and he was like look man good luck to you on your next games I still like you I was like wow I think I said a lot worse things marked Rock ya are gonna bombs to go get one where was it which room he just doesn't care I mean it seems like he cares in his videos at least he apologizes and he's he admits that he was really dumb of him which is like yeah okay good because if he wouldn't have a minute that was dumb I would have lost all respect for you can never say never on stream well Rome to the right of the treasure room I'll go check it out small rock could be helpful yeah there it is nice Oh extra flies you did get my letters Anna oh goodness just got here what are we talking about lasagna I love lasagna man it is the best why do you hate pude sister nipple licker of justice who said that did you just put words in the mouth I don't hate pewds unless I'm contractually obligated to say that I hate pewds because people are gonna ride on my house or something then maybe ah shoot I do want the mom's box I really do I want the mom's box instead of this but this is instant mom kill do you not I mean are you following me good chap Harvey prime sub hell yeah welcome friend o JK man better he [ __ ] kidding so yeah I have to uh I think I have to keep the Bible here I don't know I think I've got a choice with the Bible though I can go into the curse room unless I really bung some stuff up which could happen you know I've been known to bung before she comes the Sun getting doodoo oh that's funny oh that's good yeah you use your charge in your Bible yeah no you only have one battery to spare so that you can use that in a mom fight him and yeah yeah did it oh that's funny yeah that's so funny we can get a charge back on it it's fine it's fine let's try it again good probably spent that time what hit me what the [ __ ] hit me I didn't see anything I son nothing what what was it though was there a spider that I didn't see I didn't see a spider there was no spider there was literally not a spider but there would have been a spider I would have seen it and I would have tried to dodge it there is my [ __ ] deal to devil chance and the first room on the first ass room yeah this is my life this is my life I'm going for it sometimes you just got a Yolo well this is gonna be smart all for a Berk yep yeah that's where is it yeah I didn't I didn't see a spider you have regen you're saying I should have sat in that room that's all it came back to me because that would have been fun yeah if there was one enemy I could take out of the game it would absolutely beat those boy portals like six times harder than anything else any other single enemy in the game yeah yeah yep that [ __ ] spider needs to get out of there before my head literally pops off popping off the top of this esophagus I'm not a water ymail that's been taught to breakdance let's move them to Metropolis oh good trol bombs friendly if I have to go through more than three rooms to get to my items I'm restarting it's not even worth it gotta go for good vibes you know you got to feel it and your pantaloons that's nice how did he die I didn't it never happened became cheated enact added blue screen to me made invisible spiders I legit did not see a spider you guys I've heard it 100 restarts I don't know what it is because watch me a year ago playing the keeper when I was unlocking everything what happened what no we don't know what happened though oh I got it my first [ __ ] try oh I unlock things super easily oh NEETs that's interesting because this seems so difficult now what happened man is it my luck I don't know big Stoney's need to literally blow my D gotta go for those pots I get solid penny it'd be a great start alright squad we can do that let's do that I'll just I'll just tell you when I'm ready I'll just let you know Chino what do you want robo-baby 2.0 best item in the game hell no hell to the no no nap for me I guess I mean if you got stuff to do to the squad then like you can go do that I got it I got it Romek swag $5.00 thou shalt show off your nipple cover my nipple cover the one that I'm currently wearing right now this one burns my grandpa my grandpappy's my grandpa pee poo all right let's do it you don't scare me Hans solo penny gives me the option to drop the nickel it's a little bit more reliable than the nickel let's just get a shop break with this though this is good a nice simple shop break infinite monies IV bag and call it a day it's that simple let's just do it I don't want that I have a good trinket you're not with Vern why must you lie to me one year we surprised him because he was the mayor of his town and it was his last year in office and we surprised him by showing up at the parade where he's like on the thing waving to people and yeah oh jeez oh hey there bud that's a little that's a that's some danger stuff that's oh that's dangerous you want to stop if you could stop doing that to be great break game before game break you seriously muscular Isaac flexes at you pride from the parade you can hold two trinkets Oh with the belly button right I get a belly button and polydactyly mixed up at 14 cents right now 15 will be nice your team would be really nice or not yeah sure it's up to you really where is our shop even where was the shop mister shop hello there it is oh I'm gonna bomb Nikhil face - now I wanted a nickel cuz I want to buy that card - you dick no I wanted that card - shoots put the tinted rock way alright alright then I guess I'm leaving two times cooldown telepathy for dummies hell yeah best day ever we're at a time wait smart in whiny voice but the tinted rock man exactly I like how you set the scene Gino OOP the wolf shoopdawhoop would it possibly is better early game possibly is better if I don't ever get a era or a perthro or something deliciously juicy or are two diamonds or something soup is good soup gets the job done shoot for president soup is one candidate I can trust the [ __ ] [ __ ] up two keys in there huh polydactyly looks like a skin flute yep definitely like a didgeridoo way own in a way no no way no no no give me the goods baby give it to me super no balls you can keep them my own that's like the best come back to that you can keep yours c'mon mates get me through oh yeah the Jukes top level purple fly Jukes man doesn't get better than that [Music] douchebags gonna leave green creep behind him what is this guy's deal I hate when they flip out like that with the flip are you what the flip is your problem [Music] Oh warms my heart to get the best items in the world nothing feels better why don't I even go into the shop I don't even know you guys just oh I'm losing my mind wish somebody would tell me I'm fine losing my sight losing my mind [Music] I'm so just gonna die you guys with the blank card can't you just feel it happening give me health upgrade and something delicious in the deal to devil or you know what don't just don't give me deal with the devil at all definitely no no no no give me a couple bombs that I can't run away from even if I move as fast I possibly can no that's good that's good you should do that instead nice well done you're fine tries to keep straight face Oh God another speedball oh the blessings blessings unto me guys I just I don't know if I could feel any more blessed I just want to thank Burger King for giving me salmonella [Music] I don't know what this game wants for me man [Music] you just complain about being slow I need this I didn't need that bombs are good because bombs will get me into the top secret room and top secret rooms will hopefully give me a yera and/or perthro like I took what three blasts of the face they're tough sons of bees playing with fire here playing chicken with the devil Devil's chicken sounds delicious good night outs you're not annoying prick on Twitter Luke not unless you really want to be ah that was my face no I don't even know what that was invisible fly behind the behind the big dude well you know what let's just take a second and congratulate the AI in Isaac for screaming over as many times their hats like well done you're making the game difficult and I think honestly that's what you were trying to do I don't know you personally but if that's what you're trying to do you're doing a good job on the ED would be proud legitimately a title is amazing huts yeah thanks hots gaming donated $5 I'm going to say cheese is my best to RAF accent cheese and my best giraffe ACK accent mmm yeah drugs are a wonderful thing everybody thank you me for the $5 no problem me just stop just be done Saul penny saved my life at least three times top secret room that's what I'm talking about natty get me there not quite but I like where your head's at [Music] bombs are pretty okay let's try to get to the money let's try to get the money go back into the shop get some good stuff shops are like one of the places we can actually get stuff done blood donation machines would be excellent to find get infinite monies go to the shop get a shop break I was like why don't I leave money behind right how did ah how would he do not today I learned that they can take two full triple shot blast to the face and still not be dead in its good information that's good information six shots to the face and you're still alive is that you gonna go with is that what you're gonna see you in a stick with that you're gonna stick with that though six shots to the face now that's fine so you're saying if I was a normal character and I shot six direct shots to your face hole you'd still be alive this is a good interview we should have this interview more often where I questioned you about your [ __ ] I just I don't know I just I don't know I'm just I'm unaware I I just I don't know I don't flip and know this there's it there's some points in time when you're like I can comfortably play chicken with this [ __ ] and then those other times it's just like now man nine months in a row hey huts but baby hype super excited for t-shirt also what are we gonna name our little splooge late well the key name is blue Gillette how about how about out to squat for helping me do this on mobile about out to squat shout out the squat thank you so much for the nine months and raw food surprise that's fantastic welcome back feels pretty good man I haven't done the round of t-shirts yet but I'll let you guys know one Twitter whenever I do that oh there's a perthro ahaha yeah I know that's fine three seconds after dying and I run with blank card you just give me a birth row no that's that's special that's that warms my heart feels good man feels nice man someone draw a huts Pepe saying that feels in the ha nice man alright you know what to do swallowed penny please you met a penny girl you guys need to move you need to vacate the area that's the spot right there stay there move on over move on over move on over move on over keep going yeah do the best I could you missed my sub says blitz three months in her old hay huts I've been watching for about a year just wanted to say don't sweat the tanky monsters a little I'll sweat it I'm sweating hard used too soon what I'm gonna sweat at Nora's thank you so much the five months in a row five months already many more to come hell yeah I think this actually would be useful to get this key quite possibly [Music] nice great champions at the best not only do they have half health but they often drop keys another one another one let's go get our item room first before we do anything honestly I want to find my item rooms like as quickly as possible so we know if we should restart or not poke my head in the shop just in case yes penny payout please so I just take it fine I'll do it [Music] black-and-whites write it down Blackie wait I love that game can we get enough money on the floor you guys to go back and get that sack head I think so no wait we're one short we are one flippin flop head short oh [ __ ] give me it no payout it didn't pay out it did I just don't know why the game just literally has his hands so far up my ass it's unbelievable I can taste it it's a sweaty nasty hand that hasn't been washed in years let's call it dirty grime under the fingernail and [ __ ] no that's fine yeah no no no no no no no no I didn't want to I know it's fine I didn't want one I didn't want a penny that's fine no no no you keep your pennies you go ahead and keep your penny sir that's good that's good stuff that's good stuff something good two months in a row of and Watchi I've been watching you for way too long huts thanks to the fun times thank you for the two months in a row something good come back there's got to be a way to do this though right it's gotta be waiting get a penny can I get a penny sir please death uh see I could I could walk over the spikes but is that if that gives me a penny back it just goes into my health mmm interesting that's fun that's fun stuff I'm really having fun I'm having a good time you guys having a good time let's get nine lives and deal the devil thousand bits I forgot I did a deal with the devil and used a blood donation machine feelsbadman rip razor George thank you for the phallus and bits my friends appreciate it I don't know how you could possibly do the keeper without the wooden tinkle but I don't know how you could possibly do the keeper with the Wooden Nickel cell [Music] he just killed himself how did you manage to do that pretended Rock if I can do this right no fire go away oh geez please sir all right pots in a tinted Rock go oh oh oh my god stop stop stop stop stop stop but keep doing that keep doing that one good on you [Music] leave some of these in the ground for health Alan we got salt penny we're fine we're fine we should be okay Bates reward sadly almost has the same fire rate as us it's like shoots one every two shots of us it's pathetic it's actually pretty good you know it's like every other shot we just have four shots coming out of our face instead of three it's actually pretty good for us [Music] anybody that has a low fire rate fates reward is fantastic [Music] another one and the greatest hits for today holy water again then speed ball twice holy water twice hashtag blessed the power of Christ compels you [ __ ] half of my shots are not being put under the effect of that thing it's very interesting mm-hmm yeah the heart Oh God that AI though do you see them move in on my position oh my god that's amazing the game is getting better and better I ain't moving if I don't have to I have to okay that's fine [ __ ] you nice I've already taken damage it doesn't matter till the devil's off-limits it taints happening all right 22 cents hit up our shop he's on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map on the map mama mia mama mia I think that's our only chance I think that is literally our only chance at getting into the boss rush I like feel like we have to take it look we got to take it a I stands for anal insertion okay that's alright okay then I'm telling you mom nay it's too late and do we get deal with it Richard can you guys be Richard collectively can I call you Richard I'm glad we had this talk cuz I'm doing it anyways Ritchie mr. Bush I yellow and pills still did was it the tears upgrade on this run the black and white one or is it the last run I don't know we've done so many runs they all blur together I just don't know anymore what's real and what's not [Music] Tallulah do you like Cholula thank you so much to the prime sub friend yeah see how okay no no wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa rewind rewind I hit one of these maggots twice in the face that's okay with its black one here that would be twice that would be the second time that I ate that black one in the face what happened to it what happened to it game what happened to it just it just out of curiosity did it die oh yeah I did it died that's weird that's strange that two shots of the face would make it die I don't that's odd didn't know that didn't know that you know write that down you guys write that down two shots only make a black make it die if you're not holding the black or a blank card that rather black card no such thing yes interesting facts interesting still salty Oh forever we are dick now [Music] dammit Richard taketake % dick you guys are catching on fast Joker see I want to use the Joker but I kind of want to use it if I know it's not going to kill me if it's gonna be an angel room is that possible that thing can we work something out game Jesus I don't like this I don't like this what the flippin tits it's like flipping burgers but way better you guys don't have to listen to me if you don't want to alright alright alright so that when I just sloppily missed I must add I must have missed in the last one just didn't think I did its point-blank looking at that maggot in the face splooge surprise percent dick nick percent thick thick thick thick % % % % palms weak knees are sweaty dick dick % already see I don't want that but hey here's a thing like it goes you I could Joker come back in the health upgrade might be our only shot at happiness might be our only shot at happiness let's fight the boss first then decide [Music] why isn't tech axe in the deal to devil and what if he get brimstone then what she's walked right into that baby we'll get the deal to devil naturally no never no never no never no more no never no never no more fight me another health upgrade interesting Balan does not come with a slowdown where's my deal or was my seeker home entrance was it over here yeah only I could take my perthro with me into the room as well mmm goat head this must happen it's got to happen just got to do it captain [Music] now I can save my peripheral for a room that I get a couple more items in I don't want the slowdown right no thanks burn throw your item room I think I should save the perthro for a deal at the devil in the future one in which I know I have a health upgrade waiting for me well I don't know though you guys do you think I should do it now since I know I have a health upgrade waiting for me but if it's brimstone it's a too hard deal and they'll kill me so that doesn't make sense either you know that doesn't make any sense ever I'm still open I know it is we go for a spike room and try to get an angel item out of it how about that although we try to get a spike room cuz with the solid penny we can place pie crumbs Jesus the rainbow poop better go down fast spy crumbs try to get Eucharist to drop if that's 100% angel chance and then we could do something nasty with it wait for more items in my opinion see that but we not my we might never have a guaranteed health upgrade ever again it's all about the moves man that those moves like jagger i got that moves like jaguars rng is trying real hard I'm real hard to put me Six Feet Under no no no you had me at nasty oh yeah yeah I don't want to do that room only have one bomb and oh yeah you chrisplace can't see my health with this kind of dangerous but the three that's four we took the fight mega satan too so if we could fight the angel statues in a tiny room no probably not gonna happen I'm not very likely [Music] gonna walk over to spikes loser Oh help he didn't like being called a loser ya know very there she goes maybe one key piece is enough I almost walked out of the room Oh fight me this Saturday in the funder dome in the funder dome dude Lenny not now dad's busy Spike's spikes help Spike's help me Lenny I'm busy you see it right now pushing on my chest hey don't pick up the money you gotta leave it you leave the money that's your only way out you only backup plan hey what's up buddy yeah hi that's my microphone would you like to come play and dad lap [Music] [Music] you know you interrupt my stream a lot lady he's just like it's Lenny time stop stream and dad Oh raise the roof [Music] the reason I allow this though is because it is pretty cute and if I didn't ever let him do this he would never try right all right oh hey it's time to keep going let's buy a couple keys in the shop let's buy dad's by BATS all right dude he's so playing with his toy right now wait he was playing with it buddy play with the toy it's working he loves it he's actually paying attention to it that's Matt means a lot he thought I was gonna punish him right there I like what didn't do anything dad your your hand got within 7 feet of me as that bomb I needed should I rub it with catnip too even though he doesn't care as long as I don't rub it in tuna he definitely won't like it he touched the butt he did touch the but I was more of the head really but we can pretend for the lols as long as it's for the lulz I'm fine applying Samson's lock no ok could we get some better stuff here maybe just like you maybe some better stuff yeah nice good use of my keys ah huh yeah I had a fun time did you lose weight butts no do I look different okay saving my per throw you guys for marriage two pennies how expensive let's lock his run out we'll need to buy more all right I'm going back I'm going back I can feel it there's gonna be something good waiting for me there has to be something good boom I feel so loved it oh it's like a big hug it's like a big sexy hug squeezing my insides until I get organ failure it's lovely this is my life a middle finger nice just what I needed Hermit card who do we all should we go to the data did it did this room and then hermit card out should we or that Roman hermit card out or both one of two army cards don't care that this is chichi doodling I will sit here all day no I won't goodbye it's like the game is learning you know if I ever have anything good the game stops it immediately nips it in the bud nipsey Russell a little overwhelmed holy water oh thank god you're here just give up I'm never having a deal with the devil it's fine and won't it no no I go dude we can't see it anymore but we have it's in our hearts it's still there my center tear does not come out with the with the doubling no doubling this is troubling we have solid penny so this is doable and I'm gonna do it the right way I'm gonna be smart about it I'm not gonna try to get the double in because I'm gonna end up blowing it like one out of Hertz 20 times I try to do the double play I blow it it's just gonna happen it's just the way that you bounce got a bum bum to a healthy one boy brimstone please who wouldn't mind and beggar he's gonna give me acid baby we know this like as a fact or mom's bottle of pills anytime that you feel like paying out though you just go ahead and you take your time mister yeah but there it is what is up with him what is up with him that he only pays out with pills why though you could just also not do that and it could be fun for all of us guy always gives you more bombs and you put in its kind of drunk yeah okay you know when you're on crack and you can't feel pain so you ball yourself yep don't do drugs [Music] the demon beggar gives nothing but why why do you only give pills mister looking at you it's like the [ __ ] do you want he's a drug dealer that's why he literally dispensing drugs never thought about it like that my god you're onto something [Music] song so Asian it hurts [Music] turkey dance what do you don't like it what do you mean that's how your dad dances [Music] yeah yeah where'd that little guy come from wasn't he he's tiny I don't even notice he was there just like that tiny little spider guys this game I can't go for self-harm room for angel room oh yeah the spikes we should do that again we should totally do that men agreed [Music] hmm yo 100% angel chance yeah girl [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] on my nipples yeah hey do I roll it no that's not terrible in candle candle candle candle candle count count down count out out out I'm gonna take them all I don't care lock out grades maybe it could be fun No hmm yep squishy car what's up oh jesus rum though oh yeah oh girl Wow easy peasy squeeze my ballsack Wow Wow Wow [Music] okay click me luck Boyd masters is the one that only spawns enemies my squeeze in here dear let's get squeezing the element if I drop a coin back here though I'm not gonna be able to see it that's the one downfall [Music] destroy it don't you spit your little nubs don't you nub me kind of light kind of light like someone's willing to be too [Music] the act [Music] hey buck the meal of [Music] you should've taken that second [ __ ] you charges perthro this room I'll save it for the next floor damn it since you took a deal it won't appear anymore but you know I thought that you could also get 100% angel chance and get an angel room on the spikes on that floor I don't know everything is a lie every single thing in this universe is a lie I'm gonna need a health upgrade though at some point you wouldn't mind you can but it hasn't worked for me I had to get teleported after being blessed [ __ ] dead man there's the there's the way the game works and then there's the way that the game works for us now there's another two blaster to the face another two blaster that one I just missed interesting things though if I could just like die though in like normal ways like oh shoot I ran into that thing that's like oh I mean I ran into the thing I'm not really mad they did run into the thing it's like you never knew this could happen and it happened ah ah ah what Steam sale though bro every single day with that Disney Channel Steam sale bro that's a good item that's wonderful that's the best that's it that's the stuff alright all in favour for me to never play the binding of issac ever again ever ever ever ever ever someone get edy putts can't play the game correctly so now it's my fault you can cheat by getting Eden's blessing and then doing it next on the keeper you maybe get a grittier break with Eden's blessing and then do a keeper run rng shot that was really nice well done I'm not even man anymore you're going to win game because you cheat so I don't even know why I played this game if it cheats so much [Music] I choose more Isaac twice the Isaac twice the Hutt's I dreams the only cheat as well most of the time no they just leave a back door for me make him shut the back door that's fine just don't have to lock me in throw away the key so I can take a bunch of deals of the devil now and give up lives for it and then hopefully at some point I come out the other side with a health upgrade maybe I can get guppy maybe you could get me guppy and then like give me like a six room or a one room pills would be good to get now because I only have a chance to get a health up can't get a health down at one health that's a pad this saw thanks no it's one not to brimstone is a reality now exactly let me get guppy then give me a 6 with brimstone even though that would never happen maybe if I got chaos first in the shop and then I six rooms [Music] that's a pad Hut's 2017 lovely it's just fantastic to do that again I'm having a good time good time right when you write when you pop his head off he immediately spits tears into your vagina it's nice for me it's refreshing [Music] I swear to god somebody like hacked my computer and made eyes a good super super mega ultra hard my life is an ultra hard challenge zombie my row nine months spent nine months already sorry about not being there lately worked a lot but I'm glad I'm glad to be back for you my friend keep doing what you do I I love it as always thank you welcome back welcome back zombie tears up is fun it's the tough room it doesn't seem like every room is a tough room as or as it just mean [Music] [Music] treasure maps not good enough oh yeah buddy [Music] I can't play that room anymore oh I can't even get any more angel rooms that way are we really that weak that we can't even kill a hand that's surprising I just shows you how not strong the triple shot is this is a tough room okay funny stuff [Music] Oh [Music] where's papa mega though yeah I don't have a belly button right she was in this room to the right of me challenge room all right give me a health upgrade in the boss fight and then give me to copy items in the deal of the devil and it'll be on how is it possible to have dang Depp's won without a without a damage upgrade how many how many runs have you guys ever had that you've gotten to this far without a damage upgrade how many times does that happen like honestly I'd love to I would love to be forced into this room thank you would love it help help help help help help help help help help help help help yeah [ __ ] third time's a charm oh goodness hunter bits a few times I did an eat and run with the crudest of items I didn't break until the cathedral super lucky break ah Chino and I can do it I'm so good at this game I walked into it apparently apparently I walked into it that's fine those are some long fingernails well that poison damage though my god glorious nine months mystic macaroon you guys how are there that many nine month errs I'm officially about baby are you proud of me Dad rip wallet thank you so much mystic macaroon appreciate it hell - yes Hey look a stream I've never been here before you should probably just turn around go home it was a bad day see servicers help oh goodness he almost jumped on top of my face don't do that to me buff LOF it's a flop flop welcome to the strands oh I don't like that since when do they spit out those guys since when prove it prove it though sorry sir you need to prove that give a receipt proof of payment back and give me my health back that could be [ __ ] up I can't do that I can't take that I need mamma mega that was the whole point but am I gonna be able to fight and defeat boss rush like this no no I'm not won't be able to do it won't be able to do it [Music] [Music] won't be able to do it though can't you avoid mama Mecca you can but it uses it immediately it uses it immediately and then it's done it's gone you have a perthro I mean yeah I know I could / throw this is still just kind of you know it's the best it's really good did not get my health back circling the drain you guys I think that's it for me we're gonna go into the boss room get hit once and then teleport out and then we won't be able to activate it again and that is the way the cookie crumbles oh boy yeah cannot wait all right lucky health UPS where am i how lucky health UPS gonna come from pills pills tears up is good 14 fire rates actually phenomenal for triple shot so I can appreciate that I feel like that's cap breaking isn't a cap like 15 mr. [ __ ] boy - we love to fight him I got a present in my p.o box you want to see my stuff okay I have a gift for you but you can open a different time another time okay leaves the stuff that sweet as a cinnamon roll gave me handmade bum friend dark bum this one was for Lennie and he was already playing with it uh-huh here's my sack head I think I could get scare Lennie with this thing [Music] and then I got a mini didgeridoo what's up yeah they are in Australia I don't know how to use it koala kangaroo pen with all the little animals on it but this one is yours do what you will all right let's come back down whenever you ready she might do it later you guys I don't know might be a different stream but she'll get to it Oh cheezer's like I said it might be I'll just like put it up on Twitter or something you know so check there if you're not following me on Twitter I put a lot of stuff up there sack head email please [Music] I really really wish that Mama Megha killed everything but some things they Kylie I'm I could have skipped this floor to some things had those iframes most stuff is just gonna perish is that uh hello no full suite of orbitals though it's not gonna help we're going down 69 cents though but guys like move mushroom cherry card could be handy for this room 48-hour energy stop teasing me with pills man could be this one oh no but it could be this one how many subs do you need for more emotes I would need about 200 them this over here is telling me I've got a thousand 22 sub-points out of 1200 sub-points so like thanks I get like multiple sub points for people that are tier 2 and tier 3 I think cuz I don't I do not have over a thousand subs alright real machine yeah I probably should just spend my money on it but let's see was in the shop first before I do that Diplo Diplo tableau tableau Diplo Diplo the boss rush Diplo boss rush and I could dip lowly I can't go under the deal with a devil though I cannot go in there that's the tiers upgrade 11 should I've gotten mimicked with the tiers up maybe I could ease my 48 hour energy and I could have used it a few times but I can't imagine I can go higher than 11 you've got unlimited pills by the way I have unlimited pills how's that for the pill manic you're saying that's locked coming back no we we need health forty-eight hour plus mimic that's what you meant by that yes could have could have done that yeah rate lots so through I kind of want some help is that possible from this machine alright Chantelle let's open a gift cinnamon roll is cinnamon roll still on I'm recording itself regardless I'm going to post it I believe fairly new in the channel on the twitch side put that different camera what is it well it's a headband is that a mini Lenny you take that to work you have to grab the camera pointed like loving the paper it's like oh yeah like that thing there can only be one there can only be one Leonard no rip rip crocheted Leonard nice fine you're a jerk though did I take it away from you little dinghy on the top this one yeah there we go he's planning it you love this what a goop what a goof you guys still a better love story than Twilight he's still playing with it all right cool cool house nice those fun too and they know yeah she was Yeah right their suit is similar role still watching yeah it's a mini Lenny very nice her BF she's gone to work I got you well tell her thank you so much from all three of us you'll have to clip that too and show her where Lenny was playing with it was a good moment it's just being a goof right now he's just being a goof he gets jacked when like we're both in the same room together Lenny just goes nuts it's like he doesn't care anymore he's just he's chewing on it it's stupid little fluffy kicks may [Music] yeah Chantel looks at lanterns like are you coming with me I'm leaving and he just looks at her pauses for a second and then just starts kicking the toy I'm busy mom I'm busy killing things oh it's not healthy guys but should we go for it it's gonna definitely lead to my death but it might be my only chance [Music] that's why is your hair see-through because it's blue but it's like kind of turned green when it faded no balls take it Diplo you know I could dip low here and then keep using the machine dip low and keep reeling but here's the thing though here's the thing I could also dip low inside of the boss rush and get four items five items instead of one I like that Diplo idea double it the CAC take it Hut's Diplo here or Diplo boss rush you guys there's what if there's only one more reroll in the machine anyways Diplo take Diplo Diplo venery roll photo what's up hello moto boss rush boss rush boss rush okay so now you guys want boss rush here boss rush I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it out of the way you guys I'd probably end up deploying and I reroll and it would turn into like mom's nipple and not be anything good so Yolo I could dip load the empty pedestal I guess fates reward I forgot that he is gonna shoot shots to all muddies up the water water couldn't be any mud here son of a dick please everything die damn mom's nipple stupid iframe stupid iframes dumb iframes boss rush items are generally really bad yeah but there's but there could only be two oftentimes as boss rushes that only have two items we might just die trying to fight mom we don't even know if we can make it that far you know what I mean tonight's walk rain - boss rush without fighting mom yeah you know that's a little bit more damage darkroom right darkroom respawn that I don't want dry boobs which is really good I have to actually take two of those the book I should probably go with the book you should probably stick with the book here but I'm gonna take to dry babies and then one book run run run run for your lives where are they where are they hello get it charged up between every wave because I've got nine volts I've got nine volts mama mom mummy mama mum nine volt we decide to kill him fast we gotta kill him fast we got to move are you dye carrying queen no no no don't blow this for me carrying queen don't you blow this for me the frailes gonna be difficult rales gonna be easy forty-eight hour energy as well true if I need to one in danger [Music] might be this wave got to do it didn't mean to pick up another battery though first person that says Hut's luck and Chad is gonna get kicked in the shins where is he I did it mom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mom at the best item ever knotch tax what would I do without know but the actual book pretty excited about it and I got to dry babies to crank that Soulja Boy in our third soldier I don't even want that I don't even want that I don't want to touch it if I die the keeper let me die is the keeper unless I still need to unlock some things for the blue baby but I get blue baby last right after my four lives can anyone say that that's correct blue baby comes after my four lives because if I like you know if the keepers done but I could still have like a delirium I long for blue baby which I don't know if I need or not it could be okay it might be okay do the pen lights up I just oh my gosh when you when you when you push down it's like that looks like a light in there blind blinded by the kangaroo blue babies after dead cat blue baby last yes that is correct okay a double deal may still be open it did better be better flippin be I've got a goat head you know I mean it's kind of up for guppy but lump of coal will do it's kind of hoping for the Gump master flex but yeah you know we got take what we got all right I'm leaving the Sun is a deadly laser sticky nickels is appear in the basement oye hey sometimes you won't get those nickels back is that a good thing no it's not a good thing at all the hell did I just unlock what did you do Edie what did you do who the hell are your flippin sticky nickels [Music] I want guppy that is specifically not guppy dude I just I just crushed boss rush you think you can throw three bosses at me and kill me you really think that's gonna happen mega trade oh my god multi-dimensional I kind of forgot about you there is light light at the end of the tunnel that's freaking luck get your get your shoes ready get your pointiest shoes we got a kick Chino in the shins settled I feel lucky on this run but overall thank God make it rain I still use pills though they could still give me a health down so I should probably forego the pill usage at this point in time should I go into the curse room come on cuppy I'm risking it big time here for a day gods didn't even ad liddie I could have played that for a blood donation machine yeah I know I probably should have played that and gotten the blood bag out of it for the speed alone don't tell me out of all the pills you could have had that the pill was a clutch wasn't a clutch health up you know I got your back that's luck boys a splooge you take that back on behalf you me and blue jet [Music] I find another health uphill on the ground we can start using pills again but aside from that we can start using our self-sacrifice rooms again that's fun that's fun isn't that fun kids and out both [Music] poof a doop doop doop doop the dew Dibby Dibby dip dip wool without that don't you threaten me with our baby I didn't there wasn't a threat please don't take me to court I'll pay but support I'll pay to support your butt and the baby there's nella but blood support is you just buy chairs that was coming right for my face lockups please if I got not are the the triple-a battery you guys I might have to go with that because that would be a one room recharge book of shadows so that would be the one trinket that I would go for in this situation right now [Music] the move [Music] she got I'm gonna try to go through every room try to find those self-sacrifice rooms like I said I think it would just be a good idea like that room algae's yep some extra invincibility on deck and Bob my god what does that mean am i immune to poison now is Bob I drop poison send abrade thank you so much for the 10 watt 1000 1000 bits I'm gonna kick so many people in the shin no shins never stood a chance you shouldn't have done that who can get it chin chin dyndns and done that now I got nothing was a bad joke hey man I got a card for lame Joe jokes all right I'm cashing in you can't say [ __ ] I've got a license [Applause] yes mother no no mother did I leave anything behind in this floor I don't think so don't threaten me with a good time waits for dad jokes like a real dad are you a dad I have a cat he calls me Dad should I just go bookworm huh ya know it would be a mistake to leave this health behind but knife hype well did I get a buck knife from the I did get a butt knife a green one a green fade worth like $200 [Music] dark bomb no but he's not useful that one went out for my own face interesting very interesting how do I kill these guys without blowing up my machine like that I want dye is gonna say all my speed upgrade I mean we got it we did it yeah mr. Krabs I guess [Music] well done nice job nice gerb nice jab hands three once again I can go into that room the curse room good risk it for them tasty Triscuits Yolo was it worth it now no it was not now I'm like really close to dying I don't think I'm it yeah no pass but we could take a deal with the devil now if we really wanted to but that hard-earned speed that we just got goodbye you're a quick little [ __ ] you guys think we can make it to the hush fight [Music] you're a poor speed stat never saw it coming is that how your mob went blind check your Twitter meet I'll think about it brimstone is my city do I get the top secret room no I didn't yes I did ooh this room on the last floor is like crazy awesome Crazy Stupid Love alright I think I I think I do I think I'd go for triple-a battery what else am I gonna spend my money on hookers and blow ancients recall Joker card I can just go there now I could save it for the enemy Network we're gonna get it anyways right so I could save it for a later floor but do I really want to drop my algae's no [ __ ] man Joker it bebe save it I just don't know what to do wake me up inside save me all these other ones use the Joker now get down I heard a noise but I didn't see what it dropped [Music] Elle Joker now use Joker save algae's ride a cowboy well I know what the algae's it could potentially give me a lot of damage yeah but I'd have to leave my book vine which is kind of the only thing keeping us alive this is my life force triple a battery and I and I'll drop my swallowed penny the only thing we keeps making the payout in the ways that nothing comes out of it why tis a mystery [Music] that'll do all right meat meat Oh hearts oh yeah soul hearts that's why the gif lies right that was nice that was exceptionally okay hunter bits after you're done you can take your algae's out of the room and use ace of hearts for a ton of flies I'm Chino and I'm so smart I know everything there is to know about everything in the entire world [Music] whoa whoa easy there fella razor blade was in the devil deal that's correct I think it you say it it's like magic I am the greatest greatest great job I arrange is probably good less chance murdering my own face I still feel like I should do every room but maybe not anymore I don't know that rooms are getting difficult just want to find that self-sacrifice room yeah [Music] pleasure doing business with you game as always very fair very very fair fair fair yeah pretty fair tell pills I didn't heed my algae's no that's fine no I didn't I didn't want the algae's you go ahead you just leave it way back there you just leave it oh no no no no somebody else to clean it up somebody else will clean it up or fine we're good you're fine somebody else's job am i right am i right hey hot severe consider playing Dark Souls 3 again or maybe the DLC is if you haven't played them I don't enjoy that game playing by myself and it's definitely not enjoyable to play with other people so I don't think I will I don't even know how that that was fast enough to do that didn't know that was possible fly me to the moon let me [ __ ] and a cup and then he can test it for diseases just bastard 23 months almost 2 years baby hell yeah bastard welcome back hope life is going well for you life is going exceptionally well for me I just beat boss rushes to keep her so you know what else could I ask for I don't think it gets better than this I think my life might be peaking right now [Music] I think I'm gonna need the algae's you guys for this for the Satan fight well I don't know the lamb is a pretty long one too I can't afford to die too many times because it's the last time I die turning the blue baby and then it's all for naught shits and I only have one life piece I got nothing man got to be smart about it save your algae's just save the algae's hurry hurry hurry hurry [Music] got them one step closer to insanity Satan is longer than the lamb I think keeper now holds the store key hey that's helpful hey where's my thing where's mine where's my thing that I could use oh my gosh I forgot that we even open up that door cheese I feel like we're gonna lose in the flipping thing we're so gonna lose in the flipping thing you guys in the lamb fight we're gonna lose on the way there and then I'm gonna have wasted that key piece doors are opening for me like oh come on in my child welcome I'm like now I think I'll die over here Mayday Mayday captain whoa whoa Zant shooting at me off screen like a hack good lord Oh key bagger you get them I'm sorry I'm sorry my bad dog [Music] take that brownie got another B word that I'd like to use to describe you [Music] good gravy do I save myalgias for the mega satan fight you guys I might need to mega satan fights way longer say the algae's and use it on mega Stan I'm saying save me dark are not dark bombs dry babies save me use your forces for good oh my heart right now is like skipping like 17 beats it's like we put up but I'm still popping at dying the mega-santa fight you guys I can only take one hit it's such a long fight it's unbelievable there's no way we survive this [Music] if you die grind for items dump of the horse [Music] very many meaning oh [ __ ] yeah girl what if I get delirium and then I got saved at the allergist for the delirium fight pow [Music] I can't afford to waste it just yet [Music] mMmmm I'm gonna use it now now's the time [Music] hurry up and die please [Music] oh my god karma yeah oh that's funny karma get it for all the game breaks is that what you're trying to tell me game is that what you mean by that you're gonna say it to my face [Applause]
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 57,018
Rating: 4.7860618 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: Twm34s1m1Ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 31sec (9811 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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