OVERNIGHT AT SUICIDE FOREST (Warning: Incredibly Scary)

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If someone wants to turn this into the Murder forest and take care of these guys, it honestly wouldn't be a big loss.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Pennwisedom 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

im only 3 minutes in, and already they are gawping at parked car and describing it as creepy.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/miraoister 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

hour long and when they finally find a body that everyone was waiting/watching for they run away. reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Demanter 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

Domo arigto Mr. Yamato

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Fucktardio_Hearn 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies

RIP Hiroshi-sama... Never forget...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/bulldogdiver 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bigshum 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2017 🗫︎ replies
as if we follow that rope we're gonna find something or someone there's someone in here that's why I wanted to leave earlier [Music] oh no I'm actually shaking okay I just hope the light cool you had only have my back to force me I told you bro it's scary I don't like being you right okay all right guys we're doing it we're in Japan we're at suicide forest this is by far the dumbest thing we've ever done it's I think it's like 12 35 12 2012 28 a.m. right now we were going to stay overnight the Sun rises at 4:43 I know that exactly because at 4:43 we're gonna be right back here and get the [ __ ] out of this forest so we're doing it guys you guys got the 250,000 likes we ended up in Japan we're here we're keeping our word we're doing this for you let's hope we live yay last meal was McDonald's and I can't go out on McDuff no way that was a fear made joke my boy here we go into suicide forest and there's a creepy [ __ ] van there's a creepy ass is there anyone in it Jesus Christ there's like everyone's book I thought it was a dude I actually thought it was a security van no it's not a security van that's not a security van Jesus just some please baby like real talk that's our car that's the fourth we're not in yet we haven't even walked into the fourth this is [ __ ] scary Hilton the metal on the top has been rusted which means it has to be there for like at least over a week right yeah and also we have someone watching us that's an infrared camera holy [ __ ] that there really is something in here this thing's been here for a minute like and that's not a security van that's not a police family not maybe they haven't found the person yet no like real talk right like if you found the person what are these guys I just want to say hi camera we're okay if you're watching this I don't like this can we spread our flashlights out well--there's might be the suicide hotline number cuz there's telephone numbers yeah I think that's it you're right really though I'm not kidding we have four flashlights can we like to actually spread them out yeah I'm good with that we can be close just like let's spread the flashlights out there's never a point in my life where I thought I would be taking a stroll and there's a one in three chance that we will see an actual port what we need to talk about it is what the [ __ ] happens if we see one you know and I thought Halloween Horror Nights was scary this she is terrified just literally just this forest alone like just his forest without all the back stories to it yeah so like adding that to the mix they said that like people that even just come in here it can get possessed from like the people that have committed suicide already I don't knowi know that that's really yeah yeah you can get like it's super haunted like so people are come in here just to explore don't come out because and not come out walked out yeah daddy's show that is real that is real that is not made-up that is a real thing and we're just it's over a thousand just by the way they stopped releasing the numbers because the only people were killing it what is that okay Real Talk I just want to point this out never again if we see something do we turn off our [ __ ] light as a self defense mechanism I wanted to see if it was but just really think about how idiotic that was see Jesus Christ please bonkers we actually might have someone actually with us know like security you might actually be right just be quiet and like keep your light I'm gonna be quiet okay now yeah it's just a branch that's what's crazy is that like you're gonna find old robes here but most of the vines look like ropes I'm feeling so sick right now so eventually we're gonna get to a point where there's a barricade oh no I don't have the knife in my pocket yeah it's the left side pocket on my bag right now first time we have ever brought a weapon to an overnight [Music] something strong one go get it further back there we go here's what makes me nervous yeah is if there's a like a path on the way back that looks like like this you know that we miss walking forward it's still on you Jesus I brought 500 feet worth of rope so we can tie it off and basically pull ourselves back in and you have the knife right like can you actually first time we ever brought a weapon not really sure what the [ __ ] Heights gonna help us do here mostly cursing a lot not the signal up here right would you find paper just paper this looks like it has like a like a half of a question mark maybe walking for another 10 minutes still have not gotten to yeah that's all more for Steve Garrett Richards grinning aren't you so happy gotta save this for the end of our Japan trip I don't even know what to say or what to think right now like I'm so scared that I'm just gonna look into the distance and I'm gonna see something that I really do not want to see yeah and I feel like my brain is almost playing jokes I mean like I keep flashing it for a second and see my hold it there there's nothing there Oh what though the biggest [ __ ] spider I've ever walked into the house away from my heart rate heart rate my heart rate my heart rate my heart rate my heart rate holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] my heart rate holy [ __ ] my spider web okay fun fact I mean I don't know much about spiders I don't know that much about spiders there is no way in hell that that was like done between sunlight and now which means no one's going down this path in quite a while I don't want to stand still yeah yeah yeah you're good you're good okay noted there can be spider webs that scary living [ __ ] out of also cross the entirety of the path of my [ __ ] heart rate like I've you screws I will [ __ ] myself I thought I thought we saw what we're hoping to not see Wow that is the fastest my heart has ever beat before ever well the good news is I have a really manly screen oh [ __ ] okay it was a deer there's animals here then and if there's a deer I'm either the predator yes okay that's a deer yeah come on little gear a little deer right back there buck I was hoping to not see [ __ ] so the animals that they said they're here is actually like an Asian black bear so we have to be really careful what we do of your whistle yeah yeah because your voice is shot we haven't even gotten to the forbidden path yet yeah what's the sign say we came from Poughkeepsie parking so we should probably all fukiko upwards yeah we don't want to go toward the lake yeah no it's that's correct Ashley I cannot take [ __ ] Oh another one Jesus oh you're gonna break going to it going to it they're probably poisonous though to be honest being bullets are the gnarly headache right now there it is guys that's it that's the end of the trail that's the end of the public trail holy [ __ ] we're here we're here no this is this is that right that's the trespassing part right this is the trespassing part this takes you back out to the street and a different spot than where we parked this is this is where this is where people in Azusa here's what's really bizarre to me where's you sign warning people to not commit suicide yeah I don't see it maybe it's past year oh you think it's in there I guess so yeah they wouldn't want the gist the general public to see a sign like that you're right so it's probably further in right here there's the entrance to all the people who are watching it we flew all the way to Japan we drove six hours to get here staying overnight I think the leaf they can do right now God knows what's gonna happen hit the [ __ ] like button you might be coming out of this change of people this is terrifying they might not ever come out of this place I really don't want to be here at all well good thing you're not gonna be there I'm going in there he was the first one in going to no return until 443 a.m. at any point we see a ribbon or a rope that means there is someone in here or someone recently was because what everyone does is they tie ribbons or they tie a rope so the people who are indecisive this is this is where it starts getting sketchy so this is where we need our rope I mean I I don't want to [ __ ] around here we are not getting lost in this [ __ ] forest tonight oh my god didn't even think about that someone could climb a tree and hang from above us it's raining too oh [ __ ] there it is tape right here shine your light below it there we go that's that's a marker someone was recently here and we still know that van was here [ __ ] school bro oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god that's a [ __ ] loser bono that was around goes around goes around goes around goes around says about all the bones those are bones that's it if that's a human is that a human is that a human yes oh wait no no no no it's not a human it's not you oh my gosh what is that baby that's a deer that's a deer something this is so freaky okay there's a split in the road right now we got it's a straight path that's an older ribbon guys I'm gonna say this right now and probably last time I said this about the Coyotes I was right we're gonna see something tonight we're gonna see whoever lives in that van and they're here what where so we have some pink mushy gauze and we're gonna use this to put it on branches so we know pink let's go this way the one the one good thing is that you literally hear every step in here I know I know I know I know okay Jesus crits like it's not even 360 degrees it's it's spherical it's not all the way around it's above us and behind us it's everywhere it's every [ __ ] corner I am sweating all right is racing blood is pumping I'm sweating I'm freezing it's scary look put like some tape right here I'm just does it look like a clear path to me all right that's cool [Music] keep [Music] how far in do we have we haven't stopped me we can stop moving right now Jesus Christ I'm trying to get lost and die out here oh [ __ ] oh that's a spider web literally above me I mean like this is just [ __ ] over like I don't know if what I'm seeing is like what in all honesty real question yeah before we just keep walking further and further in are we trying to find something or are we trying to just stay here overnight we try to find so we got to go out and right if we find a ribbon with the trail yeah I think we have to follow it painted saying that and it just made me shiver but I don't think we should wander off to nothing I say we keep going until like the path gets too dense to go anymore cuz I feel like this is gonna come eventually it's actually like my camera can't this thing goes forever it really just goes forever I mean it's a massive forest like if we didn't if we didn't have the ribbon which is right there I would be lost let's keep tracking as far as we can umbrella umbrella umbrella there's a [ __ ] umbrella Jesus Christ so [ __ ] stressed out I see it I see it why just an umbrella what what does that even mean just an umbrella zero why not everything unless you walked in here with only an umbrella the rain makes us so much worse this is bonkers this is absolutely nuts why are we doing that YouTube man YouTube like we came all the way to Japan to make this video you're all walking real slow I am in no rush to get any deeper in here I'm gonna keep moving just reuse oh and a ribbon and a ribbon person who left this ribbon is probably dead that's probably right is that this is the first time I've seen this kind of ribbon we've seen red right that's my point that's so like we're seeing just single pieces of all these different peoples ribbon but there's no where wind is getting through this what what Colby huh oh my god that's a news [ __ ] news Jesus Christ those guys there's a snap branch here and there's a new stare put two and two together that's that's my point please everyone look up just make sure there's no [ __ ] hanging body above us oh I'm not really thinking straight right now that's that's a real that's a [ __ ] news guys guys guys if it's real it's a trail of a river [ __ ] we have to everyone stay together please huh that's Jay it's real those are someone in here wait if you look at it this is the end of the trail as if we follow that rope we're gonna find something or someone do it this is a really bad idea I'm just being totally completely honest right now this is a bad idea we're gonna see something that's gonna like change us is that really something you want to sign up for I mean to be honest we said that we would starting tonight we never said that we adventure in yeah but like we can't just do that you know you can't just see your ribbon Kobe's one of those white [ __ ] that dies because he wants to go venture in and [ __ ] I am not that white it says let's split up I'm just gonna kill you myself perfectly horrifying and we can never unsee any scars if we find a body my body I'm telling no because something I was looking through my [ __ ] screen my screen saw something I didn't but my camera did look all I'm saying is a van look like it had been there for a month or so and this is like plastic nylon kind of ribbon that hasn't been there for probably a month or so which means if we find we follow this ribbon we're probably gonna find whoever's van that is a lot of candy Jesus Christ what did that was like their favorite candy and they're like they just that was it what what what dude I thought Jesus [ __ ] Christ I am cursing so much and I don't even care follow the ribbon stay on the inside of the ribbon okay here dude all right wait step back step back and then everyone really think about what you're looking at right now I'm telling you this right now this is just common sense we're going to find a body here's how I know what we're gonna find a body if you're leaving a tether line out right why would you close it off why would you close off the line if you're trying to leave a line so you can get out why would you close off the line so you can't get out right tell us people not to go right why would you close it off you don't need you did it and needed to end there it didn't need to end there I needed to end right here had been caught yeah so it was probably because somebody had found whoever so they like followed the line yeah and then cut it so this is like an undiscovered one yes that's that's what I'm saying like this doesn't need to happen this doesn't need to [ __ ] happen you're right there's two oh my god oh my god like the fact that we can only see as far as our flashlights can yeah I don't want to see buddy I don't I don't want to see body I think so you doing a youtube video is one thing and staying overnight is one thing but if we actually see a human who has committed suicide in here it's not it's not okay that's life change people do not need to see that show the kids that watch these videos do not need to see that so that means what's gonna happen here is if we go in here and we see a body we're never gonna show any what we saw we won't I'll blur it but I will never show what we saw and then we have to deal with it for forever forever for eternity for when we go home and sleep tonight and tomorrow night when we're back home in California and next year and the year after that and on our wedding night and until our [ __ ] grave we're gonna know that we saw a goddamn [ __ ] corpse hanging from a tree okay right go this way right guys had chills while you were speaking all I'm saying is if we go in there and we see any inclination of what we think of the body we are not getting close enough that we can actually see it if we see a [ __ ] boot right if we see a shirt anything more than what this ribbon is then we do not go any further so let's take it slow take it take it real slow like your flashlights see everything and let your flashlights see it before we do we're gonna be all right is gonna be okay seriously just take it slow we'll be cool I go real slow okay the first first inclination we'll see we'll turn back okay stay on the inside of the rope or the outside inside right Judy's immediately just got ten times harder to walk in here Jojo don't get caught up into suicide well I'm not trying to get God blesses our eyes this is everyone just watch out for there's literally like just [ __ ] holes everywhere can you see this see you right where I'm pointing is that a rock I can't tell no I can't really see it either okay there's a second I can zoom in better on my camera that my eyes can see right now yeah all the way back there outside the trash for a tent that's a tent right no I know I see the bug but I'm more concerned about the tent oh hello gonna need you uh I didn't really talk right now I didn't stop now the [ __ ] was that actually that was ground level what something was on ground level maybe it's a deer again moving yes guys there's someone in here what what what we've got just wait what was that you heard that right yeah right there that's a bug yo we gotta go well we destroyed watch the ribbon make sure you follow the [ __ ] ribbons all the [ __ ] ribbons I don't know where the [ __ ] do the ribbons go ah [ __ ] [ __ ] christ we go off the goddamn path yeah we can't be [ __ ] lost in here no no wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no ribbons what I put on let's think about this you're saying let's take a couple more steps this way anything are you serious we know these we just [ __ ] darted and no one paid attention okay you should go let's just get the car okay it's raining it's pouring it's pouring no we're not what do you mean we're not going home the pouring rain what do you mean we're not going home we're not going home what time what time is it it's 1:55 then we're not going home well was that back there like a growl right it was a growl and then there was the damn tent I'm not do we were there was a noose on the ground and there was an unbroken ribbon and then we hear a growl it's two o'clock in the morning we need to leave yes this is all signs out everything we're doing right now is stupid everything we're doing right now is stupid I'm not saying we need to go further go we're not breathing then let's get the [ __ ] away from the others at least because it's not worth it is it worth it honestly like it's stupid and there's your [ __ ] abortion grab the umbrella cause it's [ __ ] raining look we'll go backwards a little bit we're gonna make a compromise this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go back we're gonna wait maybe an hour and a half in one spot stay safe I like 4:15 when the Sun starts coming up we're gonna go back to the path and we're gonna go all the way in okay okay if we have a little sunlight deal before we leave here we're gonna go see what's out the tent okay okay okay we're gonna make it to the tent we're gonna look around and then we're gonna leave at 4:43 so we're staying the night we didn't come all the way to Japan drive all the way to the forest to leave early where do you guys want to post up terrified of like staring to deep into the forest and seeing somebody hanging okay really though we're in a predicament like standing still is a terrible idea because we're getting lit up by bugs many of which we don't know what they are or if they carry diseases right these are mosquitoes so we have to keep moving like just sitting still is not an option we can't like straight from the path like there's no option somewhere I can shine the light on you so much this is seriously like the dumb thing that happens you know or movie when someone dies are all our lights like dying right now this is the brightest mangoes and it's not as bright as at what has gotten waiting yes normally we can see all the way that okay now it's a little bit better yeah cuz I'm focusing no it was doing the same thing when it was on time let's let's let's do this I took it like an hour to walk into here and it's three o'clock right now you go to where the tent is and by the time we walk back if we walk slow enough and the Sun will rise and we'll finish the overnight right I want to walk to the tannery yeah let's just go to the tent I don't either but I feel like we have to like I feel like we can't come this far to not just go and once we get to the tent that's where we stop all the way up to the tent really oh yeah look at that the green one does that mean there's a screen ribbon right here does that mean there's like another green ribbon maybe 30 feet of this Christ he's right he's right if there's a green ribbon here and oh we didn't even think about that we kept saying single ribbons if they type their ribbons like we tied our ribbons one ribbon right and that means there's someone way back there and someone went way back there and someone will be back there we didn't even think about that so we could potentially be surrounded by bodies right now okay okay we do not have any more batteries for these lights just FYI okay like the only other light I have is right the phone lights and that's nothing to do jack [ __ ] here that's it that's horrible if we get stuck with dusty that's horrible that's [ __ ] it's dying it's so thanks for taking the front venom Jamie weights are kidding seriously working it's not working it's not working do you call yours is like just dying I know - so us is going to lead with it I don't have a lightning scheme I thought I know I didn't know who's in my pocket yeah I know that was scary you know mine just went out - yeah I swear to God yeah all three the wrists ones are the same were they cheap hey 20 bucks 22 bucks you spent $22 on a flashlight to come to the suicide forest overnight well these were actually meant for the hike tomorrow night and then I really give it oscillates and now they're breaking well okay it's the last 12 hours yeah okay seriously can't see anything are you kidding me you're not joking are you serious right now yo seriously seriously so I'm the only one left okay we should head back cuz that's we can't I can't see what these at all how far are we how far are we though no and I can't see what it looks like that's not terrible I'm covering mine up right now I really can't see you guys that's the main issue how much further look look around the next corner I'm setting my back on how much further is it flashlights are all turning off and you want to take it off or not feeling very good or not feeling good two times the point where we should like be reasonable yeah turn back it's like our lives or this overnight video like not to be gross but I feel like I'm gonna like puke pee and [ __ ] myself at the same time right now super dope can we do we trust ourselves enough to make it one light and then all the way back on our phones and just get out of here just make it to the tent and then leave what are you gonna be able to see anything at the tent or even walking to the day you know how that was when we got past that market I know I know like it's dangerous walk a little bit I'm clearly not wait just stay close so we can see you [Music] do some water yeah buy more water [Music] are we gonna try to go out towards the time arguing a break he doesn't that [Music] it's in real order no [ __ ] you okay no no Beauty just stop dude be puking then there's just like white [ __ ] stomach bile feel bad did you do you have the water Elton do you want water what do you need yeah just wait until you finish yeah [Music] there you go and I just feel like puking for no [ __ ] reason guys [ __ ] damn it just gonna say it again I think we should leave be here right now like you know what even the board's [ __ ] what do you want to do there's me either the [ __ ] Anna get out of here okay and let's go right now cuz yeah you sick obviously yeah it's not even the [ __ ] McDonald's though you just don't look good it's not the McDonald [ __ ] you look terrible like nothing no food came up I just want it but don't want to scare you guys but like paranormal some sometimes like an effect of a paranormal right when we started playing the board game is when he decided like his backside here no [ __ ] flashlight is gonna [ __ ] like nausea is a pen normal side effect and it literally said that we shouldn't be here so maybe we shouldn't be there with them let's get this over with let's do this and I start walking back [ __ ] why does everything [ __ ] hurt right now alright let's go let's go come on six-hour hike tomorrow so you is it actually yeah be [ __ ] kidding me that's right you feel like I was literally puking right there what 15 [ __ ] feet away the sign I'm telling you guys like it's just not worth it like well let's just get if you want to do this let's just go do it right now and we can leave you all be good can't even see [ __ ] and I'm hearing [ __ ] so let's do this quick and let's get the [ __ ] out okay these lights aren't good enough you want to do this still okay alright let's do well what the [ __ ] that feels so weird we got a natural life altering decision well we could see at the end of that rope could scar us okay are you leaving the way Colby you go now okay if you see something is working just humor we have two phones in your phone's dying so yeah we have to get up I'm having a hard time holding the camera because I keep on turning around and looking around do you want to let me just take the camera down and just have the lights have two hands that are great to do whatever they want we do what's turning mine turned on look at that that's so special what is that what is that noise I'm turning this off for a second look okay real talk what are your phone's at okay I have my god forbid something happens in the 30% and we it's 311 right we have a 90 minute walk back and I'm running our flash goes running your flashlights and this was can we just now can we navigate this [ __ ] on this I want to navigate it on this kill one just killed my mic cuz I know 30 kill one once you hit 30 you're done jack they literally can't see like Andy I just sent mean I have to go first yeah that's scary should I go for I don't want to go close yeah I really don't want to I can't even see be careful the ground is uneven well done everyone grab each other's arms please girl Lily like the link top watcher watcher watch your step this is so [ __ ] stupid just make it watch and there's a huge hole of the right here oh my gosh this is not say say I will get to the tree and we're done I don't wanna go oh yeah keep going keep going watch your sleep we call these let me grab you again Koli come back here do you I can't see this is why they're getting faster if you think it's getting [ __ ] faster it's getting faster well we do me a favor please everyone look directly where there's things flashing and please look to the back on how much further do we go guys yeah you'd rather just kill that I'll kill it because I can't see mine still won't turn on mind on mind on mines unload dim [ __ ] mine done that weird little orange light you got the little one on I got the little one on mine's still not turning on do the little ones words like the strobe light better but I can't see anything then this light is almost better than the strobe boy no wait dude a kid this does I can't see anything at least asteroids right this shows nothing yeah my won't turn on yes some behind us [ __ ] this stupid life like a branch fall - note to self so I'm going to some place where I might died spend more than twenty two dollars in a flashlight not I know that we can even jam it alright great cool cuz mine mine turned off Oh mine turned off so fantastic great all right we got Y Oh God thank you thank you thinking I'm still not turning on where's the tent even by the way easy I have to use I actually have to use a camera to see to go so you have the lead then [ __ ] where's the tender oh there's a tent I see it now whoa watch out that's like Lily right in front of you guys straight ahead that's the tenth man [Music] if someone ballsy with the camera for his video what's the walk over there I'll hold the light okay five more feet let's go five more feet look around and I hate like I feel like if this is where he camped this is probably where there's three ribbons I know I know [ __ ] watch out I'm actually like falling into the tree we are getting into the real territory where we might see something exactly the 10 is like up there somewhere right where to go 5 10 I can't see anything whatever light we have is also at the same direction I don't want to see this is such a [ __ ] up thing it's like I don't want to see a human hanging from a tree at the same time I don't want like viewers to think we weren't willing to go hey that's how much control YouTube has is this line and right here yeah it does it ends there and then the tent you see it done pointing it oh yeah yeah that one ends right there right in front of Colby but the other one goes over there and then the ten times it yeah I feel like I'm gonna puke again come on breathe Colby start to the right with me everyone start to the right and just go around look up and down oh my vehicle the other things dying this thing is just done guys found what we're looking for right come on camera now you can see it [ __ ] flashlight work look if you look look at this giant lying right here and then straight back behind it you see it right there right it up the middle there's someone sitting in Craig's come on white [ __ ] stealing actually Inc I don't want to walk any closer there's someone sitting back there right there right there right there right there sitting right there with his head just like leaned over dude it's 4:00 in the [ __ ] morning there's a van outside there's a rope and he's sleeping sitting up let's get the fight please obviously please go go seriously yes yes Colby yes I don't get the [ __ ] out here I'll figure out who to call need to go sorry man or lady I don't know don't let's just stay together stay together and get out of here that's why I wanted to leave earlier what do we do now what's the step do we call somebody let's just get out of here step one let's get out here step it's it's seriously an hour out right now and let's figure out who we call and let them handle it and I don't try and sleep there like literally like right here on the other side of that hill cuz we were over there and they're right here we're just right there j-just wait for us just stay yeah I'm not turning back what the ribbons not here that was here yeah I know it I'm sick that's what I'm saying so do you seriously just like do can we just walk or something like what walk deeper right and then we walk deeper well we don't have ribbons to get back to where the ribbons are I'm drenched in sweat right now really thank God thank you Jesus okay didn't we tie ribbons like every 30 feet because I feel like we've walked a lot more than 30 feet have we not walked a lot more than 30 feet okay you were the one hanging up the wrists right yeah definitely all grown up over here maybe it's just like maybe we missed it maybe we'll find the next one and then what if we don't find the next one and then we dope no we got a split and my lights out Stan what are we gonna do just look let's just keep walking the Sun should be up soon it's what time is thirty forty so we have an hour at worst-case scenario we have an hour huh oh I'm a dumb-dumb oh yeah the Sun rises at 4:43 we're in a forest there's a giant mountain in the way it'll arrive at 4:43 but it won't be above us until like 6:30 in the morning awesome doh doh Jesus what did that what did that what is that what is that what is that hey everyone sick the other stick together seriously stick the [ __ ] together hello hello hello ah konichiwa what the [ __ ] was that what was that I don't know it's well - flashlights on that - flashlight forward when we still do nine of them [ __ ] ribbon keep moving I just heard Bukka it sounds like a hissing sound no like a like a mammal but like from far away nothing about [ __ ] camera anymore and my battery's dying okay that's a deer skull right okay never thought I'd be glad to see a pile of skeletons yeah no wait so we made it back here yeah I don't know what happened to all the ribbons huh okay point we were on the right here and we made it on the right path where was all the river I don't know but let's keep walking please cuz we know where we are now I think foot very good question we went the right way my ribbons weren't there how the [ __ ] is that possible yeah like pink bright pink ribbons like even at the wind blew all of them off they'd be on the ground somewhere dude don't even know because look at you bleep literally planted multiple [ __ ] ribbons in there like what if someone is purposely moving our things our ribbons so that we get lost in here and that we die what do people are actually committing suicide in here what they're just [ __ ] getting lost and dying that way someone or something we made it okay I feel so good I feel like a sense of relief just went over my body feel like I just got sick in there alright let's head back Sonlight some birds are chirping holy [ __ ] I still can't believe what we saw I'm never gonna forget that and this van still here and I'm just thinking about I like he's right I don't think the camera can see this van here all right we need to figure out who to call all right by far this is the sketchiest gnarliest thing we've ever done I assume that you guys have ever done I've ever done my life like we've said we would go to the scariest place in the world the most haunted place in the world and we did it yeah maybe instead of trying to do the gnarliest places in the world we just do a bunch of them like a road trip so I'll make the deal with the viewers that if they can get 250,000 likes in the video you and I will for sure rent a motor home and we'll go on like a one to two week long road trip and just every single day go somewhere haunted sketchy illegal abandoned whatever it is and just make the best video as we can doing and obviously if you guys want to join feel free maybe Sam in court maybe all of us go but they can gank two to fifty thousand likes in this video we'll go rent a Motorhome drive around probably get arrested hopefully not die covertly but we're lucky you know what let's get the [ __ ] out of here and literally make me feel like we actually need to plug balls and I'll be decorating I'm sorry that you're in there [Music] [Music]
Channel: TFIL
Views: 25,377,758
Rating: 4.8230271 out of 5
Keywords: TFIL, VLOG, ELTON CASTEE, brennen taylor, colby brock, suicide forest, scary, very scary, overnight, overnight challenge, tfil overnight, suicide bridge, abandoned mall, funk bros, jake paul, sam and colby, forest, the forest, Heath Hussar, Sam Golbach, Vlogsquad, Travel, 24 hour challenge, adventure, lifestyle, fun, epic, fail, funny, pranks, crazy, stunts, exploring, ghost hunting, tfil mall, overnight challenge tfil, tfil exploring, tfil haunted, ghost hunt, trampoline park
Id: DdRtkv-NBpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2017
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