24-hr EXTREME Survival Challenge in Snow!!!!! (NO LIGHTER, NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO SHELTER)

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there's one i got a cotton tail shove it into the crack boys earthworm kind of weird to find an earthworm you wouldn't think there would be up near the surface that much i'm gonna lose it rubbing two sticks together shake it up guys oh i'm lost again in the wilderness this is going to be my most ambitious survival challenge yet reason being is because i only got one tool my nemesis this is the axe it's one of the things that i've avoided using for a long time preferring to instead use multiple tools like a saw a knife the axe is one of the things i have left behind i'm going to get into why i decided on the axe a little bit later of course i've got my trusty 22. i'm not counting that as my one item my one survival item this is something you should just have with you all the time and i've avoided bringing this around with me too and i've paid the price trust me i've tried all kinds of different traps from snares to rat traps to foothold traps for coyote and they've all failed so today i'm going to be doing some active hunting for some different animal species that we have in season right now for the winter i don't have any means of fire so this is going to provide everything for me including cleaning game if i manage to get anything firewood shelter building so it's it's gonna be a no food no water survival challenge i'm gonna take one box off immediately and that's water i don't have a boring device with me to make any water so i'm going to be eating snow throughout the day i've got my big poncho on today conditions are such that it's freezing rain light snow these are the worst conditions to be in i can already feel my butt getting wet there's no way around it i am going to get wet today my gloves are going to get wet i've only got one pair i've only got what's on my back with me acts of 22 and i got to get everything done with those two items now the axe is gonna make short work of some things and it's gonna help me make fire if i can get a friction fire started that's gonna be my goal it's a lofty goal man to start a friction fire from nothing at all from just materials i'm gonna find around me in the forest it's gonna be a tall order trust me i'm gonna make my best go at this challenge uh if i don't end up with fire i surely should be able to make a shelter at minimum and if we don't get food well we've got the water box ticked off so we should probably get going while we got this light snow this could switch at any time back to rain and then we can get wet first order of business i'm going to collect a little bit of dry cedar oh well i'm already getting hot i want to avoid sweating because i i start sweating then i got to eat more snow well of course i take my jacket off and the chance of getting wet underneath but it's powdery snow right now fluctuating between below freezing and above freezing temperatures you can see what i'm doing here the idea is to make a flat board this idea came to me in the dream as all good ideas come i feel i feel like when i sleep on something the next morning i come to a little bit more clarity so if you guys are trying to make a big decision don't make an emotional one make one after a couple nights sleep in fact don't even think about it when you wake up you'll come to some conclusion i have a tree here that's standing it might not seem like a big deal to you but what it's doing is holding the tree in a position that i can hew it very very easily if this was on the ground and i had to manipulate it i'd probably use twice as much energy and probably lack about half the precision here you've seen at night i made a nice thin board flat board and that's crucial when you're making a bow drill set your your your baseboard your heart board should be as flat as possible depending on how big i make my spindle i might only get like eight nine ten tries on this one board so there we go we got one step done is a hearth board and i want to feel how wet it is you can kind of do this by feel one put it up against your face pick up your lips feels pretty dry it's not super dry it's not bone dry but it's pretty dry and so that'll give us something to work with we'll if it's not 100 dry we'll we'll dry it put it that way we have some ways to do that because it's part of the middle of the tree we know and it's because it's from a dead tree we also know that it's protected from the elements on the inside and so the chances of this wood being a lot drier than the outside wood is pretty good as far as getting game to that's one of those things that you know sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't all we can do is our best [Applause] ah well that was a a poopy load a puppy load full of carving this is what i ended up with you might wonder why i just don't get a thinner branch and that's because the thinner branch might be wet all the way through you can't just use a branch branch that won't work and so um we've obviously still got some whittling left to do which i'll do a little bit here in the tree trunk because it's easy enough to hold there and but i want a nice long one and there there's a good reason for that so i'll get lots of tries out of this make a short one you get a few tries out of somebody this is about the right length i want and then once our shelter's built we can have a nice place to dry place hopefully to work on this and a fire is going to be our only means really of being comfortable and cooking food if we manage to get any all right well i'm happy that's done ish still watch the goal hey guys i'm liking that you're loving these survival challenges and there's a lot more to come but i want to thank my sponsor this is the commuter 2 by code it's really easy just connect through your bluetooth and you're ready to go this speaker's got some really cool features that you wouldn't expect and it puts out an awesome sound it's got a seven hour run time but check this out a speaker actually breaks apart in half so you basically get two speakers for the price of one when you break the speakers apart you get a pretty unique 360 degree surround sound some of you guys have asked me what kind of music do i like it's actually probably not what you think i like remix and techno i know it doesn't fit the bill but i like the primitive tribe beats and this speaker delivers it can get pretty freaking loud every time i've come here is the snares have been messed up now i know a lot of you guys have said you like to play my videos in the background especially the longer ones which is awesome thanks for that appreciate it well with this speaker you can do just that connect through bluetooth or you can play a podcast now if you guys want to get 67 off use the code wb68 in the link i'll provide down in the description that's the commuter 2 by cove i've got it sharpened at both ends this will probably be the top end i think this would be the bottom end so they can be a little bit more blunted top and we want pointy reduce the friction at the top increase the friction at the bottom she's getting wet i'll be happy if i make smoke out of this to be honest if i make fire out of it all the better that should show you the kind of conditions we're working in a jacket's not warm in the inside trust me i'm not wearing it and that snow is melting so we're now back to freezing rain which you probably can't see on camera but you don't see the puffy snow anymore and you can tell that it's melting on the jacket we multiplied our one survival tool into three survival tools which is actually just two survival tools because the bow drill set is just uh you know one tool and it's incomplete i still gotta grab a few more things we'll get those along the way i haven't managed to find a good place for a shelter yet but i did find this white birch and you can see the snow piling up on it along the sides here which means it's going to be completely soaked but birch does contain enough oils that that's still going to be valuable i'm glad we're kind of in the middle between freezing and raining because i think once it gets dark like later in the day that the precipitation will change to straight snow i didn't find what i'm looking for this is going to be as good as i can get today i think it's a low effort location there's uh three downed trees two or three down to trees one of them is a spruce and it's actually holding a little bit of snow on top and we can knock this off carefully so we don't get ourselves too too wet and i actually want to keep as much snow as i can on top of there but if you can look down below here underneath there there's like a little hovel a little open space in there and i think if i just take the ax because that's all i have today no saw i ha i can cut off the lower branches stack them up on top and then i can have this whole area here to work with and then the snow that's in here i should be able to get down the dirt i will sacrifice my gloves today because i know getting down to dirt is going to be crucial for getting the bow drill fire set well there's the kind of the beginnings of a shelter it's not a full shelter yet but i am cozy and i am blocking immediately a little bit of snow not a ton of snow but a little bit that's for sure gonna get rid of anything that's kind of in the way that might i might actually bump and have land on me i can easily flash in a roof over here and then obviously i'm going to have the fire over here to my left hand side and that way the smoke can bellow out but it gives me a good working area here i still need to collect bedding and roof before i even think about drawing a fire at all but i'm happy with that looks pretty good it's kind of a natural natural place to hide i think a deer might like to hide in this little spot here too maybe we'll find one here at one point it's a good little bedding area so i'm going to clear out a little bit more snow because i don't want the snow to pack where i'm going to make the fire over here we should be in good shape here if we can get a fire going i did actually see a couple of red squirrels on the way in and there could always be a cotton tail bumbling around we might be able to kick one up out of the low-lying shrub or you know dunned up somewhere because that's what they like to do during the day because cottontails like to hide in a little little cubby holes and sometimes you can find where they hang out but i'll keep an eye out see if i don't spot one so earthworm kind of weird to find an earthworm you wouldn't think there would be up near the surface that much i haven't really have any idea what earthworms do during the winter it seems like they would go down deeper than that but i guess the frost line's not too deep looks like a little red worm pretty healthy to eat i think although they could contain parasites should i eat this now or should i save it until later i think the idea would be maybe to cook it give it a go wash it off in the snow that's where i draw the line i don't eat anything that's not cooked if this was cooked i'd put it in the soup and eat it you can see it dug down to dirt you should always dig down to dirt if you can it's a good idea to make soil contact i'm having a little bit of a hard time feeding everything in this is where i want to cover and uh shoving branches in through the inside not working as well i got a little bit of a matrix you're forming these are mostly branches that didn't have any greenery on them it's kind of tucked in but i think i might have to go to the back of the shelter here and then work in i don't know looking at this one i might be able to just finesse them in there i think a saw would make me able to do some more precision work you know i just got these big giant branches here but we'll see what we can do with them i think we if we weave them up and through we might be able to spread them back out a little bit here we go i don't think we're gonna end up with anything that's perfect but we are going to do our best given the conditions and the materials we have i'm looking for a spot where i can curl up in a ball back here and ride this out oh that looks pretty good it's not perfect but you know if i stumbled across this in the forest i'd be like okay that's good enough i'm just gonna leave it like that i got a pile of spruce here and i'm gonna be smart what i'm gonna do is i'm going to make a seat first so i'm going to pile it all in the same spot for the place to sit sit and work so this grass isn't exactly dry at the moment there's snow all mixed in there but snow mixed in there is better than sitting on straight snow so i made myself a little beautiful nest what i will end up doing is tucking back further under this tree because it's giving me a pretty strong break if i could find anything else that was solid i would add back here as well and then as you can see i could easily crawl up curl up in a ball here like so you know make a nice little head rest and i can stay pretty comfortable so i'm actually very impressed with that i don't wasn't sure this was gonna turn out at one point but uh it's a nice little nest it's out of the wind with this backdrop here and we still don't have a fire and we we still have any food and the only water that we have is well snow so we got uh we got our shelter this is all i'm doing a quickie shelter to save some time to do other things okay time to take a little bit of a break settle down i'm not sweating i'm more wet than than sweating i am like i'm pretty much soaked through but i've kept my jacket dry now we got a good uh bit of firewood here it's mostly surface wet which is not a problem it's dry in the middle but it's uh it's gonna take a lot of energy to get it to the combustion temperature and we got our yellow birch here which is also wet and we're gonna put it not quite at the bottom we're gonna kind of intersperse it a little bit like a little bit of a lasagna i need a little bit of a board here that i can work the bow drill set on because if i put it down in the snow obviously it's just going to soak up a ton of moisture so i'm going to cut off just a little short section from wet woods fine just enough so i can prop it up there we go i'm hoping you guys get a good sense of just how well protected i am in here it's made a big difference and it smells wonderful in here i don't know what it is if it's the spruce or the birch or just kind of like a mixture of everything but it smells like it just smells like i don't know it's like an earthy tree mix not quite like christmas but pretty close i love it see the difference there like this is wet here and then this is dry underneath but it doesn't stay that way it's almost like there's a lot of moisture just in in the air itself so i am doing my best to kind of what a mess anyway that's that so the hearth board should you should try to make that flat as possible you guys probably already know that and then your spindle here i've got it whittled down kind of a good good bit you can see there's actually a knot at this end here which is troublesome because you want that to be nice and pointed cedar will give you almost everything you need when it comes to making a friction fire but uh a tinder bundle just out of cedar is it's not a good idea you should mix it with multiple different things i'll show you that in a second i think i've got it to a point where you know it's not too too it's not super loose it's not super tight so i think that'll be okay and then i gotta make a notch somehow which i guess i'm gonna make with the with the axe as well it's gonna be tricky this guy's in my way there we go and then we can do a burn in and see what happens here see if we don't get some smoke or see if we don't just uh tough this one out so that should fit in there with the top on the top top on the top the bottom on the bottom okay it's a little bit a little bit tight the rope might expand a little bit it's not too too bad if you find a dead cedar you'll find bark like this and that means the tree is you know it's dying and on the underside here is a layer of very fibrous materials and what you can do is you can take a knife if you have it in this case i use the axe and i what i've done is i've run it over the surface and my axe is wet i run it over the surface like this and that'll shred the fibers if you can this one i kind of shred it down pretty pretty low and you can see the fibers forming right there you guys see that it's almost like i'm making uh wood beard beard hair super dry material right there um that's just a small section of it obviously but when you combine it with a big mound of it what you end up with is something that's super dry and this is my preferred material so there's a little bit of birch fibers mixed in there and i'll work to add a little bit more i don't mind putting a full one in there it won't light it won't ignite as good but i do want those little fine ones in there where i'm gonna put the amber i'm gonna put the amber right in the middle there and then i'm gonna fold it up real tight i can feel that the spindle is wet but you never know cedar is one of those things that you guys maybe underestimate let's see what happens it's gonna take longer than a minute probably unless it's uh unless everything's working really well i can't believe we actually have smoke right away [Applause] that's just the power of cedar right there man crazy so we've got our burn in it's good enough now it is working better than i thought i'm actually able to saw with the axe a little bit too which i wasn't sure if that would work in my mind one tool and i know some of the sticklers out there are probably going to be like well he did have a gun and he had a piece of rope so i don't know if it's one tool well i don't care [Applause] we do have some uh stuff forming here but it's not it's not falling down into the crack so this notch is not deep enough it's pretty simple don't push things take your time [Laughter] okay we got enough we got enough okay small break small break making that shelter's kind of killed me small break small break wanna get a little bit more of that stuff collected there you know show it into the crack boys okay oh i don't have much left okay i should go again but i'm gonna check it i think i have enough smoke there you guys see so i'm gonna give it some puffs i still see smoke if that smoke ever stopped coming out of there i would uh go back to the drill right away so i didn't lose any heat oh that's not much there i'm gonna lose it shoot it's not quite out but it's mostly out so that's my mistake i didn't go to 60 i don't have 60 in me after building the shelter the moisture in the air is killing me too oh ah okay we got nothing left come on come on come on come on come on oh barely there there's like a very small tinge of dude it might go it broke apart where the fire is there it is it was buried there's too much there it is you guys see that smoke coming up i i bare unburied it look at that look at that it was buried look at that smoke coming you see that i got it that was crazy it was like hidden underneath an overlay so it was like suffocating because of the moisture in the material it was uh it wasn't able to get an oxygen the the moisture from the the fibers in the material you can see you should see that it's smoking up now we're going to take all this extra stuff here that's kind of splashed out and we're going to slowly add it to that pile then we can make a much much much bigger ember we can let it sit here because what it has to do is it has to consume all of the material that are down there before it will go out completely as long as we don't put it out by knocking it over or getting a drop of water in there okay i want to show you guys if you can't see it yet i'm going to show you get all that extra material in there it's all good stuff you guys see that smoke there okay i'm gonna make a nice ball now we're making bowl of all that material and we're smoky ooh it's hot too okay let's get in case we have to try again move this stuff out of the way you guys see that smoke going okay so we obviously don't want to drop this we dropped this game over all right we'll make our ball and then we can dump some stuff on top but we do want to make sure that it stays together okay so the clock is ticking but not as much as you would think so we got her oh excuse me we got our tinder bundle here i don't want that big piece in there to put it aside okay you guys see see how we're going here okay so now we're going to add this into the bundle into the middle of the bundle okay we just want it to fall out nice and gently here we go okay it's in there it's hot ooh it's hot woo it's hot ooh it's hot we like that and then we want to make contact that's why we we use those cedar shavings you can use grass shavings you can use any kind of material that you can get into fine dry fiber so you think i'm messing around but i'm not i'm actually trying to i'm trying to orient it so that it gets into the nest properly you see and then i'm then i'm going to kind of smother it a little bit not too too much leave a little bit of an air escape here okay so we can sit in there still getting oxygen still smoking okay we got a transfer transfer piece here okay that's good now now we're gonna try to get the flame going so you want most of our material to be up on the top which of course we didn't know which was the top before okay hopefully it doesn't go out here okay ready start blowing every time you do this it's just utter magic rubbing two sticks together man rubbing two sticks together come on light light on light light light light light light light light [ __ ] light go go go okay okay now somehow i got to bring you guys over here okay there you go okay you guys are good enough there that's it that's all i can do come on light light light white yes that's awesome okay get this on top here yes i freaking did it oh that makes me so pumped oh look at this okay we're gonna put a bit more sticks on here we got some sticks piled in here sorry guys you're kind of in the way a little bit but that's okay kind of in the way kind of in the way kind of in the way we should have been i should have been more prepared here but i didn't really think all this through because i didn't think it was going to happen i'm sorry guys okay okay i get this gone this is a critical moment because we gotta dry the wood on top okay good oh she's gonna go dry baby dry dry and catch dry and catch yes sweet that's a smoky fire but that's okay this is one of the hardest conditions in the world to start a fire just around the freezing point everything covered in water but we managed to find two dry things in the woods by basically boring into the middle to find that dry wood and we've made a nice brush fire here which is perfect because all those tops are drying off right now half of this is smoke and the other half is straight steam so what we're going to do at the risk of potentially getting into our shelter here is just piling this as high as we can until we get a good bed of coals so that's going to be the next challenge then after that we hunt around here see if we can't get ourselves some food yes oh man that makes me so freaking pumped i did not think that fire was happening not for a second i kind of had no choice of where to put that fire um obviously it's a little big right now you probably can you're concerned about me torching my shelter but i'm not yet because i'm watching how how it's behaving here the crackling because there's a ton of moisture in the cedar leaves not so much in the actual body of the tree as long as it's a dead tree but you can see it's just singeing but i am keeping an eye on it i'm actually going to let this die down now but i didn't want to risk losing it because this is my lifeline now this is my food essentially if i manage to catch something i can actually cook it out here on this fire and so i want to make sure that's also going to keep me company and it's going to keep me warm throughout the night but what i'm saying is i can't actually get by my kick it by my fire right now to get inside my shelter but i didn't want to put it like in the shelter or the back of the shelter because then it would really burn and over the over the course of the day this is actually going to melt a little bit or dry i should say and then it's going to be more at risk of a fire so i'm going to have to switch gougers i'm going to have to switch over to uh some some smaller wood dryer wood um bigger logs i should say but i do want to get this area burnt out here so that it holds cold and that means getting rid of a lot of the snow and it's doing its job it's doing exactly what it should be doing right now you don't know how much of a relief that fire is i really thought this whole challenge was going to be a failure oh but now my scope is all messed up full of water it's just just a rigger 22. what we can go after now is uh rabbit although they might not come out to laugh to dark unless we can we can scare one up or we can go after red squirrel we can pick off a crow maybe that would be something i should make sure this fire is good though make sure i can see through the scope man is it fogged up it's so humid out here right now it's ridiculous i don't even know if that fog is on the outside of the scope on the inside i can i can make it make it through a little bit not uh not super easily but on anyway well i want you guys to think about something here there's a lesson here you guys saw how fast that fire went up and you probably saw equally as fast how far fast the fire went down and that's how quickly you can lose your fire here oh i love coming out of my shelter now anytime i make a shelter i'm just like so pumped about it and uh we got a light it's a light snow it's not a it's not a major snow it's a light snow so i'm just gonna spend the next well tell dark at least looking around and see what i can't find i'm gonna have to probably switch over to gopro so that i can have my two hands free but uh there could be red squirrel hanging out almost anywhere in here i do hear them chattering at me every once in a while i gotta get up in the thick stuff it's gonna head down into the swamp here and hopefully don't kick one up i've got the gopro you can see there mounted on the camera all right well i can't be carrying you guys around sorry it's too much too much to handle so i got the gopro kind of mounted here at the end of the gun so get this fired up and uh hopefully that gives you guys a pretty decent perspective how does that look can you guys see me hello what'd you look like i'm gonna aim it down just a touch how's that for first person perspective that looks pretty good all right well here we go off into the bush wish me luck i'm just gonna work these perimeters here kicking up whatever i can along the way now see if we can't find some tracks here well nothing there i'm going to circle back again i don't want to get too far away from my camp because i i really don't want to get lost it's getting the thick stuff the wind's starting to pick up which means we're we're gonna be in for a rough night we don't uh pick something up i see lots of tracks in here in and around under the trees and everything it's going to keep my eyes open these are nothing like snowshoe hair they uh they don't like to sit too too long so you got to kind of kick them up and get ready to shoot in hindsight i probably should have went with my 12 gauge for this challenge but i got 10 rounds in this gun so i fully intend to use them all i have to oh this thick stuff this is like prime right in here in the dogwood the blown down trees i'm getting on a track up here nice used trail i can see coming through here where is it going to end up that's the question oh i really need a i need a dog or a dogger do this thick stuff here there's one [Applause] it's under the log ah i don't know if i got him yeah he popped out he popped out but he's oh he's going down i'm going down too oh okay buried right up to my waist oh well that was a lot of dog and i can see him there he's dead he's just twitching now so i'll give him i'll give him a second and get out of here oh okay let's switch you guys well actually i'll just i'll hold you guys by hand that way i'm not waving the gun around everywhere just give me a second here oh you can see the tracks here kind of scooched out there hop hop hop and i crushed him again just as he was coming out of here there we go check this guy out i don't know where i got him but i got him and that's kind of all that matters right that's a nice little cotton tail actually that's on the bigger side of a cotton tail my experience with cottontails are almost as big as a uh squirrel some of the times but you know by the time we get this guy cleaned out he might end up being about the same let's get out of this thick stuff again oh my god we're on the open ah left my camera here running there you go oh oh what do you think of that guys i got myself a cotton tail man i never thought that this was going to turn out like this here i am made it happen i got a fire from scratch i got myself a fresh bunny oh oh it's leaking ew yeah that's gray that's weird man gray p everywhere at least i didn't i didn't get it on me so that's good but uh check it out nice delicious bunny yes oh there we go there we go oh i guess i got it behind the neck because uh it's making a bit of a mess now i'll get that cleaned up and head back to camp how's that for an experience oh there we go back at camp oh i think i need a break i think i deserve a break oh get tucked in here let's keep that there safety's on okay whoo all right well i think i'll go collect uh on a minute i'm gonna collect my thoughts here but i'm gonna go collect a stick so that when i got this guy cleaned i can uh throw him straight up on the fire of course we got only the axe to work with here so you think that might be tricky but i'll show you uh i'll show you a trick for the trickiness so you guys get a an idea of what you can do with small game as far as cleaning them without you know any tools at all and i know that small game has pretty thin skin especially when you catch it right away it's fresh you can actually tear it apart so what i'm going to do pretty simply i'm going to cut the feet off all four and then i'm going to cut the head off and that's going to make it a lot easier so i'm just going to grab the center body and just pull as hard as i can both ways to kind of undress it like a sock but i want to make it i want to make a break in the middle so i can pull back one way and then the other and then it should just come off both sides and uh once i get that done in order to get the guts out it's gonna be kind of tricky um but i think i can manage as long as i get through that little barrier i should be able to slice through so we'll see how it goes so there we go there's our dinner mr cottontail rabbit so no part of this rabbit's going to go to waste i'm going to keep as much as they can i'm going to keep the heart the liver the lungs are a little bit spongy and the digestive system not so good we have eaten the stomach of a snowshoe hair before and it's not all that bad but this was a summer hair and it was of course eating mostly salad right now they'll be mostly eating what they've eaten before you know like re-ingesting the things uh the poop and so obviously i don't want to be doing any of that too and there's there's nothing here that's uh super nutritious that they could be vacuuming up that i can make use with uh i'm also going to keep the fur and all the organs and all that stuff and i'm going to use that for coyote bait so this rabbit is actually going to be used 100 percent over again as much as i possibly can so nothing's going to be wasted here i can't believe i was able to actually make a fire from scratch with a bow drill and actually get something to eat all in one challenge as you know i've done a bunch of these no food no water no shelter survival challenges and they haven't always worked the time i try to get a squirrel snaring and try to catch a coyote they didn't work turn it right now and just just rotate it in the snow it's kind of caught in a couple logs over there really simple sometimes it's tricky to get it to hold just where you want it but usually with enough fiddling around you can manage to do that so just want to get you know the heat on that one leg so it's the low leg and i can turn it and get on the other leg i don't need so much so much heat on uh the front legs we've got a nice bed of coals there now let's make sure that we keep that fire lit we don't have to restart the whole process it must be getting close to springtime because i hear tons of animal activity and maybe just that that uh a little bit of a storm i guess or the weather patterns are kind of shifting i hear birds everywhere and i hear a squirrel sounds like it's getting closer so animals really do start to move as the temperatures increase keep hearing those crows if one lands in a tree i'll take a crack at it they're pretty smart about it though i think they know the safe distances but i want to get that fire going back again but i don't wanna i don't wanna get that fire get going too hot again because i think the rabbit's pretty much done here so i think we're gonna we're gonna take it off and then we're gonna get that fire going and then any parts of that oh my mouth is watering any parts of that that's not cooked we could just throw it back on so make sure we take this apart oh it's warm i'm gonna be at the ready in case those crows you know i think they're what's drawing their attention is actually where i clean that rabbit i think they're smelling like they got a really really good sense of smell so i think that's like they they're close and they want to come in [Laughter] i love this man how awesome is that they can't see me in here if one lands like i clean that rabbit just over here well we'll give this ax a good cleaning as clean as i can get it anyway but add a little bit more adobo on there for sure oh it's perfectly cooked that looks freaking delicious oh it's hot still i gotta saw more that off i got to watch the bones that's the that's the problem with cutting the feet off and such is that you're always gonna have really sharp bone edges so you got to make sure you don't stab yourself whoo that is super hot no utensils we're eating like we're eating like a caveman okay one more saw one more saw oh there we go nice chunk of meat i actually missed all the part with the adobo so i gotta i gotta add a little bit more and anything i miss can go down in the cheeks there we go look at that that's a nice nicely cooked piece of meat it's nice and tender i don't think it's going to be too chewy to get the focus back there we go oh that's so good um what makes it taste better is just all that work that went into it oh my god that is good it is chewy i'm i'm going to give it that i actually got in the habit of aging my wild meat that's the way to get rid of a lot of the chewiness cooking it like this it's going to be chewy it's just a fact of life but if you want to have some really really good like squirrel meat or hair meat or goose meat or anything like this what you do wrap it with the fur on for on do not take the fur off make sure there's no gut cavity spillage or anything like that wrap it in a piece of newspaper put in a ziploc bag or grocery bag or anything like that leave it in the fridge for seven to nine days that's going to start the breakdown of the meat and muscle fibers you can probably wait a little bit longer than that the refrigerator is actually the perfect temperature for aging meat now if you don't want to eat it in seven to nine days because you know you may not want to wait that long or you're going away or anything like that wrap it up in newspaper whatever put a ziplock bag freeze it and seven to nine days before you want to eat it do the same process i kind of did this by accident a few times and let me tell you the meat turned out so much more tender even for wild game it was like you didn't have to cook it anyway in particular normally for a cotton tail you would stew it so that's what's making it chewy right now you need to you need to be rough on that meat if you want it to be tender if you get what i'm saying but this is entirely edible it's gonna take more work for me but that's okay because it's more time for me to enjoy it oh i feel like this is this is the rabbit hole now i feel like i've become one called the rabbit hole survival challenge i feel like this is like a little den to come back in every time just for the security the sun is just hitting the top of the trees that tells me it's probably about an hour or so of light left and uh i ate all the backstraps off of this rabbit the backstraps were the best part man like if you grab same thing on a deer or any other animal if you grab here and you pinch you can pull all that out it's the most tender part i haven't eaten the front legs yet um because they're they're going to be the chewiest i got a little bit of bacon here but i get hungry after i chop that wood that's for sure calories in a lean cotton tail like this doesn't go very far but make the most of it right it's cold now not as good as it was before but still edible that's all you do though when you survive is just keep pulling pieces off you know we can reheat it if we had a pot i can make some stew this would be good for stew right now good consistency but i'll just leave that here i'm not worried about any animals coming in perfect place for it keeps it out of the ground keeps it out of the dirt with that fire restart no tucking for the night what do you guys think about this challenge you think you could do it you can pull it off the one tool the one tool pains me a little bit to admit that i would pick the axe as the one tool for survival i'm a saw guy but you can't just make it with a saw it would have been impossible for me to make that bow drill set with a saw and cut wood for sure i think a woods more i saw is more efficient for cutting wood than is an axe um i'm not convinced entirely though because obviously you can get through some bigger stuff pretty quickly so if you're burning big heavy trees axe can make pretty short work of it but the saw just seems like it's just it moves less wood you know what i mean less force overall to get through a piece of wood but i don't know maybe somebody's done that maybe somebody's done the math on that to figure out what's more efficient i saw on axe i think it's probably a saw personally well i think we did good on this challenge i'm impressed by it got tons of wood now and uh yeah i mean hey i'm surprised everything worked out oh i'm just trying to beat the last little bit of light left i don't know if you can beat the last light but sun's about to set there and i don't want to be without wood i didn't cut the big log here that was close to the shelter that's okay you should save that in case there's an emergency but i'm in the i'm in the woods here and there's wood everywhere and uh that was easy pickings so i'll probably cut this one behind me in two and throw it on the fire and then overnight it'll it'll break apart as it burns and we're gonna tuck in i'm gonna get my jacket on warm now and i pretty made a pretty good dent in that rabbit got a little bit left so keep snacking on if i wake up in the middle of the night i can cut wood or eat rabbit i got some options what do you guys think of this what do you guys think of the survival challenge i think we did pretty good i'm super pumped that uh you know everything worked out and you guys will have to let me know what kind of uh challenges you want me to do next i know a lot of you guys have been asking to do like a winter survival challenge and i've been talking a little bit with adam stew and we kind of have a loose idea of what we can put together for that type of challenge it's obviously really tricky to find enough food there's a cottontail there's a freaking cottontail just jumped out of the woods [Applause] he got him [Laughter] what the heck is going on oh crazy is that i he she like literally just bounded across right there right in front i don't think my second shot did anything but he kind of i want i didn't wasn't gonna take a chance but the gun didn't fire right away but here we go we got ourselves some freaking breakfast how awesome is that ah this guy's not as big as the other one but uh he'll eat all the same [Laughter] oh he's about the size of uh maybe two squirrels maybe that's why he wasn't the brightest he came right out oh my gosh well there's the that's the reason you keep your gun close by at all times especially at last light because you never know you never know really what's gonna move around [Laughter] it could be a coyote come through here or you know could be a crow come land on one of the trees or or anything really a turkey could come by although they're not in season but always be ready and if you guys are doing some act like you know passive snaring or trapping or anything like that what you want to do obviously is uh be hunting on your way to and from and you're set up because you never know that's that's proof right there we go we got ourselves some breakfast man oh i can't believe that man if the camera wasn't here running i don't know if you guys would either that is insane [Laughter] oh my god i don't what was i talking about oh yeah the winter survival challenge on that note yeah we'll see if i can put it together i'm also talking with jeremy too we want to go try to trap a beaver but uh the prospects of that are a little bit slim right now we uh you know we thought there might be in one of uh in the ponds nearby him but uh he went scouting he didn't see anything so but i do want to try that so if we can manage to that's one of the ones we're gonna do can you believe that can you believe that i mean i still have i still have cotton tail right here to eat man this is thriving i'll tell you what all right well let's get that fire blazing so i can tuck in for the night i feel nice and warm now but maybe that's just all the excitement [Laughter] crazy one tool survival challenge that's a home run in my books it's gonna hunker down here i don't know if i'll probably be up a couple times to stoke the fire or whatever which is fine that's the idea behind this one this is like under the tree kind of deal where you know you're not you're not risking uh catching everything on fire by having the fire close to your shelter so you can do things a couple different ways but this is the design by this one well guys there's not much light left so probably a good time to say good night and i'll catch you guys on the next one i don't care if you subscribe but i really do appreciate having you along
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 188,404
Rating: 4.8938513 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, survival, survival tips, 24 hour survival, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, fire cooking, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, survival skills, primitive living, primitive technology, survival shelter, snow trench, primitive shelter, winter survival, bushcraft shelter, cook, caveman, fire cook, primitive cooking, winter camping, camp, hunt, hunting, spit roast, primitive cook, surviving, winter camp, friction fire, bowdrill fire, primitive fire
Id: -igASH-lBPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 46sec (3526 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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