7 Day Catch & Cook Survival Challenge - Maine, The Movie

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[Music] with the slingshot i just made huge that's the big one it's [Music] dude [Music] all right we are here at my old homestead and where my shelter is [Music] good to be home good to be home what do you think guys can i get it again first try it's been a long time i'm a little rusty it is good to be home ah the survival challenge we set for ourselves this time is to eat nothing but what we can catch and cook here in maine legally for the next seven days we've already started this the day before and headed up to northern maine dip-netted ourselves some alewife whoo all right that's how you do it like a big shiner or something yeah big shiner and alewife being a favorite of the maine lobster we rigged up some lobster traps put those out to soak and hopefully we'll have some lobsters in a couple days yes this is gonna be fun we're gonna build some new stuff around the camp like i did with the texas series and stuff i i don't know why i never did it in the past you know i was busy doing the water wheel and other things but i can't really need some sprucing up time to do some house cleaning and uh give me a table it looks pretty dry and a piece of garbage from my last time i was here i didn't missed but other than that yeah slingshot didn't weather so well [Music] looks like that rain jacket i left in here mouse has been making a nest in my oh he's been collecting fire tinder for me look at that how nice that looks good nice and dry not moldy and i don't see any mouse nests or mice or chipmunk burrows underneath it nice that's awesome i'll be able to sleep there comfortably without having something digging and rutting around underneath of me only question is the bugs but if i get a little bug fire going in here a little fire i'll be nice and warm and cozy yes ah good to be home it's such a good feeling to know you're alive [Music] no reason you can't be comfy and out in the woods [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] ha ha [Music] [Music] ah that's much better that's nice the whole reason i left those originally is i wanted a small door so less heat could escape and i would hang my rain gear in it just like i did in my shelter out in patagonia when i was there and uh because this is part of my reenactment series 87 days you can see the playlist on the youtube channel for when i built this and all that it's about two years old now a lot of people criticize the roof because it's plastic but the whole point is i have light in here i can see what i'm doing and i'm not limiting myself to uh to materials i could thatch the roof just like i did the walls and make it but it would be super dark in here and it just wouldn't be as fun i like it the way it is i like it nice and bright and sunny the light comes in enough the trees block it during the summer time it's not like a sauna in here and it's really comfy and i got a pile of firewood now useful useful useful it's just silly there we go shelter is all cleaned up stick and span ready for a fire in the fireplace beautiful i removed as much of the uh tinder in the corners as possible considering the whole thing is a reed hut and made out of tinder you gotta be careful i can only have small fires in here which is all you really need anyways but it's more than that i've lined my fire pit with stone and the reason for that is if you look right here see this topsoil here that's like peat that will burn and those roots will burn digging that out digging that top layer out and getting down to the the brown or the clay or the gravelly part that won't burn and then this whole fire pit is lined stone stone stone all stone but we have to get some more food so i think house cleaning time is over it'll be nice to be able to come back to a clean house because we're gonna go out and get ourselves dirty digging clams i think let's see what the other guys are up to and how their shelters are going you done it doesn't take long to put a tent up there he is over there there's his tent he was done before i even set my camera up malcolm he's the one that turned me on to warbonnet hammocking and hammocks i think that is the way to go tents slipping on the ground i'll never sleep like that again it's just so comfortable all right guys before we head down to the ocean i want to take a minute to talk to you about our sponsor for today's video policy genius i do a lot of crazy stuff when i'm out filming my videos hopefully i can get it down without falling i don't like eyes here we go he's looking right at me he could reach right up to the platforms easily if it goes over the edges or swamping it'll go under we'll lose everything at the end of the day i've always come home safe to my family but should that come back to bite me someday i found my first rattlesnake holy cow that about stopped my heart i was three feet from him and he started rattling and i stepped back i oh i'm lucky i want to be sure that i did the right thing so my family's taken care of while i'm gone and now with policy genius you don't have to be a genius to figure this out on your own cruising the internet and trying to figure out the right policy for your life insurance is like banging your head against the wall which one's the best price which one's the right one for you which one actually covers your lifestyle and that's where the genius of policy genius comes in they're going to help you find the best price for the best policy that fits your needs so whether you're living a life of danger like me or you're just crossing the street more often than not you want to make sure that something bad happens so you leave something to your family so unless you're a pod person and you don't actually have any family you want to leave something behind for those that are going to remember you and you want to do it in the easiest way in the most efficient way possible falsehood genius makes it easy to compare quotes from over a dozen top insurances all in one place you can save 50 or more on life insurance by comparing quotes with policy genius head to policygenius.com fowlers to get started right now link's in the description below and i think that pretty much covers it check that out and uh let's go have some more adventure i think it's time to do some clamming [Music] all right look for small coals indicating clams dig large holes in front and then dig down into the area into the hole so you expose the clams without hurting them clamps must be over two inches before one pack i'll have to look that up [Music] i think that's like half a bucket i'll put it right here on the screen and dig only in open areas you may harvest one pack a day you be careful find any milky ribbon worms remove them from the flats watch out for glass and no commercial digging [Music] all right let's do this chris and chris the chris the chrisettes they already headed down there be a nice little place to go with sunny day the summer time scoot inside of there lay on a beach towel look out look out at all of god's beautiful creation awesome just awesome just awesome oh there they are yup i see them now okay so if you sent like they're all through here look at that all right that's what we're looking for right there not much to look for hey i got a big one i got a big one finally look at that that one there's a full palm size there nice so one crack out of six that's not bad getting better at this [Music] that's a trophy i'm gonna mount this one on my wall [Laughter] that's a meal all in itself holy cow we are gonna be eating well tonight yes one two that's another trophy one yeah that's definitely the it was it was it's like this far off oh man hurt me man or maybe the other way i don't know huge that's a big one though it's a big end the biggest part of the trick is to get the soil to come down into a hole that you already have so that when you dig you're not crushing putting pressure on them they will bust flip the dirt into that hole without a lot of pressure you can expose a nice clam without cracking them not too shabby hope no one's squirting now you take them over and clean them off [Applause] that one did manage to get a little crack in it not too bad there's still one more there we go we're starting to fill up there's a tiny bucket at the bottom so it's not quite a full bucket just yet that's their haul about two-thirds of bucket i'd say pretty good amount look at them all there's a lot of fist-sized ones in there those are good-sized clowns that's a fist you know that's good all right well you're eating well i got it hey don't make me look wimpy i got it the young guy grabbed it young people i got it what do you think i'm that old i can't carry a bucket let's get out of here let's go eat some clams yup strap it right on the back ah look at my hands look at how red they are they're super red because they're all from the dirt all over your hands and on the shovel probably should have had gloves on now now may actually be the perfect time to go pull some sort of a heist since i sanded my fingerprints off completely how's your hands feel i paid i think i paid more attention to having the my hands clean like not touching the you know you clean it more often it's like sandpaper right yeah it's really brutal on your hands yeah you get some calluses on your hands yeah it gets a man hands get some man hands up in here family hands clamors hands clampers and there's clamors there we go all the girls they like the rough hands the deep voice malcolm was busy while we were gone he got about 10 fish in and realized how darn miserable it is to try to scale these guys and then you ate one yeah i pinnaced them and i just picked them there's some meat on there there's a lot of bones though i i kind of just sucked on the uh on the meat yeah remember the spine is you pull the spine out there's a lot of um there's a lot of meat around the spine yeah and then there's all those little bones right yeah it's a lot of work just just for the very little meat is cooking his little cakes on the fire on the stove let's get the clams going nice pile of clams and all that i think all together we really only got like a peck peck pack [Applause] [Music] that leaves for breakfast [Applause] oh there we go they're open i'll take one for the team and taste taste it taste test it let's see oh my goodness oh that's so good that is that's so good that's so good that is they're so good chris there you go see what we got chris and chris are over there scaling some more fish so we can get them all in smoke otherwise they're going to go bad the rest of the alewife do it kind of like a traditional maine bake we got an old newspaper here throw a pile of clams on top and and dig in lord thank you for these uh these clams and this uh great wilds of maine and plain and outdoors just name amen the actual cook down meat is only the size of half of half of the shell i haven't even put any adobo on this i'm just going straight up straight up um just boiled in the salt water we need more heat no yeah you'll get it there are you feeling that full that's good if you just where's all this holder you're not going to get as much out of it [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo those fish that uh malcolm put on to smoke yesterday when we're out clamming are looking pretty dark and good and the whole fish are the ones that we put on last night before i went to bed those still have a ways to go if you notice there's some parts that are like they look like they're missing like they're zombie fish that's because when we scale them up by underneath like their throat in the belly area they are really hard to scale the scales just won't come off so our method was just when you hit that kind of scales and they just will not flake off you just take your knife and you slice underneath of them peel a little bit away there's not much there on the belly it's all in like the back and around the bone we're hoping that smoking them though will reduce the uh bone problem because when you pull out the main spinal cord and rib cage there's these little feathery bones all through it so we're going to smoke them for a good long time and then we will probably cook them a little bit on top of that to see if that can't reduce that problem maybe we'll be able to crunch right through them just like sardines they remind me a lot of sardines the way their skin is kind of uh silky like that once they've been scaled and stuff they taste good except for those little bones you just as you're eating them they feel like they're going to get stuck in the back your throat you know so but we still got a half a bucket of clams and fish head soup is on coffee is on i think i'm gonna have a little bit of my quiet time i hear noises from the from the woods over there [Music] i think malcolm smelt the coffee as it's cooking somebody smelled the coffee good morning fire for the car i got wood for the fire nice isn't it nice when you have somebody over and they don't show up empty-handed come on in come on in how'd you sleep well i love sleeping with my hammock yeah the minute i went to bed i woke up it was already it was already in the morning have you ever tried other hammocks besides war bonnet yeah like cheap ones you know yeah i have a cheap one in my house that somebody sent me a thing it's a single kit yeah you can't lay sideways i like the wall bottoms because you can go sideways and sleep flat i sleep on my belly sometimes just for like an hour in the morning and stuff people are like you can't sleep on your belly in a hammock like you know yeah they'll think you're like gonna yeah like no it doesn't work like that you sleep pretty flat yeah i i call it going like i go on my side a lot of times i go in the fetus the fetal position yeah nice and warm it just snuggles you and you feel so good and it makes your back feel good and oh yeah i've thought about putting it up inside my house and sleeping in that inside my house you're literally floating in a piece of nylon yeah oh soup is boiling good take that off the heat there you go buddy oh i hear the boys are back did you get a turkey he apparently got a squirrel but no turkey yet so hopefully there's something in those lobster traps because we're getting this one squirrel doesn't divide up very well [Laughter] what'd you got there breakfast breakfast yeah bunch of hands no no toms no toms there you go mighty hunter thank you love your cup of coffee i probably only deserve a half a cup with just bringing back a squirrel thank you though squirt some petal head or some fiddleheads oh yeah that's a good pile there that's a that'll go great with the lobster and clams and fiddleheads nice good job now you want to pay attention to these these have a groove in the middle and papery tops you can see a little bit of the paperiness you don't want the furry ones see that little bit of paper let's see if i can get them see this stuff right here this is like this papery papery stuff right here is on the heads you don't want the furry ferns some ferns can be poisonous so make sure you do your research before you go start mowing wild edibles don't take anybody's advice from a youtube video and start eating things the way they do and uh trusting them about it all because you know people make mistakes i make mistakes sometimes and call things what they are you want to research read your books that's how i learned about everything i know about what was that guy that lived in a bus that died um in alaska yeah into the wild you know he's a great example he's mechanics yeah he he went out there he had some books but he didn't have a lot of experience and he didn't read all the book because like the page over or something like that from from like the the plant that he ate bugs are getting bad already it was nice inside the shelter all that smoke so make sure you do research read your books read multiple books so you know what you're doing and don't trust uh just some youtubers saying this is edible do your own we research [Music] all right so we just dumped out the refuse of last night's feast behind chris's tent he wants to see a lot of wildlife while he's here so i thought i'd put it over here right behind his tent see if we can't bring some wildlife in for him to videotape oh so fishy [Music] hey it's not so bad that's like 100 times better than it was and since i'm using hemlock it has that wonderful piney scent that everybody [Applause] loves [Music] so there we go beast is on look at all that all right guys [Music] good job oh they're delicious aren't they hard work but man so delicious um they don't even need the adobo but it just adds that a little bit more of just wow these are so good breakfast of champions here the broken ones that we broke while digging them are definitely full of sand the uh you know what the problem is i know what the problem is in the past i've always shucked them from the shell and rinsed them in some butter and we don't have butter to rinse them in [Music] let me in on this i got my last three were broken ones and they are pretty pretty wow that's cold water there you go now i muddied the water with my left let's use this nalgene bottle is that okay yeah just go that's chris is there just yeah just shake put them in there shake and bake and put the soil in there just wrap the whole thing around clove hitch it i don't know what clove hitch is i guess i'm a bad teacher here he doesn't even know how to do a clove hitch yet that's a shameful that's my bad you could do just about anything if you know the five most important knots and this is one of them all right there it is right there [Music] [Music] uh [Music] we go on this [Music] oh shot it right off the thing broke the stick off the tree from all the abuse oh and then i missed it was like 10 feet further back now i don't know how many what that was i'll put it right here that was not a bad run [Music] all right what do you think predictions leave it in the comments below guys how many lobsters do we have in our traps after leaving them out [Music] what a beautiful day for it nothing but blue skies and smooth sailing this will be an easy haul hey good thing i don't believe in jinxing myself it's good it's still floating yeah it is he's still floating we said about low tides we were a little worried that they would be uh under and we'd do something wrong but i think we nailed it all right so chris can't help me because legally only i am allowed to touch the traps bait the trap so i gotta haul it up onto the side get it onto the boat put new bait in it turn back around after i've drifted a little ways and then try to drop it back in pretty much the same spot or over a couple feet let's see let's see what we can do or protect us as we attempt to become lobstermen in one day [Music] ah [Music] yeah oh my goodness oh my god look look at oh my goodness oh look at them all holy cow all right oh that's definitely a throwback all right so i got my gerber tether tool and i can measure them see what we got right there from the back of the eye socket to the too small three that's too small there you go though we we had a bunch and so far striking out come on via keeper oh it's too small too small there's a keeper there it is right on look at it look at right there 100 from the back of the eye socket with the tool back of the eye socket to the back of the shell he is 100 a keeper come on have a longer shell than you look like you got nope nope one beautiful lobster if we can get one out of each trap that's five lobsters might make a difference here it's worth the risk that's a lot of work for one measly lobster but man it's gonna taste so good thank you lord [Music] [Music] i'm gonna try it without the gloves on they feel like it makes it harder oh yeah maybe two there's been eight nine ten like 12 12. it's pretty good it would be a heck of a haul if you could keep all 12. oh man yeah not legal ah yeah definitely not legal not legal not legal not legal look at that that one keeper wait wait 100 no wait yeah that's legal check it for eggs if we find the with them with eggs we get a notch the back flipper all right i know it's not the best picture there but when you put them side by side it's pretty easy to tell the female on the left those first swim fins are feathery and light and flexible and the male they're hard it's a keeper there we go three keepers i'll have to let go and go back go back to the sea and grow and have children and have a wonderful life take care i'll name you bob bob hansler bye bob there we go oh that's exhausting two down three to go those look bigger oh so close he's there we got another keeper these swim fins right here are feathery that makes it a female now we gotta check it is there a notch there is no notch right there so and she has no eggs it's all ours buoy man i'd be ripped if i was doing this every other day tiny tiny tiny not a one one more trap one more trap nothing not a single one this time again all right well let's go home and eat some lobster all right back up to the shelter to cook up our lobsters i am starving how about you starving so we got back brought back some seaweed as well we didn't bring salt water which would have been genius but we're gonna put some adobo and the seaweed in there and steam these puppies up it's good stuff if you got three spices on your shelf this should definitely be one of them not just for outdoor stuff but for steaks and things as well i think we're gonna have to open this up going heavy i'm cooking lobster here we go are you ready yep is this descend off that's enough goodbye bye lobster thank you for your sacrifices are you sad zach no no a little bit nope okay that's two ouch that one got me back maybe just set them in there yeah maybe i'm trying to give them a plunge so that they actually die here comes number two or three three don't get bit yeah no more i'm i know i know how to call the crayfish i'm doing all right yeah you are you hold the the thorax yeah oh that one's trying to read now i talk about thoraxes he's gonna get his revenge a little bit there four number five [Laughter] they're done that's one antenna two antennas they're breaking right off let me get them out of there wow that's hot i got my cup of coffee to go with it only thing that would make this better is if that was full of butter but i have a feeling that these are going to be really good just the way they are i think we're going to be more than happy oh that's hot still yeah they're nuclear you gotta you got weapons oh i have a knife a knife that might be a little on the hard side uh i might have to share the multi-tool okay take it and get it back here yeah squeeze it it won't oh was it it's so good oh wait i forgot to say grace lord thank you for this bountiful harvest lobster what a score just name amen oh it doesn't need that no it is so weird we already put it in here go for it okay so that that's the cause there's more meat in there there's more meat there's the tail okay well show me the whole thing no go for the claw okay and i'll show you the tail you just rip it off yeah and then you pull the back end of the tail okay she squirts sometimes oh the back and the tail okay [Music] and then you can push the whole chunk of meat out you push your finger in there okay whoa and then the meat comes out yeah yeah wow look at the size of that piece that green stuff is tabbouleh that's good for you they give it a fancy name because it's like the poop what's the digestive yeah it's what's in the stomach it's not the poop track it's not right so far yeah and uh and then you pull off oh you pull off something you pull off this strip right here across the back yeah of that and this one doesn't seem to have it but sometimes they have a really heavy poop track some people are like picky and they pull it out there's like a they'll be like a black line yeah if it is okay and this guy was really clean so it's ready to go and ready to be eaten nice is there anything left like inside here uh we're gonna cook the bodies down okay and make a stew with them so we will have get as much out of this as possible because we're not gonna waste anything just like i did the crawfish in texas you know it's like we're going to make a stew out of it okay so when we're done the like everything's going to go back in everything will go back in the stew pot the claws everything goes back in the stew pot and we get a little bit more out of it because there's like in here there's little bits of set little bits of white yeah those are yeah fat so something didn't feel right when i told chris that that was fat in and around the meat there's little white globules and sure enough it is hemolytic it's kind of like the lobster's blood yeah that's just like just flopping around inside of there and once we boil it and dissolve it into the soup oh man look at all that meat look at the size of that thing there we go this is like the richest thing we've had so far and it's even richer because it's been a couple days of alewives and clams which are just no no five second rule there we go boy if we don't have raccoons tonight then i'm like so hungry i'm just delirious about this i'm just we're killing it well i'm waiting for my lobster to get up to heat and boil sanitize i'm gonna get a cup of porcupine bisque out of there for myself it's good tastes like like lobster slash some sort of meat animal soup kind of like our crawfish uh crawfish raccoon everstew there in uh texas during the 30 days survival challenge it feels very very very sustenant rich though and definitely a slight hint of adobo of course [Music] i walk up to the morning light only to realize that my day was a picture dark [Music] i got up to the sunny day only to realize that i was see that all the rainbows dropping like a shadow [Music] morning good morning those are crazy stews going here looking away yeah it's doing it's doing it's doing well it's doing well thanks for asking it's doing well morning chris smells good yes what do you think malcolm delicious delicious have a blast best part of waking up is porcupine bisque in your cup not at all it was messed up to begin with [Music] [Applause] [Music] walk up to the morning light only to realize that i've been out of sight [Music] always say dreaming of a new home [Music] [Music] so [Music] time to say goodbye to malcolm he's heading out so we're going to head down and uh and these guys are heading out chris the chris and chris the chrisettes we're squared the chris squared is heading out to go they're going to go up and get the ale wives while i do some sticking around here and making some stuff and then we'll join back up later and head out and get some clams where our clamming licenses are still good yeah you coming back here with the boat all right buddy take care it was great seeing you oh have a great time it's five days in that direction yeah i got about a five day walk all right i'll see you guys later yeah i'll see you at blade show i'll be there a couple weeks all right malcolm's off i'm all to myself now and i'm gonna head back up and do some stuff and things again uh there we go oh cuppa ever stew and a cup of coffee i have myself some quiet time sunday morning after all i'm missing church with all my friends being out here but uh that's all right i'll see them next week and uh i am really really lagging today having a bit of a cold while doing this is really making it a little bit more difficult it might be a little bit of the it's awful early to be lagging too much from lack of colors at least for me dear diary i noticed yesterday that the fish whisperer got 13 million views in two weeks with the video i strapped a gopro on a turtle and then monster mike came out with a video called i strapped a gopro on a fish and got a million views in three days i wonder how many views i'd get if i strapped a gopro on a grizzly my first goal for today is trying to reduce the amount of smoke that builds up in here when the fire is a little bit on the lower side it needs that heat and i think fresh air coming in down low will create a better draw it'll draw the air from there instead of pooling around it'll help it draft and then i'll pick up some more rocks too and maybe i'll build up a little bit more of a a ring around it that's what i had done in patagonia and my shelter was the same size as this except it was over against the wall and the hole was more on the side of my my roof so i and i never had a smoke problem you couldn't stand up in there um and not feel like you got your eyes started to tear up a little bit but he never saw like a big clouds of smoke inside there so i've been putting this off for a while and just making do because as soon as the fire is hot it really it drafts up through and pulling air from everywhere though so if i make it pull from a certain spot a little trench coming out through here and cover it with rocks so it's a tunnel for for a breathing pipe for the fire and people do this all wood stoves at home have these you know good ones a lot of time because otherwise your wood stove is trying to draw air right for your fireplace at home and or fireplace and where is it going to draw that air from so it can go up the chimney it's going to drop through every crack and crevice of your house like your windows any your outlets if you have an old house like i do you go put your hand by an outlet and you feel that air that's like blowing in through the walls you know like how is that happening it's because the heat going up the chimney is pulling air from somewhere it's got to pull it from the outside and it's all said and done i think i'll i'll put this to sleep for now so i'm not getting all smoked my way i put my fire to sleep at night if i'm not smoking something i put nice fresh logs on top of coals bury it over and leave one end open and it'll go for like 12 to 24 hours and you can open it back up and it's nice hot coals all ready to go still putting off good deal of heat call it banking the fire [Music] me [Applause] [Music] so [Music] me there we go it's done [Music] all done now i just got to build some sort of rocks over it [Music] that's what we're looking for right there [Music] yes yes yes they are just big enough to be good right now that is two inches of delicious yummy cattail chute look at that no knife needed snapper off and it's all clean oh that was so good that is so good i'm gonna spend a couple days with just fishes fishes clams lobsters and when you get to a dirty spot or it starts getting tough peel out another outside layer another outside layer don't mind the cars this is down towards the front of the property a little closer to the road but and you still got another little bit of fresh shoot there that is so good right now i was just thinking what's my first meal gonna be i think it's gonna be a salad a steak salad after this not that we weren't having fun but it just came to my mind like what what's the first thing i want to eat as always steak salad or maybe wings i do love wings maybe i'll try them with like a peanut thai sauce this time like i don't know i haven't i don't think i've ever even tried it like that i usually just have the plain old buffalo wings with the dipped in uh blue cheese but a peanut thai sauce sounds really good right now but i'm gonna harvest a bunch of these up so when the guys get back i got a message from them they said they're going clamming and i said i'm pretty beat of running all around i want to just play out in the woods finish building my stuff and i'll harvest some greens for us so let's do it oh yeah fortunately i always got my wrist one and some ammo in my wazoo belt here what do you give me on odds it's been a little while since i shot the uh fingerless it's not fingerless frameless slingshot fingerless is when you miss you go like this and like that and you've made yourself a slingshot i don't correct don't i don't recommend you try it unless you're really if you know that you're going to hit your fingers at some point that's just the nature of this kind of a playing it up like this game again [Music] oh there's a solid flap oh got it [Music] do [Music] [Applause] cattails make such fun targets i better get back to work alright i figured out the trick to them see at the beginning i was not getting them pulled up because some of them are a little older than others and as they get too old there's more fibers around the outside so the trick is to slide your finger down underneath that first heavy fiber that wraps around the outside and then give them a swift tug and they pull right out completely clean you can just pull one or two more outer things if you got any dirt on them and they're ready to eat without any dirt or any muck on them and completely completely well completely clean try to think of what to tell you it tastes like i'm gonna say like watercress or something of course who knows what that tastes like um it's just really good it's not heavy vegetable flavor like um brussels sprouts or asparagus or something like that it's very light more like a cucumber it's more like the center of a cucumber but with more fiber to it it's juicy like a cucumber and fibery but not like you're chewing through a bunch of fiber until you get too far up at which point you just peel back more of the pedal so oh ah yeah so that is a lot of rocks that's more water juice just want juice a little bit of something on there a little porcupine oh that's good [Music] right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] is [Music] majority [Music] [Music] do [Music] cool i'm happy with that once again i underestimated how much i can get done and how much time i'll have to i'll give this a try and then i gotta fix the fish i don't know if i'm gonna be able to do my table today let's see if i got nice hot coals like i was hoping for oh yeah nice hot coals in there put the fire to sleep wake it back up better get some stuff get it going taking right off how's the smoke situation whoa that's nice pretty clear in here so far so good oh i hear the boys they're back let's go see how they did how'd you do we've each got our half a peck oh really yeah and we rinsed them better this time so less dental care 12 hours of foraging [Laughter] we're tired and hungry i can imagine well i got the fire going so we can get things right into the hot and get it get them on we're gonna start out by trying a couple clams in the ever stew and see how it's what it's like to fish them out of there and if that adds some good flavor to them or if it ruins it we still got two-thirds of a bucket of them they really nailed it this time we were oops i was trying to put the bucket lit plastic bucket lid on to the lobster pot there that's no good where's the cover for the lobster pot there it is not enough porcupine to be honest it's that's the end of it anyway as soon as we cook the clams in and decide to flavor the clams with the broth from the lobster broth and stuff all the dirt and stuff that comes off the clams we don't want to eat that again as broth so we got one more use out of it which i think was pretty handy and so now we're going to dump it off and have some clams we've still got a whole other half a bucket so we'll cook those ones in salt water well the taste off find out whose clams are the taste that's kidding we're just gonna have a feeding frenzy here it's gonna be like a couple of raccoons at the uh dumpster i think this is my new favorite food it's getting up there right yeah it's this stuff's awesome it's really good what do you think chris better than catfish it's close man it's hard to say right hard to say i mean if i ate this every day i might get sick of it i don't know that i could ever get every day i don't know that i could ever get sick of catfish i know it's like i don't think i could get sick of this either to be honest it's hard to know i get it's really good i got sick of them the other day because i was getting sick of the grit yeah the grits bothered me a little bit but i mean we could do a better job did you tell them about the netting that we found no or no so we found this netting that washed up from somewhere and we literally pulled it back and just below the netting probably in the sand a half an inch there was just clamps sitting right on top like good sized ones too not just babies oh well then at one point towards the end yeah he was flipping out the holes in that area and then i was grabbed them and tossed them in a bucket but nice yeah it was interesting we keep smoking these fish but nobody wants to eat them cause they're full of bones but uh they're not gonna be able to eat them even if we choose to at least want to try eating them a little bit from the smoking but if they go bad it's not gonna work at all so i'm gonna make two slits down their sides to expose more of the meat seems like it's working i see like a smoke smoke uh penetrating red into about i don't know halfway through the meat already but i'm gonna make a slit to expose more of the meat and allow that smoke to get into there down the fish there and then again just below that so that way there's two slits running down the fish so it's open to get more smoke into it and prevent them from going bad before they get finished smoking that should help them to dry out and it still smells good smells fishy and they feel really oily can see it penetrating oh you can see it on the inside too by the bottom of the rib cage where the cavity the stomach cavity is open see how golden they are down there so like the smoking is penetrated in into a certain degree and from the outside to a certain degree see how she goes yeah i'm curious to see if the smoking makes it any better the amount of oils coming off them is oh that rock's really really hot yeah maybe the rock's the way to go yeah hey look oh you can see it look at how glisteny they are they look really greasy i i went for the small one because i figured if if they are thicker and they're going bad in the middle you know if if they're cooked through they'll be safe to eat anything cooked through is safe to eat it might not be tasty but it'll be safe to eat so i picked one of the smaller ones that was more in the center of the heat to be safe we'll find out we're taking one for the team is smoked air wife delicious or will it destroy the challenge by sending us to the hospital in the morning the mouth like it's a big deal if it falls in because it's already full of ash oh yeah there we go it smells like burnt hair this is gonna be great they smell like burnt hair i wouldn't complain to be honest if it fell it means i wouldn't have to hold that for just a sec the problem is obviously all those pin bones that don't belong in the spine yeah that's the real they're just they're floating right the pin bones yeah i don't i don't remember if we showed it earlier or not but it's a problem we tried to show it but they're so small they're just like and they're they're just like a y fork too they're these little pin bones a little y on each end it looks so oily if this works all of a sudden all those fish are now viable food all right i am excited about this chris is already in here trying his out he's finished earlier on the rock he was all this is so good and so i'm gonna find out if he's telling the truth or he's just fibbing me so that i go and take a bite and find out this is disgusting if it's good put a little adobo on it of course and let's see it's pulling right through the spinal cord this is good this is really good that's like there's this really rich smoky flavor i see the bones but as i put the fish in my mouth to chew it up those little hair bones that are bothering us so much the first time we tried to eat these we found them completely unedible it doesn't even matter just like i was saying with the sardines you feel like you can taste them just the teenage bit but they chew right up same thing with this fish alewife now edible it has a very rich flavor to it like almost like it was already fried in like olive oil or something it honestly tastes like like i just bought a tin of smoked herring at uh at ronnie's or something you know to bring on a little day hike with me and i'm opening up the little tin it's in the oil i'm munching on that on some crackers or something on a height that smoked flavor just imparts so much and then that wadobo now i'm glad boy i'm glad i didn't choose to just go to bed and then i decided to give it a go that was really good and now we can um we can eat the rest of those that was really good i'm going to bed with a full belly [Music] i wake up in the morning in this great blue state golden fingers caress my face slips through the window on a silky breeze a dreamer's lying to plant some seed [Music] she's my believer [Music] all right so i'm trying the turkey call for the first time and see how long it takes me to get it all right that's a little better and then drop your tongue you got a different one than i did too and you bought it what door mine's just raspier that's here try mine and i'll try it oh no no no no no no i'll show you the rasp okay so you're rise a little bit yeah i feel like i can do it better without the the turkey call all right see i can do it better without the turkey curl [Laughter] i'm like donald duck [Music] [Laughter] i got seagull calling down i got seagull calling no i just got to work on turkeys so your funnel your your rasp is up top and you use the tip of your tongue right on the tip of the rasp yeah you can't you got to get i mean it's muscle memory right so you got to kind of get your tongue up and just get it to roll the air roll between the two yep right yeah just the right it's like whistling you know how to whistle don't you steve you just put your lips together and blow so keep your tongue pressed up see if you can make this note [Music] what's that what's the most annoying noise in the world [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah i keep going out my cookies my turkey's asthmatic [Laughter] keep that note no drop it sharp [Laughter] there you go there's the diaphragm i feel like if i keep it really quiet then they'll just think it's a turkey way far away you know and they're like instead of like trying to be like one that's coming close yeah you can do a whole range of them right like really excited to like just like lonely like lonely um that's very lonely [Laughter] oh that is lonely all right happy happy well friday is um i'm gonna do it very well but oh that's a purr hmm they only hear that if you get real close you can actually i've heard turkeys make that song it's kind of cool like a hand yeah just rooting around it's not that's not super good but i mean whatever it close up oh that would work um i know people can do it with the call and it sounds really i i couldn't master that it was really tricky i thought you'd be like [Applause] we're feeling light-headed i think we called every turkey in now get guns ready here they come guys no they're like they're like because you were doing your thing they're coming in and then i start doing my thing and they're like whoa oh hell no whatever i had a guy who taught me that he was like an expert yeah he was like like a turkey hunting expert he was the pro staff and he took out he'd like did 30 300 hunts a year he's so that's where i learned it from but and i'm stuck learning it from you yeah you're secondhand secondhand garbage man here yeah secondhand yeah but yeah you got to learn by doing that you got skills that's good that sounds exactly like what they sound like all the time to me when i'm out here i'll cook my breakfast let me get the road oh nice hot smoked airway for breakfast not all that hungry because i don't do breakfast oh wow you just give them a tug and there goes all the bone right there and there's the rest of the fish without the spinal cord and everything that was wow that was awesome a little bit of meat behind the head here oh it was amazing it tasted so good last night and it wasn't just a dream it really does taste good a little extra fat by eating the top of the head there where the brains are see all those bones but still very edible after four days of smoking and then cooking it on the hot rock this is the fin on the back and all the bones chews right up rib cage all the bones you see i'm sticking out all over the place but well if i don't have to eat them i don't have to but i chew right up if i was smart i would have hooked up like five of these brought them with me in my pocket snack on them later all right let's go guys for today [Music] all right so we saw him turkey on the field he's fair game i know that this trail here goes out past this old foundation up here and we go out that way uh a couple hundred yards up from him then down around the stone wall behind him and sneak up on him so we're gonna gear up head out there and see if we can't get that turkey that we got permission to hunt yesterday so i think i'm gonna let chris run point on this one because he came all the way down here for this i can always go out for a turkey at another time here we go off into the woods let's see if we can't get ourselves a turkey all right turkey moved off we snuck our way over we're pretty quiet and pretty good but uh whether he heard us or whatever moved on not bad that'll do oh i hear one i hear one [Laughter] all right we're all we're all set up now it's time to go lobstering we gotta get those lobsters in coming up on one o'clock we still have to get the boat they get down there this is uh i mean like unlike in canada we were able to like go to a place and work the area we have a bigger area that we're traipsing around you know everything's 30 minutes away 30 30 minutes 35 minutes down the road here 30 minutes 40 minutes up to gardiner you know to get the ale wives i hate this place a geographical oddity two weeks from everywhere it uh definitely chews up more of your time every time we have to get in the car to travel to do something and stuff it's those fractured natural habitats that used to be all one habitat now they're broken up into zones so [Music] um they're keepers in this trap i'll check him but no no all right bait the trap all around [Music] there we go last trap oh it's twisted like the other ones oh we got a piece of seaweed at least we got a snack too small no this one looks big oh yeah just right no notch mail no eggs we got him look at them all in there i had so many there we go can't see anything i hope we're going the right direction they're going the wrong way he says we're going the wrong way oh he's drunk how about he know where we're going reckoning by the sun you got a piece of seaweed in your teeth oh no you got it i got it oh no it's at the bottom did i get it leave it in the comments below how much see we do i got my teeth how about now still though fingernail after touching all that bait use my fingernail how's it going nice he looked awful relaxed just like recline chilling tooling around in the harbor with a sailboat it's very peaceful so it's been a number of years look at that fancy boat but i think i re-vetted the windows and cocked the windows in this one at one point i first moved to maine when i first moved to maine i moved up here to build the schooner lynx see a picture of it here it's kind of like a pirate shippy thing uh partially you know and uh it was a fun project i did all that and uh worked here for over a year and a half to help build the mass for the boat i did a bunch of custom work in the galley making the uh knobs for the drawers to match the period and style the boat turning them on a lathe doing the cabinetry in the galley some of the welding and metal work around the range that they had in there and um and then when that project was over i was 21 years old and so i was kind of dumb i was making more money some nights playing pool than i was coming to work and uh i ended up not showing up to work enough on time that i got fired so that's not good don't do that go to work be to work on time be responsible be early is to be on time to be late is unforgivable all right i'll grab the car but look at look at the size of that guy right there his claw is the size of my hand that's insane hey it's like that one claw is as much if you were to eat my hand you'd probably get as much meat off of it as this claw we got to see what you can look at that thing [Applause] uh everything's still safe and secure here [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Applause] from the beginning [Music] [Music] so so are you ready [Music] done time i just built a table in the same amount of time as it took to chris in less time it's almost it's closed it's closed i just built a table in less time than it took chris to start a fire and cook lobsters sweet we'll be eating in style now i just gotta whip up some stools some chair maybe tomorrow let's let's check on those lobsters lobsters are done oh look at that the fog makes it almost dreamlike oh okay so use the gloves here one does that work with the bucket or no no i mean if this is i feel like i'm sitting at the adult table and i'm a kid you know ladies like turtles uh sure what's your turtle's name shel silverstein if you're six that joke is hilarious okay pull your face up to the food bar yeah daddy can i have another lobster there you go sir i mean son all right now he looks big when you line him up next to these other guys like you lost the claw um what do you want to do with the other lobsters let's say we save them for morning they'll be okay yeah can we put that we should throw all the clams in there right now right on the fire can the clams go in the seaweed sure yeah it's just steam that we need okay all right let's do that then so i think we're gonna if they're looking in the seaweed wow i am fried and so hungry do you have a soft shell turtle when you're in texas yeah i got one that big one how good was that that was so good true soup yeah i stewed it you know just like everything else you know for a bit and it was such a pain in the neck i found out later that you need to um like boil them first and then the skin comes off real quick and give it a rinse kind of that way it's so good i know it's good how many what's a dollar figure that would you eat the tail out of that one i did i wanted to see how big it was i don't think it was anything it was the size of my ham oh my gosh um what's this stuff called inside the tabouli tabouli so i'll show you guys the taboo here it's a green mash there you go here's the real definition of tamale i had it all wrong when i told chris do you know what it is yeah it's uh everything that's been digesting its stomach okay good yeah it's like um back in the old days you get a squirrel people they used to take the nuts out of the stomach and they'd put them on the cakes really yeah never heard of that no i've never heard of that that's awesome i want to try that so they would take a squirrel yep no yeah because the the tannins are out of the acorns that the squirrel is eating because it's been in its stomach and so they're clean you can eat those and you can sprinkle them on the top of a cake this is so messy oh yeah i see that it's pretty cool oh i um i don't think it got to my question but how what's your dollar value oh i have no idea all these i know it's it's a you know it's like chris's big lobster there that weighs about three pounds would cost him about 26 bucks at the grocery store and eighty dollars at a restaurant for one if you're if you're having it at a restaurant yeah holy oh man we are pigging out here oh i got it pretty big oh my goodness this is what we do hmm pretty full i probably ate three pounds of meat that's a nice one [Music] ah it's three a.m it's time to go get ourselves a turkey to smoke over the fire oh i just want to hit snooze go back to bed but really bird gets the worm right so let's do this [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Laughter] he's right there yes i think filming-wise that was fairly uneventful he's working his way up he's working his way up dude that was a rush yeah oh he took his sweet time and then like i'm gonna go this way and you're like no no you're not going that way you're going in no he knew something was up near the end i'm like oh no beautiful look at that plumage right there look at that turkey there's the beard all right we got our turkey chris is super excited he is just so psyched that we got here early that's the trick to it showing up super early and boom bob's your uncle and turkey on the roast don't worry all right good looking bird yeah oh does it get plucked good i don't know might be a little bit of a chore yeah we'll get it done i gotta hang it up so i can pull them downward yeah and then out we can't quite scald it i mean you could we could heat up some water in the pot and then you pour it on and scald it and yeah we could and stuff if you want oh it's not bad no it's not so bad just got to get it hanging the right way and it should work out i'm going to get the fire going and we'll be able to start cooking some breakfast we need some breakfast because this is going to cook for a while so i think some lobster and uh clam stew for breakfast sounds good sounds good yup all right this cooks let's do it [Music] [Music] all my chairs [Applause] down [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] there's [Music] [Music] there's our bird not quite hot enough under there but for sure that could be like a staple item because we do have them slow and even all right you just keep at it for the next six hours and uh i'm gonna go over here and eat those clams that you uh cooked up doesn't sound fair no we got some clams he just uh he uh broke down all the clams that we cooked last night so that they wouldn't go bad and then stewed them again so they've been up to heat and they're sanitized if they had started to go bad they're safe to eat now anything that you cook and bring to a boil for five to ten minutes as long as it's cooked all the way through and been boiled it's gonna be dead and that's what we do with all of our stuff we bring it to a boil sanitize it again any soup stews and as long as you do that uh every 24 hours they usually won't go bad and taste gross i've never had one go bad and taste gross in a really hot location you might want to do it twice a day oh is it all really chewy right now no let me see that with dobo maybe i just feel like this is fix everything i feel like that's hitting the spot yeah but this isn't i don't know i'm finding it palatable it's not bad i have to say they look more like something you blew out of your nose into a hanky at this point when they come out of the shell they're so closely related to the shell and then dipping into butter and my lack of hunger right now they kind of look like boogers not getting any better as i go it gets harder every bite uh-huh there's something about it's not hitting the spot it's just too much clam and not enough butter oh that almost took that was almost a very expensive mistake taking out my camera with a flying log [Music] order now and for just three easy payments of 59.99 we'll send you a green grill made by yours truly in fact order within the next 59 minutes and i'll send you two two green grills for the price of one don't miss this limited time offer you're funny that that's a wee bit crooked coffee break all right back to it it's got a sword or something i feel like a little kid again yeah that's good all right let's see if we can't split this bird oh yeah that works good like butter one thing that stinks a little bit about this is we'll be more likely to dry it out there we go careful not to cut through my table now we've got two halves to go on the grill last time in this i built a big shield around it to block the wind and i cooked it in like six hours it was cooked all through it was a farm turkey so it was even thicker and juicier than this but i think the difference is i didn't build that shield i didn't think it would make that much of a difference apparently it made a huge difference [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] that's just marvelous i mean look at this i could just sit right up to the table here uh sit up to the table eat my food feel civilized i feel i feel so much more civilized now does it work at both ends oh it's good it's so nice probably going to come right off oh yeah that looks darn good yummy chris shot it so uh you get the neck he gets the neck score that looks nice and crispy yummy they look pretty good that feels pretty darn juicy i hope it's cooked all the way through we've been cooking this for like eight hours oh i made you something you made me something yeah chopsticks nice they're special chopsticks see that they're stuck together still they're training wheel chopsticks for people that don't know how to use chopsticks are you implying i don't know how to use chopsticks i thought you said you didn't um i don't think i ever said i didn't i can't maybe that was somebody else then all right nevermind what do you mean i thought i had i thought i was gonna introduce you to something new like but yeah like chopsticks yeah uh well because you would know i've used them before but i don't prefer them oh okay but that those are pretty cool they get them to bend correctly they want to twist it kind of it works better if you just grab them like a fist like like this yeah yeah or the other way around but yeah because then you can control how they come together right i did that with the uh good trail life kids the other day they had so much fun because all of a sudden they were like able to make bushcraft chopsticks and we did like a whole bunch of competitions like picking up stones and running with them and setting them onto a bench zach's really good with the kids by the way you have lots of kid fans yeah zack is like a big kid in many ways yep not in a bad way yeah that's the mischief side of my channel the slingshot shooting and the doing silly stuff oh mind if we say grace sorry no worries lord thank you for this turkey that you gave us this morning and bless us with this uh beautiful weather in maine slightly less rain today in jesus name amen how is it it's good chewy though yeah you know what chili because it's not done or chewy because it's like hardcore chewy it's chewy because it's a wild turkey that's why i mean you can make a wild turkey not chewy do you know how to do it yeah it'd be cooking in a uh you know a pot with yeah buried in vegetables you know yeah so slowly yeah put something on the inside of it with some juice that's totally cooked yeah no it's totally cooked it's not overcooked no it's not it's just uh it's a wild bird yeah careful there might be some pellets in there okay did you find one already no oh great another thing we gotta chew carefully there's our wild turkey it's very dark very very derrick sprinkled it with a little adobo of course i'm getting that feeling that's going to be a tough chew from all the chewing i'm hearing over there hmm yep oh that is so good though you like it you haven't said anything yet no it's good it's 100 good it's just you know chewy all right you cannot just go and eat it like a drumstick there's a pellet there and just pull it right now it's like eating venison you got to cut it into pieces little slice cut it free and there you go about as thick as a quarter i just really like the product so small yeah speaking of which how many uh how many things are like that you know i put on youtube like people sometimes like like the warbonnet hammock i did the versus hammock there's like oh this is a paid advertisement you're just trying to sell hammocks because you did it so well you must have got paid for it right yeah right i didn't get a cent for that my best video so far to date i you know i didn't get it wasn't paid a dang it was just because i love it yeah i was having fun well do i use growing knives it's the only thing i have yeah so yeah i use it well i plug darn tough socks all the time because i love them um there you go eat your veggies for a grown boy you hide in these no heads i usually have them once a year and they're really strong and i'm like these are the best fiddleheads i've ever had in my life how many people had you had before a lot and i've had some bitter ones like you said oh i've had 100 had some some really bitter fiddleheads that i did not like i'd sell first okay you believe me that's like delicious like green beans green beans you are my friend oh wow oh wow look at this oh wow hey here goes nothing it looks kind of weird i mean it looks very fatty but it does look very weird to me oh so weird it's definitely fatty but it's very gloppy not like some sort of fat that melts in your mouth oh the meat on the other hand that's really good melts in your mouth if i'm gonna get down the fat i'm gonna have to make that into thinner slices and roll it up inside of these pieces of meat or something because that was just that was weird what did i tell you guys this this breast meat is freaking awesome what do you think it's juicy right it's really good the breast meat is awesome the breast meat's perfect yeah it's really you couldn't do that better in an oven at home yeah really yeah right out to the edges i mean there is no it's not hard out i mean that that's why you keep the skin on and and pluck it oh yeah most people won't take the effort to pluck it and then they think wild turkeys just dry but the the skin does something it keeps the moisture in the meat yep it's worth the effort so um [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] don't let them see a hint of fear [Applause] right on the street [Music] [Applause] [Music] how you doing how you feeling i feel like i was out all night drinking really i feel better than i did last night though yeah uh yeah it was uh dry heaven last night that sucks sucks a lot but i feel i feel like i could eat today which is uh better than i thought that's a good thing we're gonna get our turkey on or what yeah like turkey turkey noodle soup turkey we don't have any noodles no let's see how that turkey looks hey it looks beautiful in the pot there clear i promise i'll always be here don't stop at the end [Applause] you choose [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when i was a kid my dad used to say don't let anything stand in your way stand tall think clear don't let them see any fear all right i got the fire going and looks like chris has got the soup all diced up throw some water in there and put it on and we'll have fresh turkey soup for breakfast just what the doctor ordered so chris can feel wonderful coincidentally we are now packaging and selling this because there's going to be plenty of leftovers so leave in the comments below if you're interested in us sending you a package of turkey soup do it yourself turkey soup we just send you the dry roasted turkey parts and you have to do the rest here we go stew is almost ready caveman makes two yeah and if you notice because of the wind we've uh done some a little bit of yard work here we raked everything everything's raked back for a good ring around the fire so it's safer so that uh it can't blow out it's since the rain has stopped for the last day or so the wind has really drying out the surface and it's really really quite easy at this point right now for the wind to blow something out of there and catch the leaves that are all the fall leaves that are all dry you gotta be very careful i remember you know when i first moved up to the land started playing in the woods again after i mean i played in the woods a lot with my dad as a kid but when i first moved back up to the land i started clearing this almost 20 years ago now i uh i had some wood i chainsawed some trees down i was burning the dead branches to clean them up we went off into the shade because it was super hot in the springtime a day like today just blazing sun we were relaxing having a drink and we came back up into the field my chainsaw was getting flamed blown onto it the leaves were just burning and blowing and burning and blowing across the yard we ran over it my chainsaw helmet just melted just disappeared in like a matter of seconds i ran over and grabbed the chainsaw out of it and i'll show you clipper here that's my chainsaw today it still has some burn marks because i was crazy enough to run over and grab it out of the flames and pull it away and we stomped it all out in a matter of seconds but if we had walked away i would have lost all of this and ruined everything for everybody else so you got to be very careful with fire that works so good those training wheel chopsticks like regular chopsticks you're trying to like get down into a boiling pot but with the training wheel ones they're still attached like a fork and you could just you get them a little bit longer well they're just tongs they're just tongs but uh man score myself a whole bunch out of there got a little pot full pot of uh or not really a full pot this thing's bare bowl can hold quite a bit so i got a good bit of food in there and just a little bit of broth to keep that turkey in so it doesn't um get cold while i'm eating it learned that trick from actually chris thorne out there in texas when we're doing the 30-day survival challenge i kept eating my meat and then my broth separate and he'd put them together and finally one day i like tried what he was doing it was like oh wow with the the broth at the bottom you're good to go you still get a warm bite on your last bite lord thank you for this food this day protect and watch over us and bless our adventure that we might come home with some something more to eat than just name amen have myself some smooth finish i thought that was a a good idea on the seventh day we're looking for a smooth finish with my blackout coffee i got a flavor for i only got four or three flavors with me but i got definitely got a flavor for the final day the smooth finish is there some of those fatty bits all cut up in here yes sir oh good it almost tastes a bit drier yep yeah you need more time to relax it's tougher now no i think well maybe but my thinking is that if we had stripped all the meat off and then stewed all the bones and stuff and if we had all the time for this but we want to eat so stewed all the bones up and then threw the meat in just to warm it before we ate it it'll relax more i think so another day i don't think so yep gotta let it you gotta let me the meat as soon as you put meat in the broth remember the beaver put it in goes like this tightens up real hard and then over time it uh it relaxes again some salt and some fat well it was so juicy yesterday yeah well it's done the tough phase we're we're rushing obviously to get out of here but if you give it a couple like it overnight the rest of today overnight tomorrow it'll be good personally i think if we had smoked the turkey with a heat shield around it so it smoked and cooked in a shorter period of time without splitting in half we would have had i don't know that breast was super juicy so i think it was inevitable that the drumsticks would be pretty tough because they run around all the time that's all they do and or their wings are tough [Music] [Music] boom first try i missed if you'd like to learn how to shoot a slingshot check out my how to shoot a slingshot video linked in the description below is the most comprehensive how to shoot a slingshot video on youtube and it's all about not the way i shoot with super draw it's all about the most accurate way to learn how to shoot by anchoring and consistency and it'll get you shooting and hitting targets like this at this distance oh you'll be within a day of practice after watching that video i bet you could hit a can 3 out of 10 times [Music] all right well instead of wasting more ammo we got stuff to do we got squab to hunt this is exciting this is something i've wanted to do for a while and we finally found the right opportunity since slingshot hunting is illegal in maine but since we're doing pest control all right we are here at the dairy farm they've asked us to help remove some of the obnoxious pigeons and uh we are going to do so with our slingshots and possibly i got a really cool pellet gun if you saw it at the beginning when i was packing for the adventure the crawl warrior king pellet gun the uh crawl which means king pellet gun puncher krell puncher with uh all set up so hopefully there's some long shots we can get in on this the ones i can't take the slingshot we can take care of some of these pigeons and we'll have something new for the stewpot hopefully we're going to have to take some of this food home i'm going to be eating turkey and smoked fish for a while after this and lobster so yeehaw let's pick one off closer hello i'm zach yeah nice to meet you yeah i haven't got time enough i want to stand here and watch the pigeons all day i got other things i got to do we'll watch our pigeons for you and see how many we can take back to the stewpot and make the most of it so we're not just not just helping him out we are i mean we are just helping them out but we also be helping ourselves out with something to eat yeah as far as the wilderness living challenge like you heard him saying they getting into the grain stealing the best parts of the grain or important parts of the debt balance diet for these cows so that he can do his thing and bring his product to market so let's get doing it thank you sir all right all right ready to go what are you thinking i think let's gear up slingshot gear up with the slingshots and uh he said they set up on the silo too that might be a decent shot that would be a great shot for the pellet gun if there's something sitting around and stuff why don't you run up there and sprinkle some grain that's one i just made with that new precise but i like it so this is what we're gonna use for ammo inside the barn it's clay compact balls not kiln dried so they're hard they're just compacts when they hit the stuff they disintegrate and we're gonna try and see they're a little lighter and hopefully we're gonna test it on a piece of metal first they won't punch through the the metal roofing on the beautiful burn here for them but they're also weighty enough they don't fly off too much which of these sides is not like the other three days later they starve to death oh there we go we got it all right here you go now you're ready this is mine that's yours if you get to keep it too if you get if you get a bird with it you have to get a bird though you have to get a bird to keep it two birds where i get to keep the pouch too okay yeah you can keep the pouch yeah if you get if you get one bird i'll let you keep the pouch and the slingshot and i'll even throw in some ammo no deal so what are beardsmen shooting the axiom ocularis chris is shooting our custom this is called the hornet this is the one that i designed i made a ski i took a ski and turn it into a slingshot and then after enjoying shooting that for a year i turned it into a poly framed slingshot that is made by beast coast slingshots for us to sell on the website and now it's much it's probably the best back pocket slingshot ever yes let's do this [Music] [Music] first of three wins they have a a purplish collar and stuff i'm pretty sure they're not uh gun shy they're probably sick anybody see anything there's a lot of these little birds just a different kind of bird hello do you want a scratch oh yeah that feels good come here no oh yes hello cows [Music] i can talk to cows you know that yes you are yes oh yes you want to scratch under the chin oh you want a lick you want a lick huh yeah oh lick the camera this is what we do it for the cows to protect their feed they are cute though aren't they delicious tasting they're not big enough to eat yet especially this guy here you would be very tender wouldn't you we all see different things when we look at cows hey there there's pigeons coming out the backside it's a bit on the mucky side here i just heard chris stomped right in it hey hey whoever loses it's got a belly flop into there that's look at that that's some good stuff right there that's uh about a foot of muck right there kept in there to i don't know what they're doing like letting it letting it uh ooze up so they could spread it on the field later there's our pigeons all right oh they just flew off oh yeah there's a whole bunch of them up there in the roof of the barn oh man oh right there right there all right my shot you missed chris camera guy yeah i'm on you dude that one's the left boom oh dude you got to eat that [Laughter] collect your prize oh he's not that dirty no he didn't get that dirty one down with the slingshot i just made first shot not bad first shot right yeah right in the back of the the neck there and uh yeehaw let's see how many more we can get it's like i haven't had the chance to do this so far like you just stick it in your pocket that's so gross look at he just dropped his slingshot right in the poo that's my fault because i got him running the camera i don't know what you want to do with that you're gonna put on your shirt i'm not wiping it on my shirt you wipe it on your shirt oh oh there's that was way long that was way low that's weight that was a that was like 40 yards they're everywhere i think we can do all right so we just need to keep moving around until we get them yeah all right that one oh he hopped right down hesitated she just flicked it we go to the other side and see if they're on there up in that same spot i think they'll be oh dude look at this flock of them okay here we go we got nice shots we need the know what we need is the dragon claw with the uh shotgun barrel so you can pick them off i know i could so easily they're gonna come back and land oh boy we gotta get go get the air all right let's go get the air gun let's go bringing out the big guns if i have at least if i have the air rifle out i can take the long shots and then i can switch to the uh slingshot when they're closer so the suppressor on there so we don't startle the cows of uh 25 caliber slugs that'll do the job here we go [Music] [Music] all right let's do this [Music] anything uh yeah they were kind of they're still in the middle i took one shot it was way low but they're way way in the middle there's one oh there he goes wow it's like they got our number or something eight six seven five yay man you see him yep i see him stoned him nice down whoa that's mine it's okay it's okay it's okay there we go first one with the new pel pellet gun the krill these birds are going to need some serious washing that's that's electric no wonder the cows stay in there no wonder they're sticking i thought that was awful i was i thought it was a static i felt it in my foot like i thought it was static electricity i was like you taste it i i could taste my fillings all right is he still there did i am i yelling am i yelling ah i don't see him you go back down the other end oh kitty you're coming to claim the hey that's mine i'm hungry too listen to him look at him you want a pigeon too get it close get a good close shot see what you get you want a pigeon i'm sorry honey rip his wing off and give it to him no got him crawl the warrior king crawl puncher actually but awesome let chris shoot one all right giving chris a shot with the gun he's got a pigeon right up on the top of there ready let me zoom in on it yeah go for it down oh there he is there i think so he's right there in the yard it didn't make it far just from that building there and glide it down to his end right here i got it yeah this this thing's deadly accurate yeah that was your first shot first almost the first time looking through the scope it is the first he was testing his eyeball on the scope trying to find the sight range and then he nailed it seriously what what is this that's a krell puncher crow puncher yep dude that's awesome that's wicked awesome that that's the krell puncher from annihilator air air guns it's so it's not just any air gun he tunes them and puts some custom parts in it makes it so they're tuned to perfection so we don't startle the cows i'm gonna have to get one of these you're gonna have to get one of these yeah it's pretty cool so that's fun to shoot yeah wicked fun that whole setup is just a thousand bucks so if you guys are wondering it's not a super heavy bird but i think we got like a dozen of these we could make a good meal out of it yeah we're up to four uh three right now three yep and you you shot one two where did it go all right time to pack it in they're they're uh doing their cow feeding and they said uh that we should pack it in head off we got three we lost one because uh we hit it it went down inside the barn and the cow was stomped into the mud i looked i didn't find it so we lost one so we could have had four coming home with three that's pretty decent though especially for our first try at this all right that was pretty awesome for my first time out with the air rifle just been shooting targets with it so far it's extremely accurate extremely quiet didn't startle actually the slingshot round shooting that started the cows more than anything else and so i i kind of backed off from trying to get in there and shoot with the slingshot we got ourselves some squab to make for dinner do you think it was fun yeah but i'm hungry yeah me too thankfully i brought my yeah oh look at they're sitting right there just mocking us they circled around they circled back they know we're leaving yeah so they're coming back [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] dear diary i wonder what fancy restaurants call pigeon squab on the menu does churching it up make it all that much more palatable it's probably more about the price point because who's going to pay 28 bucks for an ounce of pigeon maybe they're on to something after all chinese restaurants call those pieces of meat on a stick teriyaki and everybody knows what those are made out [Music] of so if i was to open a fancy restaurant i wanted to put squirrel on the menu i wonder what you call it you'd have to call it something good if you wanted a high price point maybe tree fritters tree fryers for no not for definitely not for i don't know i bet the french have a word for it [Music] this is the last meal last meal before we lay out tomorrow morning all right the squabs are done you gonna go in my shelter and eat yeah let's do it all right you got your trout and your hot cakes yeah he made his little hot cakes again that he does and uh that's his one ration that he brought he wanted to experiment to see if carbs would help or add anything to it so he so he made these hot cakes that get give him uh 400 and what 30 calories 440 440 440 calories my fish yeah all right so i got my three uh birds what are you gonna eat you want any of my fish how are we gonna do yeah i would love some of your trout what we can just get gnaw on these or i don't know like gnaw half of it off and then hand it over there's no right way to do it i think these are oh came right off of there oh dude these are so juicy and so wet this is like this is so much better than the turkey this oh my goodness it smells like chicken these little pigeons are like juicy delicious chicken check your trout to see if it's done you just check the firmness of the back that'll tell you the answer to check your squab to see if it's done take a big bite of it look at look at how would you look at that would you look at that it's like a tiny chicken it's all there all juicy let's take a bite and find out oh the little wings oh this is so fatty oh so the pigeon has a slight um just like as some of these other birds have had smaller has a slight liver taste to it you ever notice that no yeah tastes like a liver yeah having a slight taste almost a a hint of liver but it's a lot more like chicken like a delicious tiny chicken with a slight hint of almost liver a bite yeah that's brutal that's right oh that's good good rape yeah look at the size of that chunk of meat that just came out of there it's oily wow this is very oily and just like just like chicken i'm trying to show you there's just like this ah big old chunk of meat oh once again i'm so hungry i forgot to say grace thank you lord for the pigeons and this adventure that you'd helped us to wrap it up so smoothly amen not much left i'm going to town on my half of the trout here and uh oh so good i feel like i feel like gollum we put so much into every day it's like we're burning so many calories running all around doing all this and we're just like by the time it's eating time so good look at how greasy they are from those little birds [Music] oh wow look at that just tell me dawg beautiful once again what'd you say [Music] and what you swore cause a sight line goes over the tree lord it's so much easier letting go when you know that you got nothing to fear because you're safely standing miles around you never see it because [Music] all the way across the sea of the way to me nope [Music] not even close [Music] the lot shows this life now it's choosing me and how it interferes with the lives we lead and i can't read your eyes that you're sending hollow lights for free and my left brain it tells me never again left there's [Music] boats everywhere we're gonna have to back it out of here the way to me [Applause] [Music] so all right we are back at the house the boat is off we're done the video is not done but we are done with the challenge we've successfully lobstered the third time caught and brought back all of our lobster we even caught some stuff at the grocery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] store [Music] c [Music] all right we're done our food is ready and uh yeehaw uh let's say grace he's like ah just because i made him go out and take cover photos and all that stuff but yeah i'm hungry we're hungry lord thank you for this food thank you for this wonderful adventure and all the all the wild game he gave us in jesus name amen amen let's do this i'm going to lead with a salad but i should probably leave with the butcher box steak i'm i'm worried that my stunts shrunk and so because i ate a whole head of broccoli that uh if i go to eat this then i'll be like oh i don't have room for the steak and that's just not okay all right here we go i'm pretending it's my first bite because i just told you it wasn't all right it's good i did this once before with my girlfriend then [Music] that was so good that coffee flavor if you've never done something like this before that coffee filler just just makes that steak popping i think i think this is a good representation of what you people at home should be thankful for because eating no us making videos no that this is available to most people that are watching this video oh yeah you know what i mean i i think the the wilderness living challenge to me represents being thankful for the things that we do have even if they're just small joys you know if you lost your food and that's pretty primary and that's probably one of the last things that most people who are able to watch this video are thinking about is food because they probably have that they're thinking about big things that they want fancy cars and big houses and you know all these other things that don't really don't even really matter at the end of the day putting a napkin not for my mouth look at them crying the salad is so good oh this steak is awesome too perfectly cooked this is really tender yeah we nailed those steaks huh pretend there you go that doesn't like the focus on it there we go look at that oh juicy what are you calling that uh i cook on that the bacon wrapped uh the the dumbness i would say that that's medium rare not not rare no we came close but what were you aiming for where we go after the bacon bits so this would be a pretty well-rounded diet it's probably better for you than just eating the salad itself there's something about the oils that helps also combining things you know out there unless you're super fastidious you know like super hard crazy worker like you're stuck with one thing you know we got one lobster to you know we got we got one of each of these things to eat yeah you know we got some cattail shoots and some um fiddleheads you know definitely got to be on your game but we don't have any oils or oil dressings or butter or right the important things yeah they're harder to find or a big fatty piece of meat you know that where i can render some of the fat down to fry up the fish in our lobster what just one mop the lobsters oh man we totally forgot doing this whole steak up oh we'll have to save it for later i'll be having those for dinner anyway i'll save that for later but uh i'd like to thank you guys for coming along for the ride i tell you it was worth every minute of having to eat this two days worth of clams yeah just get the salad on this steak all right we didn't really talk about it but like which one is your favorite the coffee crusted steak or the bacon wrap steak you're asking the wrong person you wonder why because you don't like coffee yeah i mean the coffee is good i just don't like i'm not a coffee drinker i like to smell the coffee i don't particularly enjoy the taste of coffee okay but it's good yeah you know even for for a person who doesn't like coffee exactly it's pretty good yeah but if you had to choose if of course you're going to choose all the old bacon yeah no thank you for coming down chris thanks for having me thanks for uh oh just being you know having me up there so we can have an adventure if you guys haven't seen it yet check out wilderness living challenge season 4 the one that we did before this last october which uh was is right there in the playlist on my youtube channel it's been great having you here in maine i had fun i i can't wait to do it again we got to do this again in like the fall or something 100 we got to pick a new new location maybe yeah yeah i mean we can do it again here be better at it because we didn't do there's all that fall stuff yeah you know we could be doing the duck the here yeah or we could go to florida and go swim with the alligators you guys have to let us know yeah leave in the comments below what do you think where should we go next i kind of like the idea of florida i do you talked about that already florida in the winter like florida when it's not nice here florida boar alligator there's beaver there too i think there's always everything i've always wanted my life dreams to wrestle an alligator let's do it i've always wanted to do an alligator all right man all right he's got a long drive and uh look for more from the two of us but not right now there he goes what an adventure what an adventure i do love my adventures and so does this guy that's why it's fun hanging out i just want to say once again thank you policy genius for sponsoring this video thank you guys for watching liking subscribing all the views that you've given us here on youtube we really appreciate it wooded beardsman check out his channel link below and our sponsor policy genius it really is genius you guys are going to want to check that out maybe you've been putting it off maybe you've been thinking oh it's too hard to do policy genius has got you covered link's below that's it for me once again thanks for watching guys i'll see you in the next one fowler out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 956,345
Rating: 4.855732 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, catch and cook, wilderness survival, fowler alone, wilderness living challenge, zach fowler survival, survival catch and cook, maine survival, maine wilderness, maine wilderness camping, how to cook clams, maine clamming, catch and cook lobster, cold smoked fish, alewife cooking, campfire turkey, smoked turkey, slingshot pigeon hunt, squab cooking, catch and cook pigeon
Id: sZrBQaOHcHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 57sec (10557 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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