-22C Winter Tundra Survival Challenge in SNOW IGLOO (NO Food, NO Water, NO Shelter!)

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we're gonna die i'm actually shaking you wanna go swimming i can pretty much lay down in here now fish fish fish but i don't wanna push things if i push things i'm gonna be in trouble deep trunks a good day to survive all right guys welcome to the canadian tundra as you can see there's plenty of snow out here which is going to help us on this no food no water no shelter survival challenge you're probably wondering how the heck are we going to build a shelter when the forest is far away like really far away and the answer is we're not going to be building it out of the forest we're going to have to build it out of something else so keep watching to find out what and how we're going to build to survive i got adam what's your channel called adam adam stew adam stew okay that's easy enough i'll link that down below i wanted to introduce you to him a little bit later looks like we have a lot of work to do and we also have to find some food and we got to find some water for the challenge of course we're surrounded by water in flake form and we don't want to be drinking or eating that so i have some tricks up my sleeve and there are always new tricks that's part of this whole challenge is coming up with new things new ways to survive so if you guys find yourself in a crappy situation like we are right now well it's not crappy yet but it's going to get colder and it's going to get darker and we don't want to be just out exposed in the middle of nowhere trying to survive we also need some food did i mention food fire no not fire it's not part of the challenge but if we're gonna eat and drink we're gonna need some fire so without further ado let's get some work done adam yeah for traveling okay because if not we're gonna be exposed and i think in order of importance especially for winter is we need to get shelter started at least maybe not finished so let's get going right now whew ah well thankfully i got my survival shovel you should always have a survival shovel with you in the winter i know you think i'm joking right now but i'm actually not shovel is one of the most important tools you can have in the winter when you go out anywhere it'll solve a lot of problems for starters you can make an easy wind break obviously we're getting a little bit more technical here well maybe maybe it doesn't even look technical maybe you can't even see it but it's actually amount of snow it's the beginnings of what's called the quincy it's an ancient structure made by inuit no they made igloos but they had better snow than we do ours is soft and malleable and flaky and so what we need to do is wait for this to center it's a process where all the crystals become reshaped and bond together and then we can haul it out when we have more energy i'm gassed so i think uh adam's turn to dig because we got to fit two people in there and it's only this high by that wide and we needed to be at least as tall as a human being and at least twice the size of two human beings to fit two human beings inside because we've got to hollow it out we can use some of the snow from the outside but the worry is as soon as you pull snow outside and put snow on top it could cave in all sorts of things can go wrong here but all sorts of things can go right i think adam's got a couple lines out already in a row so he's working on food let me bring you over there and i'll introduce you to adam he's the expert troutsman on this adventure i'm taking no credit and no blame if we don't catch any fish because he invited me out here he's laughing all right let's go over meet him oh it's brisk that is brisk we're not in hawaii that's for sure it's adam stew yeah s-t-u yeah it's adam s-t-e-w s-t-e-w like the stew stew that's it yeah stewie whatever you want to call me right on so i'll put the link down below but uh so this where are we gonna tell people where we are no so this is uh only i know yes it's a little top secret location here um canadian shield lake oh but yeah nothing too technical today we're just using minnows and i find the bet the smaller the hook the better um you know again the metals are gonna live longer it's going to give them a better swim swim ability action yeah and then uh you know you can go anywhere from six inches to a foot you're going to want to put some i just put some split shots to get the middle down there we're fishing pretty deep today the target species are you know lake trout whities burbot you don't really know what we're going to get we can get into some smelt as well so really multi-species uh chances out here today in ontario we get two lines each we're gonna get two lines both going here pretty quick and uh spread them out as best we can and hopefully we hook up pretty soon nice well because i'm already getting hungry and you said there's some good night fishing too i'm gonna get your sinkers in there yep so let's let's see if we can catch one right now and then we'll check off like uh half a box on the shelter and a half oh that'll be a full box well no it's only half a box if we catch a fish we still have to eat it yes and it's going to be tricky unless we want to have sushi out here because how about that though a whole nother set of problems getting a fire going out here and you can see how far away the shoreline is so we're gonna have to solve that problem there's also some pretty good night fishing yeah oh yeah yeah so yeah so first case scenario we're not eating during the day we're gonna be uh up all night trying to get that box checked off well i'll let you get while you keep fishing i'm gonna do a little bit more on the shelter and then you're going to be up let's do it you got how many lines set two just two yeah this is the second one right now okay two lines set right now two to go after this and for the guy out there asking me for an ice fishing adventure you got it and we're combining it with survival and adam's just along for the ride he has no winter camping experience i'm a rookie complete rookie and so he's trusting me to keep him alive which i don't know if i would i don't know if i would trust myself well i seem to have a little bit of a better track record this is a tough one this is gonna be tricky it's cold today if you can't tell from the beard the beard situation i am kind of regretting letting it go this long now but we'll see how it holds up by the end so back to my mound of snow over here you guys see what i've managed to do i know you can't really tell with the snow backdrop and everything kind of looks all about the same but we got about this height so far keep plugging away at this and having the lines nearby will mean that we're gonna we're gonna stick around in this area and we're staying local when you do winter stuff you don't go far you stay as local as you can you know bringing all the gear that you need in order to make it out here is uh is tricky hey guys well i'm so glad to have you guys along to put up with all my freaking shenanigans and all these adventures there's a lot more to come in this video we're just getting started but i want to introduce my sponsor you guys know i'm a huge fan of manscaped we featured the weed whacker before this is the one you jam up your nose and get those hangers out and then you shove in your ears to get the danglers out also got the lawnmower this one works around you know the base of the tree trims around the hedge if you don't know what i'm talking about well mostly it's for around your balls but i want to feature something new this is for the refined man after you've taken care of the mess you want to smell beautiful and so we've got some cologne feature it comes in this beautiful packaging i can describe the scent as calming woodsy it's also hyper allergenic cruelty free dye free paraben free if you're up for it you're going to get the 3.0 kit that includes everything from the weed whacker deodorant ball toner you got some carrying cases chargers even a couple free gifts use the link down below in the description put in the code beardsmen and that's going to get you 20 off plus free shipping that's at manscaped.com all right guys now that you're hooked up with your grooming products let's jump back in the video and find out if we survived this adventure well you guys don't need me to tell you that staying dry is super important in the winter so i'm taking lots of breaks while i'm making the quincy to make sure i don't overheat and start sweating i have my hood on the top because i don't want any snow down the back it's supposed to be one of the coldest nights we've had this year um thankfully there's not a lot of wind which is a godsend because the wind is super terrible when you're trying to be out here in the middle of the middle of the lake because there's nothing to break the wind but you could make a wind break i mean the shelter obviously is a wind break it's a start here you can see oh i got it about three quarters of my body height and uh we're getting there but it's a ton of work man like you can see the perimeter i've dug around the circle here and i'll keep doing that out more and more and more and the nice part about this is that it gives us a nice comfortable place to walk it's like shoveling your driveway times about 10 right now and there's some slush on the ice too so we didn't make any of the holes too close to the quincy because we want to get slush in here and then when we dig the quincy out we're gonna have to make sure that we're not uh in the slushy areas but the slushy areas are only some parts and that's where it either melts or there's a spring or it rained you could see around this hole it's all wet and so we don't want to get any of our boots wet or anything like that try to stay out of it as much as we can it's the ice motel nice motel not quite thank you working on it though i'm sleeping in this thing well you're sleeping yeah you're going to be sleeping in a mound of snow here have you ever slept in a quincy before have you made one before probably yeah like as a kid as a kid that's what i'm saying right so it's not any different it's just the scale is going to be a lot bigger we should dig them out of snow banks yeah like at recess so this is like we're making the snow bank first and then we gotta hollow it out but i don't think it's big enough i think for one person right now so we're gonna have to make it twice that size okay so we're not gonna get all cozy tonight well it really depends how cold it gets but no no that's not going to happen so yeah we've got to make it at least twice this so i think if we expand the perimeter another about the same and it's going to sink a little bit but i don't want it tall we just want enough that we can shove two human beings in there so once we kind of get the pile made if you want to call it that how long do we have to wait until we get a couple of hours but it needs to settle or it's called center okay yeah settler center and that'll that'll make it a solid mount so it won't collapse when we haul it out well it'll be interesting whether it can keep this warm yeah not dying not dying what did i get myself into what did you get you know you might not be eating today too which is another another thing that you might uh you know you might be like oh dude i don't know because uh not only being cold but being hungry yep and hopefully not thirsty too so that's gonna be the trick right i'm starting to feel a little thirsty right now but i'll eat i'll eat some snow while i'm still warm my stomach's starting to grumble too so well you better get on the fish then i'm working on it we got our we got our maximum four lines out and that's all we can do now is just wait so adam's busy catching up on the shoveling i'm gonna say he's gonna do all the shoveling but he's gonna do half because that's part of the deal got a story bit of a story he told me he uh fell through he's wearing he's wearing a floater suit but you know don't tell his mom he's not wearing it properly because uh he fell through and uh did you made the news and everything so people look you up yeah does your name show up anywhere no it's just 26 year olds yeah 26 year old okay so look up 26 year old falls through the ice yeah or 57 year old because you're with another buddy too and he fell through and he was stuck in the he stuck in the water with his body well you weren't stuck but your body was stuck for an hour for now the guy was in in the water for an hour and you couldn't pull him up and you so you held on to them and then you called i guess from cell phone yeah so i mean and uh you know we got roasted pretty good online but honestly we weren't trying to be unsafe i didn't think we were being risky we went out and i had my safety gear with me and once we set up fishing we were on 10 inches or more of ice of clear ice yeah which is it's yeah it's considered safe anything over like six inches is fine and you know people had snowmobiles out people were atving there was hockey games going on this was on new year's day so there was tons of people out and we fished for five or six hours into the about 7 30 we packed up and we're walking back to the cars and i thought we were walking the same path all of a sudden i heard a crack i look over and my friend is you know he's older and he's uh he's got a couple pounds on me you could say he's always like not to mention he had layers and layers on so he was probably pushing like a couple bills at least maybe 300 pounds wow um and so he fell in and i knew it i was going in next so um it was like instantly after he was in i think the ice weakened and i fell through lucky enough i caught myself and was able to pivot out i never went i like my belly button up stayed dry which i think was a big savior for me and then from there tried to get my friend out you know the fact that he weighs probably 2x me yeah it was scary scary situation so i decided i needed to call the cops or the 9-1-1 after i made the call about 50 minutes later rescue came and uh and took my friend from me it was uh it was an experience that i don't want to go through again and it's cliche as hell man but if i could send one message out to anyone watching this no ice is safe ice and i know you've heard that before but until something like this happens to you it happened to me it could happen to you so especially early ice and no and where we are it's been a really unpredictable winter it's been warm the there hasn't been a lot of consistent cold days in a row so if you're going out there be careful like spud out wear a float suit if you have it wear a life jacket if you don't have a float suit and don't be like me they threw lines out they had like this uh i'm not even sure what it's called but it's like a rescue dinghy it almost looks like a floaty so they could they could scooch out and grab yeah yeah and if you if you guys search it up you'll they have a drone video of the full rescue i'm not i'm not making this up it's like a two minute clip uh they voiced it over with with the call like it's pretty intense i i still don't like watching it i'm going to have to link that oh i'm going to pin that in the comments yep got to put that in there anyway i fell through a couple times i told you and uh thankfully i just pulled myself out because you know it was just me yep and the conditions were such that it was possible for me to just bounce back yeah we're about anywhere from eight to ten inches of ice yeah and that's and clear eyes too so that's the that's the strong stuff i feel very comfortable right yeah and there's no there's no running water running water is is the kicker anywhere there's water that moves or there's springs you got to watch out for that stuff alright thanks you asked me how much how much more i think we're about halfway i mean with that loop i think maybe another uh maybe one more maybe one more round like i'll go a little bit more the thing is we don't want to start digging and then have it to be too small right what i mean because then we got a well then we're kind of screwed well a little bit yeah so we don't want to like we want to make sure that we have enough to go to go by where we're not like and it looks big enough but like it looks big enough to if we're going to be like side by side like right tight right right and the problem is when if you're in there real tight there's not a lot of air and then we're going to be up against the snow banks right and so we don't want we don't want to get wet when we're in there so yep anyway no fish so far no bites no fish the wind's picking up so it's getting uh getting cold it's like the sun's breaking through a little bit but we don't think like i'd rather have the overcast it's not not as uh not as cold but it's it's it's getting colder almost like with the wind well it's good you get a little bit chilly do a loop of uh snow snow shoveling and you're it feels like it it was what it was before it got nice and uh nice and heated yeah that's the benefit are you feeling thirsty yet yeah yeah stomach's still going yeah i'm getting hungry now and i'm getting thirsty so no it's starting to look advertising to me yeah i know i'm thinking about it appetizing i'm thinking about uh i don't know if we will we'll watch the lines a little bit longer and then uh we might have to go get some wood and get on the water situation here well it's gonna be hard to describe how big this is but uh if you came across it as a natural phenomenon you'd be like boy that's a big pile of snow must have taken somebody a long time to do that and it kind of did it's almost head height it's almost as big as two bodies i'd like to make it a little bit bigger still i know it sounds crazy but um probably knock the top off and then there's gonna be lots of snow coming out of this because obviously you have to hollow it out so we can potentially take some of that snow out and then pile it on the outside a little bit you don't want to do too much of that because that will risk it collapsing and that mean would have to restart and it is possible to make these things collapse boy i'm not liking that wind that's the thing about the sun and something i told adam is that oh he's got a fish fish fish fish oh fish fish fish got it one fish on i got one baby fish on michonne you know one of the issues fishing in in the winter is your drag freezes up especially when you're not inside a hut holy nice run got a laker make her a laker that was right on cue almost she's running oh baby heart rate is matters because this is food man chris you got another one i think just wait i don't know if i left it in the ground okay we'll let's just uh it's gonna i don't think it's right i think i threw it in the ground rod's not gonna go down there no well this is what matters this is going to solve a big problem dude i'm so hungry it makes the pressure even more so man well this is food this isn't like this this isn't dinner tomorrow this is dinner today this is breakfast today lunch and dinner lunch and dinner potentially well it matters man oh that's a good fish this is a good one it's got to be a lake trout this is a laker 100 now if you've ever watched any of my other videos you would know i always say that and i always get it wrong well what else could it be a pike i mean it could if it was a pike i'd expect it to kind of come in a little bit easier like with more explosive well we're we're in 40 feet of water yep you have pike that deep so the thing about pike in the winter is they like the big pike will just kind of suspend at 20 or 30 feet or so and they'll be eating whities um lake herring and smelt so i'm pretty confident i'm not gonna say a hundred percent that it's a laker but it's probably like well we will eat a dirty pike i love pike cold water pike is delicious by the way there's nothing wrong with it so one thing when these lake trout run you want to get your rod tip so that the line doesn't scrape too much against the bottom of the hole it's got to be close here now yeah we're getting there you know what we gotta you're gonna need help are you gonna be all right i'll let you know in a minute yeah i'll need the tripod because oh there's bubbles this is a lake trout yeah oh jesus he's just below the ice there now yeah he's running sideways you don't want to force these things there's a leader oh there's the leader yeah now the art of this is getting their head steered through the hole i just saw a flash i'm gonna scoop them here okay yeah go ahead there's that oh yeah it's a laker yep come on buddy this is a good fish come on get your head get your beak up there come on come on come on there's a head oh that is a big fish that's a good laker that's a good sized one come on i'm gonna go oh there it is come here it's barely hooked it's a dark one oh car oh yeah that's on the edge of the lip there dude there we go oh that's a perfect size eating fish dude that's perfect eater look where he's hooked look at that oh my god dude that's gonna come right out that is like you cannot hook a fish any more lightly lucky man i'm actually shaking this is my first fish of 2020. well congrats man and it's one that matters the most too dude that's a sweet look look at those colors now some of you guys might be able to locate where we are by the colors of this fish but i'll leave that up in the air nice little secret nice fish man well nice going oh you weren't full of full of uh nothingness not fully full of what do you mean you got a fish you probably should be fish we're eating now well we got to get the fire going still which is going to be another job all together but that's the perfect size this is a quaker perfect size is great what's that three three three i'd probably say four pounds before yeah okay as a fisherman myself i'd say five pounds we got a trophy size i won't push it though we'll say four pounds no beautiful colors no that's you don't want to eat anything any bigger than that mercury contamination well you know yeah i like to let the big ones go so yeah it's an older like the older fish yep and uh you know you know it's good for the good for the the species for the ones back and they taste better when they're smaller yes these are old fish like even though lake trout grow really slow and they accumulate lots of toxins over the lifetime so the smaller they are the better they are to eat that's perfect let's uh let's get this guy knocked out yeah we'll dispose them i like to cut them and bleed them out sure and then we'll clean them right away so that doesn't freeze up because the temperatures today if we don't do this right now we're not eating all right let's get him cleaned up do it right on man good job we get to eat relief i'm not gonna die we got one box well no so we got two half boxes checked off right now because we have a half a shelter and we have a fish to eat but we still have to be we have to cook it unless we're going to eat raw fish which of course we don't want to do not unless we have to no that would just that one just fell down okay cool adam's just going to knock it out with the axe and slit the gills that'll make the fish taste a lot better as you know the blood is bitter uh if you ever had a trout and you forgot to remove i guess it's the liver that runs along the dorsal i always forget which one it is i think it's the kidneys the kidneys it runs along the dorsal if you forget to remove those by chance the fish tastes like it takes it tastes wrong there's something wrong with it so the more blood you can get out of the fish the better of course we could we could drink the blood you know we'd give a go on that but not today maybe maybe that's another time we can make some fish blood stew one trout is is good for one person i think but two trout one each is better that's my opinion on things so shelter i think i'm gonna do a little bit more work right now and then we're definitely going to go on a wood run because we got to get fire going now for sure if we can thrive on this challenge it'll be amazing man my hands are freaking cold so i don't mind going back to the shoveling so what i've been doing is shaving off the sides come straight down and then taking that snow throwing it up top and then packing a little bit like it'll pack on its own you guys know snow banks pack on by themselves but i want to make a more straight up and down wall so that we have more usable space because the tail ends here aren't really good for anything because we're not going to be sticking our heads in the cracks there so the square we can make this the better and we don't need a lot of height but we want to be able to at least be able to sit up on our butt because it's not comfortable if you're just like staring at a roof or you don't have enough air space to breathe so what i'm going to do is go all the way around do that knock it down throw it up top flatten it out and shelter is important super important especially with this wind coming up and i know it's going to get only colder from here on out so let's start let's start shaping this thing we out another another fish on the reel on the wrong side adam i was thinking the same thing with you how does she feel well it's definitely smaller it's not fighting yet but i might switch as long as i can keep tension on here without uh messing up because it's on the wrong hand it's so weird to reel with my right hand who reels with the right hand i thought the same thing with your left-hander reel buddy oh there's bubbles so we're gonna go i see a flashlight here's a smaller one though a small laker dude i can honestly say that's the smallest flaker i've ever seen no way i swear to god we let this guy go yeah let's throw him back unless the hook swallowed it's a little small for a lake trout hey yeah that's a tiny one i i honestly that's the smallest one i've ever seen here we go okay just a little laker nice colors though eh yeah if we didn't already have a fish we'd keep this one but they get a lot bigger than that so let him go see you later dude oh i'm not skunk now right on nice catch buddy yeah all right so we got the f the front here flattened out you know it's the quincy the quincy's a quincy but if you've never made one then you don't really know how to make one so that's why i'm here i guess i'll show you how to how to make one but you want to keep some things in mind when you decide where you want to put it the wind is one factor so you obviously don't be facing into the wind i'm we're probably gonna make a pretty big door because i don't want to get wet going in and out i'm gonna make it like pretty good sized one and then if i don't like it well then i'll we'll shrink it after like we can always mount another layer of snow in here and like make a tunnel after the fact that's easy enough to do but what i don't want to do is like a really really small door crawl in and then be digging up over my head and having all that snowfall on top of me that's fine when you're a kid and you go inside and mommy puts your stuff in the dryer and gets it nice and dry for you so you go out in two hours but we're gonna stay out here for at least another i'd say another 12 hours before we get out of this so we're going to be in the stuff there's no there's no electric or gas dryer out here and if we've waited long enough it's not going to totally collapse you see these big chunks of snow are pretty good indicator that it's centered it's not sintered well and we are forcing things a little bit we are risking the chance of it collapsing but we don't have all the time in the world we got to get going with things we got a probably pretty good shelter here now you guys can come have a look you know for one person obviously this is meant for situations where there's lots of snow i can pretty much lay down in here now with a little bit more work i can get my feet all the way in here too but i don't want to push things if i push things i'm going to be in trouble deep trouble so we don't want this to collapse all that snow i'm moving to the edges here and then what we can do in case the wind does shift is what we can make is a little bend and close the door up so we make a little bit of a wind wall on the one side and the other side and that can narrow up and then if we wanted to like i said before we compile the snow all the way up and then hollow it out so we crawl in but we're adults here we don't want to be hitting our head and knocking snow down the back and we don't want to be hitting the roof or anything like that while we're sleeping because that'll make us wet and cold more digging i have a little shovel here too you could switch over and then start taking off some of the other snow hard work with a big shovel to do this and i can feel that this snow is not very well centered yet down here on the bottom and if you have two people you can have one person working on the inside and the other person just shoveling material out i almost think you should be taking some of the snow off the roof in order to shrink the weight that this has to carry down at the bottom but this eggshell dome shape is really what's going to be holding it together in the long run so we don't want to go through the edges of the roof at all you don't want to dig too aggressively oh we have to restart i don't think we have enough time to restart nice pulling these big chunks out though well i'm not going to lie i am a little bit more concerned than i was when i was a kid i'm making these because i don't want it to collapse you can see i got enough now for a one a human but i'm i'm making sure that what i do is i shave off a little bit not poke in too aggressively with the shovel because i don't want to make a weak spot where it collapses it's still sintering but it's workable but all the snow that we put in here now we have to remove except for the shell so that's the basic premise behind it and is notably warmer in here there is no wind at all and just my body heat feels like it's heating it up so i'm probably one quarter of the way here finished right now which means nothing there's still a lot of work left to do i just sent to adam on a wood run so that we can get potentially some food cooking and uh i gotta remember to keep an eye on the lines which i haven't been doing but every time i take a load out i check the lines just to see if anything's happening because uh you know one trout's good but two throats better so all we can do now is continue on shoveling and good thankfully i got this little shovel this little shovel here from princess auto it's a little 12 shovel and this is what you would keep with you for a snow expedition takes hardly any weight you can put that in a pack i've forgotten how much work that is huh as a survival shelter is probably good enough now we're moving on to thriving so we're going to make it bigger i've had two people in there snug real snug too snug probably so we still got to make it fatter bigger wider longer taller bigger better better leaner tougher more sheltered sheltery shelteredness shelter hope adam comes back real quick with that wood so we can get that trout cooking because i need some troucher knee emma energy trout trotting energy oh gotta watch those lines it's a good day to survive so cold these holes are freezing over which is a good way to lose a minnow without catching a fish so we gotta make sure we break that ice and then check see we still got bait because without bait we're not going to catch any fish so far no other bites just the one well two i guess which i guess is good and it's bad it's not distracting us for making the shelter but it only means well it means we only got one fish to eat but the priority is the shelter right now so i'll get back on that i'd say you're probably halfway there right now you guys want to come in and have a peek but uh i can squat in here which is good because you want to be able to sit up um if you can't sit up that's not good but you can see like the edge is only over here that's the other edge so to fit two people in here to be pretty squished right now we're getting there snow trench quincy snow trench quincy you got to decide what you want to do like i would stop right here if this was like survival survival i would never made this this is too elaborate this is but no food no water no shelter challenge is about thriving it's about making things better than just basic i think we should be able to do that it's just gonna it's gonna cost us more calories and it's gonna take more time it's gonna be more work just enjoying the quiet in here nice to be out of the wind i think we got to eat soon there trout's got to get in my belly so the sled's a big big saver right now that's part of the reason i made the door big too i get the sled in here and uh what i've been doing is making the length out first and then i'm going to knock the ceiling out and if you do it right and you can actually knock the ceiling right into the sled and i'm being super careful not to go too high i haven't reached the edge here you can always kind of guess how high you can get away with just knowing from the outside and you can make it as thin as you want but i don't see any purpose of making it super thin it's just how big you want to make it at the end of the day we're getting to be about the full the full size that we need it to be once you got your system and the rest of it's just repeating of course i don't know where the back of this is we'll find out we'll find out soon enough all right that's a full load and take this out and dump it i'm going to show you before i go any further you see that means we're done digging you see that light coming through i don't use sticks i know somebody out there is going to be i build a quincy and what you do is you put sticks in there and there's six or six inches and then when you stop you stop when you see the sticks you can't do that i said you can't do that but i don't do that i just go by feel by art of course you can make mistakes that way and maybe you shouldn't if it's the first time making them make six inch sticks or eight inch sticks or ten inch sticks however thick you want your wall to be and then stop when you see you can see the edge of the stick and then you know you're done digging me i'm happy with that um i'm gonna go a little bit higher because i find when i kneel i hit the roof and i don't like that because i don't want to drop snow on my sleeping bag and so the rest of it is just kind of fattening things out like very carefully it's more finesse work at this point and that way we don't risk losing it there's probably quite a bit more i can take off the roof here so that we can sit up and then a little bit more on the edges you can see i can do my whole arm span here so we can fit two bodies in here now at this point the rest of it's just cleaning up and then getting our bedding in here so i think this is turning up pretty good trying to gauge how far i need to go i think i can go a little bit farther quite a bit farther on this wall here because i'm not really seeing any light left alright light coming through here the back wall i think is probably done and that's down there oh there's the edge there i could see it just coming through i see that light just coming through a couple more loads and we can do finishing touches and we can move in officially move in we still haven't eaten yet but i think our priorities are straight we're working on our food no we already got we already got a food working on our shelter first which courses everything to do with survival all right get a load dump more shovels a bit too big with the little one this one's a little bit too small big shovel it's just too tall it hits the roof this is going to be something you're going to sleep in and you don't have any gear with you you're going to be using spruce boughs and such make a nice bed underneath you there's a full load all righty well adam's going to come in here too we'll see if we fit i think it actually is bigger it's bigger now than that we have both people in here to see like it is bigger than i thought like we can both like i can fit on this side here and you can fit on that side preferably yeah and you can sit up too like i i think i'll probably do a little bit more sculpting you know what's cool about this too when you when you were talking in here and i was uh checking the lines i couldn't hear a word you were saying no it's it's muffled right it's pretty cool yeah it was weird and when you come in here that sounds really good too it's like it's crisp yeah it's like it's deadening just shave a little bit more just to tidy everything up and then we'll like make a nice base and then we can uh bring our bedding in here all right i hope she stays warm how'd you how did you make it well it's not going to be warm but yeah i mean it's going to be i think the main thing is that it's a win break it's a windbreak yeah right yeah so you're only dealing with the temperature and as you i don't know if you guys know but the wind chill is like a major thing right yeah it's like 10 degrees colder in the wind well it's like minus 12 today probably minus 25 with the windchill yeah so it's double right yeah and i feel warm in here it's great i'm comfortable so just because we did all this work but that's true it's comfortable how did you make out with the wood you got some uh yeah you got tons tons of wood fail a big fire and uh cook some trout well we should maybe do that i'm starving okay let's do that let's do that and get some water going too yes and then we can do the finishing touches on this something planned all righty let's get this is really cool yeah i made the door big enough so we don't have to we don't have to kill ourselves too bad coming in and out it actually does feel quite a bit warmer in there like coming out of there is a little bit chilly now i don't know you're gonna get wet doing it like i'm pretty careful i feel sweaty which uh means i need to start drinking all right so fire i guess adam wants to show off his spoils he found oh yeah in the in the woods what'd you find well got a decent amount of uh firewood to cook some fish on and i mean i'm sure we got enough birch bark for a week but better safe than sorry i thought don't want to have to hike back into the bush so tons of uh like tons that's my favorite it's it's fluffy too and it's super dry i'm gonna let you man this all right for now and uh we'll get set up we've got uh i got a stove i want to show off to you guys so i have to throw you guys on the tripod and we're going to get our fire going right now and we're going to get some food in our belly all right so we got our we got a paw bow stove here adam's got the birch spark and he's working on a little bit of a little bit of a mishap i actually i have two rods and uh i think one of the rods stayed in the sled and i think i pitched it in the snow bank and actually i didn't look around quite a bit to try to find it i can't so we're without anyway we've got the problem solved now yep and uh that's it i mean that's all we need to do where she goes man i think so wait improvise then make it work overcome improvise and adapt i think that's all jambled up but that's spare grills so all this is called the hobo stove pretty simple design it's got lots of holes in the in and around to let oxygen come in and it's got one port down here which is a feeder port so we can put wood in there and and cook so we don't have to you know try to stuff it through the fish oh nice so you can like feed it in this way now this is a design i think i made 10 years ago or something like so you didn't pick this up at home since so back back when you were five years old but uh the idea is that to get up off the ice out of the snow so that we're not melting things right and we're we're going to keep all our can keep a nice bed of coals on there and we're going to be able to cook without using as much firewood yeah well we've made lots of fires on the ice before i think the issue though is not just like the cold sucking heat energy from the fire but we're on the ice so what's going to happen is it's going to make a big pool and then you're going to have no coal beds it's going to make cooking next to impossible so absolutely this is genius yeah and you can you don't have to get fancy with clearly no you don't you can use like the pale tin can can or a garbage pail lid anything like that will do um the idea is just so that you're just not you're not sending a bunch of water in your coals and it makes a huge huge difference and then uh after that we just light her up ready to go i'm starving are you i'm so hungry first time not eating for you know a few hours in the day right yeah i mean on there i mean uh i think it it doesn't help that we have the the trout just waiting for us over there taunting me so that's true so it should light up pretty easily with the birch bark here and we're we're protected from the wind inside the pail which is nice holy smokes he's windy i think we're going to turn it this way yep you guys are not going to see all the flameage going on but that thing took off that didn't take long at all man of that's what i wanted to see we're gonna get we're just gonna dump it get a good bed of coals in and we might actually have to go cook behind because the wind's coming this way it's not a bad idea we might uh we might go behind uh behind the igloo all right we got the fire moved over to the other side but i don't know if it's any better here i'm gonna turn the door it's not completely blowing in there man freaking wind out here that's the thing like can you imagine trying to trying to actually cook on here would be crazy it wouldn't happen and we're at the back like it's not it's just not the windy side but it's still windy you know well the wind actually died down on its own which is a good thing because uh we're just getting ready to throw the trout on and got it all cleaned up and de-boned and we had to decide how we're gonna fit it on so i ended up cutting it into three pieces we got the head we got the torso and then we got the tail the tail portion of it and uh i think if we wait too much longer i don't know it's so hot like five seconds like i'm like two wow so we might i might have to wait just a little like it's one two so much heat given off there we're gonna wait a little bit longer before we throw that on we can let that we can throw some spices on there and then uh let that kind of soak in a little bit i don't wanna put it on to the point where i'd like if i put it on there it's gonna burn and it feels like if i put on there instantly it's gonna burn and then it's gonna be you know the same situation where it's like raw on one side and like burnt on the other no good you're gonna do the honors yeah honestly look at this i get to do this i feel pretty privileged have you ever tried it no no it's the world's famous wadobo spice that's great yeah smell it i don't know if you eat it raw it gives you the same thing but you smell it and it tastes it tastes fine it tastes fine like i've never had it raw i think you're the first person's ever tried it raw everybody's put on everything else besides just like straight up straight up you're the first guy straight shooter there you go let's get her going throw her on there oh yeah so yeah cover it we want to cover all the looks of crannies rub that in afterwards too yeah we gotta get these tails hooked over and then flip that one over too yeah perfect that's the meaty the fatty that's the goodness right there man beautiful that's gonna cook perfect that's perfect like we're not gonna add any more heat nothing like it's oh look at it look at that cinch up oh wow dynamite perfect oh i'm gonna get some water ready to go so that we're always kind of we're gonna be using that fire for two purposes there we go got a scoop of water just lake water and as soon as that fish comes off we'll put the water on then we can check our our box number two off food fire water shelter and shelters coming along we gotta get a little bit distracted on that and uh i'm gonna go probably uh we got a couple hours left uh i think adam's gonna gonna make sure all the lines are still set and i don't want to go too far from this fish because i don't want to ruin it that would that would be that would be bad that would be not good i don't want it to get too low either because we're going to eat raw fish too this hobo stove is working out good and i would recommend you guys make one for this purpose it's easy enough to carry fire lays fire ladies only work so good man like they're not they don't go as far as you think they will especially on the ice once you get that water and stuff you know your fire is done well i'm thinking that i can't uh you can see the light coming through the back there i guess or maybe it's coming through the door but uh i'm thinking that's it i can't go i can't go any more than that i mean you can always go a little bit more but i don't want i don't feel like it's safe enough a risk too much of collapsing so i'm gonna do now is uh clear out the base so it's pretty flat otherwise it's gonna be still pretty lumpy snow and uh then we'll do a we'll do a hand sweep i've got some lumps here just from putting my body on top of it and collapsing it so compress it i should say compressing we'll shave this out and then we'll do a hand sweep and then we can start moving in officially this has been a freaking ton of work this is not the kind of i mean i went overboard 100 i went overboard on the shelter you can see how big it is like that's my arm span here arm span this way i'm just touching the back here now but i got tons of room at the front so when i lay out i'm not going to actually touch the end walls which is was ultimately my goal to give you a sense of how just how big this is here's my feet one end and my body the other end so that's that i would consider is perfect you won't want to go any less than that i had room i can sit up in the middle of the night if i need to not feel claustrophobic like he's gonna be on the other side the other side there's there's as much room on the other side or more and that sun is just about hitting the top of the trees there so we're about to lose some light big snowballs on the bottom of my boots which are my pants which of course happens like walking into slush then i got to carry that around all day carrying a few extra pounds of weight just for no reason you think i'm being meticulous it's because well i want to have a good night's sleep it's enough sleeping in a freaking ice box that i don't need to be uncomfortable especially after doing all that work but i'm happy with this really happy i think this turned out really good more than i expected so i just got a little bit more cleanup to do wow look at that i'm just going to clean up the side here okay just a little sweep and then we can move our stuff in awesome but uh it's looking good yeah it's awesome pretty i'm proud of that that was a ton of work dude probably it's probably taken me six you want a piece yeah where's your fork a handball i thought that we were hand bombing it i didn't get the memo it's a special day courtney actually she threw this in with my hobo stove and uh i like i never have a i never have a fork so there's something something working in my favor today she threw it down on the bottom of the um this because i pulled it out of the attic pretty good that's actually really good i wasn't sure i wasn't sure with all the smoke coming out of there but it's actually oh man i'm relieved that's it's actually adding to it i just got so much more double spice on that last oh it's bite good time i feel bad giving it to you because i want to eat it myself go for it man you need the calories nope as soon as this fish is cooked water's going on i already got a pot full here that's uh can you stop no i mean not me neither i'm just trying to do it real carefully so i don't uh don't lose any yeah so it's it is pretty charred like i'm not gonna lie but that that's like gonna be troubled bacon yeah well done honestly the skin is good cook it with the skin yep like you don't need to uh i think there's some like nutritional value in the skin as well 100 it's what the thought is like first for us surviving today we need that here we go all right you're going to go catch another fish and i'm going to finish the shelter get in there yeah there you go cool right home there's a success we got food and then we're gonna get water boiled up too every sled i take out here is one one human body so that means just that much more room well that fish that second fish is now done and we're gonna get oh it's tender super tender um super warm well this one cooked better than the first one by far this one cooked way better than the first one i don't even think the skin is burnt on this one oh man that is diamond sun's hitting the top of the trees which means it's time to get down to business i'm already sleeping in the freaking refrigerator so i've got a i got a phone map phone foam foam mat bone foam mat and uh i can tell that my sleep space is going to be big enough because it doesn't touch all the way to the end and because i'm smart and i kind of knew i was going to survive today i i knew that was going to happen i got myself also a sleep mat a second sleep mat this one you guys probably know is a thermal rest and we'll let that start to inflate on its own i just keep the valve closed when you're transporting it so it doesn't fill up with air and then get stuck in the bag something my wife likes to do every single time and then she realizes that after and she can't get it out of the bag and she wonders why well keep the nozzle closed silly goose i think adam should get his stuff in here next and then we can see like how much space we got to work with here what do you think yeah look how much room there is like that's all i need is this section here and then there's still like it's if you could you could if you wanted to you could probably fit five buddies in here that's a that's pretty good let me grab my gear yeah grab your gear and let's get set up i do want to get this water put on and we'll just put the lid on like so and that'll keep a lot of the heat in and then we'll have a nice big uh i think it's just i think it's a two or three liter uh bunch of water in there so that'll be enough for us to sip on while we're night fishing you guys gonna stick around for that adam's got a little bit of a different setup looks like he's got uh the puzzle piece he got the puzzle pieces he he robbed got a little sister maybe i wish man that would be a good excuse for this so there's no excuses nope he's got a purple colorful guy yeah purple and pink uh that works i mean that that's like you can put that up on the bottom of the shack or something like that right that's what i typically do yeah it's to keep my feet warm um keep your feet off the ice is like the main thing to keep your like obvious your boots but like to keep your feet warm this foam are are key yeah so you're gonna you're gonna try to do four i think three is enough threes and if three's enough yeah then you'll be able to scooch over a little bit yeah and then you won't be in the way of the door that's my ultimate goal was like so that we could still look like come in and out without having to get because you don't want to get on any water or anything on your sleep and you got a mat too yeah okay so you got an inner mat so you're you're doing exactly the same thing yeah same setup i got a mat and then i got a air mattress on top mine's thinking like yep and then uh do you have one sleeping bag or two i got two i doubled up that's all you got to do if you don't have a good winter bag two but just do two bags just two summers or even if you have to use three summers yeah i mean i did a setup before when i when we had nothing it was just like we bought everything we brought like four bags of like just junk because you know back in the day you couldn't buy stuff for like 20 bucks right it was like a steam bag was like passed down from generation generation they didn't make them right you know that was when coleman was in the business of doing it and that was like that's way a long time ago so it looks like we're going to be good for space i mean if you run out this is great if you want you can probably talk you can probably shave off a little bit more over there if you want to get tucked more into the corner oh yeah so it's up to you yeah i could do that and that way that way you're pushed way over fit right in the side i think that'd be the way to go i did give you this that side that i thought was longer but i didn't shave that out so we shaved that out then you'll have a spot for your legs our spine is the best part the fattiest part makes all that fat oh that's so good that is delicious delicious fatty trout i'm gonna eat everything right down to the spine licking the cracks get all in there and then set it aside because this is the only meal we get just trying to condense things condense our space here i want everything to kind of be out here we're going to drill some holes around the tent for night fishing you know we don't have to go a long distance to catch a fish in the dark and then we'll have to reset it up tomorrow morning the lake trout bite which is not so bad the holes will still be there but it's only eight inches so it's not that hard to to reset but uh i don't want to be walking around in the dark trying to find balls is it is the smoke going in there it's getting there is it really it's not too bad though don't worry maybe we'll move it off kind of gives it a nice scent yeah it won't have any mosquitoes in there i didn't even think of that oh looks like we're getting all set up huh we got the the water cooking over here we got what do you call this leftovers you want it actually tastes really good yeah i was i ate the whole spine it was good so i'm gonna put this like this is gonna be like bedside it's like eating it's gonna like not as bad as eating chips in your bed it'll just be like eating cheap chips off the side of your bed it's like put it in the middle you get hungry or peckish in the middle of the night you feeling me nope we don't have to worry about bears coming in here oh i love this how cool is this man like we made this from nothing we nailed it we nailed it this is this is a home for nothing like fire's going now the water will be boring in a second so we can have some water to drink amazing and uh we got enough wood that should be good for i don't know we should last till tomorrow hard to say i don't know man the spices that's right the spice is a little shy but uh we'll get you next time i mean you had a taste of it so it was amazing he's not lying it's good stuff hey i caught myself nice catch don't don't forget there's good shoulders on there we can make oh should we put it in the water for soup fish head soup you never heard of fish had soup i'm not sure i'm not sure you've watched my channel if you haven't heard of fish head soup well we won't so we won't put in the water yet because that didn't sound like a like a like a yes let's do it i was expecting you to stab this thing in the head and then suck up the eyes and the brain like you usually do well i would have done it it just didn't have enough room on the grill so the question is like i know like we can put on the grill after you can make you can use the collars on that thing right the whole thing the whole thing like if if i if i if i was up for it i mean if you up for it now if you were up for it i just put it in there and that would no go for it you want to try it when in rome let's see okay well let's try it then so then that'll cover our our water too like it's going to be too it's going to be a a fortified broth like it's not going to be bad i'm not go yeah i wish i had some more wood i would have put in there oh yeah that would make the difference that's going to fill it right to the top and we're just going to let that stew that's that's going to be it that's just that's it that's it that's the problem solving i don't want to knock it before i try it just it's just uh it's different do you have a cup uh no i guess we're gonna we're gonna have to slip out of there and i'll figure it out but uh oh that's good that's that's perfect i love this we got the lid here we don't need the lid right now we're keeping everything tight just in case we're looking for something because once it gets dark out here i don't know it might be it might be pretty dark with the cloud cover tonight oh yeah it'll be dark so i got everything tight we should move the lines closer now yep i think or you want to wait do you think there's gonna like an evening trope bite i mean there's a chance keep saying that um like i said before let's prep the holes and uh just drill the holes through the holes and yeah and then uh when it's time rebate or it's like do do we need to rebate you think we're good enough i just don't know if the minnows will freeze up on the walk over so but with the uh with the burberry bite you don't need you don't need fresh minnows for burger no okay all right you're not picky they're kind of like you and fish well i'll go with that because i don't mind eating anything but i've never had a burbot never had a burbot so our world is shrinking and so we're gonna pull all the lines in nice and tight here it's about 45 feet of water which is good for lake trout apparently it's good for uh bourbon too i want to see a bourbon i've never seen a burbot my whole life probably one on tv but i've never eaten one that's for sure see the broth already look at that i do man do the fat on there yeah look at how oily it is yep that's the idea checking off the water box here we go i shouldn't have done that because that fish isn't cooked yet oh okay fishy i bet we're just gonna play around with this door situation here i think we probably could keep it open because the wind is not going to be super strong but we'll uh we'll see we could always kick it off or we could do like a half door or we're thinking maybe put both doors on like both sleds on there and then we'll decide you know what it's like inside if it's too windy or whatever then we can uh well the idea is that you want to leave a little bit of an opening or does it need to be like a substantial opening yeah well you want enough so that that it doesn't condense inside okay so as as the time goes on all the snow is going to start it's going to absorb only so much moisture right and then it's all going to harden on the outside and then it's going to stop being that moisture sink and then like there's a little bit of opening here would that be enough there's probably enough yeah yeah i mean a lot of guys will they'll punch a hole at the back or whatever like a breathe hole so that you're so that you can have oxygen but i mean if we have the door like this there's gonna be fresh air coming all the time i'm more concerned about like being really really damp in the morning yeah which is not good like the cold and wet yeah they changed the designs of the tents now so it's all screen right yep and then you have your fly over top because they used to be all plastic and i mean i don't know you could try to bring that in there and put a hole in the top and see what happens the smoke might like go straight out and bellow but if it doesn't it's just going to fill up with smoke what you got i'll find out here in a second oh what happened did you snap him off i don't know i think i i want to set the hook and i think i pulled it right out oh that hurts you know i've probably done that a couple thousand times and it never gets easier turn off my greasy fingernails eh well as you can see we're losing light pretty fast the soup's on a good boil now so and it's just at the right temperature i just have to put a little bit of wood in there every so often adam's just gone off to grab the rest of the rods and bring them closer in we didn't we didn't get any trout we missed the trout bite but uh i'm thinking to the point where we've got to get sort of hunkered in and uh we got we got a little lantern here we got my little o light lantern i'm a big fan of that it chose uh throws a nice good light i can tell you that my hands are ripping freezing right now because i stopped walking around and stopped doing everything i'm gonna blow my mat up i'm gonna get my blankets laid out i'm gonna have to go for a run every every once in a while but we're really gonna see how my sleep system works i cut i got three sleeping bags as soon as that sun went down it got cold real fast well in all the mayhem i forgot to uh put my tarp down which is crucial i'm putting my sleeping bag down on the mat and then the sleeping bag is coming off the edges and i'm like there's got to be a solution for this i'm just going to get everything out of the way and then i can throw it down so unlike chris i'm gonna be double bagging it tonight this is that this is interesting too because this is this is typically a uh like a double it's a double sleeping bag for two people so it unzips into two separate bags uh the inside being the the lighter one and this is the the heavier one it's supposed to be good for minus ten so i put it together so i'm saying maybe minus twenty so we'll find out i think you're gonna be warmer cold what you got i think i'll be okay you think you'll be good i'm pretty conditioned from uh from a fishing adventure so i don't wanna jinx it but i think i'll be okay whoo that's a lot of material and that probably equates to like a negative 45 c high arctic sleep system so if that doesn't work well you're gonna have to invest more money how does that look it somehow looks less appetizing than it did earlier you're not as hungry anymore that's it but uh we're gonna put this rape aside here so we can if you if you're hungry you can have a bite there might be like 7 30 or come no it's got to be later than that really it's like 7 30. oh oh wow i'm wrong it's quarter to nine yeah i had today so it's a quarter to bourbon bite look at that look at how rich that is wow we need to put i need to put more water in there but that's like dude that's like falling apart the richest soup ever that's like that's like stuff you crave in the middle oh yeah the middle of the night oh no that in the fish burnt fish skin chips oh we could throw the skin in there too for breakfast that's a great idea or we can catch a fish tonight let's do it that's that's my plan a you can have your uh your chicks gotta give you guys an update not much is happening since dark but we'll keep at it and uh you know the bed's all ready i don't think i want to go to bed too too early maybe midnight maybe midnight and then we sleep for seven hours okay we'll call it that's why i could deal with that constant you have to come out every 10 minutes or so and not only that but you're gonna want to pull the drag loose too like everything frees up the the eyelets uh the real like the the drag i think i said that but you cold or something yeah is it showing yeah my hand's freezing from this camera we've just been hanging out hanging out in the igloo i got a little chair set up in here with my camera and i'm not sitting outside i'm just sitting sitting here we're not fishing inside the shack or anything because well we didn't want to make any holes in there and get slush we'll check back in as soon as we get a fish if we get a fish when we hey man you haven't disappointed yet but uh it's been a couple hours and it was supposed to be like non-stop burbot action [Music] [Laughter] yep so anyway well it can only get better from here this is rip roar now just had to be patient on that thing not too high but uh i don't think i can do much about it right now as long as that water doesn't uh all boil out we should be all right that's a nice warm fire hey yeah we got one fish on what'd i tell ya quarter to bourbon time baby we'll get him up man oh he's running see the weights you think it's a burbot yep oh it is too oh yeah dude look at that what the heck man yep eel pout lawyer fish um freshwater cod poor man's lobster if you know another name right in the description these guys have about ten names but looks like a freaking snake yeah wild that's kind of like a like a mix between a snake and a catfish like it's got the catfish tails and they got the they got the bowfin right so this this will go all the way oh they're disgusting to touch but i think that's why they're called lawyers they're so greasy right greasy that one like a pen that's a pounder pound and change me pound in half yeah but look at his gut it looks full yeah so what's interesting about these fish too is that their liver makes up for 10 of their whole body mass so we have to check that out nice yeah right on we got one i told you so wait we get to eat breakfast yeah that's what i'm here for man i'm here to make sure you don't starve oh we got the fish head soup rocking and now we got some breakfast ready to go too so we'll uh get him cleaned out it's cold but uh thankfully he got this fire to keep us warm shaky shaky adam's locked and loaded he's inside the tent and i'm uh uh getting ready i'm gonna i'm gonna build up well i'm trying to get warm enough so that i can change i've already done the top the top out here so i changed my t-shirt my long sleeve shirt my sweatshirt and even my toque so i'm about as warm as i can get on the top but the leggies are still they're still wet um i could well they're drying a little bit but i can still feel that they're wet tight beside me i'd like to sit up a little higher but you know what i'll just uh i'm just going to shove this back and then we've got our chippy snackies back here you think it's cold in here i don't know like what's that dragon what was that guy's name the dragon something the dragon dude my brain is frozen i can't think of his name breathing fire you're talking about like a pokemon no it's like it's like a something the magic dragon the magi magic is pop that's what his name is there we go i breathe fire i've got my dry stuff in here i got uh my pjs but i feel so much warmer being inside here which i'm happy about all i can smell is not burbot it's like it's it's coated my nose verb at slime i should turn turn you guys around so you can see the talking i didn't imagine if that felt no that's like the worst spot if that fell yeah especially for me [Laughter] dude this is hard to do it's tough because you can't put your feet on the snow you don't want to get your feet wet and you can't stand up we're getting there boys and girls i don't know if this is compelling footage or not but you're getting ready people are gonna understand like how much of a struggle this is right now no it's it's a whole another order of magnitude fish head soup is fishy and warmy i don't know tilt it over it's uh it's like chowda like how chowder does that look oh it's so good i'm gonna put it so fishy oh i got like the eye right straight out like a glob of something just like tons of fat in there too i don't know what that is oh no it's just all like globs of stuff if you had an issue with like textures and food yeah you could not eat this like you would you throw it up it's fine it just needs a little bit of salt and some pepper is this like straight fish taste yeah kinda it's the chunks that are throwing me off though like look at that glob like that's just look at it you see you see a wiggle i do like what is that there see that just the jelly oh that is good does it all taste the same different textures are all different textures absolutely yeah it's just a texture like paradise [Laughter] and there we go the biggest lie of the day i didn't say it was good i just said it was a texture there's like a it's a melee there's another there's another bunch of like jelly maybe that's legit maybe that's like bone have a sip all right do one sip okay i'll get up cheers cheers we need to bring cups next time it's just like a bland fish flavor right it just tastes it tastes like fish smells pretty much i don't know how long it's gonna put it it's milder even like can you imagine just a little bit of salt in there just a touch of salt and make it be the difference maker you had enough yep that's good well we'll stuff let's save that for breakfast i just drooled a bunch over my stuff if uh my face is so cold i didn't realize it was dripping out all right getting it coming back man it's coming back up a little bit it's not as you know you get those burps after a good meal that are good these aren't that it's not it's not paying you back and no this isn't it all right well good night i'll see you guys tomorrow morning wish us luck right hey good morning i guess i guess it's a good morning so foggy foggy i can't tell if you guys are fogged or my camera is just sleeping i think it's foggy i can't get my sleeve up everything is sore at the moment it should be stopping let's guess it's probably a little a little bit humid in here oh i'm gonna get everything straightened out myself uh this is the worst part though getting out of bed so i've been trying to to get dressed a little bit inside my bag let's change my underpantsies and my shocks is burbots frozen solid yeah nice we're gonna have to heat that up somehow uh i'm gonna get out of the tent here because it's too foggy but uh i i slept i slept oh i actually slept so the four sleeping bags or the three sleeping bags worked uh adam slept too because he snores a little bit not as bad as jeremy but uh definitely a little bit of snorri so woke me up a couple times remember how smart you thought you were yesterday dude this is the freaking worst i can't even articulate my pants like it's putting my foot in a block of ice oh my boots too these are like bricks i don't know if i can force my foot through there i don't know if you can't do it there it is you guys hear that there i'm in all right i gotta crawl out because i can't hike these up [Applause] this is like a caterpillar emerging from its den it's like [Laughter] you ever seen the california do that it's just like worms man and then this yeah it articulates one and then it waits a second in the sun and you feel the struggle now don't you don't take a look behind you at the roof yeah it sunk bad can you see it yeah here like look it looks like a crater that's bad that's so sketchy that's really bad like i don't think this is gonna last like any change in temperature or anything it's just gonna collapse i'm just happy it didn't last night oh that is bad bad [Applause] like this it should be up here it's freaking down there look at that that's like the power of the shape though right in the centering it like it didn't collapse but it scooped in so bad like it's it's not to mention that's right above like that's right where my head was yeah i mean if they fell through we'd have a big air hole that's true oh there's minnows doing dude they're okay really yeah it's uh i was worried it was gonna be frozen like right solid through the bottom but i can see them swimming still that's a miracle yeah we're die-hards here we're gonna well i mean you can't miss the morning bite the sun the sun's just it's the sun's coming out and it's clear and i'm hoping it's going to heat up fast i mean we're still going to probably get the fire going and whatnot but uh we want to catch a fish here oh that's camera it's cold on my hands punch a few holes because our old holes are no good and we'll so you can't get a lake trout to cook up and eat i was thinking about leaving the shelter up but i don't know i mean whatever oh shoot i gotta get the axe to that thing yeah i might just use my uh scoop and kind of like the auger is like it's frozen all through there i ain't gonna do anything i was uh dude look i'm here like spinning it going on it's not gripping for some reason no yeah you're only gonna need to fix that first step yep oh we got a couple holes ripped up and oh man that igloo from this side looks treacherous do you want to go in there no i don't want to go in there look at this hole funny i've had whole i've had igloos do this or our quincies do this when i was a kid but usually what happened over like the course of us like the season so by the end of it it was all completely sagged out heating and cooling phases but i don't think we heated that one out i think it just it's too fat that's the thing with this one i'm trying to make it fat so we had a space to crawl in and out well that there's a little bit of a lesson in uh uh what do you call that i think it's maintenance or a lesson on not to be lazy forethought yeah yeah lack of late like not avoiding laziness like the worst thing is like we could have just if you if you nick these blades they're done right right so you risk that yeah you risk like forcing it this morning yep so at least you're patient with it you didn't like stick the stick the axe in it now you put it back in the water soak it yep but uh there's so many things that we did last night just to make sure that everything's kind of ready to go this morning right just for thought right and then that avoids a lot of aggravation but of course it's not fun while you're doing it no because there's no payoff but the payoff is later it's like delayed gratification almost all of your prep work everything makes a big difference and it's so easy to put off but like it would have been 10 seconds and i would have saved those 10 minutes exactly 10 minutes and a bunch of grief right yesterday and then that's just one small example but there's a lot of things in winter camping and went to survival that if you don't put the forethought in yeah it's so much extra pain like having wood having extra birch bark means that we can have soup an hour or two hours faster this morning than if we didn't have it yep because it's here in camp right it would have it would have been an hour round trip maybe even more to go get more wood easy go get more birch brick instead collect more than we needed and it was all ready to go and the minnows were lucky like i don't know how they didn't freeze solid i understand exactly the first thought free solid we're out of food yep you know there's no way to catch food or we're sitting there having to jig with lures yep and that's gonna cost a lot of time too it's gonna be 100 frozen solid right to the bottom fish soup fish said soup fish fish head soup [Applause] hoping to be able to warm that up for brekky i always keep my lighter in my pocket there's a good reason for that and that's because if i fall in the water i have it with me all the time and if i wander away from camp and i get lost i have it with me and i have not only one in there but i have two and i had i actually had three in there for a time but my brother stole it on the last adventure and never gave it back so that's why you always have three like just they don't cost very much and they're easy to carry so grab them we'll get one lit hold it upside down and then oh in the wind again hold it upside down that'll light one and then you can light your other ones then you don't use as much of your lighter hopefully this goes right away we get that soup on to get some holes drilled get some more food and continue on with the survival you see how well that stuff takes off just got to make sure that it uh catches this wood on fire all right soup's on boys we got here's a one of our burbot it's such an ugly fish well actually it's a kind of interesting fish like a snake anybody call it a snake fish they get mixed up by a snakehead all the snakehead right but uh it looks it looks like a catfish cross between uh i don't know a snake i guess a cat catfishy snakey thing right we got oh adam got two i haven't caught one so i'm gonna have to maybe come back come back and do a night whoa we're boiling that was really fast we're boiled over that means that soup is uh that soup is ready so i'm going to take it off because that heats a little high but we can defrost some of our equipment here too now in our hands [Applause] de-icing ice fishing in one picture man i swear it's a good time we're having lots of fun out here trying to get the drag loosen up there we go we'll be tied to will be tied to a small hook and a minnow it's the simplest form of ice fishing really right i think a lot of people kind of get confused with all the gear like electronics tents um you know it's uh it's a lot of stuff um but really if you break it down to the basics you need a rod a reel and some form of like an axe a spud to get through the ice and that's it hook in the middle that's it man it's simpler than you might think it's just uh it's tougher sometimes but it's when you break it down to the basics man oh i was looking forward to that i freaking ruined my soup i'm gonna have to put some more water and scrape it off the bottom because all the calories are still there it's going to be like a burnt burnt fish soup now get some slush water i don't even think this is going to fall out grab a little bit of snow snow and slush mix i have to use that fork and scrape it off the bottom how's it going in there oh my god it got tight it got tighter and tighter yeah it's sagging more and more going yeah get everything out before it collapses but it's actually not burnt too too bad to the bottom which is good well i think it's time for some fishy heady soupy it's gonna be a nice delicious warm treat maybe or maybe it's gonna just be like burnt fish head soup actually i wanted to well there's a couple things i want to do i still want to eat that um what's it called a bull head burp it why am i thinking bow head put some wadobu in there i gotta touch just a sprinkle oh that's gonna be plenty i want to save a little bit more for the burbot actually it's probably enough to save for the burbot so that'll uh i think that'll help the fish head suit go down oh that's dynamite i'm figuring out how to put this bourbon on there frozen solid but might be able to just gut it put it on hole and pick the skin off we should have got it last night that's one of those things we should have done last night folks but we didn't i can keep putting the soup on and heat it up take drink put back stay warm i think i'm actually eating the the bones of the fish right now i think they're uh they've been dissolved so bad that they can uh you can eat the whole thing some of the gill plates in there are pretty tough some of the bones are pretty matchy right it was a mostly a handful of bone man nice smoked burbot well we got the tent all cleared out which is probably a good thing because uh we would have had a big disaster you guys hear that this thing flooded out completely we drilled a couple holes out here for ice fishing obviously for this morning and the water has pushed all out it's filled all with slush filled all here with slush here and it's starting to leak through the tent which is going to compromise of course the foundation the tent the ice igloo the quincy it's compromised everything so it's at the point right now where let me we would it would have been a mess we would have died i don't know if it would die but would have been really uncomfortable this is hypothermia weather this is this is death it's filled all the way full with freaking water and there's no end and we noticed it happening so we plugged up the hole and that didn't stiff didn't stifle it at all it kept coming it kept coming and to the point where i didn't really notice it filling up but we had got all our gear out already i'm gonna throw a little bit of adobo on there because we got a little bit left and we have a bite oh there we go go ahead grab some pizza adam let me know what you think hey you go for it first man it's the first time every time first time eating paper but i don't know what this part is it looks like it look got a little bit of liver there oops i missed it where did it go i lost it oh it is a piece of the liver i think maybe mystery meat it's good that's really good nice white white meat yeah so uh what'd you think more like a perch maybe perch texture kind of like that yeah like a walleye a little bit like a walleye same color yeah it's got a nice uh it's got a real nice flaky texture there if you guys can tell it tastes a lot better than it smells i don't find it like i don't smell anything dude not no wait it's cooked yesterday like when it was uh it was still alive it stink you normally use the skin no i've never tried it it's just as good as shroud skin is it it's then there's no scales in there that i can tell nope um a few bones here from the fins but it's that that's a good meat i like that we know if the skin is good that the meat is good yeah you know well this is freshwater cod right really it's the only member of the cod family in freshwater i think at least in canada oh is it yep we did uh we did good on this trip um we're still breathing you're still breathing you guys go check out adam i'll uh put a link down below we're actually gonna hang out here and do some more fishing but i don't care if you subscribe but i really do appreciate having you guys along and um if you liked adam leave some some positive comments down below and check out his channel and uh maybe we'll maybe we'll do another adventure together because uh we got some ideas and i have to look forward to those guys just like we will too so catch on the next one see you guys later ready oh now it's safe so snowmobilers that come through they're not going to get hit by hit by the brick wall or they're not going to hit a brick wall
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 1,615,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch and cook, survival challenge, survival, survival tips, 24 hour survival, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, outdoors, camping, fishing, fire cooking, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, survival skills, primitive living, primitive technology, quinzee, winter camping, winter tent, winter survival, survival shelter, ice fishing, fish, snow cave, snow trench, winter shelter, axe, wood cooking, quinzee hut, quinzhee, snow hut, primitive shelter, shelter building
Id: IIJhe0DLIa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 47sec (5387 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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