3 Days in the Winter Hot Tent, Wood Stove on Secret Lake | Ice Fishing for Native Brook Trout

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hello everybody you missed the best part of the whole trip just the hard slog we are halfway to puddle Lake my original subscribers will know exactly what I mean by puddle lake we came up two years ago now yep two years ago we came up the creek bottom in the spring we basically navigated the whole creek it was complete blowdowns we dragged canoes all the way through because there's no trail to this lake it's basically a confluence of creeks forms into a lake with a very deep bottom which is a perfect habitat for brook Cho we know the Creek has brook trout we know the lake is actually basically just a pawn but a large-size pond but a small-sized lake for this area what we see it's kind of laser carved spring fed cold water which is a deal for brook trout very steep sided yeah very steep banks on both sides it drops down into really deep bottom I think it's 100-foot we marked last year which is insane for a lake of the size so go back or don't go back I should because I'm gonna repost the puddle lake adventure it's on film of my old cameras you're gonna have to get used to the low frame rate the low quality but I think it tells a great story so I'm gonna repost that in full I think after the adventure so like I say we're about half way navigating clear through the bush using an old map Jeremy's got he's eating some salmon which is kind of weird but the skin right very well so anyway yeah watch out for we're gonna do a big Easter egg hunt I have a whole pile of different things you have to look for throughout the video they're gonna be hidden all over the place so keep ready for that we'll talk about a prize later on because I haven't secured a prize yet but I'll get something hopefully and the winner will be the person who first gets all of the different Easter eggs throughout and you have to do it in a certain way so I'm going to go over details and that's gonna probably be at the end of the video so you're gonna have to watch this probably you're going to be two parts because we're going to be doing two nights hot here so did he miss hearing a lot of stuff on cooking stuff or catching stuff yeah we're burning a lot of calories powers of calories this is it's insane to go out here and do this it's really crazy it's uh it's we're not going to probably give it the server the the the attention that needs us how difficult is to get to this lake but like I say this is no trail so we're basically going up we just did a big hill and we've got we're only halfway and we're three two hours in about two hours in so four hours total I'll just Ross log pulling really heavy sleds all the way in so anyway let's get moving when you're done you're Sandman no yes Jimmy breakfast he's all going when you call that intermittent fasting intermittent fasting still so I did a video on that not too long ago but injera did - he said hunter-gatherer diet on his off his channel which is something might be interested in going to check oh all right we get moving after this yep see if I can pull this while I film well one of the easier spots one of the easier spots to navigate at least Bush wise because it's more open we went through some pretty nasty stuff Jimmy's up ahead breaking trail just get hung up on everything you want to feel your legs burn this is a way to do it I have with the camera way those hills are not fun you like those hills Jer you can't even get up there with no shoes on no grip for the these actually I think we're ready toe grip in crawl up the hill though it's the old style Oh so once we get up over this hill oh he's supposed to be flat back there but I didn't happen you forgot he forgot about this hill supposed to be flat somewhere and then we're supposed to be Olli well we're gonna we're up on the ridge because there's a big Ridge but before it drops off to the lake so we got to do is get over the ridge and then kind of scoop in on the inlet part of the creek and we have to make sure we don't go too far up the lake else we'll end up at the big ridge and we can't get down to the lake to the big ridge we can but it would be very unsafe to do so ah so much so much effort so much work on the legs a quads everything yeah feeling quads yeah he's doing my top of my hips too from my belt right like yeah well the rope on me I've only got the rope around my waist and it cuts in yeah so that's not fun yeah the width of the belt makes a big difference if I'd yeah harness no I know what that PVC pipe or electrical call for a PVC and you put some screws some well it's cruising or some heated up screws and with a pilot yeah nuts you gonna make a video on that or no I probably will this is the test rod so if it works all right yeah it's so far doesn't break broken the last one you made out of wood broke right yeah it lasted a bunch of trips isn't it snapped these ones are more flexible a so yeah what happened on the other ones is the slide pushed down and they broke that way yeah these have so much killed I just can't believe that these nuts which I just heated up and pushed in basically are holding the weight of that slide yeah and it's a heavy flood going up the hill where it's so heavy I'm like crawling - yeah you'll have to make a video so then I'll have to link the guy whose video I watched - yeah - fully loaded sled wait to the brink they're not light either so you still think we're only halfway GPS is useless yeah because you don't get a signal where you need it what you secret navigating in the woods thousand ten thousand different items a GPS analog yeah people who don't know analog is next compass don't with the map yeah I got everything just the bird's-eye view for a little bit of observation we can see there's a ridge top way over here and then it plummets right over the hill so we know that side of the creek we're late puddle lake and we've been using this cell phone too because he's like any service with GPS so that's the thing about GPS as soon as you need it it doesn't work it's garbage so you can't rely on them but be hard for us to get lost since we can basically walk back on the same path we took and we have everything we need for probably for four or five days living comfortably and then and then maybe another three weeks of starvation so definitely people can come find us worst case this is this right there a three more hours we'll be there by noon yeah the whole engine do we you know Nootka bars yeah it's five hours four hours three hours so far three hours so if you think you can do that you're welcome to come over to Parmalee you can join us if we'll tell you where it is we catch a three-pound fishin I can't ever tell anybody where it is no we catch a bunch of perch well maybe one day we'll let somebody else now alright so over the ridge roads down the valley Donnelly gets fish a good time I like it stuff yeah well and I see there's no sound there's no engine noise no nothin it's whisper quiet out you're - because it's not a just hardly any breeze no wind it's a perfect trout fish fishing weather overcast yeah I don't find I hear very many birds in the deep woods though if you really listen oh there's a lot more birds in the city than there are out here in the woods yeah by the creek cuz there's more there's more life by the creek than there is you know an open hardwood especially in the winter there's no tracks there's no deer tracks no rabbit tracks we saw a couple wolf tracks yep that was it there's nothing out here man people think there's nature and it's like abundance but pure nature overgrown nothing yeah two little red squirrels and that's it what plus you're scaring everything way but not that that matters there's no tracks on the ground so I'm not here this sleds only falling over twice both times when I set the camera and every time I do it setup the camera I'm paying attention the camera I'm trying to make it smooth yeah that's stupid tree bond up in a tree and it's the only stupid tree in the way if you can see down the valley that's the opposite side of puddle lake so we got to go down the valley there's a little pawn and then creeks running that way so where Jeremy figures were about 85% of the way there yeah if we're being specific it's been a little bit less than four hours not too bad oh no just four hours Oh Pierce log we thought it would be easier than doing the spring journey with the canoes dragging it slogging it through probably about the same length of time to be honest through the creek and this isn't much different so both the same we were talking about maybe doing a spring trip because there's actually a canoe cash I can you cash for people who are not Canadian is basically you leave a boat out of lake and it's apparently it's legal to do that so yeah people drop boats back in these back lakes so they don't have to obviously carry back every single time so it's pretty common for more productive lakes the lake trout lake stuff like that way way out and I'll leave a boat there so anyway we did find a canoe back here two canoes actually but one was completely out of commission broken by 40 years old yeah 40 years old the other one was obviously a newer one is a sports Pollock mine and I was in better shape than mine actually so maybe we'll bring some paddles back try it in the spring again would be fun we're almost there be nice to take a break we're not really gonna get a break though we got more work to do got a cut wood set up tent clear a spot out but we weren't planning on fishing today today was just the tribal day today was just a day if we thought we could make it we had lots of backup plans where we have these other Lakes we could come out and just go drive to stock lake so the fact that we're even getting here is a little bit of a miracle we made a wrong turn and we ended up the one to cross over here and it's a big springfed runoff so it goes all the way down in the valley and it feeds into the creek system down here not gonna show the drop-off but it's straight down 40 feet and your connection here water so I would be spraying the router and runoff out feed part of the food system down there Jarius is who's breaking trails coming up the rear there's a mostly in front so [Music] almost there [Music] well it's good to show some of the hard part of it yeah a little bit of the hard part mostly all hard yeah so what you saying about your poles oh it's a nice they've held up but the trouble is going down hills they they've added too much so my sled just goes wherever it wants yeah I don't know if I can stiffen them up by putting dowels inside of them but I've got a little bit of a different problem my strings or my rope I too long and because I've got the tracks on there it wants to go straight so if I want to turn around a bend and basically it's a tree so the roll but probably shrink shrink up so thanks got all you guys down below for all the suggestions what's making the Rope it's coming in handy I'm actually gonna do it when I get to camp because you know you guys gonna leave Chloe shrink you hope you won't get caught in the trees but that's not the only problem the problem is we're going cigs aggie the whole way to make a trail because there isn't one so there's nothing straight line and the tracks on my my sled or making it want to go straight so I can't bend around the corners although will be easier if I shrink the string or the rope a little bit but yeah straight go no then the long rope means you don't carry a lot of weight on yourself you just pull it horizontally and the ground pole carries the weight whereas if you have it a short rope in a go up going up the hill is you're pretty much carrying it the whole way right there's no give where's the rope I can decide if I want to ladder that the bottom and pull it up with my arms which does come in handy it seems like we're never gonna get there this Hills not fun for that way still halfway up because I basically sat on my sled and coasted down very carefully though if you're gonna do it very carefully it's about risk management at this point we are four kilometres away from help we have to pray on a signal climb the hill put a signal call on a chopper to land on the lake that's basically our rescue our out so in other words there's no injuries today none [ __ ] now I gotta find something to knock on knock on wood alright so Jerry's still up the hill he's having a harder time because he didn't have a rope so there's pros and cons to both systems right Jeremy is yeah so he doesn't have that benefit of using the rope to control the sled as it comes down the hill see if we could find him he's gonna take his time and I have no problem with him taking his time because I don't want to have to carry a human being out doctor probably couldn't just not feasible the last thing you want to do is rush somebody in a condition like this and there's a good reason we're in pairs - there's no way this is a solo trip the first man made sound airplane so we don't be coming in we make sure to hold up for the next person and I'm calling back all the time seeing if he's all right so if something does happen we're not separated by a big distance we're almost there it's still almost there I'll be glad to be done with this he'll you think like going downhill is easy it's harder actually well I wouldn't say harder it's about equally as hard going down the hill as going up because you have to you can't just let the sled go end up with smashed up sled and island all on the wrong line - so you have to control it going down and they say there's no path so you know your slides just gonna end up where it ends out which might be like against the boulder or something else you take your pokes spoke things off yeah what do you call those things oh yeah yeah no I was just talking about that how it's harder to control so pros and cons to both ways right that's what we hope and so many other Lakes you could have gone - he totally killed that tree something's gonna be really upset I think there's a forest of trees or anything but you know you didn't have to do that you know then you have to carry me out I was just talking about that - oh yeah whatever whatever ten thousand bucks get a helicopter without a dog ten or 18 I forget sure love you for a hello rescue you don't have adventure insurance yeah you have to pay for yourself hella money yeah really well I think what it cost just to go for a helicopter ride and then you throw a couple paramedics in there you know for 20 grand I'd crawl out how'd you I think so I would for 20 grand for 20 grand five hours of slogging and we finally made the puddle lake finally and it's just a little pond pond with promise I'm gonna post that of the video you guys gonna watch it it's a really good representation of Canada they would urge you guys to go on Google Maps or Google Earth find North Bay on the map and then go about two or three hours north of that and just check what the check out the topography and you'll be amazed at what Canada has two offers father sees little puddle lakes all over the place and this one doesn't even have a name because it's but really been discovered so I think if we call then we could probably get it named pull the lake but we're not we're gonna keep this one a secret for us because there are so few secrets left as far as undiscovered uncharted territories in Canada so we're gonna keep this herself Jeremy just pulled up again and we're gonna go across the lake and find our spot so we're here injury-free yeah yeah ten thousand calories burned we know how many hours it's just past twelve so five five hours straight we didn't we just art to five we didn't leave it eight seven yeah we kind of took some break well I mean that's five hours five hours as five hours how long it took Oh burned 3,000 calories already did you apparently I believe that all right let's go find wat and take a break yeah find out what these tracks are yeah not alone no wolf baby so we decided we're gonna camp on the lake which might turn into a disaster but might turn into a good benefit too because we're gonna be setting up exactly where we were kidding most of the fish was the fish which is the outlet here so we've come across the lake just to set up so we can basically do everything all the same time put a punch a hole punch a bunch of holes around the tent here hang out here and if this doesn't work we can try other places there likes not really big so shouldn't be hard to find the fish if they're here they're bitin so I'm gonna shovel out behind me here Jamie looks like he's got that I saw a girl almost filed that filed up and think about fishing as I always say it's line in the water so the longer you have your line in the water the better chance you have catching fish so we're gonna set lines right away and let our lines do the work for us so I'm gonna shovel just like Jamie might punch a couple holes and we'll get those tip-ups rigged up man I need a snack - I'm hungry it's funny there's so much ice the gel ran out of ha ran out of auger and what's nice you got that much longer arm down to find out oh be fun if you've got a Fisher it away though be funny if we caught a fish right away so we've got one line set here so far just a little chub minnow on just a plain Jay hook that's it and how these tip ups work is when they go down I can adjust these two so I can let the fish run usually here the line come down and you know we have a fish because it stays down it gives a little bit of slack for the trout which you like and there's not a lot of tension at the end here so they can grab it and run a little bit sit one line in three more to go so to each got a half way for you [Music] ten feet yeah what was the other one ten feet well this one I don't know we want to be in about 10 feet we're not skunked we're not skunked little guy but that's what we're here for the natural little guys on the little minnow now we can go home it's been all worthwhile guys a little natural brookie [Applause] [Music] all right so I've never set this hot tent up before I've never slept in a hot tent before first time ever so we'll see how it goes I'm sure there's a learning curve like everything on every every skill you learn there's a learning curve so we'll see how this goes so we're gonna try to do it by myself I might need some help with the tent part of it Jeremy's just soft grab me some brush for stove and some spruce boughs for the bedding because we're gonna be camping on the ice you want to get up above a little bit just I'm not going crazy I'm actually checking the fishing lines as I'm talking here okay let's get this set up [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah oh there he goes he was too small was it a bogey yep mmm oh he's still here this it's funny straight-talking slash here grab them get them yeah you go down I think so [Music] forgot to put the legs up so by the time you set everything up there's not a ton of space it's supposed to be a three man ten you can put it like one guy along the back one guy on this side and that's pretty much it I mean if you had a kid you could probably for the kid in here too but it's not a massive structure it's basically enough just to get the kind of job done but it's a whole lot better than you know cold tenting in tennis definitely an asset especially if it gets really cold not expecting a cold this time around but you never know we've had temperatures down to minus 40 degrees Celsius whereas here we're not hovering around zero zero is a freezing point so minus 40 is pretty darn cold see the finish stove just hold up held up by no pieces of wood and the bottom skirt here all I did was throw some snow on there that'll cook the drive down that's it don't worry go Jeremy is working on a little loose ball bed that's part of that Easter egg hunt you got the Easter Bunny and the answer is one because I only caught one and we didn't set any snares coming in there's actually very little activity as far as snowshoe hare so the answer is one-one snowshoe hare I always feel like it's more homey when you got some meat hanging outside the camp for some reason it just makes me think that camping time I actually brought some goat in who brings go in and they're going winter camping we do brought go I got a front shoulder and two racks of ribs so we need some go I'd be a good trick get it going alive go yeah one that pulls our slides is that we know we can do the donkey yeah how that one little one can't be picky though [Applause] that's a fancy youtuber yeah first light yep breaking him and do bold your fire yeah I used I didn't relive a good fairy walk so I used my forehead work yeah it makes it a little bit dizzy though you can't do work yeah yeah we should we should wear a little bit of water for drinking I yeah I was thinking you could just put a cup on there with some lake water maybe bring back some how about branches for a tea I've talked about how fresh our lakes are but all this is really good drinking water but it should be boil first [Music] [Music] so all we're doing is grabbing this boughs here to make a bed just enough to get off the ice case there's a little bit of slush for me obviously don't want to be sitting in slush or sleeping in sloshing that's even worse so just grab a few from each tree and not too many from the same tree and they'll be fine the lower branches don't get as much sunlight as the top anyway so taking a lower one so I could have bothered the tree that much [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so chairs outside messing around with the goat we're gonna have some goats too everybody asked us why we stew everything well the reason we stood everything cuz it's easier it's easy to steal a goat all you do is cut it up in little pieces chunk it up we'll throw some rice in there we've got some carrots Oh some spice in there we got broth liquid salt flavor spices everything and the best thing about it it's gonna tenderize I'm gonna have to mess around about temperature and all that gross work stuff that you have to do when you bake it no just don't have the technology here to bake we don't wanna bring it you know Dutch oven was out of the question so stew is it it let's do with this so I've got my sleep system set up here I've got this pretty heavy-duty foam it's about inch in a quarter I would say pretty thick stuff got this from army surplus so that's going to be my bottom base layer we have a little bit of slush forming in here but we've got a good layer of spruce that Jeremy's put together so that's you that'll be the main bottom base to keep everything dry Plus this imagine the water is gonna get up that high it's gonna start to leak out the sides anyway so we're going to go this then I have an inflatable air mattress that's the therm-a-rest and then I have two sleeping bags I have a summer bag and then I have a duvet style down bag the dowel bag can't get wet if it gets wet it's useless but the summer bag in combination with the duvet style with a feathers in it our goose down feather will be perfect for this so I'm gonna lay this out and then I'm gonna throw my insulated thermos on top on top of that we're gonna put the therm-a-rest so this we just blow up so I'll have you know a good airspace air cushion rubber in combination with air so I'll have the best of both worlds so a therm arrest all basically is just a nozzle and you blow that up one's own packs up nice and small so I've got a summer bag in here with dry clothes and I'll change obviously before they sleep I'm not gonna change before that because it's not crucial that I'm dry right now fairly warm and active but I do want to have dry clothes to sleep in so I'll leave that here I'm not gonna open that yet they don't need to and then these are both dry bags dry bag dry bag so worst-case scenario I could you know if I got really wet and damp I could take all my clothes off and jump in a same bag and that would be totally fine because this stuff it's good to really low temperatures make this bag here it's good to go - you know ten degrees Celsius and the combination of the summer bag is probably good for - no 20 25 30 so that's my sleep system I'm not gonna put it together just yet you know just or two little speckled trout here up on our trophy pool there we go how's that look if you're not sure where this NGO came from you have to dig back and some of my other videos a gift from the farmer or maybe fair exchange is a better word yeah needed to get rid of goat and I was happy enough to butcher it so Jamie's just chunking it up for stew it's all been brined so basically I dumped it in salt for five days and that'll help tenderize it so it should be nice and not chewy yeah fingers crossed you did some research on shokudo you didn't you a little bit a little bit so it does something to mean then you mix the salt that draws the blood out and it helps to tenderize it for some reason it basically breaks the cells down and then takes the water out and then actually puts more water in its interesting scientific process but yeah because there's a couple different salts involved in computer issues so right and I just used regular seasoning salt actually nothing special and it worked last time so seasoned salt or seasoned exhaustion a seasoning salt so I base basically just salt with some garlic and some other flavors and so and then I did the regular wood dobo spice so we can add some of that in this - Jeremy saying his hands are cool when they are cold soon as I get wet they get cold right yep there's something about your hands being wet well obviously it's transfers the heat or the cold quicker easier but fast well many times faster yeah I believe that it's it's pretty brutal once your hands get wet slimy so we've got a towel over here a rag I should say and use that draw your hands real quick so you know especially if you get a fish line yeah probably what you're doing now - right yep we don't have a table in our tent it's too small just try to figure the waiting to check the bones in there - I guess yep the joints there then yeah maybe what I'll do is I'll cut some of them up a penny partially sure like we did with that beaver yeah I work really well with the beer did that's the tricky joint to be witness which should be easier yeah we'll get all that bone marrow obviously no it's a pretty heavy weight to be carrying around but I mean this is what people did before they had you know rehydrated food those MRE bags and whatever else they buy at the camping store these days but we like to do it a little bit more traditionally so we [ __ ] uh go leg in the yeah so you go pay the price yeah salty goat for sure and the fats actually really good on this too okay I was wondering yeah I know it's fine okay it should run her down nice my mouth is watering oh yeah yeah you guys at home and who don't get used to butchering your own animal it's like it's something to to actually get to the point where you're butchering an animal and your mouth is watering that's that's something most people don't get right you don't animal that never happens with no chickens something about them they're just gross when you butcher them you do not want to eat them no yeah I used to be where I would if I'd butcher a good year I just want to have like somebody beside me cooking part of it on though oh do you on the fire while you're working right or just yeah well I used to be at the point where I would shoot a deer I would clean it over the first week and I wouldn't touch it for two or three weeks because it was just too vivid you know the gross parts of being a meat-eater was a you know your brain has to forget that but you know now I'm to the point where I can I could do a go it need it the same day yeah you know I probably where you're I know as far as the venison goes you just you know you're hungry for it yeah and now we've learned like 3,000 calories walking in probably another two or three running around non-stop all day right yeah you wanted to have a nap but that happened oh I wasn't really gonna have it oh I thought your Celtic it that's too much to do wouldn't have got like all the branches for a bed or firewood or no exactly all right so stew it is stop complaining that we do stew we're just gonna do stew cuz it's better much better it's just more conducive to camp life it is better it is for sure it's better it's just better no it's nice to mix it up but it's better people like to see me kind of sizzling on the coals the way is that yeah but we don't have like piles of oil to do it and we just don't have the pots and pans and the intention to sit there and pay and mind it yeah so that's why it happens so when this do pots goes she'll be creeping up on the evening bite since the bite that every fisherman likes to wade out see happen so we'll see if we actually hit it that's a nice thing about staying overnight you might think it's a lot of work for you know we're up to three tiny trout huh and it is a lot of work 43 tiny trail but it's more than four people that live in candidates more than you know three tiny trout it's the whole experience it's the whole nature thing that we have here you know I don't know too many places in the world I have a an outlet like this to visit you know in their backyard and people you guys have been commenting all the time about all the things that you may see and I have to I guess I have to understand that maybe you don't see the same perspective like when we cut down trees and whatnot that this is a perfectly renewable resource here and we're not gonna run out of trees anytime soon because we manage them on a what's called an 80-year cycle and it's meant to mirror what happens with forest fires so every and about 80 years a forest is totally recovered but if you leave the forest get big and over crowds and in shelters the the lower rouse so it can't grow up and renew so what the logging companies are doing now is actually clearing the forest out so that it can do that a two-year cycle and then all sorts of new life Springs out and will start moving in like deer and moose and bear you know because though the berries come in and the undergrowth comes back up and that's where the productivity is the main productivities in that lower section of the forest but if it has a big canopy the light can't get down you can't get fruiting trees you can't get berries you know all those wild edibles that we know about don't exist in the deep forest like this because it's a huge canopy and the light doesn't get down nowhere needs to go so anyway I think if you guys keep it in you watch this you'll see what you know what Canada has to offer and how we can use the nature and the forest as a renewable resource the will be cut here is dead you know just because it burns better but there we no reason we couldn't cut live trees there's just there's no reason to cut live trees because like I say the dead stuff burns it's already pre dried dead standing we find that stuff all the time and that's what we burned that's a nice warm fire now all I'm doing is replenishing my water I always want to make sure there's some water on the boil here always water on the go Jeremy's got a little cup here on the go too and I'm gonna refill my two litres so that in the morning when I wake up I have water to drink so far I like to set up the tents working good stoves working good no big complaints weather is perfect tomorrow apparently supposed to be nasty so you have to stay tuned for that we got like apparently wind and rain coming tomorrow so it might be a might be a slow day and you know we're gonna hang out and rest in here got a nice dry spot worries better than traveling in a day like that that's for sure you know unless you're going out but even then you know going out in the rain like that tomorrow not good so I'm like in southern Ontario most of the wood around here is pretty much softwood spruce cedar at least around the edges you know where we came from was all hardwood but there's no way we're going up there to get wood so we do with what we have the Spruce actually burns pretty good I don't mind burning spruce it's got a fair amount of resin in it so we're burning maybe an inch logs a bit the stove really probably take a 12 maybe a little bit longer than that but there's a pretty good job heating that space you know just low logs like that get a good stack of those for tomorrow case it's raining and then we want a good stack overnight and then we won you know enough for cook a meal and breakfast or at least warm up that goat a bit your breakfast that'll be nice [Music] Jeremy found a dead tree way way way over there he's hauling back hopefully some bugger stuff doesn't seem like a very big lake but it's size going very slowly he's tired we're both tired you guys think you need a power auger this is power auger ring [Music] it's amazing Canada power auger check out that view down there Oh touch the outfall it's so still here super calm power auger there's an otter track right on the bank there eh yeah he's using that open water to get underwater no monsters yet but we're working to water meal that's number four nice it they're a little bit bigger than that though everybody's gonna get skunked at this rate that's four for the board little brookie we want it the six-inch er let him go Jerry you watch this line or no oh she's running same one I'll let this one go too too small that's six you want you wanted not be skunked er you're happy to be skunk - you want one it'd be nice if you could wait a little bit longer but if it gets nag great yeah scoot over to the branches yeah yeah yeah that's a keeper for today yep look I figure this time we already have a cold either great both having cold heads there can always be a three pounder lurking around I mentioned before this hundred feet of water here there's plenty of water for a big fish to lurk in this is the hole we just punched too bigger one hey that's the best one so far there we go the monster still but getting better so we left three lines out we took the one at the back oh because it was probably getting snagged and it's the most active line so and mostly their small fish anyway so it's not a big deal the gerlichs looking good we put rice in there and carrots and we decided we might keep the door open at night if it gets too hot we might keep it open and but we're gonna close it for now to eat warm up and dry off and all that stuff and get the bedding and all that ready and get changed it's nice and warm in here it's like the perfect temperature not too warm maybe she did it because you can adjust the brightness do it my one hand but you adjusted by pushing up and down on there look new it against the tent maybe I won't anyway turns off and on the same way it's late let's whole tent up here we go you know that we lost the lake and it's back on again and we're blurry again there we go that's a little better you wouldn't meet with your cot man I don't think so I'm gonna give me off I don't think we're gonna make it anyway but then we just gotta kept apace and I made it we made it an alright time to allows pretty good but a cot would be too East cuz it's also the same height as a chair totally worth it from those Savin fish we thought yeah totally tiny trail by Jack Deibert 6000 calories so far yeah just about according to Fitbit there's a thousand calories of the trout so if I eat six of them always funny when you say you're gonna meet goat like not really gourmet [Music] can't eat that whole pot yeah maybe doing it round so wake up and goodies 6,000 calories yep just to make up for today are you gonna lose weight lose weight how many cow how many pounds of body weight is out a few 6,000 calories approximately one-third a lot of it might be water loss judo like I might lose water to you cuz I'm very yeah I only got a few tricks this is what Canadians do you got a maple sugar but this one is different this is mint while mint I collected it down by the pond near my house I don't know if you'll see it or not but it's weed yeah and it smells like mint like toothpaste yeah Canadians are getting famous for another bag of greed that's true it does look like gonna have a really good time tonight anyway say I'll put those together and make some teeth I've been saving this for so long and try to figure out when did you use it but I don't really like hot drinks but this is like the perfect time to do hot drink I taught you wild man crows almost well not everywhere but like beachy areas and lakes I'll let that steep have some tea and some sugar in there to get my calories back have some go giddyup go go pretty hot though what's a piece of that goat oh it's good look at that tender dude that's as good as beaver mean I don't believe you okay not quite as good it's pretty good though who wants some of that anybody want some goat meat goat meat want 6,000 calories a gold mean bone it's a pure fat and yeah all right we'll let that we'll let that come over the rolls it's almost halfway civilized like if you're if you're actually watching this Eve hello yeah couple of British explorers with their long thanks we're like Japanese yeah small-scale yeah they're good for me as you guys know I read all your comments so far but eventually I'm gonna lose track of that so what I've started to do is write down or at least Marco the most common questions that keep showing up over and over again so that I can address them to everybody that watches so it'll cover a couple here right now somebody asked do or a few people asking do ever get sick from eating wild foods have you ever got sick from eating wild foods yes which one the delightful bit Oh Stu that's true do we ever get sick of eating wild foods no yeah I guess the minnows do did make us sick or the Mike or the mushroom yeah been sick of pi X ik output what sick didn't make us sick but the min oh yeah we woke up the first day of the wilderness living challenge season two in the middle of the night and I don't think we made a big deal about it because nobody really pointed it out but I was up at like whoa two or three a.m. and I was trying my best to puke I got about a handful like this is a great table talk but I got about a handful up and that was it and then I just rolled it out and then the next morning I felt really tired because I always hadn't slept but I felt fine enough to continue and you woke up and you had the runs no it's a great mealtime talk yeah you had the runs quite a bit yeah and then you kind of felt it the night you felt fine but tired you have to do the next day I was okay but truth be known we only had maybe like a sip or two sips of the minnow soup so we think maybe it might have been mushrooms and Jeremy was saying that what you thought some of them weren't perfectly you heard perfect conditions non perfect conditions like some of the partly rotted so yes we have but otherwise no we haven't got sick from eating any meat or anything else really no but it's because we're really careful about our hygiene well that's the next question somebody asked that what do we do about our hygiene look at my hands do they look clean to you they should because they're they're dirty right you don't wash your hands when you out in the woods did you bring soap no I did not you know I never should be admitting not to I never broke I never bring Phillip I come home dirty fine right we've got soap in season one November that you brought soap yeah oh you brought so I never kissed you had a shower you had a bath in the lake in the lake and uh that's true I don't I don't swim in cold water so oh my god dude if I get home yeah so I don't I don't wash I don't wash my hands are dirty and and the thing is that this kind of do it's not gonna make you sick right no like we're like it just likes it from the fire its grease from the go yeah I mean if your hands if you and clean if we clean an animal or gutted an animal yeah we would probably want to wash our hands but if we don't have soap we just kind of you just wipe it on a tree yeah you wipe it in snow yep you put your hand over the fire to heat them up after cuz it's really painful to wash your hands that way yes in the summer you just grab a handful of sand and just scour your hands yeah all right I don't do anything more than that use your pants and then you wipe it on your pants and then when you get older you wash your pants yeah it's all good and and okay so that might lead into the next question which is do we ever attract wild animals with our habits no mice I've had my sweat across me of the night but I seen like raccoons having had I actually haven't had played knock on wood I have enough trouble with bears wolves raccoons cubed zoo humans no troubles no hope thing to keep in mind about animals is they're scared of us we are the top hugger so even black bears that we see they run away every time you know it might not always happen that way but I had once would run right out bees right he was up north and one and one did that to him but it wasn't because he had food it was because you know there was food he was concealed and and the bear kind of snuck up on me right I baited noise at it thought maybe I was so fini did you grunt on it look let's take a little song hmm but it eventually took off no and it wasn't because you were leaving food everywhere you were just walk knodel so yeah the fear of animals is hugely overblown hugely over bill and the people are coming making comments until we see a bear and if there's snow out well bears don't hang out in the snow like they go hibernate so you know we might see a wolf here but wolves don't attack people and you and I can take a pack of wolves like what would arm tied behind our back we have we can use tools so you know that rule Bo taught but well a pack of determined will script probably things were we're sliding into the realm of fantasy know exactly because wolves are knock they don't want beards eyes glaze over yeah magic fighting a pack of wolves my trusty girl midnight you a coexist bumper sticker really people ask about a lot oh yeah they want to know if you think it's a joke they want to know if you think you take it for real they want to know if I take it for real or you know what the story so here's the backstory the coexist bumper sticker uh it was on the car when he bought it it was a used car so basically you had the sticker you guys got trolled I never took it off so it's totally meaningless it's huge Jeremy's laziness now if you want to send me a cool bumper sticker holdover topic Oh doc beat ya yar beside start a collection where ever the deer haven't broken my bumper up but this coming up more and often because I'll let guess a lot of Americans are watching especially the bone marrow video I made where the people say that they knew I was Canadian because we have accents yep you you know we have access you do you know well you do yeah I guess cuz more more want to hear other youtubers that are Canadian I'm like okay that guy's Canadian yeah you can kind of tell right yeah but there's a lot of people that I would presume have liked stronger accents than Canadians and as we say a and the stronger their acts it is the stronger they think your accent is right yeah we don't really say about really weird I think no they people say we say aboot we say about some Canadians to do baby but I guess Americans would say they they say about like the boat I don't know I don't know I don't think we have an accent but apparently you do you ever seen sasquatch yep think you were gonna say that really no have you guys seen I thought you saw one I can I sure never had any inclination that there was a South Noah Sasquatch it is a no ever though I've heard some really crazy night noises but it's always been just like birds that you wouldn't expect or yeah it's always an animal there's always a reason right before we were paddling in the dark to go duck hunting that was like a weird yeah there was a weird sound like a berry or like a yeah I was a good stretching he groaning it was a weird moaning weird but I might have bit a sasquatch it might have been a sasquatch people who like to play tricks on their own selves and okay so this is the last one we're gonna say Stevie Ray username who writes I love to beat in the woods but it makes me nervous what's the trick to not panic at every branch crack and other noise I hear because there's probably a lot of other people out there in the same kind of boat where they're kind of scared right especially on solo self I would say if you're scared to go in the woods don't go solo do for starters yeah yeah and I think like the more often you do it the more often you realize that 999 thousand times dude it's this chip ugh a small animal yeah bird yeah it's an animal that is not dangerous put it that way right it's true like there's always a reason for the sounds you hear and it's 99.9% not a big predator because predators are extremely rare and big predators aren't out to get you they're pretty much minding their own business doing their own thing yep they're avoiding you yeah like like I said we have I've I've seen bears I paddled up to bears on the shoreline and the Bears basically take off through the woods as fast as they possibly can here you know everything yeah they basically cannot get out of there fast enough they run through all the trees in the brush yeah and you're like what the hell was that like you'd be scared and there's a couple times I would hear a bear climb a tree like I'd hear something run off and I'd hear claws up a tree yeah so I knew it was probably a cub or something like that so I don't know to stay away cuz there's probably a mother nearby but yeah I guess just realized that you're top predator you know this really are that I think a really good thing is like if you hear a noise treed you brave like just be curious about it and think about like what could make that noise so then go and look and you know it's probably a chipmunk um that at least in your brain you know you start to associate certain noises with chipmunks with squirrels like guys who sit in tree stands long ago if they well you see everything usually you can tell the difference between squirrel running and a deer walking robbing scratching in the leaves at a black squirrel or yeah rabbit hopping like they all sound a little bit similar but you could train your brain but if you if you just always get worried yeah your brain doesn't learn and I think an interesting thing too is and when you're camping at night a mouse can sound a lot bigger than it really is this yep right when everything's feeling quiet yeah a mouse can sound like a raccoon I can sound like a bear yeah you know anything bigger than that like a raccoon can sound like you know something bigger than it really is most of time it's just only really small all but it gets amplified because you're obviously scared and then everything's still quiet as I've had I've had you know my SWAT walk around and I look out and I can actually see it's a mouse but it seems like to me it will be like some of the size of a rabbit yep moving around at night yeah and they do move around at night too but they're usually quieter but the mice they they're scurrying through the ground or the underbrush so you can hear them so that's I mean that's my voice right yep you know that - yeah yeah have you ever been scared Randy yeah I was sleeping with my tent open would time and I heard heavy breathing great Bob a year not raped by but year the animal was probably 10 or 15 feet away but like big snuffly brats and I thought for sure it was a bear it actually just froze it couldn't make myself breathe normally I couldn't make myself roll over and even look all I could think about was what could this possibly be it must be a bear and listen to the big snuffling breaths of this edible that it that it stopped do you know what it was yeah I went out there were Moose Tracks the man who kills the moose Wow but your imagination will always go - oh it's a bear right if it's some people degree oh no it's a rattlesnake it's something of the tree it's a cougar I had my brother-in-law we went camping we were younger and he had the same thing happened to him he had food in his tent and this was at a public Hank ground so it was you know there's lots of food around basically so there's animals all the time there and you woke up like was a just before pre-dawn just about lado and he was screaming and screaming screaming there's a bear there's a bear there's a bear right and you had his pillow when he was jamming it up against the front door well because he had food in there he basically attracted a raccoon yeah but he was freaked out because he thought this like sniffing animal was like a bear sniffing at his doorway right so he immediately went to you know it's gonna be able predator but it was just a [ __ ] so yeah he freaked out and woke us all up and we walked out we didn't see we didn't see what it was but people camping next to us you know obviously saw they were you know they were walking up to and they saw the right gun right away yeah I actually did get woken up one time by a bear fighting a dog outside of my time but that was a very special circumstance because we were tree plane ticket we were kicked out very close to a municipal dump and we happened to be in a bear travel way just because of because we're in a really bad location we actually saw bears every day we were there for five days straight yeah they're there bears are very common and dumps yeah we went to the DA Murray just to go look louia for scrap and Trish got metal actually one time and it was like dass it was kind of stupid and there was there was a bear and there was somebody else came to look for the bears so they're like yelling at us there's a bear behind you so actually my wife was with me Courtney and she starts running I'm like don't run and she was running so my bow guess we got a run no that can't be fun just I just ran as fast as she did I like calmed down and and then we actually turned behind us and the bear actually was going perpendicular to us the opposite way running from us running from it yo so the bear had enough instinct and knowing that they do you know unless any in almost cornered they're pretty much they're gonna be scared of people more more than the other way around yeah so that's the long answer guys it was really long hair that wood dude but hey you guys are joining us for a meal too right so guys what did this fire oh that's water Jer Jer I'm in the water
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 503,813
Rating: 4.8386097 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, hot tent trip, snowtrekker hot tent, winter trekker, canadian north boreal forest, ice fishing, winter camping, falling through the ice, hot tent adventure, back lake fishing, secret lake, canadian wilderness, survival in the forest, primitive tools, 3 day overnight in hot tent, overnight winter ice fishing, winter hot tent, ice fishing for brook trout, adventure camping, how to hot tent
Id: Cvaak5es29E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 49sec (4729 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 09 2018
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