Plastic Wrap Survival Shelter Challenge (NO Food, NO Water!) | Overnight, Rat Trap Spit Roast

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oh dude look at that fat sizzling maybe i should have oh oh beautiful look at that deliciousness hey guys welcome to the wilderness we're on the back 40 this time kevin's here and don's here they're going to be helping put together a shelter on this no food no water no shelter survival challenge so for me it's all about getting food and for kevin he's going to try to fashion me a really wicked shelter from only the materials that we're gonna find in the forest here so we've got a lot of dead standing cedar trees and that's gonna be used for our survival shelter we've got some other materials too but right now we've got to collect some cedar trees it's so dense the canopy doesn't actually let any light in so we're targeting here is the dead ones in between this is a really poorly managed forest what needs to happen is the bigger trees has to be thinned out so that these smaller trees have a chance this is considered almost a dead forest now animals don't like to come through here because there's no cover you might think there's cover but there's not really cover it's dead squirrels come through in here and that's about it so we're actually doing the forest service here by taking some of these out so here we go we got a couple of sticks already organized these are deadfall sticks don't worry they're dead well not dead they're dead standing not dead fall they're deadfall after you knocked them on the ground and so we're not killing anything making this i know some of the other materials we're going to use in here you're going to be you know clapping that keyboard real hard and real upset about it but too bad we live in a world of plastics and so we're gonna make use of it while we still can pretty soon it's gonna be abandoned obsolete we'll come up with something better a couple of sticks here we measured these all out we got to get the frame structure built so we got some longies and some shorties now the big project comes we have to actually assemble all this stuff well we're gonna take it to a better location than here not level ground we have an idea in mind we gotta get this all strapped up we gotta take it over all right so we got our load here we've kind of pre-cut them as for our design i don't have no idea if this is going to work this is an experimental shelter so if it falls apart well we'll have to figure out another solution or i'm just going to go shelterless we're going to give it a good go so got poles are 12 feet 10 feet and about 7 feet and then we have our sidewalls so we're going to see if we can turn this pile of sticks something that i can survive in hard push push hard the easiest way to move wood is to hold the camera [Applause] well this is the only flat spot in like miles and miles and miles mostly it's all swamp down in here so this is the best spot that we could pick on the property i've also got some hunting access over here try to maybe pick off a coyote or a squirrel or whatever but uh this is going to be nice area there's some turkeys in here but they're not in season so i have to make do with some other stuff i'm hoping to maybe trap some red squirrels but we'll see what we get into first we got a pile of work because there's nothing here for me to live in and the materials that are around here are not super suitable so we have some well some helpers you guys don't like them all of them i like some of them but not all of them let me introduce one of them right now yeah that's right we got some uh pilot wrap plastic wrap pallet wrap i think they call it uh we got a few rolls of these we're gonna try to use we're gonna make a compromise for you guys we're gonna make compromise here i don't use a lot of plastic today i'm gonna use a lot of plastic so what i want you to do is to hammer on those keyboard right now and tell me all the bad things that you guys know about plastics the people who use plastics in their everyday life what i want you guys to do is write all the good things that we know about plastic one of them is it's not biodegradable it's also one of the bad things about plastics you got to think about the good things you wrap food in it and food keeps from spoiling a lot less easily when it's wrapped in plastics also you're surrounded by plastics right now and you're hammering on your keyboard which is made of plastics okay so we're gonna start assembling this the basic premise is we're gonna well if you've ever wrapped a pallet which i presumably you haven't unless you're in shipping and delivery and receiving i actually built b boxes for a guy for a time and we would ship out pallets of these uh bee box panels which were made out of pine and they were loose you know cut to like 18 inches or so stacked on top of each other on top of a pallet so what you have to do is you have to go around and around and around and around and around and around and around and pull tightly every time because the shrink wrap doesn't actually shrink wrap tight i mean i guess you could heat it but most people don't just wrap it and cross thread it and cross wrap it and cross wrap it and wrap it again and it ends up being a solid structure at the end of the thing and then you can ship it without everything falling apart well of course you can do this boxes and other things as well so essentially what we're doing here making uh this is going to be a side panel so all it is is toe screwed in to the top and the bottom got it all measured out dimensionally so there's a 12 foot piece on the top and then there's a 10 foot on the bottom that's because there's going to be a little bit of a overlap with the roof situation here and the end walls are kind of going together like so room for a door the frame a little bit in a little bit more there and then we got our roof pieces this is going to be the biggest question whether this is gonna work when we put the plastic on and if it's gonna actually shed water but we will find out in short order and so all the panels are gonna get wrapped in advance and then we're gonna put it together like a lego set so everything's looking pretty good let's get the finishing touches on there we'll throw it up and see if this is actually going to work proof of concept so it's going to be kind of like an a-frame on either side we'll have a door in the front and the back is going to be one solid thing the only thing i'm kind of worried about is because it's so slanted on the sides that wrapping it the plastic wipe's going to want to go up so i think if what we do is we pull it tight and then smooth it down the edges it should hold together pretty good so kevin's doing a lot of the building here you can go over to his channel he's going to explain more about how this is coming together basically what we're using is uh deck screws just to toe screw everything together and that's going to make sort of a frame to hold the plastic essentially that's what we're after [Applause] well it's starting to look a little bit like a shelter i don't think it would protect anybody from the elements yet because it doesn't have a roof we've got our sides up they look pretty cool actually you can see through it which is kind of neat so uh you definitely want to make sure you're alone in the woods if you're doing anything that you shouldn't be doing behind closed doors because there's no doors well there might be a door here mostly it's open air and open visibility too that'd be cool to hunt out of this thing but i think the animals would see you but it is it doesn't make a really cool neat effect these end walls were harder to do because we had to like stretch it on the angle and the ceiling might come together a little bit easier the sidewalls are like really cool because it actually looks like a window i mean you can still see through the end walls too which is kind of neat we gotta get this roof on though or else it's not a shelter so we we did shingle it kind of like you would a normal house uh we made sure that the we started at the bottom and went up and of course you know starting in the bottom and top is relative so we obviously flipped it for whichever end made sense so this should shed water and i'm hoping when we get the stove cooking it's actually going to heat things up and it's going to melt together that or it's going to burn all right guys for the record we only used one full roll of plastic wrap so you can spare your outrage i think this would be equivalent of using one tarpalene probably like a half a dozen times and then throwing it out which i know everybody does because the tarpaulins don't last forever just like this plastic won't last forever this stuff's a lot thinner so by mass since i don't use tarps that much i pretty much i'm bank even on this by person quota so anyway you can still smash the keyboard if it makes you feel better all i know is that i'm going to be warm and dry and that's what matters to me and i made a really cool shelter in basically one day without uh breaking the bank well there we go it's final resting place come on in have a look at this wow it's so bright and lovely in here get cloudy out but that means maybe we're going to get a little bit of snow or maybe some rain it's a little bit mild here but i think that's going to do for a shelter how about that from starting from scratch having absolutely nothing to having what's essentially a little mini cabin or maybe a hot tent i don't know i can't remember what i thought this was going to be when i first designed it looks like a miniature cabin all we have to do is get that stove put in the stove is going to be one a weird one right and i wanted this to be big enough that i could put a cot over here on this side and then have enough room over in this area here where i could put the stove and then not uh keep it away or keep it on the wall and you know finagle it so that it wouldn't burn or melt the entire structure down but that is a win i would say that's a win a 15 this is a fifteen hundred dollar winter tent at minimum actually it's more than fifteen hundred dollars because it's actually bigger than my snow tractor tent by a long shot we could actually fit four or five people in here super comfortably i'm going to slip away from the action a little bit because i know you guys want to know how i'm going to catch some food i have a brilliant plan and a lot of guys have been advocating for this it's going to show you a technique that i think i've developed that's gonna up your survival shipsmanships game wow we're making up words all the time survivor man ships games that's probably what you've already taken wilderness living skills that one hasn't been taken we'll use that so i'm going to show you pretty neat trick all right boys and girls we got so we got the makings of something here i got a little stick that's propped up on a you know medium-sized medium-sized trunk since all the stores are closed still i put an order in at princess auto 50 minimum order and they sent me everything i wanted anything everything that you could want to survive in the woods on a mini survival challenge so what i did was i ordered piles and piles and piles of rat traps i got 11 rat chops here i don't think i'm gonna set them all i have in my mind i'm gonna set up four but i'm gonna do it in a pretty unique way i'm not just gonna scatter them all over the ground i'm gonna use this stump to my advantage um there's lots of different techniques but i'm gonna show you one that works really really good it works on mice too so you want to keep paying attention here because you're going to want to set all your mice traps the same way i'm going to set this mouse strap rat trap and you're going to want to set your rat traps the same way too so come on in have a closer look mouse set trap you need not the quick set traps i don't like the quick set traps they're garbage well i feel that they're garbage anyway so the trick is we're going to take an elastic band here and this is the science behind the operation of this device here now no animal wants to chew on metal stuff they just don't like chewing on metal stuff so what they do is they come in and they start licking they don't chew they don't bite down and then therefore they don't manipulate this device enough to trigger it so we're going to take this it's simple real simple all we're going to do is tie a knot what not one knots we want to make a gigantic bunch of knots in here and what we can do is actually loop it around a couple of times here and produce a ball of rubber chewy materials because all animals know that chewy things are good but animals when they start chewing on metal they get they get they get well there's a there's a squirrel right now i hear ya we're getting all set up for you so when you're all finished this is kind of what it looks like i obviously i pre pre-drilled a little hole here that's going to come in handy in a second and there's all that rubber band there around the activation device and that's going to be key the next thing is we need to figure out how to orient this so that we have the rat well in this case the furry rat the tree rat coming in on an angle that we prefer we don't want the rat to be jumping on this end of things because then it's going to give it a big heat that way or we might end up with something worse like a tail catch or an arm catch you never know but what you want to do is try to get them angled into the trap the right way i'm going to show you that right now now if you're planning on doing this make sure that you follow your local rules and regulations i am currently and happily a licensed trapper in my area and so now what i can do is trap red squirrels we'll make it into a meal and more so just make sure what you're getting into make sure that what you're trapping and catching is legal in your area because every area is different and all the regulations are different these rat traps are super useful for harvesting weasel as well they'll work except you're going to bait with a piece of meat because they're predators and not peanut butter as i did here and for reference if you want to set your traps like this for squirrel i drilled a pilot hole through the t of trap because that is going to keep this on the portion of the tree that i want to put it on and create a beautiful approach they're all alternatives to setting these traps and maybe we'll get into it another time if you want me to do a whole series on trapping red squirrels we can do that and maybe even snaring them too we'll see how effective this is again it's an experiment i don't know if it's going to work i hope it does for bait all i'm using is a little bit of peanut butter it goes a long long way it smells strong it's savory and it keeps that squirrel licking and over time that scent and the oils are going to permeate into the rubber band and it's going to be a lot longer lasting and you can even catch squirrels rats mice all those little tiny vermin a long time after you've run out of peanut butter because you're still going to go back and start gnawing on that only thing left to do we got a trail camera here set up so we can catch some of the action i was hoping to put four traps out here to even the odds i'm going to put one more up on the tree over here and we're going to try that out see if that's an effective way we'll just hang it upside down on the tree and that'll create a good approach for a squirrel as well we'll see if they can commit other options are to put it on a horizontal branch and that'll make sure that the squirrel is coming up to the tree to feast on it but i want to try to just screw it in here and see if that works another benefit of screwing things down is that you're not going to have predators come in and steal your entire trap now they might take the animal itself out of the trap but you're less likely to lose your trap altogether and also squirrels are pretty strong man and so if they get caught and they are still alive they might take off with your track trap way off in the woods you mean you may never find your animal or your trap alrighty guys now that those are set we can go get the rest of the things straightened out for our no shelter no food no water survival challenge i'm interested to see if we can get this stove set up we got to get enough firewood to last night and i'm also wondering if this stove is actually going to work inside that plastic shelter i got a couple tricks up my sleeve and i got a few amenities i'm going to include in the survival challenge just to make things more comfortable this is all about making things better than just survival the no food no water no shelter survival challenge isn't really technically a survival challenge it's more of a thriving challenge and i have failed to come up with a word for it so we're going to call it like the woodsman challenge or the new wilderness living challenge oh where did a slave challenge that's when you do seven days without any food did you guys hear that that's the trap the trap just went off oh boy i just heard the click of the trap watching them fall in the water here i hope we got some food oh oh that's a black squirrel it's not dead yet i need a stick put you down oh [Laughter] that's a little bit of an ordeal i didn't want it to happen that way freaking black squirrel in the trap trap oh oh i'm shaking [Laughter] it was uh it just got its arm caught in the stupid trap oh i uh oh that works i mean how was that for a success i i whacked i got peanut butter all over me now freaking gross i uh hit it i had a bunch of times and it was doing the it's doing the quiver still a little bit but it looks all right it's like it's gonna be dinner oh i'm still hoping i get a red squirrel though i'm gonna get greedy well not greedy as a trapper i'm trying to harvest the red squirrels and then sell some of the pelts uh they're worth 80 cents a piece i know it's not a lot of money no there you go there's a there's that's going to be our survival meal it's a it's a black squirrel black squirrels are they're native to here i guess they're a variant well i don't they're native native they're uh they're from europe i guess originally but they've been naturalized as far as i know and this is a variant of the gray we have grays and blacks the blacks are supposedly uh better for surviving our cold winters because they have fur that's the color that absorbs that sunlight and so that's the theory anyway they're both the same species just a different variant and they both eat the same but there is zero value in this fur it has no economic value so it's not a trap related animal it's considered a bycatch but positive bycatch delicious delicious squirrel all right let's head back to camp that was a success i'm gonna reset this see if we don't get another one oh if we're gonna get cooking then we uh we need a tripod well i need a tripod to boil some water too so i got a little billy can over here that we uh handy trusty billy can for boiling water and such we got water and we well we got food all we gotta do is make it tonight make it through the night so now there's our chunk of meat i actually ripped one of the arms off that was funny it's a little bit bruised when i smacked it with that stick anyway all i got to do is uh cut the stomach out here well right here and then i'm just going to pull everything out just like i do for all small game simple as that we got ourselves a little delicious meal so not only do we get a delicious squirrel but we got all of the fixings that go with the squirrel plus a bonus so we got a heart it's always delectable a little chunky morsel of deliciousness we've got the kidneys and always make sure that the gallbladder is removed gallbladder does not taste good it's actually full of really bad stuff for you and look at this treasure this is the benefit of catching a squirrel more or less in the winter is that you're going to get a ton of organ fat and that organ fat is what's going to keep me alive but it's also what would have kept the squirrel alive if it had not been so silly about trying to get an easy meal and now this is going to be my easy meal maybe i'll boil in like a cup of delicious water and drink some fat that's probably i don't know gotta be three or four hundred calories right there just in fact that was a piece of butter that's a lot of butter yeah check how greasy and well protected and well seasoned my knife is after that it's like got a perfect sheen i don't know if you can tell that or not you see that beautiful sheen it's like almost as good as bare fat i wonder what it tastes like not only does it make a good sheen and finish on there my hands are refreshed they're not chopped anymore so i can imagine as long as this tastes good this might be the new delicacy squirrel fat not only can you clean your knife with it and season it but you can cure your chapped hands maybe it's beard oil too i'm not going to do that today maybe another day i did do bear fat one time kind of smell like bacon so at the end of this i hope you guys will stay tuned at the end of this we'll find out if those squirrels rat traps worked on the red squirrel we're going to check them uh tonight throughout the day and then we're going to go check tomorrow as well in the morning and you know this is a survival tool that you want to keep with you right it's very easy to pack it takes no space whatsoever and it's a survival tool right i mean you could just plop it out though easy setup just to have a little bit of peanut butter if you can't have peanut butter i know everybody's gonna have peanut butter but you can use like black walnuts stuff like that while apples those all work you can get creative too i'm sure the squirrels are on all cars seeds and nuts and so they're curious animals too so you can if you don't have peanut butter i mean peanut butter definitely stacks it in your favor but there's other things you can use too kevin working away here behind the scenes it's got a door on here i'm going to make myself a tripod for cooking and i'm going to get a fire lay made essentially i want to be able to boil water indefinitely tripod always makes things more campy so whenever every chance you get to make a tripod because you're i can't do it there's a article going around about all these fake bushcrafters in provincial parks public parks you know state lands and stuff stuff like that who are actually cutting down live trees don't do that on on uh private or public lands like you're not allowed to cut live stuff i'm on private land and so i can do with permission of the owner things that i want to do and that involves cutting live trees but you do want a live tree for your tripod because you don't want it to catch on fire and then the fire lay that we have set up here is all the off cuts that we used for the build and that'll keep everything off the ground you guys know the drill when it's wet and there's snow either dig down to the ground and if you can't make yourself a fire lay and that'll keep all your coals and ash and all that stuff off the ground and the heat where you want it losing it in the snow that's not good so these parts of the woods does not have a lot of my favorites white birch it has lots of yellow birch yellow birch doesn't work as good as white birch doesn't have the big papery things it has more like if you're lucky stringy bits but this works good for like a tinder bundle because it's like already stringy if you get an old mature one i think something actually came through and wiped out a lot of the yellow or white birch and for some reason maybe the yellow ones had a bit more resistance to whatever it was that killed them but this one is a very shaggy feller and it's going to be a lot easier to start a fire that way conditions aren't too too bad for a fire they're a little bit damp but it's not raining look at the handfuls of this thing thank you mr yellow tree yellow birch they're very helpful today all right now that we've got everything kind of situated we're going to move this pot the billy can off to the side i'm going to have to run down to the creek there's a lot of snow here so there's always the temptation to just grab the snow but uh i don't think that's much of a challenge i think having to go down the creek oh you've got some water yeah i think there was a squirrel here in that one oh we got a billy can we got the axe we're gonna go down and try to find a creek or running water system so we don't have to eat yellow snow i mean it's pretty white but it's also pretty not white but uh i got the axe with me just in case it's froze over there's a possibility that that's happening you know because it's winter and things and uh then we're gonna have to decide what we're gonna do with that squirrel we're gonna turn it into stew which is the lazy man way of doing it or we're going to try our best to slow cook it and still make it so it's not super chewy and that's always the thing with the wild game stew long stew that's good but uh short barbecue or the squirrel that's chewy you're asking for trouble [Music] hey the sun might come out a little bit it's a good thing we brought the axe because well the creek is frozen over and uh what's also kind of gross is there's like little poopies there's a little poopy from something over there there's rabbit poopies and coyote poopies so i guess it's a good thing we're going to boil this let's see how thick this ice is probably not yeah it might be thick enough to walk on but just just barely see that just just big ah now i think i drink just drink some of that poopy water that i didn't want to do cool survival okay let's dig some of this slush out try not to mix it up with the bottom here [Music] so [Music] so well there's a couple floaters in there that's for darn sure you can see the oils from my hands from that squirrel i don't know it's like it looks like gasoline ripples but there ain't no gasoline out here little plant matters and things some duck weed i don't know should be edible duckweed edible maybe we'll try one more scoop not a big fan of eating tons of floaters oh that's better that's pretty good i'm happy with that no food no water no shelter no way that's how it should go it's coyote tracks through here i'm gonna have to set up some snares here at some point it's a perfect little trail coming through here through the swamp oh shoot i just went through dang it oh freaking heck freaking heck no i got rubber boots on so i don't care that much but i don't want to get mud all over the place that was scary man you guys see that hole that frightened me i always got to be careful i'm kind of in the flood plain a little bit like oh there's another one guess i'm a little bit in the flood plain here so it's like there's a layer of ice and there's probably a layer of air and you got to watch those hollow spots a lot of times that's where deer and other animals get trapped in the water because there's an air pocket there or this really thin ice so they're on you know a river or system and then they get to that one little spot that breaks through and then of course they can't climb back up on the ice honey i'm home i mean honey you're home i mean we're both home it's funny that you're inside here right is it funny i think it's funny so here's my here's my luxury item among many other other luxury items for this survival expedition this is by tito don't look up with that in french don't look that up because it's uh it's a funny word it's a funny word for boobie i went to a french school so don't look that one up that's rude uh if we're gonna make a fire we need some wood so kevin's already starting to cut some take the sled out grab a whole bunch of it and uh get that water cooking oh i'm going far fee until i drink water i haven't survived well that part of the challenge anyway i still gotta cook my food because if i don't eat it it doesn't count either so things are coming along pretty nicely in here it's nice to have a door uh i do have a trick up my sleeve for if this is too tightly sealed stay tuned for that and then we got our my winter camping stove here all set up well not set up yet kevin's going to help me get that rigged up we have to get a chimney going out through the roof somehow and then we have to also worry about the ashes and embers and stuff like that landing on it so we have to figure a way to get that pipe moved away from the structure i can tell you that it's a heck of a lot nicer in here climate wise because it's not super super well it's not windy it's not warm in here but there's zero airflow got a cool couple cool little crafts we'll call them crafts i think they're crafts they're they're uh i mean they're man craft you can have man craft you can have a mancraft good friend ray riverbend longbows made this really cool quiver it's got rabbit pelt on the top and we got some wooden arrows and the bow here it's a long bow i'll take it out later probably but i want to show it now he's got a wrist guard too he just made for me wb on the back custom made and he's i think he's selling these now so you'll have to send him a message you can find him on instagram i'll put the link down below he does most of his chatting with me via instagram and then he made this thing and i'm like what the heck is this thing i looked around a little bit i'm like i don't know it's crafty but i can't tell what it is so there's a envelope or a letter inside i should say not an envelope there was an envelope but anyway it said it's a tripod field chair you make the legs well that's crafty although i got to make legs now i guess so that's another project leave it there for now and we'll see if we can't put that together he even gave me a little bit of paracord to go with it pretty cool i don't know if i could hunt him with the bow but uh if something stumbles through here and it's in season i probably will try to get it now we can get a fire going sparks sparks is a big worry with this fire we don't want them to be shooting up there this way so we gotta watch which way the prevailing wind is uh sparks on the tarp shelter the rap saran wrap saran wrap no plastic wrap shelter will be a problem it will poke holes uh almost immediately although there is a couple layers there so it'll probably just like get in between the layers which is also not good and i'm going to use a lighter because that actually is survival like you you do the bojo fire and people like hey she didn't do the blood drill fire because you keep relying i'm like yeah you know you can't and then use a lighter and they're like that's not survival i'm like well pick and choose i know you're different people but you're both complainers stop complaining i'm gonna use a lighter because that's what you should use anyway see if there's birch bark lights it's pretty windy i'm also using my left hand maybe i'll use my right hand ouch oh windy yeah there we go guys sleeping on the job well trying to sleep on the job we got to get that stove in yeah i don't think it's over here it's like a big sunroof in here it's like perfectly warm but it's all ready to go i got it all i got all the pieces i got we've got proof of concept let's see if it works there's some some assembly required is that uh yeah yeah we gotta make a hole in the roof which is gonna be a shame and then we gotta make sure that we uh uh it doesn't leak and it's only gonna get colder from here on out all you should do is just put a big pile of rocks in here they heat some rocks and then throw them in here no it's like thermal mass right so like like it's like a greenhouse you've got the sun coming down you're heating up the rocks and the rocks radiate heat throughout the night you'd be like let's go collect some rocks it's gonna be like a steam house in here it's gonna be something well let's see we're going to have a small fire in here because it's not that cold outside surprisingly so it's not like we need this but maybe this is going to be a long-term shelter we're going to leave it up here see how long it lasts you guys have to keep watching subscribe to my channel check out uh modern self reliance subscribe to kevin see what he's up to he's gonna cover this uh this build a little bit too but um yeah maybe this is gonna last maybe the last maybe we'll take a snow load i don't know we still got the peak we have to fix because uh we didn't we didn't put tarpon i don't know it might be it might be all right i don't know but i think there's a gap if you look on the inside here it's not too too bad but i know if like if it doesn't blow off right away and it sits up there it rains pretty good it probably will end up being a problem and then we don't want that to happen we want water to get in in between the frames here because then it's then it's going to get bad it's going to get moldy and musty and all that gross stuff so kevin's working away on getting that stove installed i'm going to get my squirrel going i'm going to cook it the dirtiest way i can think of try to do it as slow as possible so that it actually is edible i try to slow cook it maybe if i put a little bit of a sear on it first it'll kind of seal in the moisture you know what if it tastes really bad i'll just throw it in the pot and it'll end up being stew looks like we got a good bed of coals here now so we can probably throw it right on how's that look for some caveman cooking got some adobo spices on there it doesn't look delicious it smells delicious i'm just gonna prop this guy up on the fire got a couple hairs on there it's not too bad we'll cinch them off we call it like a mixture of spit roast and singed cooking yummy oh looks like we got smoke no there's smoke there's fire and certainly it's not coming from the campfire so i think kevin's got this thing figured out it's got the stove pipe going out the plastic shoot without burning it so that's some magic right there oh and is it warm in here it's like uh it's t-shirt and shorts weather in here even though i'm still wearing my snowsuit are you surprised we built this from like nothing pretty much nothing it's pretty much nothing pretty much nothing handful of screws and a roll of plastic like one roll maybe and a quarter is all we use to make this entire structure and then we could easily you know we could do additions we can we can make patios we can do all sorts of things it's limitless so goodness maybe this series will continue we've got four rolls of plastic that's like a that's a whole subdivision i know i got four because i thought i would use four i only used one you could that's it the whole subdivision you can could just keep going this is this is the solution to affordable housing right here it's the future it's the future bubble domes you know what it's the double layer that's really it's the dead air space in between the pieces of plastic that's creating like it's not just a single layer yeah it's toasty i could see like you could build this out like you'd have to worry about you know some long-term damages from trees falling on it and stuff like that because it's not going to carry the weight but um if you keep it in an open enough area this thing's pretty slamming i like it you turn into a sauna too look at it it's so much more spacious in here than my hot tent make a steamer steam room it's like the right size and i think we got enough clearance the stove's got enough clearance against the wall back here i'll see like we'll find out but uh the plastic i think is probably if anything it's it's to seal together nice and tightly look at look at the lighting in here it's nice and bright you don't need lights nothing is it melting it's not mountain that's surprising i thought it would i thought it would get too hot here and now it's the vent it's the fact that it is drafty right it's drafty yeah it's working and then there's a there's air if you're concerned with air there's air spaces here along the uh bird's mouth edge here whatever you call it come and say i'm using the wrong turn but that's fine i don't know what it is whatever that space is there is drafting air up so it's yeah the software the soffits are pulling the air up right and this drafts around the door so it's not like you're gonna run out of oxygen or anything and the floor too there's lots of air coming in so don't worry about that but i do like i said i have something that you should always have with you when you're doing these kinds of tending i'll show you that when we get ready when i get ready for bed kevin's not going to stay here he's not a survival expert he's a builder so he helped me put this thing together but he's not going to spend the night why you gonna spend the night ever you never know maybe maybe if there's enough likes on this video i don't know maybe there's gonna be lots of thumbs down because of the plastic i'm concerned a little bit about plastic but if there's a gajillion likes maybe i will i will spend some time out here i you never talk about likes it's always subscribe and i don't care if you subscribe i don't care if you like the video i wanted to see if i could do that like i've this came up in my head i'm like can't i do this is it possible turns out it is turned out you can camp like a sandwich in a plastic bag well this could be like moose hunter's paradise right they're like just shoot right through the ceiling yeah you don't have to bring all expensive tents you buy like one roll of plastic and then you put it up in one day that's pretty slick oh we gotta check on this barbecue i say barbecue because i can smell it from there here from there from in there oh dude look at that fat sizzling that's fat delicious delicious squirrel fat i'm worried it's going to drip out but there's nothing really i can do about it so that's the that's a pitfall of spit roasting maybe i should have oh oh beautiful look at that deliciousness the water is boiling the squirrel is sizzling what more could you ask for i'm uh i'm thinking this is almost done and i should probably pull it off so that kevin can have a taste of it before he before he takes off i think he'll have a bite of the squirrel and drink a swamp water that water is done we can pull that all off beauty it's got a little bit of a little bit of sizzle on there a little bit it's a little bit burnt but it's it's like it's like barbecue burnt and the back i think that's like it's burnt it's burnt in the backstrap because that's the thinnest part here but we got some really thick juicy tender legs that should be delicious and that fat i think that fat is really what made it go give it that barbecue texture so i think we're going to eat inside the tent we earned it and so we might as well enjoy it and i still got to go check those rat traps see if we don't have some pelts to maybe process there should be enough food for today but we're always looking about survival on the next adventure and uh it'd be nice to make some uh squirrel hats i don't know what they use the squirrels for i think they mostly use the tails i know they use them for uh fishing lures maps they'll actually uh buy them off of you so if you uh don't want to send them off of off to the fur harvesters federation you can sell them and i think in the us as long as it's legal for you guys to harvest them you can send yours in too i know they were they were willing to trade a bunch of uh tails uh for lures finish duelers so that was a pretty good deal all right let's go let's go see if kevin likes squirrel meat barbecue squirrel meat there's water it's from the swamp swamp water brought swamp i brought some water in part of the part of the challenge food water food no food no water no shelter was it boiling it boiled you sure yeah actually i wanted to cool it down it just hit a boil so maybe we won't put it back on the stove look at how does that look how does it look on a scale of one to ten is it mouth-watering because it's making my mouth water well you can't smell it that's that's the best part of that thing dude take a whiff of that smell i can smell i can smell it from here it's just sticking your meat in my face you're saying that the best part is you can't smell it well i can smell it that's the best part is the best part is you can smell it but the people at home can't smell it well they can see it i think it looks good okay well well the people at home can eat it with their eyes well they have to they're going to eat it with your eyes because you're exactly you're going to describe what it tastes like i see it's going to be all up to you i have to eat this thing because i might just be full of it it's so greasy look at my fingers you're gonna see one night well i'm going to baked it on the stove so it's clean because yeah just chris did you clean that squirrel with this thing didn't you i did so it's clean now i've cooked it it's sanitized i hot knived it it's not cleaned it's sanitized how about that i whipped it on my boot well it should be extra clean it could be could be one or the other it could wave it on the bottom of my boot on the side of my boot got the smoke detector going on that's the smoke detector dude it's way over there that was that was the secret weapon i was telling you that you should always have a smoke detector maybe look at that it's going off it's not even inside it's it's going off because of the outside fire kevin's going to go turn it off because we can't have that in the wilderness i think it got the smoke got trapped in the bucket anyway i don't know oh see there's there's that's your secret weapon it's it's carbonation co and smoke right and it talks and it tells you for your fur warning carbon monoxide that's just the test it's my question all the time is it cooked i believe so you cook you eat it first oh it's so hot though i think you're gonna you're gonna have to hold it and i'll left i'll hold your meat it's a target it's a it's a turkey i was gonna say that kyle looks good dude that's 100 cooked me first well no that's the most cooked piece it is probably the most cooked piece is your fur on it oh the underside was very tender that's pretty good that's not pretty good that's really good that's really good here you want uh i want the cooked piece well i think you won't probably want the tender piece rather than just like straight up cooked no i think i'll just eat the cookies i'm going with uh what's it what's the guy's name that we talked about how food eating good food was a risk anthony bourdain yeah anthony bourdain he's like he's like sometimes you got to take risks when you eat when you want to eat good food and what he meant was don't overcook your steak but didn't he decide to yeah yeah there's fur in that he's no longer with us the first wine the first cooked i don't want the fur dude that's better than freaking turkey there you go oh oh look at that look how tender that is look how freaking juicy that is you want that no it's okay i had my piece ah this is really really really really good you should have brought a bun well you're not supposed to bring any food to this thing right we had a bun like a cheese bun or something like that put little chunks of meat on that thing dude that's what i want to eat like a sandwich 100 more of a sandwich kind of guy well you could sandwich it but look at that that's 100 awesome dude that's 100 meat man that is actually the most tender most delicious squirrel i've ever had it's so greasy too it's so fatty that's money that's really really good fall off the bone tender man beauty that's a win we're not just surviving man this is freaking thriving um yes now we got to wash this down with some small water had to get cabin to film that segment and you really enjoyed it dude that's really good i i don't i don't i don't disagr i don't not i don't doubt you you're lost for words yeah i don't want to eat all your food i'm going home at the end of this thing it's true you're staying overnight you got to fatten up you got to eat your here just dangle my meat dude sometimes things don't turn out but this this is this really did turn out i think every time i've been here it's turned out i think it's because i make the fire maybe or maybe i'm just getting better dude look at that's like bacon you should you know what you should do is do like uh like like a restaurant in the forest chew that that's burnt bacon you put bacon on this thing no that's burnt bacon i think it has a lot to the spices you put on no i think the key is it's a winter squirrel it's got tons of fat in there that is the best squirrel i've ever had in my life that you could serve to people like what's that squirrel no no that's not a squirrel like no that's squirrel squirrel fat's awesome well if it didn't look like a squirrel like like i think it'd be hard-pressed like that thing on a sandwich i'm telling you if i brought a bun bottom's not too too too hot ah jeez i'm gonna have to wait a second oh there's a lot of snow in there does that defeat the purpose i don't know we could we got some we got some clean uh intense snow eat some snow pop her in there i think it defeats the purpose actually no but it's still purified it's a purified snow oh okay well i put my whole fan in there so that should be good nice now you're not going to drink it i only taste i taste squirrel in adobo still tastes fine yeah it's a pass you're out i'm out this is under control let's see if how he feels tomorrow ah food fire water and shelter the only thing is to if i survive the shelter and uh i still want to check my scroll trap so stay tuned or maybe this thing the whole thing will collapse i don't think it's gonna collapse it'll blow away but i don't think it's gonna it's gonna roll down into the forest if it goes anywhere well we're gonna see how how well it withstands the heat over the night too whatever's left i'll put down in the swamp water make a stew for it for breakfast that's really winning i'm going to keep eating this so 100 this is a pretty cool camp set up now man it's like we got fire is all over the place it just makes it more campy a tripod tripods always make it campy we got a belly full of food feeling good about life thinking about my traps hoping my traps working i don't know if they're going to work and i got to make sure i got enough wood so i think kevin's going to give me a hand we'll get another load because we've almost burnt all the stuff that we've cut already and i need enough chunks little chunks that i can feed that fire for the rest of the rest of the day rest of the night well the light of the day is fading and we gotta get ready well i gotta get ready i think kevin's gonna boot it out of here before the coyotes come out and attack all of us they could just shred that plastic tarp and get right in there and start mowing down and still close at their eyeballs and then the whole thing will go up in flames that's a bad scenario i hope that doesn't happen kevin's gonna get the chair put together that uh ray ray from riverbend longbows see if it's comfy and i can sit around the fire and uh dream about the coyotes raccoons turkeys i don't know i'll dream about something maybe something better than what's going on in the world these days 100 sure we're doing this wrong and uh rail let me know how to do it properly i think skinnier sticks i did cut did cut a couple little skinny sticks so if i rebuild it i don't know if i'll do on this trip but uh i think skinnier sticks and maybe shorter but we did lay it down and we wrapped it and frapped it so it should be tighter now that's right yeah i built it for it's actually you know what it's better than sitting on the ground sitting on the ground sucks yeah this is actually it's got some uh it's like saddle support you're gonna get with those fancy bike seats and it's got the little cutout in the middle my camera's sliding down i'm moving out of frame oh there i am again it's better than sitting on the ground it's light it's light well you just make it when you're there when you got nothing better to do when you're camping thanks ray for sending that appreciate it the arm guard too i got to fire that up maybe i'll go for a walk check for this the squirrel traps now and i'll probably leave them overnight so if i catch one like they're active just before dark quite a bit and then they're super duper duper active in the morning so if i don't have anything by now definitely by morning but uh if you want a bow uh riverbend longbows make some custom and i think he's in the business of taking orders right now uh armed guards i think he's got some for sale too so y'all come out i'll put that link down below it's good friend uh that's harder the snow pants on make sure we're in good see if we can't spot a cottontail or squirrel whatever's moving this hour of the day dead dead i killed it i could kill something with that it could happen check out that penetration deadly wooden arrows feathered feather fletching dynamite man all right i'm gonna lead the way kevin's gonna film he's heading home check our traps i hope we have a trap hope we have one set off and if we don't we can check the trail camera just to see what's going on maybe we have to rejig things i don't know i've never trapped the red squirrels before not with a rat trap well i didn't see anything coming in it could be cottontails around at any moment though they're pretty sketchy though they're very nocturnal we'll check our traps here we got trap number one this is the one we caught the black squirrel on and nothing not disturbed or anything and uh looking at the other one over here and we got nothing nothing nothing but it looks like there's some activity on here so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna check that trail camera real quick and we'll see what's going on check both cameras see if we don't see any activity and uh if if we do that we can adjust things right so let's give it a quick check yep oh man we got a squirrel right on the stump he's sniffing around looks like he keeps freaking out as soon as the camera flips on so that's definitely a factor here as far as us catching anything i think if we leave it here a little bit longer they're going to get more and more used to it and they're going to get more and more comfortable with it i think that temptation especially in the morning of the competitiveness of the squirrels around here one of them is just going to get so feisty it's actually going to trip it that's my guess so you guys have to stick around a little more to find out as do i so i'm going to get my bow stalk my way back i don't want to get lost out here in the dark i want to make sure i'm nice and comfortable everything's organized for bed tonight so i'll see you guys back down there i don't know if you guys saw that but you might have heard it that was a turkey he was actually doing an alarm call so it spotted me before i spotted it it's just up here in the hardwoods when they when they're happy they purr that's a content feeding turkey but when they get upset they pot and then when they get excited in the spring the females make a totally different sound and of course i can't gobble but i could try we gotta save those tactics for spring though how beautiful it is out here the sun is setting you can tell the lighting has changed a little bit and we're about to get hunkered in i'm going to take this bow down because it's not good to keep it strung up for too too long and uh we'll get our bed made and settle in for the night but i'm curious to see how long term this ferris we got our stew broth going on and i should go grab that squirrel fat um from around the corner here actually do that now before i forget i had a i had kind of a bad dream when i was walking back then i actually would forget to get the fat and then an animal would come and pluck it right off here like this is perfect pickings for a bird oops i lost my heart i need that a little chunk of heart meat and uh the globules of fat and the liver we're gonna add this to the stew right now i think that's a fair thing to do because then it'll broth overnight and that and it'll be a nice fortified breakfast meal for us so whoops i got to wash my arrows i don't puncture the hole in there so let's plop those goblets in there deliciousness that's all going to liquefy maybe we'll add a little bit more adobo in there just to get it to uh flavor and that'll broth all night long beauty this is awesome this tent is freaking amazing i don't care what you say it's like the perfect size like compared to my snow tracker tent my snow trekker tents a little bit it's a little bit too compact um i don't know how wide we are but this i know the snow trucker i think is well i think it is it's 10 feet by 13 feet i don't know what we are here but it seems like just having this extra space or maybe it's because it's just me in here this is the perfect size you guys hear that that's wet snow i don't think it's rain but not quite snow i hope it turns into snow snow would be good rain would not be good somewhere in between would be all right as long as it sheds it i'll be in business all right well let's clear off my bed here we'll get everything straightened out because pretty soon it's going to be dark i got lots of olight flashlights so i'm pretty good i've got her smoke detector that's ultra important it's going to help me sleep a lot better but we got the m2r olight and uh the seeker two we got as well and then uh actually kevin hung up the oh the old lantern what is it called i forget what it's called oh lantern yeah i got it right the old lantern is hung up from the ceiling so that should brighten this thing up completely all right back to bedding get this straightened out the only thing we're missing really in here is a nice well over there would be perfect for the table i should put a request in for kevin but we're gonna keep this shelter here long term part of the reason why we built this is because we can keep it here and we can test to see how long it lasts you know we're obviously kind of early in the winter right now and it'll be interesting to see if it lasts the entire winter uh especially under the snow loads and such or uh if you know it gets any punctures from tree limbs landing on it or anything like that but once the frame is built which is obviously the case right now then you can always just come back and put a you know more durable tarp on top of it you can even use recycled materials like what they use for lumber well i really did appreciate having kevin help me and dawn and uh obviously kevin for keeping me company throughout the day i thought it was snowing out but i'm looking at the sheeting here and it's wet it is water wet it is not snow at all thankfully it's not dripping like at all it's 100 dry in here all dry all the way all the way to the top you can see well maybe you can't see but the outside layer is wet the inside wear layer is completely dry on both sides so that's good news the wind's picking up a little bit not too too bad so maybe there'll be a change in temperature coming in part way maybe we'll get some a little bit colder weather it'd be nice if this wasn't like rain sleet because if it starts sticking to the outside it's going to produce a layer but it's uh on an incline enough that i think it should shed it decently that's what i'm hoping anyway we're in our last little bit of light here and uh i'm set i don't know where i should put the smoke detector maybe under the bed no under the bed's probably not a good idea maybe i'll put it up i'll put it up over here on the chair so it's at a reasonable height it's higher than me so if it goes off um it's because your smoke at that level could put at the top as well but i think that that'll be fine yeah i'm liking this this is beautiful loving this glad it worked out i wasn't sure for a bit but it turns out it works good we got we got lots of we could hang stuff on the wall too it's like a real legit hunt cabin fire outside still going we'll let that one die out we'll make sure the one in here stays going even if you have a better clothes all the better in the morning but uh just gonna wait a little bit longer before i hunker down strip down and uh get super comfy and just enjoy a long night's sleep because that's the way it goes when you do the solo stuff especially in the winter it's a long night man but uh you get to clear your thoughts and get sit there and poke the fire and just chill out wow with this rain coming down i am super happy that we built this shelter and i didn't do some other kind of shelter on a no food no water no shelter survival challenge because this is hypothermic weather that rain is persistent consistent and the temperatures don't change this would be this would be the end of me well maybe not actually you know but you know what i mean we've got the o lights running this is the old lantern it works pretty good because it casts a 360 degree light and that's what it's designed to do and it's got a bump sensor on there so after you turn it off see how it's uh it's lit up there i know maybe you can a little bit of red there but if you bump it it turns up it turns on in the middle of the night just hit it and of course i fired up my other lights just to get a little bit more ambiance the m2r and i've got the seeker as well just cast and i'm just just shining it off the walls here see how bright that gets pretty freaking awesome fire is going good outside although i'm not going to maintain it for too too much longer and yeah i just want to show you guys the lights pretty freaking sweet and that roof's working really good too no leaks yet nothing to report so it's shedding as intended beauty loving this it's awesome anyway gonna get out of my boats and uh get comfy and settle in and uh enjoy my time in the woods oh gotta bring you guys a little bit closer here i like the size of it it's like the perfect one one man shelter love it love it it's like it's like the right right size man love it all right i'm gonna get you guys taken down well i'm excited to go check the traps tomorrow i think uh the weather's been a little bit a little bit weird but we do had we did have some activity on the trail camera with the red squirrels they were right up in the bait so that's good sign i think maybe they're just a little sketched out by them if the rain doesn't mess up the traps too badly and mess up the activity tomorrow morning i think we might be okay we might actually get one but if i can't figure out this whole red trapping red squirrel trapping business eventually i will you can mark my words because now i can go after them and it's a new species to go after i've never gone after red squirrels before you could shoot them easy enough but then you damage the pelt and that's not what you want to do that's why you want to use the the traps because it produces less pelt damage and moving forward we're going to be looking at coyote want to do some snaring and coyote and all the other things we'll just lose a light here one light just went out oh no i just dropped it that's what happened it fell down anyway we're all good so yeah i'll uh i'm gonna end tonight off right now because there's i'm just i feel like i'm rambling at this point i don't have much else to say so uh i'm gonna i'm gonna tuck in here and uh i'll check back with you guys tomorrow morning good night it's actually kind of a mixture of water and sleet it kind of switched midway through which i was thankful for um and i let the fire go out like there was no point in keeping it going because i was nice and toasty so there's a little bit of coal left i don't think there's very much heat left to warm up my breakfast so it's kind of it's congealed on top can you guys see that so all that fat re-congealed i might have a sip of it this morning that's all right kind of rich squirrely well it's kind of adobe it's like eating widow widoby with doughboy it's kind of mixture of uh bacon widobo how about that bacon butter widobo so the plan today is i'm gonna pack everything out right now get my sleeping bag all packed out and uh then we're gonna go check the scroll trap see what we got going on we got a beautiful day today it's a little bit it's it's actually pretty mild for winter we got a little bit of frost going on on the leaves and such and see the outside the fair pretty good all that snow ice pellets kind of stuck to it which is not the ideal circumstances but you can see there's no there's no perforations on the outside of the tent at all on both sides but this is kind of the worst conditions you can have for any kind of winter tent and it fared really well it actually seems like it seemed up pretty good performing it so it performed really well obviously the doors protected from the rooftop and so it didn't get any snow on it at all and the inside noticeably drier you can see how i've got things set up here with my lantern now but uh yeah i'm gonna tear down and we'll go check our traps but uh i want to talk about the tent real quick and just tell you guys this is an awesome tent if you need to set up like a makeshift uh bug out shelter or moose camp or deer camp you got a permanent place to put your stuff or semi-permanent this could be a three season well it's a four season really with this wood stove do it this i highly recommend this this worked really really well and i think the total cost is maybe 25 bucks in plastics and screws hardly anything and all the wood is all dead because you want it wanted to be nice and light so highly recommend this tent this worked awesome i did notice uh some raccoon tracks in and around here um i didn't have the cam i had the trail camera on i tried to leave it on overnight but it was actually turning on because of the fire so it would have been cool to see if anything wandered through i will turn the camera back on so maybe you'll see some future trail camera footage with this uh tent becoming naturalized in the environment that'll be kind of neat we're gonna go check the squirrel traps right now i'm super excited this is the beauty about trapping and i'm gonna include more of this on the channel so be able to set traps and then come back and check them to see if they work see if you can improve your techniques on tricking wild animals and because i got my trapping license i can trap all kinds of different things now which is gonna be fun it's gonna open a whole new chapter on the channel so i hope you guys stick around for that all right without further ado let's go check our traps all right you guys let's have a look at our traps oh i forgot the one on the tree one on the tree yeah like we got we got kind of a double catch on here it's a kind of a double catch we got caught by the tail and then perfect perfect catch right behind the heads that's instant kill um if you guys are checking are you trapping like mice and rats and stuff like that uh in industrial places or at home and stuff like that you know you want to get that right behind the net catch instant death and that's what we managed to accomplish so this platform here worked perfectly i don't know if there's any tracks on here but we can always check the cameras to see it's going to tell the full story i do see some tracks down here on the ground so i don't know if they crawled up the tree or they made use of the branch so that would be a key bit of information as well but uh the approach we set it up perfectly and i don't know if i explained too well why i did it the way i did it but primarily i want i want the squirrel to come in from this direction i don't want them to be climbing here on the mechanism and then getting caught or getting heated all over the place you want them to kind of come in this direction here and it worked both ways so you don't have to get too super fancy with the stump business you can you can just use a tree just like so and they will climb up the tree and then they'll be in the perfect orientation to do it i mean they could come from the top but i don't think an animal prefers to have its head down facing down you guys hear that over there next thing i want to try is snaring squirrels i want to try that because snare wire is a lot easier to carry than rat traps rat traps are pretty easy to carry but snares is a lot easier so i want to try to do a run pull so i might do a separate video just on survival snaring uh now that we can snare squirrels that's that's the way to go uh maybe the way to go maybe the rat traps is the way to go maybe just pack 10 ratchaps and you got yourselves some food so there we go it worked if you watch the whole video right full stop really do appreciate you having you along you can subscribe or not i don't care if you subscribe but i really do appreciate you guys joining me on these adventures i had a blast on this one really did yeet
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 272,640
Rating: 4.8827109 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, bushcraft shelter, winter camp, solo overnight, bushcraft camp, primitive survival, bushcraft knife, bushcraft canada, survival shelter, primitive skills, wilderness technology, primitive living, primitive shelter, shelter building, fire cooking, survival skills, survival, surviving, lean to shelter, shelter, 24 hour survival, wild edibles, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, rat trap, squirrel trap
Id: 77O7Gvud_gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 31sec (4471 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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