Lost Hunter Solo Survival Challenge (NO Food, NO Water, NO Shelter) | Knife, Saw, 22 Long Rifle

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[Applause] i got good news and i got bad the good news is i got a gross the bad news is i'm freaking completely lost if you ever hunted enough you've been turned around thankfully i've never had to go overnight but i've come very close more than a few times more than i'm willing to admit now the first piece of advice i want to give you guys is when you first get lost don't stop trying to find your way out because if i did that many times i would have spent the night out give it two or three hours see if you can't find your way out this is the lost hunter i want to teach you guys what i would do if i was lost in the wood let's see if we can't figure out where we are and get out of here if we can't we'll cross that when we need to you're probably gonna make it best thing to do don't get dehydrated don't burn too many calories walk slow think listen maybe we'll hear something that'll help you orient yourself maybe you'll find a landmark i hope a coyote didn't pee right there tastes fresh enough it's not yellow well the sun's on our right shoulder if we keep it on our right shoulder we should be heading in a direction if it's cloudy that's a problem that's when your heavy foot is going to make you want to walk around in a circle i didn't believe it until i tried it five times in a row walking through a swamp and i continuously made my way back exactly where i started despite me trying to travel as far and as thick through the swamp as i managed i could possibly manage my heavy foot steered me in a counterclockwise direction every single time one that believed it unless they tried it it's true try for yourself blindfold yourself get a friend to help go out in the field and try to walk in a straight line you'll walk around in a freaking donut i'm taking some comfort in the fact that i'm fully loaded i got 10 shots plus i got another 50 in my pocket it's a 22 long rifle it's good for small game i'm not gonna get any big game out of it but i don't need any big game i've already got lunch at least i've got a water bottle canteen i got a little bit of water it's a steel canister which means i can boil more if i can find it there's a little bit of snow on the ground as you can see i can lick that that's all good so i'm not worried about the immediate present i'm worried about the future but that's not to panic we've got this covered keeping that sun over here off my right shoulder at all times i'm trying to find the path of least resistance i also believe that there's a swamp over here on my right hand side which is also going to help me orient and it seems like i'm traveling downhill now when i came here i really felt like i was traveling uphill so that's going to give me some clues you can see just how freaking thick it is in here i didn't mention i also have some survival tools with me which i carry all the time i always usually have a lighter sometimes i don't sometimes i just forget but i usually have a couple kicking around i've also got a saw which always comes in handy for firewood and building structures you can tell there's an opening over here but i've already tried to go in that direction and end up into a swamp over my knees to add to this i've learned that i've got a hole in my boot my left boot and every time i step in water it fills up the last thing i want to have is wet feet wet feet will compound any problems a little bit of clearing here it's actually because there's a walnut tree the black walnut looks like this here these are a little bit long on the tooth they can smell really really really strong actually traditionally they've been used to dye things so native americans would collect them and they could die clothing and all sorts of things if it gets on your hands it'll die actually if you uh crush this up and dump it into a creek you're gonna actually temporarily or permanently i'm not sure check into that but you can get rid of some fish that way it's simple we crush these up remove the skins wash them and dry them and eat them however it would take about a kilogram of sodas to make up the daily calories i would need to survive so this is not a viable food option the better food option like i said collect these and i'll go off maybe 100 yards 200 yards depending on how much distance i make today drop them down on the ground and see if a new squirrel doesn't come in because the squirrel over here probably has this fill but if we bring it to a new area a squirrel that doesn't want to travel as far as here will smell these immediately because they're super strong like i said come in and collect them so in other words i might set up a bait site when i collect these regardless because they're a valuable tool if the school doesn't come in i can eat them i smell something the mother lode i found myself a freaking apple tree that's a freaking awesome sign ah there's an apple right here ground apple got lots of dirt in it i don't know if i would eat a tray like that or not lots of wild apples out in the woods you'd be surprised the other issue i'm facing here is that these apples well the ground around here is probably fairly contaminated with animal waste there's all sorts of ants that come in here and they're crapping all over the place and so a lot of this mud here is probably fecal matter to be honest and then the chew marks of course is basically like french kissing a squirrel now if you wouldn't fresh kiss the squirrel you probably wouldn't eat an apple to which a squirrel munched on and didn't complete because there's probably some saliva on there there's also probably some coyote here and coyotes carry deadly diseases well we got some options anyway i love options we could eat them raw they're probably going to be very sweet actually i found i had apples like this before that have gone through a freeze cycle they come out like apple pie they're kind of mashy on the inside but the sweetness comes out you know if you leave a banana long enough it turns into banana bread because it gets so sweet that's the same thing here with these apples but this could be used as bait so regardless i'm going to collect them i'm starting to have more of a buffet than a survival challenge here which of course is the idea behind sir thrival somebody tried to invent the name survival and thriving at the same time that's what we do on the channel isn't it we don't want to be these goons out there in the woods that are starving we want to make it this stuff's freaking ridiculously thick this happens with remote forests that don't get touched by fire and uh they don't really get managed and end up giant fire hazards i can't get through here oh come on i don't want to get messed up in the eyeball that would be bad news you got to watch when you walk through this thick stuff that you don't get a twig in the eye can really set you back talk about the forest fire hazards and i'm not going to preach to you about managing your forests and all that business but those are places that are ravaged by fire i can imagine they look all like this beforehand like it's just miles and miles less it's probably going to continue like this for 300 or so yards at least in any direction i've already gone 300 400 yards this way the sun is getting low in the sky and that means well that means we're we're gonna have to make a decision here i don't know i'm gonna have to sit down i'm gonna have to i'm gonna have to think because this decision will affect the next few hours and this whole evening as far as whether i make it and i know the temperatures are going to get cold i know a shelter is necessary it's a clear sky right now but i could change any second we could have snow we could have rain or we could have freezing rain which is even worse let me let me sort out what i have as far as what i can do as as far as shelter goes you know because we're in order right food shelter water no we're doing it backwards of course we're doing backwards trying to survive we got food uh swamp water we get swamp water so that's covered i got still left some left to drink uh shelter you're supposed to do it in reverse but but that's only if you are trying to survive we're trying to thrive here get this honda orange off because it's making me hot right now and i don't want to sweat anymore all right guys first thing you should do i don't know maybe it's the slicks i don't know you know anymore hey the sixth thing you should do guys is check your inventory because you got to make sure you're lost first now we're sure we're lost we're not getting out of this today so now we're making a shelter so now we're doing inventory we're going to figure out if we can make a fire which incidentally i haven't checked yet i checked my my pant pocket and sure enough my wife took my lighter out which is normally in this pocket here which she always gets mad at me because i put in the laundry and then she takes it out and when she takes it out of the laundry she doesn't put it back in the pocket so it's not always there sometimes i put it back in sometimes i forget and then other times i remember i have some backup stuff in my camera gear or my camera bag or my backpack bag sometimes they're not there i haven't checked that we'll get to that later we'll figure it out somewhere or other so we got our black walnuts of course we've got spice it's always in the bag why is it always in the bag because you never know when you can make yourself wild meal got a canteen i like this canteen it was given me to me by uh buddy online buddy jared fenwick it's got my name on there just so make sure that i know it's mine and that's a good canteen because it can be it can boil water it's full right now i haven't drunk in anything drinking anything drunk and anything i'm not drunk that's for sure i should be drunk for doing these challenges but i'm not i got myself some paracord not very much paracord not enough to do any damage on the shelter so that's not going to be of much use got a pair of gloves i always have work gloves with me because my hands are very sensitive not that sensitive you could call me whatever you want i've grown accustomed to that but you know my hands are sensitive a sensitive guy i don't know get off top dog traffic off traffic yeah that's what's happening we get hungry did i mention that of course i'm getting hungry that's why i'm getting off traffic then we've got pockets full of apples lots of apples and i've got a little pocket knife so i kind of picked out two potential locations in this area here the first one is using this wall here but i feel like you can tell down here it's uh it's all wet the other side up here is not as wet but it's still it's still it's still wet i want to be laying in water that would be not fun same same problem on this side it's wet it's low lying we're in the swamp right ideally you wouldn't be in the swamp so this is the other spot i kind of mapped out in my head ouch that hurts the hands are sensitive i told you there's lots of branches here so i have to remove all the branches but this is the typical a-frame structure that you want but on this in this facsimile of a shelter i have to make two walls i have to make a wall on the back side and a wall on the front side see down in there in that little dark spot that's going to be where i'm going to put my body for the night right now all you need to know is that i got a lot of work to do to cut all these branches out so i'm going to set camera on tripod and then get to work i'm going to clear all this out this is the part i really enjoy doing shelter building while eating eating is what i really like to do but we got to do we've got to make a shelter first and we got to make a fire and then we got let's get going let's get some food no let's get a shelter shelter first welcome to my humble abode the sun is beautiful and warm i wish i had my sunglasses all right enough goofing around so here's my hovel i'm going to put my head up here on the high side and i've got some good moss up here already which is nice and there's just a couple of roots in here which i don't want so if i can remove them now is the time at the risk of damaging my saw i'm not going to damage my back so i did a little bit of a miscalculation too i don't know if you can hear that sloshing around there's a little bit of water here so i'm going to have to make a pretty nice base in order to stay dry but this is the basic structure so now it's pretty simple to make the walls because this is going to act as the ridge part and if i even if i cover the back i'm going to be golden because i can make a fire out front here and then that'll collect some of the heat in here as long as it doesn't waft in here and smoke me out i'll be good so next step is to get some uprights i'm going to start at the back and then if i have enough energy i'll work away at the front so looking pretty good i've got to show you what i'm going to cover this with but first i want to make the back and get that taken care of so let's get back to work so these last couple of ones are kind of painful to put up because they're actually really dry firewood but that's all i got and hopefully i can find some firewood for firewood rather than for sheltering just measuring how long i am by my wingspan i don't have to i should lay down in here to figure out how tall i am i'm this tall as you can see it's pretty naked and the wind blows right through it no it's not really not really a shelter is it over on this side simcon business we got that typical lena 2 design which is what we're going after now we got to fill this in uh the same thing with the bottom here we gotta we gotta get ourselves off the ground a little bit i'm not gonna make a raised bed or anything like that because ain't nobody got time for that that's luxurious bushcrafting this is survival it's a step down from bushcraft it's a step up from survival it's right in that sweet spot where you get things done but you don't overdo it you get a meal because you got to eat you got to shelter because you got a shelter i mean survive i mean not die or live whatever you know what i'm talking about so that's gonna have to do okay so let's come let's come grab the secret weapon the secret weapon this is gonna be well it's gonna be just about as much work as the other thing but uh it's all we got like i said we got no spruce see there's junk we can't do a skeleton shelter we're gonna get we're gonna turn into a skeleton so let's go for a little walk and i'll show you what i have in mind lots and lots and lots and lots of dead grass that's why this basically why i pick this spot here is because of the dead grass i got miles of it so i can make a grass structure so all i have to do now is collect probably a house worth of grass should be easy enough right just a house worth of grass i'm going to use a knife for this and i'm going to kind of cut it and bundle it and then we can hoof it not like you're thinking well unless you're a criminal you don't know what i'm talking about i mean i hoop it how do i know the difference well i don't clearly i've never hooped a thing in my life all right let's get to work so uh have a look look see what you guys think oh you guys are too close to my face hole that's better so obviously this isn't like a hundred percent waterproofing for a hundred percent forever but if it snows it's gonna be good if it rains it's gonna be good for a little bit and then it's gonna get wet but uh grass like this has a huge capacity to suck up moisture without giving it up eventually yes it's going to give it up but that would just be a matter of topping it up again adding some more so i have not made a lot of space here for a body i don't want this structure to be big i just want it to be comfortable and looking at this now i don't think i'm going to cover the front primarily because i have enough rims tucked up here and stay dry and i don't want to get this anywhere near the fire at all because that would be a flipping disaster not only for me but for the forest as you guys have seen around here it's all blow downs if this catches on fire and torches up we could lose a whole forest we're gonna get found that way but that's not how we want to be found as the guy who set the forest on fire we got the makings of a shelter i wouldn't say it's complete personally i mean there's a couple gaps and holes at the back those can be remedied you want to eyeball the distance that i want the fire to be from the structure itself i'm fortunate enough because it's it's actually pretty it's pretty damp right here it's almost too damp so that's going to work to my advantage i got some stuff on my face i always got some stuck on my face that's how i came up with the name wood beard because there was some wood in my beard one time i wonder how many things on my channel i didn't correctly well you guys will let me know i'm sure you'll let me know about this structure too maybe it's a piece of junk i don't know maybe it's awesome maybe it's like all you need maybe that's all you need maybe it's not over built maybe it's not underbuilt maybe it's just built properly for the circumstances i mean i can keep hammering this burn calories and make it a mansion but is that too much or is that enough well if we're gonna make a fireness womp we've got to make sure we take the swamp out of the fire and that's what we're going to be doing here i want to get a nice solid base call it a coal catcher because if it doesn't the coals don't hit the ground then it can't go out and that's what we want we want to build up coal base because that's best for cooking it's best for heating and it's best for calorie consumption consumption preservation it does consume some calories at the start but it saves calories in the long run so there we go we got a nice little base here i'm probably still going to make a big fire because that's what i do make a big fire let it die down all the branches i trim down here part of the shelter i stayed here stayed here i kept here because they're all super bone dry so we can fill the cracks in with these as well but this is going to be used for our tinder and it's all right here so there's a little bit of method to the madness well there's always methods of madness just sometimes it's not a good method but this this was a good method i haven't checked on the fire situation yet so i don't really know 100 if i can just get one banged off with a lighter or not but uh you can always do one friction fire it's been a while since i've done a friction fire fire but it's good to keep those skills alive and well that's a decent base we'll still need to make a little twig bundle set that aside so that we can put it right on top of our fire and get that thing going let's heard a squirrel go by i actually have two lighters uh that one works and that one works there's a story behind this one this is a lucky 13 it used to be a convenience store in canada ontario uh very popular when i was a kid i went out of business but the lighter still works i found this in an old snow suit my dad's old snow suit that i bought a few times i don't know if it was his or mine probably mine i messed around with fire when i was a kid all the time i shouldn't have but i did we got a grass bundle this isn't really well it's more like it's more like something just to hold on to the whole business but uh got some cedar shavings here this is cedar bark right off the tree scraper off you're good to go we're gonna put that inside the grass bundle the grass is super dry it's going to catch on fire but the cedar itself will smolder and that's what we want we want to hold that piece of coal that cold bundle that we make through the friction fire we're gonna get going a little bit slow at first we got some smoke you should have a smoke within a minute if you don't you're doing it wrong so we got our smoke and what we're doing right now is we're not actually making fire we're actually just making coals at the bottom not coals but dust and what we're gonna do later on is we're gonna ignite it which is where the work comes in i really shouldn't be talking if i'm doing this because i'm liable to screw up and it's important to breathe while you're doing this it's not it's not a lot of work but it it's enough work for most people who don't understand how this works it's a ton of work but it's really not okay now that we got a little bit of a call back going we gotta ignite this thing so now it's giver time you want to go for a whole minute if you can tell you got nothing left okay all right there's a bit of a coal there that's uh it not being flat has caused me all kinds of problems because the cold's been rolling around here and so has the dust so what i got to do now is actually pile that dust up on top of that little amber and it's not going to put it out it's going to feed it it needs uh that's the fuel that dust so you can see the amber's going good now we don't want to disturb this too badly and i actually before i blow this into a fire i have to move you guys over to the fire so you see the ember there okay we're just gonna put it down in the cedar and that'll be fine down there because there's that's more fuel for it you guys can see it down there i don't know if you can anymore but uh i just put it down here okay so it's in the nest now now a lot of people accuse me of not doing this authentically because i got i got so many things to do before this call goes out so we're gonna fire the gopro up here and uh gotta get a little bit of birch bark here amber is chilling out right there okay then i hit record i don't think so how's that yeah okay record okay so i'll put the birch bark in my pocket here and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna take this guy for a ride i gotta bring the main camera which is you guys right in here now with me so i'm just gonna i'm gonna make it put it in the nest here like so i want it i want the amber to be touching everything okay got the a little bit of birch break here and uh we're gonna go for a walk gonna come with me here we go so that that thing's chilling out in there right now it should be fine as long as we don't no it doesn't fall out it falls out we're done we're using lighter but uh just want to show you how it's done okay so we got to set you guys up here you guys good there it's kind of crooked the sun's kind of on my eyes but this is real guys as real as it gets okay so hopefully hopefully that fire's still going in there man i wish that sun wasn't straight there but hey that's what we're doing cool okay let's check see it's in there it's disturbed it's falling around we'll try our best here i think i would have had it i have hadn't moved but we'll give it a go anyway there's more smoke the more we can blow oh go along with me so uh one more no not one more she went okay now let's get this fire transferred to the main and we're gonna oh i should have made this better i want the small branches down here to go on and then then the bigger ones cool haha we got fire foyer yes now we get into the fun putter survival you get to eat meat i'm getting low on water here so i'm gonna have to do something about that soon i'm gonna visit the creek anyway because i gotta get doing something with those apples and we're playing with the apples kind of playing with those walnuts too i just need a break that's a lot of work that's a lot of effort i have a lot of respect for primitive people people would have done this stuff every day day in and day out no break well i shouldn't say no break i probably had a break in the winter at least agriculturalists hunter gatherers nope would have been all year long that's why they died when they're 25. you ever wonder why you could have kids when you're 15 or 11 that's why the lifespan of primitive people was pretty short if disease didn't get you famine dead not exhaustion or the elements i mean deer they live freaking five years if they're lucky most of them two three that's about it it's tough life out there man you look at some of those rough days the weather's not great you know like then animals outside and it doesn't come in to get warmed up it's just out there all the time man having done these these survival challenges give me a great amount of respect for our modern life and our primitive people at the same time so i've purposely threw some big chunks of wood on there because i want to build build up and i want those uh i want those big sticks to burn and they'll burn for a lot longer than the small sticks will but i gotta reserve a small sticks i've got a reserve a big sticks this is a big nice big log here you can see it goes all the way across i can cut this up next to camp whenever i feel like it so i got options now i got choices choices are good but i think the main the main idea right now will be to uh get some of that food prepped up and ready to go i'm probably not gonna cook the gross right now but i'll get it ready to cook put it out it won't spoil right now but it does does need a little bit of prep before dark i don't have a flashlight so anything that happens after dark is happening by fire light so i got to keep that in mind i wasn't intending to be out here it's survival challenge man and uh i do actually want to see if i get some nighttime squirrel activity come through here see if i can't get myself one to eat to add to the spoils oh boys we got our gross still chilling out in our apple still full of animal fecal matter and we got our black walnuts that have seen better days that's the selection that the woods provided for us today so that's what we're gonna make do with so the plan you say what's the plan well the plan is to get the vast majority of the animal matter off these apples before we do anything with them i picked the best ones the best of the best ones with intact skins no puncture wounds or very few because that's going to ensure our health and safety that's that almost looks like a store-bought apple so the walnuts we gotta we gotta get the husk off i don't know if you guys ever seen this you probably have probably seen them around you probably just completely ignore them as if they're of use to nobody but they actually taste not all that bad so we're going to get the husk off them and then we're going to rinse off a lot of the distasteful outer shell as much as we can anyway oh man is that water ever freaking cold brutally cold and now you can see my hands are starting to look nice and brown that's where that dye comes into play which i mentioned earlier so for the grouse it's a little bit of a mess being in my pouch all day and getting banged around i'm gonna wash this up we might you might get some rocks and tenderize it i think that would be a good idea and then or maybe we could just throw it on a stick and be done with it we got a pretty simple but elegant solution to cooking a whole grouse on a fire all it is is a split stick and i've removed the bark i don't know why you need to remove the bark people say you should remove the bark because there's bacteria on it i'm gonna cook it just not anyway to be honest i'd rather have a little bit of smoky flavor so all i know is that you should use a fresh stick don't use a dry stick because otherwise your stick's gonna catch on fire i'm gonna slow cook this as best i can it's not always gonna be perfect but it's one thing i just don't want to sit here and tend to so we'll see how it goes anyway this has just been threaded on and then the friction from this stick wanting to open back up again is just holding the whole thing on there perfect and talk about simple and elegant solutions that's going to cook the apple caramelize the sugar and get rid of all of the freaking poop that animals might have left on it making it perfectly healthy to eat simple elegant solutions the only thing we have left is our walnuts and walnuts we're going to need a rock so i have to search around here i'll find a couple rocks wash them up in the creek and just got rid of the rest of the mud put those walnuts on there and made a little firebox i can't believe i did this i always do this i freaking forgot to put spices on the stupid chicken chicken partridge grouse that partridge found trouble for calling a partridge even though that's what we do up north we call our partridge widobo and grab that at woodedbeardsman.com shop hopefully it's not too late to make it sticky i want it to stick i did this with the stupid venison jerky too i uh waited too long and then it it wasn't slimy enough just to stick onto the meat this is uh kind of halfway in between this stuff smells amazing give these apples a little rotate applesauce we're going to have ourselves some freaking applesauce i'm excited now the question is i have time for a hunt i do i don't want to neglect all the other camp chores because i don't have anybody else here to do them for me so the question is if i go hunt and i gotta make sure i get back in time to make sure there's enough firewood around i mean really there's enough firewood around i'm probably just gonna i don't know clear night probably gonna be a moon try to get more food play it safe here i mean got enough food enough firewood sort of i don't know and i didn't really fortify my shelter enough as much as i wanted to i should probably do that i should probably get at least one or two more bundles if if i sop through that i'm gonna be miserable so let's do that and then we'll think about what we should do next i think that stuff's okay to cook like that but uh you know as soon as you leave food unattended something goes wrong that's freaking heavenly i don't even think my bed at home is this comfy fire is just a perfect distance i can actually feel a little bit of the heat coming over [Music] here so i've made up my mind i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna get the camp chores done like a good boy and then i'm going to go out and play i think that's the balance that's going to be struck here i want to make sure that my apple is cooked they're turning into applesauce right now with the skin on and look really good i'll make sure you got enough heat but i want to make sure i got enough fire to last most of the night i know i'm gonna have to get up in the middle of the night because it's gonna be cold and that's okay but when i get up in the middle and i'm cold what i want to do is some work i do like the saw but i have noticed that there is a very short stroke on it i've just put a star shape all the ends kind of facing in but just the ends that way that fire is going to last a long time and i'll progressively shove those uh pieces of wood in the fire as the tips burn i'll make that fire last a long time there's lots of heat giving off right there it's a nice bed of coals i don't need a lot of flame i'm cooking right now uh if it was really cold and snowy and wet yeah big fire but here we can kind of conserve the wood that's the idea conservation you only got a certain number of calories on your body there's only a certain number of calories you can procure from your environment and uh everything that you consume has a cost a little red squirrel over there barking at me but uh they're not legal to hunt yet i'm working on my trap license so i have it soon and then fair game get it fair game it's funny i made myself a little seat here with the straw i'll get my butt wet everything's wet here all the logs everything totally wet the same every time i try to leave i figure there's a reason to stay here like that that chickens oh apple just burst these apples are done they're hot they're like you couldn't even eat them right now they're so hot so they're ready it's just uh the grouse is actually not cooked at the very very top i don't know if you guys can see that the apples are on the way very tip is not cooked so i'm really strongly contemplating eating right now before i go eating by yourself in the woods is uh eating in the dark by yourself in the woods i'm not scared of animals or anything it's just really hard to see what you're doing and it's done i don't want to overdo it so i'm gonna i'm gonna tip it over and i'm gonna i'm gonna cook the top of it i got a nice bed of coals down there it's looking really good the apples i'm really looking forward to but i know if i take it off there's no way i'm gonna be able to eat them they're gonna be way way way too hot i got my orange on i was ready to go but i don't really have a table here not that bushcrafty look at that slides right up here oh man that actually looks like it's like perfectly cooked smells like gross am i just going to taste like gross i want to grab a bite here never had grouse before you are missing out oh it's a touch drive but i mean honestly you asked for a better job than that i don't think so i think the inside there is a little bit raw because it's not breaking apart but that's okay that's the beauty of like eating where you're cooking we're basically cooking right in eating right in there cook space we can just throw it back on and cook more that's how people would have done it all right let's try this apple out you see that you see that right there that's a little bit of caramelization popping out i don't know what he's gonna taste like honestly i don't know oh it smells wonderful it's browned which we knew would happen you know because it's cooked oh man it's so good it's um warm not hot it does really taste like apple pie tell you what i mean it looks kind of wrong but it smells amazing all right now i am going to finish the rest of this gross before i go oh that just made me hungry eating finish this off i think we have just enough time to do like a little bit of evening hunt we might get ourselves a squirrel for breakfast you might all right i got the beanie on there's the way i'm gonna be hunting hunter orange camp's all cleaned up it's ready to go i could sleep here for perfectly fine i got some apples left over i packed up some apples i packed up some black walnuts we're gonna go for a walk because there's no way i'm gonna shoot a black or gray squirrel in this woods here they don't like the woods as much the red squirrels love the woods the blacks and the grays love open areas so remember where i found those black walnuts perfect place to ambush them the thing that they don't have over there is apples so i can bring some apples over there crush them all up and that's going to be a huge scent and tractor i think i could hide pretty decently up in these greens up here open that tree pretty quietly and then hear any squirrels making their way through this hardwoods it's all we can do i haven't seen any squirrels all day leaves are so noisy here that i'm not even gonna watch for squirrels i'm just gonna close my eyes and lean up against the tree my ears are gonna hear everything that's happening around me i'd be very disappointed if a deer came through here because i've been hunting deer for a long time have not been successful i don't have anything to shoot a deer with the 22 is not going to work nor is it legal this grows in season squirrels what we're after see what we can make happen wow getting into the last little bit of light here i haven't heard anything a few birds that's it there's a twig snap back there a couple times i don't hear any leaves so i don't know i think it's worth staying out here too long i can't find my way back to my shelter's not gonna be good well that was worth a shot anyway you always gotta stay ahead of your food you guys as hunters you guys know that you can't just be like i got some stuff for today that's good enough no the idea is to stock up so you try to get stuff for the long term and then you continuously add to it well we're back i gotta fix you guys a little bit there how will that check out what i found on the white the way home but having some pretty intense wins over the last few days this is actually a squirrel mess i think i think it is i've seen these up in the trees for years and years and years and i've always been curious about you know how they make it what's inside like how does a squirrel hold this thing together i mean i gotta get birds have birds do it but i don't really know how squirrels do it i imagine they just i mean the shavings in here is just outstanding outstanding craftsmanship to the squirrel that's kind of the theme for today and i was really excited to find it i'll open this guy up but uh first i want to i want to chat a little bit um the walnuts are doing well they're doing good they're getting they're getting hot we rescued the fire as you can tell lots of coals working perfectly love it um but i wanted to talk i want to talk a little bit about me i want to talk a little bit about you guys um i like that you guys are sharing with me it's awesome you guys are sending me pms you're dropping stuff down not so much sharing about yourself maybe in the comments but you're definitely pm me and you're sending me uh really cool messages you can get me on facebook or instagram that's all cool you can hit me down in the comments too but i don't read comments on older videos i read comments on the new videos i just i can't keep up with them uh after the after the video cycles for a while it just it gets too far down and and then it just becomes not as relevant so if you want to hit me hit me in like the first hour first day of a video release i release videos uh every friday for sure at 10 a.m uh uh eastern standard time my time uh sometimes on a tuesday video i'm not sure if i'm going to keep up with the tuesday videos anymore it's becoming just uh it's too much well i'm refocusing the channel i'm doing things that i think will resonate more with my audience that i've built up over time and i think the survival stuff is really hitting it uh that's my guess anyway that's my wager so that's why i decided to do this hunter lost hunter survival challenge so i want to talk to you guys about is the asmr videos there's a good chance that this video is going to end up as an asmr video somewhere down the line reason for that is because i try to make a go of the channel just being talky talk english speaking but i can't i can't i can't make a go of it if i look at my my statistics 10 out of 10 oftentimes 30 out of 30 with maybe three four five videos mixed in there are talkie talk videos the other 25 are actually asmr i know that might be hard to believe but it's true the asmr videos were designed uh to kind of level the channel out so that i can continue to do these talking videos i love interacting with you guys i love talking to you guys i love sharing with you guys i want to keep doing those things but to make it possible it's really the smr that's kind of the glue that's binding everything together it's an international audience the videos tend to have bigger legs youtube has more people to share it with and so it tends to over the long run maybe it doesn't generate as much revenue like that's not all about revenue the reason i'm i'd make the videos so i can continue to do the things i love which is this so how you can help me is watching the talkie videos all the way through a huge thing with the algorithm if you click on it you watch for two minutes to click away youtube thinks it's not a very good video but if you watch it all the way through and it gets along watch time youtube starts to recommend that to other people also if you click on the video right away in the first day or two that's really helpful or if you go back and watch them and just click on them and watch them let them play out you don't have to sit there and watch them if you don't want to but it's helpful even if they asmr videos you guys click on it you watch it that's really super helpful there's no way better way to help a creator right now than to watch a video from start to finish and then in a couple more days if you really want to help them out click on that one and watch it again it'll add up and i want you guys to keep sharing me sharing with me your experiences with life because i mean that's what it's all about right it's about connecting and sharing and i do like hearing about your successes um i know a lot of you guys out there struggling and now is the time we start to talk about it where we can sit and relax by the fire and have a discussion so if you guys have something you want to share with me some of your difficulties some of your things you're working on go ahead and leave that down below and i think that's inspiration for some of you guys out there that might be struggling too and i struggle too i mean i'm not any exception um sometimes it's hard to get motivated sometimes it's hard to just go out and just rough it too you don't i don't need to go out and rough it we have we have really great lives at home so it's hard to push myself to come out here and do these things some of the times but i'm always always always happy after challenging myself i always feel like i always feel a sense of accomplishment i feel like i've learned something i feel like i've developed a skill so that's why i keep doing it so it's squirrel nest uh oh i didn't want it i didn't want it to pop open and now i don't know if we're gonna be able to see too much but i don't have a light out here i really don't so we're gonna see what we see so i'm gonna have to describe i guess what it is um it'd be kind of cool to see like a squirrel inside there but it gets a little bit late for that uh it's like a bundle it's like it looks like it's a lot of shavings i've never seen a squirrel carry around like things in their mouth to make these so i wonder if they like mostly like pick stuff off the tree itself and they just drag it over but it looks like a lot of like um like duff it looks like duff i wonder if if it's just the females that collect the duff but man oh man like it's it's impressive how much duff is in there uh there's dirt duff and shavings i mean is this this is a bird nest i wouldn't be surprised but like look at the stringy stuff the straw super neat and uh there's of course there's a couple leaves mixed in there but uh it's all just doth like do they hot do you guys didn't know anything about this like if you guys know how to how squirrels make a nest and and what like do they crawl inside there and they have a tunnel and they stay warm like that i mean hey a squirrel living out here all winter that's tough especially up in a tree so that's that's impressive so i sound like a coyote i might hear some coyotes tonight i'll tell you what this bat is freaking ripping comfortable man like i'm surprised kind of smells like barn in here but uh it's comfy i love it oh super comfy it's like it's like it's like the mattress of the forest i'm telling you well fire's warm it's shooting off heat all the way to here it's gonna work good really good [Applause] yes
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 1,532,469
Rating: 4.8264823 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, bushcraft shelter, winter camp, solo overnight, bushcraft camp, primitive survival, bushcraft knife, bushcraft canada, survival shelter, friction fire, primitive fire, primitive skills, wilderness technology, primitive living, primitive shelter, shelter building, fire cooking, survival skills, survival, surviving, lean to shelter, shelter, 24 hour survival, wild edibles, wild foods, cooking, fire, bushcraft, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking
Id: czqB8I4-BQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 53sec (3173 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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