Lost Ice Fisherman Solo Survival Challenge (NO Food, NO Water, NO Shelter!) | Line, Hooks, Blanket

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[Applause] oh well lost again but at least i'm out in the open now i got to figure out what i'm going to do thankfully i have some survival gear with me and it appears that i'm out on the lake which means there's probably something to eat underneath this ice let me show you what i got to work with on this survival challenge it's going to be the lost fisherman no food no water no shelter let's get surviving we got an axe that's going to be crucial but i want to show you my fishing survival gear this is something i carry around all the time the hooks and sinkers and stuff i carry around all the time the rest of stuff is more like an ice fishing complete kit for me because i'm a pretty basic fisherman and i'll meet even more basic survival fishermen so of course we got lion this is six pound test line you can catch almost any fish with six pound test line you know right up the pike but if you're going to catch a giant pike you got to make sure that you handle it properly i've got bells these are pretty cool because you can hang them up on a stick as an indicator and then when you have a fish that'll go off i have three three bells with me today just like so and all i'm carrying this isn't as a little ziploc bag it fits in the pouch very easy very light to carry i've got myself a zippo old zippo container these are really great carrying devices for all your things split shot so we got little hooks little hooks will catch almost everything i'd use a number four and i have a whole bunch of split shot of varying sizes you want some small some big and that's pretty much all you need to do to catch a fish oh i forgot i forgot i forgot i also have some little flies here that's in case you can't find bait you can catch panfish you'll have a harder time catching giant predatory fish on those little flies but i'm not saying it's impossible something i've been carrying around this year is this uh firebait by podski the thing about this stuff is you can carry it everywhere i don't think it has an expiration date on this stuff so it pretty much lasts forever and it's a dough and it smells like fish so i don't know what they put in this stuff but it works awesome you don't want to be carrying around minnows in your pocket all winter especially for survival so that's it that's all the gear we have that's what's going to provide our food hopefully if there's anything in this lake and uh right now what we need to do is get to the ice so you're probably not going to be carrying an auger with you but having an axe is something that's super super practical because you're going to use that to make fires trim uh brush for a shelter and it's a lot easier to carry than a spud or an auger but the trick is you got to be able to get through the ice and that's what i'm going to show you right now so we don't really know anything about this lake we don't know where the fish are going to be hanging out my experience most fish they like to hang out right at that edge where things kind of change a little bit they don't want to be up too shallow usually and they don't want to be too deep well not every species every species is different you got you got some species that like to go up shallow like trout they'll go up into one foot six inches of water sometimes you can catch them especially the winter the summer not so much lake trout they're around 30 feet and then you got uh walleye they're around 20 feet between 15 20 10 20 feet something like that so we're gonna we're not gonna come out too too far here we're gonna try challow for the active feeding fish and then if we have to we'll move out a little bit deeper let's get punching a hole so we can see if we can survive on this no food no water no shelter the lost fisherman survival challenge now it might seem really really easy to get through the ice with an axe and it is it is don't don't get me wrong it is except when the ice gets to be about five feet if you want to cut a hole with an axe you have to do short chops and you have to go around and around and around and around reason being if you go straight down and you hit water you're going to get really wet which is really really bad especially if you're trying to survive and the only reason you'd be going through the ice with an axe is probably in a survival situation because it makes a really bad way to get through the ice a spud makes more sense because you can be up nice and high and when you're going through you're not going to get wet an axe makes an awful splash when it hits the water when you finally break through and that water starts rushing up you've pretty much finished off your hole and you're out of the woods out of the woods out of the water out of the water works now that we've got our hole let's rig up and see if we can't get ourselves some lunch dinner breakfast however long we are in the survival situation we got to plan ahead it's got a little bit of dogwood here and this will make a good really good whippy fishing rod ice fishing is simple is this ice fishing now or is it still survival it's probably a little bit of a mixture of the two at this point but this will make a nice little whippy rod and we can even put our bell on there i don't know if i'll get all rigged up on this but if nothing else i can tie the fishing line to it and i can just let it sit there and let the dogwood do the work for me whippy all right we've got pretty much everything we need to get going here all i'm gonna do is get good length of line see forget to eat or not today i hope we do it's always good to eat food during the day time when you're hungry or in the night time when you're hungry when you're hungry period i'll probably get hungry today something that happens most days every day there you go look at that it almost looks like a fishing rod beauty well you can catch you can catch trout right up to the top so just we'll just do a good length of line here get our hook tied up get some bait on use that number four you can put a good number make sure it's sharp sharp do it on your nail like that stick it on your nail if it doesn't slide down your nail it's sharp it's always cool to see what's under the ice because you never know especially on a new body of water when you're lost and you're just wandering around and you happen to find a lake out there you know probably not too many other people have fished it so it could be it could be loaded with fish or it could be one of those lakes that are just not worth fishing and so nobody bothered to uh find it big fat split shot because uh that power bait i want to float up we don't want to be on the we don't want to be on the surface pretty shallow maybe about four or five feet we'll give it a try if it doesn't work we'll make another hole it's part of fishing come on survival that's cool that was a bite right away that scared me i don't know why it scared me but it did that is a fish right away well i won't i don't want him i don't want to lose it so i don't want to grab it yet did it let go you guys hear that bell working so these bells they're cheapy bells i think i got them from like an art craft supply store it's super easy to get i think they're like christmas bells or something but how it's rigged right now you see how it's loose it will work if the fish kind of lets go of it but if the fish is taking it it doesn't have the connection down to the piece of wood so what i do is you can see how many times i've tied it so that's how many times i've gone fishing essentially because all i do after is i pull it off the branch and i throw the branch off in the woods but what you want is you want it to be attached to the piece of wood so that when the fish grabs it it has solid contact and then you hear that bell i'll remember the sound of that bell forever because that is synonymous with a fish being on my line ice fishing i've used them that long i think these bells go back to oh maybe i'm going to date myself 20 years or something like that 25 years ago i started using these and they stay with me in my fishing rig because it's a really simple cheap way to go ice fishing if not just survival fishing you can catch legitimately catch fish with just a really cheap set of gear oh there we go there we go oh it's a chub we got ourselves a chub there we go nice oh you feel the weight of it there nope let go ah no we still got our we still got our power bait there very light bite very very very light bite back again i want to wait for that bell to actually jiggle then we'll know we have the fish on there proper oh oh oh we got a fish we got a fish we got a fish we got a fish we got a fish oh there we go oh another chub this is the freaking chub hole i might have to move it's getting ridiculous ah they're huge chubs though but it's just not they're so freaking bony i don't want to eat a chub but i don't have to [Laughter] i can always come back and catch a chub by the sounds of things they're super aggressive and they'll probably just keep hammering this so i could always get like you know 15 chub i'm not i'm not being patient now i feel it there or not i do feel it i just saw a big freaking fish come up and grab it i'm not joking either that thing was a freaking monster oh no come on oh it's still there still there still there oh i pulled it out dang it oh come on i told you there was a big fish down there that's why you tie your line up that thing went for a dive man all right now i'm getting pumped okay this is this has got to happen now i'm going to get that we got to get that bell so that it's rigged up right up against the line there nope that was just falling there we go it's back come on let's go let's go let's go there's something about fishing for your food that's different than just fishing it's just it matters more it's more exciting when you know you're gonna go hungry if you don't catch a fish it's everything man go out there and fish for fun you got food with you but this the food the food's in the water here and we got to get it out or we don't eat i got like zero confidence on the hook setting right now i like to just let it run more but it's hard with these you can't really let it run it's like the weights there so then if the fish feels the weight it wants to let go of it oh there we go there we go there we go there we go oh it's a freak another chub this is the freaking chub lake madness i think we might be too shallow we might we might have to move oh yeah well the setup works just in the wrong spot come on let's go let's go oh it's a big chub let this guy go i swear the other thing down there is something bigger [Applause] [Applause] well we can't say we haven't had any action sometimes you go fishing you don't catch anything got enough enough fish here for fish soup that's about it i got a bite over here oh there we do have a bite i shouldn't be messing around with the camera but here i am messing around with the camera sometimes that all all five feet matters man let's see come on better fish we're gonna get a second line set up here uh dogwood dogwood's good but it's not you can't find dogwood everywhere um i've had good luck juice using seeded brains these branches you can find usually on the side of almost any lake it's got a bend you don't want to get like a big thick branch unless you're planning and hoping to catch like big big fish try another strand of dogwood see if that doesn't work out and we'll get a second line in and see if we can't double our odds of getting the fish hold on oh oh we got him got him this time this time we got some food some actual food we got ourselves a trout beauty finally we got some freaking food now this is actual proper food that people can eat like chubs fish food cool got a lower lip hook there we go check it out nice so after you get one thing in your survival thing and you got set up in the proper hole and everything like that what you should be doing is not stopping at one you should keep going until you have well until you're tired or you got to get ready for shelter so we're just going to bunk this guy out he's not going to spoil or anything obviously because it's the right weather for that we'll throw them out ice here and we'll keep fishing as long as we can we're going to be mindful of how many hours we have left in the day because we don't want to be stop stuck exposed out here in the middle of nowhere out on the ice we still have to think about what we're going to do for our surviving our shelter and whatnot and i have some ideas in mind for that so keep watching we're to be doing something different there might not even be a shelter involved this time and that's the most likely scenario for a lot of people who are out trapped in the woods they don't really have a survival shelter they don't have the time to make one so what is it that they're gonna do i'll show you without many tools either get fishing see how many more we can catch there we go that's a better fish there we go there we go yes yes we got a nice fish this time he's good one-third bigger whew that was a rush i'm pretty sure i seen him come in and swipe it he came in like a madman there we go hooked on the top of the lip perfectly i don't know if i can eat more than two trout that size bunk this guy out and get on to the next part of this adventure when the fish does a quiver he's dead and the next thing you can do is just bleed them out and i'll do that now but uh not going to show that beautiful trout i know my hands are going to get super cold cleaning these fish up so we'll get that done because you never know if the weather changes or suddenly gets cold but i know certainly once this uh sun gets down you know my perspective on things are starting to get low and i get short on time i know that i don't have to go and clean a fish because cleaning a fish is not super fun especially in the winter when your hands are super cold and you're trying to do some pretty decent work because like i'm not just gonna throw this right on the flame i gotta be able to cook this uh properly that's one less thing i gotta worry about when i start thinking about the next part of my life my surviving life so we're gonna get all these guts out and i'm gonna try to make it as boneless as possible because that's the worst thing is when you got you got it rigged up on the fire and you're trying to eat it and picking all those bones out what you want to be able to do is basically just eat the entire fish that's what we're going to do here the guts out and then i'm going to fillet on the inside i'm going to take that that rack of ribs out as best that i can on a small fish it's super tricky might as well get a little bit of water it's going to be a lot easier to turn this into something drinkable than it will be to stick a bunch of snow in there and try to heat that up but obviously this water is not good to drink at the moment it's gonna be well full of bacteria and nastiness so we're gonna have to figure out how to purify this water so we don't get sick and that's part of the challenge we got food we got water now we need some kind of shelter and that's our part of survival and i always think that you know we don't say fire the fire should really be part of the survival challenge but what the kicker is really is that um you can't have drinkable water unless you have fire and that's the whole point of it and you can't eat your food unless you have fire so fire really is an integral part we're not gonna camp out here on the lake i got everything cleaned up i'm gonna i'm gonna head back up into the woods somehow this is where it came in sort of get back up in the bushes and we'll see if we can't find a place to make a more hospitable overnight spot if i can get out of here it's always hard to get out of the lake i'll get up here and we gotta find a spot where we can make an overnight ah yeah yeah yeah all right we're gonna get out of the bushes here that's enough of this cool ish well i'm not finding my way out of this madness but such goes the survival challenge you never quite get out of the forest the same day you make it in hence survival so what i'm doing now is i'm kind of paying attention to the sun it's actually out today which makes things a little bit more comfortable for us i could keep heading toward that direction that would be south that might be good that might get me somewhere but we're not getting out tonight that's not part of the challenge the challenge is making do you might be wondering what i'm looking for i'm looking for a place where there's gonna be enough wood that will make it easy for me to make a fire because i don't have any tools besides my axe so i want to be in a place where there's going to be enough dead fall that that could happen and i am thinking about what kind what i might do for a shelter but as you know i'm not planning on building a shelter a shelter is expensive and a lot of people ask me whether that's something i would do if i was really surviving would you have time and what what part of the day would you start to hunker down to make your shelter and the answer is right away if you actually want to make something decent today we're not making anything today we're going to do what i would actually do during a survival challenge and i'll explain to you a little bit more about that later i'm just looking around here for wood i want to find a place where there's enough wood there's enough dead fall stuff laying around that i can make a fire easily and this looks like a pretty good spot [Music] i got a decent fire lay here you guys know how important fire lays are suffice to say you want to be up off the ground now tinder is in short supply here it always is in the winter you can look for dry grasses a few places over here just behind me there's a couple places where you can find some dried grass poking ups or some dried ferns that stuff will light but what i do is carry this very important thing in the winter it's something that's super light and it's super duper effective i've had this pouch in my pocket every winter for the last 10 years i almost never use it because most of the time i can find birch bark but you should still have it in case it's an emergency case you can't find birch bark or in case you need to light a fire really really quickly that is cotton balls simple cotton balls now cotton balls is considered a flash tinder it's very very dry but what you can do is add vaseline to that and then pack as much as you can into a small little cylinder if you don't have one of these this is an old i think it's for needles this little plastic canister comes out you can use anything really a zipple container you can use an old pill bottle uh film canister if you guys can manage to find any of those around so i'm going to start the fire today with this this is going to hold the heat a long time with the vaseline it almost works like a candle so it holds the flame for a long time we're going to make sure we have a nice flat spot and we're going to collect a lot of little sticks a little dry high and dry high and dry so that's another rule you can think about too you want those branches that are up off the ground because those are going to be drying with the weather in the sun and they're going to be out of the rain and off the elements off the ground the ground is really wet almost everywhere in the winter and we don't want that snuffing out our fire we don't certainly want it snuffing out the beginnings of our fire after a while this will build up a nice coal bed it'll insulate from the ground and then we can start building that fire nice and big we're not going to be relying today on fire for this survival challenge though we're going to be keeping warm another way that's in the bag but for now we need to get our food ready and i'm not going to start the fire until i have my fish prepared in such a way that it's ready to cook because you never know how long your fire is gonna last how much wood you have how much energy you have to spend on it so we're gonna make sure everything's ready to go including our water because we have to get that to a boil which is obviously going to be tricky we are fast losing light now that we have most of our materials i can show this stuff off so we're going to get a good hunk of it i'm going to kind of bury it inside what we already have here i'm going to get probably two cotton balls i think that that'll be enough i think we're kind of lucked out as far as the materials that we have here there's a big gob of it right there and the dry grass i think is pretty good i didn't quite get anything ready as far as my tiny tinder goes because i want to make sure that i kind of bury it i've got my two lighters on me right now too super super old one okay so we'll get that that one's ready to go and then we got big branches here and this stuff is all like we locked out man this stuff's super dry just listen to those snap beautiful so what we should be able to do is still be able to find that cotton ball down below here and uh maybe i'll bring you guys down here you can have a look of this thing light and how it holds that how it holds the heat so come on down with me i don't know if you guys can see how how much that is actually holding that flame it's doing all of the work for us right now and it actually even might catch this on fire straight out of the gate all right so now we're in the awkward stage we're not teenagers no we're in the awkward stage of the fire we got heat here and we're gonna do a careful fire at the beginning which you should do anyway just feed sticks into the into the flame into the heat that's the key man you guys can see just how easy it was to make that fire and i don't know if you can see that flame right yet it's not a big flame but it is a super hot flame because it's complete combustion i went to texas and they said i made big fires well you know what if you don't make a big fire here in canada you're not gonna have a fire at all snow around here is gonna put your fire out that's one of the hardest things for me to learn just through trial and error when i was ice fishing man we had a hard time we would cut like wet wood that we would find along the banks of the the lake try to burn that on the ice because of course we want to ice fish and if you haven't noticed i got off the ice and one of the main reasons is this is because it's just completely impossible to get a decent fire going on the ice the more heat you make the more ice you melt and then the ice turns into water and it sits there and pools at the base of your fire and so you get a better coals you think going and then what happens it turns into soup and then that soup mixes in with all of your embers and puts it out now if i was planning to use this fire for heat tonight what i would not be doing well first i wouldn't be doing it here i'm out in the open kind of kind of out in the open i mean in the forest but it's not a super sheltered protected area is i wouldn't be grabbing the wood adjacent my fire what i would be doing is spending my time hauling wood from the surrounding forest into this area so that i could easily grab it if it got dark and cold you can see what a blazing fire we have but i'm not going to stop here because at any moment in time this might tip over i might develop enough liquid here i have purposely made it on a slant so that the liquid will run off down here and i found a place that it's it's uh not going to be in a puddle or a low-lying depression i want to keep it up and off the ground but now since i've used most of the wood just in this little vicinity here i'll make a wider circle and start pulling some stuff in and then we'll let this die down and get our fish on i'm hungry and my water boiling that's the most important thing right now to get that water boiling and now is a good time to put it on too because it's hot i'm really hoping that this works i think it will i'm not sure so we've got our canteen here and i could just set it on the ground and hope it heats it but all the heat rises and i've done that before it doesn't really work very well so i'm hoping is i can cut this stick roughly to like a decent size i got to get it to fit through the lip but but not come out at the same time it's the test is that going to fit in there yeah and then question is really is it is it gonna come out and so far no okay well that's good also it's bad because i there was a documentary and they were trapping monkeys like primitive people were trapping monkeys and what they did was they made a hole i feel just like the monkey right now i literally can't get it out now there was a monkey monkeys and what they did was they put um treats or something i forget what it was some kind of food they cut a hole into it and they they put a bunch of they jammed a bunch they made sure the monkeys were watching them and they jammed a bunch of food or something inside there and the monkeys put their hand inside there and they grabbed on to whatever was inside like apples or treats or something and then they really wanted to pull it out they tried to pull it up but their hand was closed and they couldn't fig they couldn't think they weren't smart enough to just let go of what they had in their hand in order to pull their hand out and so that's how they trapped the monkeys as soon as i get this rigged up and i'm confident that we're gonna be able to get fire fire we're gonna get food see i'm already getting hungry i actually know i'm getting hungry i haven't i haven't drank drink all day i'm feeling dehydrated now um i haven't peed for a couple hours that's that's a problem and you because you're breathing out of your mouth and the air is really dry you actually lose water a lot faster we're gonna hang this over the fire hopefully it's the right height if it's not we can raise it and we can lower it somewhat did you like my stick idea i was smart i probably would have made the fire over top of the cedar post already there but hey we got the tools we might as well do it so now this shouldn't tip over now and it's already starting to steam which is good news i feel like the fire is a good intensity now it's not too hot and i'm not sure what you want to call that maybe you call it a monopod style just don't don't make solutions for yourselves that are more complicated than they need to be like simple and elegant is the solutions i like it's just a loop over a branch propped up over sticks that happen to be in the way now they're useful and that bottle is hanging perfectly right on top of that fire brilliant simple elegant solutions anytime you uh cook food fish whatever i've got those both both those fish set up so that the smoke is actually going into the fish and the heat too and i just fasten them into the ground with a little bit of snow we got to watch the sun let's see when it's going to set we got to figure out what the next step is you're surviving and thriving the revival challenge think of a different name that water just hit a boil beauty we're gonna take it off because we're not gonna risk losing it full rolling boil makes water safe you guys see that steam coming off of it once those bubbles turn big we're good so we're gonna let this cool off now i'm gonna concentrate on our fish i don't think our fish are in the perfect right position so we're gonna re readjust those guys so they cook properly we don't want to run on too long in the day let's get these adjusted cook nicely let's get the tops kind of angled in a little bit more water is way too hot to drink and we're losing sunlight so now it's about the time most people start to think about i'm in deep doo doo well you can see how open the forest is in here and you can see the type of materials we have to work with mixed cedar it's pretty open there's not a whole lot to work with there's not even a lot of snow to really mound up and make something so in my mind i have an idea we got to get packed up and go for a walk we're going to find out my solution to staying overnight when you're lost and you don't have a shelter that fish is cooking nicely we don't have to worry about it i don't there's not any flame left it's mostly just coal we can't go too far away from it because we still have to make sure that it's not going to fall over or burn down or the fire go up we won't have anything to eat that's a big concern but we gotta get on with things so i'm gonna head into the bushes here and i'm looking around for something specific trying to figure out i'm trying to get on a game trail not like a small game trail i want to get on like a legit game trail and i think i'm on one now because well i'm not running into things and that's what animals do there's a couple ravens they were not too happy with me coming back in here i'm looking for deer pellets and deer prince because that will help guide me a little bit because animals are smart they survive outside all year long and they do that by using their wits about them and one of the things that they do is they they don't sit out in the middle of nowhere this is kind of what i'm looking for here we got a big big spruce tree right here and there's a indentation here underneath this tree that has my curiosity because well i think we found what we're looking for here let's see if we can't get up in nice and tight here i'll show you i'll show you what i'm looking at to the naked eye this might look like just more forest you see this big tree that's sticking out behind me here you might not in the wide-angle lens you might not realize how big it is but for the trees that are in this vicinity here it's a big tree and if you look up above that is a lot of overhead cover in fact that's more overhead cover than you could make if you made a shelter on your own even by cutting all these down and stacking them we've done this before we showed you how much work it was but is it necessary well if you're lost and you don't have the resources or the time time is a resource when you're surviving to make a shelter and you don't have the food to back it up you don't plan on staying there a long time this is what you're looking for so what i'm sitting in is actually a deer bed there's the indentation right here see that little depression there's a little depression right here this is where an animal has been sleeping i can't know for sure if it was a deer because i don't see any pellets here but i do see something very interesting i see coyote prints right here is a coyote coyote coyote coyote coyote i might have startled a coyote out of this bed when i was walking i'm almost certain i heard something leave so i could have easily bumped the coyote out of its bed right here and it's been known that coyote and deer will use the same beds a lot of times coyotes will actually roll themselves in in deer feces to cover and mask their scent and so what we have here we have a spot that lots of animals thought was a good place to sleep and so guess what this is a place that we can sleep too it's like a ready-made shelter so if it does start to rain or snow then we're going to be protected from the elements cleaned it all out now we're set you can see animal decided uh how it wanted orient things because it can protect itself this way it can sleep here and listen to anything approach and then it can exit this way or the other way if there's any danger approaching obviously the main exit we know now is this direction so this could be the way the animal comes in too we're gonna have to be careful tonight we don't have a coyote coming here so i got a few treats in here i gotta tell you it's it's beautiful right in the spot i could see why an animal would want to stay here i really can it's like it's isolated from the wind it's secluded it feels private to me oh let's pull these pull these things out that have been lugging around i get them out they're in there pretty tightly oh i had to squish them in okay so this is probably item number two this is a wool blanket everything i'm using right here is from arcturusgear.com i think is the url and i'll put it down in the description and i'll pin a comment uh they they sent me these to test them uh it's not a sponsor they're not paying me to say anything about this stuff and and so i'm gonna give you my honest opinion i can tell you this stuff is uh deceivingly bigger than i thought it would be it is a very heavy duty it is a significant wool blanket and just a first inspection of the quality of this this is something you could throw on your bed for sure okay so the wool blanket uh i haven't decided how i'm gonna use this kit because i obviously have some options so this is the arcturus emergency survival blanket all purpose so it reflects seat it's windproof waterproof this you should have in your car i don't know if you're gonna carry it around with you all the time if you're like fishing or whatnot but this is something that you should keep around just generally speaking put it in your truck what not so the question is would you put this reflector on the ground or would you put the wool blanket on the ground that's the million dollar question right there may be a way that i can devise it where i put the tarp on the ground i wrap myself up in the wool blanket and then i pull the tarp over top so i have the best of both worlds and this ends up being like the best sleeping bag in the world and actually i think that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to lay the plastic out on the ground that's going to protect me from moisture from down below and then i can put the wool blanket down and then i can wrap the other the rest of the tarp over top so let's get this set up here because that sun is hitting the top of the trees which means we're just about out of light well if you didn't have all that you know what you would do the same thing you'd still come in here in a protected area you'd pull your hood up like this you'd sleep in your snow pants you would just lean up against a tree slightly like this you might have a little fire going a little fire i'm talking little not a monstrous fire a little tiny fire with lots of little twigs that you can add throughout the night and to be honest you probably wouldn't even do that you probably what you're gonna do is you're gonna huddle up against a tree like this just in your snow pants just like this all night and if you're lucky you'd have a nice little fire that wasn't blowing smoke into your eyes i'm gonna pull this up over here we're gonna flip the bottom up and then we're gonna flip the top up oh that's actually pretty good i'm in the coyote hall here and so that's gonna keep me bundled up throughout the night so i'm not gonna be sliding down the hill or anything and i gotta be honest i feel warm i actually do feel warm so i'm gonna get back we're to go grab our fish we're going to watch that sunset right here we got to get settled in we don't want to be wandering around in the forest in the dark so let's go get our food i love this this works really good and the most important part about it is dry like i can be comfortable and dry i'm not getting my feet wet i'm not getting my body wet the tarp is protecting me from the elements and i didn't have to wrestle with a bunch of trees for the entire day to get this thing done we are in this water i'll tell you what get that stick out of there all right let's have a swig [Music] ah a little smoky not too bad [Music] that's water and i gotta drink a lot of it i'm dehydrated like mad all right that's good that's water check mark the fish looks really good we can grab those head back to the shelter and hunker down let's take our paracord we can use that for later if we need to let me get loaded up get the lid on here take our fish not perfectly cooked i'm busy with the water making sure the water is good and far going come over here tend to this because this is a way it's a ways from where i made the fire on purpose kind of because well obviously we went over there we're supposed to make an impromptu sleeping quarters and that's kind of what we did if i'm doing like a survival if i'm doing real survival this is all i'm doing i'm not making a shelter a shelter is something it's a luxury put it that way in survival or a trial challenge it's not something that you're gonna do every time to go out and build a shelter it's just too expensive to do it that way it costs too much time it's a lot of labor it's a lot of calories a lot of energy if you're really going to survive the night you're probably just going to go up against the tree just like i'm doing it and a lot of people survive the night just by doing that exact same thing they they hunkered down they might have made themselves a little fire but they didn't go out all out and build a giant shelter that's for us that's for fun that's to see if we can do it you know we want to hit tick off all the boxes that you would do if you were say to start over again from scratch outside of civilization you'd want to have like a long-term shelter and that's kind of the image that we have in our minds as far as what shelters go i'm gonna eat the best part of the trout up on the my shoulder and we're gonna get up in the brain and all that good stuff man i still have one whole trout left to go so this fish basket is kind of cool it's just made out of dogwood and uh wrapped together this one i ended up using a little bit of of trap wire because um it wasn't holding together as nicely as i wanted to so i used a couple strands of chopped wire it's been a long time since i've eaten a fish brain [Applause] fatty goodness here's that little eyeball that that's not edible but the rest of it's edible and incredible no i'm not worried about coyote cardio wants to come and eat me i'm gonna stick it in the face with the axe i was gonna say you can have me i don't want a coyote to have me just use the axe and whack it in the face and then i'll eat the coyote you know me i'll eat anything put your hands out and you got you know four fingers left that's a half an hour till sunset and then you got another half an hour to kind of get things situated before you got no light at all depending of course on what's going on with the sky if it's overcast cloudy or you got a full moon with the remaining hour we have or so left not only am i going to eat this whole fish i'm not going to save anything it'll be frozen solid by morning but what i do want to do is actually true try my best to dry everything that i have on wanting to get the cuffs of my boots are pretty wet that's what i want to get out the most right now i'm going to be getting up and running around i already feel warmer just getting up in a real survival scenario it's the calories that are on your body that are really going to keep you going finding food making shelter water of course 100 is a must but the other things they're they're kind of luxury items that's why that's not really it's not really a survival challenge it's more like a thriving challenge and uh hopefully i've been able to show that to you it's good meat really good i'm a lantern i'm the old lantern here so that'll be the only thing that keeps me company tonight except for the coyotes hopefully they don't want to come back here in bed in the morning but uh well we have a little bit of light left i wanted to uh have a little chat seems like winter's the time to do the chats with you guys so this year's been garbage i mean it's been fine for me hopefully it's been fine for you but in the grand scheme of things this has been a pretty garbage year uh with the lockdowns and everything i don't know what they're like where you are in the us it seems like they're not going as heavy as they are here in ontario it's been a disaster and uh i hope we can actually come back to some level of normalcy at some point it hasn't affected me a whole lot i've always been able to find a loophole in fact filming is a loophole we're allowed to still produce media and so i can still do all the things i need to do but my son's lost hockey completely he's not allowed to visit his friends currently i don't want this to be a time timely segment i want this to be something that you know if you watch it three years from now you can relate to it hopefully things are better by then it doesn't apply as much and we've got through this little rough patch in society i hope i hope that's what i hope you know if you're watching this three years from now just i want you to think about um you know how you're having your systems in place this year a lot of systems that we have you know the school system a hockey system they've all disintegrated on and we don't have organized school we don't have organized hockey all the time sometimes we do sometimes we don't and i'm not talking about making the most of it what i'm talking about is having those systems in place that you're not relying on somebody else to provide those things for you so early on in the in the lockdowns and the pandemic and all that stuff i talked to my wife and i said this is permanent i said even if it's not permanent let's look at it i like it's permanent and i don't want you to be wasting the next month because it had locked schools down i don't want don't waste the next month waiting for things to get better make things better now take advantage of it and you might have this in in your life with uh illness or a divorce or just to change a loss a job whatever it could be anything and so what you want to do is don't let it become permanent instead use it as a motivator to make things better and that you know parallels with the survival challenge you could sit there and you can mope and you can hope that somebody something's going to come and somebody's going to come and save you and somebody's going to make something better for you but you know what it's just easier and quicker if you do that yourself and you might be surprised on what you can accomplish as far as like fixing your system so the school system what we did was we we got together with another family who's actually close friends with my son and we made sure that they could still hang out together and even do school together while it was legal to do so but the point is is that you need to figure out how to get your systems up and running so you should have that fall back and the hockey system was another one that i knew straight away okay there's no way this hockey's thing's gonna fly not for the long term so what are we gonna do and uh having the pond at my brother's house has really helped out because he could keep up with his hockey and holden's been doing stick handling too we got him uh uh it's a slippery surface so he could still keep on doing that and he's been doing his squats uh he does squats for speed and deadlift and so we've kept up with that not at the same pace as if the season was on and like trust me i'm not drilling him he does it if he wants to do it but he does he just really want to keep up with the speed he likes being fast and so that's something that you know takes you know three or four minutes every day uh he does four sets of 20 and he's done and that provides him with all the speed that he needs but that's something that obviously we have to provide that you know the broader the broader world can provide for us right now i'd like to be able to travel a little bit more we have plans with bob hanser he invited me up to uh i'm going to say south texas but not it's west texas up in the davis mountains he wants me to head up there and zach you know want to get together with zach fowler forever he wanted to come up here i'm like dude you can't come up here we can't even you'd have to quarantine for two weeks before i could even see you anyway i wanted to i wanted to have that conversation with you guys i've been looking for a time and that was the best time we got a little bit of light left and pretty soon it's going to be dark and we're going to hunker down and i don't have a fire to talk by so we'll call this the lantern slide chat sponsored by olight well it's not really sponsored by la at all it's just uh you know it's a cool light isn't it starting to get dark here and we're gonna get settled in trying to find the low the lowest spot here because i know i'm going to end up there anyway kind of half wish i wasn't right on the deer bed because i don't know how they do it they're just loaded with fat or what but it's like it's oh right they're a different shape than a human if i roll up in a ball like a deer is probably a lot more comfortable than trying to lay through it like a human with legs and arms but if i get my torso like right in the deer spot i think i'll be all right okay well that's off that's good i'm like right in the i'm right in the ball of the bed coyote or deer or whatever the heck i'm sleeping in right now and half bad it's comfy it's keeping me warm right now i like it good thing to have again they're not paying me to say anything special about it it's just i asked them for it since they gave me that camo you know the crow hunt i did with the camo they gave me that too and uh i like that really a lot and they gave me a leafy suit um for hunting so hopefully i'll be able to use that for turkey good night catch in the morning maybe [Applause] oh good morning guys that sucked that really sucked sun's about to come up ouch i'm just gonna fit back in my bag well if you guys watch the whole video right full stop you can subscribe and i don't care if you subscribe but i really do appreciate having you guys along catch the next one
Channel: The Wooded Beardsman
Views: 517,789
Rating: 4.8710752 out of 5
Keywords: survival challenge, bushcraft shelter, winter camp, solo overnight, bushcraft camp, primitive survival, bushcraft knife, bushcraft canada, survival shelter, primitive skills, wilderness technology, primitive living, primitive shelter, shelter building, fire cooking, survival skills, survival, surviving, shelter, 24 hour survival, cooking, fire, bushcraft, wilderness survival, bushcraft cooking, overnight, camping, ice fishing, icefishing, trout fishing, winter survival, hypothermia
Id: TvPsHBWbp2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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