Trying 5 Min Crafts's Worst Life Hacks

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the stained shirt thing is from the top post of /r/shittylifeprotips

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/infernon_ 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jarvis has really cool friends who look fun to hang out with.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Stros_Mkai 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
DUN DUN DUN Mr. Youtube: Good morning everyone Before we get started I just wanted to say thanks for joining us on this YouTube support -- er -- this YouTube research session. My name's Mr. YouTube and I'll be your moderator today. Some guy: Mr. YouTube? What are you an elementary school teacher? Dumb Jarvis: *Chuckles* Mr. Youtube: Trust me. I should not be responsible for children. Some other guy: Mr. YouTube, I got that coffee you ordered. Mr. Youtube: Thanks. He owes me a few favours. Oh wait before I forget, when were these roasted? Some other guy: Um... Like, March I think Mr. Youtube: Perfect. So my first for the group is how have life hacks on Youtube improved your life? Let's start with you Testosterone Jonson: I'm-Um... I'm Testosterone Jonson and thanks to life hacks on youtube I know to put peanut butter in my hair Mr. Youtube: Ugh! why! Well... I don't know, the life hack told me to. Some guy: You didn't ask any follow-up questions? Testosterone Jonson: Absolutely not! Ok, um. Mr. Youtube How 'bout you? how have life hacks made your life a whole lot easier? Dumb Jarvis: Ugh... Thanks to life hacks on Youtube, Now I know whether my food is fake or real. So that's cool. Mr. Youtube: Ok. Dumb Jarvis: and also I blew off my hand Mr. Youtube: What!! Dumb Jarvis: Yeah, Um. Complications in a lighter hack gone right. But, On the bright side, Five Minute Crafts showed me how to make a new hand Out of soap. Mr. Youtube: It-What?! *upbeat music* Why... *digusted* Dumb Jarvis: No, but it's actually a good thing 'Cause now I never forget to bring soap around and when I shake peoples hands I wash them! Some guy: *faint disgusted whine* Mr. Youtube: How 'bout you? you've been pretty quiet. *Intense/mysterious music plays* Future Jarvis: I live in the shadows Mr. Youtube: Cool, um, but, how have life hacks affected you? Future Jarvis: You really want to know? Mr. Youtube: Ugh, Yes? Future Jarvis: In my time Every man, women and child is always armed with a boxcutter and a bottle of coke *whispers* That's empty. Some guy: he has a gun!!! Future Jarvis: Relax it's a glue gun. Testosterone Jonson: *Sighs of relief* We ran from a Charlie defence. (?) Against the algorithm. Mr. Youtube: The algorithm? Like, the Youtube algorithm? Future Jarvis: Precisely. Mr. Youtube: Well that just doesnt make any sense. We've gathered all the metrics, we can see everything. Future Jarvis : Could you? Mr. Youtube: Ok wise guy if you know so much why didn't you warn us? Future Jarvis: We tried Mr. Youtube:Well then what the f*** happened? Future Jarvis: No one got the notification *Gasp* Yea, we should probably fix that. Howdy-how, unnamed fanbase I'm Jarvis, and I'll be your pilot this evening, So, before we take off, make sure your seats are back and that your tray tables are stowed, and you follow me on Instagram, subscribe to my youtube channel, and turn on the bell! alright, I'll assume you've done all those things, So, that we can keep on moving, But, remember this is for your safety, not mine. over the last year or so, whenever 5-Minute-Crafts has done something weird, which to be fair is 100% of always, people tend to send me the tea. and, now I have a lot of tea, so, I wanna deal with it the way anyone with this much tea will do, Toss it into the sea, and spark an American revolution. This metaphor worked out. Anyway, a couple days ago I saw that video where she spills coffee on herself, and, it gets worse so I figured that it was a good time to revisit our favourite terrifying media (ununderstandable word). Jarvis: Hi! Jarvis: Hello! UHAhahaha (Laughter.)
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,248,921
Rating: 4.9157891 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, comedy, 5-minute crafts, 5-minute crafts is the worst channel on youtube
Id: i8x4hhCAphY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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