7-Second Riddles: The Darkest Riddles On The Internet

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why hello there still unnamed fanbase I'm Jarvis and the internet was a mistake today we're talking about a riddles channel from the creator of five-minute crafts and it's called can he guess seven second riddles how'd you do you saw it in the title now I really wanted to lay this topic to rest by now because I have talked about five minute crafts enough to last a lifetime but I'm a man of the people and seven second riddles has been like the most requested topic for me for like the last three months so I finally broke down and watched the channel and I'm very confused I just have no idea who this channel is for but this isn't gonna be a video just bashing seven second riddles talking about how bad it is now the content is bad but I think it's more for reasons that aren't obvious what's that in the distance is that is that a moral argument yeah we better finish up quick before this turns into a psychology class seven seconds post like five times a day which is absurd and the videos claim to boost your IQ or that only like geniuses or the top 1% can solve them or that normal people can't solve them or something I don't know just weird weird titles completely unrelated titles this quiz is gonna skin only the x-men can solve this thing the only people with with good relationships with their fathers kid can pass this quiz it's being a quick bait all their thumbnails depict these like cartoon scenes that pose salacious questions like who's telling the truth or who killed the math teacher Jesus which made is a man who killed the maid I'd there's like a narrative the riddles themselves are all pretty dark they're usually about like crime or death lying cheating oh and the worst crime of all being poor when you look at it you're you think this is supposed to be for kids right so as we as we go through some of the riddles on seven-second riddles Channel I want you to think to yourself like who is this for seven seconds describe themselves as the place for the best riddles and answers in the world whether you're a riddle wizard or a noob we have the best riddles with answers all in one place all in one place Wow can you imagine if they had a separate channel just just for the answers so with that let's put our minds puzzle power to the test I'll be your riddle wizard today so strap in so this is the first video I watched and I'm just reading the title of it for the first time it's called sixteen brain teasers that'll turn your brain on not gonna lie that intro was a banger okay first off how dare you there's no there's no answer to this that isn't problematic second I can't see anything because they keep putting the magnifying glass over it really so he's not poor because he has a watch or maybe this is supposed to be like a smart watch like an Apple watch or something but that doesn't make it any better homeless people can have smart phones and smart watches it's like a good use of resources I feel like any of these guys could have could have not been poor like that's that's louis c.k that's the guy from the movie her any of these people could have money by their logic my brain is very not turned on right now oh wow it's a series host this lady has a necklace with blue things on it so she's [ __ ] loaded hang on let me get a price check on this Wow haha sly sly she thought she had slipped that past us [Music] okay so this looks pretty easy this woman is clearly playing a Stradivarius violin it's worth millions of dollars so uh boom my brain it's on light bulb all right who is it comments kind of cop out posted as that what did the comments say wow you always cheer my brain on can you maybe do less comments that's from cold pineapple holy Sh this music this music is so unnecessarily intense chief Smith was fond of animals there's no voice over on these riddles unlike bright sides riddles which are very similar so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do the voice over in like a weird voice at his house he had a dog a cat and a parrot he spent much time with his lovely pets every day all his family members were jealous of the past jealous of the pets aren't they family pets is this a riddle feeling that they didn't get the much attention to oh there's a type of feeling they didn't get that much attention the pets got one Friday evening when Jake was out that one long run-on sentence his favorite dog PD was found dead in the garden showing the dog so disrespectful Jake immediately rushed back home he was furious about this and called a private detective he didn't like talk to his family first he's not even home yet and he's already investigating his home family the detective asked Jake's wife about what happened I was sleeping at the time for murder weren't expecting that voice do you know what your children were doing yes Laura was studying in her room Andrew was playing for tonight Alex Alex Alex was swimming in the pool with this friend she likes showing him a picture it was this friend soon the detective told Jake the killer's name who killed the dog I like there's not an option where this man's family didn't murder his dog it has to be one of these family members and and this friend if she had been sleeping how could she know what if the children were doing not like she's their mom or anything and it's literally in charge of where they are at all times a new rental new voice you inherited an old house from your rich uncle when you were exploring the cellar like Kermit with a cold you came across a door and opened it and there were three caramel apples there okay I think an actual riddle so that's good at least let's see here okay yo I ate my own this yo yo come here here yo yo yo Alma seven second riddle you could call me poor but i'ma beat you with the weapon fiddle you could take that Jairo but I'm gonna take the middle I will break you down to nothing like a widow I got some spittle oh nothing about me smaller Widow I'm in an arena looking in the window sentimental oh look out for my new mixtape five-minute raps completely not paying attention to the riddle at a luxury party this is a vis a luxury party this ain't no saint no budget affair the power was turned off suddenly for a few seconds when it was restored I had to change the music cuz I can't get that beat out of my head lady Nelson found her necklace gone oh it was it was a luxury party what can I say that necklace went off security interviewed four suspects I was talking to the mayor and he can prove it that's it that's your alibi this guy was such a creep I was dancing with Lady Nelson when her neck was gone look frankly off he threw his mouth moves but I didn't steal the necklace great defense I was freshing up by the fenders what a weird sentence also this guy looks guilty I was chilling out in my armchair why was there an armchair at a rave don't look at me I was in my armchair [Music] it only went out for a moment he could have like been there before the power went out all right sorry I forgot that ventilators disappear when the lights turn up I hope people aren't going to jail for like for this degree of evidence all right so this one I guess you're supposed to guess the brand with the emoji they're really only needed one of those emojis to guess Pumbaa all right Pizza Hut what is this one money guys the dollar twins sit at the cash couple PayPal okay I think they're more than just pals but okay okay okay guess the word this is a puzzle where I guess we're just supposed to guess the word based on the images in using the letters that are there we've got a homeless guy on a laptop we've got actual garbage a beat-up truck and someone taking out the trash please God don't let this be trash please just don't be holy trying to see this homeless guy is trash don't they know he's rich he has a laptop okay so I've been trying to give some variety of the channel but I mentioned at the beginning with the riddles are really dark and so now I'm gonna play some more of those some greatest hits if you will but first here's a word from our actual sponsor audiobook I decided be fun to say a word from the sponsor today's video is sponsored by audible is the best place to listen to audiobooks seriously audible has the largest selection of audiobooks on earth and probably other planets too right now you can get a free 30-day trial of audible if you head on over to audible.com slash jarvis or text jarvis to 500 500 and it comes with a free audiobook i recently just finished up an absolutely remarkable thing by Hank green I don't want to spoil too much but it's a sci-fi mystery about a girl who essentially becomes a viral YouTube star overnight can't relate I highly recommend it so if you want to check that out or any of audibles other titles remember that's audible.com slash jarvis or text jarvis - 500 500 now back to these riddles an old man lived alone in the suburbs this music though it's like you know somebody's gonna die it was Friday when the mailman was passing by semicolon Oh No [Music] jeez that's so graphic why the policeman found Tuesday's newspaper two bottles of warm milk and one bottle of cold milk I mean my first guess is that it's an angry milkman who killed the old guy cuz he was wasting milk who was it well we have very little information so there are only three people that we can choose from the old man the the mailman or the policeman it's gonna be the mailman for some reason because the only one who have any information about but I I wonder what the reason is what he knew that the old man wouldn't need a newspaper on Wednesday or Thursday because the mailman knew not to deliver mail on Wednesday or Thursday he was the killer why did he come by on Friday four friends went to a public bath every size every Sunday okay interesting for adult men go to a public bathroom every Sunday because that's a normal thing that totally happens Alex usually brought a thermos and drank cocktails all right sounds like a you might have a problem Alex Andrew and Phil were were lawyers are they about to die Andrew and Phil were lawyers and always read their papers at the baths so they had to be very careful not to get them wet and Pete usually listen to music so then I don't hang out they like all go together and they they spent no time actually interacting with one another this is like the saddest scene ever one of these guys hang out who killed him and how thirty seconds on the clock now watch as Phil bleeds out how much you want to bet this has nothing to do with the fact that they're the public bath yeah I'll call it guy could have put a knife in his thermos either that or the lawyers paper cut him to death or or like you know any other thing happened but if I know seven second riddles it was one of the friends is that a cactus in the back maybe he got stabbed with that yeah Alex also could have just brought a knife he took the thermos with him so like it really didn't matter I mean everyone should've seen this coming because Alex's soul patch is in the shape of an icicle so foreshadowing so my biggest problem with seven second riddles is a problem I have with a bunch of these channels actually like facts verse and ironically bright side it's that their content is like hyper- in a really sensationalist way which i ultimately think is harmful to young people due to this thing called the availability heuristic I've been waiting for ten minutes the availability heuristic is basically a fancy way of saying we think things are more likely that we have more examples of so because we have like more examples of plane crashes in the news then car crashes people might be afraid of flying more so than then driving even though flying is like thousands of times safer than driving so you take that and you combine it with the negativity bias which is this thing as humans have where we're more attracted to unpleasant things also you don't know anything about psychology toss in a little sprinkle of the YouTube algorithm and you can like work people's sense of reality and make them feel like the world is way bleaker than it actually is and I actually think it's worse that these are cartoons because it appeals way more to that younger crowd the whole negativity thing is something that I've personally benefited from but the whole Wurst channel and YouTube thing cuz I'm pretty happy go-lucky guy with like a positive optimistic worldview but just by titling a video in a negative way I had a Lou of twelve year olds having an emotional response back at me which just shows me how susceptible to this bias we all are so when you build whole channels around like murder and bad things happening it comes off as a little exploitative to me like I'm sure we're all a little more afraid of something bad happening to us then is like actually likely but on the bright side all puns intended the world isn't actually as full of you know murder or lying or riddles as this channel may make it seem now unfortunately there are also fewer luxury parties but a man can dream so that's about all I have for today is seven second riddles the worst channel on YouTube no but I appreciate you watching thus far anyway it was just a runescape t-shirt thanks to digi stood tomatillo a professor join me on Instagram I have no idea if I'm saying there if you want me to print your name follow me on instagram or twitter at jarvis and send me a message also tiny little merchant outs meant I'm wearing it I'm also putting out these hats those are available right now at jarvis clothing so head on over there and use promo code promo code for 15% off happy holidays y'all see you next time
Channel: Jarvis Johnson
Views: 2,712,502
Rating: 4.941864 out of 5
Keywords: jarvis, jarvis johnson, black youtubers, comedy, nerdfighter, 7-second riddles, bright side, 5-minute crafts, 5-minute crafts is the worst channel on youtube, diy, bad youtube channels, worst channel on youtube, troom troom
Id: UiSWqvF0M6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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