LIVE STREAM: An Evening With Top Gear | An exclusive preview of Series 22 | #EveningWithTG

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Starts at 6:21

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Drax86 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Do we know what they cut out at 25:40? Great watch btw.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TravisJLM ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 19 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man, that 928 really is special for Jezza. Couldn't tell if they cut out more of him talking about it, but it definitely felt like he was holding back there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ashowofhands ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 20 2015 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hello I'm Christian O'Connor welcome to exclusive preview of the twenty second series of the world's favorite car show this is an evening with top gear tonight Jeremy Richard and James will answer questions about the new series from our audience here and Top Gear fans around the world plus we'll be showing you some brand new clips of the upcoming series the last time we saw them on our screens it was a dramatic ending to their Patagonia special but I'm pleased to say they're back and raring to go for the new series so please let's get them out here ladies and gentlemen please welcome Jeremy Clarkson Richard Hammond and James May listen so chaps yeah 22 series you're now up there with well Doctor Who The Simpsons and last of the summer wine it's a big category to be amongst we actually call this show last of the summer gear yeah it's not not the first time that comparison has been made let's be honest regions man no three no we don't bother we've never saw last of the summer one but we are aware that it featured three old men falling over every week it sold us of the summer why nice to really like it I'm just saying I've never seen it I've never seen really good it was essentially the same episode every week yes yeah I got all down that yeah yes I read it now James May falls over Richard Hammond catches fire and I say something stupid I think sweet James May falls over Richard Hammond captors fire and I say something stupid I like that one that's my favorite nope but this series is slightly different because the first time ever when it starts next Sunday it's simulcast at the same time all over the world not France part of France right yes it is going to be on it we're breakfast television in Australia cuz it'll be on at 8 o'clock in the morning mrs. Australians think for some reason that it's a different time over there which we don't understand he's really annoying to her and then it's honest or whatever it is middle the afternoon in America and so on and so forth yes it is actually going around the world so anyone who's gonna pirate it Wow we've undone that ruse and so is it all is it all done James is already and no I thought you look slightly fearful no isn't all done is it no really no really not done now we're always late with our homework it's a tradition 22 series we're always a bit like we really are late this time and you always do the better if you do it a bit late as very the better the last minute program one the film is not yet edited No Sabine is doing staff still we're actually in the middle of filming program pay it's about a year but it is we've all been there homeworks doing I've got a week to do it I've got six days to do it for those two days one day like two in the morning and that's exactly where does that gently make your quite tense or you like no because it either goes out or it doesn't the world still turns nobody's gonna say well that's it it's only it all jugged is not and so ah what's your particular highlight of the series that starts next weekend oh there are so many things he has no matter we haven't done yet i what i'm looking forward to actually in the very first show I don't want that I'm thinking cuz I don't to give too much away but in the first show I watched what is almost the final cut of the film for the first show and you know what getting back to what we do best which is it's really well made and this is credit having a hovercraft through Russia yeah really well your bit was rubbish no the team around it it is fantastic to look at the stuff we make how well put together it is expel shock why never take wealth order and actually I'm looking forward to getting back an hour and say look this is what we do it's just a TV show we think it's quite good we hope you like it what's it about what are you well remember it's a to be I remember that when we did the race it's a genuine design like those ones where it's genuinely and so we did it in London a bicycle public transport car and the river yeah and which is the fastest way of going from one side of London to the other yeah and it was actually quite interesting there's a lot of people are faced with that sort of thing every day not just in London but all over the world and then Hammond won that on the bicycle yeah I think about that for a minute oh yeah you did win it on the bicycle most of my annoys Davis's annoyance as well and so we thought we'd do it again using a slightly better tailored car and in a different City and ended up in some Petersburg in Russia we're gonna top all that at the minute but right now you also went down on it's Australia for the very first time James house how was that to enjoy I did enjoy yes apart from the time difference thing where they keep as jeremy was saying they imagine that it's 8 o'clock in the morning when we know because we invented the time when you say they imagine it's a chocobo up well it is 8 o'clock the more than obvious of it they're late 8 o'clock in the evening they have to pretend it's a different time which must be really it's exhausting isn't it you know what it's either you go abroad and you say right it's 8 o'clock in the evening but ego no they're 5 hours behind or 6 hours ahead they have to do that all the time when they live there it goes 8 o'clock but what time is it actually verse one place it's fallen the orphanage they do speak English of a sorts there whereas if you go you know the problem with the broad is if you go to Germany say not only do you have to work out what the time really is you have to work out what you really mean say it in German and they mentally translate it back to english is what it meant in the first but before you can get everything you know fortunately we are international so we understand these things okay are we ready to see our first clip of the new series okay we've got clover the three boys down under in Australia this is the very first exclusive preview of the brand-new Top Gear series let's have a look first on our soup you will get your cars to round up 4,000 counts the forum is a big one 3 million acres boy I'm a fire there's a snake in here why do you stop a lot we have encountered a Road train I don't see how this can be a racetrack though Hey now this cows what's very funny there are three scenes in that I edited out yesterday they're gone someone's getting fired no no it's just you've seen something that you'll never see on television really yeah what did you like about them now they're just three bits that don't aren't funny so they'll just look at the thing I took away from that it's a couple of things one the cars you'll drive you what I already took them out no Jeremy they're still here yeah it doesn't work so what are you driving what are the cars a Bentley a BMW and a Nissan don't say deaths in a Rob Pattinson first time we've ever done one of these films or we take three modern cars and expensive ones it's very expensive but we deduced that sometimes we started with his hidden France and ten years ago where we took afford a Ferrari and a Zonda and then we done it in America and now we're doing it in Australia but for the first time ever all three of us like all three of those cars I still look at those three now even I was driving the BMW it's a fabulous fabulous car and look at Bennigan's sense there and the Nissa team says that and I know you two didn't say it's a different place it's a being excited to Hammond now which one would you choose he'd still good they're really good you joined him in the outback what's the deal with the cows well we took the cars well out of their comfort zone that was the main thing and they need around rounding up I mean the farm is at because hear me 3.2 million a million acre Oh which is and so when you we looking for 4,000 cows now we could have been in the equivalent of Southampton and they could have been inherit or Banbury or Dover it's that big that's how big the farmers and then so I said in one corner exactly so I said to the farmer how are we gonna find the mister don't when I put the more than one pet it for you I said that's very kind that should make it easier how BIG's apparently went 39,000 hikers that's a bother it's if you don't live in the country that's meaningless isn't it Australia needs a new unit of measurement because of the acreage said be not big enough I think that I'll 3.2 million acre funny you're cocky I'm a drummer and every distantly say wrong how does it take to get to the shop it's about 18 Aires he one time was sucked so they do need to sort of bit like the Italian leery you know you've got silly with a cup of coffee was 10,000 lira just doesn't work so you get the euro and it becomes more sensible it was a brilliant trip that we love the novel what rich I'm obviously giant basically hole in the ground well it was a big hole in the ground it is an old mine what did their mines oldest if they don't down there all the steel that built Shanghai came out of that hole in the ground it's a really big hole and we decided to make a good race track and a lot of dust but what happens though if you go over the edge and into the bottom of the hole yeah yeah go sky grand sky grand black hole 4,000 miles 400 kilometres it's all the way down so if you came off there yeah you go all the way down there and then you'd arrive there smash you'd still before it is like that that digger that you can see down the bottom which just looks like a digger that's actually about the size of the houses of parliament is Jenny because it's what you scared yeah no because we're incredible right nobody you'll see what honest answer changed at the end went yes I know the thing is I will see why James isn't scared yes in the film clever good tease James yes Christian now I know could happen notice that the Northern Territory I've been out there right doesn't have a lot of five-star hotels no so I'm taking you a camping yeah yes I don't want to give too much away again as Richard Hammond would say because I can't quite remember where we stayed but I remember that it why what happened was it that dramatic well it wasn't it wasn't luxurious no but it wasn't terrible was it and how did you get on camping I don't see you as a camper we do it a lot you may love it they love it I can't stop them he loves it and it's not so bad in Australia to be honest because the temperature is hot Pleasant yeah in the evening you know drops down to bad houndred 30 degree we were camped in the Himalayas and that was the only time ever that James has called me Jeremy there's nobody Clarkson or other words and I tried to stay warm by this pitiful fire that had been built and I walk past James's tent to get to mine and while in the morning or something and I just heard this but tear me from inside Easter and very unhappy and then I got into my tent and discovered why it was horrible cuz my pillow had been provided by the BBC and it was full of damp gravel well cold nobody was the coldest place in where we were up the Himalayas basically was it was bitterly bitterly cold the camp the bloke who organized the campsite who had been provided by the BBC he gave us a box of matches for the fire but I think the fire had to make the fire from the box of matches fine and I think we had one tin of warm beer to share but he knows the lavatory was a hole in the ground with the tent that fell on your head when you tried to go in it the tents were those things I didn't remember those tens used to get if you collected five tops off boxes of Weetabix but the tents that year the pillows were full of gravel the sleeping bag was was a gross packet you imagine everything bro well with these two that unstirred what are you doing like that I wanna move away no I live alone I slept like a baby that night I had a brilliant night but it was generally lots of beers and he said yes I have and they were the only warm things for a hundred miles in the only had one eat I had a bottle of scotch I got up in the night because I am I am gonna freeze to death I'm gonna go and find the car which I know was parked probably twice the depth of this theater when I got out of the tent which has largely fallen to bits by then anyway and I took about five play paces fell over a guy rope obviously because it's a campsite and this is last the summer white and then I realized was in the pitch black and I didn't know where the tent was all the kind I thought well that said its death I did think it was death it was it was the coast it was in the world we've been to the North Pole barmy is the word I by comparison with and because we've gone to India I had packed not speedos but I had nothing oh I on a minute no bit six discolor you can see though see hard burn in its burns done see it but yeah I had it I had no warm weather clothing at all I had socks on my hands to try and stay what it was hateful so and but with Australian camping apart apart from what the Australians tell you is full of wild animals eaten but big they've got animals there that cows cats dogs but they said it was to be honest camping there wasn't about we genuinely did love the Northern Territory really did like it okay now some I know top gear has some pretty diehard fans out there so well we mentioned what we're doing tonight inundated with questions from car nuts all over the world through the wonders of technology we have a question now from Jamie sent in all the way from New York hey guys my name is Jamie and I'm from New York and here is my question I know you've had many great moments throughout the entire run of Top Gear but is there one that stands out as your personal favorite thank you and I look forward to watching series 22 she's not wearing she's wearing James of the year he said Jesus it is a committees a serious pair Americans here in the audience no because I did not understand what word of that there is someone one over there what did she say anyone did anyone here understand a word of that this is one of the America's oldest you're horrible trouble notice what's her favorite moment from takia whatever yeah it was finally getting rid of that clue boy everyone wanna well who drove across Botswana Cuba one in the middle of the mechanic le salt flats and it sticks up like an island with baobab trees on him that was just yeah that is good that was because we were filming our it wasn't our first special it was the first special that was intended to be a special his America was our first special that was just an accident we just went on too long and then made it a special but smile away till all that good will do those well with no studio and that was a foot I mean knew it was working we knew this was great as he brought his blocks all and and the Saudis and the lands here and it was all everything was perfect and Botswana is perfect and then we arrived in the most perfect spot and I would say - Brian I liked it when James fell over in Syria hurts his head I was funny I liked it when James fell up the ramp getting off I liked when he fell off the hall yes when it when he fell up the ramp and landed on his right plumb trying to get do you remember the noise was annoyed it was some money remember this is with the cars below deny but arrived on a barge in a river in the jungle in South America in Bolivia and as James felt as Hammond says it the plank went up here and there was this noise and it was the sound of his right teste bursting and it was altering the memories we rather we did it was ha ha what was your favorite moment Leland said no I was saying it was Botswana cuz I was gonna say also that's what seven eight years ago name we can probably safely admit that it was just a holiday who was that one that t annual did was super it was it was such a good shoot it was fun to do we tented all the way across but again when you're in Botswana tenting there's eight they put hot water bottles in our she's sure a stand-up shower in your tent it was what I know it was it camp there was copper it was just a guy that looked after us was fabulous and everybody was wonderful and then the vice president who is now the president came out two wishes well driving across the salt pans which is quite funny cuz all the environmentalists back in England was saying that I go job ruin it and somewhat cause presidents have no you're not brain in a minute and little evidence of our visit will be gone but it was it was it was just a lovely lovely lovely she and the Vice President made the single coolest arrival I think anybody's ever pudding what we knew it was coming and if does he fly that things up so he flies like a microlight hang glider thing you know buzzes about under it and there was him and all his there all the rest of his mates watch has to Michael like yeah all the service they were in the sky and then on the ground there's just all the DES rising cuz there's a load more people on quads with guns and he arrived and it was like a bomb Thor brilliant but this it must eat cake needs a budget if the Deputy Prime Minister arrived everywhere on a powered hang glider yeah with armed bodyguards and soldiers with machine guns was very cool that would put Bratton back on them there okay Thank You Shuksan but to meet him you did sorry so you mentioned earlier uh your trip to st. Petersburg we've got a clip let's have a look at what happened breath ba be by air : right this is it who takes a bicycle with ease Oh God the I'm on your map I should have actually gone to the right u-turn some of that study today you're happy with that one no some of that Richard I think you had the toughest gig you're on the bike in a telephone yeah I wonder why I got stuck with the bike let's think um yeah well it was actually a seems a long way it didn't go entirely well either as it turns which you'll see on the show do you mean Richard Hammond not entirely well as in mmm but my mind use right bow case yeah looking guess you know what happens to me all the time yeah that happened again yeah I do I see stink advice in this race Stig's in the race cigs in the wresting was test public transport there's something rather funny I think when you see the Stig in the normal environment like in the middle of a city centre people's reaction I like the ones who don't react at all yes there are always funny no not only look it's like when you pull up in the traffic dam in Britain you're driving a really good car if we're testing a Ferrari or something you have those people normally in BMWs who can sit like that I'm not going to look I'm not going to give you the satisfaction but I can actually some of them can move their eyes round where everything seems for their head stays I have a look at it but you were in a hovercraft so what kind of reaction that if the Stig gets nothing a guy in a hovercraft my eyes were shut right it is extremely difficult as we proved when we built the hovervan and to drive a hovercraft because they have no brakes they sit you're on a cushion of air so you take your foot off the accelerator it just does and of course it was won't steer and well you can see the some of the problems I encountered it's extremely difficult to drive one of those things and in a crowded city or crowded waterways like that really difficult but I still maintain and I maintained it in London every city under uses the water wasted it out everybody should have come here tonight on a speedboat yeah I'm not sure hovercraft are they aren't so I would agree with you although I didn't know I didn't see what you were doing cuz I was busy riding the bicycle I've only seen it when I've seen the film yeah and I'm disappointed because I was pretty sure you were gonna die it is it is not a shred of goodness exactly the same Petersburg does use its what it's half a million people a year use the water ways to get about because they call that but not in hovercrafts yes there are a lot of hot across there they like millions off the marina but you see plenty and then Hydra Falls and speedboats and water taxis which is what every major city that has a river in it which is nearly every major city in the world should use its waterways more often I really do believe that now this is also race the last time you did it in London and you had that massive 4x4 is that when you went for that tiny little car yes well yes because see there's a funny difference on this when I chose what car I used when we did the London when they chose the car because it was a funny joke giving me that message Mercedes so that's a Renault Twizy it's electric it's ridiculous it's got two seats it's supposedly two seats yeah there's another one behind I wouldn't get in it but there is a second one in the back little bit right that's I like the way that on that the doors are optional extra fun you don't have to have full doors one time windows would you like doors yes is one yeah but they sort of they claim it's sort of the the modern equivalent of buying a scooter or a small motorcycle but it's a car but it isn't really cars motorcycle 7,000 7,000 pounds but then everyone abroad now tonight it's gonna have to work that out into their own currency and it's enough to go well that's about ten thousand dollars and they about ten thousand euros and the Swiss ice complicated just stick with pounds can I not be made to ride a bicycle on television again please cuz I've just was that one of the worst things you've actually had to do and all your damages letters look ridiculous axiomatic in late max it's goodbye undignified okay now it was Top Gear you should popular all over the world often North Korea but pretty much everywhere else coming up now we have another video question this one frog and I need to get this right hey Zeus in Mexico hi my name is Luis I'm from Mexico and a happiest question for you from all this cynic road you have driven which is the most beautiful he wants to know what's the most scenic route we ever went on J Chile kappa garris Chile but the stew is Chile the nice destroyer I ever had was in the Bolivia special I think Hammonds cook it was your card gone wrong that ridiculous Landcruiser James should stay behind with him some reason and I had to get to the coast that night because I'd know headlight so I had to get there before I had nothing really left on my Range Rover and I set off on my own and the Range Rover was on its last leg so I couldn't go faster than 40 or slower than 40 I had to just do 40 and I ended up getting across the Atacama Desert in my own and that was spectacular but then this year we ended up as you probably saw in the Patagonia special in a place called useless Bay down in Tierra del Fuego in Chile and that was absolutely lovely so there you go South America pecan it was called useless Bay which uses it's not the right name because it's utterly pitifully although he's called us Barry Morris every all the geological features they were named by the British by people either one in them also go to this divorce Mountain misery man divorce mountable is basically that we've had this before we found in Africa tin women they were all having an absolutely lovely time but they make it sound really scary so that it can take longer cuz otherwise I might have to go back in not where's it could spend three years exploring that turns out to me was it's terrifying the bay in horrible straits Portuguese Victoria for mounting the transfer garrison highway was quite nice scenic that is studies glorious in Romania I like that actually but at the end of filming in Australia we had a very nice drive in the dusk down some unsealed roads but very nice when we're still on that massive farm usually though there are a lot of extremely with roads here the one we haven't driven on yet is the Atlantic Road in Norway which is something I'd like to do one day but and there are some really very lovely roads I mean I think that that not necessarily where we film but the outs provides an awful lot when you get to those signposts and it says Geneva chiren nice do you think when I'm in a Robert Ludlum novel I really like I really do like that part because the roads are all the passes are fabulous that road from Davos to Cortina we did a Lamborghini your stupid Aston Martin and and them and the Porsche that was that was another Belgium telling has some questions here tonight um his work turns into question time ah where is Oliver on the front row okay Oliver has a question for the boys sake gallery I've got a question for you Oliver yes did you get that cut no I was being me no new ways it um how much time do you spend together outside the show no no this is it we had a call today it's like air sealed sealed units outside and then we combined on stage and then split again if you think about it we do the Top Gear live shows so we're together doing those we do this so we're together we are together Monday Tuesday Wednesday this week as we do the show and then we'll be filling in 30 it we spend we'd have to share an actual laboratory to spend more time to get yeah we see each other a lot the two last people on earth and I'm including kim jung-eun business that eyelid were to see socially are these two it's something that's how it worked it was no time apart and what there is is incredibly precious yeah i have the answer to questions where is Christina on the front rows I don't know where James got his shoes from either unfortunately because oh wow can we we need to get a look at these these are dizzy just turned up to they'll I just looked at hammered away I got nothing and he won't know making something snowing Irene match the cloud it was his birthday last week I suspect they're a present anyway just easily does my question is what's been your favorite car to drive from all the specials you've done impersonations yes Oliver I'm still got in him here yes you said this has no penis you don't know that it's not gendered if I brought for the specials that's good I did like that Porsche I think it's unlikely and alack the Cadillac from the bike on the horn I'd say the best joke ever on Hammond in this Cadillac because we we chose it from home obviously so I didn't get to drive it we just rang up and asked about it and I've got it and it was old and I thought what was it a Brougham wasn't it big square massive and it had the best horn in the world because it made the noise from sort of 1970s American film that the horn on a diesel locomotive not the whistle or the ding-ding-ding you know that sort of sounds like a lowing cattle on there and it was absolute if I wanted to bring the horn home with me I won't evening we were down in the deep south and we had to drive down a winding road to this what was a sort of plantation house wasn't it and you had to cross this railway line it was an unguarded level crossing there were no barriers and it was on the curve in the railway and someone would come on the radio and said just drive straight across look make sure there's no train coming and then go across smartly one at a time and I was behind Hammond and he got to this rail and it was getting a bit dark and I could see him looking around nervously and you can't see much of the track because there's occurred and he thought that I'll go for it and just as he got to the middle I just went and played this I was watching in the movie man I saw his face just go completely wide Hey no I would go with the poster I had in Argentina we saw you being stitched up on the bike in some Petersburg but that's nothing compared to Canada Richard what happened in Canada do you know it is nothing compared together no what we wanted to test the idea well me I thought it was all about testing these watches where you pull the little wire out and you get rescued so wherever you are in the world see those because I collect watches yeah so you're in the bar huh with you mate I doubt it they're meant for that no no don't that's a bet they're bought by people who play golf a lot but imagine they're explorers you might get stuck in a jungle see boy yeah and you will be rescued sir Aviv I was dispatched to as it turned out though I didn't know the time somewhere in the wilds of Canada up on top of a mountain pushed out of a helicopter with my bag and told to pull a little thing on the watch and then I'd be rescued which is good but the signal would be received by James and Jeremy who would come a restaurant once I survived minus 20 we need to see this I think we should have a look at what happens this will happen when Richard Hammond was dropped into a deep freezer I am now marooned here wherever there he'll here is the watch has now sent my exact location to a highly-trained search-and-rescue team what is that oh I think this is the signal from Richard Hammond we really do need to get on this James so could we see the pudding menu television presenter from Birmingham not Beth grill you mr. love spy out today are we yeah what a rotten bit of luck did you get jamon back sorry I'm gonna be able to make it when that goes I won't give away how long Richard was out there but it was a long time wasn't it yeah what will be really funny is that thanks to some other television presenters here we know no fake things everybody will say to Richard you weren't really up there all that time by yourself but how far down the list would these to be of the least person the least people you want to be rescued by if it weren't infinitesimally long yes still it you can't get far enough down for where their names would be their biggest give him too much way to say that James and I didn't rush I think that's fair enough isn't it James we didn't yeah it was when we got to the point and they were saying well we could because we were in London when we got the message that he was in Western Canada and and we renamed there to sometime we were still in London several days later and genuinely he was on I know he was he was in his little mate ship ship makeshift shelter on the mountain and it got to the point when somebody said that we could fly Delta and I said no I don't like their seat upholstery so it was we were down to that level of it Wow there was one flight they offered us but it went from Gatwick and I hate Gatwick guys can't stand so and the watch it is it really like an action man yeah pull it out yeah it sends a little little signal it sends a signal to a normal circumstance it sends it to an international rescue type deal you then contact the nearest proper search-and-rescue team who will go and get you the fine for pulling it out while drunk at your golf club is enormous but they will come and rescue you if you're stuck but we just asked the International rescue people instead of getting Canadian air sea rescue to go and get him to tell us to get you and we were having an agreeable lunch at a Polish restaurant in London and we weren't gonna rush that one more we don't know speaking on phone and we got another video question now all the way from Poland let's have a look at this one gotcha from Poland my question for you is what was the strangest thing you've ever had for breakfast during one of your trips thanks for the answer I love that is the world's biggest car show then you open up yourself to the world of questions it's the worst of wings at the breakfast as big as shell of any sort no oh god yes probably this is the world's most watched factual show jaws amuses me because they're both facts inaccurate anyway um well we have resolved for breakfast I'm not sure we've hot listening we've well know in Vietnam we at some particular I know I know Burma we had grasshoppers so the grasshoppers they were delicious actually there I sucked the brains out of a sparrow in Hanoi see that sounds like a Keith Richards recollection there i suck the brains out of a sparrow the other day dare call it whirring ah man the man in Reykjavik who served me a beautiful whale-steak and said would you like me to grate some Guillemette on that something would be grating some kilowatt which is lovely then we have a set of rules in Britain about what we can and can't will and won't eat but when you travel around the world people have different rules and there's no point going I only like poached eggs um as well just to you know just say you eat grasshoppers you suck the brains out of snails you eat whales well you know let's get cracking try it a caterpillar thingy in Burma it did I could definitely do that we'll starve to death yes so I gather we Larry it was nice I was horrible wasn't this is cuz it's a sober me okay ah where the thing you had for breakfast I think you one strike kedgeree didn't you know it's quite weird yeah it's got rice and bits in it I don't like it right I think we've got another question from someone in the audience tonight uh Martin why are you Martin Martin ah what's your question question was um what's the biggest disagreement that you guys have ever had on Top Gear there just half of it what don't say that we'll go round it again whatever it was and it'll be awful the biggest disagreement well that doesn't narrow it down very much does it I think James and I had a pretty heated debate in the hotel room in Argentina over whether or not glass was see-through a deity did um only won't a glass is see-through James argue that it isn't that ran on so that went on a bit and then quite a big one in the North Pole about sandwich spread but we ended up agreeing on that off your order how can you argue about sandwich spread when you're with someone for eight days eight days driving along in a car and then being hemmed within the tent it's extraordinary how far down the conversational food chain you go you have to stop in the view is a bit monotonous after a while in the North Pole if you just sit at home and open your freezer door and look at it for three weeks that's sort of what it's like so you have to find things to talk about and because you're going to be in the car for eight ball between 8 and 15 hours and the way to st. was obviously uninterrupted your you have to make the subject it's a bit like Radio 3 you have to make a small amount of material go a very long way got this we started just fantasizing about simple food and so we drive just pandering I'd like a plate of tongue with some Branston Pickle mmm yes and then they'd be a half an hour gap and then you'd go a piece of cheddar that makes the top of your mouth slightly itchy for days and days and days and then we don't really disagree much what do we do we disagree about it we know we do they only agree on just about three things oh that's true the Subaru there is he right yeah maybe five series both series and we all know there was a foodstuff we all like yeah we did fine cuz sandwich members only you and me yeah and the beans and sausages was only me in Hamlet and take these apologies visible sausage who is a third thing we agree on but I remember what it is yeah and then we'll disagree what it is is it most potato no it wasn't our they'll speak further on here this is scintillating we need to promote another craft um Tony where's Tony Tony please save us Tony there what car do you most regret selling at the Karl I most regret selling would be my Alfa GT v6 so I think gonna do - that was a cracking I well it didn't work ever as much like the Ford GT every car I ever buy doesn't work my Range Rover is now running on seven cylinders which is old so it is odd it's an odd noise well the GT v6 is the car there still to this day mate makes the nicest noise of any car I've ever driven James will bow to you well actually mine's an alpha which was that one 64 I had which had essentially the same engine slightly bigger but made the same nice bourbon oiz and I really loved that car you know in an inexplicable wit selfishly most regret selling Hammond I have never owned an Alfa I know so you aren't Petelin I sold a 550 and I regret that how long till mr. Ferrari yeah not BMW 550 no I was gonna say that a diesel F but glorified I saw you go gents any service that's the other thing I like the way you talk about these car us as if it was ex-girlfriend's the one you let go the one that got away Sally airline it is that another alpha yeah okay um mine always let me go that was the problem so this is the first job James has ever had he hasn't been sacked from yes yes no I do i what is because we we've said this before Alfre mayor's are they Dave you wouldn't know but they do worm know anyone got an outfit I don't got it with me here if they did they were their way into your hearts much more than any other you know you're just driving a Fiat with an alpha badge on it but somehow there's something about an alpha and when they go it's like you've lost a dog or a member of the family yes it is I know you'll find that hard to believe alphas are much more human or but they have much more personality than any other car which is why they go wrong a lot like should they are they're they're like human beings they have faults they go wrong you should try a Hammond I'm yeah this is the year you didn't need you know the hell fruit of an alpha you've always got something to think about not when will I get there but will I get there okay so talking about all the amazing cars and these beautiful fond memories let's have a look at some of the amazing cars coming up in the brand-new series fueled up announcer a puffed up as the revs climb the jackhammer really kicks in this is what a supercar is supposed to look like I mean the hybrid trousers this is a revelation a well-sorted that's a proper if you want to save the planet drive fast can I just say this is a 10-week run we do have more than three cars yeah more than that studio director Brian is phenomenally lazy but that's face it we're gonna need at least 10 on yeah he's been Herculean there and he's laziness there are more cars than that we fill but those are your favorites no but I honestly chosen cars that are pretty colors yeah so in this usage blue yeah in this new series about these cars they are quite exciting liberal the Lancer it's not real it's it's it's it's whether you go for the love begins you go out to Italy to test though I know we did that here anti track oh sorry it's for hmm yes Ron they make them there and did you really like the the hyper I liked it very much but there are other cars I can't remember for the life of me what they are now on the Sunday night James the laferrari was it your one yeah the Reverend is laugh a daddy yes is that good you don't that one yeah it was all right actually that's pretty much the review what a million songs it's 1 million pounds but they've had to translate that from lira or groats or whatever they have over there and the name is a problem because that's again the problem of people not just speaking English and insisting on translating things into another language of back again so laugher Ally I think means the Ferrari but you can't refer to it is the laferrari it's bit like the Renault Laguna it's the the guna you can't have the the Ferrari I don't understand what he's on about I they if suddenly saves in the pub but I tell you what those long winter evenings ago flies trying to say is it's called the Ferrari the Ferrari yeah it's the Ferrari laferrari what else have we forgotten what other cars roof so many things many many other cars many an old off-roader I drove I drove it home it's the end there's a low drag eat the low drag Jack the f-type coupe a definitely there and yeah yep I drove a Lotus Esprit but you've already seen that bit I can't remember this is hopeless next week the Corvette could you come back over yeehaw that's a very good car oh yes it's the Mercedes GT with the 911 Turbo oh yeah yeah that's that was it's coming back to his neck like it's all coming back yeah we're there now okay so we asked people on the Top Gear Facebook page if there was anything wanted to ask and one subject came up time and time again in fact it was the hot topic and it involves you James does all the random questions here about this topic Rona leaks for many people online James how to get your hair in such amazing condition on all those road trips around the world I'm not making this up it was the biggest thing they wanted me to ask you Turtle Wax bucket why because your world because I'm finding where say it gives it shine and makes the water runoff it's a convenient way um Hammond and I have an answer but we can't say it what is the first half turtle but something else it comes out this backside no no exactly okay now the world other questions that weren't about James's hair here's another one from a fan called Andre in Indonesia hello Top Gear presenters my name is Andre I'm 17 years old from Indonesia and I'm a huge huge fan of Top Gear I have a question for you if you were to buy the ads a car of any sort based on their each of their personality what would you buy them and why for what reason so if we were to buy each other a car yes I'll buy you both something incredibly dangerous and underline hi James a rover 90 hi Jeremy something with running boards now you'd have a ribbon I Drive it's sort of brown and would be driven by country doctrines in the sixty I'd buy you something hideously R oral thank you are probably already really annoyed by you an Audi a6 oh my god that's okay that's really if you're having and using everyday I have to buy used I'm afraid it's a turn to picnic this is yeah it's another thing you're gonna really like it toys a picnic was okay James here it is this is what you get a Lexus SC 430 oh now I'm going to buy you that tiny little die hatsue people carrier that was only about as big as that television screen what was it called the does it can anybody remember apps in minut do you never know it's like a bed for Dracula no no much more than that the die hats see what the Matisse died yet though who said that it's filled in or lemme out of Motorhead I thought it was a hat yet so a selection of really bad vehicles would buy for one another will eyes on Joyce knows it would be questioned Rover Land Rover Clara people they're not get out of here would you'd hate it should actually be a big old American town I wouldn't know I'm sorry in your mind you'd have a Lotus Elise but in reality you'd have a an old 50's land yacht I think lot of noise to very little effect you're very triumph Mayflower so I have made yeah very Jerry that's anyway we've done that we've covered that from Indonesia okay right we've seen these guys an accident in Australia Russia and Canada but the winds are somewhere even more exotic than that Kent oh and Wells let's have a look at several things Top Gear has been doing closer to home not much ooh incoming message a meteorite has landed on the town of field that has come all the way from outer space not like American Top Gear lap British Top Gear and that's absolutely it's okay and say it is okay geez all of them are is why don't you stand there you idiot is filling up I'd be sick of me I'm coming sky we've get to the sick in a minute just another day they tell me about the damn yeah and Rover I know you Jenny look more terrified than any other time on Top Gear yeah I was a bit nervous it was it's the end of the defender this year Land Rover are finally killing it off and so I did suffer I did a sort of a roundup and a goodbye to it and that was part of that it's actually a horizontal down we just put the cat like that man is to walk up the building it was it was quite tense yes are you scared from the start as you start to go up or wasn't that a little bit yeah I was scared four days before his Land Rover did it in an advert whether a car winds itself up or down but in actual fact when they made it for the ad the winch wasn't on the car the winch was at the top and we wanted to do it properly because that's what we're known for across the world doing things properly so I put the winch on the car and it winds itself at the dam long and short of it was bloody terrified yeah really horrible uh you'll known as Captain slow but you're a runny cross they're good fun yeah it wasn't very fast oh you say that again it was it's quite good fun yeah it's the quickest car in the world from sort of nought to about fifty or sixty miles an hour it is so blindingly quick it's I mean it's a rally car is geared very short blah blah technical stuff but the gear change he says you have to change the gear very quickly I was going yep that's alright I'm ready for that it's a sequential crash bit gearbox but as you pull away it is actually EE and it is that quick five gears and then you have to brake for the bend and then it's it's if he's making it sound exciting Hammond and I were watching and I worked out that he's the first person in motor racing history who went faster on the motorway on the way home he did you and you and an ambulance what was going on we were all in ambulances we do this from time to time we looked at police cars a little while back and and came up with I thought some rather good ideas for how to make them better and we've done it now with ambulances does he look now at ambulances in their their full transit vans I mean if one of us had forbid were to be taken ill now and we needed an ambulance what they're sending to get is a Ford Transit with a diesel engine and a very heavy box on the back and it takes a very long time so we think speed and power matter and so we try to speed up and it's called relevant at the moment with the debate on rating times and so on so I think you know I Drive through fences yes because like that's another thing ambulances do is they tend to stick to the roads why would you do that so we've got a number of different ambulances and then we had to do various tests to see which one of us had made the the best one and it was me yeah me it was actually me one of his hand you've got Covenant you got covered in sick again without you can't image away we have to conduct various tasks medical type tasks honor on a thing in the back of our ambulance was it's been driven by the Stig long and short of that was it was sick on me we had to put my habit sir in it oh yeah that was quite a why'd you do that which is this and it's a very very realistic dummy which is used for training well had to put a catheter in while being driven at high speed off-road by the Stig into an extremely realistic sausage and you have to put a pipe up it's Willy easy as possible to while it's being sick on you or we on you all the other thing and it was I'll be as I'll be honest it was beastly but um the remember another test I've just thought of something good god I forgot to do that bit so my patients probably exploded I completely forgot I forgot the catheter I completely forgot I became completely transfixed with the catheter and can do anything other than the catheter yeah a very neat urinary system that he died so it was no but that was a good fun item but I think you know those things I would I like doing on top gear as you take something where you think oh yeah it's a good point I see because when you think is the ambulance coming yes is it the Ferrari and I'm afraid it's a Ford Transit diesel you do just momentarily think that is a bit silly actually what you need from an ambulance is speed so um that's why just momentarily when you want say they weren't a good idea I mean very soon after as you think that just idiots and they've made ridiculous things and that's what Top Gear is all about really is it addressing a problem that really does exist and then making a mess of it I also now want to see you in episode of Holby City with Tina Hobley yeah I'm not the catheter well that's what I was thinking right so that the new series is back next week he series is back next week what big gest have you got coming up star in a reasonably well you know after 22 right series runs it's you know the most of the guests who want to do it have now done it and we know you've been around twice big like Coogan & Gamble and so on the ones who are very interesting cars Cowell and so on so obviously you have to come bit down the food chain and Graham Norton is now a huge huge pull for people coming over from America we'll go and grab so so we reduced to or so on his ed Sheeran Wow Kiefer Sutherland okay chuckling Will Smith but no we it's a genuinely remarkable lineup of guessing there are there are others of bubbling under in the pie probably you know what it's like getting guests on in the morning or in the evening for us because we have to have to come on the guest comes to do your show or to do Grail you turn up say I love everybody isn't everybody lovely fluffy bunny rabbit Oh funny anecdote go home Latakia you've got to get there for lunch and then spend all day with a man who won't talk to you in a white helmet you don't know who he is it's gray and the food's rubbish and you go round and round and round trying to get a fast time at a car with a steering wheel on the wrong side and then a fat man with idiotic hair laughs at you for a bit is rude to you and then you go home bewildered not say to your agent who the hell put me on that ship so it's quite difficult to get guests um ed Sheeran icy road edge heart he hasn't got a driving right no I know but then we've had Johnny Vegas who didn't have a driving light Hanson we had Jack wild didn't ever a driving last but the state teachers in the rudiments of driving and there were laugh at his pitiful attempts to get around the track sadly that's all we have time ever seen game and I really hope that's whet your appetite for the brand-new series of Top Gear which starts here in the UK next Sunday the 25th of January at 8 p.m. BBC 2 please check your local listings for timings finally please join me in thanking Jeremy Clarkson Richard Halloween and James night this is very little Top Gear goodnight you
Channel: Top Gear
Views: 4,919,212
Rating: 4.8696451 out of 5
Keywords: BBC, BBC Worldwide, Top Gear, Top, Gear, Topgear, Cars, Car, Autos, Auto, Motoring, Jeremy Clarkson, Jeremy, Clarkson, Richard Hammond, Richard, Hammond, James May, James, May, The Stig, Top Gear (TV Program), live event, q and a, an evening with, an evening with top gear, #eveningwithtg
Id: F8T1rMsJtQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 53sec (3233 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 18 2015
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