Keith Moore You Choose Pt 1 Whos In Control

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hey man thanks guys y'all can be seated are we glad to be in church with each other with the Lord this morning it is so important I the further I go the more I see how significant these times together are do you believe we need to hear from him regularly and his words are like bread and food to our body that Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God and they are life to those that find them in health and medicine to all their flesh thank you Lord so we come together for the Lord to feed us and minister to us help us heal us get us all built up and stirred up turn us loose on the world is that right such as you have that's what you can give and if you're running on empty you ain't got much to give right so the church is the filling station right come in get filled up go out and bless somebody how many like the sound of that if you didn't bring a Bible with you hold your hand up real high the ushers have extra Bibles would be glad to let you use one of ours and you can turn with us to Roman's the eighth chapter I have the privilege this week of ministering in the southwest believers meeting and of the Copeland's ministry a couple of times actually and and what an honor that is and so if you think about it believe with me and for all the speakers for utterance and anointing and the presence of the Lord exactly what he would accomplish in this great meeting and Phyllis speaking in Sarasota I guess was speaking in Sarasota they're probably through but now but things are going well down there and just clicking right along they're growing and increasing and isn't it wonderful are we all in faith that just in a short amount of days we'll have two strong churches we got two churches but they're getting stronger right all the time strong churches and everything paid for every thing everything and the Lord is getting the church and you and I our families and our businesses and our ministries and individuals in the best shape of our life spiritually in our families in our finances why so we can come up to a whole nother level of doing things for him and being a blessing to many that's what this word production centers about and I believe it will mirror things in your life personally and you know everything that it produces after its own kind I know that people all through the church would be sowing into this have and will sow into this word production center well every seed produces after its own kind what kind of harvest should that produce in your life well that's you coming up to another level of ability hmm that was just three amens and a few nods huh how many think every seed produces after its own kind right and so what's happening there the results then as you're involved in that is going to come back on you personally and Minister Li and in your business somebody say coming up to a whole nother level then the Bible talked about from faith to faith and glory to glory and there's always more and in bigger and better and further and greater in him he never Peaks he never gets the place where he goes that that's all in praying about today in the upcoming weeks and this season I was impressed to begin a new series this morning and I'm excited about it and now I want us to release our faith let's just pray right now and we're praying not only for right now but we're praying for the whole series we're praying for what will come out and how many remember that what it comes out here affects other people other places and other times folks could be feeding on these things 10 years from now the Lord tarries has come and so it's very important that it comes out all that he would and it comes out right so let's let's believe father in the name of Jesus we agree is touching these things asking you for perfect doctrines asking you for divine direction that you would unveil and reveal to us your will your ways your plans your purposes what is true and what is not what is right and what is not right and we ask that you'd give us and those that would listen and see after us eyes to see and ears that hear in hearts and minds it's open and discerning and understanding and grace to will and to do of your good pleasure and we purpose not to be forgetful hearers but to be doers of what you show us and we know as we do and when we do you're faithful to watch over your word and perform it in our lives and we thank you for that in advance in Jesus name Amen everybody say Amen that means so be it so be it the things that we're getting into this morning that have been going over in my heart and mind for a long time years but especially throughout this year so far it just has kept coming up to me kept coming up to me and it's kind of like been a big pot on the back burner you know just simmering and and how many some things need to cook for a while and it's something some things I've known a little bit about but I'm getting more light on and you know how these things work again and again in this series we've started out in one place and forward through the Lord has got us to a whole different place because that's just how he is he he does exceeding abundantly above what you asked our thought so we've prayed and the Lord's heard our prayer these phrases have have bothered me and I've known a few things about why but that's we're going to get into them now some things that are widely held by probably the majority of Christian folks but what they need to be examined because there are some things in or woven and an attached to them that are simply not right and it's hindering folks statements like these God is in control have you heard that and God has a purpose for everything and there you know there must be a reason I just believe there's a reason for everything God is sovereign what does that mean is the word sovereign even in the Bible anywhere is it a lot of your modern translations put it in there but search the scriptures I can't see that it's in there anywhere if it's not even a verse that says God is sovereign why would you be so adamant about it and make such a big deal out of it what does it mean can you tell us already quiet you have to watch about taking a truth and making it the only truth all the Scriptures agree right and there are some real problems with the things that we're talking about there there's some folks that are adamant I know the first year I was speaking in this church that we started there was a guy came down and caught me minister after the service and he was upset and he said God is sovereign he's very adamant about it God is sovereign and if he if he wants to do something it's gonna be done I don't care what you think or I think God is sovereign where is that verse friends let let's discipline ourselves and let's examine our beliefs right I know when I'm in the first year I was there at Rhema Bible School the Lord spoke that to my heart in the time of seeking Him he I don't mean I heard a voice but inside me very specifically he said Keith examine everything you believe everything you believe find it in the scriptures no exceptions it was a charge to me and so as the days went by something had come up and he'd remind me where is that at so I'd begin my search some things I found it yeah that's right but other things I searched and searched and I could not find it anywhere actually found some scriptures that contradicted it so and sometimes I eventually realized I heard a preacher say that when I was 10 years old I heard grandpa we said that are y'all with me now and it was wrong when they said it and it's still wrong today we always be friends what did the word actually say not what somebody turned twisted it to say are added to or so well that's what he meant now let's just let him say what he said right I actually had another guy this years ago oh this is 20 years ago or so plus now I was preaching in healing school and guy came down and said you said such and such I said no I didn't he said yes you did I said no I didn't don't think so he said you did I was sitting in the service you said it I said they have tapes find it bring it to me see you tomorrow next day he came I said what about it he said well you didn't exactly say that he said but that's what you meant oh really the people have selective hearing they can hear what they won't hear no matter what you said and they can take what they heard and turn it into something else and all friends we got to watch that about the word of God don't we we should discipline ourselves did he actually say that where did he say that and not assume and not presume and not just take people's blanket statements and just because so many people believe it assume that it's right or so where did he say it where is it at let's examine some of these things God is in control God is in control of what of what people say everything God's in control of everything is he let's start with you let's just go back as recently as yesterday God was in complete control of everything you said and did yesterday huh huh whether you ate cornflakes or raisin bran was the predetermined foreordained will and plan of the Almighty you were for ordained to eat cornflakes and could not have eaten raisin bran if you tried [Music] true or not come on oh you can't we can't have it both ways is God in complete control of everything hmm everywhere you went yesterday was the predetermined for ordained everything you bought everything you ate everything you ate everything you ate was the foreordained predestined will of God huh well if there's some stuff that wasn't the predestined for Dane will of God then there's other stuff God is sovereign God is in control then these are pillars of Christian conviction aren't they where did he say it is that what he said or have folk just made up sometimes now it's quiet in here you're bleeping with me right we believe it where can we find the answers to these kind of things we're only one place not your opinion not mine not any preachers or theologians the Scriptures are the only acceptable final answer on the subject right I know I've I've talked to people young people they were getting a hold of God you know and you got to watch about youth in the Lord and couldn't be 70 years old and be a baby in the Lord Youth can be zealous but ignorant and this one young man was trying to tell me he said now I'm telling you God's in control God is in control and if it's not his will it can't happen and nothing happens except it's his will God is in control he said if I if I step out in the road then from that truck if it's not God's will for me to die I can't die really really and he was controlling whether you ate cornflakes or raisin bran whether you wore red shirt or a white one was foreordained from before the foundation of the world whether you wore brown socks or black hmm you got folks that are just claiming God's will God's will God's will God's will God's will must not be God's will must be God's will must not be well if God wanted me to have a job I'd have a job must not be the will of God for me to have a job so it was the predestined foreordained plan of god for you to lay on the couch and watch TV all day that was God's amazing wise plan well if God wanted me to be married I'd be married wanted me to have a spouse I'd have one if it happens it was his will if it don't it wasn't it's up to him he's in control and you see people in situations that are heartbreaking and terrible things and Christians and preachers telling each other you know what God must have had some reason he must have had some reason and all these people died in this horrible death God must have some purpose he must have some reason really I think it's obvious that we're not in control of everything I said we anybody to agree about that I think it's obvious we're not in control of everything there's a lot of things we we can't control can't control can't change but on the other hand is God making all the decisions is he are all the things that are happening on the planet his choice his will his pleasure so what's the truth the truth is the word not added to not taken from not twist it around can you save me some folks quote and say well yeah but you know the Bible says all things work together for good that's part of a verse go to it Romans 8 Romans 8:28 what does it say we know that all things work together for good is that the end of the end of the sentence into the phrase no well everything everything works out for the best everything oh you know God has a purpose we may not understand it but but everything always works out for the best really really everything always works out for the best for everybody really no all things work together for good to a specific group of people to them that what does everybody love God of course not so is everything working out just as good for people who don't even believe in God as for those who love God there's not to them that love God to them who are called according to his purpose that love him No go with me if you would to the book of Deuteronomy and let's begin to see some answers to these things listen to the language that a lot of folks use and talking about they say well it must be the will of God or it must not be what kind of language is that that's the language of someone who doesn't know it maybe it could be that means they don't know don't have a clue they're guessing right in Deuteronomy the 11th chapter you begin to see revelation little answer some of these questions before before we do that let me let me just back up a little bit don't you don't have to turn to these they'll put them up on the screen for us but let me let me say some things that we do know and we do believe in Isaiah for instance the 46th chapter isaiah 46:9 put that up for us please he said remember the former things of old for I am God and there is none else I am God and there is none like me can we believe that absolutely verse 10 declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that are not yet done saying my counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure can we believe that should we believe that absolutely does that necessitate that he's making every decision for us does that mean that to see can you see what we're talking about people have taken a truth and then they've applied it to mean things that it didn't say let's just do what he said and if we don't understand how all of it works out just say I don't understand but I know this this is true right he is this way verse 11 keep reading he said yea I have spoken it I will bring it to pass I have purposed it I will also do it tell Mike the things he said was going to happen the things he said he would accomplish and would transpire how many can accept that absolutely but does that mean he's making everybody's decisions in the world for and if they have no options and choice that's not the same thing in Isaiah excuse me not not as their acts the fifteenth chapter in eighteenth verse acts 1518 known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world do you believe that we can believe that acts 17 26 and 27 God has made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation 27 that they should seek the Lord if haply they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us can I believe that hmm yeah but you got to watch about going further and say well that means this let's just stay with what he said right don't add to it don't take from it don't change it just but believe what he said but don't turn it into something else you see the picture of how God has always been with mankind in Deuteronomy the eleventh chapter really threw out that that book Deuteronomy 11 and 26 he said Deuteronomy 11 26 behold I set before you this day a blessing and a curse a blessing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this place a curse if you will not obey the commandments of the Lord your God everybody say if if if if you will and if you will not result in two very different outcomes don't they if you will blessed if you won't cursed if God is in complete control of everything there is no if oh y'all with me Saints there can be no if if what's going to happen in our life has been predetermined no matter what we do or don't do then there is there can be no if but if there's an if it means it's not all up to him it's not all up to him anybody remembers Jesus teaching the disciples and us to pray what is it Matthew 6:10 or so put that up let me see if that's right or not Matthew 6:10 what we call the Lord's Prayer what did the master say pray like this our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come what thy will be done hmm where in earth how as it is in heaven now why would he tell us to pray that if it if it's already being done why would we need to pray that it would be done right in fact why pray at all if God's gonna do what he's gonna do no matter what you do how would you pray old great sovereign God I know you're gonna do what you gonna do no matter what I do so why am i praying just do what you gonna do no he told us pray that God's Will would be done on the earth the very fact that he says do that means it's not being done it's not being done in its entirety or completely and he wants it to be how many believe the will of God is completely fulfilled in heaven but is it exactly like that down here are you going to say that earth is doing as good as heaven surely not that the will of God is being affected and accomplished just as much in the earth as it is in heaven right now today is Sunday huh surely you won't say that which reveals why you need to pray right there God's Will would be done on earth as it is in heaven if God is in complete control of everything there can be no if are y'all with me friends and we definitely got some ifs don't oh man you're to go through this passage here and and and circle or underline every if oh it's just every other verse if if if if you do this and if you do this and if you do but if you don't if you don't do and if you don't do and if you don't do completely different lives completely different results completely different outcomes so can you say both outcomes are equally the plan of God and the will of God let's keep reading skip on down to I tell you what how'd you place in Deuteronomy and go over to second kings to what you'd notice there second Kings - this is the story of Elijah and Elijah and the time when Elijah was about to be taken up and Elijah sure you know was hanging with him that day clothes he had told him two or three times you can stay here you don't have to go he said oh no no I'm staying I'm staying with you where you go or I'm go and some of that some of the other young prophets were saying did you know do you know Lord's gonna take your master today he says I know it hush that's why you couldn't pry them apart with a crowbar that day but anyway it came right down to a second Creek second Kings two and nine it came to pass when they were going over that Elijah said unto Elijah ask what I shall do for you before I'll be taken away from you and Elijah said he didn't have to think he knew exactly he was on his vision list he said I I want a double portion of the Spirit that's on you on me that's what I want that's what I want verse 10 and Elijah said if it is in God's plan don't forget to if it will be Elijah according to God's plan period huh Elijah why even ask that question because you know that if it was meant to be it will be and if it was not meant to be it will not be and it was up to God we'll see what did he say what did he say he said you've asked a hard thing you you and I said you have hauled off and asked the big one buddy yeah you ain't messing around what's the next word if if you see me when I'm taken away from you it shall be so to you you get it but if not it shall not be so something as important as the the strongest prophetic ministry in the nation in the world his successor is not set in concrete are you listening to me friends that's right you couldn't say if do we believe these words are not so long folks believe that and they just shake their head they they don't accept that oh no no no it was always ordained that Elijah follow Elijah and that had to be that couldn't have been any other way this says it could have been if somebody say if he said if you see me when I go then you'll get it but but but but do we believe this part or not do we believe it or not but if you don't if not it shall not be so it won't happen well you can see why he was sticking like glue that day right I mean he you can see why he already had that in his spirit didn't he I got to stay and stick and he did and it was so because he did see and he was there go with me to Deuteronomy I know these are some so-called holy holy sacred cows I can hear them lowing can't you wore these these are these are old cows he has been around for centuries many these big fat cows but there's still cows they're not truth they're a piece of truth with something else stuck onto it and it's been working in my spirit strong for the last year or so I'm excited I'm believing for revelation are you believing with me I just I know in my spirit there is a bunch of stuff that has been accepted and believed about God that is junk it's not right and it's why folks are just in this rut and they're bored and they're not getting results cause it's a bunch of junk it ain't right but when the when the veil gets pulled back and you see that's also when you get persecuted because it's different and folks but folks love their old cows oh they're old cows they love their old sacred cows more than anything some do but how about us we go love the word more than what grandma and them believed come on more than any denomination or group or anything I always thought or you always thought I'm saying Lord teach me show me I want to know where I've thought wrong do you say with me out loud Lord I want to know where we thought wrong where we've believed wrong anything we've accepted about you that's not true show us reveal it to us thank you for it in Jesus name Amen we'll get ready but now part of it is what we've already been through part of it is us having the diligence and discipline to examine what we believe every time do do what the Lord dealt with me to do back years ago that I'm still doing today every time you think of something you believe don't just go well yeah we all believe that no where is it and did it say that exactly or some stuff been made up out of it in Deuteronomy we're in the 11th chapter skip on down to the 27th chapter thank you lord Deuteronomy 27 and down about verse 11 I'm moved I'm moved too quick hold you place they'll put this up on the screen in Deuteronomy 11 I didn't read far enough Deuteronomy 11 26 prepare you don't have to move necessarily but no I didn't finish the Lord's that I set before you this day a blessing and a curse keep going a blessed thing if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you this day keep going a curse if you'll not obey the commandments of the Lord your God but turn aside out of the way I commanded you to go after other gods which you've not known keep going and it'll come to pass he said when the Lord your God has brought you into the land where you go to possess it that you shall put the blessing of power upon Mount Gerizim and the curse upon Mount Ebal now this is the perfect picture of an answer to what we've been talking about God said when you come into the Promised Land I want you to do this in front of the whole nation you talk about doing something big to mountains and he said I want certain individuals I want you to stand over on this mountain and I want you to declare the curses and certain individuals you stand over here on this mountain and you declare the blessings what is that showing you you've got a choice right you know this way or you can go this way you go this way you get the curse you go this way you get the blessing now in the 27th chapter keep reading verse 11 Moses charged the people that same day he said these shall stand upon Mount Gerizim to bless the people when you come over to Jordan Simeon Levi Judah Issachar Joseph and Benjamin and these will stand upon Mount Ebal to curse Reuben GAD Asher Zebulun Dan nathalie and the Levites will speak and say unto all the men of Israel with a loud voice cursed be any man that makes a graven or molten image verse 16 cursed he that sits liked by his father a mother cursed he that removes a neighbor's landmark cursed he that makes the blind I wonder out-of-the-way cursed he's a perverts judgment of a stranger and the 20 21 22 23 is cursed those that are immoral sexually cursed be he that smites his neighbor secretly verse 24 cursed be he that takes reward display an innocent person and then verse 28 this was not written in chapter and verse it all flowed together it'll come to pass if if you'll hearken diligently to the voice of the Lord your God to observe and do all the commandments which I command you this day the Lord your God will set you on high above all nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come on you and overtake you if everybody say if if you'll hearken to the voice of the Lord your God blessed shall you be in the city blessed shall you be in the field blessed shall be the fruit of your body fruit of your ground fruit of your cattle an increase of your kind bless your being your basket in store blessed when you come in blessed when you go out verse 8 the Lord will command the blessing upon you in your storehouses and then all that you set your hand unto he'll bless you in the language the Lord your God gives you verse 11 the Lord will make you plenteous in goods blessing blessing blessing verse 15 but it'll come to pass if you will not hearken to the voice of the Lord your God verse 16 cursed shall you be in the city cursed in the field cursed in your basket cursed cursed cursed now skip on down you're there in the 28th chapter to the 30th chapter and the eleventh verse and this is the good news translation I'm going to read Genesis excuse me Deuteronomy 30 and 11 he said the command that I'm giving you today is not too difficult or beyond your reach keep going it's not up in the sky you don't have to go to ask who's going to go up and bring it down for us so we can hear it nobody keep going nor is it on the other side of the ocean you don't have to ask who will go across the ocean and bring it to us so that we may hear it and obey it this is quoted in the book of Romans you remember reading verse 14 now it's here with you you know it and can quote it so now do it obey it you don't see this God's in complete control God is sovereign this this adamant thing is a convenient belief it's a convenient doctrine why it's what I call no-fault religion what does that mean no matter what happens it's not lawful no matter what doesn't happen not my fault we can always call and say God's will it is the unexplainable mysterious will of God what ran out of cornflakes will of God dog got out gotten the garbage can will a god overslept was late for church well the God must have been must have been God's will he was working something out now we believe that those who love Him and those who are endeavouring to follow him he is going to cause things to work out together for their good and those that ask him he is going to get involved in their life right but to say that everything that is happening everywhere for everybody is somehow the will of God where is that at in the scriptures no this is the scripture we're reading right now and it says let's keep reading he said it's here with you verse 15 o friend this is an answer if you'll receive it verse 15 was it safe today I who's I who's talking here God's talking today I am giving you a choice between good and evil between life and death if he gives you the choice then after that whose choice is it his if he gives you a choice then whose choice is it after that his choice is up to him no now here's a great truth things you can't leave up to God what he left up to you folks are trying to do this all over the place well it's just up to God is it really whether you ate corn flakes or Raisin Bran is up to God really with you who are blue shirt or a pink one up to God really all the stuff that's happening on the earth right now up to God he's in complete control of all the atrocities of all the evil that's been perpetrated on people that is his predestined foreordained plan that we just can't understand miss read it today God said I'm giving you a choice so that what he gave me a choice I'm giving you a choice between good and evil between life and death keep reading if there's that word again if you obey the commands of the Lord your God which I give you today if you love him if you obey if you keep all these laws then you will prosper you become a nation of many people the Lord your God will bless you in the land that you are about to occupy glory to God you'll get it you'll enjoy it you'll be blessed you'll be a blessing why because God chose it for you and you had no choice it was going to happen whether no no because you made the right choice you made the right choice keep read but if we got if we also got a but if do these matter remember now don't take my word for it examine the scriptures to think about this if God is really in complete control of everything and everybody there can be no if there can be no if but if you disobey and refuse to listen and are led away to worship other gods keep reading you'll be destroyed and the warning you hear now you will not live long in that land across the Jordan that you're about to occupy we got two completely different outcomes right notice this you've got one scenario where you're not gonna live very long today Christians would would try to comfort each other and say well I know they died at 23 but God must have had some purpose he must there's a reason for everything well yeah there's a reason but it doesn't mean it was God's choice if you read first Peter you'll find that he talks about suffering and glory in that epistle 1st Peter the whole epistle and you'll see he mentions two distinct reasons why people suffer till my Christians one is suffering persecution because of your faith and obedience to God and for that there is there's grace and there's a reward but it also talks about suffering because of your own faults and for that there is no reward that's just you went through it for nothing and it annoys me to hear and see folks that are suffering because of their own bad choices and mistakes and they're trying to make it for the glory of God I don't know why I'm going through all these things but you know God knows and in his mysterious plan and and we just don't understand could it be because you made some bad choices and that there's no there's not gonna be any reward for this you need to get out of it quickly as you can by what making the right choice getting back over in the grace and in the blessing can you see this Saints know he mentions you know the Bible talks about it in Proverbs there are things you can do that'll add years to your life and in the Psalms in one place it says bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days you can imagine like a bank robber Bonnie and Clyde Pretty Boy Floyd you run around with a machine gun blaring you keep doing it you ain't gonna live long right and if the preacher stands by the graveside over Pretty Boy Floyd and goes God's plan is mysterious and we just don't know why he takes them so yeah we know why he's robbing banks with a machine gun that's how you die young it's got nothing to do with the perfect plan of God come on hurry out with me now it's like one fella said you know they had this huge factory that was had a lot of big equipment and a lot of high voltage and stuff and they had had a lot of deaths and and people said well you know it was their time it was their time you know I couldn't follow they asked about flying he said what if I get up that plane it comes time for the pilot to die hey well if it's not your time you want what did the scripture say where's the verses for all this that God finally said he said you know we found out but then when people started following the safety rules God didn't take near so many of them what do we say it there's too much talk god this God this God's doing this God didn't let this God make this god god god when a whole lot of it is us us us verse 19 we were down to was it say what'd he say I am now giving you the choice we've already heard this he just keeps saying it then I'm now giving you the choice between life and death between God's blessing and God's curse and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make a friend this this is so important there's gonna be so many that are hollering about what God didn't give me this and God you know kept me back from this and he wouldn't bless me he wouldn't let me do that like he let these other people all these kind of things it's not fair that's not fair God's not fair and it's coming today when everybody's going to say he's going to say I called heaven and earth and heaven and earth is going to say we heard you God you told him it was their choice so they can squawk holler all they want to but but heaven was there and Earth was there we heard you when you said it Lord you said it's your choice you choose friend if you look back in your life back as a child when you're old enough to understand back in junior high high school college or prep school or work or the choices you made come on are you listening to me friend the decisions you made decisions determine direction direction determines destination or destiny is a word off of the word destination all the things that are happening in people's lives the places they're winding up is that because God chose that for them and that was his foreordained plan for their life or does it have anything to do with the choices they made you got religious tradition and you got this book and which one you which one you choose choose what did it actually say read it again verse 19 I am now giving you the choice between life and death between God's blessing and God's curse and I called heaven and earth to witness this choice you make the choice you make choose life yes it is your choice but I'm gonna tell you which one to choose now they choose life but is he making people choose is he forcing people to choose the right one no no he's not he's not somebody said out loud God gave me the choice it's my choice not his he gave it to me so many things are like that this is the thing I'm believing for and I can already tell lights come in like can you tell lights coming this is gonna change some things about how we see and how we operate brother Keith you don't believe God is is all-knowing and all-powerful and and he knows the end from the beginning and and that his plans and purposes are gonna spent I absolutely believe every one of those things I do but I believe that God in his power and in his knowledge and wisdom gave us the choice could he have done it differently I suppose so but he didn't in his power and ability he said the choice is yours and you can't leave up to him what he left up to you let me give you this example let's say that I'm a farmer I've got fields you're gonna help me and I got this field of corn I got tractors and equipment and I got trucks and barns and silos and stuff and I tell you Cassady that's that's my field that's my stuff that's my equipment it's my land my crop but I want you to take care of it for me and I'm giving you the authority to run any of the machinery any of the fuel you need any of the money you need the fertilizer and seed you take care of what needs to happen so we get a good crop now I'll be checking back in with you regularly if you need help you call on me but you do this for me and so three weeks later somebody comes by and you're sitting on the porch and this stuff what about the corn crop you say well that's brother Keith's corn crop but don't you need to get the ground ready don't you need to do this well you know that's brother Keith's crop and he's gonna do what he's gonna do and it's up to him it's not up to me is that true that's not true I'm just waiting on brother Keith is that true no now do I need to hold your hand and help you start the tractor and tell you every which which row to start on hmm do I need to tell you every little detail of every second of every day no because you have a brain and you can think right do you know what we're talking about here do we see parables like this that Jesus described exactly like this friend he's left a lot of stuff up to us he's given us a lot of a lot of free way he said I'm giving you the choice so choose life choose life somebody said out loud I choose I choose life go with me to Joshua please 24th chapter Joshua 24 can you take a little bit more Joshua 24 this is the verse 14 and I'm gonna read to you from the easy-to-read translation Joshua said to the people now you've heard the Lord's words so you must respect the Lord and sincerely serve him throw away the false gods that your ancestors worshiped that's something that happened a long time ago on the other side of the year fiery Freddy's River and in Egypt now you must serve only the Lord but maybe you don't want to serve the Lord are there people that don't want to serve the Lord lots of them lots of them maybe you don't want to serve the Lord you must choose for yourselves today you got to choose you got to choose how many you can choose to believe you can choose to doubt you can choose to receive it you can choose to reject it you can choose to do it you can choose not to do it right you can choose to remember it you can choose to forget it huh you didn't choose to come to church and hear messages like these are you choosing lay up in the bed and forget about it huh you can choose to believe que sera sera whatever will be will be and it ain't up to me huh oh you can believe this I said you can believe this which is how menaced and this is radically different from much of the church world isn't it oh people like I told you about the guys putting their finger in my face and you'll find this people who are religious minded and legalistic but don't know God are very demanding you'll find that about the demanding there there out to police the body straighten everybody out whether they like it or not God solver you do by the way they say it they don't know him they don't know him at all this is how the Pharisees sounded this is how the Sadducees sounded head full of knowledge nothing in the heart do you hear me friends now I'm not going to pretend to tell you that you mean or you are going to understand now in the next six months all about God's wisdom and his plans and his abilities and his power he's awesome I said he's awesome he he's amazing he's amazing but these sweeping blanket statements that he's running everything and controlling everything and it's just not true scriptures contradicted he said you choose you choose he said verse fifteen you must choose for yourselves today you must decide who you will serve will you serve the gods that you ancestors worshiped when they lived on the other side of the afraid his River was that God's will when their forefathers chose to do that if they chose to do it now would it be the will of God will God let them do something that's not his will yes or will you serve the gods are the amorite who lived in this land you must choose for yourself tell your neighbor so you got to choose for yourself you got to choose for yourself because God's not gonna choose for you and I can't and your mom and daddy can't your brother and sister came hmm tell the other person on the other side so you got to choose for yourself God you have to choose got a chance for yourself do you or not you got to choose for yourselves but all I like what I like what Joshua said here but as for me and my house my bunch my family we we have made our choice we've made our choice we will serve the Lord we're gonna be them with 11 we're gonna pursue him we're gonna hear him we're gonna receive him we're gonna band and it's gonna be well with our soul we're gonna be blessed when we come in when we go out blessed in our basket and store blessed what our hand finds to do best [Music] [Applause] Fred come on can you say you make the right decisions you get the right results you get the wrong decision make the wrong decision you get wrong bad results and if you consistently getting bad results what should you look at look at your choices get a revelation you Zig when you should have zagged right you you did this what you sit on that come on out really now you things were going good you were making progress and then it quit and you just started going down down down how many you need to look back you need to look back and go whoa wait a minute wait a minute what happened here because the path of the just don't get darker and darker it gets brighter and brighter did the full day so I know I was praying for a young man this several years ago I'd prayed for him several times and what he just his his life is going from bad to worse and then much worse and say kimmel my heart again one day I was when I was teaching in Raymond and I was in the office one afternoon I got off my chair and I knelt down I started praying for him I said God and and there's like the Lord didn't want to hear it he spoke to my heart I don't mean I heard the voice but he spoke to my heart strong he said I gave him two things to do yeah I told him get a job and keep it I told him go to church and be faithful and until he does those things nothing will change and I got up off the floor sit down in my chair see how many understand there's a lot of stuff we don't know about we don't know what God has told people what the choices that they've made in haven't made but how many understand and believe God is never at fault he's never lacks for not helping somebody what he is is long-suffering and patient while folks persistently make the wrong choices all but is mercy endures forever how many know its mercy endures forever as long as there's breath there's hope and God's on the throne and you just saw I just said that's it well lord I just ask you for mercy help him as I prayed another prayer I said Lord grant him repentance to the acknowledging of the truth that he may recover himself out of the snare of the devil repentance as a gift thank you lord look with me and in Philippians we'll close with this Philippians Philippians the first chapter Philippians 1 Paul is speaking by the spirit and he has already if you read Romans you read first of 2nd Corinthians and the other epistles you'll see that man he's been through some stuff you know he recounts in Corinthians about all the times he was beaten shipwrecked and betrayed and all that kind of thing he's been in jail but but none of that that's those things described was suffering because he messed up that was him doing what the Lord told him to do but in the middle of it he had grace he was healed he was raised from the dead he had his financial and material needs met right he's redeemed from the curse of the law though he's suffering for his faith and obedience but but now toward the end of his life in Philippians 1 he said verse 20 according to my earnest expectation in my hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed but there with all boldness as always so now so Christ shall be magnified in my body whether it be by life or by death we talked about that in our last series of victory over death for to me to live is Christ and to die is gain let me read this to you from the the new century version the NCV to me the only important thing about living is Christ and dying would be profit for me if somebody say if if there's that word if I continue living in my body I'll be able to work for the Lord I do not know what to choose living or dying but all kind of theologians would jump on Paul at this point wouldn't he did say Paul Paul Paul Paul god it sovereign for you to imagine that you have anything to do with when you die is preposterous apparently he didn't know that and if he didn't know it you don't need to know it right oh no no no no gods in control and it is appointed unto man a time to die that's a misquote of the scripture scripture didn't say that to the point unto man once to die not a time we've already shared scriptures that showed you could add to or cut in half and Paul when your numbers up maybe to 30 on them Wednesday afternoon - maybe early in the morning on the Saturday but when you're when your numbers up apparently not I said apparently not because Paul is saying which one I'm gonna choose I don't know yet can you accept this keep reading it's hard to choose between the two he said he's acting like he's actually got something to do with this isn't he I want to leave this life and be with Christ which is much better keep going but you need me you need help others have been in that same dilemma many times since then that I'm ready to go I'd like to get out of here and then they look at their family and their friends people administer to it and go boy you still got a ways to go though don't you I mean you do need a lot of help hey go stay go stay which one will I choose is that Bible is that New Testament is it or not I'm gonna stand if it wasn't true it wouldn't be in here if Paul had nothing to do with this and then none of it was up to him and he had no choice or say in the matter of when and how this could not be in here if God's in complete control there can be no if we definitely got it if don't we it's hard to choose he said between the two I wot not which I shall choose the King James says I want to leave this life and be with Christ which is much better but you need me here in the body and you see him make his decision here verse 25 since I'm sure this I know I will stay with you to help you grow and have joy in your faith you'll be very happy in Christ Jesus when I'm with you again he said that man I want to go I wanna go I wanna check out my mansion I want to see Jesus I wanna see my loved ones I I'm getting tired of this stinky place but I could help you and you need my help but it'd be so great to go but look at you okay I'm on stay I'm gonna stay I'm gonna live and declare the works ago I'm gonna stay and work some more and help you let's see with a lot of folks they find that kind of talk insulting to God that a man is going to stand up and say no I'm gonna stay I'm gonna live and I'm gonna stay a while longer I choose to live I choose to stay that that meant getting through some things getting through the hardships of prison or any challenges that would come against him in his body or mind or anything else it you gotta you gotta win some battles you gotta overcome right but do you believe that when you choose in line with God's plan and will when you and he want the same thing come on are you listening to me you and he want the same thing for the same reasons to the same in and purpose and plan you become invincible you become unconquered because who's bigger than God but can you choose to leave him and forsake camps and do your own thing can you choose to give up and quit when you know you should keep going and do something else can you choose to rebel hmm have your own way when you know you should hook and submit follow through oh yeah you do I do every day we got a will we got choices to make don't we every day in the world you can choose right you can choose wrong I like what Joshua said don't you let's say it again as for me in my house we will serve the Lord stand on your feet everybody
Channel: Free Word of God
Views: 39,904
Rating: 4.8527608 out of 5
Keywords: Keith, Moore, You, Choose, Pt, 1, Whos, In, Control
Id: Y24VujqBFc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 46sec (4786 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2012
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