The Motive And Sum Of Christian Life (February 28, 2021) | Jesse Duplantis

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hello ladies and gentlemen i'm justin plans i hope you enjoy our ministry all we want you to do is like subscribe and hit the bell let me say it again like subscribe and hit the bell and you will be blessed how many people brought your bibles or your ipads or your telephone whatever you use for scripture would you turn with me to the book of romans the book of romans and as you're turning to chapter 12 the book of romans chapter 12. i want to talk to you a little bit about romans romans is the apostle paul's greatest work and it's placed first among his 13 epistles there's a reason for that and the reason why because in the four gospels the four gospels presents the words and works of jesus romans explores the significance of his sacrificial death it is a question and answer format if you read the book of romans he asks you a question then he gives you an answer it's a question and answer format and paul records the most systematic presentation of the doctrine in the bible romans is more than a book of theology a lot of people think it no it's more than a book of theology it's also a book of practical exhortation now he shows you how to live what to live the good news of jesus christ is more than facts to be believed it's a life to be lived and that's what it's all about so i just thought i'd say a few things like that and uh so i want to go to romans chapter 12. now i don't know if i can get through all this that you know when the lord began to give me this i said lord i mean you know this is sunday morning you know if i had three or four days i could really tie into this but um i thought i'd talk a little bit about this thing here paul writing to the church at rome but you got to understand something the new testament you could define it as correspondence is what it is it's just letters to churches and things of that nature but it may be a letter to the church at rome but it's a letter to the church here at covenant church it's a letter to you it's been designed and up in operation for us today it's it's ever going all the time so i want to read romans chapter 12. some very very familiar scripture let me get to it myself romans chapter 12 i want to start reading with verse one the title of this message is is the motive and sum of christian life what is the mode of christian life what's the sum of christian life so about doing these things that kathy asked me to do because i'm i'm traveling a lot now but i mean you know if i i have to work during the week and work the weekends when i'm around catholic cause she don't give me a day off you know and all that kind of stuff and she said you know you're not going to hawaii i said great i get the rest no you can't so i said okay hallelujah the sum or the motive and sum of christian life and this is what this book is about practical exhortation paul writing to the church then roma writing to the church in destrehan he simply and he simply says this i beseech you therefore brother in other words beseech means more than just hey he said i implore you i want you to listen what i'm going to say i beseech you therefore and i love the word therefore what it is why is you heard brother hagin say anytime there's a therefore in the bible find out what it's there for why did he say that well i don't know if he said this i said this therefore is a stepping stone from grace to duty see when you say when god says therefore you're saved by grace next thing in line is duty now you have to function and perform that grace that's in your life so he says therefore i beseech you by the mercies of god do you realize how much mercy god it lasts forever see mercy is his energy love is a moving energy write that down if you're taking notes that's why love never faileth because it's moving you can never hit it it's moving constantly it's a moving energy i mean it's powerful and it'll overcome anything anywhere anytime and anyhow it's a moving energy he says i beseech you therefore brother by the mercies of god i like this that you present your body as a living sacrifice most people don't do that they present their bodies as a sick sacrifice almost dead jesus do the work when it should be a living sacrifice you got to understand something about the book of romans the first 11 chapters is about the redemption that is in christ and then the last five chapters shows us how it affects our lives you know christ in you the hope of glory see what i'm saying how it affects you and what you do a living sacrifice so none of you should ever be sick never ever god doesn't send sickness on people like so many people say because where would he get it you see any sick people in heaven have you ever seen an angel coffin have you ever seen an angel saying i can't go over there the cove is over there to covet it hold on i mean where are you gonna get it the only place can get us in hell and when jesus came out the grave he left all sickness and disease right there right left it right there in hell see a lot of sick people in hell spiritually as well as physically he says i beseech you therefore brother and by the mercies of god that you present it so you do not god that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy why he said holy be ye holy for i am holy see you set apart for holiness that's how people recognize you that you're a child of god holiness is not chains of bondage or what you wear how you look holiness is god's very nature and he said be ye holy see he said holy acceptable unto god it's acceptable in other words the book of james says there shouldn't be any sick he says is there any sycamine if there is call the elders of the church all the elders of this church stand up if you and elder hear that you interested these look at them these are the people that's got the power call the elders of the church [Applause] you may be seated and do what anoint them with oil and pray the prayer of our hope maybe so you know how god is sometimes he does sometimes it don't no the prayer of faith and it shall do what it shall lift you up so elders you got an awesome responsibility to stay prayed up because you might get a call oh oh no we'll have you call pastor catherine don't shock your duty you're in christ see my point so no let's go over that again i beseech you therefore brother by the mercies of god i could just preach there for hours that you present your body as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to god which is your reasonable servant in other words it's pretty easy it's reasonable it ain't hard like the church oil is taught for 2000 years now watch this be not conformed to this world why is the why is the church conforming to the world why they all want to drink like the world does don't shout me down when i'm preaching good why do they allow why do you want to look like the world why do you take your fashion from the world when you ought to take your fashion from god well i lost a few of you right there didn't i why you want to look at all those people when you ought to be you ought to be the example that they're looking at instead of you looking at them see that's conformity i'm going to deal with that in a few minutes be not conformed to this world but be you transformed how it's done by the renewing of your mind that's the soul the mind the will and emotion that you may prove to who yourself and to anyone else around you that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god i'm gonna deal today with the good the acceptable and the perfect will of god and it's gonna take me a little while so let me get into this so you'll understand what i'm talking about let me say again the first 11 chapters of the book of romans is about the redemption that's in christ that's good that's acceptable and that's perfect but the next five chapters shows how it affects our lives see so what you believe people must see not only must you be affected you must be infected with the power of god paul said i i am a pestilent fellow a real pest it means a christian disease of the sack of the nazarene a military commander you're hearing what i'm saying here so can i do a little teaching this morning for you since i was supposed to be in hawaii suffering for jesus which i preach all the time kathy's the one that lays on the beach i don't do that stuff but that's okay it's all right hallelujah so write this down i want to talk about the motive and some of christian life you ready let's go to it the best anyone can do is let god have control over one's life the best you can do is to let god have control over your life you heard brother copeland the day we were talking he said me and jesse's background is sin my background was sin why because satan was in control of my life hey i mean in every area of my life now when i got born again i switched lords see jesus is lord and satan is a master who will treat you like a slave god treats you like a son and a daughter in the family so the best anyone can do is let god have control over one's life so i let god take control of my life that's why i have not committed adultery as a minister of the gospel that's why i have not stolen that's why when i got born again i was instantly delivered why do people have to go through stuff maybe they still keep conformity instead of transform don't shout me down something to think about as i always say preaching should never supersede thought it should make you think for you that don't know much about my life before i was an alcoholic before i was born again i drank a fifth of whiskey a day but the size i guess it's more than a quart i don't know how much a fifth is but it's a lot that was just during the day then i drank about four milkshake remember those big old uh metal uh cups that used to make milkshakes and malts and and i played you the rock musician i drank about four of those let's say from about nine to two so i mean i was pickled uh doctor tommy haydel i babies he's now pastor told me that i would have cirrhosis of the liver by the time i was 24. and i had been drinking since i'm six he used to bring a thermos they thought it was kool-aid and it was slow gin by the time i got to algebra i didn't care what a plus b equals c they never could figure out boy boy hi eddie whoo they took a swallow of my slogin which i was trying to help out our wonderful teacher miss conley because she had a scratchy voice so i said drink this real fast miss connolly it'll stop it you think so jesse oh i know it will she took a swallow when she went i said have another one have another one i gave her three big shots and it wasn't about five minutes she's going whoo whoo she was 80 years old i got suspended got the algebra teacher drunk it was a great day it was fine it was worth to see an idiot woman go whoo and that's before this was popular the best anyone can do is to let god have control over one's life you see what i'm saying see love is a moving energy so he took control over me so when i got born again at a quarter to nine i was instantly born again and instantly delivered me and ron fortune hold your head up run some people know what i'm talking about he had the same experience where he was a drunk himself drake all the time but when he got born again boom it was over with now i know a lot of people struggle why because there's still a little conformity in you you got to let the purity of the gospel go as far as the pollution of sin to understand the motive and the sum of christian life oh you hear what i'm saying you like you got to let it get down deep the deep call it the deep the bible talks about that now why is it well god's going to help me go make it happen no no write this down god does not compel discipleship no he governs by the constraint of love write that down god does not compel discipleship you still have your own will you can you can go to heaven or if you want you can go to hell why would you i don't know but you can't because he governs your life by the constraint of love because love is a moving energy and the reason why he uses love because it never fails see he don't give you something that fails you see what i'm saying so god does not compel disciples you're going to do this no he governs by the constraint of love what makes your marriage wonderful is two things love and trust can't have one without the other if you don't trust your wife you're gonna be a miserable person or a husband you're going to be a miserable person those things have to be connected together and that's what governs your marital life so let me say it again god does not compel discipleship he governs by the constrained love this is what paul is saying to the church at rome and what god is saying today here in destrehan or if you in nigeria or if you were in china watching this whatever you viewing this this um uh meeting today he compels you through the love of the lord jesus christ see love will make you do things you never thought you would do love will make you forget yourself you ought to write that down kathy said i was a legend in my own mind she said we both fell in love with the same person jesse now that's before i was born again see you see what i'm saying now she she loves to hear me say that word because she hadn't heard it very much you see what i'm saying i understand that but when you understand that you're governed by that see that's what romans is about that's the mercies of god you deserve to go to hell and die but god said no my grace is sufficient my mercy lasts forever and i'm gonna use the energy-moving power of love to handle it did you get that so god does not compel discipleship he governs by the constraint of love he constrains you you see what i'm saying the reason why i'm preaching this morning i have been constrained by love otherwise i'd be home which brings me to my next point no person who has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world no no person write it down no person who has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world so i'm building a house here what i'm doing i'm building a house let me start off with the foundation number one point the best anyone can do is let god have control over oneself you're not in control you say should never be okay that's the slab now we're starting to build the frame number two god does not compel discipleship he governs by the constraint of love so he moves you by love now watch this point no person has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world see if you're living a life of surrender you're not going to be looking to drink you're not going to be looking to commit fornication you're not going to be looking to commit adultery sin is not a part of you you see you got to understand something the law which was great failed when it came to sin they couldn't handle it even though it was perfect they thought they could do it intellectually and yet it failed that's why god gave the grace you're saved by grace because grace abound sin obama god forbid why because sin is not a part of who he is and neither should be of you or you hear what i'm saying so no person who has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world so a lot of people say well you know i know what i'm saying but i got i just got i got to smoke a little weed now you you haven't been transformed you still got conformity in you what else you want to do that the world does ask yourself that you'll find out how much conformity is in you why you want to look at these women hardly have any clothes on so you want to dress like them so tight they can strike a match on you when you walk by what part of your butt you want somebody to look at all right we get now why the only thing people can remember about you is your breast and your butt how about some of you men you worse than they are don't shout me down when i'm preaching good maybe i should have went to hawaii you think you think i mean do you understand what i'm saying here well let me go back again why do you want to accept the fashion of the world why can't you produce your own fashion now i'm not talking about being plain and ugly see the church see they failed on that too years and years ago it was a sin to wear a sleeveless dress can you believe that if an armpit turns you on you got a demon inside of you i've never seen a woman's armpit and just got excited about it wow what a arm you know why i don't like curry cause it smells like an armpit it does see no one no person who i think i funny myself no person who has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world that's why i had to tell my first pastor he said don't get around booze does it because you drank so much ow i'm a dead man a dead man can't drink yes sir i mean i could walk through a jack daniel's black label sour mash bird who st james scotch who chevis regal oh without any temptation whatsoever why surrendered that doesn't mean evil thoughts can't come into your mind they'll come flying in there but what do you do cast that imagination down remember it's an imagination and every high thing that exalts us up against the knight of god which has exalted himself against holiness bringing every thought to captivity captivated to who to jesus christ so those are evil thoughts now what's worse than that are thoughts of evil that's why you get the death penalty on pre-premeditated murder you don't get nothing else because if that is not evil thoughts that's thoughts of evil i'm gonna take this guy out you plan it you do it that's difference so no person who has surrendered himself to god can conform to the world so i've been around a lot of booze it doesn't make any difference i was a woman chasing me and caught a bunch of them they ain't gonna ain't bragging about just the fact because when you're in the rock world some of these girls just think you're a rock goddess or a rock god they'll just do anything because you might get famous been around a lot of women nothing not because i'm almost 72. don't let this white hair fool you ask catholic but anyway no [Laughter] but my point that has nothing to do with that i'm surrendered look at kathy oh my god write this down the human will must be harmonized not crushed transformed not trampled on god will still want you to have your will but it must link with the will of god let me say it again god or the human will must be harmonized but what with god the human will must be harmonized you can say it with god's will not crush god don't crush your will but transforms it he doesn't trample it or in other words when the assault of tarsus got saved what was changed in him was his spirit he still had his personality when you get married you may take on that husband's name but you steal you when i met kathy she said i want to keep my name i said fine with me i don't care so i gave her my name her name is catherine carrere duplantis or carrere however you want to say it she wanted to keep her there fine with me there some man don't like it i don't care because you see i i married kathy i didn't want her to be a duplantist what do you mean i didn't want it to be me that's what i married see so she kept her name but my name over or superseded her name according to the legal law which meant now jesse everything you have belongs to her everything she has belongs to you you too will get you one that's right so the human will must be must be harmonized with what the will of god what is the will of god the word of god not crushed see a lot of people want to crush you will god don't do that why i beseech you therefore by the mercies of god see that love is an energy moving boy not crushed transformed be not conformed but be your transformed not trampled on i like you to tell me what you will that's why sometimes when you get to talking to god he says come let us reason together see a person that asks you to do that is not trampling on your will or crushing it he's wanting to be in harmony you see what i'm saying and harmony can be so powerful that it sounds like one voice the bgs they could sing and so good in harmony they almost sounded like one voice the carpenters remember that we've only just begun and when they say well i mean you'd hear that harmony and it was so perfect that it sounded like one voice because harmony's supposed to be when you play a chord like the key of c if you you want a little musical theory it's one three five one three five six one three five seven dude one three five seven nine and then the complete octave you know you see but when you put them all together it goes one three five you have a cord okay let me help you god the father god the son god the holy ghost [Music] all distinct voices have you ever heard the voice of the father can you distinct between can you can you this distinguish between the voice of the father and the voice of jesus and the voice of the holy ghost most people can't because you hadn't been taught it i know when the father's talking to me i know when the son is talking to me and i know when the holy spirit is talking to me and then sometimes they all talk in one they harmonize they're all called god what's the difference the voice of the father has more authority it's not very loud still small power the voice of jesus is love mercy oh just dripping the voice of the holy ghost is holiness that's why you can blaspheme the father and be forgiven you can blaspheme the son and be forgiven but you cannot blaspheme the holy spirit and be forgiven it's called the unpardonable sin why because you're dealing with holiness that's why the serpents with the six wings they put their wings over their feet because they will not allow they might have had dust on their feet and they will not approach a holy god that's why god told moses take your shoes off why because he had sandals leather dead skin nothing dead touches the father nothing why did he create jesus so we can hug him jesus is that part of god you can grab and the holy spirit said follow me i'm only going to say what the father says why did jesus come to save you no he did that while he was here but he didn't come with that he came that you might know the father and out of knowing the father not believing the father out of knowing the father you were born again it was all the father's idea to create you and you had a business meeting you heard me preaching that before and he brought in mankind so y'all getting this the human will well i could preach i was on the human will must be harmonized not crushed but trampled not but transformed be not given not trampled on see so that's why i never tell you you can't do something i tell all my spiritual son the daughter you can do all things you will never hear me say you can't because i know what you can do how do you know i heard the voice of the father i heard the voice of the son i heard the voice of the holy ghost and they all harm and i just said you can do all things through jesus why through the love through that moving energy of love which never faileth are you all getting this oh you understand what i'm saying i'm gonna buy this tape myself i like this now watch what he says here i'm gonna read verse two again and be not conformed to this world but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind the soul is from that you may prove you got to prove it to yourself what is that good acceptable and perfect will of god now let's deal with the good will of god what is that why is there three because there's god the father god the son and god the holy ghost see everything is done in a triune you are a spirit housed in a soul and clothed in a body you three yet you won it's amazing my whole ministry when they all say what i'm saying we are harmonizing but i don't trample their will i ask them and then the harmony the prettiness of what the ministry does goes forth so let's deal with the good will of god what is that the will of god write this down this talk about the good the will of god is the guiding purpose for our lives in its method of working and it's and in its results in other words people are going to notice goodness in you that's the good will of god first thing they're going to notice are you a good person or not because it's done by a method let me say it again the will of god he said the good acceptable and perfect so you can prove it the will of god is the guiding purpose for our lives in its method of working and in its results so that's why i like to do good do good to all them that's why i tip a bad waitress i never forget it was a couple two or three years ago we went eat somewhere and the waitress i mean the food was just messed up now my granddaughter meredith who is my legacy my life and like jody is too she said my grandfather you shouldn't tip her she didn't do well because we had to wait but it wasn't the waitress's fault if some other waitress took our food some other table ordered the same thing we didn't took hours so we had to wait about an hour catholic or something like that so mary was literally i said no i found out i said but i already i said no i'm a blesser why because i'm a good man a good man makes an inheritance for his children's children you see that's the will of god the good so i blessed her and she said i'm so sorry she said uh someone else took it and and it was a wonder was it a what was it kathy mother's day or some kind his mother and boy i mean you know how uh restaurants are jam-packed and everybody's already in big stuff because they want to be a blessing to their mom see you see what i'm saying say and so so when uh meredith saw me do that i said because you see even if she was bad even if it was her fault i beseeched her and gave her my mercy which proved that i'm a christian a good one amen don't shout me down listen to me see this is the good will of god the will of god is the guiding purpose for our lives and its method of working and its results now what people can understand in the good will sometimes you carry stuff you shouldn't carry we cannot write this down we cannot run away from what we carry with us you cannot run away from what you carry with you let me read the first sport again the will of god is the guiding purpose for our lives in its method of working and in its pre and its results that was the first point we cannot run away from what we carry with us now watch this that's why i pay for most of the dinners that i eat some of you are to copy me don't shout me down when i'm preaching good i like to do that now what i have to learn sometimes is because people want to buy me a dinner i'm so used to doing it i don't think twice about it you see what i'm saying why because i'm a good man and i just happen to have the money which is even better i've proved to the world and myself to be a blessing see what i'm saying now watch this you cannot run away from what you carry for what you carry with you you see people say i don't believe in prosperity you will never have it you can't have what you preach against i don't believe in healing get ready for sick boy because you're carrying the disease with you you can't run away from the disease if you carry it with you you see the good will of god says listen why are you carrying that he said and one screen says let every weight lay down every weight and sin which so easily besets you see that's carrying stuff you shouldn't carry let me say that again we cannot run away from what we carry with us this is in the good will of god if you want to stay good you got to get rid of the excess baggage you can't run away from it well you know it's in the family well you know it's a generational curse oh whoopee doo you didn't believe that lie you want to get rid of a generation of christ they are generational curses well how do you stop them make generational choices just because your dad was a drunk don't mean you got to be a drunk just because your daddy was an adulterer or your mama and a doctor don't mean you got to do that see satan want you to carry all your dad and your mom and your uncles and your aunts and your grandpas and grandma's sin when he said lay ass out every weight and sin but so easily besets you and run with patience the race that's set before you hmm that's what i mean see now you see and you see a lot of people say you know i i know god is good but i'll tell you what you ever seen people mad at god don't lie look at yourself you've been mad at him sometimes it's just that that ain't working so you want me to answer it you want to talk to me so i can appease you let me give you your answer your mama you know what your problem is secret grudge [Music] write this down be careful not to have a secret grudge against god why because of a misconception of his divine will be careful not to have a secret grudge against god because of a misconception of his divine will how come jesse's so blessed financially i'm not listen to yourself got a secret grudge how come she ain't coming to church that ain't none of your business since when did you became the critic of god's organization oh this is strong eddie i guess i should have went to ho i had him when you understand what i'm saying here you see it's a misconception of the divine will of god yet that's the good will of god he said that you may prove see you've got to prove it to yourself study that showed thyself approved unto god a workman that needed to not be ashamed rightly why is that that word rightly rightly dividing so if you don't study is it possible you can wrongly divide some people think just because they read a chapter they knew it be careful not to have a secret grudge against god because of a misconception of his divine will i had a man went down coming he said you see that woman over there i said yeah he said i want her she's mine she has no other choice because the bible said what things so ever you desire when you pray believe that you receive what he forgot is that she's a free moral agent and he didn't get her and he got mad at god what's that she's not a what she's not a what yeah that's right see kathy's pretty strong on that what what you said what what see he got mad about that god didn't answer my prayer i said do you know how you prayed no he was mad at god now let me take it the other way well whatever god sent me oh ain't no telling what you get then i had a friend of mine that i went to school with i'll keep his name private he hated fat women oh lord and he was brutal i mean brutal i ain't dating her look how fat she is fat i mean fat i mean i said what's the matter with you man he just i would never ever i hate fat woman i said watch what you say ain't no telling how fat your wife's gonna become and he wouldn't be married then i'll never never i'll divorce if she'd get fat well we graduated from high school about five years later i saw him hey how you doing he said i want to introduce you my wife poojie you can hear a leg scratching together when she walking i mean she just went overweight she was fat i'm talking about if she waved the arm you close to her the bottom of him and just knock you down fat and i looked and he went i love her i can't help it [Music] and she was a beautiful woman she was pretty but she was fat dressed real good i mean my guy beautiful clothes but she chunk it i mean and i just i said do you remember shut up jesse shut up i say what happened to him love is a moving energy he's still married to her she's still fat he's still ugly watch what you say cause you'll ever get it she's a wonderful person why would you judge somebody about their size man who are you i've had some husbands say i don't like my wife getting fat i said well how come you ball she got to live with you your bald headed fool she can lose the weight but grow some hair oh don't get mad at me all of us are imperfect ladies and gentlemen look at the kids laughing hey your day's coming young man yeah yeah yeah one day your belly button will have water in it and will hold it a whole cup of it you'll be on the beach as a man and you'll be getting a tan and then when you wake up you'll have a white line [Music] cause the man boobies are hanging over am i shocking y'all you know it's the truth look at people oh god i can't believe it oh how many men know you know what i'm talking look at the wives going and you you women are just as bad but to say you're like honey you see any bumps or any bumps no i just a little hail damage that's all that is we'll put some bondo on that fix all that up don't worry about it it's called life am i shocking you think i should have went to hawaii i can't believe what he said but a whole room's full of them why are you denying something like that i mean you see see secret grudges stops a lot of the good will of god in your life so be careful not to have a secret grudge let me help you if the tree is good this is my last part on the good will of god if the tree is good then the fruit is good if the tree is good then the fruit is good you see the trees got to be good for the fruit to be good you see what i'm saying so if you eat a piece of someone's fruit and it's good it's because they're good they're walking in the good will of god that's a blessing of god now let's deal with the acceptable will of god acceptable hmm what does that mean let's read the verse again be i can form this world be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove notice it's all done through the souls realm that you may approve what is that good and acceptable let's deal with that point and acceptable what does that mean write this down god's relations with people are determined by their attitude toward his will that's how you can tell if somebody loves the lord by their attitude toward his will god's just going to have to accept me the way i am because i ain't quitting drinking that's a tude that's an attitude let me say it again god's relationship with people are determined by their attitude toward his will how do you feel what is your attitude toward god's will why are you mad at prosperity when it's his will you want me to prove that thou shalt remember the lord thy god for it is he that giveth the power to get well why do you have an attitude why are you mad at me because i'm blessed in the city blessed in the field let's go on it bless going out you got a tude an attitude toward his will well i don't know why he heals everybody up but don't heal me see that's an attitude your relationship with god has an attitude in other words god you don't do what i say i ain't going to stay with you is that acceptable not likely but it's because he beseeches you by his mercies he still loves you god's relationship with people or is or is are determined by their attitude toward his will yeah now there's something god does i don't particularly care for there's some scriptures i don't like bless those that curse you you want to slap that why would you want to bless him by the cursor how about this pray for those that despitefully use you pray for him okay kill him jesus that that that's not easy but see his mercy is going going for he said i'm going to give them good i'm going to give them acceptable they still god still love them but they're in the acceptable realm not your acceptable his so god's relationship with people are determined is determined by their attitude toward his will write this down we are god's children and as our lives achieve its purpose we grow like him in mind and will in other words your attitude you grow out of your attitude we are god's children and as our lives achieves its purpose we grow like him and mind and will so in other words every day i'm growing in mind and will or being transformed i'm being transformed every day constantly i never go back i'm not much on backsliding to what see if you're back sliding you can't stand up you're sliding you see but as i achieve oh i like that word as i achieve my purpose in life my life i grow like him in mind and will so then all of a sudden my will harmonizes with god and i talk like god i smell like god i act like god because there's christ in me the hope of glory you see that it's kind of like a married life as you get older you begin to look at like each other well kathy you're in trouble you ever know what's that man after a while you begin to just i mean if your husband's not there your wife's there people just can see your husband in you and you're a totally different person that's right but now you're achieving one mind one accord that's why a lot of people once their spouse dies the other one doesn't last very long why lost the will to live because you see that lady or that man was their life isn't that something we are god's children and as our lives achieve its purpose we grow like him in mind and will that's why i said let this mind be in you not on you not around you but in you i can explain it this way and i wrote this down it's kind of you'll you'll understand the relation what a key is to a lock what light is to the eye what air is to the wing of a bird so is the acceptable will of god to us the bird can't fly without the air on this undies wing and over his wing you can't open the lock like she got the key you can't see let there's some light so what a key is to a lock what light is to the eye and what air is to the wing of a bird so is the acceptable will of god is to us amen good acceptable notice this he's given you instruction here remember this book is a book of exhortation see so in other words a bird don't think he just does he acts when the guys are flying the plane they thinking i can mess them up if i walk up there and sometimes i've done that i walk up there and they may be talking to i don't know the center or something like that and i'll ask at the wrong time and i see them go and they're trying to help me they'll pull their earphone down whatever but you know i took their mind off of something then sometimes i hear them just laughing and talking and everything because they're on cruise control automatic pilot but that plane will tell on you if you do something wrong that plane got a voice flying to california that plane says you can only fly so fast before i go apart now we don't want it to go apart all of a sudden it is [Music] now first hit up what is that it was saying you go you might hit a puff of wind something that'll just slap you'll go from mach eight two to eight six boom and by that plane go and they'll grab those throttles and pull that thing back you see what i'm saying until it gets the way it's supposed to be and that all changes by wind velocity and all the different things and temperature and everything and i have two pilots ken and eli that can fly the plane but they are so totally different in personality a lot of people think eli hold your hand up eli holy hannah they think eli smokes weed a lot because eli is cool like how y'all doing man whoa man do y'all i don't know i used to have a wonderful man work from named louis savio y'all new remember lewis and wonderful man i i love louis blessed i miss him he would walk up to eli he go you smoking weed man elijah no he said because you're so chilled that's how you like just chill now ken's the other way what nothing can't expire but they get the job done one time we were in italy ken was mad about something i don't know what it was not it does they were out there and i could hear eli say chill man just chill i don't know what it was about about something because he had told him to do something you know you have it all set they're supposed to do this and do that you pay money for all that stuff and they don't that's eli oh man that's ken what but what they're doing is to achieve the purpose and i kind of glad so when we fly a lot of people don't i make them switch seats left seat is pic pilot and command the right seat would be considered a co-pilot i don't have co-pilots i have two chief pilots you know yeah what i'm saying i switch them why so because i i type not i didn't typewrite him the faa i guess it does all that but i send them to school you know and that way so they can learn every kind of thing and we've had every kind of thing happen in fact one time in the previous plan i had which i gave away my falcon 50 gave it away which is the biggest gift i've ever given in the history of my life we got hit by lightning and of all things of all things i'm sitting in there and i thought about jimi hendrix i was in a plane by myself purple hey [Music] you know dude all of a sudden i saw purple boom i went purple hey again he said we just got hit by lightning i said i saw it man my i saw purple i don't know if it knocked out some instruments did it knock out some men i don't know what it was but i mean everybody said hey whoa we just got hit now i don't understand how it could affect me because the plane is not grounded but i heard this and everything went purple i thought a backslid there for a few minutes and i'm singing purple head i don't sing that song no more especially when i'm flying at 40 something thousand feet in the air that's a true story what a key is to a lock what light is to the eye what air is to the wing of a bird so is the acceptable will of god is to you now write this point down our aim is to obey the will of god this is the good now this is the acceptable our aim is to obey the will of god nothing outside of it helps you find your true orbit in life see you got to get in orbit our aim is to obey the will of god nothing outside of it helps you find your true orbit in life see when you know in whom you have believed see now you're orbiting now you're persuaded he is able to ge to keep what you commit to him because your aim is to do the will of god do you see what i'm saying you find your true orbit and if you have a stable orbit it'll go on forever you see what i'm saying because your aim is to do his will and his will is his word it's just that simple by stripes you were healed okay then i'm going to accept that but i am sick i'm not dealing with you i am sick i'm dealing with your word heal i'm dealing with your orbit i'm trying to get you to look at your answer like you're looking at your problem see you've been taught by the church for 2 000 years to look at a problem complain about it get mad at god about it because it seemed like even david said that center though and doing good i mean here i am stuck in a cave but even though he was in the cave he was still the king you know how i know that saul knew it that's why saul was chasing him well you know i'm not jewish here you are you're born again you're a jew you're a jew there are no gentiles if you're born again you're a jew so why would you hate yourself i had a good friend of mine one time he's jewish now he's jewish by blood he's biologically jew we were talking about that i said dude don't you know jesus is jewish what's the matter man you don't like your own people he go never thought of it like that why because they don't teach that we're one human race which brings me to the perfect will of god all right see the good the acceptable and the perfect will of god remember this is the motive and sum of christian living let's deal with that perfect word of god first i got to say this first to understand the perfect will of god you got to understand christian propaganda because there's a lot of it out there christian propaganda is the most dangerous of modern invention there's propaganda going on all the time they mold your mind by what you see what you hear 74 million people believe that the uh uh election was stolen 75 seven on the other side believed that it would now who can get out as much news as possible on each one how come one network can be so totally different from another network they're all supposed to be journalists right right how come meteorologists can get it wrong with the meteorites and never ever ask for forgiveness propaganda why they want to keep you watching as soon as something comes off the african coast it ain't gonna get here for three weeks running as fast as it can oh it's off the african coast my personal opinion if you're watching channel 4 channel 6 and channel 8 why are you even talking about that if it gets in the gulf of mexico then you talk about it because they produce fear do they mean to no but they just want you looking they just want you watching see that's propaganda i want you to think like we think i heard that if you're a christian conservative we need to deprogram you and reprogram you well first thing first let me get on christian conservative could everybody just love that yeah but is the christian conservative bigger than the the love of god or do you kind of put a little jam of the love of god on top of the conservative is the conservativism stronger than the love of god see no it shouldn't be why can't we be how come democrats and and republicans and independents can't be americans we can agree to disagree let me tell you what it is propaganda how come lady you couldn't get your hair fixed but nancy pelosi could i'm not being critical here i'm just asking she forgot about the camera how come governor newsome says you can't go nowhere but he'd go to a party how come let's go to the other side how come a guy can go to cancun in texas at freezing they all make mistakes am i true am i telling the truth should they have done that no no they just wasn't thinking it wasn't good it wasn't acceptable and it certainly wasn't perfect why do we got to call each other names because we don't understand the good the acceptable the perfect will of god let me say this write this down there is no flaw in divine purpose see that's that's the perfect word of god there is no flaw in divine purpose it is a circle complete in itself why is a wedding band a wedding band because you can't find where it comes together that's a marriage it's a circle complete in itself there is no flaw in divine purpose it is a circle complete in itself see so i realized something that people are always trying to conform me when god is transforming me and you got to be careful about christian propaganda see because it works in every it works in every church somebody's always trying to get you to think like they think when that is totally bogus and wrong when we ought to think like god thinks it's just that simple eli flies totally different in the plane when he's in the left seat than ken does ken flips over and he fly i can i can have my eyes closed i know how ken takes off when we leave the ground i know how eli takes off i mean ken slams it which i kind of like i like fat you're sitting in the plane if you're flying with ken can't say y'all ready he pulls up boom we're gone but see eli they think he smokes weed eli flies like he's oh [Music] and i could have my eyes glued i mean i know it i mean they've been flying me a long time so i know their ways of doing things see ken never all ever gets out of his seat ken must have a bladder as thick as diamond he just sits and look again oh god i can't believe that he just sits there not eli he get up he got to go okay oh that's eli i said do this elijah go forward a little bit oh yeah i got to go far kathy totally different in the plane than i am always putting out a little commands jesse jesse jesse can you get me this get me that i'm cold that's it put up the heat jesse just go back there do this then she'll say do you want something yeah leave me alone it's true i'm not lying that's facts huh i put a bag at a certain place i don't like it there okay where would you like it i want it over here okay put it over there i said you want something i want some water i get it she said i don't want cold water i want room temperature water yes ma'am i don't want to eat nothing it's okay bring me some potato chips yes ma'am after she eats the bag why did you bring them cause you asked me she does it with me at the church too i've been doing all the preaching here most of it i'm working every all week and the weekends and she said you know you're the head of this ministry you just figured that out woman you finally got to revelation but we have a good marriage [Applause] because we walk in the perfect will of [Applause] kathy how they're going to stay with the will man hey i ain't the perfect will of catholic i mean god not only commands it empowers that's why i said that about catholic to this point the perfect will of god not only commands it empowers to be empowered we must surrender when i married kathy she surrendered to me for about 20 years maybe 24. that's pushing it 22. but then she got empowered i ain't that dumb stupid girl you married 50 years ago i miss her i liked her a lot she's dead and she ain't never coming back she ain't never coming back never coming back no never coming back she she has been empowered and i have surrendered now you put that to god yes sir that's right just obey the perfect will of god not only commands it empowers and to be empowered we must surrender now how do you get to the good the acceptable and the perfect will of god i'll close with this this last point to know god's perfect will or good will or accept the will you must renounce your own or in other words you should not be able to recognize your own will because now it's harmonized with god now you accord one three five then you become music that is pleasing you see i've had so many wonderful compliments about covenant church from guest speakers we don't notice this at all because we just love people all of them say you have a multicultural church now what does that mean see they're still seeing different people we don't we just see people we don't care we're not talking about you being hispanic i'd get i wouldn't use that word hispanic you got to get rid of that got the word panic in there you don't want that call yourself latino that's better see what i'm saying for god's sake why you want to panic but but i mean guest speakers say that man y'all have such and when i think we feel such a love here i said well we're we're we're a covenant family see we have renounced our own will and your will is my will and my will is your will all our wills is god's will so we just enjoy that but i'm telling you how much that's uh that's not in a lot of churches they're controlling factors in churches you can see it but here we just love people what can we do for you we do the best we can no we're not perfect none of us sometimes we blow it sometimes we miss it but we don't do it on purpose you know we just want to be a blessing because you see a church should be home has anybody ever been sitting in your pew when you came in you're so used to sitting in the same place which is nothing wrong with that we don't care but somebody comes that's new they don't know that you're at your place you just walk by hello hello that's my seat is that true i mean you just feel comfortable where you are right you're supposed to that's family but if you're walking in the good to accept it the perfect way oh is this your seat yes it is but you know what i'll let you have it this sunday don't push it no more after that many of y'all normally sit in the same place all the time you should that's a wonderful thing you should that's a blessing that's that is you have been transformed boy that didn't go over too good did it i just waiting for the amen i didn't get one i don't care everybody said that's my place and that's fine that's a good thing why because you're home how many you got your own chair how many men got your own chair you don't want nobody sitting in your chair you know even animals have that i never forget years ago i went on a hunting trip uh in texas i don't know if i get this so i sat on this chair this big cat i mean a big cat just he walked by me and just looked at me i mean he looked me up and down and went and i thought well maybe he doesn't know who i am you know it's his hunting line and he walked off i never thought nothing about it maybe 20 seconds later he come back and he stopped and looked at me he went i said i'll kill you sucky you messed me up and the man said you're in his chair oh whoa excuse me i got hot the cat jumps in the chair and looks at me like that was his chair and his little tail doing this he was happy and i went to make a step toward it i'll let you have it once i'll never forget that long as i have yeah it's okay to own something you know this is your church this should be your second home from home amen see what i'm saying but you know you can you can compromise certain things and all kinds of stuff you know kathy's normally cold and i'm normally hot we got that all figured out now it took 50 something years but we got to figure out come to sleep she got her heat side she got this thing she just pressed the button it just heats her side i mean man i mean i look over there just i can't even see the red light coming through the sheets i mean i mean i mean if i go six inches only it's hot i said i can't sleep like that too hot and then in the middle of the night boom she the sheets and the uh the confidence fly off boom they said and she's still sleeping i'm going good god so i just wait and i go 5 10 15 20. oliver boom she grabs here wham pulls it back over don't even remember it but sometimes he's awake i go to the bathroom where you going did you put the seat down when you left who wants to hear that at three o'clock in the morning is the seat down it's my bathroom she has her own sometimes i just go put the seats up everywhere just the aggravator now don't get mad at me we got 13 bathrooms in the house take some i just put them up i can hear them like that movie no time for sergeant just it's amazing that we're still together [Applause] and we will be [Applause] i close again i have a rock ear you know what it means by a rock here i was a rock musician i mean i played music so loud enough to bust your eardrum this ear here doesn't hear very well because when i play it and if you notice uh our lead guitar player uh over there you'll see them they're they're listening now they have in-ears in those days you had them amplifiers up there you're running through the sound board now and i just stick that ear there and i mean just blow your hair back you know speakers so it damaged this ear so when i'm if we're laying in the bed and i'm like this and kathy's talking i can hear but if i take this good ear and i'll just sit and and i lay on this side she sounds like this where well the other day i guess she wanted me to tell her something but i had this ear on the pillow she said how'd you say that you want me dude don't you have something to say you know what i heard and so finally i picked my head up i said what'd you say don't you have something to say i'm thinking well what should i say i don't always i have no idea where she's coming don't you have something to say i want to go i couldn't figure it out i still didn't get it so i didn't say nothing i'm trying to figure i said what well i'm not telling you well how can i say something if i don't know what to say i found out last night what to say that's been two days ago we were eating with kevin and cathy she remember she mentioned that i have something to say i said oh you wanted me i want you to say you love me what's head or grab put this push my head on the other side so i can hear what you say she didn't hear she went i don't know it's amazing every day is an adventure so is with god the motive and the sum of christian living i just i glazed over this this could be a three week session part one part two and all you know did you enjoy it today
Channel: Jesse Duplantis Ministries
Views: 49,768
Rating: 4.9139242 out of 5
Keywords: Jesse Duplantis, JDM
Id: A7u_Gbz-8JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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