Life Stories! 2 Game Grumps compilation [chapter two, bonus Barry stories and more]

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I'm sorry am i chubby chase in in the 1980 movie Caddyshack no I'm Dan in the 2018 movie yeah hello if you remember in the last episode I said that I have a great story that people will love tell it to me oh I thought you're gonna be like I don't remember I do not care so as I was saying before I've played this temple before on a stream for people to see how angry I get years ago when I was recording footage for sequel itis yes and Chris O'Neil was their own Eng and we were hanging out and that was actually I would say the first like attempt at like a gamegrumps format hmm because I had this idea because I put my P o box out there you know and people were starting to send me games right and I was like oh wouldn't it be cool if I did a show where I sort of like went through those games and I called it mailbag gaming okay and the first trial episode I did was with Chris so the first episode of mail but I think was Mega Man X 7 Wow and it was horrible what was bad about it it just you know was like didn't go anywhere of us had ever done that before and like it is its own weird type of performance yeah so you mean to be fair like the first episode of game grumps wasn't very good either is that right yeah the Kirby one yeah I mean it's it's so frantic and like even the first episode with you was like yeah really frantic and like well yeah I give good memories of it cuz it was like I'm a friend and no III remember it as god I can't remember if I ever talked about this on the show or not maybe I did but like when I look back at those early episodes the punch outs and the Super Mario 2 I can hear in my voice like the powders yeah just how badly I wanted to do a good job you know because like because John is such a good performer and like a tough act to follow and like because I didn't want to blow it for you and Barry and Susie and like suddenly you guys are out of jobs because I sucked you know so like it was super like I mean the pressure was on I remember I told you I was like you're probably gonna be hated oh yeah there was no but but that's the thing because like I did those those uh those mondo episodes like I was a spokesman for a cartoon company called mondo and nothing against mondo they're a good company but like they had this idea at one point to do like 60 pilots for for a video or rather for their channel whereas like what works on the Internet is kind of the opposite like you have dick Figures and you have Happy Tree Friends and like just roll with those like the ones that work are what people want to see and just keep giving them what they want you know um but they were like let's parlay this into like a hundred new shows and then just throw everything at the wall and see what sticks but they needed someone to like put that messaging out there so they asked me to do it and I was I was very sick at the time and I needed like money for like medical bills yeah yeah pharmaceutical drugs and and so I took the job and I was also very happy to take it because it you know it allowed me to come to LA which is something I needed to do to try to make ninja sex party happen and it directly led to game grumps but like all of this is like a long-winded way of saying like it was an idea that didn't exactly work well with the fans it was hard to get across and also like it's a Cartoon Network that suddenly had like this guy on it that nobody knew doing live-action stuff trying to like get across what these shows are so it's a very tough position to be in and and I just became like very very disliked on that channel mmm and he got a little bit better as time went on but like still it was an uphill climb but it kind of like oh the big key you did it yeah but it kind of got me used how it feels to be hated on the Internet no because ninja sex party like sex party was like kind of liked off the bat you know but it also had a very small fan base so it was like bless you he was like it wasn't rubbing up against anything it was just something new right right it was its own thing it wasn't like something already established that suddenly I was just there you know so when you asked me to join game grumps I was already used to it you know I was like well here's something that's already established and now I'll just be there and people are gonna be like what the [ __ ] you know and that certainly did happen but like it also I'm also glad in retrospect that it all worked out the way it did because even though it was a much bigger scale than the mondo thing I knew that you know the hatred passes and the people that like it is what it is like it's you know I have nothing to do with you know John and his decisions and all that and so it was just like all right I this is what it is and if they hate me they hate me and those people that can't deal with it will move on and maybe new people will come in and all that so it was just this there's a very strange time in all of our lives you know and it was I think it reflects in those episodes early on I think I really started to get comfortable like a month a month or two in I think to me the like oh this is good was Mario - yeah that was early that was early yeah yeah and also awful Vegeta a Louisville vag Atun oh me too finally getting all up on get all up in volvagia hammering hammering volvagia yeah and I started to feel better about it too I can't remember which episode it was but Michael no no I think it was one of the [ __ ] I don't remember but it was one of the fairly early episodes and John texted me and I think was Mario three might have been remember that yeah yeah and he and I have texted a couple of times about stuff this to discuss the show and things and he was just like I can't think of a better person to carry the torch and everything like that and he was like you totally have my blessing and I really [ __ ] appreciated that and I thought that was awesome of him to do and and that helped me calm down a little bit too because like you know if you respect what I'm bringing to the show and John respects what I'm bringing to the show and my mom and dad like me then really what you know everything's okay everything's okay and and now like my relationship with the fans is [ __ ] fantastic and yeah yeah well cause like we were ourselves on these shows you know like we're not I mean it's a it's a quote unquote performance but it's like it's not like I'm like hey you know like that kind of [ __ ] like it's so if it's like you were saying the other day when we were talking about this you're like if if someone if someone has a negative reaction to somebody else for any other reason than that second person coming up and being like [ __ ] you you know yeah it's probably like transference you know they're probably probably on you to figure that out for yourself yeah yeah why it's upsetting you when it's not inherently upsetting yeah exactly exactly it probably reminds you of another person or like you're upset about a situation you know all these different things psychology whatever it's curious you never forget the first piece of the room you never forget the first piece in your panties oh [ __ ] how old are you when you got your first kiss if you don't mind I'm gonna remember what my first kiss was really yeah I was 17 think it was a girl I would assume it was why would you assume that I don't know because that's what you're into yeah I know you like DAGs kisi dag both ways fair enough I wants to kiss me [ __ ] I'll give you [ __ ] I I just remember all I remember about my first kiss is like I was out with two girls who were friends and one like they just clearly like planned it out and like won like we were all in the porch and the other one was like well I'll see you guys later and she just bolted like super fast or like I'm gonna start the car or something like that I was like okay that's weird I was like well good night and she kissed me and I just remember like my heart like exploding out of my chest I was like huh cool oh that's cute yeah I think I think we kissed a second time cuz I was like can we do it again Lord I was - yeah I was just kind of like well it's a big deal at the time yeah well cuz like movies make it seem like it's this big [ __ ] thing right it's not man I [ __ ] kiss my wife every [ __ ] day right and feel nothing cuz I was gonna say because I love her okay but yeah sure your thing - I guess compliment I got from like a random girl what that you've got a black girl booty know that somebody was like I was just it was a girl at a [ __ ] name a girl it uh I thought gonna stick and she was cute uh-huh and I got ones a long time ago okay I got one and I was walking away and she was like you got a nice butt and I was like really thank you neat this is awesome I love it I'd never gotten compliments from girls like that before that she really does stick with you yeah a girl of african-american descent once in Philadelphia she was like really forward she was like you're beautiful do you have a girlfriend I was like oh and I did at the time and I was just like oh I want to say no but I was like yeah I do but thank you and I never forgot and then the girlfriend and I broke up like a week later and I was like because I've still never gotten to be with the black girl and I've been told the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice oh what's yeah I've heard once you go black you never go back I know that's true because I'm you know I'm of a different descent and it's once you go Jewish there's a 40 to 45 percent chance that you never go back but that's actually being pretty generous need more than two hands and your best friend Dan first of all I'm your best friend yes well thank you Suzie's your best friend I don't care she's she's her own category in a different category as far as I'm concern in the best friends that you don't have sex with category for now [Music] yeah I mean I have sex with a lot of my friends you know you know actually it's funny my sister my sister's been married for five years now six years and she's been with the guy for like ten years awesome dude and I was like what is your secret dad no because I haven't never had a relationship that's longer than like two years and she was like really honestly the super simple truth is you just want to find a best friend who you want to [ __ ] I was like it can't be that simple and she's like it's that something yeah she's like it's that simple god damn that's really beautiful lolz that's cool that is good yeah good-o Classique it's Mario in the house god it's almost amazing how like did and this kind of look to it like really was like such a life-changing thing when I was a little kid yeah dude yeah I mean it's just so like no question my life was not the same well it's Donkey Kong jr. oh my god this is absolutely Donkey Kong jr. one of the [ __ ] hardest arcade games of all time by the way like it's so hard agonizing Lisa it pissed me off to no end I used to take karate lessons at the Wong karate school where I grew up in Jersey and like they had a they had like a Donkey Kong jr. game oh love it [ __ ] DK and that [ __ ] was I mean I was only like a seven year old kid but I was like I'm so mad did you like machine no cuz the the machine wasn't in like the building that we usually trained at it was only in the building where we did like our tests to get a new belt so it was like an important day and you weren't like supposed to be [ __ ] around but of course we were [ __ ] around and I'm playing video games getting angry and not harnessing our Chi the way good little karate kids I'm a doctor and over there is where the penis I could point anywhere hello dr. big they call me dr. willy actually yeah they do you've gotta go now man follow okay cool you know you know I actually had that situation when I was like 13 or 14 like your penis was too big no quite the opposite my my doctor like III had like a pediatrician for way too long you know how like sometimes you just see your childhood doctor for too long because like I don't know you're just like lazy and scared of big big person doctors you're like best friends yeah that was the case with Megan but under your barbecue um it was a woman and it was a lady invited her lady Indian lady named dr. Mallick and she was awesome I loved her but like she the problem with that was like she kind of treated me like a kid for a very long time and so my mom and she like she she gave me like a physical when I was like 12 or 13 uh-huh and she's just like in the main like office with like everyone around and she's just like she's like your son is like everything's fine he's totally normally it's just a little bit of a late bloomer you know I mean basically she was saying I had a small [ __ ] baby dick for too long and I'm just like oh this is awesome just like in front of like all the cute like receptionist girls like super duper [Laughter] what a great [ __ ] day this is for me their knowledge is treasure and their treasure Oh whoops oh boy Oh Oh really yeah really den they should just like let you courtesy die there and like start back up like surviving that's almost the worst thing but how could a Zelda game be imperfect man it's not it is perfect it's we horrible [ __ ] I have so much going for me in life I have so many things and pure and I have friends that care about me you do and I've been reconnecting with so many people and Center and things have been so good and I've been calling my parents more often they love you and I've been connecting with my brother we've been playing video games together great online and he's coming to visit me in March fun and and and just like and and we finally found like like couples that we can hang out with because that's so difficult to find as a couple sure they're like you know it's like where both of them are awesome and they think both of us are awesome like just a mutual awesome fest usually there's one douche in that well it's not do she's just kind of like I don't really like him but it's like okay well okay well but just things happen to me I know but I have a similar story would you like to hear that it's like I could do that right now mm-hmm be like have you ever what I got I know I have like two stories I'm really not proud of from my college years oh yeah pretty sure you know both of them is it the one you got arrested well I didn't get arrested but I did have a an altercation with police altercations is a strong word that means no no they they told me sound a curb and they did for a while that's what I was talking about do you want me to tell that story yeah sure why not okay so I was a fresh-faced young lad with a full beard of the age of 18 and I just gotten to NYU I went to New York University in New York City New York State and a couple weeks after I arrived there I was hanging out with some friends and they're like hey let's go to Central Park and I was like my god that's a brilliant idea I've never been at Central Park except for that one time but now I live in New York so that's my it's my Central Park so with the Central Park at 2:00 in the morning which is a terrible idea why because I mean well you might get stabbed like don't run around in the city in the dark place it's not well-lit the middle of night it's not smart we didn't know that because we were stupid and young we also didn't know was that central park closes at night so we're walking through the park having a good time chatting about life and whatever enjoying the fresh fall air and there's an employee of the park who's like hey guys parks closed we're like oh excuse us very sorry didn't mean to trespass on public property I don't know I guess it's public property but yeah so we're like okay fine so we're on our way out of the park and we're like okay let's we'll get back to the dorms and have herself asleep mm-hmm all of a sudden we're walking along one of the streets that kind of cuts its way through Central Park mm-hm and police pull up okay and we're like oh okay hello and they were like give us your IDs and sit on the curb and we're like what do we do and they run background checks on us I guess they're like it was like half an hour that we're sitting on that curb well they were just looking up our life stories I guess as we're saying they're waiting and we're just like like I've never been been like told by police to do a thing I'm a good boy I've never done anything wrong and as we're sitting there being all dejected and sad a horse-drawn carriage goes by filled with drunken people who point and laugh at us like hi guys got did we're just like we don't even know what we did eventually the police come to us they give us back our IDs and they give us citations to give us court summons for an hours of operation violation they couldn't find anything on us cuz we had done anything wrong at least in the past but we were in Central Park after was closed they gave us court summons a good job NYPD so keeping the streets safe yeah and we were on our way out of the park but whatever yeah so that was like September and our court date was in November so for two months I had this ticket hanging on my wall and it was just every morning I would get up and would just hang over me like a wet blanket I just like oh my god I gotta go to court like my parents are gonna disown me my life's gonna be over this is a nightmare I did all this research I built a case for myself being like you know there's there's a gate at the entrances of Central Park but they're not ever [ __ ] closed there's no signage saying the park is closed there's no side saying hours anywhere and even on the Central Park website there's like it's a click through five different pages or something to find out the hours of the park I was like there was every reason for me to not know that the park was closed morning of the the court date wasn't a trial I don't know whose court summons I get up and put on a suit I'm like super legit like I'm gonna do it I gotta go to court and this sucks but I'm gonna get my [ __ ] together and I'm gonna stand up for myself all right go down with my friends who are with me that night I'm walking up out of the subway in Chinatown and my shoe gets caught on a step like a kind of like slide my foot and my shoe splits open like like like a talking shoe like a flap the talking shoe so the sole didn't come completely undone it was still connected but it meant that if I was just walking normally it would open up and then curl underneath my foot and then like double back so in order to keep the flap at the front of the shoe I had to kick my foot out with every step of my right foot so you lost honey so I had to walk like a minister of Silly Walks for Monty Python or some [ __ ] like normal step crazy kicking step and we'll stop crazy kicking stuff I walked down to the courthouse and I wait my turn and I have like all of this like mental information prepared him like I got X Y & Z I got all this evidence like I'm gonna stand up for myself and they call my name and I do my awkward [ __ ] limp kick walk up to the podium thingy and the judge takes a look at me takes a look at my summons takes a look back at me he says get out of there earlier bangs a little gavel and I had to pay a fine to the city what was this is fine I was like 60 bucks really that was that was it was a lot of money for me as a broke college student but I was I was like I like had my mouth open in my finger up like ah okay I'm not gonna fight that out I'm just gonna create more trouble for myself so then I awkwardly kick you know kick flipped out of there yeah I had a friend get in trouble because he was caught urinating in no that's serious no yeah over here they can put you in a sex offender register yep that's what I've heard so basically what happened was I took a I'll admit now is having like 15 years ago I I was taking a piss in North Bridge which is like rented oh by the city and Perth my I just finished taking a whiz and my friend Josh he was like just finishing up trying to take a pee and then just just as I like he finished up and shook off my wiener I'm like I turn around and then no and then I just know I'm just standing there for a while it may be like 10 seconds and he's like still going and I'm just like whoa you're still going it's like oh yeah man I don't like to drink I've gotta you know I broke the seal I'm I'm not in a good place and I was like all right take your time and then just as I said that I turn around and then these cops on bikes are standing right behind this and they're like as a yawn and I'm like yeah I'm gonna have to give you a ticket mate and then and then my friends like that's really it so then basically you know my friends like oh I'm real sorry you know like the the line to all the the bars was really long I really needed to go I couldn't hold it and they're just like so gotta give you a ticket and then they gave my friend Josh ticket and he had to go to court and I'm pretty sure he was just he just like was really honest he's like yeah I was peeing there's no there's no bathrooms and pretty sure they let him off with like just a small fine as well so like mmm seems like most judges like for that kind of stuff like they don't I don't want to waste your time too much I don't know no they're still wasting your time yeah I mean they are it's not a no I think it's a matter of you know it like I don't feel like making an example out of you just I just don't do it again exactly so like I'm gonna throw the book on you and you're gonna serve time it's like what what why it's kind of messed up system but I don't know I don't I don't excuse me I just like I don't I have a lot of respect for police officers I wanna make that very clear police arrest me please it's a very selfless line of work you know there's the bigger problem is the kind of the system the bureaucracy I'd say that has more more room to improve perhaps the individuals out in the street like a lot of respect no I'm kidding whatever but the I was very annoyed with the the officers that stopped us in Central Park cause I was like we were on our way out of the park we were like literally two minutes walking distance away from the outside of the park and even when they were like I get out here we're like excuse us officers what's the closest what's the quickest route out of the park you're like oh just take this and it's like the direction we were walking we're like okay thank you have a nice night it's like why why couldn't you just been like all right you kids just the parks closed get out of here like why did they have to make me stress and go to court but anyway the epilogue that story was a full year after that maybe two years later I was home for the summer having burgers with my parents no no and I'm just kind of like you know what [ __ ] it caution to the wind hey mom and dad I went to court freshman year and they're like white em again I tell them this story and I'm just terrified like I've been terrified ever since it happened like oh my god what am i parents gonna say were they gonna do they were in tears laughing they [ __ ] love that story especially the flappy broken shoe they they that's like the the cherry on top of what a shitty semester that was so that that's the fun what blog where it's just like oh my mom and dad think my pain is hilarious I guess cuz the the ending is just like that whatever chair miss bearish who's the horrible voice still haunts me to this day to me what did you lie about well [ __ ] it she was like I didn't do my homework like always and and she what are you gonna do tell her you didn't do your homework that's the thing she was like did you do your homework dan and I was like yeah you're just so senior scared eight-year-old kid and an adult gets in your face and you don't wanna like you've already already ashamed that you didn't do it and then and then she was like okay put everything in the center of the center of the table and I'll collect it and she was like where's yours Dan it was like I put it in there cuz do you just panic yeah and she was like and then she looked through and she's like you didn't do my face she made me like walk outside and sit in a desk in the hallway and write an apology letter to her now yeah I'd like to redo that apology letter now no I had to give it to her oh yeah and then she called my mom and my mom was like she sounds psychopathic do your homework but like don't worry about all the rest of it [ __ ] my mom is awesome she had to defend me from like a bunch of crazy teachers when I was a nice lady yeah she's great she's so rad I love she makes me smile Debbie love you do both you should probably explain you people probably gonna think you're weird for calling her mom Deb I feel explain it once or twice before well yeah cuz I mean I've always called my parents by their first name just because I kind of learned how to speak before anyone taught me so I just called people by what I heard other people calling them yeah so like seems like a lot like it should happen a lot more commonly yeah I guess I don't know what happened but like but that's why I called my grandma mom because I heard my mom calling her mom so my grandma's mom and my granddad's pop and my mom's Debbie Wow yeah or doubles or doubles mcdougal steena she's come to be known so Pheebs for short so if nobody if nobody did all that [ __ ] by like generation 3 everybody would just be calling each other by their names yeah why not it like I remember other parents at like PTA meetings like if I'd be like hey Debbie that all the other parents are be like oh yeah yeah it's so disrespectful a different marriage she was like it's just a [ __ ] sound release the sphincters all right so I'm like you know what you just reminded me of that I haven't thought of in a long time what my dad once risked his life to get me a giant's hat yeah I had this Barry I'll try to find you a picture of of me at whatever age in that Giants had I had to be like 10 years old but like I had this I just had that I [ __ ] loved so much and I stuck my head stupidly out the window while we were driving on the interstate and of course the Hat flies off so I start crying and my dad pulled the car over and got out and ran into the middle of the [ __ ] interstate with cars going like 90 miles an hour all around him to get my hat for me man what a badass [ __ ] badass dude what a dad ass and he was like maybe the traffic could stop me wait before we sign off I just want to say I did find the picture remember I said I was talking about that picture of me in the Giants hat that my dad risked his life to like yeah I found I found the picture like Barry put up a joke picture because I couldn't find the real one but you actually finally found it yeah well I found a picture of me wearing it here check this out oh [ __ ] what [ __ ] just got soaked all right you know what next time I'm sorry I have to make a joke out of everything no no it's cool it's cool especially your goofy ears trow it right true and no you control it right to little bottom oh that actually really helps yeah Jesus it's like way better I swear to [ __ ] god Aaron those [ __ ] baboons are always batting me up if I [ __ ] have to watch you please one more time through I don't care I don't care you know what I don't care I got it this time I got it yeah I solved the problem watch me dad I got it all they need is an extra loan and a better borrow couple dollars from my parents they still got they're still kicking when you decided to become an animator before you became financially stable excuse me did you ever have to ask your parents for money no no really no you just dropped out of high school for any boy cenotes I lived with them for [ __ ] 22 years or something okay that's you know that's asking them for money essentially I guess so but like once you moved out that was it once I moved out no I never did I was very poor like super for well I think I told the story on the show once where I was like taking money out of my friend's piggy bank so oh my god I never heard this so that I could that I remember so that I could buy gas money to get to work Oh God what's that the Disney days yeah whoa 3 shot kill yeah those are bad times I always paid him back though and you are the worst [ __ ] I'm just trying to [ __ ] get it done it was uh I wanted to make sure he like knew it I was like non-confrontational at the time right I have since learned confrontation oh god yeah but you'll kill a man being in charge of what nine people right you have to be open to confrontation mm-hmm but anyway I I wanted him to know that I was doing it and then I was paying him back so I paid him back in bills instead of coins oh that's cool like suddenly he would have bills in his bag and you know thinking back I kind of wonder like why the [ __ ] suddenly have bills in my bag like just for some reason I was like he'll know I took some and then I felt guilty and then I oh you never even met sad you were taking money from his people oh wow I just I just snuck at his room and took money and then I paid for gas and then when I got my paycheck then I'd take some bills out of what I took and then I'd pay him back that's crazy pills what in the bag my of them piggy bank or whatever man it was my parents supported me for a long time really yeah and it was very humiliating to keep asking for help especially when like my dad was like you know not that he didn't support me but like he didn't understand what I was trying to do you know because like he's a he's a business guy and like he's a dollars guy nice yeah good job a bomb save that mushroom bro don't hit it right away baby save that shroom that's a mushroom tip from your boy dan I got some more mushroom I'm curious you know I'm curious I want to see that tip yeah all right I'll show you what it's about oh wow look at that mushroom oh now we killed the other one Oh [ __ ] douche I'll just let him I'll just let him have it I'll let him have it bring him round round round in my hand my hand we need your [ __ ] is that the end of your story no there was more it just like I guess it was just on my mind cuz like this past Magfest that we just did felt like felt like a like wow we actually made it kind of situation you know and like as as awesome as the last couple of years have been it it still felt surreal and it didn't feel because it was game grumps in because it was something that like you had built with John so much it didn't really feel like I deserved like a lot of the success that came with it if that makes sense like it was like I didn't build this I just I jumped on you know when they were already like a million subscribers and stuff there's three million yeah I'm it's awesome no now now now I'm a little bit easier on myself but don't hit that just yet yeah there you go you got a save in the flavor now hit that [ __ ] yes yes yes yes but I mean ninja sex party like that was something that like Brian and I created out of nothing you know so like for that to like have taken off felt amazing and like I think just because my dad was there in the audience and like he was beaming you know and my mom was there it was just so [ __ ] amazing what was the point of all this oh just that like so there were a bunch of people asking me like what's it feel like you know and like can I ever get to that point and like the short answer is yes you can and the other answer is like you know I had a lot of [ __ ] help you know yeah like I did not do this on my own and all that like my parents and my grandma granny sex bang how many [ __ ] hits does this guy take I know my god I remember granny sex bang gave me a check for like let's just say a four-digit number that was more money than I had in the bank at the time you know and that's what allowed me to do the sacred chalice videos when we made those which led to us getting our first manager and all this [ __ ] but like I got to hang out with her the other day and I was like mom like I called granny sex bank mom for anyone doesn't know that it's like you know you made all this possible and she was like you made this but like it's just it's just [ __ ] I don't know I don't know where I'm going with all this other than that like this is the first time in my life I've ever felt like you know really happy with career stuff and like it just feels great I'm very happy for you man Thank You Man I feel similarly yeah and yeah I think that's that's sort of a Miss to misnomer is that like in order to make it you have to do everything for yourself and it's like nah man no no everyone gets a little healthy yeah lean on things and yeah don't feel like you have to like it's you against the world cuz it's really not you've got friends and family probably you're worse off for that yeah and there are ten people out there that want help I wonder if there's something you need to be doing dude because he took like 15 shots yeah I've been whaling on him for a while yeah I guess I'll give it one more shot okay and then we'll just call this a loss right after I gave me that believe in yourself you can do anything you put your mind to except if if you're Aaron and it's what you put your mind to is this level of Mario maker there's gray areas in life for everything really poof that's true man it's true hey I hear it all the times people it's like I want to do it all my own I want to know that I did it myself and it's like nobody did it themselves yeah good luck I mean I'm sure some people did you know but like did you create a an entire network and like distribution platform so that you could release your [ __ ] like it's like there's always as someone yeah along the lines yeah sure it's in one way or I mean we're all we're all piggybacking off the ideas and success of the weird druid council that created YouTube you know that no one knows their names did I invent the let's play format no did I invent [ __ ] cartoons on the internet no yeah good point I made [ __ ] did I even invent the subject matter of my first cartoon you know a year oh yeah well actually was Final Fantasy seven but nobody watched that whoa nice that was a nice up Thanks oh I really like it when you acknowledge my ups yeah you got sick ups bro you know what this is kind of cool or what's kind of cool about this I should say it kind of reminds me of Super Mario 2 in that like you've got your main quests in the main level and then you go down a pipe and then you kind of like go through some [ __ ] to get the key oh and then come back with the key and complete them that was very nes trope yeah like yeah it's like Bugs Bunny's crazy Castle was like yeah yeah Minnie Mickey Mouse Capades had some [ __ ] like that it's a god I just had a flashback to [ __ ] yeah just Mickey Mouse Capades and Super Mario 2 like how [ __ ] young were we that was uh I've told you that's right that was the moment where I knew everything was gonna be okay yeah yeah I made the [ __ ] mm-hmm Mayor Luigi boom yeah okay which is which is a good feeling for me because oh [ __ ] now dude I know it's tricky I'm sorry it makes me because it was like such an early one you know yeah yeah yeah it was I think it was our second playthrough yeah yeah it's weird cuz it it felt like because at the time like the second playthrough was like oh my god yeah we have such a wealth of episodes yeah I know what our second series man yeah thinking back it's just like while I was like a week after the first yeah well I mean that was such an intense time in our lives because of the uncertainty of what would happen that bike I I think I think every day felt like a year you know yeah it was a really wild time well that's that's uh that's also a goof troop was for me and like the original grump episodes was a goof troop was like the fourth game we play it as in like it was like this second change we started out with three different series okay it was Kirby and Zelda and Mega Man 7 huh and then we went on a goof troop and I maybe goof trip with the first one not remember but one of those and it felt like so long after we had started that's not anything there's like a couple weeks is it yeah I think so I mean you would have made it if you just jumped a little earlier had induced around like dude Wow dude seriously are you a million percent serious what no okay it's a joke it's a joke then or how can you be so sure that this isn't a joke it's it's tough because you are getting to be a much better actor as like as like a gamegrumps experience wow you really slid down there thank you for that compliment by the way I feel that way too I agree I I'm it's getting harder for me to tell what you're actually mad at me um that's fun here's here's a hot tip I've never actually mad at you a single thing that you've done that I've gotten mad at there was a point there was actually a point really early on where I was like jealous of you that Dan what do you mean because you were amazing and I was sound like a really shitty place so I was like well I'm not worth [ __ ] and this guy's [ __ ] do it in music videos and he's doing the show too and he's so funny and everybody loves them this was after I joined gamers yeah really yeah yeah Wow it was very brief but I had no idea yeah I mean I got over it thank you I do I do oh that's not fair didn't really take that as a compliment that uh wow that's so interesting but then I was like so essentially you got mad at me for being too nice yeah wow that just that speaks to remember that thing we we looked at like the the more people your seat it's a graph it's like the more people you're seen by the more you'll be hated no matter what you do oh yeah of course um so like you might as well just do your own thing yeah well I guess you could I guess you could tally it by percentage of hated oh yeah there you go so like if you have a if you have ten people and one of them hates you that's one out of ten people hates you but if you if a 10 million people see you yeah and 1 million of them hate you there's ten percent so you're batting pretty good same average you think I'm amazing I think you're amazing everybody does not I assure you that I am I am hated by some force you before show yeah and as we've as we've talked about many times on the show it's often like it doesn't even matter how much other people like you cuz like inside you're like well I suck balls you know yeah so and it doesn't have anything to do with anything it's just your own personal inside voice [ __ ] I don't feel like that anymore now me neither thank God shit's a waste of time the movie yeah also that not in the series not in the series swollen flu really yeah are you super sure about that it's it's it's like an old so he's a union actor oh you told me about this yes you connect the dots on that one yeah okay fair enough God if someone else is credited yeah as the voice of like like chips Mackley yeah yeah but one thing I'll say about Steve Blum like I met him at Otakon many years ago like 2007 before any of this happened before NSP anything like that and it was when I was still with Sky health my band before and his pay and I gave him a sky Hill album and at that point at that time I was giving sky hell albums to like a lot of just anyone who would listen and so many people were dicks about it and not cool and and Steve Luton was the [ __ ] coolest he was like I can't do his voice but he's like would you sign it for me you know I was like oh [ __ ] like I'm here to get your autograph but like he asked me to sign a for him it is I don't know I was what did you sign it for me yeah exactly I was just struck by how sucking totally cool he was yeah he's a really nice dude yeah and I it kind of I was like if I ever get to a point where people want my autograph like I'm gonna treat him this way you know and so thank you Steve bloom yeah I had a similar experience with him where I I made a cuz you know you talk on the internet and you make little funny bits and stuff and you don't really think about the people that you're like talking about right right so I made this bit about Steve Blum how he like voices every hero in every game and it was just like this audio bit that I uploaded to my website and it was sort of it was sort of taking a jab at him but it wasn't really mean right um goofing around yeah and then and then somebody named Steve Blum commented on my website on that post and was like oh this is really funny I was like yeah yeah and I was like oh so I was like oh man and I tracked his IP and it was in California and I must be him well you just you just get so used to people being touchy and uncool about everything yeah you know that like when people are just people can just laugh at themselves and take things in stride and yeah not be so serious but I met a nice person and I asked him about that I was like I made this thing and I commented I know it wasn't really you he was like oh yeah I remember that was really funny and it's like [ __ ] awesome it's kind of like how I mean for us who knows when this'll air but like for us the sonic playthrough is over now and and we've been getting it but it's going on like the episodes are still going up and the actual Sonic the Hedgehog Twitter account is like commenting like I know how much they're enjoying laughing at it even though we're ragging on the game constantly yeah I'm like oh man which everyone could just you know just laugh it's okay well to be fair he doesn't make Sonic dirty that's true but like I feel like I feel like his bosses must be cool with it on some level or else he'd have to stop doing it you know yeah that's true um he represents the sonic camp well ran and Tom Kenny once we watched a house burn together what you're gonna have to explain that one a little further there was I was on the highway we did one of you light the house on fire mmm I'm not at liberty to say not on the record we would protect Tom Kenny yeah of course so I'm not gonna know I was just like driving through Burbank with some friends on the highway and then I was getting off the highway there was just like a pillar of smoke coming from like the center of Burbank and I was like what the [ __ ] I gotta see what's going on so I went over there and then there was like this I think it was like a auto parts shop or something that was just like on fire whoa mmm burning tires always good yeah so I was like well [ __ ] and we just [ __ ] watch this this place go down and then like it's like Eagle Eye like a [ __ ] weird stalker or something I just like immediately saw Tom Kenny in his car like drive up and I'm like I think that's Tom Kenny that's crazy I know anybody he's gonna break out so he walks up and like starts watching and then like I go up to him and I'm like hey Tom Kenny and he's like hey like I was watching Transformers animated in time so I was like hey man you know big fan of all your work I'm watching Transformers animated right now like Starscream yeah and he's like he was like oh cool and you know like he let me in on some information that I will not share oh that's cool cool I was like cool and then and then I made Tom Kenny laughs oh good for you yeah I was like I was like man you know it's kind of weird that we're bonding over a snuff film he seems like a very cool yeah that's what what a crazy random story you know I can't believe you never told me your [ __ ] I watched an auto parts store burn with Tom Canty story we've known each other for years no I know and I'm super happy with that tail yeah I think I still have a picture like a like a hilarious someone's dream is dying behind me selfie yeah we totally took like a picture of us with the burning building what else is there to do in a picture situation such as that of course not I mean three generations of my family's business hope you got a good shot I do I'm a grump to a degree watch as we play games together for your enjoyment whoa I'll trade the pooch dang it hmm would you like a color commentary over a game play session how about baseball basketball hockey Oh cricket cribbage turns into weird like board games from the eighteen hundreds racquetball cheesie's enjoy all the fun types of things fun full-contact boggle oh god you've never played tackle boggle [Laughter] I love boggle me too actually Susan I used to play boggle all the time oh that's sweet we would go through like phases where we'd like play one game over and over every night and then we get really sick of it after a while right one of those game we used to play the Pokemon card game all the time against each other I never played it I built like two really good decks and then we just like swapped them and we keep like playing each other with those decks and then tired of it dude I played it I used to keep records I think this is part of my OCD or whatever but like I used to keep records at what I would play magic with my friends and I would create a deck and then I play it until I either 100 games or lost 100 games with it and when I won a hundred games it would be retired into the Hall of Fame and if I lost a hundred games I would destroy it and like create a new deck and man like finding that old sheet like with all the little scratch marks for the ticks of wins and losses like that's in the thousands it's like Jesus I could have done something with my life did you like [ __ ] did you find the old Hall of Fame box and like a moth flew out of it I mean it's crazy that [ __ ] must be worth a lot of money cuz I dropped a lot of money on it like as a kid beanie babies they must be worth so much now oh no magic cards get crazy there's one magic card that I believe is thirty thousand dollars it's like an alpha Black Lotus yeah [ __ ] yeah it's crazy I mean who knows who knows if like there are collectors out there who actually buy that stuff but you gotta assume if it's worth that much than there is yeah I mean you gotta assume that like a lot of the people who played it are like us and like super nerdy and they probably you know we're computer program developers in the early 90s and probably made a killing before the dot-com bubble burst I don't know where I'm going with this but the point is there's probably a lot of rich people who used to play magic or still play magic yeah yeah God [ __ ] damn Esau's if I if I had enough money to retire I would buy a warehouse in like some [ __ ] [ __ ] off country okay just tell me what's seeing as we have fans in almost every country in the world tell me what a [ __ ] off country is I'm an example I meant to say state not country because I would live in the u.s. I probably got a place in Japan honestly but just country like Japan and a [ __ ] off state like oh I don't know I'm saying the state is like [ __ ] off state I mean it's like a good place to go and [ __ ] off is what I meant like North Dakota Aaron wants you to go [ __ ] off South Dakota self Kansas the Carolina I don't know like Oregon or something or like Washington like I'd go there and I'd buy a big warehouse and then I would just spend the rest of my life making miniatures and I would fill the whole thing with many issues so that when I died people could go in and it was like a miniature Museum and it was like this is what Aaron did before he died there's that dude there's that dude in New Zealand I think he's called the tinkerer or the tinkerer man or so k don't say that in Ireland why is that a is that a curse yeah it's like saying the N word there really yeah Wow no that's just what they call this guy and there's gotta be YouTube videos of him but he's very famous over there for just creating all these insane little knickknacks I would love to do that I would so let just make little cities and then I would like I would like rig them to have like lights and moving parts and like little trolleys and [ __ ] dude his stuff is so intricate it's crazy boy this level sucks I'm beginning to understand the the low clear rate and then I would like and and then I would make like little caves and like grottoes that you could go through you know to like explore more of it and there's like little secret areas and stuff like I make the whole thing like an experience that'd be awesome then when I died you know I would like give it to somebody and then they would like it would be a free museum that you could just go in and like just have your imagination sort of go wild sounds pretty [ __ ] glorious I can't believe tinker is a curse in Ireland just tinker tinker yeah okay I can't think of sound effects oh yeah I can [ __ ] on Goonies to like the lick balls like that we had when the doors would open yeah that [ __ ] just sticks in your subconscious forever that's um I actually mentioned this in Super Mario Galaxy but uh the the sound effect that Megaman makes in the Megaman [ __ ] errand okay okay like slow today woof the sound effect that Megaman makes in the Megaman cartoon when you're like shoots his Buster it's just like sound effect and it's really satisfying isn't that also the sound you use to describe when a kick ball [ __ ] hits you in the face actually some kid like knocked my tooth out I remember you telling me about that he was a jerk it's pretty [ __ ] up we're not friends anymore although I am literally not friends with any of anybody that I ever knew in like kindergarten really yeah are you still do you still talk to kindergarten kids not there's a couple there's a couple III have some real I've been fortunate man I have some real friends for life like cradle to the grave kind of friends and but a lot of it's because we all ended up being nerds and as like outcasts growing up we stuck together and forged like really strong bond what boy this is tough dude this is a little tougher than it looks I met like my longest friends in like fourth grade well actually [ __ ] accreted that was definitely elementary school amen yeah I guess I would say like third grade I met like the first friend that I've had forever no kidding yeah and he was like he was like hey I do have to hold that button down for me he was like this mythical figure mm-hmm cuz cuz my friend at the time who was like his friend like I yeah I didn't meet him for like a long time so you like talk about this this kid who like had all the cool stuff right look he had like Dragon Ball Z toys and this like I said well he really is that toy his trunks and goten I'm like oh my god really that's creepy God you know what handing this off to me did not prove to be the problem-solving situation that you doped I believe in you okay thank you yeah I actually just had coffee with the girl I had like a crush on in like first grade wool yeah it's really nice it's just amazing it's amazing that like we're the same people as those kids you know like yeah so much [ __ ] you so much farther down the road you know I feel like it doesn't even count what do you mean like if you like once so much time has passed yeah you know like like I've met that person it's like now you know I feel like you have like once you hit I don't know like 22 maybe like 25 mm he hit 25 and then you like met somebody I would say you god damn it I would say you know them right yeah they could be 60 and you're like I met you I know you you do grow and change a lot especially in your early 20s yeah like that's why like when someone's like we've been dating like since we were 20 and they're in there like mid-20s I'm like oh so you've dated like five different people yeah you know thank you just every six months you feel so different at that age yeah that is true once you're in your 30s it starts to like mellow out a little bit so I've heard and I'm actually sort of looking forward to it it's vacuum it's quite nice actually I didn't my parents I got called a Gaylord on like the in like the the recess area of the school yard long before I had any idea what it meant yeah you were already inducted into the Lord yeah I was like dude I am certainly unworthy of a lordship please Tommy Haverford yeah I'm I'm like a gay girl at best that's a gay Admiral when I was young my parents really young parents were talking about like I don't know some personality I don't remember who but they were saying that it was that he was they were like I think he might be gay and I was like what does gay mean and then they were like you could see I knew even then as a kid yeah you're way better at this than I am it's and they were like it's it's when you like to kiss boys and I was like oh so mommy's gay yeah that is funny well cuz like I like adult sexual psychology and child sexual psychology or like night and day you know so like you just don't get it when you're a kid good job boys better watch out that I was just testing to see if that the one on the left fell and it does boy this is fun so I was right about that it's just a mandatory fun we're having right now fun yeah it's a weird al' album okay but also it's what my dad would do to me on vacations like did you did what was one of your parents like that like when you would go on like family vacations so like they'd have it's like so scheduled and regimented that they'd be like we're gonna have fun like at 9:15 a.m. wake up we never really went on vacations cuz really we didn't really have a whole lot of money at all so we just kind of sorry for bringing it at home my family often went on opulent opulent vacations where we would drink wine with Saudi royal families and ride on horseback on the movie did that really happen Dan yeah that sounds fun can I go back in time and hang out with little Dan yeah absolutely do you think it would be do you think we would be friends I do do you think if I well what are we like eight years apart well I'm 36 now I know 29 so or seven years yes do you think we would be friends if you were 17 and I were 10 I mean it'd be weird do you think we would be friends I'd be friends with your older brother and then I'd be like who's this [ __ ] snot-nosed little ten-year-old [ __ ] hanging do you think you and then we'd be friends eventually do you think we would be friends if you were 27 and our 20 oh yeah with those pictures you showed me of you as well do you mean pimp coat amazing kid I said that [ __ ] to Kevin so he could put it up here oh yeah oh [ __ ] dang that's tough yeah eran uh eran found some cringy pictures of himself dude it was younger I'm a [ __ ] meme dude are you really yeah dude with that with that exact picture no it was with it was the one where a head of fedora on and that was in front of my Megaman collection and then next to a picture of me wearing all black with two swords oh Jesus and it says I can be your angle or your devil Wow and it's like super hugely tweeted right now it's so great it's like really popular and I'm so happy brings me so much joy it's so great I'm kind of the same way like if I ever find some of my old like dreadlock pictures I will definitely put them online it's a little tougher because they're from before the digital camera age so oh yeah yeah so I have to like dig him out of a shoebox and then scan him right it's like well yeah you had whatever amount of time that you had yeah it seems like we had four days but we actually have just been sitting here yeah for like 25 minutes totally so I'll just duck that always is interesting you know cuz like we had that um the the Super Mario Galaxy episode where we were talking about like how exhausted we were you know like in general with our lives and stuff that one just came out although we recorded it a little while ago yeah so I we're feeling way better now like we recharged our batteries and everything's cool but oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] it up again oh you and your despawning springs I like that you turn small but you still have the big guy foot yes so like we got a ton of messages very very sweet messages of support like it's gonna be okay guys you can pull through it's like we should give you a break and it's like you don't need to give us a break like this is our choice you know we do this and we love doing it so like it's just the time difference between like living in real time and recording the show and when these things go up are always there's always a disconnect there yeah in any case though thank you everyone for your support yeah I'm really sweet to know that you love us actually today is been one of the days that have actually felt like the best and along I feel great today yeah yeah so it comes it goes I mean that that's the thing is that an episode goes up and there's like this err permanency about it where it's like that's published you can watch that a million times over it's like oh this is the state of things yeah but it's just it was like ten minutes yeah so absolutely don't don't no stress man no stress so good we're not here to stress you out we're here to de-stress yeah yeah yeah we're here to relieve your anxiety oh girl you got a you got a [ __ ] job yo chill out you want break and you watch some girl yeah yeah you just kind of horny and you want something in the background while you jack off just put on some grumps you [ __ ] I do that I love jerking off to the sand so yeah that was nice go to Japan I came back in it was tough but I got over it I discovered my love for interior design yeah you're you're into that now yeah that's another thing that really helps like first of all [ __ ] octopus go on this thing's head that is always healing gross lava always healing yeah yeah I I get I get what you're saying I think like a lot of times have you pursue a new interest like that that's another way to essentially just create a new chapter of your life to get into something you've never gotten into before well I realized I had always been into it because when I was a kid and I had my own room I was rearranging the room like every month hmm and it sort of never occurred to me that that was like an interest it was just something I did and now now that I have a house and everything and I share it with somebody else I'm like I'm like reluctant to change things around because it's not like just my space right but then I sort of realized like oh my office at home is my space so I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want with it and I was like what don't I like about my office and then I sat down and started designing it and that was like another moment in the past month where I was like oh I feel kind of normal right now that's awesome so I don't know like a sense of agency or control over my life was nice to feel it's fantastic yeah so things are like pretty good right now you seem pretty much back to your normal happy-go-lucky self yeah well that's good it feels that way but the I one of the weird revelations too was sort of like I think maybe I didn't know what like I didn't know how to feel like sad or like depressed or something I didn't have like a frame of reference so I didn't I never really like identified it in my mind mm-hmm so now when it happens I'm like oh no it's coming back but then I'm like oh no maybe like always sort of felt like this a little bit and I just didn't know how to like talk about it or phrase it or I was like afraid to admit that I was feeling it or something right so I I think that's sort of a healthy change that is very important yeah the ability to know what you're feeling in the moment I speaking for myself like I think one of my this is a young or Dan issue but like one of my problems was that I wouldn't know what I was feeling in a moment and like six months later I'd be able to look back and be like oh that's what this meant and this meant and this meant but like that's not helpful because you can do anything about a lot of things six months later so I kind of know where you're coming from look at that rainbow oh it's beautiful it's always darkest oh yeah what's that true that huh but it was like there was also two things like one was about work like I work all the time and I worked ridiculously too much in 2017 yeah we both did we both we both hit the wall like two separate times yeah that year and so coming out of working that hard was for for what in one case the way you put it was like didn't have any time to celebrate accomplishments right and then to sort of as a result of that I didn't know how to relax or exist without work so it was sort of like this this sense of like uselessness and like meaninglessness right because I didn't have something to like go into work to and do was just kind of like okay now I have to exist for a month and what do I do with that you know right so that was tough but I got through it yeah yeah it's I mean I get what you're saying and where you're coming from because like you know we've talked about this the for me I think there's a sense of playing catch-up you know when I was delicious but one delicious ketchup when I was in my 20s I was kind of dealing with some mental stuff at the beginning of my 20s and then some physical problems because I had issues with my back for a while and and also I didn't have much success with the bands that I was pursuing at that time and a lot of my heroes like Rush and Nirvana and all these other bands that I loved had already accomplished tremendous things by the time they were 30 or you know unfortunately for Kurt Cobain like he was already gone by that point but he changed the history of music by the time he was like 25 you know hmm so when I turned 30 and and started a ninja sex party with Brian like there was this feeling of I've got to catch up you know I'm behind which is of course ridiculous now but it's certainly how I felt at the time and that's part of the reason I've been like so insanely driven these past eight years to just like never stop working and go go go it's because I'm not I'm not just trying to make a dream happen I'm trying to make a dream happen to the point where I feel like I should be at the age that I am now you know not a couple of years ago so the upshot of all that is that it's a mixture of that fear-based you know thinking and also the fact that because we're in YouTube we are at the mercy our careers are at the mercy of other people okay that any case in entertainment you know for sure but we've also seen stuff recently you know like Anna and I'm not gonna make any statement like politics wise like however you feel about these things you already feel that way you know if you're listening to this so it's I'm not gonna make a statement on that but the fact is like PewDiePie drops an N bomb you know and that starts a domino chain which leads to ad pocalypse and fortunately we were pretty okay you know because we were big enough as a channel mm-hmm but you know a smaller channels like really went under you know and weren't able to make a living at this anymore um and then you know you see someone like logan paul who does that video that was the wall you were gone right with the in the japanese forest it happened like the day before we left yeah yeah I so I think we were actually in Japan at the same time right so he does something like that and that of course is another example of people who don't know anything about YouTube suddenly being looking at it from the outside and thinking this guy represents all youtubers you know and that I fortunately it doesn't seem like that has led to another like mass exodus of advertisers or anything well it's tough to say because it happened right when January started right right as you know a huge drop for ad revenue yeah little inside baseball for you yeah that's just the natural rhythm of advertising on YouTube January's a slow month for some reason but either way that's another basically YouTube is run by the top 50 channels you know that that make the company of YouTube an enormous amount of its money an enormous percentage of it that's not true not true no no no well the the creators the percentage of creators like like like you and me and like Logan Paul or PewDiePie or whatever they make up like 1% of the traffic on YouTube yeah how can that be well that's that's that's basically why you get all these creators complaining that they don't communicate with us because like frankly they're they're not super interested and like it's good for brand building to have like channels and shows and stuff but most of their most of their traffic is from like viral videos and like random [ __ ] so why does it seem that YouTube is reluctant to discipline folks like that how do you I don't know side from you know punishing that's what I'm saying well that's what I'm doing look at it it's not really their their choice anyway I mean to be honest I I I don't know because I don't know that I agree with many things that YouTube does sure I you know that's not even factoring in the fact that I'm a creator myself yeah I'm reluctant to go down this road of conversation just because like we owe everything to youtube right you know it's I have no desire to bite the hand that feeds us and has afforded us careers yeah cuz that would be super [ __ ] hypocritical but you know I I do that the only point I was trying to make was that we as creators in this job are very much at the mercy of other people's actions very whether it's the creators that are above us and draw a ton of attention often negative or the the hard to pin down Council of druids that runs YouTube like I couldn't even name them if they were in a room with us right now you know they're very they're very under the radar so that's another reason why we've pushed ourselves so hard because there's that there's always that fear that hey this could all go away no matter how good a job we're doing or how hard were working at any time you know yeah there was a bit of like a treadmill a sense of it right so but there's also a limit that we clearly hit last year where you know we were doing game grumps and we did good game and we toured with NSP and starbomb and we toured with game grumps and we're with Jack and we toured with Jack it was just non-stop we went all over the world and it was it was awesome but it also yeah killed us inside yeah well it made me realize that there's the the importance of yin and yang right and by that I mean like there's a whole lot of yin not a lot of yang in in 2017 it was just like non-stop work and no self-care yeah when there should be sort of a balance right like there should have been and and I have a buddy who was like my New Year's resolution is to not work on weekends and to come home at night and not work you know like they leave it for the work day mm-hmm and I certainly didn't do that last year I was working weekends almost consistently right sure and you know I would work until you know 9 p.m. 10 p.m. and and come home and go to sleep pretty soon after you know so there was a whole lot of balance in my life in 2017 yeah and hopefully that'll change I mean not hopefully I will make an effort to make a change yeah I I already feel better just for me it was going back to Jersey and hanging out with my parents and my friends back there and my grandma and after you know usually I get three days of that you know before I have to come back but this time I got 10 days and then you know it was very healing and very very much a feeling of like okay you know and again same principle you know it reminded me of the time of my life before all this happened and you know just that reminder that oh cool you know I don't this isn't the way it's always been yeah and and and sorry didn't cut you know that was the gist of it okay these things are horrifying and that's what they're adorable okay look at them oh there's seals never mind now that I know they're seals are cute I thought they were humans with just fucked-up faces yeah and also [ __ ] I feel like we shouldn't next time we can you know sit oh sure we will continue this conversation but I see yeah God shy told my nanjing story which ones that where I got blackout drunk in Nanjing I don't even think you've told me this story I've told you this story no I don't remember okay well this is not I you put not proud of this story's not be gonna say not proud of the story it's alright I got lots of stories like that this was that's why I told this at some point but maybe not stop me if you heard it or just skip ahead if you've heard this so again back when I was in college and I was younger and dumber I would drink mm-hmm on occasion way more than I should and I'm lucky I didn't get in any more serious trouble than just having really bad mornings afterwards but consequences were far greater when I was studying abroad in my junior year of college oh you see I spent four months abroad in China it's not good for what reason couldn't really tell you I originally applied to go to London and that program filled up and I was talking about to the global affairs administrator and I was like yeah I guess I can't go to London he's like why don't you go to China and I was like I can go to China he's like yeah go to China I was like okay so it's China I spent four months looking out of Shanghai and it didn't speak a lick of Mandarin and was completely a fish out of water Justin did what was but Justin was Chinese oh he spoke Mandarin yeah not Cantonese no I'm pretty sure he spoke Mandarin he might have some ideas kids I don't know I'd have to ask him mandarins is more than mainland yeah I think Mandarin I'm a he'll probably I know like in Hong Kong this begins news anyway so I was taking Mandarin while I was there and I was learning a lot just from you know trying to survive in China but a couple weeks like three weeks after arriving there I went to Nanjing with a couple of the guys I've met who - so these other two guys also happen to be white there were a couple white folk now why such as myself a lot of people in the program were Chinese so they didn't much or go of it than weeded and so us three white gentlemen myself another guy and a third guy who was well over six feet tall in case we weren't conspicuous enough Jesus because yeah went to Nanjing we took the train down there and on the train ride down they didn't have enough seats on the train so I sat in the compartments between two of the actual passenger trains like where there's like a bathroom I just sat on the floor with some [ __ ] with some Chinese businessman and we went to Nanjing which used to be the capital of China way back when its most infamous for the so called Rape of Nanking I'm sorry what it's when in World War two the Japanese went to Nanjing which was called Nanking because it's like Beijing used to be called Peking if you've heard of Peking Duck oh that's Beijing they just you know us English speakers like to not say things the way locals say them so we just kind of say whatever we want so it was not Nanking now it's Nanjing or it's always been whatever the Japanese went there just kind of messed everything up and just really [ __ ] everything up and it's a big source of tension between China and Japan to this day right right because Japan refuses to acknowledge it or apologize and then China's a lot of strong evidence that this actually happened it's a it's a pretty we went to some like exhibits and memorials and stuff it's it's pretty intense but anyway we were there we say get this thing at a hostel sightseeing we were getting around because I had a camera and I was taking pictures of the bus stops and then matching the characters that's how little Chinese I knew at this point and that night we were on the roof of our hostel and we met some Canadians who are traveling through the area right we were drinking by Joe which is a sweet potato vodka kind of thing okay tastes like battery acid they sell it in water bottles cuz why not so we're drinking water bottles of battery acid on the roof of this hostel and these guys like yeah we're going to Nanjing University a party that's where all the parties rather like we want a party were young and stupid so we get in a cab already drunk from the water balls bye Joe and that's basically around when i black out is us like walking down the steps into a bar slash club kind of thing I remember us buying some drinks I remember some time later being by myself in that bar surrounded by Chinese people buying me shots and then the next thing I remember I'm sitting at a big round table eating dumplings and everyone around these Chinese and I don't know where my two friends are and I'm like well [ __ ] I don't know where I am I don't speak the language and my friends are gone I get outside I'm stumbling around trying the only thing I knew was the name of the market that was walking distance from our hostel right and there's this girl in the group that I'm with and she speaks English she's the only one that speaks thank God because I mean they learned some English in their their public schools in China and so like later on during my my stay in China like I had kids approaching me to practice their English and that respond in Chinese and blow their minds it was really fun um and so they so this this girl is helping me and she gets me into a cab and she tells the cab driver where I want to go and I'm just like like lolling around just completely [ __ ] up in the back such a nice affair what a nice very very nice for and I bought a really crappy cell phone I was there so I could keep in touch with like my classmates and stuff for the four months I was there and I gave her or she gave me her cell phone number and she was like text me when you get there so I know you're still alive so I get to the hostel the front door is locked after a certain hour Oh No so I ring the doorbell because like you know the people who ran the hostel also lived there and there was like a little cafe downstairs I'm like ringing the doorbell like slumped against the wall eventually a kind old Chinese woman comes down the stairs and lets me in I stumble up the stairs get to my room doors locked one of my friends had the key so I spent the night sitting outside the door of that room because I I banged the [ __ ] out of that door I was banging and banging just like I thought they were in there passed out no one was in that room I was the only one who made it back that night oh really I passed out in front of the the door next morning one of the the workers of the hostel comes in and lets me into my room she just assumed like she probably seemed exactly what had actually happened and just let me into the room and I I passed out for the rest of the morning a couple hours later one of the two guys the shorter guy of the two comes in and he's like where's you know I'm just not gonna mention names to protect the innocent yeah he's like where's where's there's tall guy and I'm like I don't know he wasn't with you and he's like no I got too drunk and I end up getting mugged no and I was like oh and he's like yep so I don't have any money um I think he might have had his passport stolen - I don't remember it was like pretty serious also this guy was you know yeah like I wasn't surprised I give anyone in her group like he's this is a guy who we were on a tour and a guy like a guy walks up to our group with a briefcase opens his briefcase and has a lot of watches in it and everyone's like oh no no no I'm back SOI this guy walks up and he's looking like oh these are really nice watches buys a watch off this guy the guy puts it on his wrist for him and then runs away after he gets paid leaving this guy with only the watch strap no actual watch he was a scam artist he like completely just ripped him off and gave him like a little leather band for like a ton of money so this guy was gullible I'll say so the fact that it's like I honestly believe no to this day if he was actually mugged or if he got drunk and just dropped all this [ __ ] I don't know I want to I just wanna I want to trust the guy I give me the benefit of benefit of the doubt this was a messy situation all around so he's skyping with his parents trying to figure out like what he's gonna do and meanwhile I'm like where the hell is tall guy like what the hell happened to him I get a text from my roommate I was roommates with tall guy not short guy and we had a third roommate who did not come with us to Nanjing right get a text from the roommate saying oh tall guys back here in Shanghai which is like a several hour train ride away and we're like what what the [ __ ] so me and short guy mm-hmm managed to get back to our hostel taug I was so [ __ ] up he didn't remember anything other than Shanghai so he got on a train back to Shanghai oh my god that's how drunk he was holy [ __ ] so pretty [ __ ] drunk bro we end up going back to Shanghai short guy gets his stuff figured out and everything has a happy ending couple weeks later I get a text message from this girl who saved my life who helped me get in the cab because I texted her I was like thank you so much I probably would have died if it wasn't for you or at least would have slept in a gutter until I sobered up you're a lifesaver like thank you so much she texted me she's like oh when are you gonna be in Nanjing again I'm like I don't think ever but thank you I really appreciate she's like oh that's sad cuz I would like you to come meet my family I'm like excuse me and she's like yeah I'm like all my friends want to meet you and I'm like what did you guys did something happen with you guys and she's know nothing happened okay nothing has to sound like you got serious all of a sudden I'm rigged views but unless you guys really hit it off while you were drunk well she saved my life and I'm a white guy like I'm not being racist being white gives you a lot of attention out there interested in Shanghai a little bit less sokka's are used to seeing a lot of foreigners but the second you leave the big cities like Shanghai and Beijing Nanjing is a big city but it's still not Shanghai or Beijing you people are taking photos of us in the Nanjing Memorial so you basically do why were the interesting white guys who came to town yes okay oh and we were very interesting who were buying us lots and lots of drinks that's why you got so drunk yes we were already drunk and then that was we completely underestimated how much people would be amazed by the fact that we were white it was a strange time I could talk a lot about the experience of being white in China you're the kicker I've been gonna that part she so I'm just like oh like I'm just trying to be as nice as I can like she asked me my name like oh my name is Barry like again really appreciate it not gonna come back to Nanjing she says my name is Amy I'm in middle school middle school that girl was in middle school no she wasn't middle school is a direct translation of what they call high school I like dropped my phone in a panic I was like what middle school nothing it's much better like oh I mean I'm just confused I'm just like wait so she they call high school like upper education is College middle school is secondary school which is high school but she texts me oh I'm in middle school and I want you to meet my family I was just like no no no no no no dodo sorry Amy I'm never coming back and then I did some googling I was like okay she's in high school like not that that makes anything better but Jesus so so I have I have a Chinese wife somewhere out there when the collecting Barry yeah you gotta get reach out to her I should you know I'm just need to find if I stole my Chinese cellphone anywhere oh my god yeah you'd celebra phone number [ __ ] I did actually transcribe the the texts from her because there's some where I'm like my college laptop just see if I can find them that's all it's just like this is the most insane thing but yeah I'm living in China was a weird experience [ __ ] letting your lips and face move yes that's my life yeah I go to a party I don't know what the [ __ ] to say to people hey I'm just like a nice coat [Laughter] JCPenney and I'm like man is do you still have trouble at parties like with like feeling awkward and [ __ ] yeah of course really well no yes and no because the thing is like you really can't I've read a ton of books and had a lot of practice on talking to people I could [ __ ] give a lecture on how to talk to people right right first but and if they stopped talking about their Co for any reason back on the menu open that book back up you want to stay on the tail of those a little bit longer okay but the thing is like it's just I'm and I want to get over this and I wanted to try to find a way to get over it but like it's just my personality to just be like intimidated by social situations that's interesting like I'm as confident as it can be if you threw me in a conversation with some Rando uh-huh I would totally be able to talk to the what if they were Mexican what if it's like a Mexican random but well then I guess I'd have to learn a whole new language it's not like riding a bike for me I just [ __ ] right I really have to like dig in and like concentrate to know how to talk to people that's interesting so it takes a lot of mental energy for me and it really stresses me out I wonder if it's just because we've known each other so long at this point that like because it feels like you're just a [ __ ] sparkling conversationalist you know I literally talk with you for a living well yeah I don't know you're talking to friends there's no judgments oh right that's true well maybe not from your side when you're talking to people you don't see often or you're just met like you know you're trying to make a good impression and it's it's it's tough it's stressful that's interesting and I wonder if it's just that like I've I'm older and like I've gotten to that point in my life where I'd I just don't care it's like you know like you sort of like well nice for me that's just a matter of I don't know it goes backwards Oh goddamn it goddamn oh dude in throwing curveballs at me left and right crazy you I feel like you have a natural talent at talking to people or at least you've had a lot of practice alright um whereas for me it's still it's still something I really have to put a lot of energy into so my version of not caring is just not saying anything is it possible that oh good point is it possible that I'm like maybe Kevin - like we're the only like like true like extroverts in the group yes like everyone else is pretty like oh I don't know Barry's very American chatter is good with strangers yeah that's it I never really thought about it too much you are definitely the most introverted extra what I've ever met though oh yeah I do need recovery time yeah like way more than I do it I don't know it's weird because it's it's like a [ __ ] light bulb man like if I'm like hosting a party and it's all on me or something to like make sure everybody's having a good time I will [ __ ] and it will like energize me right I will be floating around that that party like crazy like making sure everybody I'm talking to everybody you know and I know everybody and I said hi to everybody and I know what's going on with them and then that'll just make me like like charged up alright and by the end I'll be exhausted of course but like you know I can I can do it like that but when it's like somebody else's party and there's no obligations I just you know I'm like alright I'll talk to the people I know and like maybe meet a new person and then I'm [ __ ] and then I want to sleep bring out [ __ ] [ __ ] other codes like it could very well be that like you take a snapshot of me at a party I'm just like [Laughter] what's your name okay did you did you I'll tell you what though we're like Burlington Coat Factory welcome back to game grumps where we were in the middle of a larger conversation yes we were talking about overworking and depression and all that [ __ ] it's fun yeah I was good good good topic conversation digging it what I was saying was in terms of understanding there's a balance in what we do instead of overworking was what I sort of realized was I was dreading in terms of here's how it worked right I had a month off I got off you know yeah I was immediately hit many times I was immediately depressed right and then there was sort of this like this dire looming sense of like oh [ __ ] I'm depressed and this is my time off is this really time off right right and and so it was like I need to make the best of my time off but I'm depressed and it was just the the clock a tickin you know yeah I remember you sitting I remember you telling me when you came back that like I thought I knew what depression was I did not know yeah yeah which which was interesting for sure I had never been in that state before in my life it was really bad but sorry you owe the balance thing yes okay so um so there was this sense of like dread right where I was like the the clock's ticking and when I thought about work and going back to work it sort of felt like it was it was like so final you know it was like well then I'll never get time off again you know or later like I'll never be able to rest again I'll just go back immediately to work is this as good as it gets and I wasn't considering a life change where it was like well I can go back to work and just balance work and not work right because work is is fun sometimes and very satisfying at other times and sometimes it's hard but like the reason I work is because I do enjoy it oh god yeah and remember how we were talking about because I went through something similar a couple years ago and we were just minor changes I'll blow these [ __ ] off I want to put this when I a lot of it was how I framed it in my mind because gamegrumps it's hard work and yet it's not work at all it's like play you know so it's it's both super fun and super draining depending on how you let yourself approach it and so in my calendar I used to write work you know when we had to do grumps episodes and just the act of changing the word work to play games with Aaron made me feel different about it in my mind really really strange then something that simple could have like such a profound effect yeah [ __ ] yeah there's just no blueprint for how to do something like this because so few people have this job you know we were we were talking about that with jacksepticeye like it's it's hard to it's hard to relate to people it or rather it's hard for people to relate to what we do unless they've done it themselves for a long period of time right because it's super fun if you do it for a year it's like endless fun it's just super fun if you do it for five years there's gonna be some moments that are that have ups and downs because so much life happens in that stretch of time you know and like you still have to maintain not just like the exterior of someone enjoying themselves playing you actually have to enjoy yourself or else you can't do it but so for for me right like it's so tough to [ __ ] throw a hat around and also also speak yeah well speaking out and put sentences together but so my idea in my head of going back to work and being on break were these two [ __ ] like binary states right of like I am on break I can rest versus I am working all the time and doing this and I have no chance to be myself and do the things that I want to do right so that's that's where like the the existential dread came from where it was like the clocks a-tickin for me to enjoy myself and the pressure of me enjoying myself is making me even more depressed oh god dude just think of that statement the pressure to enjoy yourself yeah like that is such a counterproductive oxymoron yeah exactly yeah they're great they're are well-designed never get tired of them I love how the one on the left and the one in the middle are just almost exactly the same but yeah so once I realized that we're it's like oh I can like take weekends off and actually [ __ ] and enjoy myself and like be like I need time for myself today and like that kind of [ __ ] right and also I'm in the position to be able to do that right like at the end of the day everything that I do is sort of self-inflicted I mean I'm in a place where like all I really have to do you know the bare minimum I have to do is [ __ ] do gamegrumps once a week you know right the reason I'm so busy is because I decided to do all these other fun things right so to be able to tell myself hey I don't need to do that stuff today mm-hmm it's a super valuable gift that I I've been blessed with yeah and there are a lot of people that don't have that that freedom to be able to do that it's just a shame that I inflicted the non freedom onto myself mentally I had to fight through that yeah it's it's a very normal human thing to do you know whereas most people want the least amount of work I'm like subconsciously finding the most amount of work right right well there's just so much like we want to do and like a limited amount of time to do it and you know it's we we have we're ambitious people for sure but underneath that is this more basic desire to just matter you know like I want like I'm really glad that ninja sex party took off the way it did you know mostly because of game grumps whoa those things are crazy Wow I like I'm [ __ ] him but yeah more than anything I was just grateful that anything I did took off because I just wanted to like make a difference in the world you know and granted there are people that have made a much bigger difference in the world but I mean you could take that stance with anything you know there will always be someone who made a bigger impact than you or yeah it's it's it's a fool's errand to try to be the most anything in the world yeah for sure and and also like I've found at least for me that like the greater the scale honestly like the less satisfying it is the less you can relate to the difference you're making yeah for sure because you know if I can [ __ ] like I'll hold the door open for an old lady and she's like oh my god and smiles at me right that's [ __ ] like I feel great for the rest of the day right right but if I just like there's some announcement where it's like wow oops hit the top thing ever whatever I'm like wow that's cool like it's hard to comprehend that and him like and like turn it into a feeling I recently re-watched that KTLA 5 thing they did on us I don't know why it just came up in like the thumbnails it has a call yeah I haven't looked at this in since it came out and the the number of views on our channel that wasn't that long ago that was only like a year and a half ago something like that the number of views on our channel like overall has it's pretty close to doubled since then yeah it's insane to use but the numbers are so abstract that you can't wrap your head around what it possibly means you know yeah and it's very easy because the only other numbers that you can compare something like that to are other people who do what we do you know and there's plenty of people that are bigger than that so it's it's easy to like fall in to that trap where you're tricking yourself into thinking you're not actually making that much of a difference in people's lives yeah well even still even though like we're constantly getting messages from people saying exactly that yeah like you are making a difference which is the [ __ ] coolest but I also think like whoa that's what that is not that it's like lesser but also like it does mean more to other people to have some kind of individual involvement I guess what I mean by that is like we do get emails from people all the time saying you know game grumps helped me in one way or another which is awesome [Music] when I help somebody in person I feel like it or at least when I'm helped in person by somebody it feels like much realer you know it's like I don't want to downplay what other people are feeling in terms of being affected by the show I guess I don't really have a greater point oh boy I'm just I'm just trying to like refocus the value on like the day-to-day yeah you know what I mean because because really like when I come into the office and I'm like you're doing really good work or something to somebody and they'd and they're just like wow that means a lot like that means a lot to me yeah sure it's it's it's an actual human connection yeah as opposed to like well you know I'm producing your project and I made it happen and and now it's a thing and like I obviously put a lot of work into this myself and also a lot of my faith and sure like that's cool but it's to me it's not as cool as like looking somebody in the eye and like believing in them right in that moment yeah for sure so that's sort of I'm trying to shift my focus to more that kind of stuff this year and in the future yeah just the more like primary relationships you have in your life the better like you you know that term right primary and secondary relationships I can guess what it means but I never heard anything I mean it's been a long time since I've thought of this stuff but something I learned in school like a secondary relationship would be a functional relationship that you have with someone like the mailman or like a waiter that's a secondary relationship whereas a primary relationship is you know your friend or something like that but if you can turn your secondary relationships and get them to be a little bit more primary whereas you know you go to the same restaurant a few times see the waiter a bunch of times ask him what his name is you know introduce yourself and then hey that it's no longer like the waiter it's it's Dennis you know and yeah like I've noticed that when I fill my life with like those types of things like little shifts where whoa that's a big-ass snow cone I mean let's just - yeah if I move my life a little more towards like actually interacting with people on like a more human level then eh I need something from you you provide a service level mm-hmm that then the day is more rewarding yeah yeah I agree with that for sure that's it's a lot tougher for me though cuz I know I didn't come up in a social environment so I have to put like a huge amount of effort into it right yeah I remember you saying that I remember you saying like what was it was it the nice coat episode of Mario maker but you you were like I I can talk to people no problem I know exactly how to talk to people but there's something about me like the way I'm wired that makes it difficult for social situations yeah and it's very strange because I feel like it's it's it's this yeah I mentioned this on a previous episode of game grumps but it was um you're that you're the most extra bit extroverted introvert I've ever met yeah sure I'm yeah I'm definitely a mixture and then the more I think about me you're the most introverted extrovert yes exactly because I people you know whatever it's worth but people have defined being an extrovert in an introvert is like gathering energy from either a social or anti-social situation right so an extrovert in this case gathers energy from being around people right and I see us as the opposite of that we're being around people is sort of draining for you and then you need time to recharge even though I super love being around people right yeah but in my case like I get energy from being around people but it's really being alone it's really difficult for me to be around you yeah yeah at times because I just I'm just social anxiety or whatever the [ __ ] yeah I think I think we're I think we're called ambiverts and levert yeah which means just kind of somewhere in the middle but yeah you like the end result is the same but we get there through the exact opposite route which is probably why we we counter each other so well in a show like this you know because we have the same perspective but we come at it from completely different angles that's that's an interesting philosophy I mean [ __ ] like we've spent enough time together you got a there must be something that clicks with us must be someone good [ __ ] there's got to be some way to [ __ ] each other hey next time on game brother yeah I I think I feel good about this conversation I think we'll get back to talking about the game and we'll talk to this walrus Jerry Garcia look in the beads in his beard where's your ice cream bro I don't know let's find out you feel a bit I don't want to dim remember the first time you saw the word doubt written out and you were like are you [ __ ] serious no but that sounds like a very singular situation that only you would know about because you had it I mean strange I definitely like Jewish had a bunch of words like that like Colonel you gotta follow no you colonal whoa Colin L the only thing like that that I can remember from my childhood at least right now is there was one day where I just couldn't remember how to spell the word of oh yeah Oh F yeah I was like it's UV make sense what is it ray that's a type of Ray you but I just I don't I just remember like being so frustrated with like that's not how you spell it how do you spell it like I was like nine or something I've had moments like and I knew at some point you know yeah but for some reason that day I just completely forgot it it just didn't look right yeah dude I like this actually made me cry when I was a kid I forgot my mom's face one day like it was the weirdest [ __ ] thing like just one day at school I was like what does she look like what she look like it was the weirdest it's never happened before or after but it was like the most upsetting distressing moment of my childhood Wow yeah heavier than I meant it to meant the conversation ago but weird right whoa damn that's what it felt like just a thousand canons coming from the ceiling salted by your book well that is something that there's always terrified me and it terrifies me whenever like something like it happens in my life where you lose a very basic fact no not even fact but like function or like there's something inside you that you're just like I can't like for example when I get like really sick I get plugged up by mucus and there are times where there's just so much mucus that I can't breathe and I'm like if I don't figure this out in the next I'm gonna die yeah like I really need to get this plug out and the things that I'm doing right now aren't working not being able to breathe there's a horrible feeling yeah it's part of the reason I quit pot smoking really yeah I was like this [ __ ] feels awful because he's like I was talking to my friend about this the other day when I started smoking weed like it relieved anxiety it was super helpful then by the time I quit like a few years later like yeah my body chemistry had changed where it like caused anxiety I was like this sucks so I don't know a couple people like that who got really paranoid after doing pot for so long yeah it's very strange so like every time I'd smoke I'd get up in my head and I'd be like oh [ __ ] how do I breathe and then it was like damn it this isn't what am i paying money for this for very sober thought yeah yeah so that was that but like I don't know just yeah basically uh-huh clever yeah just the idea of like basic functions leaving you is very uncool nice nicely done [Music] try through another situation just like you know like sleep paralysis is really terrifying it's never happened to me but I'm sure it sucks really yeah you've never woken up halfway and then just been like I want to scream or something not even in a dream not not that I can remember not that I can remember my like I've had dreams that [ __ ] with me but it's in a much different way oh yeah what's the most terrifying nightmare the most terrifying nightmare I've ever had probably like death of a loved one those kinds of things I've had shark dreams yeah yeah actually you know what I did it it doesn't happen any I wonder if this is like just like one of those deep like what are you supposed to be doing Thanks surviving it actually hasn't happened since we had like our career breakthroughs but like when I was in the time of my life where I was like I'm failing at everything you know I used to have like dreams all the time where I was like being chased by something well I don't even remember what I was being chased by but just like on the run from something that was gonna catch me nice yeah and that's and that's my fear of sharks too like being chased by a shark yeah just being chased by something that's like far more qualified than you to like be moving quickly at that moment yeah you know that's like the most primal fear ever course being chased by something that's probably going to eat you yeah and then you're gonna be like converted into poo I don't wanna be wanna be poop I especially don't want to be fish poop that [ __ ] that's ringy shark [ __ ] God start I just learned I just finally learned to love my body I'm gonna take a long time to come to terms with I mean I won't have much time to really think about it know what I think about that one boy right in his mouth great job mmm against all odds what if the Piranha plant just like chewed on you and there's like not great but you're still dead yeah so it's like not only did you die but you totally went to waste as well yeah I I don't think I don't think the Mario franchise as a whole has taken enough advantage of enemies spitting regurgitating blood-stained overalls somebody should do a mod somebody probably has of like violent Mario day yeah like a really happy Mario game but then it has like Resident Evil 4 style deaths yeah I think sunshine I think sunshine should get that treatment sunshine Super Mario Sunshine oh yeah yeah it's so pleasant yeah you like just spitting water around and then all of a sudden just like the food shoots blood dude we did super mario sunshine it feels like a lifetime ago really does it was it that was my first really long series I think I remember still recording episodes of my house oh yeah that was definitely your house days that was [ __ ] it was oh my god it was oh yeah oh yeah sunshine was at my house oh yeah and then Barry came in and cleared that stage yes he did because he used to work in my living room pachinko stage yeah we've come a long way man Jesus hey ho hey ease in there was it five years ago or six years ago what how long have you known each other in 2010 so going on six years that I'd pick you up in the Mini Cooper I can't remember that's that's the only time I have it because it was like palm house looking in Palmdale yeah you're living in Palmdale Jesus and I was living in Brooklyn I was only visiting LA oh wait no I think I was i living in Palmdale when I first met you this is a Mini Cooper wasn't bourbon well that was the whoa hey yeah you gotta think about being your friend that's what really does it for me oh that's very sweet it's really snug yeah that was the first car actually bought myself so that's an amazing feeling every car that I owners car every car that I owned was like my dad gave to me right because like he got a car like inherited from his uncle or something yes a Buick I've been and so he like gave me a think had an intrepid right it's a really cheap shitty car was it and then I had like a Buick Mercury I forgot what it's called I don't know century Oh Buick Century yeah it's a really shitty car that's what choda-boy drives in Orgazmo really yeah he's like it's time to go to the Orgazmo be my Buick Century yeah it was not a nice car I think that's the one that ended up exploding whoa you had a car that exploded yeah it burst into flames anyway she Walt okay yeah the first car ever drives like a really really used beat-up Mini Cooper so I was like Mini Cooper that's my dream car and then I got like a super used super cheap shitty Mini Cooper that was more expensive to keep up that I had to get rid of it because it was so expensive to keep up yeah and I got like a really really cheap model other car after after that and I was broke when I did that so I was like oh god what am I getting yeah I know that feeling uh it's like you gotta own a car when I when I lived in Jersey I had the the smoke 'mobile which was my dad's Ford Explorer it was not the smoked 'mobile when he drove it but it quickly became the smoked 'mobile whence me and my blunt roll in the floor friends got ahold of that [ __ ] that's why it was called oh man there was not one day that that car was not hot-boxed it's so I can't I honestly have no memories of that car when it was not like filled with smoke it's so embarrassing but yeah like same thing just check engine light on for like two years and it got to the point where like I brought it into the the Ford guys and I was like what do you recommend I do and because I don't really have the money to fix all this they really oh it's it's easy you take you take a black piece of electrical tape and you put it over the check engine light try it no [ __ ] worked you and you never worry about that [ __ ] again Wow and I was like what's wrong with the car and they're like we don't know you need money to for us to tell you that so they were cool those gifts Wow yeah pretty honest yeah just the other day I was driving to [ __ ] Carlsbad which is like - yeah and then like right when I got in like the really the really like hard part of LA like the where the roads are really shitty yeah I don't know the area there's some grimy LA for sure I got a [ __ ] flat tire and I was like oh Jesus it's scary I just didn't know the area at all and I'm like aha scared and then like I got off the exit and literally every single shop on that whole exit was like car shops like really cool and I just like pulled into a tire shop and they were like 35 bucks oh that's awesome that's a sweet I'm sure a lot of them are chop shops dude oh yeah yeah like that's how it's how they make Munson's but they were really nice they like just they were really good and we have this wheel gary neighborhoods are very misleading in a sense because yes they are scary yes there are people there that will kill you and also there are tons of [ __ ] super nice people yeah like I lived I lived in some very shady places when I lived in Philly and uhm I mean like even even the guys who would like call me cracker like they were super nice like I mean once they got to know me crack I was like hi guys cuz I didn't know what to do at first and I was scared I just love how taunting it is singing oh yeah oh [ __ ] that's not so easy when we um we had an au pair when I was a little kid do you know what that is no no the exact definition but it's lighter in the shape of a no no a pair like a you Pai R I think it's like a like a French pair something like that I don't know if it's exactly I don't know if this is the right definition but like it was like a 20 year old girl that like lived with us like sort of as an exchange student and just like stayed and lived with my family for a little bit she mooched and she was from Holland she was [ __ ] awesome you know your food named Lise and she was staying with another woman who was like mistreating her and being like a [ __ ] and we were like hey Lise how you doing and she was like like the sweetest saddest thing so we took her in and she became our au pair and I I was like eight at the time and I was super huge crush on her oh yeah but yeah she was like a beautiful blonde girl it was like 22 and I'm eight and I'm just like haha this is a bread I have yet to taste and she's probably like really nice to you super nice and like like made you snacks and [ __ ] like yeah we're still friends today yeah it's incredible umm she's a mom now but eight ways so she like she's like fifty now yeah she'd be like in her mid to late 40s Wow no wild that's cool all I remember legacy do one thing I do remember about like meeting her was that like you know when you're like a kid and you like someone and you don't even know what to do so you're just like [ __ ] throw your body like in a crazy way like I remember meeting her for the first time and it was like a snowy day in New Jersey uh-huh and my mom was like Dan this is Lise just like ran and took a flying leap into the snow like face-planted cuz I just had no I didn't know what to do I just freaked out I was like you're too pretty you're saying yeah it's like you just want some reason to impress her yeah but you have no idea how to impress someone like that so you're just like I'll just call attention to myself in anyway mushroom adventure yeah I'll take you on a mushroom adventure yeah I've done that before I had a crush on a couple girls it's like that Eddie Izzard skit where I mean I'll butcher this cuz I haven't heard it in like ten years but he's talking about like the difference with guys like young boys like when they meet a girl they like and he's like in my head I'm like good day Susan I couldn't help noticing the way the sunlight plays off your hair and your oceanic hazel eyes and I just want you to know that I fancy you you know but meanwhile you when you actually meet her you're like [Laughter] yes yeah yeah that's right whoa what the [ __ ] is happening that looks sliding is there a conveyor belt underneath these whoa I think there is oh [ __ ] dude whoa well that's difficile dude yeah y-yeah you gotta go the other way he's difficile he's DPC um yeah there was a ton of girls I remember I remember there's just one girl who my brother did baseball and then one of his teammates sisters was like my age she was real cute little [ __ ] Legos a lead or something sure and I would see her on the playground and like I was just like she's so cute I want to make her mind make her mind and and then we were playing tag oh [ __ ] that's why it's called speed run oh that's right we were playing tag and then she let me how we never noticed the [ __ ] Go Go Go music like right at the beginning we were playing tag and she she tagged me and I just like stopped dead in my tracks I was just like I mean the [ __ ] eight-year-old equivalent of hot girl she was just like oh dude it doesn't matte like year-old equivalent is the hottest equivalent ever because like oh like set your standard for the rest of your days yeah and you're just like when you're a kid you have no reality to go on with like romance and stuff so it's all fantasy you know and that kind of makes it more like intense in a weird way hmm never thought about that yeah really nothing where has your older you have like a crippling sense of like shame there is no love without pain why would I fancy this woman when I know it'll just end pull my fancy you [ __ ] sick hot people are gonna get some blurp tonight oh hey I was you'll appreciate this well I was hanging out with my family I was telling my dad about like I shave with a straight razor now like I used to use electric razors and stuff but like I like the I don't this isn't interesting but I like that I like the ritual of like you know using the horse tail brush and all that and the single blade whatever so I was like yeah avi I just I use the single blade now got it got to take care of the moneymaker my face and he was like yeah you gotta take the money shot and I'm like no no that's not what that means I think he meant like pictures that like yeah great and yeah I get you a lot of cash like now father I was like I'll tell you later money shot that's funny cuz I'm sort of the same way I got a really nice um I got a really nice electric razor which I guess is the opposite but like right but still like just just the idea of like as you get older you like to take your time with it more yeah well so that that's what it is right so it's an electric razor [ __ ] god why is it so difficult for me but it's it's an electric razor and like be because it has like all these different moving parts and it has to be like oiled right and like cleaned every time you use it yeah it's it's not you can't just go like brown all right and put it back in the [ __ ] thing totally so like whenever I shave it's like it's a good thing I have to boil it up like take it apart oil it up yeah and then and then shave and then do the like the trimming shave and you clean it and then really and then put it away I think it's I think it's part of it is that like you you're doing you're taking like 10 minutes of time to just do something for yourself you know I think that's really what it is no okay I don't know what it is like mentally about this but it's like really difficult for me anyway yeah there is something about it like taking your time with something for you yeah yeah I like I like um I wake up in the morning and I work out and then I have breakfast when I make the breakfast I like really I just like make the [ __ ] out of those [ __ ] eggs mm-hmm I cook that bacon and I like I just I don't listen to music or anything right I just I just [ __ ] I just do it just quiet time yeah quiet time where you turn off your brain it's pretty sweet and then I go take a shower and then I have to when I was a kid right we had like spray the shower and I never did it because I hated it right but now I sort of enjoy it a little bit cuz it's like I don't know it's like a little moment that you have to do every day you just do it and enjoy it for what it is oh boy yeah you got a full coverage of the shower anyway so I'm like horribly boring and we've been like I am boring boring like no I think it's interesting that's my life dude I like talking to you well it's also just because it's like when I'm explaining something that's like inherently boring and I'm trying to make it like kind of interesting right it's it's like I'm also playing Mario right right so I'm just kind of like your brain is in two places at once and then I I think you might be better off just getting the raccoon tail not even dealing with the boot yeah that's what I was trying to do but I lost it okay so yeah you're right I think you're right amused let's try that I'm gonna try your strat you're sick nasty dirty strat clean can't wait I got some hot strat later hot nasty strap man I my dad got me a guitar on time ago we didn't get it for me he had one okay he gave it to me so it's kind of like a oh thank you Dad Wow thank you father gave me a guitar right I will cherish this forever and uh his name is Peggy yay and I'm very excited to play it yeah as you should being learn to play I used to learn to play when I was like 18 um and I could play like a couple really easy songs but I want to get into it do it play some guitar plays maybe you know a checkpoint Oh No okay maybe you and I can stick in jam our to get together yeah with our clams that we put some bass I'd love that you play bass I play guitar do you play a little bass not well but no you enjoy it oh dude I took [ __ ] after-school classes he was the most fun of my life really yeah because like there's this weird leg you would need to have more fun what that should not be the most fun of your life no no no here's why it was fun because I didn't care so yeah well because I was here's the thing I didn't do my work and the after-school classes are not made for the [ __ ] like that I was in like the gifted program yes so it was like a lot harder and and the after-school classes were not made for the gifted kids what did they call your gifted program they just called it the gifted program oh dude I know right I don't like I didn't think about it back then I was just like gifted and then later I was like oh my god well I knew that it was [ __ ] believe I was saying that [ __ ] cuz like we they made us take the test for it like in first grade and the test was literally just facts just like [ __ ] like that you may or may not have happened to know so like a bunch of us like did it like the my whole group of friends were nerdy kids so we all knew a bunch of facts yeah so we did okay and but my friend that's huge [ __ ] man gonna watch out for the toilet fireball one god damn yeah but my friend Adam was like one question short so if he if he knew that sand was the main ingredient of glass he would have been gifted oh yeah but you didn't so he wasn't gifted like all of us be like this might be [ __ ] stupid I it wasn't for me it was like one of those like cognitive tests they gave you like a bunch of [ __ ] games yeah stuff like figuring out things yeah yeah yeah so that's what it should be yes ours is called discovery you discovered that you're way better than all these other [ __ ] I mean it did make you feel special at the time but like [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't it's [ __ ] orange and that shit's red it's [ __ ] game over no I didn't get enough one man's dude no it's all up to you oh no you got two lives that's not good come to man's Tyrion world for five no but like I was saying about summer school I didn't give a [ __ ] about [ __ ] school so I went to after school swap go to the after school classes they were not made for the gifted kids so it was like it was like a [ __ ] breeze like I I already knew everything so it's just like oh these tests and then I'll goof off for the next [ __ ] and it was really fun well like a lot of times school is the most fun when you didn't take it seriously because I didn't I do not much care for college frankly I did I had a kind of a bad time right and for various reasons but I didn't I just didn't like Austin a bunch of things wait oh I just remembered my most embarrassing moment okay go for it I farted in class once that's awesome it was not awesome why it was incredibly embarrassing why just because it was it was it wasn't like a bad one it was just a quick little like but it was loud it was sharp and everyone heard it and like I shot up because I was like bending over to get something like snap to attention super fast I was like oh [ __ ] and then just like everyone starts laughing uncontrollably and like I got that like hot wash of shame and embarrassment like across my face and body and [ __ ] crowd oh I was not proud I was humiliated and of course the girl I had a crush on was like laughing and all that blah blah and yeah [ __ ] yeah great job you're a piece of [ __ ] you [ __ ] stupid dumbass the pillars in between those holes this is baiting me and falling in there and in the black abyss what do I even go do I go to Kentucky and the teacher in the class did he didn't know what had happened he just saw that I was the center of like a lot of laughter and then he was yelling at me for like disrupting the class I know so like I'm already like on the verge of tears because like I've lost the respect of all of my peers and now I'm getting yelled at [ __ ] sucker there's a rough day man dude rough day at social studies
Channel: Bman64
Views: 1,106,904
Rating: 4.8443427 out of 5
Keywords: mario, zelda, game grumps, compilation, life, story, stories, life stories, talk, talking, super mario maker
Id: zlqn2sGs_mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 35sec (8615 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 06 2018
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