Game Grumps mention other Youtubers compilation [Youtubers Big and small]

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hey maybe let's do a little jig we are we are the medium rare of yeah let's play is that right yeah I don't know many let's players I know a couple what I mean we know markiplier he's [ __ ] awesome I would slam him in the [ __ ] good gonna have to fight me for him that's sweet ass alright then I will mark if you're listening to this sorry I'm not sorry I [ __ ] them in the bottle and I'll fight you right now for them ready here we go [Laughter] Oh came out the victor I don't know my wrist hurts though so I guess you yay I came out the victor I should have wore my ring for that one put back on your wedding ring yeah for the fight for the right to [ __ ] markiplier I'm telling you dude his butthole is mined excellent you can't have it who else it who else do we know we know peanut butter gamer he's a nice dude oh yeah he's a super nice he's awesome Austin [ __ ] pewds yeah we met Felix he's a cool dude pewds is a good guy he's very nice very nice I would stroke his hair I don't want to get gate with pubes cuz I don't know him that well yeah we don't know him that well but he he did he's you know what struck me about him how humble he was cuz like he does have what like [ __ ] 22 million subscribers that what it said now I think it is it's something insane come on and I know it's ridiculous and we were like dude like what the [ __ ] with that and he was like yeah I'm very lucky I was like you know what that's the that's the answer that MAPE would have made me like you the most ya know cuz if he just put on sunglasses I'm like yeah whatevs like shot off in the space rocket he's like yeah I bought these with my youtube money goodbye I would have been like you two'll yeah he was nice um I don't I can't think of anyone else hmm I know sparks CaptainSparklez I don't know him he's as well dude very funny guys chill out the completion is completion law completion is superbia Brazil's who the super beer brothers is let's play Channel whoa yeah he is the completionist and then super beard brothers which is less than channel no [ __ ] yeah I gotta watch that he seems like a good dude I'm running out of [ __ ] platforms okay you're good you couldn't steer you wrong on this [ __ ] in the right direction let's just make it a challenging oh [ __ ] that's not good that feels bad oh [ __ ] oh yeah that's really that's why really gotta get that platform brah you know I get it I get it yeah I get that platform brah yeah cutie pie yeah I love that man I love him too he's a super sweet fella I saw him when he was here we said hi that did not happen I wish though Oh God PewDiePie put those big sweaty meat hooks around me let's stop giving Aaron all the intention and [ __ ] you he's my friend you're gonna have me [ __ ] you hey we just we just haven't had enough time to hang out oh now you can just hang out on oh look at this yeah that's awesome and what if I jumped me different ways to die well I'm really bad at it but if I jump right beforehand i ki know I can use the momentum to jump farther and then I have to not do that shut up alright shut up I'm learning and I'm also doing a television show show on television a telenovela what are you logan paul can we make I've been doing 460 television shows for a million years every day in a row oh man I gotta tell you like and I'm not gonna personally make a statement on that because I'm like a statement okay [ __ ] like I'm always I don't know anything about Logan Paul I've never met him I don't and granted this is even [ __ ] old news by this point I don't want to [ __ ] on someone I've never met like and I don't know what his deal is like maybe maybe it's parenting like I don't know I don't know but I always try to think about that stuff before I make any kind of public statement about someone or criticize them right but then I was watching the red letter media guys and they did they're like half in the bag the best of like 20 best movies of 2017 heretic whatever and they just his name came up and Mike is like yeah what's the name a little prick who did that [ __ ] video and Jays like yeah stupid [ __ ] I'm like they just say what's on their mind like [ __ ] much respect to those guys man just not even a second thought yeah well I mean it's like yeah boy it's like yeah but but are you like invested in this guy or it's like give us a [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I mean he certainly did an [ __ ] though yeah I'm still learning the controls damn it's hard oh it's fine all right I got [ __ ] called out by oh no I need like another air - I got called out by the odd ones out this is really a talented popular storyteller yeah they're on the react show with us yeah not with us but just on the same episode yes yes they seem like nice people well the odd ones out is one guy okay Jayden is the is the girl but they're not on the same show no okay they work frequently together but they both seem nice yes that was my they're both very cool okay but he was like he passed by me in the waiting room I'm gonna [ __ ] I'm gonna claw my eyes out walk by me in the waiting room it did fine brothers and he was just like by the way you suck at Mario maker yeah did you play Mario maker like a year he's been holding that in fro yeah apparently he's like he's like way and like still way in the Mario maker mm-hm and yeah who's he just messing around or was he dead serious no he was legit serious like afterwards like I'm sorry I said that oh yeah but like that's very funny yeah he's apparently like watches like speedruns of mario maker and [ __ ] so just reminding me of it because lord knows i am [ __ ] terrible at this holy [ __ ] how did i get over on the other side to begin with i just did it on a [ __ ] fluke they seemed really popular right now oh yeah the the reaction from i got from a lot of people was like oh my god what are they like as i said i didn't meet them actually that's not how that show his films but the i had never heard of them before but for them seem like nice people and they're like getting popular so yeah that's good to say yeah they're really nice we need more [ __ ] nice people on YouTube who are willing to be good role models for the little for the children's for the chitlins yeah the chip is my god it's just like [Laughter] as we're talking about other other youtubers [ __ ] I watched the h3h3 thing on the Logan Paul situation it was one of the funniest things I oh yeah yeah because well on multi tears because the video itself was very very good and the you were really into Logan Paul lately but I that that I didn't know about him until the the Corpse video thing and that was a fascinating thing to me because I was like how how have we gotten to this point as like a community but I was just interested in what people had to say about it and so like I'm watching a I guess Ethan or maybe like just at the end started doing like this crazy booty dance to like that the by that merch song where they like just shamelessly pimped their merchandise mm-hmm and one of the comments one of the comments was something to the effect of like my grandma caught me watching this and saw Ethan's dance and now I'm grounded for a week thanks grant thanks Ethan and then the first reply was your grandma needs to chill out and embrace the thickness something about like the whole situation was just like I am down a [ __ ] rabbit hole right and it's so funny and briefs yeah the thic do it no man yeah what was a never-nude was it Jared that Jared from Subway no Jared Jared nahban back Konami no purge purge a ride to finish right um I think I'm Twitter or like on a stream or something he was like I posted my dick on like rape my rad calm go [Laughter] here's the [ __ ] best that is absolutely something I could see him doing better way to get a bunch of straight males to look at penises all day and excitedly be like I got it yeah I found you this is the one totally found it hey welcome back to Mario maker no I am covered in wetness we're playing more levels from the internet I just found this one that I guess was designed at an agdq or was designed for agdq I spilled I spilled water on myself I well I'm numb you know sexually aroused or any well we can change that okay what's a gdq awesome games done quick it is a huge charity event that happens I think four times a year oh that's awesome they're twice a year maybe I don't know but it's people speedrun games like four days wow it's like a big festival that's awesome they stream them is sethbling one of those dudes I'm not sure okay oh Jesus Oh a lot [ __ ] harder than I thought yeah Jesus Seth [ __ ] you train dude with a big fat jack whoa my big fat [ __ ] whoa it's level next on my game whoa all right proud of you thank you what was the guy's name who did this something jet bling sethbling I I actually had it in my head his beth sling and i was like that's not right i remember i was hanging out with pewdiepie once and I had some dropper relevant okay and I had some Swedish Fish so I was like hey do you want some Swedish Fish and he was like he was like no back home we just call it fish he's a lovely dude I was like really and he's like you know I I saw our boy jack douglass jacksfilms oh yeah look like that yeah he's a big Britney Spears fan and like for real yeah totally like no joke and I saw like Instagram post or whatever of his like it's like front row at the Britney Spears concert and he's like just like I love this what like this look at this goddess or something like that I was like okay a jacket like you love Britney Spears if you love Britney Spears I just I just made me really happy for some reason oh yeah because it's like because you're not supposed to love British it on her for whatever reason hey look at me I'm smart okay I don't give you things out whoever yeah I'm walking I'm walking with my friend yo woman going slow but whatever I'm at the end such determination I wish I was better at beatboxing ah dude you're great at that one beat yeah yeah yeah and people love it you know who's really gonna be boxing who's that Jay wits I don't know he's a Pokemon youtuber guys oh is it he's awesome show me his beatboxing okay he's really good at it great he makes me feel like a tool oh [ __ ] also because he's way better at poking hands than I am well I thought I was once good at pokey man so it stretch and I was once good at man's you know what no not yeah [ __ ] happens my right and I'll never get better wait is this the third episode we've done today for this or the fourth I want to teach you I was it ok this is the fourth episode this is the fourth yes okay so as of this is the hundred ninth episode right I think it is I think as of now this is the longest-running [ __ ] series ever on game grumps can I get a single balloon floating down Lord I'm sorry oh yeah do you think Jon's gonna be sad that he no longer holds the record no he'll be fine he loves it what's up Johnny boy we love you girl baby give me some of those sweet sex hey stop so I'm sorry I got carried away like me but yeah have that for anyone else but me much respect to Sonico six but holy [ __ ] Pokemon firered I feel it I feel I feel the love now god we've been doing this a long [ __ ] time so I got to add the phrase Wham gay to my illustrious google search term history and came up with hold on let me find it this picture which I'm super proud of Kevin all I'll put this up or I'll send it to you so you can put it up because it's important for your life and he's dead did I check that out yeah you sent that in the text chain yeah cuz we were because we did a thing with rhett and Link and we were like what's the dress code and then I sent that picture like that we'd like to do something along these lines oh yeah good times yeah that actually was good times Oh yeah hanging out with the rnl yeah they're they're really solid dudes yeah they are they're rock solid dude I could I could break some glass on this and they are there well they were well cut they're well-defined just like such professional people too okay so yeah definitely I'm sorry I sullied that with um some real gay under [Laughter] like we walk Oh God look at this thing yeah that's fine we work with a ton of different people and Oh God whoa there's two and oh boy bomb attack that's that's two of them and I think it's fair to say that some people we encounter oh geez oh geez geez are are more professional than others is that fair to say yeah for sure yeah and rhett and Link are just like right at the top of like just you know I don't know professionalism yeah they just make it easy yeah definitely Mike I'm occasionally used to stupid for no reason yeah definitely um yeah it was a real treat and also um their [ __ ] everything about their establishment is amazing yeah yeah they're also super clean in their comedy so we had to reel in our many [ __ ] and like it's so hard for us because we swear like sailors I don't know if you noticed but I was like getting it out of my system yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let's go well we're at we're at the point you and I we're like it's a very Jersey thing to wear like we'll just whenever we're thinking of something to say we'll buy time by cursing yeah you know we'll be like and another thing [ __ ] these guys like it's it's it's completely just a sound to us yeah for sure so to actually like be working with two guys who were like yes we both have children and they watch our show and you know they're not uptight guys or anything it's just how they do things yeah it was it was challenging it's actually not easy to be clean he's a big rat Kyle of Beekman he just did a thing with my favorite youtubers he'd been dead yeah he's still around yeah is Captain disillusion he is like a sort of Beekman esque show Wow so it's not really but like it's about debunking stuff okay um I'd love that guy and I want him to notice me so hard anyway those on the East Coast oh yeah Oh yep good job all right so these dogs oh I'm sorry did I say dog uh what I really meant to say was I think it's it's what really strikes me about that dude solo travel drug oh God oh my Wow he [ __ ] you right up what I really loved about that guy yeah is it's always positive what do you mean he's never like [ __ ] on anything now he is it's always like really like fair and like I just don't really seem to like it that much you know yeah but he's always just like this is [ __ ] nice this is really foul I don't know what it is about this thing but it just makes me feel joy yeah I like that too and that's just a healthy way to be I just got to lose the weight now I'm super jacked yeah underneath all the fat uh-huh but now I'm thirty pounds overweight so were you what were you before well at my when I first moved to LA mm-hmm I was 180 and right now I'm 226 damn son yes is this the heaviest you've ever been the heaviest I've ever been was 231 goodness me yeah but that was that was all fat that was not muscle under yes yes dude you can do it you'll be all shredded up yeah yeah well you know what you know you know what it was that inspired me was a little Jack jacksepticeye jacksepticeye is [ __ ] shredded no idea I was just hanging out with him recently he looks like you and he was like I'm the fattest I've ever been and I'm like I'm like okay he looks like he could place my elbow like my head like in like the little nesting place in his elbow and just like crack my head like a walnut if he flexes it's [ __ ] incredible way to go Jack yeah so I was like all right well I mean it wasn't like if he can do it then I can do it it was more like oh that's more like a like a solid [ __ ] that guy well no it was it you know what it was it was because I saw him recently right and it was like I was like oh that happened in such a short amount of time that I guess it's not that difficult yeah like Oh in my mind it's like a [ __ ] [ __ ] monster [ __ ] yeah I just want to know that I can beat all of my friends in a fight that's very important to me oh yeah it's not gonna happen jacksepticeye is very talented far beyond us well see you later Tucker by Tucker boy that was great that made for a good radio last time on Tucker invades the game grove space yeah you're you're getting ready to go on a trip tomorrow yes I am ready are you you got to hit that mother on the right side baby I gotta go real good touring represents our boy jacksepticeye so I'm gonna be on the first leg of that tour with him which I am very excited for because I love not only do I love being on the road but I love being on the road with my number-one brode god damn you were so close yeah I wish I was going to I miss you guys you're my number one broad oh thank you Aaron but he's top three four she's very very close to the top yeah yeah I'm sure if I'm sure if you spent more time together he could he could move into the number one slot really you think he could be not so grump I'll just go [ __ ] myself yeah sounds great do you really think so do you think he'd say yes do you think I'm like what hey what's up boom-bap to the busy day Beth what's up snap-snap to the grisly grab uh huh [ __ ] up y'all straight-up [ __ ] you don't know what we're doing anymore yeah that's it that was an m1 yeah I believe it was love m1 yeah I love him unless that was someone else that other person lavada is it at Punk I thought it was a t Punk oh I don't know maybe it's both yeah maybe he just goes by two names oh he's it both I thought it was both a baby both a love movie Master sorry if I left out any of the other ones there's a lot of them we want gamegrumps remixers yeah DJ cut man did some [ __ ] DJ cut man you know DJ cut man he mastered the steam train theme did you really yep I didn't know that hmm well uh where am I I love learning fun facts about the [ __ ] I do every day that's why they all fit together too I guess holy crap yeah dude Matthew mitosis did a video on about about that Matthew mitosis yeah he's I hope he recovers from that sounds really debilitating oh [ __ ] this guy's throwing rocks at me I don't need that I need that in my life yeah Matthew mitosis is one of my favorite video creators easy yeah he's I've talked about him before but I I didn't mention no no I didn't mention him my name this way I mentioned him as like the Irish guy that does video game things oh yeah yeah he's super [ __ ] smart and he's the only thing isgetting like deep huh anytime we're on like episode 50 something of a playthrough we're allowed to get deep yeah the the only thing about Matthew mitosis and it's not him has nothing to do with him mm-hmm it's that since he does stuff that's similar to mine and mine is like sequel itis is sort of like like pretty popular right they get compared but like it's never it's never like this like level-headed like totally cool like well you know what like Iger upped it is it like this and Matthew it's like this is way superior to secretly you know like because because he's like not as popular and like they're better that's the [ __ ] like so it's always the weirdest thing yeah but it's like it's because I love his stuff and I totally agree with that mentality yeah but it's like I can't read that like I wanted to read the comments to see like what people were saying about like his analysis and stuff and it's just like no I love these videos don't poison them for me well I mean like that that that happens all the time for us like you get compared to your friends yeah and it makes you feel weird like like even going back to - when - when John left the show like it was like everyone was like John's better the Danny Danny's better than John like Lent lessly like four months and like both of us we talked about it we'd be like this feels weird man like it feels weird to read like your friend is better than you or you're better than your friend yeah like neither one feels good no and it's just like but people think like they're defending your honor which is nice and it's flattering but man like the the human side behind it is very awkward yeah it really is what the [ __ ] is going on everybody nothing much oh sorry you're talking to them yeah I have a boof I have a friend Shannon who was telling me about her mom she she was telling her mom about us and her mom was like I think a lot why yes yes that does it made me happy and apparently the mom the mom likes markiplier because I mean he's got that sexy voice so she was like oh I like him I was like damn markiplier cutting into our old ladies yes you a she's not old lady you made it sound like from golden mature that's how people from a certain part of the country sound Erin I died like right over here yeah it's when the dude dropped the rock on your head yeah oh another scream beast my friend my friend my friend my friend to talk about yeah my friend my friend cheap cheap very cheap very cheap television television whoop I kill you cheap skirty cheap scary i scary for you very cheap i almost died there yeah that [ __ ] story that Gerard the completionist was telling us [ __ ] last he has to tell that story yeah there's no way we can do it for him like if it's anywhere online try to find Gerard's [ __ ] how his dad promised to get him an Xbox for Christmas it is it's like it's like poetry slam like worthy yeah you could go into a coffee shop and tell that and strangers would be like yes yes thank you yeah I mean you wouldn't just like yeah ineffective it is just laughing it yeah I think it's more like a Thai chili pepper oh yeah oh is this hot pepper gaming like MSP right no no now it's ninja sex party incorporated hold my cup which is hilarious to me that's awesome I love that that is on a [ __ ] there you go I've told the story about how we originally wrote down their bank paperwork that John John was a partner I think that's Janice yes [ __ ] you were doing so well there or maybe it was me I don't remember but yeah nobody caught it really yeah sure it's still on that paperwork to this day that's pretty friggin hilarious well maybe they did I don't know maybe I'm if I go like can I get copies of that somebody would have closed up the F yeah the opposite of PAC Manning it oh did you did you write did you write it in yourself or was it yeah no I wrote it handwritten this partner [Laughter] good title title in company's partner I love yeah yeah I know yeah that's exactly who I am well these dudes are gonna spit nuts at you and you're gonna you're gonna get injured [ __ ] this game is [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah that's doc this game's Bolton oh I know god you're hurting so bad you lost an entire heart that's that's the nature of the game dude that's game grumps and have you ever watched an episode of game grumps before never yeah I mean I lost interest after John left the show you salty Sandra like no idea we have whoa whoa whoa that's bananas just how much no idea we have of what's going on when we record the show yes all the time and you're like what really I [ __ ] said that oh he's a time in my life when I said that especially older ones oh yeah well I'm like what the [ __ ] even did I say there sometimes I sound like a completely different person like that jontron guy man my voice was differently like god I've changed a lot since the show season I remember playing this game [Laughter] man I sure coughed along Johnny I love you I was just like I'm psyched to get an emulator and play the [ __ ] I played as a kid you know but you mean the legit copies of the game yeah that's what I meant like actually just like followed by three minutes of silent game play God it would be awesome if we had like the world's most awkward silence oh my god that was so good we actually actually did that oh man I I need to tell you about this story please do when John and I were doing the show we we we accidentally uploaded an episode of New Super Mario Brothers uh-huh and wait like Super Mario we yeah yeah yeah yeah and we it was the first time that we had done like in like a like a text joke or something okay no like we added visuals to the episode sure sure but it was also we accidentally uploaded it with no sound so literally like the episode opened up and it just said this game is really great and text and then like no and people were like what the hell is going what the [ __ ] kind of like artsy [ __ ] is this that's funny did you take it down and read up load it yeah yeah I wish you just kept it up forever there's just like a hilarious coincidence yeah I like that we don't take down our episodes that have horrible reviews yeah oh yeah you like course there's got to be like at least like three or four of them that have like no out of gray for whatever like various reasons yeah of course yeah we can't shy away from that stuff it looks good it looks real good everybody likes it sure Kevin will really appreciate that sorry Kevin yeah say something with your [ __ ] blue text I'm so scared what are you gonna do erase the episode please don't yeah actually it's Canon the continuity will be a horribly upset yeah if we were off by one episode like we just forgot to upload one there one really would be a lot of like missed [ __ ] yeah totally that happened with remember what we said but like back when Jon and I did Joe and Mac there was there was just a whole episode missing and I think a lot of people like they were like wow how did they get here we really yeah how did that happen cuz I don't like one of us said something that was like maybe we shouldn't but it was like a really long conversation so we were just like let's just cut the episode it was like wasn't even offensive it was just kind of like I want people knowing and I don't even remember what it was right but yeah I guess like like Joe and Mac episode 3 & 4 there's just like a huge jump and do you still have that episode on file no that's a good question yeah I wonder if we could unearth it no I'm not okay probably left it out for a reason dude they're probably talking about like it must have been terrible cuz what the [ __ ] have we not said I'm gonna show actually you know what it was well I think I think we were talking about abortion you know what you made the right call without even knowing what you said yes yes good move well yeah and then we made a joke about how the ship is looting attitude and then just like 30 seconds of that actually happened oh man what when back when John was on the show and we did dyno City mm-hmm we [ __ ] we were like be a great idea to do dyno city cuz that was like his hit video okay and then we did it and like it just like the first four minutes we were just kind of like oh saying jokes from the video maybe we shouldn't we should just scrap this episode and that's really funny did you never end up doing it [ __ ] no wow yeah cuz literally we were just like I remember that that you said in the it was like such a moment we were like this isn't gonna happen dude maybe we could do one i I've never watched I've never seen Dinah city before I would just literally do the same thing really okay no that was the wall was like the wall creaking or something like oh I definitely I definitely would not toot on on game grumps what I would [ __ ] it I've done it before have you really yeah really I remember there was one episode that I did with John where he just like turned around and farted right into the mic and I just lost it he did the end of the episode is like I gave so that he just went like so audible I don't remember which episode it was but it was it was it's a funny man and remarkable sphincter control yeah you know command come in the way to go mr. Tron I gotta come in skills yeah bomb Tron I'm trying to think of like a fart I can't I feel like a fart joke oh god yeah yeah but I can't okay she feels really good great there you go man sometimes you just gotta [ __ ] speak from the heart well in that case I think you are one of my top two favorite game grumps who's the first okay so this is actually from this was made by Mike bedsole who animated the last Yoda jokes no Sh and also has great animated the weepinbell one and he animated the I think was The Cranberries one was the first one he did he is [ __ ] fantastic and then he also organized the jontron fireworks cover and also didn't animate a bit for that I have not seen that yet well it's pretty crazy there's so many artists and it's great I didn't know it existed yeah a bunch of people were asking them to do a cover of fireworks because I was like Mike dyno City thing that's awesome so okay it's a good Johnny boy check it out sorry I live in a bubble and everything it's okay I don't want you to religious remember the [ __ ] like first Magfest we did together and like the John's cheese nips controversy oh yeah it's like like I mean I don't know I never got upset at anyone for like being like oh my god things you know just conspiracy theories all these crazy things but like none of which were ever correct and like the my but there were certain ones where that were just like super ridiculous uh-huh and that was my favorite one of all the ridiculous ones because someone apparently someone apparently gave John some cheese nips at a panel that he did yeah though and later we were at the same panel and I just saw a box of cheese nips down oh sweet Jesus like everyone's going crazy and I don't know why but like when you're up there you can't you can't make out what people are saying like you can hear one voice but when everyone's yelling at once it just sounds like this garbled mess yeah so like everybody's doing those are John's and like what who like so like I eat one and people like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] then when I finally like heard what they what they were saying like Afrikaans yeah when it calm down I was like alright I'll save him for him and they're like reading way too much into everything so bananas if it was like something like horrible and they were like just trying to tell you their this is bringing back some nice memories enjoying my pots mm-hmm take that out of context sure make me seem like a STONER I love smoking weed good old jazz cigarette oh that's my favorite term for it mmm nice nice work I learned that from octo camp mm-hmm that's exactly right he's just he's I mean let me tell you a little something about our boy octopus he does drugs just kidding just kidding Alex you do not know you might I don't know yeah I don't know anything about all I know is he does common writer yeah and he has cool sweaters oh yeah he is way way the [ __ ] to drugs oh this guy and he's super handsome and I would [ __ ] him I joined the club bro oh just talking to dad about the funniest guy I know in the world other than me his name is Connor Connor McDonald you might know him as samurai corndog rope on Twitter that guy makes me [ __ ] hysterically laughs I've never heard of him every yeah what's he so he like hosted a podcast I only met him through ray the rain our van man I said we stayed with him Ross and I stayed with them and then he came we were play smash with us who's this guy and just like he's so gut-busting just naturally I just ran into we were walking around RTX and Barry and I ran into him outside we were walking to our hotel and he was like hey man just hanging out I was like cool and then he was just talking about Austin and like everything he said yeah we were just like I couldn't breathe no she left it was like we were just like are you okay cuz I cuz I can't like feel my throat right now cuz I've just been laughing so much like [ __ ] that guy's so hilarious go follow him samurai corndog on Twitter it's samurai corndog I just want to give him I certainly love the name yeah he does a lot of really funny vines good stuff I'm consistently amazed at how some people's vines are yeah I know what you mean because it's just like a little bite like you can get ideas out really quickly right right look like god they do so much with a format that like allows so little you know yeah well it's like it's basically like a format that was invented by 5 second films oh yeah God what do they do anything anymore you will they made a movie they made like a whole movie how long was it they made a whole five second film it was crazy that's awesome isn't very good but I met those guys they're really nice no [ __ ] you're just like you want to call to our house smoked weed in films with videos and I was like almost all of the abaya I'm down for most of that I had a feeling maybe they were smokers and he'll repeat yeah I don't even think I said like I don't know just like sure yeah yeah that's great sexy lady oh oh oppa YouTube style oh my god is that a thing that is so good so clever was that like a YouTube rewind or something oh I knew that last year's youtube I knew it who the [ __ ] would be on that thing Ross just kidding he's kidding I'm sure it was fun he was uh yeah I really loved sigh they were like when they tried to get me to be on YouTube rewind the year before in that one mm-hm they were like you get to meet psy and I was like no the guy who sells Pistachios commercial side yeah yeah I see him on the [ __ ] side of like pistachio cartons at the Whole Foods and no idea yeah oh he cashed and [ __ ] he did wow wow wow this Fisher village yeah it really ramped up right on the [ __ ] the death skulls started flying out of the rim anyway yeah a type of anesthetic that numbs the brain just like Ross's conversations we were talking about my we were talking about my cat before we started the episode oh right mochi wait weren't you gonna say something about oh that's what it was okay no our buddy Ross was on YouTube rewind for what was the total 0.4 seconds it wasn't even a full second that's awesome and like you could barely even see his face in fact that was like I think that's Ross but I can't even tell and then I replayed it and I was like I don't even know if that was Ross yeah and I had asked if I look at him every day for four years now cuz I don't even like show his face now and I think he's I think he's in the corner with I Can Has cup quake that is she's cool I've never met her but she seems cool cool but yeah it's just like cool I'm glad we got some exposure oh my god I saw like the 3/4 quarter turd back of your head for a millisecond subscribed yeah like yeah I'm just like I'm watching now I'm watching it and I'm like okay so the only the only reason to be in that is it's like oh it's like this massive leave you'd think ool right but like who's gonna be like whoa who's that guy who turned his head for a second yeah it's really funny I gotta look him up there's like no way to see who it was holy [ __ ] yeah by the way as much as we're like playfully ragging on it now if YouTube rewind comes to us next year and is like hey you want to be in YouTube we're like oh my god yes please oh my god yes because I was asked to years in a row really and you turned it down yeah look at you mr. [ __ ] big-time I'm sorry go on I'm super I'm super grateful that YouTube comes to me every year and asks for me to be in it that's it's actually incredibly flattering um like really validating super cool yep but I just I don't know I I don't I don't personally watch it so I just don't see a reason to be a part of it I don't personally watch it that makes sense I just I'd like to be a part of things that I I like myself right right and I just I don't really get it so fair enough dammit wow this is hard yeah are you good enough Jesus capital R capital u capital G hood enough you know what it is you know what's that I I figured it out as I was just pondering the inevitability of death as I was dying from flying purple skulls go on I don't I'm all about collaborating having people with projects at base but the the the general like what YouTube rewind is is like I'm celebrating me yeah yeah that's all it is right and I don't really it's not my that's not my jig like well they just don't need the help doesn't jive with me you know yeah fair enough I am I'd rather be on a friend's video yeah exactly cuz there's only so many hours in the day man because the wasn't Ross there for like 14 hours yeah because the only the whole purpose of it is to be like self-referential mm-hmm you know that's that's all that's that's what I mean oh I know to to believe me I look at that small part of Ross's head for a second every day all right Dork is closer to nerd you know what it's funny because I you know rhett and Link song called versus nerd yeah but like so I actually had to research what the difference is between a nerd geek yeah so what have we learned you're a big old douche so I took away from that experience when I was hanging out with Barry the other day he started laughing randomly after checking his phone and I was like what's going on he's like well Aaron and Gerard and I are having a text conversation uh-huh and then he apparently in the midst of all that got a text from you that said dude I'll [ __ ] whoever and then an immediately following Texan said sorry wrong person [Laughter] oh boy that's all I heard it's [ __ ] outstanding let me read you the other oh please the other ones I'm glad I'm glad this is the thing so that that was the first one but then after that got it did you did you do good I got a thing did you do good that's good so that was um that was the first one okay and then the second one was Gerrard said cool do we need cash and I said no just your hot [ __ ] body sorry wrong person that was intention but was the first one actually the wrong person awesome and then I said no wait I got a shower and then Barry said ah [ __ ] you and I said I'll let you know when I'm naked and clean this was the correct it's needed to happen oh he's like Jason it's it's so weird like how out of touch I am sometimes because like we get into our own world and we make our own stuff and we do our own thing and I listen to my own like not my own music but I listen to like weird bands that like not a lot of other people listen to but like it's just funny because we're we're filming at the YouTube space and was it Jason darude oh is that his name I don't know it was something like that or Derulo I don't know but the coordinator at the space she was like um do you mind giving up the green room Jason Derulo's coming into film and his team is like really hoping to use the green room I was like yeah it's no problem and like I was like I don't know who that is but sure no big deal and I figured it's just like another youtuber and I look on his videos they all have like a hundred million views and I'm like what the [ __ ] where am i what am i doing yeah pretty much yeah ten out of ten ten out of ten really gonna tell you keep in this game of ten an AGN ten for the for the amount of fun the Aaron game news hey what's up everybody down there for the Aaron gaming news network today we're gonna be reviewing blood-borne for the ps4 Batman one of my favorite games that's come out this year probably the best game ever like the stamp comes in like yeah absolutely but don't take my word for it even though I'm gonna explain to you in my own words yeah even though you'll my words are what you'll be taking let's hop right in to the review review starts where I'm like using a different microphone with a different energy that's like my favorite game reviewer trope like we'll just hop right into review here we go blonde is a game I was invented by the ancients in the 1785 like it's such a different energy and feel recorded on different weeks with like different and feta means in the body right right he just went through like some kind of recent physical trauma I want some and once got really into this I guess look like ever like grab it at him at once got really into this um you'll never find him so I don't feel bad talking about it okay but I once got into like this reviewer who like he was just kind of like low-energy uh-huh and it was and it was really fun to watch him cuz he was actually pretty informative about like the things that he said sure um but like as his videos went on he it seemed like he just got like sicker and I invented like this horribly sad story oh no but I think he just like I think he was just losing weight yeah okay for some reason I was like oh man like dude is he gonna make it to the next video jeez Aaron yeah yeah cool long time whoa huh okay I don't I didn't nice I I made it a point not to subscribe to him though cuz there was a point where I thought I would make like a parody series right like based on that concept and you didn't want it to like it was true yeah but it was it was a really funny idea in my opinion it is funny as long as he is okay yeah cuz if you left him off on like episode 32 like four years ago and it's like episode 35 and that's it you're gonna be like yeah well that's that's partially why I didn't make it was because like if there was truth to it I didn't wanted to be like oh man like I would have felt bad because it was funny to me because it was in my head right right it wasn't it wasn't true we were pretty okay you know because we were big enough as a channel mm-hmm but you know a smaller channels like really went under you know and weren't able to make a living at this anymore um and then you know you see someone like Logan Paul who does that video that was the wall you were gone right with the in the Japanese forest it happened like the day before we left yeah yeah so I think we were actually in Japan at the same time right so he does something like that and that of course is another example of people who don't know anything about YouTube suddenly being looking at it from the outside and thinking this guy represents all youtubers you know and that I fortunately it doesn't seem like that has led to another like mass exodus of advertisers or anything well it's tough to say because it happened right when January started right right is you know a huge drop for ad revenue yeah a little inside baseball for you yeah that's just the natural rhythm of [Music] advertising on YouTube January's a slow month for some reason but either way that's another basically YouTube is run by the top 50 channels you know that that make the company of YouTube an enormous amount of its money an enormous percentage of it that's not true not not true no not at all well the the creators the percentage of creators like like like you and me and like Logan Paul or PewDiePie or whatever they make up like 1% of the traffic on YouTube yeah how can that be well that's that's that's basically why you get all these creators complaining that they don't communicate with us because like frankly they're they're not super interested and like it's it's good for brand building to have like channels and shows and stuff but most of their most of their traffic is from like viral videos and like random [ __ ] so why does it seem that YouTube is reluctant to discipline folks like that well how do you I decide from you know punishingly that's what I'm saying well that's what they've been doing but it's not really their their choice anyway I mean to be honest I I I don't know because I don't know that I agree with many things that YouTube does sure I you know that's not even factoring in the fact that I'm a creator myself yeah I'm reluctant to go down this road of conversation just because like if we owe everything to YouTube right you know it's I have no desire to bite the hand that feeds us and has afforded us careers yeah because that would be super [ __ ] hypocritical but you know I I do that the only point I was trying to make was that we as creators in this job are very much at the mercy of other people's actions right whether it's the creators that are above us and draw a ton of attention often negative or the the hard to pin down Council of druids that runs YouTube like I couldn't even name them if they were in a room with us right now you know they're very they're very under the radar so that's another reason why we've pushed ourselves so hard because there's that there's always that fear that hey this could all go away no matter how good a job we're doing or how hard we're working at any time you know yeah there was a bit of like a treadmill sense of it
Channel: Bman64
Views: 170,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bman64, game grumps, compilation, youtubers, content creators, pewdiepie, markiplier, logan paul, theodd1sout, red letter media, h3h3, jacks films, NSP, Rhett and Link, solotravel vlog, jontron, the completionist, captian disillusion, jacksepticeye, octopimp
Id: 5j-pzz6pgnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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