Dan's Dad Game Grumps compilation [Avi mentions, Voice mail and mannerisms]

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I love you very much ah I've told you I don't have like actively working sweat glands right yes okay I do remember that doesn't make it any less weird now ya know it's like I know you are practically freaking good and they do work I just have like malfunctioning sweat glands so I I really don't sweat unless I'm super super crazy crazy hot and then like even then I just I just below I glow a little glisten yeah so what actually happened is I have [ __ ] heat strokes and I almost done oh my god yeah the first time it happened was when I was a little kid and my dad we were walking through Hershey Park together and it was like a blazing hot day and so like everybody's sweating except for me but my body temperature is like 105 degrees or whatever and like fever temperatures yeah but I like I was always one of those kids that like I never wanted to bother anyone so if like something was bothering me I just would kind of like hold it in good or even and so finally I was like oh good and my dad was like we drove hours to get here you're fine you can put like not in a mean way but just in the light whoops he didn't know he was killing me and and everything went white it was the spookiest thing like I lost my vision completely silent yeah it was like it was what like people described in like early forms of epilepsy when they don't like actually have a seizure but they lose like vision and then like I just started shivering and we went back to the we went back to the hotel and I got like an insane fever of like a hundred whatever is very dangerous like 103 140 is like that and like my mom was super scared it was just a good family trip to Hershey place a good time wait yeah but I survived and my dad much like he always did whenever he had a parenting snafu took me four pancakes and all as well yeah whatever you think you'll be fine he's later back whoa so [ __ ] huh son of [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] oh that sounds like it makes me think my dad really fat yeah anytime I hear someone say broke in English I think I'm a pop hey you man dude did I ever tell you oh [ __ ] this is not a story for right now but did I ever tell you how my parents met no my dad saw a lot of like [ __ ] up [ __ ] in the war so like as soon as as soon as it was over he was like I don't want to be in Israel anymore I'm super bummed out and depressed yeah so he had like it's like that classic like immigrant story he had like a hundred dollars in his pocket and he flew to America or he took a boat I can't remember and he was going to take a Greyhound bus across the country to LA where he like had some friends or family or whatever mm-hmm but he was only in New York for a day and he was like trying to ride the subway around but he like couldn't figure out the subway because the New York subway is [ __ ] confusing a [ __ ] and you've never done it before so we didn't know where the a train was he was on the he was at Columbus Circle on the 60th Street subway station and he saw a cute girl and he went up to her any actor in like broken English she was like and do you know the way to the a train and she was like well yeah that's actually the Train I'm taking so I'll show you where it is and that was my mom oh yeah like he just like super fell in love with her crazy hard like instantly and like at the end of the subway ride like when he got to a stop like my dad my dad is like super confident but not at all smooth so like he just like put his on he just knew he couldn't let her get away so he put his arm around her arm and he was like we're going to lunch and my mom like laughed at him and she was like oh no we're not but she was like I just came from lunch but here's my number she was like I'd never given my number to anybody before but I just got a cool vibe from him and and they started dating and three years later boom jams marriage me oh god damn it dude I wish I could play it for you my my dad left me right before I came here and my dad left me another [ __ ] absolute gem of a voicemail but like oh okay um but uh right at the end he was like and don't play this on game grumps oh I'm never talking reorder dammit cuz like all I'm thinking is like oh I cannot wait but I mean he didn't wash it and grow something up there that I could got us the guy stuck around yeah but he didn't say don't paraphrase it on game grumps oh yeah I mean I don't need to paraphrase it's just like it's just your typical hair fair it's too much it and then like I can hear mixed in yeah like in the middle is taking a dump he's just thinking about too many things I want this it's a stock market and we're driving and the custom cars these days kind of like a thick hand probably I wonder if I'm allowed to share text he sent me because there there's another good one recently he was that it's funny because he doesn't have the strongest grip on the English language but he loves to make fun of other people who don't as if he's like miss mr. English so he found this menu and in some part of New York that like I guess there's it's with the restaurant owned by immigrants and it's like the best tiramisu cake in New Jersey oh it's in New Jersey if you know like you know pay and so like yeah so he writes me like you know like you nothing like not even adding anything to it yeah like did you like and he was like we didn't get they were eating the main dish I was like alright just make sure to no pay if you know like and it was done you're not the boss of me so [ __ ] out of nowhere like joking around he's like hey you can't tell me what to do you are not the boss of me love you alright so again oh man we're gonna have a gay old time thank you this guy gets the same look on his face when he moves across shoveling that my dad gets when he shovel some if you try to bug him he's like Oh leave me alone did your dad do that like if you're doing something physical like carrying something really heavy and then like if you just kind of like bump into a wall to look watching my dad really never got too mad at me uh-uh except wait a second and I blacked that out yes ma'am I landed in this place oh and it wasn't fair except for the very very specific time I remember when my dad was tired of shoveling and we had like a really really heavy winter in New Jersey and like the there was just like a which was coming yeah Oh winter [ __ ] came out here I think was like 94 night 96 that was it and there was like really hot dude so dumb so yeah like that that winter like um there was just one giant snowstorm after another so my dad just got tired of shoveling all the time and he was like he bought a snow blower and it was like the biggest [ __ ] deal to him he was so excited and I managed to destroy it well because like wrong with you I was sort of young and like I didn't have like the same like this was stupider I didn't have the same body control that I have now and all that so like he was like that lets you use the snowblower but be careful okay cause they say you never used one I was like ah I think I already knew still look like I'm so [ __ ] like yeah nicely done so yeah like um we uh he put me in charge of a snow blower and he walks inside and like you know it's got a long cord that like connects inside the house or to a power source or whatever and my first like thing that I do is run right over the cord so it's like and it sucks up the entire cord and so I can destroy the mechanism forever oh man you're an idiot oh dude I felt like it too and I like I had to like walk into the house and um tell my dad that I just destroyed his pride enjoyed new thing while he was still removing his jacket remember sighs so he had to simultaneously deal with the pain of losing like going back outside losing the say he liked a lot and was looking forward to and also the realization that his [ __ ] son is an idiot well I think he already knew that yeah he was already a piece okay he had a good one when while I was home this past time he he was like done a where can that people buy your music and I was like oh you know like digitally usually people get it digitally but I mean with starbomb there's also physical copies and we probably do CDs with ninja sex party and he's like can I can people hear it on spoofy I'm like lot of you guys Spotify [Laughter] restaurants I'm trying to like laugh and cause an embarrassing laugh oh my god that was my dream trying to break I'd imagine your good father weren't there if there were such a thing oh he would be the one blade you can go I'm maybe my next up we need to come up with a music service called movement oh that was special alright so I promised you guys a voicemail from my dad uh-huh here goes he wanted to congratulate me on getting five million hits on Luigi's ballot which is very exciting for him wait we just bought us five million cake yeah and that crazy [ __ ] serious yeah well I like we don't check it the way my our parents did you know like Wheaton you're not [ __ ] with me yeah no yes sir I've million number five million yeah oh my god cool holy crap I know thank you everybody that's what I did I know but it's like it's a dream come true especially for my dad he's like five million hits our area hey you there there I want to congratulate you on break you the five million April you too and enjoy mom I'm freezing my ass off with laughing it never stopped the snow I love you and call me when you can oh [Laughter] my god does exactly like your impression of oh dude I [ __ ] and I'm freezing my ass off this no okay bye okay what were you dad joke about Oh about uh like like something was read here's like your ass oh oh yeah whenever I was like I like a red car he's like your bucks gonna be red in a minute oh it's so good I read finisher what's gonna be right it's like why did I say something yeah header now you just gave me a window of opportunity he never speak no my dad neither he hit my hey hey my brother once and was just like oh no never again oh that's what happened with my dad my sister like he didn't actually hit her he just like gave her like a spank and she was like bleeding I'm sorry about all that sorry yes my butt split me yeah close it no of course not I don't know maybe your dad is like a fish in no way gonna see the gentle lamb but like I guess she was being like super overdramatic my butt please you might have actually used the word tushy which is the best the best of all but moniker my tuchus is bleeding my tuchus we never said took it although we are a very Jewish family I don't mind yeah we need to do I mostly because of this music yeah yeah uh-huh oh god it's so catchy and all this is because my [ __ ] dad has decided to go on a bender and destroy the [ __ ] universe who would know the king of all go sorry sorry I thought you mean you real bad yes my dad went on a bender and destroy the universe he played guitar way too hard oh my dad by the way is all into game grumps now really yeah cuz he saw the footage of like us at Magfest yeah and he saw like the panel and like all the people there and that like made it real for him like what's been going on in my life nice so now he's like done I'm so excited it's awesome I'm back yeah hey the best is when like cuz done is the Israeli pronunciation of Dan that's just have a say a is there but like sometimes he'll try to be more American than he actually is so he'll try like to force himself to say Dan uh-huh but it will come out like really force he'll be like hi name Bobby there's not a y in my name it's a lay-in dayn oh that's sweet yeah he's he's the back my dad like is the king of stories that go nowhere and barely qualifies stories so we were with my other relatives in Israel and my mom's a huge baseball fan she loves the Red Sox and her favorite player with a guy named Nomar Garciaparra that her you got it what do you mean that you like sports to get it from your mom no I like sports way before and I like sports poolman more looks yeah I was it I was in before it was cool and my mom liked it no I was a football fan I'm not really a baseball fan which you she loves the Red Sox and her favorite player is no more Garciaparra and and so like if my dad was telling the story like to our other Israeli relatives he's like so that's her favorite player and her email address is Debbie loves mama and like my other israeli like cousin who like barely speaks any English was like this was a good story love it I got the only response team nose hearing a story it was like from the culmination of all his English like wow he barely knows the language well enough to drop some [ __ ] biting sarcasm alaria no dude he's getting me good for you getting huge man you need to start eating more I remember when I killed my first animal wait hold on I need to buy some coke wait hold on what I'm sorry what did you just say about killing it's not important you were gonna you're saying I can't move on from that dude I have never killed an animal you need to chill out with that in fact to show you what an amazing [ __ ] I've been my entire life okay hi dick whoa there was a fly there was like a little fruit fly once when I was a kid and like it was kind of like on my like - not that it flew onto the floor I was just like on the floor looking at it and I was like a little fruit fly and then my dad came in he was like hi God and he like stepped on it and killed it accidentally I cried like [ __ ] crazy over a fruit fly hi back I love and I'm like oh yeah yeah so that's that's the degree to which I could not deal with animals getting hurt look at what happen you just [ __ ] rock that guy oh yeah you know I never found these guys hard and then I walked so much I like play through the people playing Mario 3 because this was a game that like I really like I was inundated by when I was a kid really like it was just like the only game I had do you say an undated yeah wha where I'm from we say inundated Oh interesting Larina Chris you crazy Meredith it so crazy in Florida yeah we should we should car you stuff like care can oh that's fun it's luck me what do you what are some other things I did you take clicker clicker for a remote oh yeah sure actually I have my own made-up word that my dad created called chick Chuck [ __ ] just on handmade the chick Chuck because the whoa I'm still in big town I forgot yeah yeah because we had like one of those really like old-school dinging it got it yeah we had one of those old clickers when I was a kid that would go tick tick so my dad was like it's that cheap shock that's cute my dad's adorable you are really [ __ ] just slicing through these things that's because I'm really strong so I'm going to do something that's not as strong I'm gonna go with a Shh as my dad would say you're cutting through them like a hot butter through nice is that what he said now you just get like saying stacker thank you haha buzzer through mug yeah that knife didn't stand a chance against the sharp all right so I found another voice mail for my dad well it really great that I really enjoy good go okay say that do it here we go how are these girls to the smell I hope you made it and you're not stuck in there for some place so I dig in the neck give us a call I'll text you so he really does that oh my god dude you can tell when like I wish I had it like a like a readout like I'm like a heart monitor readout of his brain where you can see where it's just flat line bye-bye here's the best it is go would he explain to me why he does that because Hebrew was his first language mm-hmm so like he actually thinks everything in Hebrew then has to translate it in his head into English and then he can say mm-hmm so like sometimes between sentences he'll just have to reload engineering and but sometimes he gets caught in a [ __ ] illogical loops of time we just stuck there for like seven sides of doing the time loop let's do the you can actually I'll play it again for you later you can hear my mom laughing in the background like every time I like try to shell out my dad comes into the room my dad just gets very excited when I come home Aaron I'm goin dude the cameras all weird and crazy okay I should have known I should have known where I was going no it's okay oh my when I come home my dad gets all excited and so like feel like yeah I'll be I'll talk to him for like 45 minutes or an hour when I get home and then I'm like all right I'm gonna go lie down now cuz you know just had a cross-country flight like okay and then I go in there and like thirty seconds later he comes in hey done and I thought of something it's like aw that's five more times at least with that like yeah in turkey burger yeah or 2004 he won't even qualify it with I thought of something he's just like like like our first conversation never happened like I dunno the soccer game talk tonight I'm like okay cool okay like close the door oh yeah 45 seconds ago bye hey hey done oh it's so sweet hey hey let's go okay so my my dad who as I've gone on record many times is saying he's a very sweet guy yeah but in one quick not exactly a man who qualifies his statements well so whoa right of that I am aware yeah so I guess he saw the new ninja sex party t-shirts we put out and I'm sure what he wanted to say was a great job on the new t-shirts dan like I think they're awesome by the way this is my size can i buy one I'd love to have one or something like that what he ended up texting to me was I like the new NSP t-shirt large extra large thanks dark colors please the laughter made me die like that's pretty presumptuous [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] I got a wacky brain man it does all kinds of things well good all in one for ill son like you said a for good on like what is that some [ __ ] like Old English word him that's my dad oh good you're dreaming of candy and not fisting I would never dream about really I remember when my um when my dad came in and I was playing the broken EP by Nine Inch Nails and it was like that part I can't say it specific but you can say the lyrics really flatly okay bad luck fist [ __ ] and like my dad walks and he's like I'll come back later it's much better if you can sing it I was gonna just talk about my dad for one second okay go for it John you just remind that you just reminded me socks I mean done you had your one second over you're also like my dad in that respect I'm sorry you think droppin humor bombs from 1973 goddamnit I keep forgetting all I was going to say about my dad at the beginning was like you did that thing he does where he gets like super like crazy and then he goes right back to normal out of nowhere like hey I have to experience this because when you describe your dad it just comes off to me it's like a [ __ ] cartoon character you're not far off from the truth and then I'm like oh you can't really really good and then a [ __ ] yes when you say show me a voicemail and it's like BAM bye ya know I mean like I love him like we're real close and he's a very sweet awesome guy but like there are so many times when like he'll say something and my mom and I will just look at each other like wow alright that's uh that's the man that you married this what bothered me great do you do you have any dad isms what like the things he says yet like you find yourself kind of being like [ __ ] oh I'm turning oh my dad yeah uh no we're so different we're so like insanely different before this started for this episode started huh you were like hey man if you ever barked on a family member oh yes as a matter of fact I haven't can you yeah yeah parking on my mom and I wanted to share that tale well as we ride it's not a tale it just fits the cut it's just saying it is funny and it was like there's a story it's like I don't know I was barfing and then my mom was like here Barford in my hand so doesn't that sweer de that's sweet - she wasn't like here in my noble hand she was saying oh god it catch it my dad was the exact opposite he would have just like held me by the collar like at a full arm extension and just been my go ahead as long as you don't block on my tracksuit marvel over the place I love it why do I have my bow are you on Lionel's Safari no Lionel Country Safari located in Florida they still live right next to that place lion country safari what is that it's it's like a zoo that you can drive through with lion and they'll just run up to your car oh that's unsettling no it's cool really yeah the giraffes will like reach their head inside your car and stuff well that's tough Ivan you can just lean they had that at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jersey really yeah the Safari that's cool I don't know if they still do but like yeah my dad said like a monkey one time you're not supposed to he's like what could go wrong and like [ __ ] it there's a thousand monkeys on our car idling like within camp yeah terrifying that's awesome well I guess he learned his lesson then right um in the next day he went back and said more monkey are you kidding then he was [ __ ] thrilled then he grabbed the monkeys and fed them to the Lions yeah and then the day after monkeys attacked a child for wanting food from him I wonder where I got that idea from it's a circle of life the buggers you should be batteries uh my dad who I don't you just come a little bit into our sorry sorry for ghosts sake I was talking about my dad that's good good what is great about it Oh God okay started thinking about past um he as I've said many times these Israeli and does not have full command of the English language cockiness I would say all I was going to say was my dad is like a king of like not giving he'll novel answers to like multiple choice questions huh like dad you want pizza or sushi tonight yes okay thank you for clearing that up kikuchi it is yeah my god I can't stand it like the opposite of ragaar oh this is this is where [ __ ] got really hard there you go there you go and just stars I'm going to die first I think I can attack those actually better hope so yeah oh that's much better don't blow it my bus are you blowing it kind of like my dad would say dad are you in that blowing it nope dirt Oh God leave me alone privacy please specifically way to [ __ ] go dude I can ponytail monster no no okay I've ever have you ever just like mumbled into the voice-recognition [ __ ] and see what comes out yeah it's just like used treated like a human you're supposed to be like who was the guy from the who yeah it's like uh who was [ __ ] my dad is the best with the theory theory and I'm looking for the and there's like man I was time you're an idiot please put me down learn to speak English learn to speak English damn Siri you got to hear you guys oh speaking of crazy a stupid vocabulary [ __ ] oh um I wouldn't visit in my family uh-huh and my dad gave me some amazing some some pearls dropped out of his mouth yeah while I was there did you make sure to write them down no I did um so he was like.he my dad as I've mentioned before was initially very skeptical about my life choices and career choices and as things have worked out miraculously just in time after the 15 years of not working he's totally come around and he's super into it he's excited and he he just he loves everything about this so he wants to learn more about Let's Plays because the concept is still sort of foreign to him right um and stuff like he's asking me about like he's like I see you have a friend that Mark and I was like yeah markiplier is very cool like Jesus he's a buddy of ours and he's like what about that see a Swedish guy and peewee DeeDee I mean cutie pie yeah I was like hi guys money bidding just they call me pay nice meeting you pwe di di I mean is that you're trying to say oh my god Huey did it you might not you might not be able to guess why they call me Hayley meeting ll hit on three four but I'm Wallace Berg oh it's the best it's just amazing like everything he says and so like I I mean we went through some stuff recently and like we all needed a little bit of a break and like um I was certainly like stressed out and so the week at home was super good for me because I just hung out with friends and family and my dad comes in I'm just lying there watching TV and he's like it's nice to have you home I'm like Thank You obvious nice to be home and he's like it's really good that you have a nice place that you can come and decompose and like decompose you mean decompress Lincoln no welcome naturally rocket audio a place where you can die and then return to the elements from which you came it oh my god a place where you can decompose where you can see and I was like I'm laughing uncontrollably and he's like listen I don't say this on game table I'm like they stop saying amazing [ __ ] all the time I told him straight out I was like I have to I have to share this one so do it Lobster yeah he's like ah no please Don but secretly he's like yeah but you know what I think that's what it is modestly cuz like because he's very he's a very private guy you know like he wouldn't want any like um anyone walking up to him and being like hey you're obviously loves like you know being adored online you know I I know he does Oh spoof ease Oh spook well could be world renowned yet when we um I visited my uncle and my grandma and he came with me and he played um he took out his phone and he played the the spoofy animated but someone did and like he's just smiling so happy the entire time it's it's great it's great so lots of Louisville yeah and of course it led to a conversation with my mom and she like my mom like was an editor when she was younger so she's like a linguist and very like into language so like no one loves the crazy [ __ ] my dad says more than she does and she's been apparently writing them down for years really yeah yeah no way and he was trying to say like show like a secret book that had like a lock on it and she's like I wanted to share this with you your whole life on the fridge there was a posted note of sub biggie had said and it he they were talking about something political and he he's like generally a moderate with like most of his thinking and so like he meant to say hey like he was trying to say like extremists aren't you know the way to go either in you the direction and the inclusive actually ended up saying with down with extra some ISM whoa just resumes little tourism is embed an with it I'm tired of know I love extremist that is something that you and me and your dad we're gonna have to disagree yeah yeah I mean to stress them is like everybody loves extremism difference I say up with extremist yeah yeah well you know what we need mandatory extremism session yeah exactly god I often think like whenever I'm watching peewee didi it's so nice to have a place where I can decompose and just think about my extremism that's very extrusive mystic of you like my dad slowly but surely creating his own language Falls or just their son of a rafter Sunim son a Papa Raptor oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] there's an inner Oh monkey shooting [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean I finally talked to my dad about because he's very excited and so he like reads up on like what's going on with us some on the subreddit and [ __ ] like that and I was like you know people love hearing about you and he was like I would appreciate that maybe you kept me out of it sorry buddy some of you continue to be hilarious it's cool I'm gonna have to talk about you it's back to katamari with us oh we all been back Aaron we had a great Oh welcome Bob Daniel hello got a great arm Christmas vacations vacay a vacation in which we play different games yes yes yeah I actually did go to New York since the last time you saw Michael oh yeah yeah when saw my family plan would you do there uh I hung out with my mom and my dad all and we my mom actually told me some sweet stories about my dad but I didn't know oh yeah like the way he took me for a drive my sister and I when we were kids to the to the Salton Sea and I my mom was like that water doesn't look safe he's like no it's fine it slide and like my sister and I are swimming around like a year later they find out that it was like a toxic waste of like chemical spill what yeah yeah that's my dad you were okay right I'm fine he didn't grow a third leg no I mean my thumb's are weird but I think they were always like that yeah pretty pretty pretty good right another another classic avi moment about it fine he's also thrilled that you know yeah that screw fee has become a thing and people as people quote it it's great because I mean for the most part he wants to stay out of the public eye you know but he loves the fact that spoofy is a thing because Scooby is a thing it is hittin up and you get to listen to music yeah yeah movie star bombs available on spoofy you have never used spoofy or Spotify I mean it but he has to know boy I know I it tears me apart inside our soul I really just want to have a conversation and be like you know you're writing yourself as the biggest douchebag yeah and and like constantly reminding people like this is how I am in real life why would you do that I don't know Aaron I don't know man you're scaring me oh I don't get it man it's not like humility it's just like I'm a dick to people in general I'm entitled and I hate everyone man I really hope he blocks me on Twitter yeah you are doing that thing Oh scarf cookie so intense Rasta Hajj yeah my doing this oh oh you're doing that thing my dad used to do where like he like he would start to get into a spiral he doesn't really do it anymore but when I was growing up he would like talk about something that makes him mad and then actually get mad in the process I just get get worse and worse maybe like Don you know you had so much time to do this you had so much time so much time like oh man like a guy it would get to the point as I go man here comes here comes and then what came a little hot blast anger and then he'd be fine oh right he's like okay let's hang out now you're like this is it good no no I had a real chill relationship with my dad yeah he's rock yeah I wanted two cups of coffee oh it's like was told this was very hard I know I know it's uh I know no one really rents videos anymore but he has the look on his face that my dad used to get like when you'd realize that the blockbuster videos were overdue like Oh didn't fire at you because nearly his losses bad that booze bad for you makes brains pre-fire that would make me want to drink it honestly if I was a kid oh yeah I'll be like dude I could breathe fire if I drink booze [ __ ] yeah but I'd be like I'd be all like I could breathe fire if I drink the bad news damn this [ __ ] game uh the bad juice what are we children it goes there called daddy sodas what we call beer in my house really no I'm sorry is amazing daddy what you do is my daddy son and and [Music] ah sorry I dad now on tour Holograms of himself that's like the [ __ ] guerrillas but it's all your dad Oh every single or somebody some VFX wizard make it happen I'm happy I'm feeling I'm I got sunshine in a bag god James gamers are or whatever yo yo yo yo you get everything you see losing batteries no I just remembered like I am I got a call from the CVS pharmacy but I guess having trouble with like the like certain parts of their automated system yeah like because you know how automated systems have the parts that like are used for every part of every phone call and and then like there's a part that like changes based on the patient's as to the part that's changed on the patient I guess is [ __ ] up so it was like hello this is CBS pharmacy calling for he wanted to tell you that your prescription for is now available by it was so [ __ ] funny oh my god it's awesome I was dying or like when somebody doesn't know how to [ __ ] somebody who doesn't know how to use like a phone or like a phone system very well you know like would you like to accept a call from [ __ ] not sure it's not that impressive totally totally my dad totally yeah I like they they have not it hasn't happened in so long with because with cell phones and [ __ ] right but like when when you used to call me during college it would be like you have a call from you except I don't know I don't know a hacker or like yeah for him talking to my mom I think you have a call from I don't understand a day's worth baby dad can you show me how to you sir oh god that is so [ __ ] funny I am sorry that in a while yeah yeah dude I bet there's so much like like 90s ass [ __ ] I could think of like to make jokes about totally it would be completely irrelevant now you also just reminded me of let me see if I could find it my dad left me a voicemail just where he like comes really strong out of the gate you know hold on oh my god of exactly what I said that's great I just recently seen a picture of your father oh yeah he's totally awesome normal suburban dad yeah yeah and not what I expected well everyone thinks he has like long gray hair my dad looks nothing like me I look more like my mom definitely yeah but my dad my dad was super like handsome back in the 70s that he did have long hair then and like he was like just out of the Israeli army so he was all like [ __ ] like super cut-up I was like Jesus avi I feel [ __ ] awesome did I ever play the voicemail where he told me never to play it on game room yes yes I'll kill you yes that is a great one I'm sure it's in the Dan's dad compilation is it really yeah talking about oh my god that's rune of last year Jesus that's how long I keep these things and treasure them ELQ is a beautiful AVI I love your heart yeah it really is 81 at this level my dad does not realize that every time he's about to leave a message on my phone it's a masterpiece that I will treasure for decades to come Polly could frame voicemails yeah God such a fan of that guy he's the best you [ __ ] sick hot Laurel or go get some blorp tonight oh hey I would you'll appreciate this I was hanging out with my family I was telling my dad about like I shaved with a straight razor now like I used to use electric razors and stuff but like I like the patterns this isn't interesting but I like that I like the ritual of like you know using the horse tail brush and all that in a single blade whatever so I was like yeah he I just I used a single blade now got it well got to take care of the moneymaker my face and he was like yeah you gotta take the money shot and I'm like no no that's not what that means I think he meant like pictures that like yeah great and get you a lot of cash no father anything why what if it mean I was like I'll tell you later let me show you could take the money shot are you done yep look at game grumps that's awesome we didn't discuss this change they share where we get literally more mature every single moment that's me getting morbid sure legit result I can't I already do that I want to say legitimately and literally at the same time so it comes up legit early couldn't legit or it's legit early the stupidest thing I've ever said this is legitimately a Brian Regan bit he's like a you ever wanted to say like take care but then he's a good luck it says like take luck it does happen that or like when you're looking when you assume that somebody's pregnant oh my dad's done that he was like when are you expect it because the woman's like I'm just weirdly fun she didn't say that I'm paraphrasing but I was just my dad laughs I mean I'm sure it was like the nervous like I'm sorry laughs but he couldn't help it what else you do come on definitely laughs I'm gonna die and then died you and I talking about no you just leave happy leaves they'd leave me alone Oh nicely done damn it Hey I just hate in general I'm capable of that emotion so I do it often cool let it out man I'm not gonna steal this a good time therapeutic for me ya know every time you yell at me I eat comfort skittles so I'd like it's just perfect finish it is that is that like from a time long past yeah don't remind me I'm digging a child daddy no skittles giggles with skittled or a trigger for here you might need a minute like oh no my dad actually like he's an awesome dude but like he he's Israeli and he's kind of a wacky guy and like he would sometimes like make mistakes parenting me you know just like just big like take me to a scary movie and then I'd be traumatized and then he would take me to like for pancakes to make me feel better that's always so like pancakes have become synonymous with like oh I can't be with life I'm you can't like even now doll yeah yeah I can however many years later this is weird I hop special place in my heart yes so I was in Little League I played Little League baseball and I played the outfield which is where you play when you have no [ __ ] talent yeah and you just throw like a girl and you just stand around always woods yeah actually game dogger certain kind o sound well thank you yeah I'll help you with that grammar later old man see that was another that was another hint was translated from Japanese but you just will Mike yeah of course [Music] freedo dong should I see these things yet so let me worry about him later um it's just playing yes Diana yeah so they put me in the outfield actually had through worse than a girl there were plenty of girls on our team who through amazingly well much better than I did and so like my dad has laying home video of like it goes to me in the outfield and I'm just standing around because no kid is strong enough to hit like the baseball bat fall yeah so you just stand of the whole game and and then he like brings the camera back to come back to like the pitcher in the action and then after the pitch he goes back to me and I'm like on my knees making the dirt castle [ __ ] ground and you can hear my dad turn to my mom like and I don't think that is going to be an athlete oh man next time on game grumps more shameful tales from my childhood microwave oven how sick oh no we got the lame version damn it sure is there definitely was a version where you could blow up a hamster in the wind rare how sick yeah like maybe they meant sick as in like the new way like sick whoa Totally Rad Oh have I told you that my dad recently learned about the word sick really but doesn't like fully understand how to use it yet would like like he understands that it means like really good but he doesn't know like when it's appropriate like he bought like a cantaloupe and he was like hey Don this cantaloupe is a pretty sick right I don't know if it is over this is a sick cantaloupe you're going to feel real sick when you eat this cantaloupe it is rife with e.coli great dat'll tick all right great you can do it you got so many e tanks um thanks if there was my dad playing this game that he was dad for it seriously left oh yeah dude oh my god I used to have just provide a bit I used to have I said the CD single of that song back in 1991 was it was the EP no no just just be I'm just saying yeah just a song in the b-side and it was a b-side I can't you think I [ __ ] there's a life in the highway consetta oh no no repeated it was CDI because my it used mine like how to scratch in it and they used to skip like right at that gimme gimme sink should be like what a ride it all night long / gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme and it like made me laugh so much and my dad would get so passed he's like god what is that noise you never giving it like we never get to be yeah there you go oh hey I kept my cool have you gotten angry you would have fallen off there do you think so yeah like like my dad who I saw I went to visit my parents for the past few days yeah and there's they're great everything's cool with my mom my mom at an amazing moment where she was like she was telling me that my dad is the one man that can turn lemonade into lemon look so much like he can make like a good situation bad just because I was like a negative attitude sometimes huh so she was like you're the only man I know who can actually take delicious lemonade and turn it into lemon - my dad's response was sugar is bad for you [Laughter] [ __ ] bad so let's let's take that let's take that approach okay playing with the boys wanna blast super job oh god I used to listen to that song [ __ ] non-stop it is the funniest so good at the end it's much like any gay anthem like at the time it's not apparent like YMCA like my dad had no idea that was like talking about blowing guys my time today what what they just like to spell it specifically about blowing dudes [ __ ] I mean I've never listened to the lyrics you just growing up speaking English you always assume that like the only possible translation could be from English to something or something to English you know you know you never like think like wow Spanish people learning Japanese yeah you know it's very strange and it makes you wonder what like a like a Spanish Japanese accent must sound to an actual Japanese person oh dude that was interesting too because the first time the first time I went to Japan we ate at a restaurant and there was a dude that I guess learned English from a French person okay who spoke English right so he had like a French Japanese accent wow he spoke English whoa yeah I was super bizarre what did it sound nice yeah yeah I was very fuzzy but yeah that Dex got sort of blew my mind I was like no wouldn't accent yeah it's crazy I love foreign accent especially my dad hi dad hey oh god he said some [ __ ] funny [ __ ] really yeah oh yeah you just you just saw him recent yeah yeah well yak I was hanging out with him he was giving me the rundown of what he thought of a new ninja sex party album yeah it was it was very he was like would you like a critique I think you're going to give it to me anyway obviously there's no sense of music now he was like I like 69 69 he's the best song you have ever done I was like that's really nice I'm so happy he's like on the other hand samurai abstinence patrol that sounds like star bomb I'm like what's wrong with that you like nothing man oh dude yeah so it sounds like another band of men like that really I never thought about that I guess I did just because it's wrapped mostly in the oh I see it also has sound effects and stuff which is more of a star bomb thing but like it was just it was very funny it was very funny to hear his opinions on everything oh my god can I show you something real fast my dad texted me yeah amazing moment in my life um oh so my dad saw the picture of Bryan and I that we took for Instagram in front like smiling in front of the boxes uh-huh and those are like 1/4 of the boxes that we have to do but he meant to write you poor guys how many CDs in every box my here's what he actually wrote you forgave how many sue you realize I was like obvi I think you meant you poor guys I just responded hahaha no I did and my mom texted me from her phone like avi strikes again look I texted you poor game so [ __ ] best they've really shot up - they shot up like when my dad used to wake me up for school whoa I'm still alive yeah have you ever had a dream that someone you loved died and then you wake up and they're still alive and you're like yes yes and that crazy actually I'm feeling because I can your dreams so much time can pass it like you go through the whole like experience of like mourning them and like getting over the death of Jeff yeah when you wake up and you're like none of that should happened Wow hey people yeah I'm good tell my dad I love him and then you do and everything's fine yeah and wake up and then you do and your dad's like done what the [ __ ] are you talking about please leave me alone yes I'm reading I'm reading the Israeli paper does he uh he does sometimes well The Jerusalem Post well yeah three bad it's hard to understand for me yeah it's in a language you don't read many symbols what are you implying well you'd have an easy time reading [ __ ] backwards if you were defective did you know that there are fonts that are easier to read for dyslexics really yes dyslexia is a fascinating thing to men yeah it's just so interesting and I'm sure it's debilitating and awful for anyone who has it but like it's just it's it's wild to say your brain would like go all right no friends yeah we're on a run okay his name is RAM B is he really yeah okay I kind of I kind of got off track there but still very cool but yeah just just looks he's a horse yeah my dad actually well he doesn't have dyslexia but like because okay okay oh that's good oh so I was gonna say about my dad was that Hebrew is his first language you read that language right to left so he had difficulty reading things in English at first because he was his first instinct was to go reckless it isn't itself no not as much as I previously yeah now that I know what I'm over it I'm over it getting the barrel without tryin out the barrel yeah it's a lot of horse dragons there yeah like super dragons eNOS like I mean you can't get more like top of the mountain than that super dragon Venus yeah like instead of peak oh yes I'm saying that's what Zenith means it does like peak that is correct I'd like to peak it your dragon yeah it's like sugita zenith my grandparents actually had a TV by a company called Zenith pretty sure they don't exist anymore oh yeah I've seen Zenoss even do do they still exist I don't know it was it was really old the the remote control only had four buttons and each one was like Click Clack like there were three white buttons and an orange button oh yeah and that's why my dad to this day calls the remote control the chick Chuck sick Chuck Don pass me the chick Chuck yeah I love it um but yeah I guess I guess when he came to America that's the TV they had seen next time on [ __ ] Gangrel just do it and next time I'm probably going to send Dan home what do you mean do you think I mean you're going home no Erin [Music] what's definitely cool did you get kicked off of game grabs early today what did you do whatever to talk to me to having a bad day as it is my life is hard you look poofiness think about stuff
Channel: Bman64
Views: 1,777,010
Rating: 4.924562 out of 5
Keywords: bman, bman64, pokemon, mario, zelda, dad, father, father's, day, love, compilation, game grumps, katamari
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 18sec (3738 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2017
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